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My Apologies


Active member
Apr 22, 2004
I am apologizing to Brian Ruhe and whoever else I lashed out at, directly or indirectly.  I didn't mean to be a pain in the ass.  However, as far as the third sex goes, all I intended was to make it clear that unlike the Nazi groups of those who are without, Satanic Nazism embraces homosexuality just like heterosexuality.  However, this is where I fucked up.  I became immature and acted like an insecure moron and made a fool out of myself.  You have my apologies, and next time, I will try to think before I act.

Brian, by attacking the Jewish root of the problems we as White Aryans face is the right move.  I didn't take it all into full consideration that you were coming from a different religion.  A quote from the Crowned Princess of Hell, Astaroth, is as follows:  "There is no such thing as 'blind hatred' towards the Jews."  She was referring to Satanic Pagan Anti-Semitism, not Christian "Anti-Semitism," as the Christian and Mudslime versions are worse than no Anti-Semitism at all, as they flirt with the notion, but in reality, reject the real deal.  True Anti-Semitism comes from one source:  Satan, himself and the Powers of Hell.

I hope you will find comfort here in our religion and join when and if you feel that this is the path for you.  If you go after the Jews and expose them for the sewer rats that they ALL are, you will eventually need Satan and his Demons' protection to keep you safe, as many who are not dedicated Satanists wind up behind bars or dead.  Satan leads the way.  He shows how to keep ourselves as safe as can be, and he keeps us out of any real trouble.  Spiritual attacks still happen, but people who do not go through the blood/DNA Dedication ritual to Satan are sitting ducks for every kind of attack.

As for signing one's name in their own blood/DNA in the Dedication to Satan ritual, I used to think that this was just a traditional formality, but lately, Demons have been telling me to write a sermon that they will be dictating which proves that this is not so, and they will be telling me the real reason why a drop or two of blood to sign one's name in is so important.  This will clear up many people's confusion and concerns.

My best of wishes to you!


High Priest Jake Carlson




High Priest Jake Carlson

Joy of Satan

The Third Sex Thule Society 666  

No problemo

Thanks for your thoughtful post High Priest Jake Carlson! Can you send me your email address to brian@... . There's more I need to learn about things such as your writing on: to Satanic Pagan Anti-Semitism, not Christian "Anti-Semitism," as the Christian and Mudslime versions are worse than no Anti-Semitism at all, as they flirt with the notion, but in reality, reject the real deal. True Anti-Semitism comes from one source: Satan, himself and the Powers of Hell.

Before I discovered JOS in August I had already dedicated myself to Adolf Hitler deva. I feel like this is either two masters or Hitler might be a manifestation of Satan. I don't know. So, what is your advice? I haven't seen Satan yet but I've spent a long time watching Hitler videos and listening to his warrior's cry and reading subtitles and Googling his speeches.

If you're on Facebook please friend Brian Ruhe there as today I released some major policy statements. I am using Facebook and YouTube as my PR outlets at the present moment.
With JOY,
I never send personal messages to members, but when my time permits, I do answer e-mails that I am able to answer.

Please just try to remember that "Satan" means Enemy and Adversary in Hebrew, which means that a human being can be *a* Satan, as well.  Any non-Jew, namely a Satanic Aryan who is consciously dedicated to Satan and his National Socialist cause can be considered *a* Satan.  Satan encourages us to have such racial pride, as we are his product in the first place.  While we must always maintain our respect for Satan, he doesn't wish to see us "properly humbled" as his slaves, either.

While Satan is who we put first, as he is our beloved biological Father, Adolf Hitler is most definitely *a* Satan -- a Satan and Demi-God who has by far surpassed any other human or Man-God who has come our way, as he was more dedicated to Satan than any mortal has ever been despite the politically correct image of himself that he provided towards Christianity so that his foreign relations were not ruined.  I'm not allowed to say much more about this, but Hitler's body and the body of his wife, Eva Braun, were never found.  Satan gave them the instructions for completing the Magnum Opus, which is the objective of the Satanic religion.  It also helped that Hitler and his wife were both Satan-dedicated meditators and practitioners of yoga.

Just please keep reading all of the Joy of Satan, as well as the Black Sun and related websites, including my website, as I occasionally make certain secrets known that speak to the souls of those who are looking.

There is nothing wrong with honoring, praising, or even worshiping Adolf Hitler.  Aryans in the Far East have included bust statues of Hitler among their wide array of multiple-armed statues of their Divinities. 

While Satan should be prioritized before anyone else, he encourages us, his White Aryan Race to lend an open ear to anything that Adolf Hitler might have to say because Hitler could very well have assignments to hand to us.


High Priest Jake Carlson

Joy of Satan

The Third Sex Thule Society 666  
Here are some quotes about the Fuhrer that I don't expect everyone here to already be fully aware of..

"Hitler was possessed probably by Lucifer himself." -- Max Dominick

"Walter Stein was to witness a maturing soul development of ...[Hitler] through which he became more and more a conscious and responsive tool of the world-shattering purposes of the Demonic Spirit which overshadowed him.  'I move like a sleep-walker where Providence [my note:  Satan] dictates,' said Adolf Hitler at a press interview."

"The power that came from the Spear [at the Treasure House] into Hitler came from the Abyss." -- David Bay

[Regarding Adolf Hitler], "Eckart said, 'Here is the One from whom I was but a prophet and a forerunner.'"

"When [Hitler] held these outdoor stadium meetings, he was holding a Pagan ritual..." -- David Bay

"It was all part of the plan to set up a place where Satan could reach out to thousands of people in his vessel." -- Max Dominick

"[Hitler] was holding a Satanic ritual in front of 80, 90, or 100,000 people in these stadiums, and not only was he carrying the hearts of the people away in the stadium, Hitler had developed a speech pattern that mimicked the human heart, and it really swept [the people] away." -- David Bay

"The rally site in Nuremberg would become an imitation of the altar to Zeus at Pergamon [sp?].  Adolf Hitler commissioned Albert Speer to design his new throne based on the Pergamon Museum in Berlin, Germany.  Hitler said that he wanted to create 'a mass experience.'  The people would look onward at the columns of light streaming to the heavens to set the mood for a new spiritual awakening."

Revelation 2:13:  "I know where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is."

As we can see, Adolf Hitler wasn't some gruel-munching, scowling "dictator."  He was a God sent to the people to rescue the people of Satan for Satan and in full accordance with the desire of Satan.

Please take these quotes into consideration.


High Priest Jake Carlson


The Third Sex Thule Society 666  
Whoa, wait a second...Worshipping Hitler? I mean, I love him, very, very much. And I understand that he is a great man, but to worship him... Doesn't that feel odd? I treat the Gods with the absolute respect that they deserve, but I only actually worship Satan. He is our one true God, our most high.I may be wrong, but didn't Satan himself state.. "There is no God but Me..." HAIL SATAN!!!
Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 6, 2015, at 22:38, "hammerofthegods_666@... [666BlackSun]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I never send personal messages to members, but when my time permits, I do answer e-mails that I am able to answer.

Please just try to remember that "Satan" means Enemy and Adversary in Hebrew, which means that a human being can be *a* Satan, as well.  Any non-Jew, namely a Satanic Aryan who is consciously dedicated to Satan and his National Socialist cause can be considered *a* Satan.  Satan encourages us to have such racial pride, as we are his product in the first place.  While we must always maintain our respect for Satan, he doesn't wish to see us "properly humbled" as his slaves, either.

While Satan is who we put first, as he is our beloved biological Father, Adolf Hitler is most definitely *a* Satan -- a Satan and Demi-God who has by far surpassed any other human or Man-God who has come our way, as he was more dedicated to Satan than any mortal has ever been despite the politically correct image of himself that he provided towards Christianity so that his foreign relations were not ruined.  I'm not allowed to say much more about this, but Hitler's body and the body of his wife, Eva Braun, were never found.  Satan gave them the instructions for completing the Magnum Opus, which is the objective of the Satanic religion.  It also helped that Hitler and his wife were both Satan-dedicated meditators and practitioners of yoga.

Just please keep reading all of the Joy of Satan, as well as the Black Sun and related websites, including my website, as I occasionally make certain secrets known that speak to the souls of those who are looking.

There is nothing wrong with honoring, praising, or even worshiping Adolf Hitler.  Aryans in the Far East have included bust statues of Hitler among their wide array of multiple-armed statues of their Divinities. 

While Satan should be prioritized before anyone else, he encourages us, his White Aryan Race to lend an open ear to anything that Adolf Hitler might have to say because Hitler could very well have assignments to hand to us.


High Priest Jake Carlson

Joy of Satan

The Third Sex Thule Society 666  
No offense, but if you love and admire Hitler, who has become one of the Gods of Hell by accomplishing the Magnum Opus, then I don't understand what your reluctance is.  As it has been stated, some of the doctrines of the Al-Jilwah and other Satanic doctrines of the Yezidi tribes and others have been corrupted by the enemy.  Satan shows us that he is the God of Gods, and that it is the false gods of the Bible, Koran, Communist Manifesto, and other Jewish doctrines who are, indeed, false, and do not deserve our time or effort, except when it comes to destroying the Jewish people and their bulwarks of Christianity, Islam, and Communism, and therefore, the false gods of the enemy.

Adolf Hitler is no longer a mortal.  He is a God of Hell living in a different dimension until the time is right.  However, if one asks Adolf Hitler certain questions, he probably won't answer them, unless they have to do with us winning the Satanic war.  In other words asking Hitler certain questions that do not have to do with destroying the Jewish people and their religions, namely, Christianity, Islam, and Communism [yes, Communism is a religion], he probably will not answer, as time cannot be wasted.

There is nothing wrong with worshiping Hitler, in the sense of honoring him as one of our Gods.  Many of our Gods were at one time human in the same way that Hitler was, but they have transcended their "human, all-too human" states of existence and have achieved the Magnum Opus.  This is where Adolf Hitler is at, and for those of us who are as White Aryan as White Aryan can possibly get during this time of race-mixing and soul-dilution via the enemy religions, the attempt that some idiots make in regards to "But, so many of us are already mixed to some degree" is a total cop-out and it is a sign of weakness.  For those of us that have any non-White mixtures, as long as we are predominantly White and we don't consciously mix races, Satanic Power Meditation thoroughly cleans us out in mind, body, and soul.

The enemy also tries to make us believe that to be an Aryan, one has to have the palest of White skin, light blond hair and blue eyes.  They do this to discourage us from fighting against the Jewish enemy and the non-Whites who the Jews have under their control.

Satanic Power Meditation and devotion to Satan and the Powers of Hell make all the difference.  Adolf Hitler is one of the Powers of Hell, now, and he deserves to be recognized as such from among our people.


High Priest Jake Carlson

<a rel="nofollow">http:///www.joyofsatan.com

The Third Sex Thule Society 666  
Attachments :
<ol>Thule Society 7.6 outline-2143.odt</ol> Thanks High Priest Jake Carlson,

I appreciate the post about where spiritual satanists believe Hitler is today and that seems to be a positive place. You give a lot of depth in your post. I need to make time to study this more as I feel like a green student with JOS.
[/IMG]brianruhe.ca . I have an ecumenical relationship with JOS and I have been moving closer spiritually to spiritual satanism with the aura of protection meditation and others, and the guidance and influence of you four HP's plus the many readings I'm doing on an ongoing basis on the JOS website.
My belief about Hitler for many years is based upon Buddhist cosmology and you can see an illustration in my book, “A Short Walk On An Ancient Path” on Amazon, on page 123. There are six lower heavens in the sensuous sphere and I think of Hitler being a deva (higher realm being) in heaven number two, as Adolf Hitler deva. This is part of my visualization, channeling and deva invocation practice which I learned from Shambhala International in 1994.
This is so deeply embedded in my mind and heart so you can understand how I keep channeling to Hitler and lesser National Socialist devas in this way. I can't imagine that I will ever turn away from JOS either because our HP's are the only spiritual guidance I am receiving from anywhere. My Buddhist monks at forestsangha.org seem to be ignoring me because I am publicly very pro-Hitler and very anti-Jew. Praise the JOS HP's! I attach the updated version of the Thule Contemplative Society of Hitler 7.6 as a reference for anyone, for a society proposal around these ideas. Brian Ruhe <a rel="nofollow" >youtube.com/user/BrianRuhe

On 2015-12-07 4:16 PM, hammerofthegods_666@... [666BlackSun] wrote:
  No offense, but if you love and admire Hitler, who has become one of the Gods of Hell by accomplishing the Magnum Opus, then I don't understand what your reluctance is.  As it has been stated, some of the doctrines of the Al-Jilwah and other Satanic doctrines of the Yezidi tribes and others have been corrupted by the enemy.  Satan shows us that he is the God of Gods, and that it is the false gods of the Bible, Koran, Communist Manifesto, and other Jewish doctrines who are, indeed, false, and do not deserve our time or effort, except when it comes to destroying the Jewish people and their bulwarks of Christianity, Islam, and Communism, and therefore, the false gods of the enemy.

Adolf Hitler is no longer a mortal.  He is a God of Hell living in a different dimension until the time is right.  However, if one asks Adolf Hitler certain questions, he probably won't answer them, unless they have to do with us winning the Satanic war.  In other words asking Hitler certain questions that do not have to do with destroying the Jewish people and their religions, namely, Christianity, Islam, and Communism [yes, Communism is a religion], he probably will not answer, as time cannot be wasted.

There is nothing wrong with worshiping Hitler, in the sense of honoring him as one of our Gods.  Many of our Gods were at one time human in the same way that Hitler was, but they have transcended their "human, all-too human" states of existence and have achieved the Magnum Opus.  This is where Adolf Hitler is at, and for those of us who are as White Aryan as White Aryan can possibly get during this time of race-mixing and soul-dilution via the enemy religions, the attempt that some idiots make in regards to "But, so many of us are already mixed to some degree" is a total cop-out and it is a sign of weakness.  For those of us that have any non-White mixtures, as long as we are predominantly White and we don't consciously mix races, Satanic Power Meditation thoroughly cleans us out in mind, body, and soul.

The enemy also tries to make us believe that to be an Aryan, one has to have the palest of White skin, light blond hair and blue eyes.  They do this to discourage us from fighting against the Jewish enemy and the non-Whites who the Jews have under their control.

Satanic Power Meditation and devotion to Satan and the Powers of Hell make all the difference.  Adolf Hitler is one of the Powers of Hell, now, and he deserves to be recognized as such from among our people.


High Priest Jake Carlson

<a rel="nofollow">http:///www.joyofsatan.com

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Okay, thank you very much High Priest Jake Carlson.I had no idea that Adolf Hitler had even achieved the Magnum Opus, thank you for telling me! I shall honor him as he is due, and all the Great Gods of Hell.HAIL SATAN!!!

Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 7, 2015, at 19:16, "hammerofthegods_666@... [666BlackSun]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  No offense, but if you love and admire Hitler, who has become one of the Gods of Hell by accomplishing the Magnum Opus, then I don't understand what your reluctance is.  As it has been stated, some of the doctrines of the Al-Jilwah and other Satanic doctrines of the Yezidi tribes and others have been corrupted by the enemy.  Satan shows us that he is the God of Gods, and that it is the false gods of the Bible, Koran, Communist Manifesto, and other Jewish doctrines who are, indeed, false, and do not deserve our time or effort, except when it comes to destroying the Jewish people and their bulwarks of Christianity, Islam, and Communism, and therefore, the false gods of the enemy.

Adolf Hitler is no longer a mortal.  He is a God of Hell living in a different dimension until the time is right.  However, if one asks Adolf Hitler certain questions, he probably won't answer them, unless they have to do with us winning the Satanic war.  In other words asking Hitler certain questions that do not have to do with destroying the Jewish people and their religions, namely, Christianity, Islam, and Communism [yes, Communism is a religion], he probably will not answer, as time cannot be wasted.

There is nothing wrong with worshiping Hitler, in the sense of honoring him as one of our Gods.  Many of our Gods were at one time human in the same way that Hitler was, but they have transcended their "human, all-too human" states of existence and have achieved the Magnum Opus.  This is where Adolf Hitler is at, and for those of us who are as White Aryan as White Aryan can possibly get during this time of race-mixing and soul-dilution via the enemy religions, the attempt that some idiots make in regards to "But, so many of us are already mixed to some degree" is a total cop-out and it is a sign of weakness.  For those of us that have any non-White mixtures, as long as we are predominantly White and we don't consciously mix races, Satanic Power Meditation thoroughly cleans us out in mind, body, and soul.

The enemy also tries to make us believe that to be an Aryan, one has to have the palest of White skin, light blond hair and blue eyes.  They do this to discourage us from fighting against the Jewish enemy and the non-Whites who the Jews have under their control.

Satanic Power Meditation and devotion to Satan and the Powers of Hell make all the difference.  Adolf Hitler is one of the Powers of Hell, now, and he deserves to be recognized as such from among our people.


High Priest Jake Carlson

<a rel="nofollow">http:///www.joyofsatan.com

The Third Sex Thule Society 666  
Thanks Brian. Is it possible to please upload your attachment in PDF format please??

Sent from Yahoo7 Mail on Android
On Tue, 8 Dec, 2015 at 11:50 am, Brian Ruhe brian@... [666BlackSun]<[email protected] wrote:   Thanks High Priest Jake Carlson,

I appreciate the post about where spiritual satanists believe Hitler is today and that seems to be a positive place. You give a lot of depth in your post. I need to make time to study this more as I feel like a green student with JOS.
[/IMG]brianruhe.ca . I have an ecumenical relationship with JOS and I have been moving closer spiritually to spiritual satanism with the aura of protection meditation and others, and the guidance and influence of you four HP's plus the many readings I'm doing on an ongoing basis on the JOS website.
My belief about Hitler for many years is based upon Buddhist cosmology and you can see an illustration in my book, “A Short Walk On An Ancient Path” on Amazon, on page 123. There are six lower heavens in the sensuous sphere and I think of Hitler being a deva (higher realm being) in heaven number two, as Adolf Hitler deva. This is part of my visualization, channeling and deva invocation practice which I learned from Shambhala International in 1994.
Attachments :
<ol>Thule Society 7.6 outline.pdf</ol> Oh yes. I didn't think about that. If people have trouble opening it, here it is in .PDF!
Thule Contemplative Society of Hitler 7.6

On 2015-12-07 7:54 PM, Bianna von Brandis rebelrainbowrose@... [666BlackSun] wrote:
  Thanks Brian. Is it possible to please upload your attachment in PDF format please??

Sent from Yahoo7 Mail on Android
  Thanks High Priest Jake Carlson,

I appreciate the post about where spiritual satanists believe Hitler is today and that seems to be a positive place. You give a lot of depth in your post. I need to make time to study this more as I feel like a green student with JOS.
[/IMG]brianruhe.ca . I have an ecumenical relationship with JOS and I have been moving closer spiritually to spiritual satanism with the aura of protection meditation and others, and the guidance and influence of you four HP's plus the many readings I'm doing on an ongoing basis on the JOS website.
My belief about Hitler for many years is based upon Buddhist cosmology and you can see an illustration in my book, “A Short Walk On An Ancient Path” on Amazon, on page 123. There are six lower heavens in the sensuous sphere and I think of Hitler being a deva (higher realm being) in heaven number two, as Adolf Hitler deva. This is part of my visualization, channeling and deva invocation practice which I learned from Shambhala International in 1994.
Yes. Now that your post was approved I guess this info is opening up. I thought that it was there for those who can "see", but I am surprised that we say it openly. Actually if you connect the dots it's more than you have said. Ramses II = "The Anti-Christ" and Hitler = Ramses II , means Hitler is our Anti-Christ and a God of Hell! It is very ironic that all the Demonization of Hitler by the Kikes have literally come true (in a good way). Their worst fears and nightmares have come true. No wonder the Media hammers Hitler, Nazis and the HoloHoax every day.

Thank you! Bless brother. 
Sent from Yahoo7 Mail on Android
On Tue, 8 Dec, 2015 at 2:10 pm, Brian Ruhe brian@... [666BlackSun]<[email protected] wrote:   Oh yes. I didn't think about that. If people have trouble opening it, here it is in .PDF!
Thule Contemplative Society of Hitler 7.6

On 2015-12-07 7:54 P[/IMG]rebelrainbowrose@... [666BlackSun] wrote:
  Thanks Brian. Is it possible to please upload your attachment in PDF format please??

Sent from Yahoo7 Mail on Android
  Thanks High Priest Jake Carlson,

I appreciate the post about where spiritual satanists believe Hitler is today and that seems to be a positive place. You give a lot of depth in your post. I need to make time to study this more as I feel like a green student with JOS.
[/IMG]brianruhe.ca . I have an ecumenical relationship with JOS and I have been moving closer spiritually to spiritual satanism with the aura of protection meditation and others, and the guidance and influence of you four HP's plus the many readings I'm doing on an ongoing basis on the JOS website.
My belief about Hitler for many years is based upon Buddhist cosmology and you can see an illustration in my book, “A Short Walk On An Ancient Path” on Amazon, on page 123. There are six lower heavens in the sensuous sphere and I think of Hitler being a deva (higher realm being) in heaven number two, as Adolf Hitler deva. This is part of my visualization, channeling and deva invocation practice which I learned from Shambhala International in 1994.
True.  Adolf Hitler said that whoever isn't pissing off the Jewish media on a daily basis is not doing their jobs.  This is a wake-up call to Christians.  Nobody can be a Nazi and a Christian simultaneously, and the time will come that these morons, whether they have good intentions or not, will have to choose between Christianity or Satanic Paganism...the religion of Adolf Hitler.


High Priest Jake Carlson

Joy of Satan

The Third Sex Thule Society 666  

Wow...............! That's a powerful point HP Jake Carlson.
-Brian Ruhe

On 2015-12-08 3:37 PM, hammerofthegods_666@... [666BlackSun] wrote:
  True.  Adolf Hitler said that whoever isn't pissing off the Jewish media on a daily basis is not doing their jobs.  This is a wake-up call to Christians.  Nobody can be a Nazi and a Christian simultaneously, and the time will come that these morons, whether they have good intentions or not, will have to choose between Christianity or Satanic Paganism...the religion of Adolf Hitler.


High Priest Jake Carlson

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The truth is that although Adolf Hitler was a very tolerant person during the time of the Third Reich, he will have his final reconing with Christianity and related creeds, and he will never turn the other cheek again.  He is instructing his people to take the very same stance, but in ways that don't land us behind bars, or dead, obviously.

Even though I have gone public about my homosexual orientation or whatever one wants to call it, some might consider me to be much more true to National Socialism than many heterosexuals.  While I do not have any kind of "me versus them" attitude, I know that some people are not devoid of this mindset as of yet, but I'm just saying.

More sermons are on the way...


High Priest Jake Carlson

Joy of Satan

The Third Sex Thule Society 666  
I have a question. So There's an excpert regarding Hitler's "death" on the 666 black sun pdf, page 136 http://www.exposingcommunism.com/666%20Black%20Sun.pdf It also says: " Incidentally, Hitler's associates Karl Haushofer and Goebbels also killed themselves in ceremonial fashion along with their wives."So did they (Goebbels and Haushofer) actually kill themselves, or did they finish the Magnum Opus like Die Fuhrer? 
To my knowledge, the information on the Black Sun website about Adolf Hitler's "death" was before we found out what really happened.  Hitler and his wife, Eva Braun, escaped.  I have never asked Hitler where he lives right now because when going to the Fuhrer with questions of any kind, I make sure that the questions actually matter and are not just things to satisfy my personal curiosity unless answers to such questions would be of help to my fellow White Race.  Anyways, to my knowledge, Professor Karl Haushofer and Joseph Goebbels, did in fact commit suicide on or around Beltane of 1945.  I don't know if Haushofer has reincarnated yet, but many years ago before I knew the identity of the Aryan Anti-Christ, I once met Karl Haushofer when I was in one of my deep trance states. 


High Priest Jake Carlson

Joy of Satan

The Third Sex Thule Society 666  
Thank you :) I just got curious about them as well. I did assume that the information there was obsolete in light of what you've said, but figured I'd check. Thanks again :)

Hail Satan!!Hail Die Fuhrer!!Hail the Gods of Hell!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
