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Meditations music for meditation

This question is related to meditation.

Deshasya Shasakah

New member
Jun 11, 2024
Hello, Brothers and Sisters. Do you listen to music while meditating? If so, could you plz send here some tracks?

btw, how do some ppl listen to metal while they meditate?
I grew up in a large family so I used to use it a lot. When I was not SS I used to do all my meditations with music. I prefer to listen to the sound of wind or rain on youtube instead of disturbing sounds from outside.

Metal music is beautiful but it's very difficult to focus when we meditate.
I rarely listen to music whilst meditating these day's, but when I do it's usually ambient stuff to train my astral senses:

Otherwise, it's just whatever will give me the most pleasure in that particular moment, regardless of genre.
Just recently found this one:

Very high quality and calming.
Hello, Brothers and Sisters. Do you listen to music while meditating? If so, could you plz send here some tracks?

It varies according to the meditation. There is no one genre for every kind of spiritual work. Different situations require different soundtracks.
It varies according to the meditation. There is no one genre for every kind of spiritual work. Different situations require different soundtracks.

For example...

I don't just use music as music. I associate it with situations (like movies, etc.) that connect to what I am doing at that moment. I don't repress myself based on self "the soundtrack is unspiritual and too childish," I just think about putting myself in the precise mood and not a generic mood. An example of the background youtube videos to when I meditate:

For Aura Workings:

For Chakras Workings:

For Astral Power:

For black magick:

For healing:

For RTRs:

For Protections:

For Yoga and Training:
Greetings, fellow SS brother.

I usually listen to spiritual music and anything that emphasizes spirituality through lyrics and tunes.

Enigma is one of the bands I listen to, and my favorite song is the following.

E Nomine has some good songs like the following one.

Just wanted to point one thing, music is good for relax, it can be used even as void meditation, the goal is able to be "disconnect" from outer stimulation, ie, can in be meditative state in any scenario.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
