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Multivitamin Suplementation


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Academy of the Dragon, Dinas Ffaraon
multivitamins are a waste of money. You cannot take all those micronutrients at the same time. Why? Because some block the absorption of others.

You should only take stuff that works in SYNERGY. Multivitamin makers are scams. They are aware that some combos do not work together but they still include them together. I took a look at the label and that is what is happening in yours as well, of course. Not to mention, some dosages are too high while others are too low.

The correct amount is 1000% DV for minerals and water-soluble vitamins, and 400% DV for fat-soluble vitamins. This is the total daily amount. From this you subtract what you ALREADY take from your own diet (foods, drinks...). Chances are, if your diet is COMPLETE and ORGANIC, you already hit the right amounts of everything.

When you already have the right amounts of everything from your diet, the only reason to go above the recommended amount is if you have a deficiency, until such deficiency is solved, or if you need to treat certain conditions such as oxidative stress. Most people are deficient in vitamin C, D and others because they do not eat a complete organic diet.
hailourpeople said:

As far as multivitamins go, this is definitely one of the more comprehensive ones. However, there are still some fundamental flaws in multivitamins, like what Stormblood was mentioning. Artificial vitamins are different in structure, different in their context, and different in their amount, than in natural sources. 1 of these reasons, or any of them, could render artificial vitamins useless.

Your point about GMO vs organic is valid, however even non-organic whole foods are still better than processed, yet artificially-supplemented foods/multivitamins. Just do your best to get organic where it is possible. Some food products are more damaged by non-organic procurement than others.


If you look at holistic medicine systems, they do not worry about individual vitamins, but they look at broader concepts such as the organ systems, the blood, yin/yang balance, etc. If you are worried about deficiencies, for example, your symptoms would point towards what exactly you need to eat.

For example: stomach/spleen problems, such as mucus or bloating, you would eat more orange/yellow foods. Blood deficiency, showing as headache, palpitations, skin dryness, etc you would eat more red foods, meats, liver.

You can find herbal supplements that are relatively cheap that can also help with this, and these would be way more comprehensive and healing than just random, lab synthesized vitamins thrown together would be.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
