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May 20, 2023
Have you worked with moloch?

Description of this? Opinion?
I know him personally, but he wants to know how others are doing.
Moloch is not associated with JoyofSatan. In fact, I believe that is a Jewish "God" posing as Pagan in order to confuse people seeing that it takes child sacrafice.
Jews have have taken the name of Baalzebul and used it to justify their sacrificing of children to Moloch. According to jewish literature Moloch is another name for Baalzebul. This is false. It is important to note that any entity behind the name Moloch is entirely separate from Baalzebul, and Baalzebul should not be blamed for any of the atrocities committed by these Jews.

Jews always blame what they are and do, on our Gods, this is a malicious attempt to discredit and distance people from our Pagan Gods, without taking responsibility for their own wicked behavior.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Moloch is not associated with JoyofSatan. In fact, I believe that is a Jewish "God" posing as Pagan in order to confuse people seeing that it takes child sacrafice.

he is not Jehovah
He is Cronos
Ashira_666 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Moloch is not associated with JoyofSatan. In fact, I believe that is a Jewish "God" posing as Pagan in order to confuse people seeing that it takes child sacrafice.

he is not Jehovah
He is Cronos

It really doesn't matter. We don't use the name Moloch here because of what has been mentioned.
Moloch is a Hebrew corruption of the Canaanite word Melek or Melk which means King, is only a title and there is no a demon with this name.
BlackOnyx8 said:
Jews have have taken the name of Baalzebul and used it to justify their sacrificing of children to Moloch. According to jewish literature Moloch is another name for Baalzebul. This is false. It is important to note that any entity behind the name Moloch is entirely separate from Baalzebul, and Baalzebul should not be blamed for any of the atrocities committed by these Jews.

Jews always blame what they are and do, on our Gods, this is a malicious attempt to discredit and distance people from our Pagan Gods, without taking responsibility for their own wicked behavior.

Yeah I also hate how they blaspheme Enlil's name when they perform rituals sacrifice during natural disasters, a mockery against Enlil's association with the Sky and Weather, and further more - I take extremely personally since Enlil is the Forefather of the Asiatic people, known as Tian in China, Ten in Japan and Thian in Vietnam, Cheon in Korea, and Tengri in Mongolia/Turkic peoples, they all use the same character (天) (except Mongolian and mind-you, Korean and Vietnamese once-used Classical Chinese script before the Catholic communists forced Vietnam to switch to corrupted Catholicized version of Latin).
Wotanwarrior said:
Moloch is a Hebrew corruption of the Canaanite word Melek or Melk which means King, is only a title and there is no a demon with this name.

Moloch is a faithful Demon serving Emperor Satan as he mentioned Him
He is a king
His other name is Andramelech
In further notice, upon my personal experience with Moloch, I asked Him to swear that He comes and He is of Satan, as confirmed.

I was surprised by His appearance which resembled a fly, a very sophisticated and beautiful costume with wings. (Other Demons wears armours or complex suits for protection on the astral, or shape-shifting in different shapes from tiny to huge, huge to tiny, animal to human, etc)
-Upon later research it made sense since I found out that he is a member of the ^order of the fly under Beelzebut command.

He confirmed his other name as Andramelech.

He is very protective of Satan to an extreme even to dedicated satanists by not appreciating flip-flops and dabbling with their time. He wants people to be stable and loyal by all means.
Ego666 said:
In further notice, upon my personal experience with Moloch, I asked Him to swear that He comes and He is of Satan, as confirmed.

I was surprised by His appearance which resembled a fly, a very sophisticated and beautiful costume with wings. (Other Demons wears armours or complex suits for protection on the astral, or shape-shifting in different shapes from tiny to huge, huge to tiny, animal to human, etc)
-Upon later research it made sense since I found out that he is a member of the ^order of the fly under Beelzebut command.

He confirmed his other name as Andramelech.

He is very protective of Satan to an extreme even to dedicated satanists by not appreciating flip-flops and dabbling with their time. He wants people to be stable and loyal by all means.

Demons are not shapeshifters, that is blasphemous nonsense that the jews have promoted in their goetic grimoires.
Ego666 said:
In further notice, upon my personal experience with Moloch, I asked Him to swear that He comes and He is of Satan, as confirmed.

I was surprised by His appearance which resembled a fly, a very sophisticated and beautiful costume with wings. (Other Demons wears armours or complex suits for protection on the astral, or shape-shifting in different shapes from tiny to huge, huge to tiny, animal to human, etc)
-Upon later research it made sense since I found out that he is a member of the ^order of the fly under Beelzebut command.

He confirmed his other name as Andramelech.

He is very protective of Satan to an extreme even to dedicated satanists by not appreciating flip-flops and dabbling with their time. He wants people to be stable and loyal by all means.

You are a Jew talking with Jewish thoughtforms, or you are a mislead Gentile talking with Jewish thoughtforms, either way:

Jews are lying every day, do you think their Gods won't lie to you? Don't be fooled.

You are not a Satanist talking to these wraths.
AFODO said:

The issue here, that a lot of these "animal references" in ancient mythology were allegorical, misguided Gentiles took them as literal, for example Azazel and the Eagle, Father Satan and the Peacock. Or the Hindu claims that you'll reincarnate as a cow or some shit like that. The Gods, being just like humans (as we were built in their image), have their favorite animals as well. Of course, the kikes love to exploit these weaknesses and misunderstandings to promote such lies.

I remember hearing an experience of a non-Satanic occultist, claims that Lucifer appeared to him as a reptilian deity and appears all scary and evil like the horror movies....huge red flags there.

AFODO said:
Jews are lying every day, do you think their Gods won't lie to you? Don't be fooled.

I can't help but think of the countless "end time ministries" where their pastors get fooled by some scum grey promising to rapture their people off of the earth while everyone else gets murdered. They'll get visions of "Christian Heaven" being filled with temples, palaces or whatever, and "Christian Hell" with the fiery shit just to give themselves credibility. Often-not, congregations find our the hard way that they were lied to, but worst of it all, skimming through their social media posts and the such - they'll still find excuses upon excuses to continue worshiping their liars of "Gods".

They'll still leave clues behind that their "Gods" are the real evil - because you'll notice that in these "Christian Hell" visions, all of the greatest lovers of Mankind who have helped Mankind (most if not all, being past Satanic souls), such as the many meditation masters from the Far East, or inventors and engineers from the West, are always in the "worst parts", of course the usual favorite punching bag, "Hitler is in the worst part" blah blah blah....showing you what a true psychopath and man-hater this "Jewhovah" is.
You are a Jew talking with Jewish thoughtforms, or you are a mislead Gentile talking with Jewish thoughtforms, either way:

Jews are lying every day, do you think their Gods won't lie to you? Don't be fooled.

You are not a Satanist talking to these wraths.
Hello AFODO, didn't I see you on the balg forum a few years ago?
But really, where did the idea that Gods are "aliens" come from?
Because I have to admit when I "grew up" with this whole awakening thing, i.e. "wow ghosts exist, magic is a real thing!"
I learned the vision of Gods as ancient powerful spirits Gods.
Personally, my gnosis was that they were more pagan than "Satanic", i.e. dark Demons and Hell, horned Satyrs.
Antiquity presents them more as Gods, i.e. powerful spirits, I know that there are allergies to the fact that they have bodies, but isn't it a human thing.

(I think I'm probably wrong here, but I want you to help me finally make a decision. Because I want to repay the Gods and accepting them just like they accept our personalities, even if one day the Gods fly here and land, I want to accept them even if they seem strange to me because of my human perceptions. Besides, we have to be careful that the enemy does not pretend to be them in such a situation -some bulb heads:"hello, we are yours" Pagan Gods" because I know that the enemy might try this attack someday)

I personally see Gods as being "Extraterrestrial" but powerful spirits.
What evidence do we have, apart from ancient allegories, that the Gods are "Extraterrestrial life".
I am able to agree with this vision with a sufficiently large and useful amount of evidence.
Because we don't want some bulb heads to pretend to be our Gods.

We know that when we contact them and see that they help us, that they are amazing, but what are they like:"Extraterrestrial" or "Extraterrestrial life"?

I'm also still bothered by the idea of someone pretending to be Pagan Gods, before i making my decision about it.

Or maybe the imposters are just pretending and our Gods are helping us and we don't see that it's a hostile idea that the Gods are "Extraterrestrial life".

It is a beautiful vision that our Gods are similar to us and are "ours", you know, our Gods :)
But I hope some alien doesn't pretend to be them because I don't want to fall for such an enemy/invasion.

Everything I wrote sounds like I'm confused but when I think about Gods and act in this direction I always say "true Gods" hear me, with the intention that the real Lord Satan will hear me..
Hello AFODO, didn't I see you on the balg forum a few years ago?
But really, where did the idea that Gods are "aliens" come from?
Because I have to admit when I "grew up" with this whole awakening thing, i.e. "wow ghosts exist, magic is a real thing!"
I learned the vision of Gods as ancient powerful spirits Gods.
Personally, my gnosis was that they were more pagan than "Satanic", i.e. dark Demons and Hell, horned Satyrs.
Antiquity presents them more as Gods, i.e. powerful spirits, I know that there are allergies to the fact that they have bodies, but isn't it a human thing.

(I think I'm probably wrong here, but I want you to help me finally make a decision. Because I want to repay the Gods and accepting them just like they accept our personalities, even if one day the Gods fly here and land, I want to accept them even if they seem strange to me because of my human perceptions. Besides, we have to be careful that the enemy does not pretend to be them in such a situation -some bulb heads:"hello, we are yours" Pagan Gods" because I know that the enemy might try this attack someday)

I personally see Gods as being "Extraterrestrial" but powerful spirits.
What evidence do we have, apart from ancient allegories, that the Gods are "Extraterrestrial life".
I am able to agree with this vision with a sufficiently large and useful amount of evidence.
Because we don't want some bulb heads to pretend to be our Gods.

We know that when we contact them and see that they help us, that they are amazing, but what are they like:"Extraterrestrial" or "Extraterrestrial life"?

I'm also still bothered by the idea of someone pretending to be Pagan Gods, before i making my decision about it.

Or maybe the imposters are just pretending and our Gods are helping us and we don't see that it's a hostile idea that the Gods are "Extraterrestrial life".

It is a beautiful vision that our Gods are similar to us and are "ours", you know, our Gods :)
But I hope some alien doesn't pretend to be them because I don't want to fall for such an enemy/invasion.

Everything I wrote sounds like I'm confused but when I think about Gods and act in this direction I always say "true Gods" hear me, with the intention that the real Lord Satan will hear me..
And seriously, I'm not some jewish infiltrator with evil intentions, I really need this answer haha
Moloch in hebrew comes from the letters MLK (they do not put vowels). That is a simple title that is from Melech or Melek [meaning King, a generic term, from Assyrian and Babylonian origin]. The "Moloch" is a slanderous word that was created in a false history around false "sacrifices" around that symbolism.

You are clearly influenced highly from the jewish statements of the "Left Hand Path" which is all based on jewish sources and accounts. Lastly, everything that is not of terrestrial life [earthly, from this planet] is by definition extraterrestrial life. This includes both existing in another non physical dimension, but also their existence in other planets.

The Gods have focused their civilizations from establishing communication with Aldebaran, Orion and other select Constellations, as they are incarnated there. The team of Gods that helps humanity is a very specific one, they are not just anything that goes around in the astral.

These lesser states of seeing them like this are purely psychological and borne out of just wrongly placed imagination. No God appears as a fly or anything like that. Read further on the JoS to fill in the gaps.
haha HPHC answered my question and he couldn't see my post yet, coincidence. His reply when my post was waiting for approval.
Thanks to HPHC's post, I know that I must be a disbeliever. despite everything I've read, that's how I see it.

I'll think it over and decide what to believe.
I can always address the Gods by sigil, name.
I know the real Lord Satan will answer one way or another.
And seriously, I'm not some jewish infiltrator with evil intentions, I really need this answer haha

Read HPHC's answer above. You may not be a Jew but you probably engaged in Jewish magic and thought forms if you are that Ego666 guy.
Read HPHC's answer above. You may not be a Jew but you probably engaged in Jewish magic and thought forms if you are that Ego666 guy.
No I'm not that guy.
I don't have any other profiles.
Isn't it strange that he created a profile to write to us about "Moloch".
I'm not saying it's true that he's a jew.
I think that what he wrote and the fact that he created a new profile to probably lie to us. That tells us it's suspicious at best.
But really, where did the idea that Gods are "aliens" come from?
Short story: Maxine asked Satan who he is when she was new and she was creating the JoS site, then she was guided by Him to dozens of books and sites saying that he's an extraterrestrial being. For example, some books include Zecharia Sitchin's books and the Gods of Eden. The second book makes the case that Satan is Enki and Enki and the Sumerian Gods were extraterrestrials who genetically engineered humanity. Haven't you head about the "ancient astronaut theory"? It's the same thing. She was also guided to the Luciferian Liberation Front website, which makes the case that Christianity is an alien scam by enemy aliens to enslave and feed upon people's souls. So there are aliens behind Christianity too.

You can find more info about that in the JoS site.

Although Satan and the Gods aren't typical grey aliens as depicted in the movies (a very few of them like Lucifuge Rofocal are). Satan and most of the Gods are Nordic Extraterrestrials, they are blond-haired blue-eyed human looking, but much taller and more beautiful than humans.
no, Moloch is not Jahwe.....

No child sacrifices were made to Moloch
Yahweh got them, so they blamed it on Moloch.
Moloch = Cronos, saturn
"Chronos" is not God because it's just a word for time.
Saturn will never "reduce" itself to humanoid form in order to communicate with someone, because it is a force like Akasha itself.
Watching Gnostic channels is entertainment that shouldn't be taken too seriously.
Moloch is Yahweh who is in essence the hostile energy of the reptiles. If you have contact with a Moloch you must be freed from it and then make the dedication to Satan and follow the path of Jos which is the path of our Gods
How you say this I love so much Moloch, Moloch are of our path. Many satanists worship Moloch, him is one of the greatest Kings of Hell.
As mentioned above, Moloch has nothing to do with Satan or Satanism because Satanism isn't about "evil". Moloch is just an alias of the enemy jewish god. There aren't "many Satanists" who worship Moloch because those who believe Satanism is about "evil" are not Satanists. The majority of people outside the JoS who call themselves Satanists are not.

I'm assuming that you're serious, but it's likely that you are trolling judging by your previous posts:

Could be the judaism ultraortodox satanism?

I'm clear that Marxism and Nazism are enemies also the bolchevism. I check the links that you send me, and I read there that Hitler consider Marxism Christianity. But I really think could be satanism.

I remember when I light one candle to Cuthulu I feel the power of him. I light candles and burn incense in the night, when my mother are asleep 😂😂😂
I check this, and I see that attack Aliester Crowley, I love so much the prose of Crowley, I not read all books of Crowley, but I liked so much The book of law and the eight lectures on yoga.
Aleister Crowley was never a Satanist, he was completely into Jewish kabala and ended up going insane.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
