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You need to get yourself together and solve these problems instead of searching for excuses.

Death is not an escape, and nothing is, you need to face this and solve it instead of anything else.

You can report this at any given time because it's a serious manner. Best if you have some sort of evidence.
Besides meditating to build an aura of protection, ask your GD (if you know who they are) to keep you safe from the molester and once you are powerful enough you can curse them.
I was molested again today. Why? Is there really a God? I wonder. I want to die. I can't report due to reasons but my past and nightmares are coming back to haunt me.
You need to report it. You complained in this post that there is no justice, yet you refuse to do anything that will bring justice about. Don't allow yourself to be a victim. If you don't do something about this harm done to you and it becomes too late, you will never forgive yourself.

This is a serious matter and you must report it for your own safety! If you don't report it, the person who is hurting you will continue to do so or find other victims. I know this is difficult, and I am very sorry for you, but you must act now. Don't let this person get away with it. I don't know what your reasons are for not reporting this, but they cannot be used as an excuse for you not to report him. Do not be afraid of him. This person must pay for his actions. Fight for yourself.

You should report it immediately and it would be good if you had evidence. These may be, for example, written conversations (In my case, the abuser in the text he sent me admitted to committing a sex crime against me, so you can see what I mean. They can be also suggestive messages. Please keep such messages and make a copy of them), recordings, biological evidence, witnesses, etc. But if you don't have any evidences, don't worry. Lack of evidence is difficult, but not impossible. This happens and police investigators will know what to do or ask when interviewing you. Your testimony is already evidence. They will assess the way you testify, whether you speak spontaneously or calculatedly, and your body language to assess the credibility of your testimony. This procedure is necessary, because there are cases of false accusations. Yes, it will be overwhelming for you, because they will question you in detail, but it is necessary. The more detailed your statement is, the more credible it will seem. There may also be a situation where they will ask you the same thing twice and you will have to repeat your whole story again. They may formulate questions differently, but with the same meaning, for example about the date of events. They want to see your credibility. The interview will be videotaped for court purpose.

You wrote before that your friends know about it. If so, they may be called as witnesses. It doesn't matter if they weren't present during crime. However, investigators can ask witnesses about what happened to you, what you told them (checking whether the description of the situation matches your description), your relationship with them, why they think you told them about it and not someone else, and what emotional impact it had on you. As you can see, your health is also important. By observing your mental state, the witness can provide evidence to support your testimony. My friend talked about bruises on my wrists, neck and that I avoided any form of physical touch. The investigators pay attention to this stuff. The witness's testimony may also be repeated, even twice, because they write down a report of their testimony. If you are undergoing treatment (like therapy for example), it can also be used as another evidence.

A psychologist may also be present during your testimony and can also help in the process of assessing the credibility of your testimony. From what I remember, she was sitting on the side, observing and taking notes in a notebook. After the whole testimony process the case will most likely go to court and you will have to wait. There is a court hearing, although I was not present at it, I don't remember the reason why and it's hard for me to say whether your presence will be necessary there or not. However, if your presence is required, you can always use organizations that help victims of sexual crimes, which can provide you with a lawyer. The lawyer will support you during the trial. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you what such a court hearing looks like because, because as I mentioned above, I was not present. This is what it looked like in my case, but it may also look different in any other country.

Now I must add, because unfortunately such situations do occur, your case may be discontinued. This is what happened in my case (despite the evidences and the perpetrator's confession), so I can understand why many women are hesitant and discouraged to report sexual crimes. It may depend on the country you live in, but in my case matters regarding rape or other sexual abuse are treated not seriously or with a light sentence. It may happen also due to lack of evidence. This doesn't mean that this will happen in your situation, but I need to warn you that such injustice do occur. However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't report it. You should deal with it as soon as possible and hopefully, in your case, the perpetrator will get what he deserves and won't hurt you or anyone else. If they dismiss your case, the best option is to distance yourself from him. Since he's your mom's boyfriend, they probably live together. I don't know how old you are, but if you are a minor, perhaps you would be able to move out to someone else in your family after explaining the situation? It would be good to isolate yourself from him for your own safety. Also, bring justice for yourself, if the court fail you. You are not helpless, you have the tools to do this:
In addition to reporting, you can also:
- Get support from someone close to you. Your mom failed you and it's sad. Maybe you have someone else you trust in your family who could help you? It can be also your friends or trusted teacher. You need support and a sense of security, someone should be with you.
- You can also use a hotline for people experiencing sexual violence. These hotlines provide confidential and specialist help for survivors of sexual violence and can also offer therapeutic, legal, medical and support services. The support groups also exist.
- Healing and recovery takes time in the case of trauma. Therefore, you should focus on the healing process. Clean and empower your chakras, especially your sacral chakra. Build and clean your aura of protection daily.

Remember that sexual violence is a crime and you have the right to demand for the perpetrator be punished. You are not alone. The Gods are with you, whether you believe in it or not, and They want you to heal and be safe. Your life is precious, so don't let anyone hurt you. Bring justice for yourself. You will only suffer more by procrastinating and being passive, so it is important to act. There are many women and men who have experienced this and can help you too. If you have any questions or concerns, please write and I will try to help. I was in similar position as you before.
I tried to report 2 years ago but nothing happened as I have told you. The government was on his side. In the end, I was to apologize.
The sufferings of life will happen to everyone, regardless of which God they worship.

Trauma is momentary, everything is impermanent, turn your sadness into anger if you want to do an exchange ritual.

You should meditate deeply on your past traumas and problems, and calmly analyze your situation and look for alternatives to your problems in a calm and unhurried manner.
I tried to report 2 years ago but nothing happened as I have told you. The government was on his side. In the end, I was to apologize.

Aren't we talking about a Jew?

Escape this environment. Do Baalzebul's, Andras's, Astarte's (if you are a female), Orobas, and Balaam's ritual for justice.
Let them hear your situation, and they will surely help. Again, try escape this environment.
I was molested again today. Why? Is there really a God? I wonder. I want to die. I can't report due to reasons but my past and nightmares are coming back to haunt me.
OK, with "molested" I assume you are talking about sex assault.
First of all : calm down. Yes there is God and is Satan himself!
You are listened, you are cared here. No reason to panic, escape, die or whatever. Observe.

Sexual abuse happens to much more people than we may even wonder, in this world. And this is indeed tragic, traumatizing. damaging, unjust, criminal, dense of negativity, insulting, not appropriate, shit, wrong, scaring, cold, mind blowing, hard to accept, social plague, and very sad. But would you like to know what this is NOT ? It is NOT your fault. Never.
Why I say this? As sexually abused people tend to blame themselves for what happened, and feel guilty. You are NOT guilty.
So it happens that sexual abuse repeats, because the victim is unable to self-defend and unable to say "no" due to temporary weakness (physical, emotional, psychological) and repeatedly falls victim due to karmic energies, or soul enslavement.

If you die, the offender will survive. If you survive and get stronger in Satan, and you curse the offender, the offender will possibly die.
Which one of the 2 possibilities is the most correct and appropriate ? Just choose.

You know, sexual abuse may come from past lives, problems in your soul, anything.
I have understood in a past life I have probably been in a sort of gulag, or similar prison (not sure about details yet). Can you imagine what happens to an SS soul in those places? This caused the abuse problems I had in this life and the person involved was already harassing me in previous lives. So NOW I have the knowledge and support from the Gods to free my soul from this very bad individual. It takes time but I CAN do it.
And if you came here and found Satan and found the courage (yes it requires A LOT of courage) to tell your problem here, you CAN DO THIS too!

Ask to Satan justice against your offender.
When I did it, I have been guided and helped to do this by myself. As it's very freeing, therapeutic, and just. Satan KNOWS I can do this! So in your case, you will be guided according to your abilities and power. If you are not in position to exert justice, I am sure a Demon will do this for you. Otherwise, slowly, you will be driven to freedom and justice by your own actions. And you will be PROUD of your actions!
I tried to report 2 years ago but nothing happened as I have told you. The government was on his side. In the end, I was to apologize.
As I wrote before, such situations do occur. It's unfair, but don't let it destroy you. You are the victim here and it wasn't your fault.

Take into account the rest of my previous post. If you have a good relationship with another family member like for example your aunt or grandmother, ask her if you can move in temporarily after explaining the situation. You need to be safe and isolate yourself from this man.

If you don't have this opportunity, but have enough saved money and stable job then move out from your mother's home. If this is not possible either for other reasons, start thinking about working and earning money to escape your situation. I don't know what your options are, but if the justice system has failed you, your first thought should be to isolate yourself from him for your own safety especially since he is still molesting you.

Contact hotlines for victims of sexual abuse. They can provide you with support and information to what you can do in your situation and start to search for possible options for yourself. Ask the Gods for help and do everything in your power to escape from him.
Escape this environment.
That's very important advice.

In a previous post, I said that sometimes a person has not enough power to escape a blocking situation like this.
If moving out is overpowering you, you may ask help to a person who can protect you. A friend, a partner. Just ask the Gods to send you the correct person, in case you are not strong enough to do this alone.
You might be grateful to this person, later on, and give something back. This may be life saving.
For example if the "protecting" person will have a very strong placement of his/her Saturn on the Sun or Mars or Chart Ruler of your abuser, this will be a big help to keep him far from you, and weak. As the protecting person will have a hard influence on your abuser, in case he ever tries to contact you.
This is just an example, but ask guidance to the Gods for a "way out". There is - always - a chance in this world, that the Gods see with wise eyes.
It's not the first time and the person who done this is powerful and has connections in judiciary.
Somewhere in this world, there is someone most powerful than him, as I said. You can be guided to this solution if you ask.
You are not alone, with Satan. Never, even if you feel alone - and this will happen - you are not. Remember this in dark days.
What was my fault? Why me? And I know there are more miserable people like me in this world but my pain hurts me a lot too. Is the fate of life is to be sad and life is a constant cycle of pain amd we need to escape it by following the right path?

Trying to fit into your situation is impossible for anyone here who hasn't lived anything comparable to what you've lived.
You had no faults. You were a child in need of protection. No one protected you and you became a victim of a monster.

Why do humans like him exist? Everything works according to God's plan right? Then why? I just feel hopeless in all matters.

You can't run away from your past and your karma forever. Gods are not puppet masters playing with people's lives and futures. We each have our own karma to deal with; yours is cruel and brutal. But you can overcome it but you can't do it alone.
In the past you tried to fight and it did not go well. That is no reason to stop. I don't know where you live and if things work the way they do in my country, but you should report it through an association for abused women, it can provide you with legal protection and psychological support (you need it badly).
Having terrible karma does not mean you have to deal with it alone. Ask the Gods for help, if you place the pieces well here in the material world and do your part, with their support you will be able to get yourself and your life back. Ask Lord Baalzebul for help so that He can help you get justice, for legal matters ask Lord Abigor for help (but, of course, you must first set the earthly justice machine in motion). Ask Lord Andras help too, as others have advised you.

The government was on his side

Again, let the Gods guide you. Does he have the government on his side? There is always someone who hates the government and its "friends," someone who is willing to listen to those who want to denounce someone who holds an important office.
The fact that he meditates and has a position does not mean that he has the support of our Gods. Such garbage is unworthy to even think of talking to Them.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
