Mocking the looks of children is unbecoming of a Satanist to be honest, furthermore half the children posted clearly have a developmental disorder of some kind which is not exclusive to mixed people, and the reasoning race mixing is bad is largely due to the spiritual ramifications and how it affects reincarnation, from my understanding the Gods harbor no ill will whatsoever to mixed individuals they do however forbid race mixing as it is bad practice but simply being mixed race isnt a crime.
Imagine how your appearance, IQ, soul, physicality looks compared to a God, do the Gods mock you? If not why wouldnt you follow their divine example and treat those beneath you or whom are less blessed than you with dignity.
I dont respect those who are without Satans guidance to any meaningful degree with the exception of my family all others I honestly see them mostly as animals, but I dont go around kicking puppies nor do I go around publicly denigrating those lesser than me on a public forum for things beyond their control.
We have real enemies to deal with, innocent children arent amongst them.
I mean at the very least if your going to shame people shame the people actually doing the race mixing not those who had no hand in it whatsoever.