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Million infected 50k dead 49 crematoriums 1200 burned daily


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019

at 4:30
MilesGuo Starts talking, he says that 50k dead a million infected, and bodies being burnt every day

we all know how serious this is, but wanted to share this anyways.

Be safe everyone

This might mean the virus is already in Hawaii
SATchives said:

There was a study regarding the virus' affect on different races, and upon research of a male asian individual the virus is more severely reactive with them in particular due to "extremely large number of ACE2-expressing cells in the lung", ACE2 cells being the primary receptors of the virus. I recognize that this study and finding was based upon only a single subject thus far, but non-asians who have been infected with the virus recovered just fine as it appears from written articles, and asian females by the majority seem to be experiencing lesser symptoms and lessened severity while their husbands, brothers, etc are the ones hospitalized and winding up dead as I've found in my own research where all the articles regarding first, second or fifteenth death and over have all or primarily been asian males.

Age and other factors of course count into this, China is riddled with pollution, smog, everything that just completely ruins their immune system over there and especially their lungs. The corona virus attacks the lungs, the lungs are it's primary target... it seems too cohencidental if you ask me. Thus the majority of these deaths are asians. I haven't found any information on a single non-asian death thus far but if anyone has, please share.

Whatever the purpose of this virus, it seems like China was going to be/is the target. China completely going down causes a domino affect to other countries especially the Americas which rely heavily on China for virtually everything. This however does not lessen the threat of the virus to us, we do not yet fully understand it but I believe (((vaccinations))) will be the method of downfall or control in the Americas when it comes to the virus; since if this research does pan out to be as it sounds, then the virus won't affect us as severely, so (((they'll))) be looking for other means, to which I say do NOT even think of getting these so-called vaccinations they will have coming out of the wood-works like free candy.
Over 100k actually are infected and this is old news. But China don't give us accurate Numbers. We only know this from the Chinese Doctors and Whistleblowers.
Okay that's me officially freaked out now. HPS Shannon strongly advises against taking a vaccine for it but it's so serious to not take a protection if one were to become available. I felt the need for some form of protection when he mentioned a vaccine at the end of his video.

The number of infections are so high. 14 000 a day. Staggering and totally astonishing.

Been out to get my multivitamins. And those dissolvable in a glass of water vitamin C pills. Hope they're good enough because it was mentioned before that vitamin C is not absorbic acid but vitamins and this is absorbic acid these pills.

1 in 4 people dying. The people around here are not bothered because they think it's just a cold. But it's not. That super spreader that infected the two GP's and their patients in Brighton, UK didn't even really get sick according to the controlled media so the people feel safe but I think they're not.
I heard of this video by word of mouth but I did not have an actual link to it, was searching for it to no avail. Thank you for sharing it brother!
Honestly from the news and in general this doesn't appear to have been contained and it is really difficult still.

Not sure about the validity of the video, but it's there for food for thought.

Cremation may not be a bad idea as if the virus can infect through the dead or through the soil, this makes the situation far more fucked up.
The Chinese billionaire looks like a Chinese gentile. I don’t think there is any benefit to him to lie about his findings.

At least I would find a gentile Chinese billionaire more trustworthy than the communist government, with him making such a statement.

The deaths and infections are definitely inflated by the extremely poor and ridiculous response of the Chinese government though.

They aren’t trying to cure or treat it as urgently as they should at all, simply letting it run free while suppressing all citizens and letting them suffer whether they are sick or not.

I don’t think the disease would be as deadly if it had surfaced in the US or Europe. China is the perfect brewing pot for such a virus to thrive..

Many people packed like sardines, ridiculous pollution severely weakening people’s health and immune system, dystopian communist government that doesn’t give a rats ass about their citizens.

No better conditions on the planet for such a virus to spiral out of control than there.

More than anything I feel great sympathy for all the Chinese citizens who are suffering from this now, and great anger towards the Jew.

If this doesn’t motivate people to destroy them, then I don’t know what will.
Crossposting this here so more people see it.

flyby999 said:
some user on 4chan pieced together that 13000 bodies are being burnt outside wuhan. now i wouldnt be surprised if that was actually going on


heres the reddit link that i found this on
Personal Growth said:
Looking at it so far it seems that this may be a bio-weapon mostly targeting Asians. More data will be needed before this can be said for sure, but as of right now it looks like it doesn't really affect us as much as it does them. The main danger here (in my personal opinion, and not to be taken as medical advice), are the harmful vaccines for it that they may try to push onto people by the billions while using that virus to instill fear.
https://www.cbsnews.com/live-updates/coronavirus-china-outbreak-death-toll-infections-cruise-ship-latest-updates-2020-02-14/ .. Probably much more than these numbers
Ghost in the Machine said:
SATchives said:

There was a study regarding the virus' affect on different races, and upon research of a male asian individual the virus is more severely reactive with them in particular due to "extremely large number of ACE2-expressing cells in the lung", ACE2 cells being the primary receptors of the virus. I recognize that this study and finding was based upon only a single subject thus far, but non-asians who have been infected with the virus recovered just fine as it appears from written articles, and asian females by the majority seem to be experiencing lesser symptoms and lessened severity while their husbands, brothers, etc are the ones hospitalized and winding up dead as I've found in my own research where all the articles regarding first, second or fifteenth death and over have all or primarily been asian males.

Age and other factors of course count into this, China is riddled with pollution, smog, everything that just completely ruins their immune system over there and especially their lungs. The corona virus attacks the lungs, the lungs are it's primary target... it seems too cohencidental if you ask me. Thus the majority of these deaths are asians. I haven't found any information on a single non-asian death thus far but if anyone has, please share.

Whatever the purpose of this virus, it seems like China was going to be/is the target. China completely going down causes a domino affect to other countries especially the Americas which rely heavily on China for virtually everything. This however does not lessen the threat of the virus to us, we do not yet fully understand it but I believe (((vaccinations))) will be the method of downfall or control in the Americas when it comes to the virus; since if this research does pan out to be as it sounds, then the virus won't affect us as severely, so (((they'll))) be looking for other means, to which I say do NOT even think of getting these so-called vaccinations they will have coming out of the wood-works like free candy.

Well, if the whole thing was to go to be bioweapon, it make sense that it targets Asian considering it was experimenting in China, which is massive amount of Asian people as its subject, so it not surprising that their weapon is fine-tuned to Asian people because it not like there is plenty of other races to experiment and fine-tuned it in China.
Shael said:
Personal Growth said:
Looking at it so far it seems that this may be a bio-weapon mostly targeting Asians. More data will be needed before this can be said for sure, but as of right now it looks like it doesn't really affect us as much as it does them. The main danger here (in my personal opinion, and not to be taken as medical advice), are the harmful vaccines for it that they may try to push onto people by the billions while using that virus to instill fear.

Thank you Shael,

You're right. After watching that You Tube video I had the fear instilled in me and had the desire for a vaccine as was mentioned in the video.

I'm seeing that it might be geared towards Asians mainly. Bad for them but a little relief for me personally. I hope for them they can find some cure for it ASAP.

Of course the food situation might still stand if China is a big player in supplying so much. So I'll keep the surplus meat and veg cans and long life milk etc I've stocked up on.
Shael said:
Personal Growth said:
Looking at it so far it seems that this may be a bio-weapon mostly targeting Asians. More data will be needed before this can be said for sure, but as of right now it looks like it doesn't really affect us as much as it does them. The main danger here (in my personal opinion, and not to be taken as medical advice), are the harmful vaccines for it that they may try to push onto people by the billions while using that virus to instill fear.

Just realised non Asians are not off the hook. Because if they take the vaccines we can all also start getting really sick.
Personal Growth said:
Shael said:
Personal Growth said:
Looking at it so far it seems that this may be a bio-weapon mostly targeting Asians. More data will be needed before this can be said for sure, but as of right now it looks like it doesn't really affect us as much as it does them. The main danger here (in my personal opinion, and not to be taken as medical advice), are the harmful vaccines for it that they may try to push onto people by the billions while using that virus to instill fear.

Just realised non Asians are not off the hook. Because if they take the vaccines we can all also start getting really sick.
Yeah everyone is in panic mode so I'm sure the majority of people, Asian or not, will want the vaccine when it's released. Also even if it isn't very deadly (or deadly at all) for non-Asian races, it's still another flu out there for the rest of us which can be problematic for the elderly and children especially, I'd think.

Another video by the same guy. Remember this is all someone's observations and opinions. Just use your head with any of this information. But I wouldn't doubt anything when it comes to a bio weapon. Especially if this is their so called test run
It is worth noting this virus is not just another flue, but causes pneumonia like symptoms, such as congestion of the airways and every other complication pneumonia creates.

It’s very severe compared to a flue like disease. Much more painful and far more dangerous as well.

There may also be things about the virus we don’t know yet. It has strange HIV inserts after all, and what exactly that means or how exactly that changes the way the virus functions hasn’t been released to the public, if it is even known already.

I personally suspect the number of infected will enter the 8 digits soon, if it hasn’t already, and the number of deaths will increase to 6 digits, also if it hasn’t already.

As discussed however, the greatest danger to any western nation is not so much the virus itself, or even the potential vaccine they will push out, but the economic collapse from the fact China’s entire industry and economy has ground to a halt for probably a prolonged period of time.

The long term effects of this are easily imagined and will be felt world wide.

Just be prepared like Maxine told us all to be, and gave advice on, and any SS here should be fine.
Important Update :

Hubei Doctors Warn Of Even-Deadlier Coronavirus Reinfection Causing Sudden Heart Attacks

Apparently you can get reinforced with possibility of heart failure. This is looking really bad.
Jack said:
Important Update :

Hubei Doctors Warn Of Even-Deadlier Coronavirus Reinfection Causing Sudden Heart Attacks

Apparently you can get reinforced with possibility of heart failure. This is looking really bad.

I am still waiting for the know it alls that said this was a "False flag" and "Nothing to worry about". A "False flag" that has brought China to it's goddamn knees. Some people need to take their head out of their ass quickly.

This shit is something to be quite aware about, and it's not a joke. As I said, this will also evolve, and if control is lost of the virus, nobody has a clue WTF this is going to cause.

And control has not been maintained as it is, at all. And China is lying. The situation has since only worsened. This is clearly an experiment.

The possibility of geometric spreading of the virus is also very real and it has clearly impacted China.

Better be safe than sorry guys, take the precautions recommended and keep up with the news. Everyone also, please do post and inform everyone in the forums also.
Nissan to shut Japan factory due to shortage of Chinese parts

Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV said it is temporarily halting production at a car factory in Serbia because it can’t get parts from China, a sign of how the coronavirus outbreak is creating a domino effect in a straining global supply chain.

Production requiring supplies from China is already slowing down to a halt in various areas.
:| how can i benefit by getting money
VoiceofEnki said:
The Chinese billionaire looks like a Chinese gentile. I don’t think there is any benefit to him to lie about his findings.

At least I would find a gentile Chinese billionaire more trustworthy than the communist government, with him making such a statement.

The deaths and infections are definitely inflated by the extremely poor and ridiculous response of the Chinese government though.

They aren’t trying to cure or treat it as urgently as they should at all, simply letting it run free while suppressing all citizens and letting them suffer whether they are sick or not.

I don’t think the disease would be as deadly if it had surfaced in the US or Europe. China is the perfect brewing pot for such a virus to thrive..

Many people packed like sardines, ridiculous pollution severely weakening people’s health and immune system, dystopian communist government that doesn’t give a rats ass about their citizens.

No better conditions on the planet for such a virus to spiral out of control than there.

More than anything I feel great sympathy for all the Chinese citizens who are suffering from this now, and great anger towards the Jew.

If this doesn’t motivate people to destroy them, then I don’t know what will.

this should be meme worthy just put down this is what your communism leads to
SATchives said:

at 4:30
MilesGuo Starts talking, he says that 50k dead a million infected, and bodies being burnt every day

we all know how serious this is, but wanted to share this anyways.

Be safe everyone

Thank you for not posting the CCP & WHO fake numbers.
I came across something. State gov't sponsored bio terror attacks occurred during project SHAD. From 1962-1971. During which, chemical and biological agents were introduced to unaware military personnel. All done without consent.

Also found this:

“Currently, Israel is the only modern nation that has not signed the 1972 biological weapons convention (refusal to engage in offensive biological warfare, stockpiling and use of biological weapons). Also, Israel is the only modern nation that has signed but not ratified the 1993 Chemical weapons Convention (refusal to produce, stockpile and use chemical weapons). It said: Should the world suffer a major bio-terror attack or pandemic, Israel will be the number one suspect.”

Wondering if some Israel agent released this bio weapon and the chinese gov't is maybe covering this up by claiming its this corona virus. When the corona virus is really the flu. But its a good cover for the fact that somebody released a deadly biological agent. They certainly wouldn't want that advertised. And then, if so, why? It stopped the protests in Hong Kong. Also, they might want to cull the Chinese people as they have way too many men due to their one couple one child policy. Its some kind of beta test, I think? How is it that they can lock down an entire city of 250 million people? The entire population of America is 350 million. And, from the videos that have leaked out, the streets are empty. How many really are dead? Because it seems incredible to me that, if people are being forced into their homes and not allowed to go out.....in a city so huge.....where are all the people? Where are the children? They surely would have said fuck it, and gone outside. Surely the Chinese gov't does not have enough cops to control a population of that size, if they all said fuck it and decided to leave their homes? How could the Chinese gov't control so many? Its just not do-able. There simply aren't enough cops to control a population that would be in total rebellion, if they have no food and no water...How are they doing this? Where are the people? This bio weapon must have a kill ratio that is incredible. Then you hear that the crematoriums are working overtime.....one said that 65% of the people are dying in their homes. So what? All these people just...disappear? And the Chinese gov't says its all under control? Not to mention that when it comes out that white people are not susceptible, it might provoke china to blame white people? Also, we are coming up to the 2020 elections in america. This will maybe stop the trump rally's?

I mean, it just seems like a way to shift the narrative from the worldwide protests that were occurring. These kikes will do anything to stop that. I think its genocide against the Chinese people and wuhan is a giant mortuary...it just hasn't come out yet. And when it does...what then?

I think this was seeded by Israel.

“Should the world suffer a major pandemic, Israel would be the number one suspect.”

And here we are. Facing some kind of major pandemic.
America Finally admits 6000+ People are in quarantine in New York & California

Thanks to Length for sharing this channel
Bigot Boy said:
America Finally admits 6000+ People are in quarantine in New York & California

Thanks to Length for sharing this channel
A news article link for aforementioned video: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/thousands-of-americans-voluntarily-self-quarantine-after-returning-from-china/ar-BB10aTHA

Overall, in New York, 575 people have been identified as being at "medium risk" because of recent travel to mainland China, according to the state's Department of Health.

The California Department of Public Health said there are more than 5,400 such individuals in that state. In Washington state, 745 people have been asked to self-quarantine. Georgia health officials identified about 200 travelers.

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services said more than 300 people were referred for monitoring in that state.

In Virginia, 138 residents are being monitored.
Among others...

This video here is also very important and I advise you to watch it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zr23lC_OpK4
You're onto something here. This will definitely be a good "Reason" to enslave people such as they did in Wuhan if that was deemed a necessity amidst of social chaos.

The Hong Kong situation was on a state of escalating inflation, which could result in a few years in some sort of solidification of the freedom of Hong Kong. But now everything has stalled.

Unfortunately population control does not take as many numbers. For example, Wuhan was constrained easily even if it has only some million people. This included blocking major streets, etc, imposing fines and other things.

Venus Orion said:
I came across something. State gov't sponsored bio terror attacks occurred during project SHAD. From 1962-1971. During which, chemical and biological agents were introduced to unaware military personnel. All done without consent.

Also found this:

“Currently, Israel is the only modern nation that has not signed the 1972 biological weapons convention (refusal to engage in offensive biological warfare, stockpiling and use of biological weapons). Also, Israel is the only modern nation that has signed but not ratified the 1993 Chemical weapons Convention (refusal to produce, stockpile and use chemical weapons). It said: Should the world suffer a major bio-terror attack or pandemic, Israel will be the number one suspect.”

Wondering if some Israel agent released this bio weapon and the chinese gov't is maybe covering this up by claiming its this corona virus. When the corona virus is really the flu. But its a good cover for the fact that somebody released a deadly biological agent. They certainly wouldn't want that advertised. And then, if so, why? It stopped the protests in Hong Kong. Also, they might want to cull the Chinese people as they have way too many men due to their one couple one child policy. Its some kind of beta test, I think? How is it that they can lock down an entire city of 250 million people? The entire population of America is 350 million. And, from the videos that have leaked out, the streets are empty. How many really are dead? Because it seems incredible to me that, if people are being forced into their homes and not allowed to go out.....in a city so huge.....where are all the people? Where are the children? They surely would have said fuck it, and gone outside. Surely the Chinese gov't does not have enough cops to control a population of that size, if they all said fuck it and decided to leave their homes? How could the Chinese gov't control so many? Its just not do-able. There simply aren't enough cops to control a population that would be in total rebellion, if they have no food and no water...How are they doing this? Where are the people? This bio weapon must have a kill ratio that is incredible. Then you hear that the crematoriums are working overtime.....one said that 65% of the people are dying in their homes. So what? All these people just...disappear? And the Chinese gov't says its all under control? Not to mention that when it comes out that white people are not susceptible, it might provoke china to blame white people? Also, we are coming up to the 2020 elections in america. This will maybe stop the trump rally's?

I mean, it just seems like a way to shift the narrative from the worldwide protests that were occurring. These kikes will do anything to stop that. I think its genocide against the Chinese people and wuhan is a giant mortuary...it just hasn't come out yet. And when it does...what then?

I think this was seeded by Israel.

“Should the world suffer a major pandemic, Israel would be the number one suspect.”

And here we are. Facing some kind of major pandemic.
A great many individuals here in the United States, really individuals everywhere throughout the world, experience the ill effects of yeast disease. This has been continuing for many years and will most likely continue for a million more. Something that individuals everywhere throughout the world can to do to help with this issue is to receive a yeast disease diet. This eating regimen can really help individuals without yeast diseases and can help forestall them getting a contamination in any case. Health Shop
Almost tempted to believe it too... Remember Mao Zedong between 1958 and 1962 killed an estimated 47 million chinese people - North Korea's leader killed over a million in the 1990's due to food shortage. Almost easy to believe it's a population control system. The way they silenced the doctor, who conveniently died, for reporting it in the first place etc, building hospitals and inhumanely disposing of bodies. (I go off aljazeera and other news, with my own history knowledge).
Let's hope some person who had a fetish for eating endangered salamanders isn't the death of us all, hey!
CountryBumpkin said:
Almost tempted to believe it too... Remember Mao Zedong between 1958 and 1962 killed an estimated 47 million chinese people

I believe that number is way too low. For example Stalin in various ways including the Holomdor took out approximately 60 or so million people. Continuing the communism another 15-20 million probably so in total the Soviets probably have taken out around 80-100 million people. It's even possible to believe that number is continuing to grow as despite Russian democracy the oligarchs aren't exactly as Gentile as Russians believe. Considering rabbi putin's Neo-soviet union desire.

mao zedong probably took out closing in on anywhere from 120-to-180 million people. The reality is that number could be greatly higher and might even reach about 230 or so million. Actually if you think about it even if mao died, they still killed people with the following premier.

My best guess is Communism in China killed probably anywhere from 280-380 million people. If these numbers sound familiar anyone who studied India particularly Northern India whereby muzzies killed around 350 million hindus all because they practiced paganism. Well in reality they practiced A form of paganism that was corrupted. Had the old Tantra-Yantra schools been around they probably would have fought back. Unfortunately the jews already poisoned the tradition already and made the hindus turn the other cheek to the muzzie invaders.

So in total Global communism (Russia, PRC, NK, Cuba, others) has probably taken out closing in on 410-440 million people or more.

On top of that you can argue that in places like NK and Cuba i.e. the weakest communist societies they employ taqiyya on the populace. If they mass murdered in Chinese and Russian numbers they would cease to exist. So they selectively kill of course that doesn't deny some mass killings but nowhere near the numbers in PRC and former soviet union.

cuba is interesting cause hardly anyone knows or documents anything. So my best guess is cuba has been dumbed down. So my guess is the communization of cuba is a brainwashing operation rather than being a murder factory.

With that said I might be wrong on the numbers but I would not in any way, shape, or form believe that nearly half-a billion have been killed and continue to do so.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
