Harry said:
AlexElPM said:
Hello my fellow SS.
Do you think that join the military is a good idea? I was planning to do it.
I'm here asking just because the military is probably infected by the jewish epidemic, so ... maybe I can find another similar way. Another way that not implicates support the enemy, the one that you don't have to be loyal to a country, and ... you know.
Moreover, I was changing myself since three years. I feel so masculine, so competitive ... that why I'm asking this. I feel like a warrior, a soldier.
Most militaries nowadays are used to subconsciously program the men to be real slaves like they turn the men to robots which are only exist to obey and do the the orders and to never ask questions and also make you get used to take a ton of abuse too.
Let's not make unsupported statements here coming from flawed civilian perspectives about what the Army does without any actual experience of it. Most civilians do see militaries like. Most civilians are lazy and lack self-confidence, self-discipline, motivation and drive/purpose. Any attempts to teach little things that have a huge impact on one's life are usually seen as a drag, accompanied with constant snorting. Not to mention, many members of the military only apply those little things when they know they're going to be inspected for it.
These activities include but are not limited to:
making your bed in the morning
keeping your place clean, tidy and properly organised
Waking up early in the morning
Avoid lying or sitting on the bed outside of sleeping hours, as well as not leaning on walls
Hygiene - having a shower everyday, brushing teeth, being clean shaved or keeping your beard tidy
Eating properly
Keeping up your athletic prowess and building upon it
Studying and learning new skills to keep your mind order
Working doing your working hours, instead of taking a hundred breaks
Being completely focused on your task, instead of constanly spacing out
Being aware of your surroundings and adapting to changes
Being always prepared wherever you're going, which also means to bring everything you need in your backpack
Dressing appropriately
Keeping your equipment and possesions in optimal shape - which also extends to keeping clothes clean, tidy and in good repair (no tears, holes, stains)
Keeping your hair tidy regardless of the hairstyle
All things that improve your life quality and your lifestyle. Of course, these to the average modern subhuman appears like a drag.