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Michael W Ford


New member
May 20, 2022
Hello I would like to know what people here think about Michael W Ford the luciferian apotheca guy? Some of his work seems interesting.
A friend of mine said Ford claims that doing rituals like the RTR simply invokes and confers power on the archetype of (((yahweh))) EVEN if it is reversed and this because it has the same thought form/egregore as the focus of attention thereby conferring power on it. Can anyone refute this logic?
DeusDemon said:
Hello I would like to know what people here think about Michael W Ford the luciferian apotheca guy? Some of his work seems interesting.
A friend of mine said Ford claims that doing rituals like the RTR simply invokes and confers power on the archetype of (((yahweh))) EVEN if it is reversed and this because it has the same thought form/egregore as the focus of attention thereby conferring power on it. Can anyone refute this logic?

He has wrote about 100 "books" in around a year. Wouldn't advise bro its content is bad and just repeats itself.

EnkiUK55 said:
DeusDemon said:
Hello I would like to know what people here think about Michael W Ford the luciferian apotheca guy? Some of his work seems interesting.
A friend of mine said Ford claims that doing rituals like the RTR simply invokes and confers power on the archetype of (((yahweh))) EVEN if it is reversed and this because it has the same thought form/egregore as the focus of attention thereby conferring power on it. Can anyone refute this logic?

He has wrote about 100 "books" in around a year. Wouldn't advise bro its content is bad and just repeats itself.


makes sense. protestantism and the spirit of capitalism only with satanism quote unquote.
DeusDemon said:
EnkiUK55 said:
DeusDemon said:
Hello I would like to know what people here think about Michael W Ford the luciferian apotheca guy? Some of his work seems interesting.
A friend of mine said Ford claims that doing rituals like the RTR simply invokes and confers power on the archetype of (((yahweh))) EVEN if it is reversed and this because it has the same thought form/egregore as the focus of attention thereby conferring power on it. Can anyone refute this logic?

He has wrote about 100 "books" in around a year. Wouldn't advise bro its content is bad and just repeats itself.


makes sense. protestantism and the spirit of capitalism only with satanism quote unquote.

Didnt notice Protestantism, just his "new" Luciferian religion.
If got an occult book collection load them i have a few, dont do what he says in them though, always stick to JOS.

last couple of years I have noticed he is writing on ONA books, now they old books where actual good, unsure about these new ones.

Myatt was quality he was mad i like him. :lol: :lol:
DeusDemon said:
A friend of mine said Ford claims that doing rituals like the RTR simply invokes and confers power on the archetype of (((yahweh))) EVEN if it is reversed and this because it has the same thought form/egregore as the focus of attention thereby conferring power on it. Can anyone refute this logic?

If he said that then he has contradicted himself, because he has written a book called Liber HVHI (HVHI=YHVH backwards). In that book he said that YHVH's name backwards addresses to Satan.
Hyperborean said:
DeusDemon said:
A friend of mine said Ford claims that doing rituals like the RTR simply invokes and confers power on the archetype of (((yahweh))) EVEN if it is reversed and this because it has the same thought form/egregore as the focus of attention thereby conferring power on it. Can anyone refute this logic?

If he said that then he has contradicted himself, because he has written a book called Liber HVHI (HVHI=YHVH backwards). In that book he said that YHVH's name backwards addresses to Satan.

That is what prompted my question as I assumed saying it backwards would be an effective way of cursing the kikes g-d. What are your thoughts? I asked this question on the forums before and the answer was tht it affirmed the kike in the sky but I am not sure.
But the question becomes how can backwards be = cursing. IF backwards is another name for YHVH.

IF HVHY is backwards how is that anything to curse? Yes we know certain things are backwards for example Hagl or Lgah of the runes is backwards.

But the mechanism of YHVH is that it's specific reversed name is just another usage of it's effects. So how can you reverse it if stating the reverse is using the spiritual mechanism so to speak to engage in magick?

In essence we raise the power of it and program it to destroy it. The key mechanism is the affirmation we act to destroy. The RTRs are in essence enemy energy. In reality we should be aware that in normal circumstances a member meditates first using mental and energy meditations. Raises energies, performs the specific RTR or reverse technology, amplifies it further then programs it after multiple repetitions high or low reps.

Sheer fact is IF this Ford character is aware of our organization or your friend postulates RTR/RNTR = helping the jews. Then the funny part is IF jews have been bombing civilization for a few centuries and a handful of millennia with their spiritual communist technology.

Then Ford or your friend or both should have stated the Artosis and Tasteless 300IQ question.

IS Joy of Satan a jewish organization that is using powerful energy technology to blow up the Earth not literally and thus JoS = judiazers or a form of hybrid synthesis warfare like in the middle east and using American/Western/Soviet high-end equipment to go toe to toe with Western and other factions.

For example inasmuch ISIS/Alchaida use American weapons mostly Soviet but their constitution in fighting in their territory makes them more resilient. Albeit the Americans of modern day aren't the Soviets of the past were their 1700s and 1940s technologies their weapons can be defeated or fought back by belligerent rough and tumble forces. America might be a 1800s nation with a few near space era technologies and fancy stuff. But it's not the Soviets of the Vietnam of their era.

Consequently I'll iterate again Ford could have easily said JoS = a kosher organization using certain power up and advanced free/freer energies to powerup the jews and on top of that as they collapse the World the jews become powerful due to the power we pumped down and the enemy is in power.

In essence Ford could have Alex Jones'd us. HOLY Shit fellow Infowars viewers Nazis are helping and thriving Communist Governments and on top of that their is a drive by Communist governments to gain power. So that Nazis can gain power and take over the World.

And it's like Jones put down the kool-aid your drinking. That sounds completely retarded in fact it sounds contrarian towards Nazism.

See how Ford could have done the 300IQ attack.

The reality is we attacked and placed certain key dates in question and the enemy is panicking cause they don't manifest their stuff. Already Eretz Yisrael failed is failing to materialize now Project Jesusalem in Ukraine is failing as well. Sheer fact is I would have loved if JoS was a old 1990s organization like in it's Black Rose group era period the precursor but not the continuation of JoS. Why maybe 9/11 doesn't happen and maybe countries like Iraq and Libya aren't hounded by Western powers.

Sheer fact is Ford could have easily created huge memetic warfare of the 300IQ realm and made people like HP.Cobra or others reply back trying to defend the shitstorm of criticism.

I think this Ford person is simply wanting safe occultism. They don't bother to ignore the christ or the god or the jehovah or the xtianity. Rather they postulate their entire life on the contractless contract. I was a xtian but I became an occultist but at the end of my life I swear allegiance to jesus and I get sent to heaven.

That's basically this Ford characters charade. Because I can do no harm to God and because God looks the other way. I always have a free ticket to enter heaven be in paradisaical existence and even if God gets mad I can just pray to him and ease his anger.

It's not unlike what happens to the jews a few times. They piss off god or god gets pissed off and then they pray for him to calm or god comes in pissed off kills a few people and then he calms down and goes I always love you, love me back. And out of fear, stupidity or outright retardation they go "AWWW how cute he loves us and we love him". Tentatively speaking he has a gun to your head and kills people for outright believing, not believing, or being for or against.

I think this person goes IF I can be against God and spread my words but in the end God doesn't care. Then I can do whatever be a rebellious fagot and fag out and then poof perform the cross maneuver prayer to jesus and or god or both and boom I'm back to being with the fan of the holy.

Again it comes to show you xtianity is retarded. It reminds me of my friend's rebellious message. He heard a a scream statement from one of Mavorim's songs. And the song basically goes Gather yourself up fight against the consuming darkness of those hostile enemies. And fight for your race, nation, and people who care about you.

As he said I found that to be a truly rebellious and wonderful statement. Obviously I'm paraphrasing but the fact of the matter is most people don't know what rebellion is nor care or if they care it's only to fuck around, do drugs, do whatever then when they have their first child or they speak to their parents their stupid xtian parents tell them pray and praise the lawd cause he forgives he'll wash you in virgin blood and water and holify you.

And funny enough these retarded pieces of shits actually do believe that communist garbage and return to be a sheep getting fucked in the ass like Jay and Silent Bob scene in the van, sheepfucker basically.

So they return and it's like hallelujah the rebellion is over we got the devil out of another goy.

So I'm left dumbfounded that this person believes xtianity = devil technology if you imply it backwards. What's next if you use the cross upside down your fighting against God or if you take the Pope and replace him with the Satanic Pope that does Satanic things he is now Satanified.

It's like you lose hope in people breaking out of judeo-bolshevism. I hope in the future people get their ass kicked for doing jehovic things. I think this Ford character is a gentile dupe who believes if you reverse it, it means devil and Satan. In other words God and the Devil are backwards but backwarding God is the name of the game.

Why is it that you guys on this thread speak like this person is backwarding xtianity to express Satan. If anything even the 20 or 30 pages of Satanic information in the bible of the totality of the bible is so roached and rotted out you'd be retarded to employ that as you philosophy.

It seems this Ford character doesn't study anything without the help of jesus like the memes of him stealing your heroin or being your co-pilot helping you drive, fuck off jesus I'm trying to drive.

It seems his GPS is co-piloted by jesus and he is simply making people laugh look at the backwards it's still god, it's still jesus, it's still getting fucked in the ass by the enemy please love me god in rebellion. And funny enough it's like what rebellion.

Sometimes I wish humanity was at least more atheistic and atheistic without being xtiany or more xtainy than the xtians no actual atheist.

At the very least they aren't feeding the egregores applied psychic energies to destroy mankind.

Sheer fact is this person needs to throw away the entire occult and reconstruct it from the ground up without jewish, xtian, islamic, or communist interpretation.

We could have had a National Socialist version had Axis won but unfortunately that was destroyed. Sheer fact is I think people even if the Gods come I think like 90% of the population will remain untouchables. Or if spiritual remain spiritual communists even many Hindus and many Asians who are in societies that the Gods respect are in for a rude awakening. For example I see many Hindu temples respecting rats and having armies of mice and rats roaming around in temples drinking milk. I can see more than one of the Gods or Satan/Lilith themselves going absolutely berserk going how the fuck can you desecrate such a holy site the holiest symbols of divine union and divine evolution through the cave system of brahmin.

I think judging from what everyone said and the people who replied to this thread and replied before about this character. I wonder if this is the same person that translated Mein Kampf the Ford edition an edition I wish to read just for the sake of gathering more data. For example someone said Hitler made a statement in it and I never found in the ETS Dugdale '36 edition nor the Dr. Dalton '39 edition. In fact this statement seems very astute not unlike my favorite quotes from '36 and '39 editions.

Sheer fact is this character is someone who can't break away from the christ. It's not unlike the Rainbow kaballah of renegade's Hunt and his wife. They just cannot put down the christ cock from their mouth.

In essence no one wants to abandon christ they have such a genetic connection to it. That I'm surprised jews don't get suckered into it. The fact their told from as early as possible xtianity and christ is just life long distractions for the goyim they'll eventually be our 2,800 slaves in the future.

Ford might as well dress up as a rabbi or have surgery to become a jew and study the pre-christ education of the jews and become a spiritual commisar.

Wow backwards is Satan lol please even the jews and aliens of the enemy aren't as stupid as that. Even if the enemy is stupid there's a certain communism behind it that entails a vicious feedback loop. Might as well larp around as reverse xtians or mess around with criminal spiritual organizations like O9A. At least your rebelling and being put on a list hows that for rebellion lulz kekeke. And then the FBI or CIA or some fed bombers show up and arrest you for terrorisms. Lulz my rebellion worked in getting me in prison cause I'm just another backwards dupe.

I guess might as well have reverse 10 commandments or reverse noahide laws or reverse 613 laws. Some can be reversed for memetic effect not unlike Specter's messages like HP.Cobra has done reversing her memetic statements. But it comes back to how the fuck is backwards = Satan.

IF anything Satan is so astute and exact and justicial people will freak out and go "Wait your speaking like God of the bible". To which Satan would reply you have absolutely no fucking idea what your stating. If anything I think people are afraid of Satan much like the jewish kvetching and jewish memes of controlling Satan. They control Satan and they control beings of higher power to slough off their karmic ties and negativity bombs so they don't get assaulted spiritually and physically and mentally. Funny enough it seems like Satan is God in the sense he exacts judgement and doesn't turn the other cheek.

Personally as a normal person I've never met Satan nor any Gods or Goddesses for that matter. I'm merely applying logic and words and my own weltanschang my own humanization or respectful humanization of the Gods. And yet I wouldn't be surprised if some how I'm correct or being somewhat correct to a degree.

In fact I've had thoughts of if Satan and the Gods helped Axis powers then what about Satan is HE axis powers? OR is he merely using a very powerful organization to bring his system back to Earth and ORION the Earth with our own axis system. In other words NS might be a very astute ancient system but is it found in the Gods World? Are they a polity or oplitis or both? A true Democracy of intellectualcrats having extreme knowledge and capacity to govern. Or a multitude government some meritocratic Authoritarian government with monarchy and intellect and a combined military and aristocratic class. A class of people not warmongers but not simply limited to engaging in peaceful accords. Rather they understand the spiritual warfare and the physical warfare compounds and produces results against hostile entities that don't back down or aren't willing to work with the Gods. I'm sure there might have been entities distrustful of the Gods had hostilities only for the Gods to entertain them and provide them with a World view that changes them and makes them an ally. Peaceful and Utopian but with armaments and realization unlike Earth that an armed society is a polite society. Both spiritually towards the spiritual martial arts and the physical martial/weapons technologies.

Sheer fact is these people bath in christ's shit just as the enemies of the jews supposedly according to them are boiling in shit. These psuedo-satanists seem to be licking that boiling shit and melanging it around with whatever they come.

To end it I once recall Shannon Outlaw explaining that Sat and SATA-nism is simply the truth. HP.Cobra recently replied in a sermon that we all have personal truths. For example a person might be cold in one room and hot in another. While another person is the opposite the personal truth 74 degrees makes me cold but 74 degrees for another person might make them want to lower the temperature a bit. Not unlike meditation this meditation produces heat and many produce heat but some have stated an electrical heat or a cool heat or coldness for a period of time.

For example a person who died in the middle ages and reincarnates in a proper society might want to replay the middle ages in a LARP. And is a wood worker and technologist of the middle ages and the Gods provide assistance to teach certain older technologies. Because the personal truth is the person died in the middle ages and still has a reality where truth is my last existence was in the middle ages to me a crossbow is a technology I would have loved to acquire but it was outlawed for being too good. To me a middle ages chinese rocket is wowzers and a European gun or cannon coming in or about to break in is incredible.

Sounds silly but this person's Worldview is of a past time and might require sublimation by learning and practicing the past. Again theory of relativity. What modern is for a person might be ancient or outdated and what the past is might be glorious to a person. Again we humans don't experience enough of this. It's like the band Nightwish playing old music with modern stuff in old middle ages/dark ages/renascence fairgrounds and having people enjoy the past.

Anyways I rambled enough but I hope I can prominently state these people are simply changing things around but still larping as xtians. They are always safe, life is about risks, and redpills and I think these people want safety which never exists. If they knew about reincarnation as reasonable to beyond reasonable proof and realize immortality and Gods and advanced societies and humbling technologies of other civilizations and other societies.

They'd humble themselves down to moderation and be like "How can I explore the Universe?" Good question through the Gods.

But these people have lost the Gods and the Gods are not in their heart, mind, and soul. Rather they wish to live with everything with a arms length resistance. In essence like Colion Noir says "When shit gets real. I need the right tool or gun in this case to get the job done". Also Dave Chappelle and Avery Bullock plus several people around the World have stated this.

I think when life gets real or shit gets real. They inasmuch recoil back to christ seeking some safety. And like the Great Benjamin Franklin stated "Those who surrender some freedom for some safety, deserve neither freedom nor safety".

In other words Freedom or GTFO.

I think these people are the types that say jesus christ at an absurd or extreme moment. And the response or answer you should give is be quiet or say fucking awesome and enjoy the situation. What's next Satan states jesus christ cause some incredible clusterfuck happened. If anything in the words of Hank Hill from King of the Hill "What has the MTV done to you Bobby?"

"What has the christ done to humanity?"

Indeed the christ has been imposed to destroy and bring down the mentality to being a stupid goyim.

Just because the occult has lots of things backwards including the occult. Underworld being overworld and overworld being underworld. Or the silver and gold keys of Janus.

Sheer fact is some of the occult retains a scientific base not unlike mirroring the realms of physical dimension. Not everything in the occult is backwards and I think this is a person going "Everything is backwards".

What's next I'm not XYZ zodiac sign I'm actually backwards. Or Gentiles = jews and jews = gentiles thus gentiles are bad jews. Or that communism = nazism but nazism = communism or democracy = right wing conservative and republicans = left wing revolutionaries.

It gets stupid and the dumbing of Humanity has been an ongoing shitfest for centuries like that blog site of the moth guy since 1990 the IQ of societies have dropped down. Even borged grey aliens aren't stupid or retarded they might say and do stupid shit but even they or the natural greys are on another level compared to humanity.

I wish people would throw away the xtianity and realize you need to start fresh. Not pick and choose cause it harms muh feels.
I read your attempt to refute Ford but don't see how it addresses the simple issue: since pronouncing letters backwards allegedly invalidates their influence how does this relate to actual words whose pronunciation is different? This is wholly different in meaning so how does it correlate with the black magic of the kikes in neutralizing it? This is the question
DeusDemon said:
I read your attempt to refute Ford but don't see how it addresses the simple issue: since pronouncing letters backwards allegedly invalidates their influence how does this relate to actual words whose pronunciation is different? This is wholly different in meaning so how does it correlate with the black magic of the kikes in neutralizing it? This is the question
https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=244561#p244561 - On The Steps Of Magick


Another example would be the final RTR. The Final RTR is creating the reverse sound of an energy. Modern technology and sound insulation works exactly in the same way.

Modern electric cars like Teslas, do record with a microphone noise on the outside, and copy this frequency while they effectively use it to play the exact counter frequency to nullify the sound from reaching the car. The result is total silence, as if the primary sound [that which is heard outside the car] simply stops existing.
Henu the Great said:
DeusDemon said:
I read your attempt to refute Ford but don't see how it addresses the simple issue: since pronouncing letters backwards allegedly invalidates their influence how does this relate to actual words whose pronunciation is different? This is wholly different in meaning so how does it correlate with the black magic of the kikes in neutralizing it? This is the question
https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=244561#p244561 - On The Steps Of Magick


Another example would be the final RTR. The Final RTR is creating the reverse sound of an energy. Modern technology and sound insulation works exactly in the same way.

Modern electric cars like Teslas, do record with a microphone noise on the outside, and copy this frequency while they effectively use it to play the exact counter frequency to nullify the sound from reaching the car. The result is total silence, as if the primary sound [that which is heard outside the car] simply stops existing.

Thanks. When doing the RTR the kike gangstalkers who are paid to harass me and listen in seem put off/frustrated. This is a good sign it is legitimate. This and the increase of energy post facto

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
