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Mexican Grey Skeletons: Yes, Aliens Exist.

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
It's an ordinary day for us here who know all this but for many people out there who were "waiting for a scientific explanation", they have it too.

After the Congressional hearing on Aliens, that proved basically everything by itself, we now have another "irrefutable proof" about Alien existence on earth. Clearly, the powers that be have decided to let the "masses" know finally.

Yes, greys exist and they have been among us, as both manipulators, "visitors" and even aggressors to us as a species, trying to actively exercise control over us.

The greys in question from these skeletons, are not really the higher order ones, and they are just some ones that still have psychic powers but they are almost like toys compared to the bigger ones.

Better get to meditating and don't say we didn't warn you, everything we said has always been true. Humans that don't try to advance can be fairly easily preyed upon by these and many other species from our rich universe, including other humans. Such as those who have been telling you falsely that aliens don't exist.

In regards to why these are in Mexico, that is because the greys have visited and abused the Mexican people a long time ago, included also trying to guide them to conclude blood sacrifices and other falsehoods.

Of course, certain people will always try to troll around these subjects and ignore them, and the correct payments from the "Men in Black" will get anything "Under the rug", but it's official, we are too far for this anymore. Aliens exist. Humanity has to understand this, comprehend this and to cope with that fact.

'Alien' bodies are complete skeletons, scientists say after X-rays

Experts still sceptical over Jaime Maussan’s claims of ‘non-human beings’, after unusual presentation to country’s congress



The two “extra-terrestrial corpses” which were tested after they were displayed at Mexico’s Congress last week belonged to a single skeleton with no evidence of any "assembly or manipulation of the skulls", Mexican doctors have claimed.

Scientists on Monday conducted a number of tests on the two “non-human” specimens that were previously displayed to Mexican politicians at the Congress.

Journalist Jaime Maussan under oath told the House that the small corpses were retrieved from diatom mines in Cusco, Peru, with almost a third of their DNA remaining “unknown”. Politicians were told the corpses were estimated to be 1,000 years old.

Maussan made similar claims in Peru which were later debunked, including five mummies found in Peru in 2017 which were later shown to be human children.

Last week's alleged alien display was questioned by scientists, academics, and archeologists, who argued the corpses were "way too humanoid" to be genuine.

José Zalce Benitez, the director of the Health Sciences Research Institute, said the studies concluded that the alleged aliens belonged to a single skeleton and were not assembled with human objects.

He said his team found that one “was alive, was intact, was biological and was in gestation” in reference to the alleged large lumps found inside one of the corpses's abdomen, which could be eggs, New York Post reported.

The director had previously claimed that "these bodies have no relation to human beings".

The alleged corpses have a humanoid shape with a small body, elongated head and three fingers on each hand. Maussan claimed the bodies with two arms and two legs had strong, light bones and no teeth, along with implants of cadmium and osmium.

Professor Brian Cox was among the critics who pointed out that it was "very unlikely that an intelligent species that evolved on another planet would look like us".

“Secondly – send a sample off to 23andme (genetic testing firm) – let alone the University down the road – and they’ll tell you within 10 minutes," he wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

The National Autonomous University of Mexico in a statement said its researchers had never examined the actual specimens, but had merely carried out carbon testing on skin samples provided by a client back in 2017.

Their carbon-dating was “only intended to determine the age of the sample brought by each user and in no case do we make conclusions about the origin of said samples”, the university said.
Wait, but i thought they were fake and disproved? was it disproved by (((them))) then?

then again, the group in the website that has sought to disprove this was labeled as "independent fact checkers", so...

either way, this is crazy to see a real one...
I don't know.

The bones are very unsymmetrical. Some of them are rotated 180 degree compared to the other side. The leg bones are not even nearly equally long. Some bones edge have been braked down.

Jaime Maussan have already found "aliens" several times on Earth, and always turned out to be fake.

Have you asked Satan about this? I do not thing this is a real case, and don't think Jews would allow a government to announce this publicly.
You know, they always need to distract people's mind. Who knows what they come up tomorrow.

The fact that the skeletons found coincide perfectly with the image that the majority of people have in their heads when one thinks of aliens (elongated head, three fingers on hands, short, upright shape like humans) will surely turn on a light in people's heads. Film industry knew. From here then all the questions will come on their own and the truth will follow.

Hayabusa666 said:
Sir, why now? Why are they announcing right now that aliens are real?
I have a strange feeling. It looks like they's planning something.

I agree with the fact that this revelation may not be accidental.
TheWhiteGiant said:
Wait, but i thought they were fake and disproved? was it disproved by (((them))) then?

then again, the group in the website that has sought to disprove this was labeled as "independent fact checkers", so...

either way, this is crazy to see a real one...

Oy vey goyim our fact checkers have already debunked this now go watch the latest hollywood capeshit movie and drink your mass produced goyslop
TheWhiteGiant said:
Wait, but i thought they were fake and disproved? was it disproved by (((them))) then?

then again, the group in the website that has sought to disprove this was labeled as "independent fact checkers", so...

either way, this is crazy to see a real one...

I saw numerous videos where they tried to make it seem that these 'aliens' were just cake or something, and these 'videos' and other jokes arise when they want to hide something. It's misinforming the masses.

Most of the claimed UFO evidence is always being "disproved" after it makes it out, always and constantly. The situation is that in conjunction to the Congressional hearings, this should add to the credibility of the fact that indeed the masses are being prepared slowly and purposefully into accepting the UFO's finally exist.

Real ones have been whistleblowed to exist same as aircrafts in numerous military bases and one shouldn't have any reason to disbelieve that, especially if one meditates and they have accidentally seen one of these.

They will always seek to disprove this and after all these years of looking into the UFO'logy space and how many people have even vanished or died because of whistleblowing these, one would really need to question if these are truly fake.

There are a lot of lies to these stories, but the fact that Governments are right now on these matters [the above made it to the Mexican congress] shows a chain of progression that was never the case before. A couple decades ago anyone believing or thinking about UFO's was simply a lunatic and right now Governments are basically playing around publicly with the "what if's" of Alien existence.
I've seen these long back


This Brian Foerster guy seems to be onto stuff. I initially didn't know greys were the bad guys lol. But now I know.
I heard greys can be super annoying to deal with in the astral and they are not to be underestimated?
The first things I noticed was how so many were doubting without even look ing further into it.
So much disinfo was going around social media that everyone was repeating. I had a harder time finding the actual presentation. :lol:
--Is why it's important to get knowledge closes to the source as you can. . instead of from tik-tok and facebook stories... sadly, many people are like this.

So we 're officially entering an era where the new 'norm' is accepting alien existance.
Does that mean our technology will also be making big steps in advancement?

... goverments would now have an easier time explaining that 'secret alien tech' . Let's say they have been reverse-engineering some spacecraft, and could never figure out 'anti-gravity', they can now possibly share this with Universities and science establishments, or something.
Is this the same case that was brought up back in this thread, after which the verdict fell in this one?

In any case, it's indeed pretty casual information for us, and with the other knowledge we have, seeing some of the statements made by skeptics are simply funny. If the case from 2017 was "debunked" and those mummies really were "shown to be human children", they still wouldn't possess 3 fingers and 3 toes. Also, human fingers have 3 phalanges, not 5, nor are they that disproportionately long in comparison to the palm. Neck and shoulder length wouldn't be that big, either (this is all in reference to the x-ray images in the other thread).

"Way too humanoid to be genuine" is also quite the comical thought process because, what, were people expecting aliens to have tentacles and shit?

Anyone's who has properly studied human proportions and anatomy (skeletal, muscular, etc.,) can determine that this thing isn't human. Then add the information from JoS library, the amount of people in human history who've mysteriously been "disposed" of when they reveal encounters with them, the Fatima incident, etc., and this kind of thing isn't much too surprising. Or the unfortunate occasions when you're in trance and one of these things is staring at you in your mind.

There was also that one case in South Africa(?) where three or so greys scared the shit out of an entire preschool, all 50 or so kids telling the exact same story that lined up, and skeptics merely chalked it up to "mass hallucination". LMAO. Deboonkd I guess. There was even a video interview of the children, and you could tell from their eyes and body language that they were speaking the truth, terrified. I forgot on which page it was, but it was somewhere on JoS.

The thing I'm wondering, though, is... I thought greys weren't capable of biological reproduction; they possess cloning technology and are essentially mass-produced. Why the eggs?
I've had plenty of dreams where there are 3-foot tall greys and brown-skinned reptilians living under the mountains of central america. And greys coming out by the hundreds to attack humans. I think this may be a forewarning against the destruction of their bases.

There are also many accounts where roadworkers report seeing huge orbs of light leaving forests when they are bulldozing the area to create roads.

From direct experience, the little gray aliens (one-foot tall ones) harass SSs by scaring them on the astral plane. Using telekinetic powers to imitate a paranormal haunting. They always run away after being caught.

YES! People do need to be aware of this. Especially now that we are now heading into the future, with planetary problems and the enemy constantly
Lying about everything we need to know as humans. Trying to keep the truth away from people as much as possible when it isn't necessary! It is important that people should be aware of these aliens and that they do exist! And in every continent. To be aware of who is working and living among us humans and the types of aliens that we are dealing with around the world and the different types that we've had to deal with it throughout the years, starting with the Egyptian Empire all the way down to this modern day and age and how you recognize it on some of the pyramids with the airglyphics and within various Native American tribes. Here and there. And all over European countries as well. Working among the elite and the wealthy when it comes to businesses, and in various communities throughout Asia and Africa. Some of the grueling things that we hear about and read about? Leaves people scratching their heads and wondering about their bloodlines who they're related to? And how important it is to do your research and for people to get their facts straight when it comes to studying about the ancients and what people throughout the ages have been through and what makes sense and what don't. ? Hearing about the horror stories of blood sacrifices knowing what was written in the Bible according to the enemy and the jews? And with the Jews have been practicing on the gentile people throughout the years and what relates? And some of the similarities that go on with the Catholic Church it makes you wonder? The types of aliens that we are dealing with. And what is real and what makes sense? People need to know the truth and what is exactly going on? Not so much just among the humans around the world but also dealing with visitors from other planets and how they would appear as another human or even take the presence of that of a king or somebody in a tribal community? Causing great damage among people and confusion throughout the history wondering if it was an actual King? Or this particular person that started human sacrifices among innocent people who would look up on this king or this leader? To help their community and their empire? Or if it was actually an alien that took the place of this individual that brought on a lot of these problems that has given people the idea that human sacrifices are normal when it's not? And what is acceptable and what isn't? Making things more and more confusing when it comes down to studying the occult? And what is appropriate and what is it especially when it comes to these aliens? Why they're here and what is the purpose of them being here? I know I see a lot of this stuff in Hollywood movies! People glamorizing it and making it look like it's something cute and wonderful when it's not! And tell people realize what these aliens are all about and why they are down here doing what they do? And the strange things that goes on in some of these Villages all over Africa when it comes to human sacrifices? And eating of the human flesh? Such as these aromatic religions and what they're related to? People can't help but question? And still even to this very day people are scratching their head and wondering? What exactly took place? Who did it and who didn't?
And who is responsible for the human sacrifices and who got it started? Why and what for and wizard necessary or not? I'm sure that our ancient ancestors and those that lived a dream that time were aware of it? Especially those who cross the astral Plains and was working with higher levels of magic and probably didn't get the chance to explain it to their people what is going on? And give their people a warning or a chance to prepare themselves just in case? That a lot of things that happened throughout the years the unexplainable? Whether to be that of an alien or that of a human being? That was controlled by that of the enemy and still people to this very day think that human sacrifices go along with satanism Witchcraft and anybody who practices the occult. And Hollywood playing up on it! When it is nothing but a bunch of aliens and the enemy hiding it and covering it up with lies and bullshit? Trying to make it look like it was an innocent person that did it? When it was an alien or something to that affect. Instead of being out in the open and explaining to people what is really going on and what really happened? Especially throughout the centuries with people in living communities, and how the Roman Empire was taken down and what really took place at that particular time? If it was a world leader? A king that got out of control because he was in trouble with an alien? If people even just knew the truth and knew the difference? It would help people out tremendously! And people do need to understand that aliens have played a major role! And human sacrifices not just some angry person. Or some evil king. But to let people know? That there are aliens and that we have been dealing with aliens for many centuries and then maybe our Kings and our Pharaohs were set out to warn people and never got around to it because they've got abducted or something? If that makes sense?
I am Mexican and I can say that Jaime Mausan has been exposing alleged extraterrestrials since before I was born.
The grays do exist, however, Jaime Mausan has the reputation of on several occasions presenting alleged evidence of extraterrestrials before a large audience such as the case of Jonathan Reed.
In summary, at that time, approximately 20 years ago, Jaime Mausan presented in the most watched program in the country a supposed extraterrestrial that we see in the following images.
Yes, on national television in the most popular program in the whole country "Otro rollo" (Another roll).

And a supposed extraterrestrial bracelet that had special functions. And with which he would one day use to prove that the device was authentic.

Jonathan Reed claimed that he killed an alien to defend his dog that was sucked into some kind of vortex (he really said that). Then he took it home and put it in a refrigerator. But it wasn't dead yet and he ended up killing it.

Eventually people began to analyze the supposed photographs and much later they realized that it was a hoax, even Jaime Mausan himself had to come out and tell the truth.
I am sure that this supposed extraterrestrial is also a lie.
The fact is clear, Greys exist. But this skeleton looks like a craft made with papier-mâché.

By the way, how curious, this is the logo of Jaime Mausan's TV program.

It reminds me very much of another symbol...
AFODO said:
I don't know.

The bones are very unsymmetrical. Some of them are rotated 180 degree compared to the other side. The leg bones are not even nearly equally long. Some bones edge have been braked down.

Jaime Maussan have already found "aliens" several times on Earth, and always turned out to be fake.

Have you asked Satan about this? I do not thing this is a real case, and don't think Jews would allow a government to announce this publicly.
You know, they always need to distract people's mind. Who knows what they come up tomorrow.
Those long three fingers are what makes me believe this could be very real.

2 years ago when my AoP was not so strong, I was relaxing on my bed where all of a sudden I was attacked. During this attack at first I saw an X-ray kind of vision of a small hand with 3 long fingers over my head, during this attack I understood it was a grey cursing me or doing something to my Crown or 6th Chakra, I tried to fight back by trying to get up, but it wasn't easy. I managed to tilt my head forward while my body was laying down useless, and I was able to get a good glimpse of a grey standing next to the window looking at me, was able to see his true form, it's eyes and all. It's height was similar to that of these two corpse. It is after this encounter, I understood that greys come in all sizes, because 4 years ago I had a grey attack me who was a bit more taller. Though, back then my third eye had not made much progress, so I only saw a weird black outline of the grey, it certainly was taller.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I saw numerous videos where they tried to make it seem that these 'aliens' were just cake or something, and these 'videos' and other jokes arise when they want to hide something. It's misinforming the masses.

Because it is well know that an X-ray machine cant differentiate between cake and bone right? :lol:
Interesting. Organic material is still present in these specimens. Back then the greys must not have had as many technological implants within them compared to the ones today. Generations of cloning have eroded away their biological capabilities and thus substituted them with technology to compensate. Now they are more machine than organic.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TheWhiteGiant said:
Wait, but i thought they were fake and disproved? was it disproved by (((them))) then?

then again, the group in the website that has sought to disprove this was labeled as "independent fact checkers", so...

either way, this is crazy to see a real one...

I saw numerous videos where they tried to make it seem that these 'aliens' were just cake or something, and these 'videos' and other jokes arise when they want to hide something. It's misinforming the masses.

Most of the claimed UFO evidence is always being "disproved" after it makes it out, always and constantly. The situation is that in conjunction to the Congressional hearings, this should add to the credibility of the fact that indeed the masses are being prepared slowly and purposefully into accepting the UFO's finally exist.

Real ones have been whistleblowed to exist same as aircrafts in numerous military bases and one shouldn't have any reason to disbelieve that, especially if one meditates and they have accidentally seen one of these.

They will always seek to disprove this and after all these years of looking into the UFO'logy space and how many people have even vanished or died because of whistleblowing these, one would really need to question if these are truly fake.

There are a lot of lies to these stories, but the fact that Governments are right now on these matters [the above made it to the Mexican congress] shows a chain of progression that was never the case before. A couple decades ago anyone believing or thinking about UFO's was simply a lunatic and right now Governments are basically playing around publicly with the "what if's" of Alien existence.

Why does it seems like there are two groups of Jews pushing opposite agendas?

One group wants us to know and the other does not. Is this on purpose, or are they at odds with each other?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

When you say the bigger ones do you mean like in size or in brain power?

I read HPS Maxine said that the Gods are not even the most powerful in the universe.

That scares me!

If i meditate i have to deal with this type of stuff.

I have noticed they are after Satan's people the most and want something within us that they don't have
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Clearly, the powers that be have decided to let the "masses" know finally.

Why do you think they decided to make this news public? What is the real purpose of making this known?
soulfortruth said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Clearly, the powers that be have decided to let the "masses" know finally.

Why do you think they decided to make this news public? What is the real purpose of making this known?

Because the masses are ready and because they likely want to justify certain exaggerated things in the coming years. And because the knowledge is simply too much and it cannot be contained.

They have tried to contain the Truth since forever on the subject and now they have lost that battle, so now they are trying to see what they can do with it.

After they failed they are now trying to strangle the narrative to make it look like a hoax again, but this isn't working, so now they are moving one step forward and trying to control what people know of all the info or just silently nodding their head to admit that.

When humanity will know more the masses will be angry and that's the safest way to do this. They also use UFO and alien related things as a distraction as well, because for most people it's still not that "seriously" understood.
SSinHeartandSoul said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I saw numerous videos where they tried to make it seem that these 'aliens' were just cake or something, and these 'videos' and other jokes arise when they want to hide something. It's misinforming the masses.

Because it is well know that an X-ray machine cant differentiate between cake and bone right? :lol:

I must somehow sit there and live on a planet that believes in Jesus Christ from Nazareth which is a jewish myth stolen out of other 100 truly documented to have existed personalities that truly did miracles and have tombs and everything, but I have to pretend to live in a skeptical society when it comes to aliens and have to also pretend that Muhammed said anything smart when he existed to deserve billions of followers.

These two are beyond any dispute, all aliens are cake however. One can believe in the flying horse of the Quran that they pretend is "literal" but let me get the Xray machine gun from Area 52 to test the cake aliens, because the aliens are always cake they cannot exist.

Muhammad's flying horse can be believed into but wait goy, let me bring all the scientific community when highest ranking US Navy and Aircraft generals tell you aliens exist, because they don't. Oh yes about the flying horse I am not gonna check this hehe, gotta respect the Muslims, don't anger them they might cut your head off.
Ok guys, I think some of you are missing the point here. Greys are a genetically modified extraterrestrial slave race, would their skeletons really conform to what modern day scientists claim to know about bone structure? Their skeletons probably are a mess, they're a fragile, badly modified and all round inferior species as far as we understand it, correct? Apparently one of these skeletons even shows evidence of the "individual" having some kind of bone disease, and needing some kind of metal brace fusing to it's ribcage. I'd say that's in line with what we know about them.

Remember, most of these (((scientists))) would happily tell you Father Satan doesn't exist, and that you're mentally ill if you believe you have psychic abilities, so you'll have to excuse me if I remain unconvinced of their "debunking" of this.
Hvítr Ormr said:
Ok guys, I think some of you are missing the point here. Greys are a genetically modified extraterrestrial slave race, would their skeletons really conform to what modern day scientists claim to know about bone structure? Their skeletons probably are a mess, they're a fragile, badly modified and all round inferior species as far as we understand it, correct? Apparently one of these skeletons even shows evidence of the "individual" having some kind of bone disease, and needing some kind of metal brace fusing to it's ribcage. I'd say that's in line with what we know about them.

Remember, most of these (((scientists))) would happily tell you Father Satan doesn't exist, and that you're mentally ill if you believe you have psychic abilities, so you'll have to excuse me if I remain unconvinced of their "debunking" of this.

Basically, since these things are "Developed" like clones, it would make sense if something is bad, to simply throw it out of the craft that they have. Maybe this is how they found these in the first place, disposal. They say they have found greys rarely but certainly in the Nevada desert.

There is also a sub-race of greys that doesn't surpass the height of these skeletons and is very well documented to exist. Greys are also not "natural" in anyway and not naturally developed, so they would not truly follow any reasonable natural standards, except of what is borderline necessary for them to just exist.

However, things like they found in Area 52, were "fully grown" and they also found their hovercrafts and technology, in debris after thunderstorms apparently crashed them by accident.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SSinHeartandSoul said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I saw numerous videos where they tried to make it seem that these 'aliens' were just cake or something, and these 'videos' and other jokes arise when they want to hide something. It's misinforming the masses.

Because it is well know that an X-ray machine cant differentiate between cake and bone right? :lol:

I must somehow sit there and live on a planet that believes in Jesus Christ from Nazareth which is a jewish myth stolen out of other 100 truly documented to have existed personalities that truly did miracles and have tombs and everything, but I have to pretend to live in a skeptical society when it comes to aliens and have to also pretend that Muhammed said anything smart when he existed to deserve billions of followers.

These two are beyond any dispute, all aliens are cake however. One can believe in the flying horse of the Quran that they pretend is "literal" but let me get the Xray machine gun from Area 52 to test the cake aliens, because the aliens are always cake they cannot exist.

Muhammad's flying horse can be believed into but wait goy, let me bring all the scientific community when highest ranking US Navy and Aircraft generals tell you aliens exist, because they don't. Oh yes about the flying horse I am not gonna check this hehe, gotta respect the Muslims, don't anger them they might cut your head off.
Speaking of Christians and Muslims, i watched this hilarious debate yesterday

And the funniest part was when the Muslim Scholar said that his debate opponent would be executed in an Islamic State.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
However, things like they found in Area 52, were "fully grown" and they also found their hovercrafts and technology, in debris after thunderstorms apparently crashed them by accident.

FTL capable ships being knocked down by thunderstorms? Either they're far more incompetent than I thought or Zeus himself must've made that storm, because you'd think they'd have the ability to shield themselves from a little lightning. :lol:
GoldenxChild1 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TheWhiteGiant said:
Wait, but i thought they were fake and disproved? was it disproved by (((them))) then?

then again, the group in the website that has sought to disprove this was labeled as "independent fact checkers", so...

either way, this is crazy to see a real one...

I saw numerous videos where they tried to make it seem that these 'aliens' were just cake or something, and these 'videos' and other jokes arise when they want to hide something. It's misinforming the masses.

Most of the claimed UFO evidence is always being "disproved" after it makes it out, always and constantly. The situation is that in conjunction to the Congressional hearings, this should add to the credibility of the fact that indeed the masses are being prepared slowly and purposefully into accepting the UFO's finally exist.

Real ones have been whistleblowed to exist same as aircrafts in numerous military bases and one shouldn't have any reason to disbelieve that, especially if one meditates and they have accidentally seen one of these.

They will always seek to disprove this and after all these years of looking into the UFO'logy space and how many people have even vanished or died because of whistleblowing these, one would really need to question if these are truly fake.

There are a lot of lies to these stories, but the fact that Governments are right now on these matters [the above made it to the Mexican congress] shows a chain of progression that was never the case before. A couple decades ago anyone believing or thinking about UFO's was simply a lunatic and right now Governments are basically playing around publicly with the "what if's" of Alien existence.

Why does it seems like there are two groups of Jews pushing opposite agendas?

One group wants us to know and the other does not. Is this on purpose, or are they at odds with each other?
The group who wants us to know ,don’t want to hide in the shadows in their human form anymore. They wanna reveal themselves to us so badly you have no idea!
Why does it seems like there are two groups of Jews pushing opposite agendas?

One group wants us to know and the other does not. Is this on purpose, or are they at odds with each other?

That is a mind control technique used by many, they set up contradictions. When the mind finally has too many contradictions on a subject it gets locked up. then the locked up mind seeks help or answers from the outside. then the party that set up the contradiction steps in and takes control with the info they want to present. Decades ago I watched a Billy Graham presentation to observe how he takes control of so many people. I studied his statements, He would make a statement, then another statement then another statement and then he would say something that was totally the opposite of several statements before. he repeated this cycle for over thirty minutes. Every statement he made he would soon contradict. When he was done a good part of the audience had their minds locked and frozen due to all the contradictions and then he invited them up front for a healing or a biscuit or something. Many came. Same thing probably goes for the bible with all its contradictions. Their minds lock up and then they seek outside direction answers and commands. Probably been reverted by to a bicameral mind structure, which is externally controlled, and seeks external authority.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
in debris after thunderstorms apparently crashed them by accident.
Zeus must have had a heck of a good time :lol:
We do not know yet what the purpose or the effect of such news will be. Even without such events, for us the existence of those alien species was obvious and unless one believes in the Flat Earth, one cannot deny the possibility that there are other life forms out there.

The context is messed up though as the public opinion towards governments and public institutions in general is at an all time low. It may be the case where they finally say something true as they know they will not be able to contain it forever and try to reduce the shock or there is still the possibility of using reverse psychology types of strategies to discredit this. Meaning they either say "do it now because they don't trust us anyway and this will discredit the subject" or they fake an alien corpse to later have a commission determine it was a fake body. Therefore such a psy-op would lead to the enemy conclusion that Aliens do not exist and that we need to keep praying to a jew on a stick therefore ushering the much desired switch between leftist world order to conservative world order in 2024-2025.
Ancient Africa said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

When you say the bigger ones do you mean like in size or in brain power?

I read HPS Maxine said that the Gods are not even the most powerful in the universe.

That scares me!

If i meditate i have to deal with this type of stuff.

I have noticed they are after Satan's people the most and want something within us that they don't have

U have a reference where u read that about hp maxine? Would like to have a read about it
Don't know if you noticed but all the enemy aliens and entities look hideous.

And hate us
It wouldn't make sense to me if i said to somebody that aliens or similiar lifeforms don't exist, nor they do. I would be poised to know that there are extra-terrestrials that are hiding here, playing with us with the ufo topics since thousands of years ago, i wouldn't be surprised at all that the abrahamic filth invited these creatures, thousands of years back to control humanity. Are they fake or not? - I don't know, then again, i would be aware if they do exist and their presence are unfortunate for us but, i do know that we must keep our senses sharpened and fight for Father Satan!
If you know. You know.

Only the Adversary of the Jews can be thanked with info, He made the goyim you know..
I remember seeing this like this as well as others and it isn't surprising. There was one they called "starseed" or starchild and it was some creepy grey corpse that looked humanoid and was clearly not of this world. I wonder how much more is classified and covered up.
Syt said:
I've had plenty of dreams where there are 3-foot tall greys and brown-skinned reptilians living under the mountains of central america. And greys coming out by the hundreds to attack humans. I think this may be a forewarning against the destruction of their bases.

There are also many accounts where roadworkers report seeing huge orbs of light leaving forests when they are bulldozing the area to create roads.

From direct experience, the little gray aliens (one-foot tall ones) harass SSs by scaring them on the astral plane. Using telekinetic powers to imitate a paranormal haunting. They always run away after being caught.


Correct bro, i can attest to the last part.
Gentlemen, gentlemen: look at the link that OP posted to The Telegraph. The story's closing paragraphs cast doubt on whether these "alien bodies" are indeed real. A good many other news items do likewise.

I tried pointing this out earlier. The neurotic serving as moderator denied my post as "off topic." More and more, I see, on JofS, "off topic" means out of step with the meme du jour.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
