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This is answer to a question on Metatron and Saturn in the groups I gave.

Saturn is given the cube shape is the Platonic element or solid for the earth element which is responsible for the materialization of astral energies. The elements have a subtle component and a material manifestation of them as well. That is why the earth element contains all the elements and the cube is also the cube of space which all the elements and there forms materialize out of.

The ancient temples used the cube shape to manifest the ritual power they created. This is still in the east in the ancient Hindu temples. The enemy stole this knowledge of astral physic's and are using it criminally.

Metatron is several things the Rabbi's have stated. At the top its the Seraphim the Reptilians, then its the thought form of YHVH that connects into their racial soul and its the collective racial soul of the Jews and how its part of the YHVH their racial thought form and how this connects with and is part of the collective racial soul consciousness the Jews share with the Reptilians they are part of and share the same racial soul genetics with.

Saturn has positive and negative aspects the Jews use the negative aspects of it. That is why the Jews rest on Saturn day the seventh day the number of Saturn. In Hinduism they rest on Shani's day which is Saturn's day to avoid the negative aspects of this planet on that day. The Hindu's also do major rituals to appease Shani to avoid the negative aspects of Saturn. They mention in Hindu astrology one has to appease King Shani or they will have problems. This relates to avoiding the negative aspects of Saturn on the persons life in their chart. Using the sun square is one such important way.

If one does not have the knowledge of and uses proper spiritual practices they will be victims of negative karmic influences and the negative influences of Saturn. The enemy has removed this from the population to damn humanity. They are also tying the etheric grid of earth into the energies of Saturn totally when the ancients used the etheric girds of Venus, Jupiter the Sun and such the most. The Shani temples in Hinduism have special rituals to deal with the energies of Shani.
Relating to the cube concept,isn't a triangle placed on top of the cube,like a conical type shape ? Is it used like a beacon to channel energies to the astral ?





The cube is in fact placed within the original system

And apparently placing the cone on a particular cube creates a particular planetary mandala,

This is interesting to me and I'd ask you a question about using this information in our visualizations. For example while doing a mantra working would visualising the energies and ourselves within a cube help it manifest better or within a cube+cone arrangement.
Jack said:
Relating to the cube concept,isn't a triangle placed on top of the cube,like a conical type shape ? Is it used like a beacon to channel energies to the astral ?





The cube is in fact placed within the original system

And apparently placing the cone on a particular cube creates a particular planetary mandala,

This is interesting to me and I'd ask you a question about using this information in our visualizations. For example while doing a mantra working would visualising the energies and ourselves within a cube help it manifest better or within a cube+cone arrangement.

Your question aside, I see in the chart picture the 8 fold path ( blue middle 8 peaces), the thick line shape looks like the iron cross (if someone has a better name for it please tell)= pillars of the soul, 64 padas = 8x8 = 88 good number.
Jack said:
Relating to the cube concept,isn't a triangle placed on top of the cube,like a conical type shape ? Is it used like a beacon to channel energies to the astral ?





The cube is in fact placed within the original system

And apparently placing the cone on a particular cube creates a particular planetary mandala,

This is interesting to me and I'd ask you a question about using this information in our visualizations. For example while doing a mantra working would visualising the energies and ourselves within a cube help it manifest better or within a cube+cone arrangement.

I'm going to comment here so that the approval notification reminds me to keep an eye on any possible answers to this.

I'd already say that anything you can imagine in line with geometric fields corresponding to manifestation would do something.

Remember the sermon HP Mageson gave on all of this cube stuff which included the sphere within the cube, that of spirit animating matter, and matter embodying spirit.
Exposing The Cube Form Of The Enemy
The cube structure is originally in Hinduism its the center of the ancient Hindu Temple.

"The garbha Griha is a cube shaped room, without decoration...Only a qualified priest may enter this magical place to worship the image with flowers, water, lights , incense and offerings symbolizing the five elements. A narrow passage runs around the sanctuary, to be walked along clockwise.." [1]

The entire Hindu Temple is built on either the Mercury square or Moon square mathematics' to invoke these etheric qualities. The sacred mount is the rest of the Temple built around and over the cube at the center. This is sacred geometry the outer mount is built to generate energy and draw it down into the center to the cube as the cube is built in the shape of the earth element which contains the energies of space that of spirit and thus all the elements. The Priests secret rituals in this encloser are designed to connect into this energy and infuse it with the purpose of the rituals and this energy is then transmitted thought the energetic grids which is why ancient Temples are built on lay lines. The infused energies also connect with the energy and soul of the worshippers in the Temple which adds to the power which the structure of the Temple magnifies.

The cube shape the prithivi mandala represents earth in Hinduism as the heavens around the earth are squared by the four fixed points of the zodiac which represent the four elements and directions. And make the cross of the Zodiac which is the cube unfolded. The outer temple is designed to represent the entire wheel of the 12 constellations of the Zodiac and their degrees. The cube of Mecca was originally surrounded by a circle of 360 Pagan statues which represent the 360 degrees of the Zodiac wheel with the cube being the central cross of the Zodiac and the sacred rites being performed inside the cube temple as it was a Pagan building originally.

The other aspect is the cube of the Hindu Temple is designed to tie into the energies of the planets by the grid its built on and the images of the yantra's of the planets are placed within the cube sanctuary. And to tie into the energy of the constellations and earth. And the energy of the elements. The cube is the grounding and channel point for this power in the energetic forms and rituals. The cube is also the center point for the worshippers in the Hindu Temple who direct their energies into this space which further infuse the power the cube is channeling.

The cube of kabala is shown the same way tying into the 12 constellations and planets and elements.

The Hindu Temple is built on the plan of the Purusha the cosmic man which is shown as the Zodiac wheel this is stolen by the Jews and turned into the Adam Kadmon later. The plan of the Hindu Temple is witnessed in the Pyramid at Giza the sacred mount with the cube shaped enclosures within as the cavern where the sacred rituals were performed and are built to a line to the constellations and are built on a major power point on the etheric grid of earth. The reason the Islamic worshippers pray five times a day facing Mecca is to direct their energies into the cube of Mecca and further infuse the energy of the enemy thought from the cube has been installed with by the enemy after its conversion into a enemy place to draw down their "god" form and radiate it outwards across the etheric grid of the earth. Drowning the world in horrific evil and negativity. The energy of this matrix of energy is infused with the death energy of countless ritual murders of humans and animals.

The Jews place the black box on their heads the Tefillin as they state in Kabala as it acts as the antenna to draw down the energy of their thought form "god". They place one on their arm as the left side is magnetic and shown as the Goddess Shakti in Hinduism, thus creating more flow of power. The Jews then doven which is rocking back and forth and side to side to open up a energy flow up the spine the box on the head also opens this flow and opens the crown and sixth chakra's. The six chakra is the command wheel of the mind. This all connects and makes the energy and the mental intention of the energy stronger and sends it out thought the etheric grid around the earth. Which is why the Jews want Israel and especially the Temple Mount so badly for themselves. That is the point of the earth at Jerusalem around the mount were the etheric grid of the earth is the strongest. That is why the Jews claim they are copulating with Shekinah the energy of their god form to create magically during the Tefillin ritual. This is also why the Jews are obsessed with wearing the Tefillin for protection as an amulet it connects them into their energy force and enhances their energetic body strongly. The Tefillin ritual turns the Jew into a cube like the Priest in the Hindu cube sanctuary doing the sacred rituals to infuse and direct the energies being drawn down and channelled thought the etheric grid and the souls of the religious followers tied into the energies.

Hindu's are infused with the energy form generated by this religion as children during initiation rituals were the samkara the ritual energy mark is imprinted into their souls. They are also given spiritual Hindu names that tie into this as well. The Jews go thought identical initiations during their childhoods connecting their souls into their own god form more stronger this also includes being given a Hebrew name which connects into a specific verse of the Torah which is the energy generator of their god form. The five books are the five elements which fold into the cube. However the Jewish god form is installed based on the etheric grid of Saturn which is why they raise the energies on Saturday the day the influence of the planet Saturn is the strongest and connects into the conduit of this the most powerful because of such.

The Jewish god form is also as the Rabbi's state installed based upon the etheric grid of the racial soul of the Jewish people. The Jews and their God are one....is the basic and most important statement of faith and prayer in Judaism. Because as the Rabbi's state the Jews are the manifestation of their god in the material world. Because their god form is installed and generated on the etheric blueprint of their own racial soul.

Note Christians are tied into this god form of the Jews. During the Christian ritual of Christening, baptism where water that has been energetically infused by the Christian Priest to connect into this matrix is then placed over the third eye which is the energy point that rules the mind of the child in the shape of the cross which is the cube of Saturn making the geometric form of the blue print of this matrix to tie the soul into this. Along with placing a mark along the heart chakra which ties the power into this energetic point to drain power out of the soul into the god form as the point the energies meet going up and down the chakra's. As well as touch the ears and mouth while reciting incantations invoking making people deaf and dumb thus cut off from higher awareness the mouth and ears connect into important nadis, energy pathways in the consciousness. This is all done while series of incantations tying people into the Jewish spell of the Torah their god form are recited. Thus infusing the samkara's or energetic imprints into the soul of the Gentile and making them a conduit for the enemy matrix of energy to connect into and act though and suck energy from.

Making the Gentile a slave and Golem to the Jewish god form. Just farming the Goyim for Zion.

The Hindu Temple, Danielou
Arent you just parroting everything the ministry has been saying for forever in at least a dozen posts and making it sound like you just made this realization lol as for the meditations just read the jos sites selection if you dont understand still.

Jack said:
Relating to the cube concept,isn't a triangle placed on top of the cube,like a conical type shape ? Is it used like a beacon to channel energies to the astral ?





The cube is in fact placed within the original system

And apparently placing the cone on a particular cube creates a particular planetary mandala,

This is interesting to me and I'd ask you a question about using this information in our visualizations. For example while doing a mantra working would visualising the energies and ourselves within a cube help it manifest better or within a cube+cone arrangement.
Have a look at how much love and effort they have put into these buildings, the little sculptures and so on. These people were elevated. Old buildings in Europe have this aswell when you examine them, not to this degree though.

What you question about is not so much a question of the symbols themselves, as the symbols are supposed to mean something else, which is mathematics, or proportions of the universe. Geometrical symbols are manifested into this form for aesthetic applications, and so that they make sense and can be structured.

The reasons behind sacred geometry have a lot to do with advanced mathematics and understanding of the universe which can be put in definitive language through math and mathematics.

The Cube on it's own is a rather incomplete and quite useless symbol, it is the lingam on the top of the temple as a principle that makes a temple have spiritual function, with the whole symmetry of the temple having to do with the whole function of the temple. The cube by itself is pretty basic and quite simplistic.

The 7 Pointed star is also a symbol to stay away from, and it was used largely by the enemy, both in Islamic, Jewish, and Christian tradition. This is because it's associated with 7 and in turn mathematically the 7 point divided by the 360 of the perfect circle, which compared to the 8 pointed Star is imperfect, and prone to unbalance, unsettling, and even negative energy, while the 8 pointed Star dividing the 360 perfect circle, we get a perfect 45, which is a great number of creative power.

I'll write a post on sacred geometry, I'll add it on the to do list.
The more I continue to over think this. I wholeheartedly believe that the movie Transformers and the movie of Thor was trying to tell us something, when "Megatron" and "Loki" tried using the cube to rule over the universe or rather destroy it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

What you question about is not so much a question of the symbols themselves, as the symbols are supposed to mean something else, which is mathematics, or proportions of the universe. Geometrical symbols are manifested into this form for aesthetic applications, and so that they make sense and can be structured.

The reasons behind sacred geometry have a lot to do with advanced mathematics and understanding of the universe which can be put in definitive language through math and mathematics.

The Cube on it's own is a rather incomplete and quite useless symbol, it is the lingam on the top of the temple as a principle that makes a temple have spiritual function, with the whole symmetry of the temple having to do with the whole function of the temple. The cube by itself is pretty basic and quite simplistic.

The 7 Pointed star is also a symbol to stay away from, and it was used largely by the enemy, both in Islamic, Jewish, and Christian tradition. This is because it's associated with 7 and in turn mathematically the 7 point divided by the 360 of the perfect circle, which compared to the 8 pointed Star is imperfect, and prone to unbalance, unsettling, and even negative energy, while the 8 pointed Star dividing the 360 perfect circle, we get a perfect 45, which is a great number of creative power.

I'll write a post on sacred geometry, I'll add it on the to do list.

The number 7 is the only number out of the numbers 1 through 9 which gives an irrational number 51.428.... and so on. Does this mean the septile in astrology is a negative influence? New age astrologer try to give this aspect a mystical significance of spiritual unity. My favorite 2 digit number is 45 since it is every single digit number one through nine added together.
The shapes carry the astral energy, that is how they work. The pyramid shape brings in a lot of astral power and the cube materializes it fast. People can build a golden mean pyramid frame the thing starts to generate energy powerfully you feel such in the atmosphere.

Note the pyramids in Egypt are built out of crystal which makes them even more powerful for generating power. Note the ritual chamber in the Giza pyramid is a cube shape.

Experiments were done with pyramids in Russia after the fall of the USSR people placed in them who were not well mentally of physically recovered and the food seeds they placed in them the plants grew much stronger and had a higher nutritional value.
HP Mageson666 said:
Exposing The Cube Form Of The Enemy
The cube structure is originally in Hinduism its the center of the ancient Hindu Temple.

"The garbha Griha is a cube shaped room, without decoration...Only a qualified priest may enter this magical place to worship the image with flowers, water, lights , incense and offerings symbolizing the five elements. A narrow passage runs around the sanctuary, to be walked along clockwise.." [1]

The entire Hindu Temple is built on either the Mercury square or Moon square mathematics' to invoke these etheric qualities. The sacred mount is the rest of the Temple built around and over the cube at the center. This is sacred geometry the outer mount is built to generate energy and draw it down into the center to the cube as the cube is built in the shape of the earth element which contains the energies of space that of spirit and thus all the elements. The Priests secret rituals in this encloser are designed to connect into this energy and infuse it with the purpose of the rituals and this energy is then transmitted thought the energetic grids which is why ancient Temples are built on lay lines. The infused energies also connect with the energy and soul of the worshippers in the Temple which adds to the power which the structure of the Temple magnifies.

The cube shape the prithivi mandala represents earth in Hinduism as the heavens around the earth are squared by the four fixed points of the zodiac which represent the four elements and directions. And make the cross of the Zodiac which is the cube unfolded. The outer temple is designed to represent the entire wheel of the 12 constellations of the Zodiac and their degrees. The cube of Mecca was originally surrounded by a circle of 360 Pagan statues which represent the 360 degrees of the Zodiac wheel with the cube being the central cross of the Zodiac and the sacred rites being performed inside the cube temple as it was a Pagan building originally.

The other aspect is the cube of the Hindu Temple is designed to tie into the energies of the planets by the grid its built on and the images of the yantra's of the planets are placed within the cube sanctuary. And to tie into the energy of the constellations and earth. And the energy of the elements. The cube is the grounding and channel point for this power in the energetic forms and rituals. The cube is also the center point for the worshippers in the Hindu Temple who direct their energies into this space which further infuse the power the cube is channeling.

The cube of kabala is shown the same way tying into the 12 constellations and planets and elements.

The Hindu Temple is built on the plan of the Purusha the cosmic man which is shown as the Zodiac wheel this is stolen by the Jews and turned into the Adam Kadmon later. The plan of the Hindu Temple is witnessed in the Pyramid at Giza the sacred mount with the cube shaped enclosures within as the cavern where the sacred rituals were performed and are built to a line to the constellations and are built on a major power point on the etheric grid of earth. The reason the Islamic worshippers pray five times a day facing Mecca is to direct their energies into the cube of Mecca and further infuse the energy of the enemy thought from the cube has been installed with by the enemy after its conversion into a enemy place to draw down their "god" form and radiate it outwards across the etheric grid of the earth. Drowning the world in horrific evil and negativity. The energy of this matrix of energy is infused with the death energy of countless ritual murders of humans and animals.

The Jews place the black box on their heads the Tefillin as they state in Kabala as it acts as the antenna to draw down the energy of their thought form "god". They place one on their arm as the left side is magnetic and shown as the Goddess Shakti in Hinduism, thus creating more flow of power. The Jews then doven which is rocking back and forth and side to side to open up a energy flow up the spine the box on the head also opens this flow and opens the crown and sixth chakra's. The six chakra is the command wheel of the mind. This all connects and makes the energy and the mental intention of the energy stronger and sends it out thought the etheric grid around the earth. Which is why the Jews want Israel and especially the Temple Mount so badly for themselves. That is the point of the earth at Jerusalem around the mount were the etheric grid of the earth is the strongest. That is why the Jews claim they are copulating with Shekinah the energy of their god form to create magically during the Tefillin ritual. This is also why the Jews are obsessed with wearing the Tefillin for protection as an amulet it connects them into their energy force and enhances their energetic body strongly. The Tefillin ritual turns the Jew into a cube like the Priest in the Hindu cube sanctuary doing the sacred rituals to infuse and direct the energies being drawn down and channelled thought the etheric grid and the souls of the religious followers tied into the energies.

Hindu's are infused with the energy form generated by this religion as children during initiation rituals were the samkara the ritual energy mark is imprinted into their souls. They are also given spiritual Hindu names that tie into this as well. The Jews go thought identical initiations during their childhoods connecting their souls into their own god form more stronger this also includes being given a Hebrew name which connects into a specific verse of the Torah which is the energy generator of their god form. The five books are the five elements which fold into the cube. However the Jewish god form is installed based on the etheric grid of Saturn which is why they raise the energies on Saturday the day the influence of the planet Saturn is the strongest and connects into the conduit of this the most powerful because of such.

The Jewish god form is also as the Rabbi's state installed based upon the etheric grid of the racial soul of the Jewish people. The Jews and their God are one....is the basic and most important statement of faith and prayer in Judaism. Because as the Rabbi's state the Jews are the manifestation of their god in the material world. Because their god form is installed and generated on the etheric blueprint of their own racial soul.

Note Christians are tied into this god form of the Jews. During the Christian ritual of Christening, baptism where water that has been energetically infused by the Christian Priest to connect into this matrix is then placed over the third eye which is the energy point that rules the mind of the child in the shape of the cross which is the cube of Saturn making the geometric form of the blue print of this matrix to tie the soul into this. Along with placing a mark along the heart chakra which ties the power into this energetic point to drain power out of the soul into the god form as the point the energies meet going up and down the chakra's. As well as touch the ears and mouth while reciting incantations invoking making people deaf and dumb thus cut off from higher awareness the mouth and ears connect into important nadis, energy pathways in the consciousness. This is all done while series of incantations tying people into the Jewish spell of the Torah their god form are recited. Thus infusing the samkara's or energetic imprints into the soul of the Gentile and making them a conduit for the enemy matrix of energy to connect into and act though and suck energy from.

Making the Gentile a slave and Golem to the Jewish god form. Just farming the Goyim for Zion.

The Hindu Temple, Danielou
I didn't pay deep attention to this so I forgot it. But this is very important. I'll need to re read your sermons.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

What you question about is not so much a question of the symbols themselves, as the symbols are supposed to mean something else, which is mathematics, or proportions of the universe. Geometrical symbols are manifested into this form for aesthetic applications, and so that they make sense and can be structured.

The reasons behind sacred geometry have a lot to do with advanced mathematics and understanding of the universe which can be put in definitive language through math and mathematics.

The Cube on it's own is a rather incomplete and quite useless symbol, it is the lingam on the top of the temple as a principle that makes a temple have spiritual function, with the whole symmetry of the temple having to do with the whole function of the temple. The cube by itself is pretty basic and quite simplistic.

The 7 Pointed star is also a symbol to stay away from, and it was used largely by the enemy, both in Islamic, Jewish, and Christian tradition. This is because it's associated with 7 and in turn mathematically the 7 point divided by the 360 of the perfect circle, which compared to the 8 pointed Star is imperfect, and prone to unbalance, unsettling, and even negative energy, while the 8 pointed Star dividing the 360 perfect circle, we get a perfect 45, which is a great number of creative power.

I'll write a post on sacred geometry, I'll add it on the to do list.
Very interesting observation about 7 and 8.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

What you question about is not so much a question of the symbols themselves, as the symbols are supposed to mean something else, which is mathematics, or proportions of the universe. Geometrical symbols are manifested into this form for aesthetic applications, and so that they make sense and can be structured.

The reasons behind sacred geometry have a lot to do with advanced mathematics and understanding of the universe which can be put in definitive language through math and mathematics.

The Cube on it's own is a rather incomplete and quite useless symbol, it is the lingam on the top of the temple as a principle that makes a temple have spiritual function, with the whole symmetry of the temple having to do with the whole function of the temple. The cube by itself is pretty basic and quite simplistic.

The 7 Pointed star is also a symbol to stay away from, and it was used largely by the enemy, both in Islamic, Jewish, and Christian tradition. This is because it's associated with 7 and in turn mathematically the 7 point divided by the 360 of the perfect circle, which compared to the 8 pointed Star is imperfect, and prone to unbalance, unsettling, and even negative energy, while the 8 pointed Star dividing the 360 perfect circle, we get a perfect 45, which is a great number of creative power.

I'll write a post on sacred geometry, I'll add it on the to do list.

I'm looking forward to that sermon.

Thank you and Mageson both.
No, the astrological septile is not an aspect that is so extremely important. It is not negative.

New Age astrologers are destroying astrology because all they do is try to always find supreme importance to the most irrelevant things, leading to confusion.

Astrology is definitive and not a matter of just idly believing new age stuff and ascribing divine importance to everything one sees. New agers do that and destroy astrology.

Astralnaut said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

What you question about is not so much a question of the symbols themselves, as the symbols are supposed to mean something else, which is mathematics, or proportions of the universe. Geometrical symbols are manifested into this form for aesthetic applications, and so that they make sense and can be structured.

The reasons behind sacred geometry have a lot to do with advanced mathematics and understanding of the universe which can be put in definitive language through math and mathematics.

The Cube on it's own is a rather incomplete and quite useless symbol, it is the lingam on the top of the temple as a principle that makes a temple have spiritual function, with the whole symmetry of the temple having to do with the whole function of the temple. The cube by itself is pretty basic and quite simplistic.

The 7 Pointed star is also a symbol to stay away from, and it was used largely by the enemy, both in Islamic, Jewish, and Christian tradition. This is because it's associated with 7 and in turn mathematically the 7 point divided by the 360 of the perfect circle, which compared to the 8 pointed Star is imperfect, and prone to unbalance, unsettling, and even negative energy, while the 8 pointed Star dividing the 360 perfect circle, we get a perfect 45, which is a great number of creative power.

I'll write a post on sacred geometry, I'll add it on the to do list.

The number 7 is the only number out of the numbers 1 through 9 which gives an irrational number 51.428.... and so on. Does this mean the septile in astrology is a negative influence? New age astrologer try to give this aspect a mystical significance of spiritual unity. My favorite 2 digit number is 45 since it is every single digit number one through nine added together.
Pyramid comes from Pyr-amis which means the container of fire or container of fire amassment, this is an astral induction of the law of the shape, which has to do with fire element.

The Pyramid base is also naturally a square, and naturally combines the power of the cube, the square, and the triangle, making it both a container and projector of energy.

This is why pyramids, smaller or bigger, were a standard in architecture. I will write a post about this like later today or tommorow as this is crucial.
HP Mageson666 said:
During the Christian ritual of Christening, baptism where water that has been energetically infused by the Christian Priest to connect into this matrix is then placed over the third eye which is the energy point that rules the mind of the child in the shape of the cross which is the cube of Saturn making the geometric form of the blue print of this matrix to tie the soul into this. Along with placing a mark along the heart chakra which ties the power into this energetic point to drain power out of the soul into the god form as the point the energies meet going up and down the chakra's. As well as touch the ears and mouth while reciting incantations invoking making people deaf and dumb thus cut off from higher awareness the mouth and ears connect into important nadis, energy pathways in the consciousness.
Maybe a bit childish question but are dedication ritual to Satan done dauntlessly and Final RTR done daily removing these connections? I sometimes feel like I'm being held back. It's like trying to drive a car with the e-brake applied halfway.
The Yezidhi towers are identical to images of the same in ancient Egypt. The pyramid cone on the top as the roof and the cube structure building for ritual purposes.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The 7 Pointed star is also a symbol to stay away from, and it was used largely by the enemy, both in Islamic, Jewish, and Christian tradition. This is because it's associated with 7 and in turn mathematically the 7 point divided by the 360 of the perfect circle, which compared to the 8 pointed Star is imperfect, and prone to unbalance, unsettling, and even negative energy, while the 8 pointed Star dividing the 360 perfect circle, we get a perfect 45, which is a great number of creative power.

I'll write a post on sacred geometry, I'll add it on the to do list.

The seven-pointed star has always given me bad vibes, which is why they also promote its use in false satanism like thelema or other cults of the enemy.
The people who keep calling the OTO and all such, Satanism really are retarded. Just read their books its full of worshipping the God and Angels of the Bible and based on the Jewish Kabbalah which is based on and from the Bible. Crowley was also channeling Greys from working with such Jewish system which has the Greys listed in their texts.
Hi I'm unsure where to post this so I hope you don't mind this is my first post and I just made the account today, so I'm seeking to do some astral travel but I need a guide to show me around the astral does any body know of a demon and maybe a ritual that could help me? If you can here just send me a direct message about it.
HP Mageson666 said:
The people who keep calling the OTO and all such, Satanism really are retarded. Just read their books its full of worshipping the God and Angels of the Bible and based on the Jewish Kabbalah which is based on and from the Bible. Crowley was also channeling Greys from working with such Jewish system which has the Greys listed in their texts.
What are your thoughts on The Temple of Set and particularly Michael Acquino's the Book of Forthcoming by Night. ?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
