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mermaids have just been proven real

<<Death 2 the christ illusion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAIL FATHER LUICFeR!!! ;]

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@... wrote:

I thought Poseidon was Satan. Another name for him in Greek and he has some of the same similar traits as Satan.

Hail Satan! Hail Azazel! Hail Zeus! Hail the Gods of Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@ wrote:

I have seen many elementals. I have seen the gnome beingepecially at my old apt. I have seen fairies about 5 inches tall dancimg in my window sill on a full moon nite. I have see water beings, like MERMAIDS THEY WERE in meditation drawing me down under the seas in a protective.pod like thing. Also I was very lucky and blessed to be visited by Posoiden. They AREreal though they live in another place.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

Yes! Little 1-2 element beings were what I meant when I said fairies! I think I saw 1 last week! She was white, had a yellow dress on and short red hair, her eyes were auqamarine. Her wings were the dragonfly kind and they had gold iridescence on them. She didn't say anything though. She's come around a few times since then. The sound of her wings beating alerts me to her presence, but she doesn't always fully manifest. There is also a red and gold lizard who is fond of crawling up the computer room wall in the evening, flicking it's tounge twice, then lighting itself on fire then disappering. I just hope the PHISICAL house doesn't end up catching on fire b/c of the lizard's astral hobby! I haven't seen any Earth or Water elementals yet, but everytime I leave something @ a special Linden tree in a creekbed near my house I find a beautiful stone on the way back. Best find so far was a rock w/ a few quartz crystals in it! Want to see? I figured out a few weeks ago after asking about it that the "fancy" legendary "fairies" were the Gods b/c ppl use the same adjectives to describe them. What other kind of elemental beings are out there besides the usual Salamanders, Sylphs, Undines, and Gromes? I just thought of something! How have the elemental beings evolved and changed over time according to how the Earth has changed? Do faries/sylphs look different in Africa where you're @ then they do here in America (and Europe) b/c the plants, animals, and overall climate/enviroment is different? At what point in our planet's history were they 1st born? Did they all come into being @ 1ce, or was it in the order that different elements were brought into our world (the Earth itself 1st, then Firey valcanos b/c of inner and outer geological processes, then the Atomosphere which would be Air, then finally the Oceans for Water)? Does every planet w/ life have it's own specific version of these beings?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Fairies are slightly different. In Ancient Times, specifically Ancient Celtic Times, Fairies were associated with Beings called the Sidhe. These were our Gods.

From Wikipedia:

"In old Celtic fairy lore the sidhe (fairy folk) are immortals living in the ancient barrows and cairns. The Tuatha de Danaan are associated with several Otherworld realms including Mag Mell (the Pleasant Plain), Emain Ablach (the Fortress of Apples or the Land of Promise or the Isle of Women), and the Tir na nÓg (the Land of Youth)."

Sidhe/Fairy Folk were our Gods. Note also their association with Apples, which have long been symbols of Immortality. The Isle of Avalon (Isle of Apples) represented Immortality.

"Another theory is that the fairies were originally worshiped as gods, but with the coming of christianity, they lived on, in a dwindled state of power, in folk belief. In this particular time, fairies were reputed by the church as being 'evil' beings. Many beings who are described as deities in older tales are described as "fairies" in more recent writings."

Once again, xianity destroyed the True Knowledge and blasphemed our Gods.

The term "fairies" has also in more recent times, however, come to refer to certain Elemental beings who reside on the Astral. They are, like Salamanders, beings whose Souls comprise only one or two elements. These beings are of Satan and can be befriended when treated with care and respect and can even assist in Magickal Workings if they so choose.

There is no need to feel depressed over this and panic about it. It is actually quite the opposite, because it gives these Ancient Legends so much more meaning and value and the Knowledge can be used in order to Advance yourself.

There is also nothing wrong with still enjoying these Ancient Legends and the stories behind them, as they are extremely beautiful and are a proud part of our Heritage as Gentiles and children of Satan. Knowing what they Truly represent just means that we have added a whole new dimension to them and can really use the Spiritual Knowledge which they share.

Many of our People are very strongly drawn to these Allegorical Beings, such as Mermaids and Dragons. That is because the Racial Memory can never be destroyed and these Ancient Legends remain within our Souls.

And no, it does not mean you can no longer have dreams and fantasies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying fantasy. The issue comes in with those individuals who blur the line between fantasy and reality and become disconnected with reality to the point where they are just wasting their time and not making any progress. Like the typical "dungeons and dragons" obsessives who start to actually believe that they actually are the game character and take things a little too far, etc. We have had a few of these in the past. Obsession and enjoyment are two opposite ends of the spectrum. Obsession is unhealthy, enjoyment is perfectly healthy and normal.

I think you slightly misunderstood what I was saying. My point was that taking these Beings as completely literal will hinder Spiritual insight and progress. I did not mean that the stories behind these Beings cannot still be enjoyed.

They are gifts to us from Satan and the Gods, and I absolutely encourage our People to be aware of them and enjoy them, but also to realize that they contain a deeper meaning and purpose. I myself thoroughly enjoy the Ancient Celtic and Germanic Folklore and I grew up on the Arthurian Legends. These were all originally Pagan and had nothing what so ever to do with xianity.

All of our Satanic Heritage should be enjoyed!

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

So "little" magical beings like faries are real but "big" ones like you mentioned aren't? I've always thought they were real! Now I have no inspiration for art, darnit! *despair* Come to think of it, if they were, we would've killed them off by now anyway b/c of what we've been doing to the enviroment. Feel like the world has lost a large chunk of magic for me. *sigh of deeper despair* I've always wanted to find a unicorn, but I'm natually psysic, so it's really a desire to understand that part of myself better? A friend of mine loves dragons. Does that mean he subconciously desires Godhood? I'll never get better than I am now! I'm so STUPID!!!!!!!! *depression* Now I feel like having dreams/fantasies at all is stupid and a waste of time, that I need to become cold and calculating in everything I do.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons, Griffins, Sphinx, Centaurs, the Phoenix etc, are all Spiritual Allegories for stages of the Magnum Opus. They represent aspects of the Soul and certain workings done to open and Empower the Soul.

The enemy obviously does not want people to be aware of these True Allegorical meanings as that will open the door to further Spiritual/Satanic Knowledge, so they spout off all kinds of nonsense. Anything other than the Truth. They would rather people believe these are real beings than know the Alchemy which they represent. IMO, this is just another enemy trap.

Study Spiritual Alchemy, and you will begin to see the Allegories contained in the images of these beings. The Unicorn, for example, has to do with Empowering the Third Eye and achieving Astral site, hence the Horn protruding from the forehead. The Horn can also represent Sexual Energy/Life Force. It also represents the Feminine aspect of the Soul, the Female Eixir, and the "White Stage" of the Magnum Opus, which is the purification of the Soul. In Alchemical Drawings the Unicorn often appeared next to a Lion, which represented the Male aspect of the Soul. The Unicorn is associated with The Moon/Silver/Mercury while the Lion is associated with the Sun/Gold. The Unicorn and the Lion meeting represents the combining of the Male and Female elixirs and the stage at which the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Soul come into balance.

People who take these Allegories literally and believe that there are physical Mermaids and Unicorns alive on Earth are missing the point entirely and therefore will not be able to Advance Spiritually.

Once you begin to study Alchemy and Meditate and Advance yourself, you will see this more and more. Satan wants this Knowledge back in the hands of the Gentile People. Always be on the look out for enemy lies and traps, as these are specifically designed to keep True Satanic Knowledge from our People.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chris41226" <chris41226@ wrote:

watching the history Chanel last night with my mom and was watching a commendatory that mermaids have been proven to finally be real a big shock to me but so amazing in every way and stone cold proof that the xian god is finally losing its power and that the american military is purposely killing them with low pitch frequency's it just proved to me how everything in this world that we where supposed to believe was good is nothing but curl evil and horrible i in every way DOWN WITH THE XIAN GOD MAY FATHER SATAN AND THE GODS OF OLD AND OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS DESTROY IT SOON

The one who should be watching his jewish mouth is you.

You were not banned, eh? You're on the best way to be banned for pushing nuuuu age crap. There are many groups that will accept such a retar... I mean, a wise sage. Here we have no place for jew age shit.

Siguard Draconis.

Satanas Via, Vera et Vita est.
Ave Satanas! Rege Satanas!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Heath Humberson <blessedchildoflucifer@... wrote:

I have not been banned at all, I been here on and off for quiet some time of my own free will, and as you think, that I am spamming, according to your view.  By the way, I been very unaware of this post was even old, I came across it when I was at the yahoo group home page looking at topics and messages, and thought it was an interesting read for the first time. I think you should watch your mouth before you start accusing me. 

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: mermaids have just been proven real

You just show up and dig up an old thread to post, dreamland delusions. You have been here before and have been banned before for this Disney Land, spamming.

From: blessedchildoflucifer <blessedchildoflucifer@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 3:13:04 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: mermaids have just been proven real

Allegorical beings? Dragons and mermaids? My experience with Dragons was far from allegorical, and I am not talking about those reptillians, Dragons as I have experienced are astral creatures and powerful magicians themselves, I have experienced them as those huge types with wings, and a elongated snout like a goat, and some had even horns. I even had dreams of dragons. I do remember one dragon in my teens, claimed to have been some guardian of mine, and his name was Drake, in my dream, he told me this. Then the next day watching a movie about a dragon for the first time, the dragon spoke and called himself Drake. And well I was like "oh thats just a coincidence" and then the very next day my brother gave me "magic the gathering" card with a dragon on it called Drake. That is when my attention on this dragon heightened. I also have seen these huge types of dragon astrally before and seen the physical effects. These creatures breathed fire, and was able
to fly.

As for mermaids, I also have experienced these as astral creatures of the water, also and also seen the physical affects. Perhaps these creatures do exist, either that or they will not reveal themselves to everyone.....

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Fairies are slightly different. In Ancient Times, specifically Ancient Celtic Times, Fairies were associated with Beings called the Sidhe. These were our Gods.

From Wikipedia:

"In old Celtic fairy lore the sidhe (fairy folk) are immortals living in the ancient barrows and cairns. The Tuatha de Danaan are associated with several Otherworld realms including Mag Mell (the Pleasant Plain), Emain Ablach (the Fortress of Apples or the Land of Promise or the Isle of Women), and the Tir na nÃ"g (the Land of Youth)."

Sidhe/Fairy Folk were our Gods. Note also their association with Apples, which have long been symbols of Immortality. The Isle of Avalon (Isle of Apples) represented Immortality.

"Another theory is that the fairies were originally worshiped as gods, but with the coming of christianity, they lived on, in a dwindled state of power, in folk belief. In this particular time, fairies were reputed by the church as being 'evil' beings. Many beings who are described as deities in older tales are described as "fairies" in more recent writings."

Once again, xianity destroyed the True Knowledge and blasphemed our Gods.

The term "fairies" has also in more recent times, however, come to refer to certain Elemental beings who reside on the Astral. They are, like Salamanders, beings whose Souls comprise only one or two elements. These beings are of Satan and can be befriended when treated with care and respect and can even assist in Magickal Workings if they so choose.

There is no need to feel depressed over this and panic about it. It is actually quite the opposite, because it gives these Ancient Legends so much more meaning and value and the Knowledge can be used in order to Advance yourself.

There is also nothing wrong with still enjoying these Ancient Legends and the stories behind them, as they are extremely beautiful and are a proud part of our Heritage as Gentiles and children of Satan. Knowing what they Truly represent just means that we have added a whole new dimension to them and can really use the Spiritual Knowledge which they share.

Many of our People are very strongly drawn to these Allegorical Beings, such as Mermaids and Dragons. That is because the Racial Memory can never be destroyed and these Ancient Legends remain within our Souls.

And no, it does not mean you can no longer have dreams and fantasies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying fantasy. The issue comes in with those individuals who blur the line between fantasy and reality and become disconnected with reality to the point where they are just wasting their time and not making any progress. Like the typical "dungeons and dragons" obsessives who start to actually believe that they actually are the game character and take things a little too far, etc. We have had a few of these in the past. Obsession and enjoyment are two opposite ends of the spectrum. Obsession is unhealthy, enjoyment is perfectly healthy and normal.

I think you slightly misunderstood what I was saying. My point was that taking these Beings as completely literal will hinder Spiritual insight and progress. I did not mean that the stories behind these Beings cannot still be enjoyed.

They are gifts to us from Satan and the Gods, and I absolutely encourage our People to be aware of them and enjoy them, but also to realize that they contain a deeper meaning and purpose. I myself thoroughly enjoy the Ancient Celtic and Germanic Folklore and I grew up on the Arthurian Legends. These were all originally Pagan and had nothing what so ever to do with xianity.

All of our Satanic Heritage should be enjoyed!

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

So "little" magical beings like faries are real but "big" ones like you mentioned aren't? I've always thought they were real! Now I have no inspiration for art, darnit! *despair* Come to think of it, if they were, we would've killed them off by now anyway b/c of what we've been doing to the enviroment. Feel like the world has lost a large chunk of magic for me. *sigh of deeper despair* I've always wanted to find a unicorn, but I'm natually psysic, so it's really a desire to understand that part of myself better? A friend of mine loves dragons. Does that mean he subconciously desires Godhood? I'll never get better than I am now! I'm so STUPID!!!!!!!! *depression* Now I feel like having dreams/fantasies at all is stupid and a waste of time, that I need to become cold and calculating in everything I do.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons, Griffins, Sphinx, Centaurs, the Phoenix etc, are all Spiritual Allegories for stages of the Magnum Opus. They represent aspects of the Soul and certain workings done to open and Empower the Soul.

The enemy obviously does not want people to be aware of these True Allegorical meanings as that will open the door to further Spiritual/Satanic Knowledge, so they spout off all kinds of nonsense. Anything other than the Truth. They would rather people believe these are real beings than know the Alchemy which they represent. IMO, this is just another enemy trap.

Study Spiritual Alchemy, and you will begin to see the Allegories contained in the images of these beings. The Unicorn, for example, has to do with Empowering the Third Eye and achieving Astral site, hence the Horn protruding from the forehead. The Horn can also represent Sexual Energy/Life Force. It also represents the Feminine aspect of the Soul, the Female Eixir, and the "White Stage" of the Magnum Opus, which is the purification of the Soul. In Alchemical Drawings the Unicorn often appeared next to a Lion, which represented the Male aspect of the Soul. The Unicorn is associated with The Moon/Silver/Mercury while the Lion is associated with the Sun/Gold. The Unicorn and the Lion meeting represents the combining of the Male and Female elixirs and the stage at which the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Soul come into balance.

People who take these Allegories literally and believe that there are physical Mermaids and Unicorns alive on Earth are missing the point entirely and therefore will not be able to Advance Spiritually.

Once you begin to study Alchemy and Meditate and Advance yourself, you will see this more and more. Satan wants this Knowledge back in the hands of the Gentile People. Always be on the look out for enemy lies and traps, as these are specifically designed to keep True Satanic Knowledge from our People.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "chris41226" <chris41226@ wrote:

watching the history Chanel last night with my mom and was watching a commendatory that mermaids have been proven to finally be real a big shock to me but so amazing in every way and stone cold proof that the xian god is finally losing its power and that the american military is purposely killing them with low pitch frequency's it just proved to me how everything in this world that we where supposed to believe was good is nothing but curl evil and horrible i in every way DOWN WITH THE XIAN GOD MAY FATHER SATAN AND THE GODS OF OLD AND OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS DESTROY IT SOON

You just proved my point.
From: Heath Humberson <blessedchildoflucifer@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 1:58:41 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: mermaids have just been proven real
  I have not been banned at all, I been here on and off for quiet some time of my own free will, and as you think, that I am spamming, according to your view.  By the way, I been very unaware of this post was even old, I came across it when I was at the yahoo group home page looking at topics and messages, and thought it was an interesting read for the first time. I think you should watch your mouth before you start accusing me. 
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: mermaids have just been proven real
  You just show up and dig up an old thread to post, dreamland delusions. You have been here before and have been banned before for this Disney Land, spamming.
From: blessedchildoflucifer <blessedchildoflucifer@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 3:13:04 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: mermaids have just been proven real
  Allegorical beings? Dragons and mermaids? My experience with Dragons was far from allegorical, and I am not talking about those reptillians, Dragons as I have experienced are astral creatures and powerful magicians themselves, I have experienced them as those huge types with wings, and a elongated snout like a goat, and some had even horns. I even had dreams of dragons. I do remember one dragon in my teens, claimed to have been some guardian of mine, and his name was Drake, in my dream, he told me this. Then the next day watching a movie about a dragon for the first time, the dragon spoke and called himself Drake. And well I was like "oh thats just a coincidence" and then the very next day my brother gave me "magic the gathering" card with a dragon on it called Drake. That is when my attention on this dragon heightened. I also have seen these huge types of dragon astrally before and seen the physical effects. These creatures breathed fire, and was able to fly. As for mermaids, I also have experienced these as astral creatures of the water, also and also seen the physical affects. Perhaps these creatures do exist, either that or they will not reveal themselves to everyone.....
--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... wrote: Fairies are slightly different. In Ancient Times, specifically Ancient Celtic Times, Fairies were associated with Beings called the Sidhe. These were our Gods. From Wikipedia: "In old Celtic fairy lore the sidhe (fairy folk) are immortals living in the ancient barrows and cairns. The Tuatha de Danaan are associated with several Otherworld realms including Mag Mell (the Pleasant Plain), Emain Ablach (the Fortress of Apples or the Land of Promise or the Isle of Women), and the Tir na nÓg (the Land of Youth)." Sidhe/Fairy Folk were our Gods. Note also their association with Apples, which have long been symbols of Immortality. The Isle of Avalon (Isle of Apples) represented Immortality. "Another theory is that the fairies were originally worshiped as gods, but with the coming of christianity, they lived on, in a dwindled state of power, in folk belief. In this particular time, fairies were reputed by the church as being 'evil' beings. Many beings who are described as deities in older tales are described as "fairies" in more recent writings." Once again, xianity destroyed the True Knowledge and blasphemed our Gods. The term "fairies" has also in more recent times, however, come to refer to certain Elemental beings who reside on the Astral. They are, like Salamanders, beings whose Souls comprise only one or two elements. These beings are of Satan and can be befriended when treated with care and respect and can even assist in Magickal Workings if they so choose. There is no need to feel depressed over this and panic about it. It is actually quite the opposite, because it gives these Ancient Legends so much more meaning and value and the Knowledge can be used in order to Advance yourself. There is also nothing wrong with still enjoying these Ancient Legends and the stories behind them, as they are extremely beautiful and are a proud part of our Heritage as Gentiles and children of Satan. Knowing what they Truly represent just means that we have added a whole new dimension to them and can really use the Spiritual Knowledge which they share. Many of our People are very strongly drawn to these Allegorical Beings, such as Mermaids and Dragons. That is because the Racial Memory can never be destroyed and these Ancient Legends remain within our Souls. And no, it does not mean you can no longer have dreams and fantasies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying fantasy. The issue comes in with those individuals who blur the line between fantasy and reality and become disconnected with reality to the point where they are just wasting their time and not making any progress. Like the typical "dungeons and dragons" obsessives who start to actually believe that they actually are the game character and take things a little too far, etc. We have had a few of these in the past. Obsession and enjoyment are two opposite ends of the spectrum. Obsession is unhealthy, enjoyment is perfectly healthy and normal. I think you slightly misunderstood what I was saying. My point was that taking these Beings as completely literal will hinder Spiritual insight and progress. I did not mean that the stories behind these Beings cannot still be enjoyed. They are gifts to us from Satan and the Gods, and I absolutely encourage our People to be aware of them and enjoy them, but also to realize that they contain a deeper meaning and purpose. I myself thoroughly enjoy the Ancient Celtic and Germanic Folklore and I grew up on the Arthurian Legends. These were all originally Pagan and had nothing what so ever to do with xianity. All of our Satanic Heritage should be enjoyed! Hail Father Satan!! Hail Beelzebub!! Hail Lilith!! Heil Hitler!! Heil Heinrich Himmler!! -High Priestess Zildar Raasi http://ageofsatan.co.cc/ http://www.joyofsatan.org/ Joy of Satan Ministries --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote: So "little" magical beings like faries are real but "big" ones like you mentioned aren't? I've always thought they were real! Now I have no inspiration for art, darnit! *despair* Come to think of it, if they were, we would've killed them off by now anyway b/c of what we've been doing to the enviroment. Feel like the world has lost a large chunk of magic for me. *sigh of deeper despair* I've always wanted to find a unicorn, but I'm natually psysic, so it's really a desire to understand that part of myself better? A friend of mine loves dragons. Does that mean he subconciously desires Godhood? I'll never get better than I am now! I'm so STUPID!!!!!!!! *depression* Now I feel like having dreams/fantasies at all is stupid and a waste of time, that I need to become cold and calculating in everything I do. --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote: Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons, Griffins, Sphinx, Centaurs, the Phoenix etc, are all Spiritual Allegories for stages of the Magnum Opus. They represent aspects of the Soul and certain workings done to open and Empower the Soul. The enemy obviously does not want people to be aware of these True Allegorical meanings as that will open the door to further Spiritual/Satanic Knowledge, so they spout off all kinds of nonsense. Anything other than the Truth. They would rather people believe these are real beings than know the Alchemy which they represent. IMO, this is just another enemy trap. Study Spiritual Alchemy, and you will begin to see the Allegories contained in the images of these beings. The Unicorn, for example, has to do with Empowering the Third Eye and achieving Astral site, hence the Horn protruding from the forehead. The Horn can also represent Sexual Energy/Life Force. It also represents the Feminine aspect of the Soul, the Female Eixir, and the "White Stage" of the Magnum Opus, which is the purification of the Soul. In Alchemical Drawings the Unicorn often appeared next to a Lion, which represented the Male aspect of the Soul. The Unicorn is associated with The Moon/Silver/Mercury while the Lion is associated with the Sun/Gold. The Unicorn and the Lion meeting represents the combining of the Male and Female elixirs and the stage at which the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Soul come into balance. People who take these Allegories literally and believe that there are physical Mermaids and Unicorns alive on Earth are missing the point entirely and therefore will not be able to Advance Spiritually. Once you begin to study Alchemy and Meditate and Advance yourself, you will see this more and more. Satan wants this Knowledge back in the hands of the Gentile People. Always be on the look out for enemy lies and traps, as these are specifically designed to keep True Satanic Knowledge from our People. Hail Father Satan!! Hail Beelzebub!! Hail Lilith!! Heil Hitler!! Heil Heinrich Himmler!! -High Priestess Zildar Raasi http://ageofsatan.co.cc/ http://www.joyofsatan.org/ Joy of Satan Ministries --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "chris41226" <chris41226@ wrote: watching the history Chanel last night with my mom and was watching a commendatory that mermaids have been proven to finally be real a big shock to me but so amazing in every way and stone cold proof that the xian god is finally losing its power and that the american military is purposely killing them with low pitch frequency's it just proved to me how everything in this world that we where supposed to believe was good is nothing but curl evil and horrible i in every way DOWN WITH THE XIAN GOD MAY FATHER SATAN AND THE GODS OF OLD AND OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS DESTROY IT SOON HAIL FATHER SATAN THE ONE TRUE GOD HAIL THE GODS OF OLD MAY THEY ALWAYS GUIDE US AND TEACH US MAY FATHER ALWAYS BLESS OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS AND ALWAYS GIVE US THE STRENGTH TO FIGHT BACK
I wonder if he has anymore stories to tell us? I see he is good at combining knowledge from different sources so he sounds smart so people will listen him. But I'm getting tired of his stories why don't you crawl back under the bridge where you came from troll.
From: siguarddraconis <siguarddraconis@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2013 11:35 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: mermaids have just been proven real

  The one who should be watching his jewish mouth is you.

You were not banned, eh? You're on the best way to be banned for pushing nuuuu age crap. There are many groups that will accept such a retar... I mean, a wise sage. Here we have no place for jew age shit.

Siguard Draconis.

Satanas Via, Vera et Vita est.
Ave Satanas! Rege Satanas!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Heath Humberson <blessedchildoflucifer@... wrote:

I have not been banned at all, I been here on and off for quiet some time of my own free will, and as you think, that I am spamming, according to your view.  By the way, I been very unaware of this post was even old, I came across it when I was at the yahoo group home page looking at topics and messages, and thought it was an interesting read for the first time. I think you should watch your mouth before you start accusing me. 

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: mermaids have just been proven real

You just show up and dig up an old thread to post, dreamland delusions. You have been here before and have been banned before for this Disney Land, spamming.

From: blessedchildoflucifer <blessedchildoflucifer@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 3:13:04 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: mermaids have just been proven real

Allegorical beings? Dragons and mermaids? My experience with Dragons was far from allegorical, and I am not talking about those reptillians, Dragons as I have experienced are astral creatures and powerful magicians themselves, I have experienced them as those huge types with wings, and a elongated snout like a goat, and some had even horns. I even had dreams of dragons. I do remember one dragon in my teens, claimed to have been some guardian of mine, and his name was Drake, in my dream, he told me this. Then the next day watching a movie about a dragon for the first time, the dragon spoke and called himself Drake. And well I was like "oh thats just a coincidence" and then the very next day my brother gave me "magic the gathering" card with a dragon on it called Drake. That is when my attention on this dragon heightened. I also have seen these huge types of dragon astrally before and seen the physical effects. These creatures breathed fire, and was able
to fly.

As for mermaids, I also have experienced these as astral creatures of the water, also and also seen the physical affects. Perhaps these creatures do exist, either that or they will not reveal themselves to everyone.....

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Fairies are slightly different. In Ancient Times, specifically Ancient Celtic Times, Fairies were associated with Beings called the Sidhe. These were our Gods.

From Wikipedia:

"In old Celtic fairy lore the sidhe (fairy folk) are immortals living in the ancient barrows and cairns. The Tuatha de Danaan are associated with several Otherworld realms including Mag Mell (the Pleasant Plain), Emain Ablach (the Fortress of Apples or the Land of Promise or the Isle of Women), and the Tir na nÃ"g (the Land of Youth)."

Sidhe/Fairy Folk were our Gods. Note also their association with Apples, which have long been symbols of Immortality. The Isle of Avalon (Isle of Apples) represented Immortality.

"Another theory is that the fairies were originally worshiped as gods, but with the coming of christianity, they lived on, in a dwindled state of power, in folk belief. In this particular time, fairies were reputed by the church as being 'evil' beings. Many beings who are described as deities in older tales are described as "fairies" in more recent writings."

Once again, xianity destroyed the True Knowledge and blasphemed our Gods.

The term "fairies" has also in more recent times, however, come to refer to certain Elemental beings who reside on the Astral. They are, like Salamanders, beings whose Souls comprise only one or two elements. These beings are of Satan and can be befriended when treated with care and respect and can even assist in Magickal Workings if they so choose.

There is no need to feel depressed over this and panic about it. It is actually quite the opposite, because it gives these Ancient Legends so much more meaning and value and the Knowledge can be used in order to Advance yourself.

There is also nothing wrong with still enjoying these Ancient Legends and the stories behind them, as they are extremely beautiful and are a proud part of our Heritage as Gentiles and children of Satan. Knowing what they Truly represent just means that we have added a whole new dimension to them and can really use the Spiritual Knowledge which they share.

Many of our People are very strongly drawn to these Allegorical Beings, such as Mermaids and Dragons. That is because the Racial Memory can never be destroyed and these Ancient Legends remain within our Souls.

And no, it does not mean you can no longer have dreams and fantasies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying fantasy. The issue comes in with those individuals who blur the line between fantasy and reality and become disconnected with reality to the point where they are just wasting their time and not making any progress. Like the typical "dungeons and dragons" obsessives who start to actually believe that they actually are the game character and take things a little too far, etc. We have had a few of these in the past. Obsession and enjoyment are two opposite ends of the spectrum. Obsession is unhealthy, enjoyment is perfectly healthy and normal.

I think you slightly misunderstood what I was saying. My point was that taking these Beings as completely literal will hinder Spiritual insight and progress. I did not mean that the stories behind these Beings cannot still be enjoyed.

They are gifts to us from Satan and the Gods, and I absolutely encourage our People to be aware of them and enjoy them, but also to realize that they contain a deeper meaning and purpose. I myself thoroughly enjoy the Ancient Celtic and Germanic Folklore and I grew up on the Arthurian Legends. These were all originally Pagan and had nothing what so ever to do with xianity.

All of our Satanic Heritage should be enjoyed!

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

So "little" magical beings like faries are real but "big" ones like you mentioned aren't? I've always thought they were real! Now I have no inspiration for art, darnit! *despair* Come to think of it, if they were, we would've killed them off by now anyway b/c of what we've been doing to the enviroment. Feel like the world has lost a large chunk of magic for me. *sigh of deeper despair* I've always wanted to find a unicorn, but I'm natually psysic, so it's really a desire to understand that part of myself better? A friend of mine loves dragons. Does that mean he subconciously desires Godhood? I'll never get better than I am now! I'm so STUPID!!!!!!!! *depression* Now I feel like having dreams/fantasies at all is stupid and a waste of time, that I need to become cold and calculating in everything I do.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons, Griffins, Sphinx, Centaurs, the Phoenix etc, are all Spiritual Allegories for stages of the Magnum Opus. They represent aspects of the Soul and certain workings done to open and Empower the Soul.

The enemy obviously does not want people to be aware of these True Allegorical meanings as that will open the door to further Spiritual/Satanic Knowledge, so they spout off all kinds of nonsense. Anything other than the Truth. They would rather people believe these are real beings than know the Alchemy which they represent. IMO, this is just another enemy trap.

Study Spiritual Alchemy, and you will begin to see the Allegories contained in the images of these beings. The Unicorn, for example, has to do with Empowering the Third Eye and achieving Astral site, hence the Horn protruding from the forehead. The Horn can also represent Sexual Energy/Life Force. It also represents the Feminine aspect of the Soul, the Female Eixir, and the "White Stage" of the Magnum Opus, which is the purification of the Soul. In Alchemical Drawings the Unicorn often appeared next to a Lion, which represented the Male aspect of the Soul. The Unicorn is associated with The Moon/Silver/Mercury while the Lion is associated with the Sun/Gold. The Unicorn and the Lion meeting represents the combining of the Male and Female elixirs and the stage at which the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Soul come into balance.

People who take these Allegories literally and believe that there are physical Mermaids and Unicorns alive on Earth are missing the point entirely and therefore will not be able to Advance Spiritually.

Once you begin to study Alchemy and Meditate and Advance yourself, you will see this more and more. Satan wants this Knowledge back in the hands of the Gentile People. Always be on the look out for enemy lies and traps, as these are specifically designed to keep True Satanic Knowledge from our People.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "chris41226" <chris41226@ wrote:

watching the history Chanel last night with my mom and was watching a commendatory that mermaids have been proven to finally be real a big shock to me but so amazing in every way and stone cold proof that the xian god is finally losing its power and that the american military is purposely killing them with low pitch frequency's it just proved to me how everything in this world that we where supposed to believe was good is nothing but curl evil and horrible i in every way DOWN WITH THE XIAN GOD MAY FATHER SATAN AND THE GODS OF OLD AND OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS DESTROY IT SOON


I thought so, I remember some years ago someone else said dragons and unicorns are real, but they truly are allegorical.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "En Haradren Amlug" <hecktic_shadow@... wrote:

Allegorical. As Don pointed out, this person is a deluded enemy trying to spread misinformation and confusion. Easily seen through their hopeless attempt.

-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@ wrote:

Wait; so to my knowledge I thought Dragons, Unicorns and etc are allegorical, just as High Priestess Zildar Raasi stated and what I learned. Not beings that are real, but as a knowledge given to us to advance ourselves. So my question is are they real astrally speaking, allegory(at least to my research of this which makes sense to me) or a combination of both?

Hail Satan! Hail Azazel! Hail Zeus! Hail the Gods of Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blessedchildoflucifer" <blessedchildoflucifer@ wrote:

Allegorical beings? Dragons and mermaids? My experience with Dragons was far from allegorical, and I am not talking about those reptillians, Dragons as I have experienced are astral creatures and powerful magicians themselves, I have experienced them as those huge types with wings, and a elongated snout like a goat, and some had even horns. I even had dreams of dragons. I do remember one dragon in my teens, claimed to have been some guardian of mine, and his name was Drake, in my dream, he told me this. Then the next day watching a movie about a dragon for the first time, the dragon spoke and called himself Drake. And well I was like "oh thats just a coincidence" and then the very next day my brother gave me "magic the gathering" card with a dragon on it called Drake. That is when my attention on this dragon heightened. I also have seen these huge types of dragon astrally before and seen the physical effects. These creatures breathed fire, and was able to fly.

As for mermaids, I also have experienced these as astral creatures of the water, also and also seen the physical affects. Perhaps these creatures do exist, either that or they will not reveal themselves to everyone.....

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Fairies are slightly different. In Ancient Times, specifically Ancient Celtic Times, Fairies were associated with Beings called the Sidhe. These were our Gods.

From Wikipedia:

"In old Celtic fairy lore the sidhe (fairy folk) are immortals living in the ancient barrows and cairns. The Tuatha de Danaan are associated with several Otherworld realms including Mag Mell (the Pleasant Plain), Emain Ablach (the Fortress of Apples or the Land of Promise or the Isle of Women), and the Tir na nÓg (the Land of Youth)."

Sidhe/Fairy Folk were our Gods. Note also their association with Apples, which have long been symbols of Immortality. The Isle of Avalon (Isle of Apples) represented Immortality.

"Another theory is that the fairies were originally worshiped as gods, but with the coming of christianity, they lived on, in a dwindled state of power, in folk belief. In this particular time, fairies were reputed by the church as being 'evil' beings. Many beings who are described as deities in older tales are described as "fairies" in more recent writings."

Once again, xianity destroyed the True Knowledge and blasphemed our Gods.

The term "fairies" has also in more recent times, however, come to refer to certain Elemental beings who reside on the Astral. They are, like Salamanders, beings whose Souls comprise only one or two elements. These beings are of Satan and can be befriended when treated with care and respect and can even assist in Magickal Workings if they so choose.

There is no need to feel depressed over this and panic about it. It is actually quite the opposite, because it gives these Ancient Legends so much more meaning and value and the Knowledge can be used in order to Advance yourself.

There is also nothing wrong with still enjoying these Ancient Legends and the stories behind them, as they are extremely beautiful and are a proud part of our Heritage as Gentiles and children of Satan. Knowing what they Truly represent just means that we have added a whole new dimension to them and can really use the Spiritual Knowledge which they share.

Many of our People are very strongly drawn to these Allegorical Beings, such as Mermaids and Dragons. That is because the Racial Memory can never be destroyed and these Ancient Legends remain within our Souls.

And no, it does not mean you can no longer have dreams and fantasies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying fantasy. The issue comes in with those individuals who blur the line between fantasy and reality and become disconnected with reality to the point where they are just wasting their time and not making any progress. Like the typical "dungeons and dragons" obsessives who start to actually believe that they actually are the game character and take things a little too far, etc. We have had a few of these in the past. Obsession and enjoyment are two opposite ends of the spectrum. Obsession is unhealthy, enjoyment is perfectly healthy and normal.

I think you slightly misunderstood what I was saying. My point was that taking these Beings as completely literal will hinder Spiritual insight and progress. I did not mean that the stories behind these Beings cannot still be enjoyed.

They are gifts to us from Satan and the Gods, and I absolutely encourage our People to be aware of them and enjoy them, but also to realize that they contain a deeper meaning and purpose. I myself thoroughly enjoy the Ancient Celtic and Germanic Folklore and I grew up on the Arthurian Legends. These were all originally Pagan and had nothing what so ever to do with xianity.

All of our Satanic Heritage should be enjoyed!

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

So "little" magical beings like faries are real but "big" ones like you mentioned aren't? I've always thought they were real! Now I have no inspiration for art, darnit! *despair* Come to think of it, if they were, we would've killed them off by now anyway b/c of what we've been doing to the enviroment. Feel like the world has lost a large chunk of magic for me. *sigh of deeper despair* I've always wanted to find a unicorn, but I'm natually psysic, so it's really a desire to understand that part of myself better? A friend of mine loves dragons. Does that mean he subconciously desires Godhood? I'll never get better than I am now! I'm so STUPID!!!!!!!! *depression* Now I feel like having dreams/fantasies at all is stupid and a waste of time, that I need to become cold and calculating in everything I do.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons, Griffins, Sphinx, Centaurs, the Phoenix etc, are all Spiritual Allegories for stages of the Magnum Opus. They represent aspects of the Soul and certain workings done to open and Empower the Soul.

The enemy obviously does not want people to be aware of these True Allegorical meanings as that will open the door to further Spiritual/Satanic Knowledge, so they spout off all kinds of nonsense. Anything other than the Truth. They would rather people believe these are real beings than know the Alchemy which they represent. IMO, this is just another enemy trap.

Study Spiritual Alchemy, and you will begin to see the Allegories contained in the images of these beings. The Unicorn, for example, has to do with Empowering the Third Eye and achieving Astral site, hence the Horn protruding from the forehead. The Horn can also represent Sexual Energy/Life Force. It also represents the Feminine aspect of the Soul, the Female Eixir, and the "White Stage" of the Magnum Opus, which is the purification of the Soul. In Alchemical Drawings the Unicorn often appeared next to a Lion, which represented the Male aspect of the Soul. The Unicorn is associated with The Moon/Silver/Mercury while the Lion is associated with the Sun/Gold. The Unicorn and the Lion meeting represents the combining of the Male and Female elixirs and the stage at which the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Soul come into balance.

People who take these Allegories literally and believe that there are physical Mermaids and Unicorns alive on Earth are missing the point entirely and therefore will not be able to Advance Spiritually.

Once you begin to study Alchemy and Meditate and Advance yourself, you will see this more and more. Satan wants this Knowledge back in the hands of the Gentile People. Always be on the look out for enemy lies and traps, as these are specifically designed to keep True Satanic Knowledge from our People.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chris41226" <chris41226@ wrote:

watching the history Chanel last night with my mom and was watching a commendatory that mermaids have been proven to finally be real a big shock to me but so amazing in every way and stone cold proof that the xian god is finally losing its power and that the american military is purposely killing them with low pitch frequency's it just proved to me how everything in this world that we where supposed to believe was good is nothing but curl evil and horrible i in every way DOWN WITH THE XIAN GOD MAY FATHER SATAN AND THE GODS OF OLD AND OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS DESTROY IT SOON

Im overjoyed when i hear ancient stories like that. Does anyone know a website where there are the REAL folklores without any bullshit ?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... wrote:

Fairies are slightly different. In Ancient Times, specifically Ancient Celtic Times, Fairies were associated with Beings called the Sidhe. These were our Gods.

From Wikipedia:

"In old Celtic fairy lore the sidhe (fairy folk) are immortals living in the ancient barrows and cairns. The Tuatha de Danaan are associated with several Otherworld realms including Mag Mell (the Pleasant Plain), Emain Ablach (the Fortress of Apples or the Land of Promise or the Isle of Women), and the Tir na nÓg (the Land of Youth)."

Sidhe/Fairy Folk were our Gods. Note also their association with Apples, which have long been symbols of Immortality. The Isle of Avalon (Isle of Apples) represented Immortality.

"Another theory is that the fairies were originally worshiped as gods, but with the coming of christianity, they lived on, in a dwindled state of power, in folk belief. In this particular time, fairies were reputed by the church as being 'evil' beings. Many beings who are described as deities in older tales are described as "fairies" in more recent writings."

Once again, xianity destroyed the True Knowledge and blasphemed our Gods.

The term "fairies" has also in more recent times, however, come to refer to certain Elemental beings who reside on the Astral. They are, like Salamanders, beings whose Souls comprise only one or two elements. These beings are of Satan and can be befriended when treated with care and respect and can even assist in Magickal Workings if they so choose.

There is no need to feel depressed over this and panic about it. It is actually quite the opposite, because it gives these Ancient Legends so much more meaning and value and the Knowledge can be used in order to Advance yourself.

There is also nothing wrong with still enjoying these Ancient Legends and the stories behind them, as they are extremely beautiful and are a proud part of our Heritage as Gentiles and children of Satan. Knowing what they Truly represent just means that we have added a whole new dimension to them and can really use the Spiritual Knowledge which they share.

Many of our People are very strongly drawn to these Allegorical Beings, such as Mermaids and Dragons. That is because the Racial Memory can never be destroyed and these Ancient Legends remain within our Souls.

And no, it does not mean you can no longer have dreams and fantasies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying fantasy. The issue comes in with those individuals who blur the line between fantasy and reality and become disconnected with reality to the point where they are just wasting their time and not making any progress. Like the typical "dungeons and dragons" obsessives who start to actually believe that they actually are the game character and take things a little too far, etc. We have had a few of these in the past. Obsession and enjoyment are two opposite ends of the spectrum. Obsession is unhealthy, enjoyment is perfectly healthy and normal.

I think you slightly misunderstood what I was saying. My point was that taking these Beings as completely literal will hinder Spiritual insight and progress. I did not mean that the stories behind these Beings cannot still be enjoyed.

They are gifts to us from Satan and the Gods, and I absolutely encourage our People to be aware of them and enjoy them, but also to realize that they contain a deeper meaning and purpose. I myself thoroughly enjoy the Ancient Celtic and Germanic Folklore and I grew up on the Arthurian Legends. These were all originally Pagan and had nothing what so ever to do with xianity.

All of our Satanic Heritage should be enjoyed!

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

So "little" magical beings like faries are real but "big" ones like you mentioned aren't? I've always thought they were real! Now I have no inspiration for art, darnit! *despair* Come to think of it, if they were, we would've killed them off by now anyway b/c of what we've been doing to the enviroment. Feel like the world has lost a large chunk of magic for me. *sigh of deeper despair* I've always wanted to find a unicorn, but I'm natually psysic, so it's really a desire to understand that part of myself better? A friend of mine loves dragons. Does that mean he subconciously desires Godhood? I'll never get better than I am now! I'm so STUPID!!!!!!!! *depression* Now I feel like having dreams/fantasies at all is stupid and a waste of time, that I need to become cold and calculating in everything I do.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons, Griffins, Sphinx, Centaurs, the Phoenix etc, are all Spiritual Allegories for stages of the Magnum Opus. They represent aspects of the Soul and certain workings done to open and Empower the Soul.

The enemy obviously does not want people to be aware of these True Allegorical meanings as that will open the door to further Spiritual/Satanic Knowledge, so they spout off all kinds of nonsense. Anything other than the Truth. They would rather people believe these are real beings than know the Alchemy which they represent. IMO, this is just another enemy trap.

Study Spiritual Alchemy, and you will begin to see the Allegories contained in the images of these beings. The Unicorn, for example, has to do with Empowering the Third Eye and achieving Astral site, hence the Horn protruding from the forehead. The Horn can also represent Sexual Energy/Life Force. It also represents the Feminine aspect of the Soul, the Female Eixir, and the "White Stage" of the Magnum Opus, which is the purification of the Soul. In Alchemical Drawings the Unicorn often appeared next to a Lion, which represented the Male aspect of the Soul. The Unicorn is associated with The Moon/Silver/Mercury while the Lion is associated with the Sun/Gold. The Unicorn and the Lion meeting represents the combining of the Male and Female elixirs and the stage at which the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Soul come into balance.

People who take these Allegories literally and believe that there are physical Mermaids and Unicorns alive on Earth are missing the point entirely and therefore will not be able to Advance Spiritually.

Once you begin to study Alchemy and Meditate and Advance yourself, you will see this more and more. Satan wants this Knowledge back in the hands of the Gentile People. Always be on the look out for enemy lies and traps, as these are specifically designed to keep True Satanic Knowledge from our People.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chris41226" <chris41226@ wrote:

watching the history Chanel last night with my mom and was watching a commendatory that mermaids have been proven to finally be real a big shock to me but so amazing in every way and stone cold proof that the xian god is finally losing its power and that the american military is purposely killing them with low pitch frequency's it just proved to me how everything in this world that we where supposed to believe was good is nothing but curl evil and horrible i in every way DOWN WITH THE XIAN GOD MAY FATHER SATAN AND THE GODS OF OLD AND OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS DESTROY IT SOON

you are speaking to a High Priest here. . YOU WATCH YOUR MOUTH!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Heath Humberson <blessedchildoflucifer@... wrote:

I have not been banned at all, I been here on and off for quiet some time of my own free will, and as you think, that I am spamming, according to your view.  By the way, I been very unaware of this post was even old, I came across it when I was at the yahoo group home page looking at topics and messages, and thought it was an interesting read for the first time. I think you should watch your mouth before you start accusing me. 

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: mermaids have just been proven real

You just show up and dig up an old thread to post, dreamland delusions. You have been here before and have been banned before for this Disney Land, spamming.

From: blessedchildoflucifer <blessedchildoflucifer@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 3:13:04 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: mermaids have just been proven real

Allegorical beings? Dragons and mermaids? My experience with Dragons was far from allegorical, and I am not talking about those reptillians, Dragons as I have experienced are astral creatures and powerful magicians themselves, I have experienced them as those huge types with wings, and a elongated snout like a goat, and some had even horns. I even had dreams of dragons. I do remember one dragon in my teens, claimed to have been some guardian of mine, and his name was Drake, in my dream, he told me this. Then the next day watching a movie about a dragon for the first time, the dragon spoke and called himself Drake. And well I was like "oh thats just a coincidence" and then the very next day my brother gave me "magic the gathering" card with a dragon on it called Drake. That is when my attention on this dragon heightened. I also have seen these huge types of dragon astrally before and seen the physical effects. These creatures breathed fire, and was able
to fly.

As for mermaids, I also have experienced these as astral creatures of the water, also and also seen the physical affects. Perhaps these creatures do exist, either that or they will not reveal themselves to everyone.....

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Fairies are slightly different. In Ancient Times, specifically Ancient Celtic Times, Fairies were associated with Beings called the Sidhe. These were our Gods.

From Wikipedia:

"In old Celtic fairy lore the sidhe (fairy folk) are immortals living in the ancient barrows and cairns. The Tuatha de Danaan are associated with several Otherworld realms including Mag Mell (the Pleasant Plain), Emain Ablach (the Fortress of Apples or the Land of Promise or the Isle of Women), and the Tir na nÃ"g (the Land of Youth)."

Sidhe/Fairy Folk were our Gods. Note also their association with Apples, which have long been symbols of Immortality. The Isle of Avalon (Isle of Apples) represented Immortality.

"Another theory is that the fairies were originally worshiped as gods, but with the coming of christianity, they lived on, in a dwindled state of power, in folk belief. In this particular time, fairies were reputed by the church as being 'evil' beings. Many beings who are described as deities in older tales are described as "fairies" in more recent writings."

Once again, xianity destroyed the True Knowledge and blasphemed our Gods.

The term "fairies" has also in more recent times, however, come to refer to certain Elemental beings who reside on the Astral. They are, like Salamanders, beings whose Souls comprise only one or two elements. These beings are of Satan and can be befriended when treated with care and respect and can even assist in Magickal Workings if they so choose.

There is no need to feel depressed over this and panic about it. It is actually quite the opposite, because it gives these Ancient Legends so much more meaning and value and the Knowledge can be used in order to Advance yourself.

There is also nothing wrong with still enjoying these Ancient Legends and the stories behind them, as they are extremely beautiful and are a proud part of our Heritage as Gentiles and children of Satan. Knowing what they Truly represent just means that we have added a whole new dimension to them and can really use the Spiritual Knowledge which they share.

Many of our People are very strongly drawn to these Allegorical Beings, such as Mermaids and Dragons. That is because the Racial Memory can never be destroyed and these Ancient Legends remain within our Souls.

And no, it does not mean you can no longer have dreams and fantasies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying fantasy. The issue comes in with those individuals who blur the line between fantasy and reality and become disconnected with reality to the point where they are just wasting their time and not making any progress. Like the typical "dungeons and dragons" obsessives who start to actually believe that they actually are the game character and take things a little too far, etc. We have had a few of these in the past. Obsession and enjoyment are two opposite ends of the spectrum. Obsession is unhealthy, enjoyment is perfectly healthy and normal.

I think you slightly misunderstood what I was saying. My point was that taking these Beings as completely literal will hinder Spiritual insight and progress. I did not mean that the stories behind these Beings cannot still be enjoyed.

They are gifts to us from Satan and the Gods, and I absolutely encourage our People to be aware of them and enjoy them, but also to realize that they contain a deeper meaning and purpose. I myself thoroughly enjoy the Ancient Celtic and Germanic Folklore and I grew up on the Arthurian Legends. These were all originally Pagan and had nothing what so ever to do with xianity.

All of our Satanic Heritage should be enjoyed!

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

So "little" magical beings like faries are real but "big" ones like you mentioned aren't? I've always thought they were real! Now I have no inspiration for art, darnit! *despair* Come to think of it, if they were, we would've killed them off by now anyway b/c of what we've been doing to the enviroment. Feel like the world has lost a large chunk of magic for me. *sigh of deeper despair* I've always wanted to find a unicorn, but I'm natually psysic, so it's really a desire to understand that part of myself better? A friend of mine loves dragons. Does that mean he subconciously desires Godhood? I'll never get better than I am now! I'm so STUPID!!!!!!!! *depression* Now I feel like having dreams/fantasies at all is stupid and a waste of time, that I need to become cold and calculating in everything I do.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons, Griffins, Sphinx, Centaurs, the Phoenix etc, are all Spiritual Allegories for stages of the Magnum Opus. They represent aspects of the Soul and certain workings done to open and Empower the Soul.

The enemy obviously does not want people to be aware of these True Allegorical meanings as that will open the door to further Spiritual/Satanic Knowledge, so they spout off all kinds of nonsense. Anything other than the Truth. They would rather people believe these are real beings than know the Alchemy which they represent. IMO, this is just another enemy trap.

Study Spiritual Alchemy, and you will begin to see the Allegories contained in the images of these beings. The Unicorn, for example, has to do with Empowering the Third Eye and achieving Astral site, hence the Horn protruding from the forehead. The Horn can also represent Sexual Energy/Life Force. It also represents the Feminine aspect of the Soul, the Female Eixir, and the "White Stage" of the Magnum Opus, which is the purification of the Soul. In Alchemical Drawings the Unicorn often appeared next to a Lion, which represented the Male aspect of the Soul. The Unicorn is associated with The Moon/Silver/Mercury while the Lion is associated with the Sun/Gold. The Unicorn and the Lion meeting represents the combining of the Male and Female elixirs and the stage at which the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Soul come into balance.

People who take these Allegories literally and believe that there are physical Mermaids and Unicorns alive on Earth are missing the point entirely and therefore will not be able to Advance Spiritually.

Once you begin to study Alchemy and Meditate and Advance yourself, you will see this more and more. Satan wants this Knowledge back in the hands of the Gentile People. Always be on the look out for enemy lies and traps, as these are specifically designed to keep True Satanic Knowledge from our People.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "chris41226" <chris41226@ wrote:

watching the history Chanel last night with my mom and was watching a commendatory that mermaids have been proven to finally be real a big shock to me but so amazing in every way and stone cold proof that the xian god is finally losing its power and that the american military is purposely killing them with low pitch frequency's it just proved to me how everything in this world that we where supposed to believe was good is nothing but curl evil and horrible i in every way DOWN WITH THE XIAN GOD MAY FATHER SATAN AND THE GODS OF OLD AND OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS DESTROY IT SOON

So wich means my Father is leviathan right .ohhh I love this Great God .Hail Satan forever Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTNFrom: "siguarddraconis" <siguarddraconis@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2013 09:25:46 -0000To: <[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: mermaids have just been proven real
  Yes, Satan is Poseidon/Neptune.

Neptune as a planet is about inspiration, art, music. Also, it is a higher octave of Venus (which is the planet of Father; the Morning Star). YET Neptune in its NEGATIVE aspect is about delusions, addictions, unreliability, escapism, etc. which stands for the enemy program. Xianity has tainted and smeared everything it could.

Siguard Draconis.

Satanas Via, Vera et Vita est.
Ave Satanas! Rege Satanas!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@... wrote:

I thought Poseidon was Satan. Another name for him in Greek and he has some of the same similar traits as Satan.

Hail Satan! Hail Azazel! Hail Zeus! Hail the Gods of Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@ wrote:

I have seen many elementals. I have seen the gnome beingepecially at my old apt. I have seen fairies about 5 inches tall dancimg in my window sill on a full moon nite. I have see water beings, like MERMAIDS THEY WERE in meditation drawing me down under the seas in a protective.pod like thing. Also I was very lucky and blessed to be visited by Posoiden. They AREreal though they live in another place.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

Yes! Little 1-2 element beings were what I meant when I said fairies! I think I saw 1 last week! She was white, had a yellow dress on and short red hair, her eyes were auqamarine. Her wings were the dragonfly kind and they had gold iridescence on them. She didn't say anything though. She's come around a few times since then. The sound of her wings beating alerts me to her presence, but she doesn't always fully manifest. There is also a red and gold lizard who is fond of crawling up the computer room wall in the evening, flicking it's tounge twice, then lighting itself on fire then disappering. I just hope the PHISICAL house doesn't end up catching on fire b/c of the lizard's astral hobby! I haven't seen any Earth or Water elementals yet, but everytime I leave something @ a special Linden tree in a creekbed near my house I find a beautiful stone on the way back. Best find so far was a rock w/ a few quartz crystals in it! Want to see? I figured out a few weeks ago after asking about it that the "fancy" legendary "fairies" were the Gods b/c ppl use the same adjectives to describe them. What other kind of elemental beings are out there besides the usual Salamanders, Sylphs, Undines, and Gromes? I just thought of something! How have the elemental beings evolved and changed over time according to how the Earth has changed? Do faries/sylphs look different in Africa where you're @ then they do here in America (and Europe) b/c the plants, animals, and overall climate/enviroment is different? At what point in our planet's history were they 1st born? Did they all come into being @ 1ce, or was it in the order that different elements were brought into our world (the Earth itself 1st, then Firey valcanos b/c of inner and outer geological processes, then the Atomosphere which would be Air, then finally the Oceans for Water)? Does every planet w/ life have it's own specific version of these beings?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Fairies are slightly different. In Ancient Times, specifically Ancient Celtic Times, Fairies were associated with Beings called the Sidhe. These were our Gods.

From Wikipedia:

"In old Celtic fairy lore the sidhe (fairy folk) are immortals living in the ancient barrows and cairns. The Tuatha de Danaan are associated with several Otherworld realms including Mag Mell (the Pleasant Plain), Emain Ablach (the Fortress of Apples or the Land of Promise or the Isle of Women), and the Tir na nÓg (the Land of Youth)."

Sidhe/Fairy Folk were our Gods. Note also their association with Apples, which have long been symbols of Immortality. The Isle of Avalon (Isle of Apples) represented Immortality.

"Another theory is that the fairies were originally worshiped as gods, but with the coming of christianity, they lived on, in a dwindled state of power, in folk belief. In this particular time, fairies were reputed by the church as being 'evil' beings. Many beings who are described as deities in older tales are described as "fairies" in more recent writings."

Once again, xianity destroyed the True Knowledge and blasphemed our Gods.

The term "fairies" has also in more recent times, however, come to refer to certain Elemental beings who reside on the Astral. They are, like Salamanders, beings whose Souls comprise only one or two elements. These beings are of Satan and can be befriended when treated with care and respect and can even assist in Magickal Workings if they so choose.

There is no need to feel depressed over this and panic about it. It is actually quite the opposite, because it gives these Ancient Legends so much more meaning and value and the Knowledge can be used in order to Advance yourself.

There is also nothing wrong with still enjoying these Ancient Legends and the stories behind them, as they are extremely beautiful and are a proud part of our Heritage as Gentiles and children of Satan. Knowing what they Truly represent just means that we have added a whole new dimension to them and can really use the Spiritual Knowledge which they share.

Many of our People are very strongly drawn to these Allegorical Beings, such as Mermaids and Dragons. That is because the Racial Memory can never be destroyed and these Ancient Legends remain within our Souls.

And no, it does not mean you can no longer have dreams and fantasies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying fantasy. The issue comes in with those individuals who blur the line between fantasy and reality and become disconnected with reality to the point where they are just wasting their time and not making any progress. Like the typical "dungeons and dragons" obsessives who start to actually believe that they actually are the game character and take things a little too far, etc. We have had a few of these in the past. Obsession and enjoyment are two opposite ends of the spectrum. Obsession is unhealthy, enjoyment is perfectly healthy and normal.

I think you slightly misunderstood what I was saying. My point was that taking these Beings as completely literal will hinder Spiritual insight and progress. I did not mean that the stories behind these Beings cannot still be enjoyed.

They are gifts to us from Satan and the Gods, and I absolutely encourage our People to be aware of them and enjoy them, but also to realize that they contain a deeper meaning and purpose. I myself thoroughly enjoy the Ancient Celtic and Germanic Folklore and I grew up on the Arthurian Legends. These were all originally Pagan and had nothing what so ever to do with xianity.

All of our Satanic Heritage should be enjoyed!

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

So "little" magical beings like faries are real but "big" ones like you mentioned aren't? I've always thought they were real! Now I have no inspiration for art, darnit! *despair* Come to think of it, if they were, we would've killed them off by now anyway b/c of what we've been doing to the enviroment. Feel like the world has lost a large chunk of magic for me. *sigh of deeper despair* I've always wanted to find a unicorn, but I'm natually psysic, so it's really a desire to understand that part of myself better? A friend of mine loves dragons. Does that mean he subconciously desires Godhood? I'll never get better than I am now! I'm so STUPID!!!!!!!! *depression* Now I feel like having dreams/fantasies at all is stupid and a waste of time, that I need to become cold and calculating in everything I do.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons, Griffins, Sphinx, Centaurs, the Phoenix etc, are all Spiritual Allegories for stages of the Magnum Opus. They represent aspects of the Soul and certain workings done to open and Empower the Soul.

The enemy obviously does not want people to be aware of these True Allegorical meanings as that will open the door to further Spiritual/Satanic Knowledge, so they spout off all kinds of nonsense. Anything other than the Truth. They would rather people believe these are real beings than know the Alchemy which they represent. IMO, this is just another enemy trap.

Study Spiritual Alchemy, and you will begin to see the Allegories contained in the images of these beings. The Unicorn, for example, has to do with Empowering the Third Eye and achieving Astral site, hence the Horn protruding from the forehead. The Horn can also represent Sexual Energy/Life Force. It also represents the Feminine aspect of the Soul, the Female Eixir, and the "White Stage" of the Magnum Opus, which is the purification of the Soul. In Alchemical Drawings the Unicorn often appeared next to a Lion, which represented the Male aspect of the Soul. The Unicorn is associated with The Moon/Silver/Mercury while the Lion is associated with the Sun/Gold. The Unicorn and the Lion meeting represents the combining of the Male and Female elixirs and the stage at which the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Soul come into balance.

People who take these Allegories literally and believe that there are physical Mermaids and Unicorns alive on Earth are missing the point entirely and therefore will not be able to Advance Spiritually.

Once you begin to study Alchemy and Meditate and Advance yourself, you will see this more and more. Satan wants this Knowledge back in the hands of the Gentile People. Always be on the look out for enemy lies and traps, as these are specifically designed to keep True Satanic Knowledge from our People.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chris41226" <chris41226@ wrote:

watching the history Chanel last night with my mom and was watching a commendatory that mermaids have been proven to finally be real a big shock to me but so amazing in every way and stone cold proof that the xian god is finally losing its power and that the american military is purposely killing them with low pitch frequency's it just proved to me how everything in this world that we where supposed to believe was good is nothing but curl evil and horrible i in every way DOWN WITH THE XIAN GOD MAY FATHER SATAN AND THE GODS OF OLD AND OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS DESTROY IT SOON

Hey that does make a lot of sense. Since it has been known that Xianity has functioned on the negative aspect of Neptune
From: siguarddraconis <siguarddraconis@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2013 2:25 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: mermaids have just been proven real

  Yes, Satan is Poseidon/Neptune.

Neptune as a planet is about inspiration, art, music. Also, it is a higher octave of Venus (which is the planet of Father; the Morning Star). YET Neptune in its NEGATIVE aspect is about delusions, addictions, unreliability, escapism, etc. which stands for the enemy program. Xianity has tainted and smeared everything it could.

Siguard Draconis.

Satanas Via, Vera et Vita est.
Ave Satanas! Rege Satanas!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@... wrote:

I thought Poseidon was Satan. Another name for him in Greek and he has some of the same similar traits as Satan.

Hail Satan! Hail Azazel! Hail Zeus! Hail the Gods of Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@ wrote:

I have seen many elementals. I have seen the gnome beingepecially at my old apt. I have seen fairies about 5 inches tall dancimg in my window sill on a full moon nite. I have see water beings, like MERMAIDS THEY WERE in meditation drawing me down under the seas in a protective.pod like thing. Also I was very lucky and blessed to be visited by Posoiden. They AREreal though they live in another place.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

Yes! Little 1-2 element beings were what I meant when I said fairies! I think I saw 1 last week! She was white, had a yellow dress on and short red hair, her eyes were auqamarine. Her wings were the dragonfly kind and they had gold iridescence on them. She didn't say anything though. She's come around a few times since then. The sound of her wings beating alerts me to her presence, but she doesn't always fully manifest. There is also a red and gold lizard who is fond of crawling up the computer room wall in the evening, flicking it's tounge twice, then lighting itself on fire then disappering. I just hope the PHISICAL house doesn't end up catching on fire b/c of the lizard's astral hobby! I haven't seen any Earth or Water elementals yet, but everytime I leave something @ a special Linden tree in a creekbed near my house I find a beautiful stone on the way back. Best find so far was a rock w/ a few quartz crystals in it! Want to see? I figured out a few weeks ago after asking about it that the "fancy" legendary "fairies" were the Gods b/c ppl use the same adjectives to describe them. What other kind of elemental beings are out there besides the usual Salamanders, Sylphs, Undines, and Gromes? I just thought of something! How have the elemental beings evolved and changed over time according to how the Earth has changed? Do faries/sylphs look different in Africa where you're @ then they do here in America (and Europe) b/c the plants, animals, and overall climate/enviroment is different? At what point in our planet's history were they 1st born? Did they all come into being @ 1ce, or was it in the order that different elements were brought into our world (the Earth itself 1st, then Firey valcanos b/c of inner and outer geological processes, then the Atomosphere which would be Air, then finally the Oceans for Water)? Does every planet w/ life have it's own specific version of these beings?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Fairies are slightly different. In Ancient Times, specifically Ancient Celtic Times, Fairies were associated with Beings called the Sidhe. These were our Gods.

From Wikipedia:

"In old Celtic fairy lore the sidhe (fairy folk) are immortals living in the ancient barrows and cairns. The Tuatha de Danaan are associated with several Otherworld realms including Mag Mell (the Pleasant Plain), Emain Ablach (the Fortress of Apples or the Land of Promise or the Isle of Women), and the Tir na nÓg (the Land of Youth)."

Sidhe/Fairy Folk were our Gods. Note also their association with Apples, which have long been symbols of Immortality. The Isle of Avalon (Isle of Apples) represented Immortality.

"Another theory is that the fairies were originally worshiped as gods, but with the coming of christianity, they lived on, in a dwindled state of power, in folk belief. In this particular time, fairies were reputed by the church as being 'evil' beings. Many beings who are described as deities in older tales are described as "fairies" in more recent writings."

Once again, xianity destroyed the True Knowledge and blasphemed our Gods.

The term "fairies" has also in more recent times, however, come to refer to certain Elemental beings who reside on the Astral. They are, like Salamanders, beings whose Souls comprise only one or two elements. These beings are of Satan and can be befriended when treated with care and respect and can even assist in Magickal Workings if they so choose.

There is no need to feel depressed over this and panic about it. It is actually quite the opposite, because it gives these Ancient Legends so much more meaning and value and the Knowledge can be used in order to Advance yourself.

There is also nothing wrong with still enjoying these Ancient Legends and the stories behind them, as they are extremely beautiful and are a proud part of our Heritage as Gentiles and children of Satan. Knowing what they Truly represent just means that we have added a whole new dimension to them and can really use the Spiritual Knowledge which they share.

Many of our People are very strongly drawn to these Allegorical Beings, such as Mermaids and Dragons. That is because the Racial Memory can never be destroyed and these Ancient Legends remain within our Souls.

And no, it does not mean you can no longer have dreams and fantasies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying fantasy. The issue comes in with those individuals who blur the line between fantasy and reality and become disconnected with reality to the point where they are just wasting their time and not making any progress. Like the typical "dungeons and dragons" obsessives who start to actually believe that they actually are the game character and take things a little too far, etc. We have had a few of these in the past. Obsession and enjoyment are two opposite ends of the spectrum. Obsession is unhealthy, enjoyment is perfectly healthy and normal.

I think you slightly misunderstood what I was saying. My point was that taking these Beings as completely literal will hinder Spiritual insight and progress. I did not mean that the stories behind these Beings cannot still be enjoyed.

They are gifts to us from Satan and the Gods, and I absolutely encourage our People to be aware of them and enjoy them, but also to realize that they contain a deeper meaning and purpose. I myself thoroughly enjoy the Ancient Celtic and Germanic Folklore and I grew up on the Arthurian Legends. These were all originally Pagan and had nothing what so ever to do with xianity.

All of our Satanic Heritage should be enjoyed!

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

So "little" magical beings like faries are real but "big" ones like you mentioned aren't? I've always thought they were real! Now I have no inspiration for art, darnit! *despair* Come to think of it, if they were, we would've killed them off by now anyway b/c of what we've been doing to the enviroment. Feel like the world has lost a large chunk of magic for me. *sigh of deeper despair* I've always wanted to find a unicorn, but I'm natually psysic, so it's really a desire to understand that part of myself better? A friend of mine loves dragons. Does that mean he subconciously desires Godhood? I'll never get better than I am now! I'm so STUPID!!!!!!!! *depression* Now I feel like having dreams/fantasies at all is stupid and a waste of time, that I need to become cold and calculating in everything I do.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons, Griffins, Sphinx, Centaurs, the Phoenix etc, are all Spiritual Allegories for stages of the Magnum Opus. They represent aspects of the Soul and certain workings done to open and Empower the Soul.

The enemy obviously does not want people to be aware of these True Allegorical meanings as that will open the door to further Spiritual/Satanic Knowledge, so they spout off all kinds of nonsense. Anything other than the Truth. They would rather people believe these are real beings than know the Alchemy which they represent. IMO, this is just another enemy trap.

Study Spiritual Alchemy, and you will begin to see the Allegories contained in the images of these beings. The Unicorn, for example, has to do with Empowering the Third Eye and achieving Astral site, hence the Horn protruding from the forehead. The Horn can also represent Sexual Energy/Life Force. It also represents the Feminine aspect of the Soul, the Female Eixir, and the "White Stage" of the Magnum Opus, which is the purification of the Soul. In Alchemical Drawings the Unicorn often appeared next to a Lion, which represented the Male aspect of the Soul. The Unicorn is associated with The Moon/Silver/Mercury while the Lion is associated with the Sun/Gold. The Unicorn and the Lion meeting represents the combining of the Male and Female elixirs and the stage at which the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Soul come into balance.

People who take these Allegories literally and believe that there are physical Mermaids and Unicorns alive on Earth are missing the point entirely and therefore will not be able to Advance Spiritually.

Once you begin to study Alchemy and Meditate and Advance yourself, you will see this more and more. Satan wants this Knowledge back in the hands of the Gentile People. Always be on the look out for enemy lies and traps, as these are specifically designed to keep True Satanic Knowledge from our People.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chris41226" <chris41226@ wrote:

watching the history Chanel last night with my mom and was watching a commendatory that mermaids have been proven to finally be real a big shock to me but so amazing in every way and stone cold proof that the xian god is finally losing its power and that the american military is purposely killing them with low pitch frequency's it just proved to me how everything in this world that we where supposed to believe was good is nothing but curl evil and horrible i in every way DOWN WITH THE XIAN GOD MAY FATHER SATAN AND THE GODS OF OLD AND OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS DESTROY IT SOON


On this plane.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@... wrote:

I thought so, I remember some years ago someone else said dragons and unicorns are real, but they truly are allegorical.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "En Haradren Amlug" <hecktic_shadow@ wrote:

Allegorical. As Don pointed out, this person is a deluded enemy trying to spread misinformation and confusion. Easily seen through their hopeless attempt.

-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@ wrote:

Wait; so to my knowledge I thought Dragons, Unicorns and etc are allegorical, just as High Priestess Zildar Raasi stated and what I learned. Not beings that are real, but as a knowledge given to us to advance ourselves. So my question is are they real astrally speaking, allegory(at least to my research of this which makes sense to me) or a combination of both?

Hail Satan! Hail Azazel! Hail Zeus! Hail the Gods of Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blessedchildoflucifer" <blessedchildoflucifer@ wrote:

Allegorical beings? Dragons and mermaids? My experience with Dragons was far from allegorical, and I am not talking about those reptillians, Dragons as I have experienced are astral creatures and powerful magicians themselves, I have experienced them as those huge types with wings, and a elongated snout like a goat, and some had even horns. I even had dreams of dragons. I do remember one dragon in my teens, claimed to have been some guardian of mine, and his name was Drake, in my dream, he told me this. Then the next day watching a movie about a dragon for the first time, the dragon spoke and called himself Drake. And well I was like "oh thats just a coincidence" and then the very next day my brother gave me "magic the gathering" card with a dragon on it called Drake. That is when my attention on this dragon heightened. I also have seen these huge types of dragon astrally before and seen the physical effects. These creatures breathed fire, and was able to fly.

As for mermaids, I also have experienced these as astral creatures of the water, also and also seen the physical affects. Perhaps these creatures do exist, either that or they will not reveal themselves to everyone.....

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Fairies are slightly different. In Ancient Times, specifically Ancient Celtic Times, Fairies were associated with Beings called the Sidhe. These were our Gods.

From Wikipedia:

"In old Celtic fairy lore the sidhe (fairy folk) are immortals living in the ancient barrows and cairns. The Tuatha de Danaan are associated with several Otherworld realms including Mag Mell (the Pleasant Plain), Emain Ablach (the Fortress of Apples or the Land of Promise or the Isle of Women), and the Tir na nÓg (the Land of Youth)."

Sidhe/Fairy Folk were our Gods. Note also their association with Apples, which have long been symbols of Immortality. The Isle of Avalon (Isle of Apples) represented Immortality.

"Another theory is that the fairies were originally worshiped as gods, but with the coming of christianity, they lived on, in a dwindled state of power, in folk belief. In this particular time, fairies were reputed by the church as being 'evil' beings. Many beings who are described as deities in older tales are described as "fairies" in more recent writings."

Once again, xianity destroyed the True Knowledge and blasphemed our Gods.

The term "fairies" has also in more recent times, however, come to refer to certain Elemental beings who reside on the Astral. They are, like Salamanders, beings whose Souls comprise only one or two elements. These beings are of Satan and can be befriended when treated with care and respect and can even assist in Magickal Workings if they so choose.

There is no need to feel depressed over this and panic about it. It is actually quite the opposite, because it gives these Ancient Legends so much more meaning and value and the Knowledge can be used in order to Advance yourself.

There is also nothing wrong with still enjoying these Ancient Legends and the stories behind them, as they are extremely beautiful and are a proud part of our Heritage as Gentiles and children of Satan. Knowing what they Truly represent just means that we have added a whole new dimension to them and can really use the Spiritual Knowledge which they share.

Many of our People are very strongly drawn to these Allegorical Beings, such as Mermaids and Dragons. That is because the Racial Memory can never be destroyed and these Ancient Legends remain within our Souls.

And no, it does not mean you can no longer have dreams and fantasies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying fantasy. The issue comes in with those individuals who blur the line between fantasy and reality and become disconnected with reality to the point where they are just wasting their time and not making any progress. Like the typical "dungeons and dragons" obsessives who start to actually believe that they actually are the game character and take things a little too far, etc. We have had a few of these in the past. Obsession and enjoyment are two opposite ends of the spectrum. Obsession is unhealthy, enjoyment is perfectly healthy and normal.

I think you slightly misunderstood what I was saying. My point was that taking these Beings as completely literal will hinder Spiritual insight and progress. I did not mean that the stories behind these Beings cannot still be enjoyed.

They are gifts to us from Satan and the Gods, and I absolutely encourage our People to be aware of them and enjoy them, but also to realize that they contain a deeper meaning and purpose. I myself thoroughly enjoy the Ancient Celtic and Germanic Folklore and I grew up on the Arthurian Legends. These were all originally Pagan and had nothing what so ever to do with xianity.

All of our Satanic Heritage should be enjoyed!

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

So "little" magical beings like faries are real but "big" ones like you mentioned aren't? I've always thought they were real! Now I have no inspiration for art, darnit! *despair* Come to think of it, if they were, we would've killed them off by now anyway b/c of what we've been doing to the enviroment. Feel like the world has lost a large chunk of magic for me. *sigh of deeper despair* I've always wanted to find a unicorn, but I'm natually psysic, so it's really a desire to understand that part of myself better? A friend of mine loves dragons. Does that mean he subconciously desires Godhood? I'll never get better than I am now! I'm so STUPID!!!!!!!! *depression* Now I feel like having dreams/fantasies at all is stupid and a waste of time, that I need to become cold and calculating in everything I do.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons, Griffins, Sphinx, Centaurs, the Phoenix etc, are all Spiritual Allegories for stages of the Magnum Opus. They represent aspects of the Soul and certain workings done to open and Empower the Soul.

The enemy obviously does not want people to be aware of these True Allegorical meanings as that will open the door to further Spiritual/Satanic Knowledge, so they spout off all kinds of nonsense. Anything other than the Truth. They would rather people believe these are real beings than know the Alchemy which they represent. IMO, this is just another enemy trap.

Study Spiritual Alchemy, and you will begin to see the Allegories contained in the images of these beings. The Unicorn, for example, has to do with Empowering the Third Eye and achieving Astral site, hence the Horn protruding from the forehead. The Horn can also represent Sexual Energy/Life Force. It also represents the Feminine aspect of the Soul, the Female Eixir, and the "White Stage" of the Magnum Opus, which is the purification of the Soul. In Alchemical Drawings the Unicorn often appeared next to a Lion, which represented the Male aspect of the Soul. The Unicorn is associated with The Moon/Silver/Mercury while the Lion is associated with the Sun/Gold. The Unicorn and the Lion meeting represents the combining of the Male and Female elixirs and the stage at which the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Soul come into balance.

People who take these Allegories literally and believe that there are physical Mermaids and Unicorns alive on Earth are missing the point entirely and therefore will not be able to Advance Spiritually.

Once you begin to study Alchemy and Meditate and Advance yourself, you will see this more and more. Satan wants this Knowledge back in the hands of the Gentile People. Always be on the look out for enemy lies and traps, as these are specifically designed to keep True Satanic Knowledge from our People.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chris41226" <chris41226@ wrote:

watching the history Chanel last night with my mom and was watching a commendatory that mermaids have been proven to finally be real a big shock to me but so amazing in every way and stone cold proof that the xian god is finally losing its power and that the american military is purposely killing them with low pitch frequency's it just proved to me how everything in this world that we where supposed to believe was good is nothing but curl evil and horrible i in every way DOWN WITH THE XIAN GOD MAY FATHER SATAN AND THE GODS OF OLD AND OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS DESTROY IT SOON

This whole thread is a waste of text.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Xavier Skaggs <xavi3rskaggs@... wrote:

I wonder if he has anymore stories to tell us? I see he is good at combining knowledge from different sources so he sounds smart so people will listen him. But I'm getting tired of his stories why don't you crawl back under the bridge where you came from troll.

From: siguarddraconis <siguarddraconis@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2013 11:35 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: mermaids have just been proven real

The one who should be watching his jewish mouth is you.

You were not banned, eh? You're on the best way to be banned for pushing nuuuu age crap. There are many groups that will accept such a retar... I mean, a wise sage. Here we have no place for jew age shit.

Siguard Draconis.

Satanas Via, Vera et Vita est.
Ave Satanas! Rege Satanas!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Heath Humberson <blessedchildoflucifer@ wrote:

I have not been banned at all, I been here on and off for quiet some time of my own free will, and as you think, that I am spamming, according to your view.  By the way, I been very unaware of this post was even old, I came across it when I was at the yahoo group home page looking at topics and messages, and thought it was an interesting read for the first time. I think you should watch your mouth before you start accusing me. 

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: mermaids have just been proven real

You just show up and dig up an old thread to post, dreamland delusions. You have been here before and have been banned before for this Disney Land, spamming.

From: blessedchildoflucifer <blessedchildoflucifer@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 3:13:04 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: mermaids have just been proven real

Allegorical beings? Dragons and mermaids? My experience with Dragons was far from allegorical, and I am not talking about those reptillians, Dragons as I have experienced are astral creatures and powerful magicians themselves, I have experienced them as those huge types with wings, and a elongated snout like a goat, and some had even horns. I even had dreams of dragons. I do remember one dragon in my teens, claimed to have been some guardian of mine, and his name was Drake, in my dream, he told me this. Then the next day watching a movie about a dragon for the first time, the dragon spoke and called himself Drake. And well I was like "oh thats just a coincidence" and then the very next day my brother gave me "magic the gathering" card with a dragon on it called Drake. That is when my attention on this dragon heightened. I also have seen these huge types of dragon astrally before and seen the physical effects. These creatures breathed fire, and was able
to fly.

As for mermaids, I also have experienced these as astral creatures of the water, also and also seen the physical affects. Perhaps these creatures do exist, either that or they will not reveal themselves to everyone.....

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Fairies are slightly different. In Ancient Times, specifically Ancient Celtic Times, Fairies were associated with Beings called the Sidhe. These were our Gods.

From Wikipedia:

"In old Celtic fairy lore the sidhe (fairy folk) are immortals living in the ancient barrows and cairns. The Tuatha de Danaan are associated with several Otherworld realms including Mag Mell (the Pleasant Plain), Emain Ablach (the Fortress of Apples or the Land of Promise or the Isle of Women), and the Tir na nÃ"g (the Land of Youth)."

Sidhe/Fairy Folk were our Gods. Note also their association with Apples, which have long been symbols of Immortality. The Isle of Avalon (Isle of Apples) represented Immortality.

"Another theory is that the fairies were originally worshiped as gods, but with the coming of christianity, they lived on, in a dwindled state of power, in folk belief. In this particular time, fairies were reputed by the church as being 'evil' beings. Many beings who are described as deities in older tales are described as "fairies" in more recent writings."

Once again, xianity destroyed the True Knowledge and blasphemed our Gods.

The term "fairies" has also in more recent times, however, come to refer to certain Elemental beings who reside on the Astral. They are, like Salamanders, beings whose Souls comprise only one or two elements. These beings are of Satan and can be befriended when treated with care and respect and can even assist in Magickal Workings if they so choose.

There is no need to feel depressed over this and panic about it. It is actually quite the opposite, because it gives these Ancient Legends so much more meaning and value and the Knowledge can be used in order to Advance yourself.

There is also nothing wrong with still enjoying these Ancient Legends and the stories behind them, as they are extremely beautiful and are a proud part of our Heritage as Gentiles and children of Satan. Knowing what they Truly represent just means that we have added a whole new dimension to them and can really use the Spiritual Knowledge which they share.

Many of our People are very strongly drawn to these Allegorical Beings, such as Mermaids and Dragons. That is because the Racial Memory can never be destroyed and these Ancient Legends remain within our Souls.

And no, it does not mean you can no longer have dreams and fantasies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying fantasy. The issue comes in with those individuals who blur the line between fantasy and reality and become disconnected with reality to the point where they are just wasting their time and not making any progress. Like the typical "dungeons and dragons" obsessives who start to actually believe that they actually are the game character and take things a little too far, etc. We have had a few of these in the past. Obsession and enjoyment are two opposite ends of the spectrum. Obsession is unhealthy, enjoyment is perfectly healthy and normal.

I think you slightly misunderstood what I was saying. My point was that taking these Beings as completely literal will hinder Spiritual insight and progress. I did not mean that the stories behind these Beings cannot still be enjoyed.

They are gifts to us from Satan and the Gods, and I absolutely encourage our People to be aware of them and enjoy them, but also to realize that they contain a deeper meaning and purpose. I myself thoroughly enjoy the Ancient Celtic and Germanic Folklore and I grew up on the Arthurian Legends. These were all originally Pagan and had nothing what so ever to do with xianity.

All of our Satanic Heritage should be enjoyed!

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

So "little" magical beings like faries are real but "big" ones like you mentioned aren't? I've always thought they were real! Now I have no inspiration for art, darnit! *despair* Come to think of it, if they were, we would've killed them off by now anyway b/c of what we've been doing to the enviroment. Feel like the world has lost a large chunk of magic for me. *sigh of deeper despair* I've always wanted to find a unicorn, but I'm natually psysic, so it's really a desire to understand that part of myself better? A friend of mine loves dragons. Does that mean he subconciously desires Godhood? I'll never get better than I am now! I'm so STUPID!!!!!!!! *depression* Now I feel like having dreams/fantasies at all is stupid and a waste of time, that I need to become cold and calculating in everything I do.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons, Griffins, Sphinx, Centaurs, the Phoenix etc, are all Spiritual Allegories for stages of the Magnum Opus. They represent aspects of the Soul and certain workings done to open and Empower the Soul.

The enemy obviously does not want people to be aware of these True Allegorical meanings as that will open the door to further Spiritual/Satanic Knowledge, so they spout off all kinds of nonsense. Anything other than the Truth. They would rather people believe these are real beings than know the Alchemy which they represent. IMO, this is just another enemy trap.

Study Spiritual Alchemy, and you will begin to see the Allegories contained in the images of these beings. The Unicorn, for example, has to do with Empowering the Third Eye and achieving Astral site, hence the Horn protruding from the forehead. The Horn can also represent Sexual Energy/Life Force. It also represents the Feminine aspect of the Soul, the Female Eixir, and the "White Stage" of the Magnum Opus, which is the purification of the Soul. In Alchemical Drawings the Unicorn often appeared next to a Lion, which represented the Male aspect of the Soul. The Unicorn is associated with The Moon/Silver/Mercury while the Lion is associated with the Sun/Gold. The Unicorn and the Lion meeting represents the combining of the Male and Female elixirs and the stage at which the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Soul come into balance.

People who take these Allegories literally and believe that there are physical Mermaids and Unicorns alive on Earth are missing the point entirely and therefore will not be able to Advance Spiritually.

Once you begin to study Alchemy and Meditate and Advance yourself, you will see this more and more. Satan wants this Knowledge back in the hands of the Gentile People. Always be on the look out for enemy lies and traps, as these are specifically designed to keep True Satanic Knowledge from our People.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "chris41226" <chris41226@ wrote:

watching the history Chanel last night with my mom and was watching a commendatory that mermaids have been proven to finally be real a big shock to me but so amazing in every way and stone cold proof that the xian god is finally losing its power and that the american military is purposely killing them with low pitch frequency's it just proved to me how everything in this world that we where supposed to believe was good is nothing but curl evil and horrible i in every way DOWN WITH THE XIAN GOD MAY FATHER SATAN AND THE GODS OF OLD AND OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS DESTROY IT SOON

I have seen mermaids and faeries on the astral. They are used as allegories, but are also real. Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "siguarddraconis" <siguarddraconis@... wrote:

Yes, Satan is Poseidon/Neptune.

Neptune as a planet is about inspiration, art, music. Also, it is a higher octave of Venus (which is the planet of Father; the Morning Star). YET Neptune in its NEGATIVE aspect is about delusions, addictions, unreliability, escapism, etc. which stands for the enemy program. Xianity has tainted and smeared everything it could.

Siguard Draconis.

Satanas Via, Vera et Vita est.
Ave Satanas! Rege Satanas!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@ wrote:

I thought Poseidon was Satan. Another name for him in Greek and he has some of the same similar traits as Satan.

Hail Satan! Hail Azazel! Hail Zeus! Hail the Gods of Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@ wrote:

I have seen many elementals. I have seen the gnome beingepecially at my old apt. I have seen fairies about 5 inches tall dancimg in my window sill on a full moon nite. I have see water beings, like MERMAIDS THEY WERE in meditation drawing me down under the seas in a protective.pod like thing. Also I was very lucky and blessed to be visited by Posoiden. They AREreal though they live in another place.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

Yes! Little 1-2 element beings were what I meant when I said fairies! I think I saw 1 last week! She was white, had a yellow dress on and short red hair, her eyes were auqamarine. Her wings were the dragonfly kind and they had gold iridescence on them. She didn't say anything though. She's come around a few times since then. The sound of her wings beating alerts me to her presence, but she doesn't always fully manifest. There is also a red and gold lizard who is fond of crawling up the computer room wall in the evening, flicking it's tounge twice, then lighting itself on fire then disappering. I just hope the PHISICAL house doesn't end up catching on fire b/c of the lizard's astral hobby! I haven't seen any Earth or Water elementals yet, but everytime I leave something @ a special Linden tree in a creekbed near my house I find a beautiful stone on the way back. Best find so far was a rock w/ a few quartz crystals in it! Want to see? I figured out a few weeks ago after asking about it that the "fancy" legendary "fairies" were the Gods b/c ppl use the same adjectives to describe them. What other kind of elemental beings are out there besides the usual Salamanders, Sylphs, Undines, and Gromes? I just thought of something! How have the elemental beings evolved and changed over time according to how the Earth has changed? Do faries/sylphs look different in Africa where you're @ then they do here in America (and Europe) b/c the plants, animals, and overall climate/enviroment is different? At what point in our planet's history were they 1st born? Did they all come into being @ 1ce, or was it in the order that different elements were brought into our world (the Earth itself 1st, then Firey valcanos b/c of inner and outer geological processes, then the Atomosphere which would be Air, then finally the Oceans for Water)? Does every planet w/ life have it's own specific version of these beings?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Fairies are slightly different. In Ancient Times, specifically Ancient Celtic Times, Fairies were associated with Beings called the Sidhe. These were our Gods.

From Wikipedia:

"In old Celtic fairy lore the sidhe (fairy folk) are immortals living in the ancient barrows and cairns. The Tuatha de Danaan are associated with several Otherworld realms including Mag Mell (the Pleasant Plain), Emain Ablach (the Fortress of Apples or the Land of Promise or the Isle of Women), and the Tir na nÓg (the Land of Youth)."

Sidhe/Fairy Folk were our Gods. Note also their association with Apples, which have long been symbols of Immortality. The Isle of Avalon (Isle of Apples) represented Immortality.

"Another theory is that the fairies were originally worshiped as gods, but with the coming of christianity, they lived on, in a dwindled state of power, in folk belief. In this particular time, fairies were reputed by the church as being 'evil' beings. Many beings who are described as deities in older tales are described as "fairies" in more recent writings."

Once again, xianity destroyed the True Knowledge and blasphemed our Gods.

The term "fairies" has also in more recent times, however, come to refer to certain Elemental beings who reside on the Astral. They are, like Salamanders, beings whose Souls comprise only one or two elements. These beings are of Satan and can be befriended when treated with care and respect and can even assist in Magickal Workings if they so choose.

There is no need to feel depressed over this and panic about it. It is actually quite the opposite, because it gives these Ancient Legends so much more meaning and value and the Knowledge can be used in order to Advance yourself.

There is also nothing wrong with still enjoying these Ancient Legends and the stories behind them, as they are extremely beautiful and are a proud part of our Heritage as Gentiles and children of Satan. Knowing what they Truly represent just means that we have added a whole new dimension to them and can really use the Spiritual Knowledge which they share.

Many of our People are very strongly drawn to these Allegorical Beings, such as Mermaids and Dragons. That is because the Racial Memory can never be destroyed and these Ancient Legends remain within our Souls.

And no, it does not mean you can no longer have dreams and fantasies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying fantasy. The issue comes in with those individuals who blur the line between fantasy and reality and become disconnected with reality to the point where they are just wasting their time and not making any progress. Like the typical "dungeons and dragons" obsessives who start to actually believe that they actually are the game character and take things a little too far, etc. We have had a few of these in the past. Obsession and enjoyment are two opposite ends of the spectrum. Obsession is unhealthy, enjoyment is perfectly healthy and normal.

I think you slightly misunderstood what I was saying. My point was that taking these Beings as completely literal will hinder Spiritual insight and progress. I did not mean that the stories behind these Beings cannot still be enjoyed.

They are gifts to us from Satan and the Gods, and I absolutely encourage our People to be aware of them and enjoy them, but also to realize that they contain a deeper meaning and purpose. I myself thoroughly enjoy the Ancient Celtic and Germanic Folklore and I grew up on the Arthurian Legends. These were all originally Pagan and had nothing what so ever to do with xianity.

All of our Satanic Heritage should be enjoyed!

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

So "little" magical beings like faries are real but "big" ones like you mentioned aren't? I've always thought they were real! Now I have no inspiration for art, darnit! *despair* Come to think of it, if they were, we would've killed them off by now anyway b/c of what we've been doing to the enviroment. Feel like the world has lost a large chunk of magic for me. *sigh of deeper despair* I've always wanted to find a unicorn, but I'm natually psysic, so it's really a desire to understand that part of myself better? A friend of mine loves dragons. Does that mean he subconciously desires Godhood? I'll never get better than I am now! I'm so STUPID!!!!!!!! *depression* Now I feel like having dreams/fantasies at all is stupid and a waste of time, that I need to become cold and calculating in everything I do.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons, Griffins, Sphinx, Centaurs, the Phoenix etc, are all Spiritual Allegories for stages of the Magnum Opus. They represent aspects of the Soul and certain workings done to open and Empower the Soul.

The enemy obviously does not want people to be aware of these True Allegorical meanings as that will open the door to further Spiritual/Satanic Knowledge, so they spout off all kinds of nonsense. Anything other than the Truth. They would rather people believe these are real beings than know the Alchemy which they represent. IMO, this is just another enemy trap.

Study Spiritual Alchemy, and you will begin to see the Allegories contained in the images of these beings. The Unicorn, for example, has to do with Empowering the Third Eye and achieving Astral site, hence the Horn protruding from the forehead. The Horn can also represent Sexual Energy/Life Force. It also represents the Feminine aspect of the Soul, the Female Eixir, and the "White Stage" of the Magnum Opus, which is the purification of the Soul. In Alchemical Drawings the Unicorn often appeared next to a Lion, which represented the Male aspect of the Soul. The Unicorn is associated with The Moon/Silver/Mercury while the Lion is associated with the Sun/Gold. The Unicorn and the Lion meeting represents the combining of the Male and Female elixirs and the stage at which the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Soul come into balance.

People who take these Allegories literally and believe that there are physical Mermaids and Unicorns alive on Earth are missing the point entirely and therefore will not be able to Advance Spiritually.

Once you begin to study Alchemy and Meditate and Advance yourself, you will see this more and more. Satan wants this Knowledge back in the hands of the Gentile People. Always be on the look out for enemy lies and traps, as these are specifically designed to keep True Satanic Knowledge from our People.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chris41226" <chris41226@ wrote:

watching the history Chanel last night with my mom and was watching a commendatory that mermaids have been proven to finally be real a big shock to me but so amazing in every way and stone cold proof that the xian god is finally losing its power and that the american military is purposely killing them with low pitch frequency's it just proved to me how everything in this world that we where supposed to believe was good is nothing but curl evil and horrible i in every way DOWN WITH THE XIAN GOD MAY FATHER SATAN AND THE GODS OF OLD AND OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS DESTROY IT SOON

Funny you just show up and appear in every thread this other account was trolling in. With supporting statements in its favour.
From: noxinflux <noxinflux@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2013 10:45:13 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: mermaids have just been proven real
  This whole thread is a waste of text.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Xavier Skaggs <xavi3rskaggs@... wrote:

I wonder if he has anymore stories to tell us? I see he is good at combining knowledge from different sources so he sounds smart so people will listen him. But I'm getting tired of his stories why don't you crawl back under the bridge where you came from troll.

From: siguarddraconis <siguarddraconis@...
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2013 11:35 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: mermaids have just been proven real

The one who should be watching his jewish mouth is you.

You were not banned, eh? You're on the best way to be banned for pushing nuuuu age crap. There are many groups that will accept such a retar... I mean, a wise sage. Here we have no place for jew age shit.

Siguard Draconis.

Satanas Via, Vera et Vita est.
Ave Satanas! Rege Satanas!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Heath Humberson <blessedchildoflucifer@ wrote:

I have not been banned at all, I been here on and off for quiet some time of my own free will, and as you think, that I am spamming, according to your view.  By the way, I been very unaware of this post was even old, I came across it when I was at the yahoo group home page looking at topics and messages, and thought it was an interesting read for the first time. I think you should watch your mouth before you start accusing me. 

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: mermaids have just been proven real

You just show up and dig up an old thread to post, dreamland delusions. You have been here before and have been banned before for this Disney Land, spamming.

From: blessedchildoflucifer <blessedchildoflucifer@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 3:13:04 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: mermaids have just been proven real

Allegorical beings? Dragons and mermaids? My experience with Dragons was far from allegorical, and I am not talking about those reptillians, Dragons as I have experienced are astral creatures and powerful magicians themselves, I have experienced them as those huge types with wings, and a elongated snout like a goat, and some had even horns. I even had dreams of dragons. I do remember one dragon in my teens, claimed to have been some guardian of mine, and his name was Drake, in my dream, he told me this. Then the next day watching a movie about a dragon for the first time, the dragon spoke and called himself Drake. And well I was like "oh thats just a coincidence" and then the very next day my brother gave me "magic the gathering" card with a dragon on it called Drake. That is when my attention on this dragon heightened. I also have seen these huge types of dragon astrally before and seen the physical effects. These creatures breathed fire, and was able
to fly.

As for mermaids, I also have experienced these as astral creatures of the water, also and also seen the physical affects. Perhaps these creatures do exist, either that or they will not reveal themselves to everyone.....

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Fairies are slightly different. In Ancient Times, specifically Ancient Celtic Times, Fairies were associated with Beings called the Sidhe. These were our Gods.

From Wikipedia:

"In old Celtic fairy lore the sidhe (fairy folk) are immortals living in the ancient barrows and cairns. The Tuatha de Danaan are associated with several Otherworld realms including Mag Mell (the Pleasant Plain), Emain Ablach (the Fortress of Apples or the Land of Promise or the Isle of Women), and the Tir na nÃ"g (the Land of Youth)."

Sidhe/Fairy Folk were our Gods. Note also their association with Apples, which have long been symbols of Immortality. The Isle of Avalon (Isle of Apples) represented Immortality.

"Another theory is that the fairies were originally worshiped as gods, but with the coming of christianity, they lived on, in a dwindled state of power, in folk belief. In this particular time, fairies were reputed by the church as being 'evil' beings. Many beings who are described as deities in older tales are described as "fairies" in more recent writings."

Once again, xianity destroyed the True Knowledge and blasphemed our Gods.

The term "fairies" has also in more recent times, however, come to refer to certain Elemental beings who reside on the Astral. They are, like Salamanders, beings whose Souls comprise only one or two elements. These beings are of Satan and can be befriended when treated with care and respect and can even assist in Magickal Workings if they so choose.

There is no need to feel depressed over this and panic about it. It is actually quite the opposite, because it gives these Ancient Legends so much more meaning and value and the Knowledge can be used in order to Advance yourself.

There is also nothing wrong with still enjoying these Ancient Legends and the stories behind them, as they are extremely beautiful and are a proud part of our Heritage as Gentiles and children of Satan. Knowing what they Truly represent just means that we have added a whole new dimension to them and can really use the Spiritual Knowledge which they share.

Many of our People are very strongly drawn to these Allegorical Beings, such as Mermaids and Dragons. That is because the Racial Memory can never be destroyed and these Ancient Legends remain within our Souls.

And no, it does not mean you can no longer have dreams and fantasies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying fantasy. The issue comes in with those individuals who blur the line between fantasy and reality and become disconnected with reality to the point where they are just wasting their time and not making any progress. Like the typical "dungeons and dragons" obsessives who start to actually believe that they actually are the game character and take things a little too far, etc. We have had a few of these in the past. Obsession and enjoyment are two opposite ends of the spectrum. Obsession is unhealthy, enjoyment is perfectly healthy and normal.

I think you slightly misunderstood what I was saying. My point was that taking these Beings as completely literal will hinder Spiritual insight and progress. I did not mean that the stories behind these Beings cannot still be enjoyed.

They are gifts to us from Satan and the Gods, and I absolutely encourage our People to be aware of them and enjoy them, but also to realize that they contain a deeper meaning and purpose. I myself thoroughly enjoy the Ancient Celtic and Germanic Folklore and I grew up on the Arthurian Legends. These were all originally Pagan and had nothing what so ever to do with xianity.

All of our Satanic Heritage should be enjoyed!

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

So "little" magical beings like faries are real but "big" ones like you mentioned aren't? I've always thought they were real! Now I have no inspiration for art, darnit! *despair* Come to think of it, if they were, we would've killed them off by now anyway b/c of what we've been doing to the enviroment. Feel like the world has lost a large chunk of magic for me. *sigh of deeper despair* I've always wanted to find a unicorn, but I'm natually psysic, so it's really a desire to understand that part of myself better? A friend of mine loves dragons. Does that mean he subconciously desires Godhood? I'll never get better than I am now! I'm so STUPID!!!!!!!! *depression* Now I feel like having dreams/fantasies at all is stupid and a waste of time, that I need to become cold and calculating in everything I do.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons, Griffins, Sphinx, Centaurs, the Phoenix etc, are all Spiritual Allegories for stages of the Magnum Opus. They represent aspects of the Soul and certain workings done to open and Empower the Soul.

The enemy obviously does not want people to be aware of these True Allegorical meanings as that will open the door to further Spiritual/Satanic Knowledge, so they spout off all kinds of nonsense. Anything other than the Truth. They would rather people believe these are real beings than know the Alchemy which they represent. IMO, this is just another enemy trap.

Study Spiritual Alchemy, and you will begin to see the Allegories contained in the images of these beings. The Unicorn, for example, has to do with Empowering the Third Eye and achieving Astral site, hence the Horn protruding from the forehead. The Horn can also represent Sexual Energy/Life Force. It also represents the Feminine aspect of the Soul, the Female Eixir, and the "White Stage" of the Magnum Opus, which is the purification of the Soul. In Alchemical Drawings the Unicorn often appeared next to a Lion, which represented the Male aspect of the Soul. The Unicorn is associated with The Moon/Silver/Mercury while the Lion is associated with the Sun/Gold. The Unicorn and the Lion meeting represents the combining of the Male and Female elixirs and the stage at which the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Soul come into balance.

People who take these Allegories literally and believe that there are physical Mermaids and Unicorns alive on Earth are missing the point entirely and therefore will not be able to Advance Spiritually.

Once you begin to study Alchemy and Meditate and Advance yourself, you will see this more and more. Satan wants this Knowledge back in the hands of the Gentile People. Always be on the look out for enemy lies and traps, as these are specifically designed to keep True Satanic Knowledge from our People.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "chris41226" <chris41226@ wrote:

watching the history Chanel last night with my mom and was watching a commendatory that mermaids have been proven to finally be real a big shock to me but so amazing in every way and stone cold proof that the xian god is finally losing its power and that the american military is purposely killing them with low pitch frequency's it just proved to me how everything in this world that we where supposed to believe was good is nothing but curl evil and horrible i in every way DOWN WITH THE XIAN GOD MAY FATHER SATAN AND THE GODS OF OLD AND OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS DESTROY IT SOON

You state this without telling us your experiences?
In my experience, I've noticed that the enemies of Satan (greys, reptilians, Nordics) can cause hallucinations  and actual noise and make it seem as if something is there when it is not. And only you can see it, and no one else.They've done this to me on the physical, many times.
Just be careful. Your experience, as it comes in time, will help you distinguish what is genuine and what is not. From: rishorishin <rishorishin@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2013 10:43:12 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: mermaids have just been proven real

  I have seen mermaids and faeries on the astral. They are used as allegories, but are also real. Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "siguarddraconis" <siguarddraconis@... wrote:

Yes, Satan is Poseidon/Neptune.

Neptune as a planet is about inspiration, art, music. Also, it is a higher octave of Venus (which is the planet of Father; the Morning Star). YET Neptune in its NEGATIVE aspect is about delusions, addictions, unreliability, escapism, etc. which stands for the enemy program. Xianity has tainted and smeared everything it could.

Siguard Draconis.

Satanas Via, Vera et Vita est.
Ave Satanas! Rege Satanas!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@ wrote:

I thought Poseidon was Satan. Another name for him in Greek and he has some of the same similar traits as Satan.

Hail Satan! Hail Azazel! Hail Zeus! Hail the Gods of Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@ wrote:

I have seen many elementals. I have seen the gnome beingepecially at my old apt. I have seen fairies about 5 inches tall dancimg in my window sill on a full moon nite. I have see water beings, like MERMAIDS THEY WERE in meditation drawing me down under the seas in a protective.pod like thing. Also I was very lucky and blessed to be visited by Posoiden. They AREreal though they live in another place.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

Yes! Little 1-2 element beings were what I meant when I said fairies! I think I saw 1 last week! She was white, had a yellow dress on and short red hair, her eyes were auqamarine. Her wings were the dragonfly kind and they had gold iridescence on them. She didn't say anything though. She's come around a few times since then. The sound of her wings beating alerts me to her presence, but she doesn't always fully manifest. There is also a red and gold lizard who is fond of crawling up the computer room wall in the evening, flicking it's tounge twice, then lighting itself on fire then disappering. I just hope the PHISICAL house doesn't end up catching on fire b/c of the lizard's astral hobby! I haven't seen any Earth or Water elementals yet, but everytime I leave something @ a special Linden tree in a creekbed near my house I find a beautiful stone on the way back. Best find so far was a rock w/ a few quartz crystals in it! Want to see? I figured out a few weeks ago after asking about it that the "fancy" legendary "fairies" were the Gods b/c ppl use the same adjectives to describe them. What other kind of elemental beings are out there besides the usual Salamanders, Sylphs, Undines, and Gromes? I just thought of something! How have the elemental beings evolved and changed over time according to how the Earth has changed? Do faries/sylphs look different in Africa where you're @ then they do here in America (and Europe) b/c the plants, animals, and overall climate/enviroment is different? At what point in our planet's history were they 1st born? Did they all come into being @ 1ce, or was it in the order that different elements were brought into our world (the Earth itself 1st, then Firey valcanos b/c of inner and outer geological processes, then the Atomosphere which would be Air, then finally the Oceans for Water)? Does every planet w/ life have it's own specific version of these beings?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Fairies are slightly different. In Ancient Times, specifically Ancient Celtic Times, Fairies were associated with Beings called the Sidhe. These were our Gods.

From Wikipedia:

"In old Celtic fairy lore the sidhe (fairy folk) are immortals living in the ancient barrows and cairns. The Tuatha de Danaan are associated with several Otherworld realms including Mag Mell (the Pleasant Plain), Emain Ablach (the Fortress of Apples or the Land of Promise or the Isle of Women), and the Tir na nÓg (the Land of Youth)."

Sidhe/Fairy Folk were our Gods. Note also their association with Apples, which have long been symbols of Immortality. The Isle of Avalon (Isle of Apples) represented Immortality.

"Another theory is that the fairies were originally worshiped as gods, but with the coming of christianity, they lived on, in a dwindled state of power, in folk belief. In this particular time, fairies were reputed by the church as being 'evil' beings. Many beings who are described as deities in older tales are described as "fairies" in more recent writings."

Once again, xianity destroyed the True Knowledge and blasphemed our Gods.

The term "fairies" has also in more recent times, however, come to refer to certain Elemental beings who reside on the Astral. They are, like Salamanders, beings whose Souls comprise only one or two elements. These beings are of Satan and can be befriended when treated with care and respect and can even assist in Magickal Workings if they so choose.

There is no need to feel depressed over this and panic about it. It is actually quite the opposite, because it gives these Ancient Legends so much more meaning and value and the Knowledge can be used in order to Advance yourself.

There is also nothing wrong with still enjoying these Ancient Legends and the stories behind them, as they are extremely beautiful and are a proud part of our Heritage as Gentiles and children of Satan. Knowing what they Truly represent just means that we have added a whole new dimension to them and can really use the Spiritual Knowledge which they share.

Many of our People are very strongly drawn to these Allegorical Beings, such as Mermaids and Dragons. That is because the Racial Memory can never be destroyed and these Ancient Legends remain within our Souls.

And no, it does not mean you can no longer have dreams and fantasies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying fantasy. The issue comes in with those individuals who blur the line between fantasy and reality and become disconnected with reality to the point where they are just wasting their time and not making any progress. Like the typical "dungeons and dragons" obsessives who start to actually believe that they actually are the game character and take things a little too far, etc. We have had a few of these in the past. Obsession and enjoyment are two opposite ends of the spectrum. Obsession is unhealthy, enjoyment is perfectly healthy and normal.

I think you slightly misunderstood what I was saying. My point was that taking these Beings as completely literal will hinder Spiritual insight and progress. I did not mean that the stories behind these Beings cannot still be enjoyed.

They are gifts to us from Satan and the Gods, and I absolutely encourage our People to be aware of them and enjoy them, but also to realize that they contain a deeper meaning and purpose. I myself thoroughly enjoy the Ancient Celtic and Germanic Folklore and I grew up on the Arthurian Legends. These were all originally Pagan and had nothing what so ever to do with xianity.

All of our Satanic Heritage should be enjoyed!

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

So "little" magical beings like faries are real but "big" ones like you mentioned aren't? I've always thought they were real! Now I have no inspiration for art, darnit! *despair* Come to think of it, if they were, we would've killed them off by now anyway b/c of what we've been doing to the enviroment. Feel like the world has lost a large chunk of magic for me. *sigh of deeper despair* I've always wanted to find a unicorn, but I'm natually psysic, so it's really a desire to understand that part of myself better? A friend of mine loves dragons. Does that mean he subconciously desires Godhood? I'll never get better than I am now! I'm so STUPID!!!!!!!! *depression* Now I feel like having dreams/fantasies at all is stupid and a waste of time, that I need to become cold and calculating in everything I do.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons, Griffins, Sphinx, Centaurs, the Phoenix etc, are all Spiritual Allegories for stages of the Magnum Opus. They represent aspects of the Soul and certain workings done to open and Empower the Soul.

The enemy obviously does not want people to be aware of these True Allegorical meanings as that will open the door to further Spiritual/Satanic Knowledge, so they spout off all kinds of nonsense. Anything other than the Truth. They would rather people believe these are real beings than know the Alchemy which they represent. IMO, this is just another enemy trap.

Study Spiritual Alchemy, and you will begin to see the Allegories contained in the images of these beings. The Unicorn, for example, has to do with Empowering the Third Eye and achieving Astral site, hence the Horn protruding from the forehead. The Horn can also represent Sexual Energy/Life Force. It also represents the Feminine aspect of the Soul, the Female Eixir, and the "White Stage" of the Magnum Opus, which is the purification of the Soul. In Alchemical Drawings the Unicorn often appeared next to a Lion, which represented the Male aspect of the Soul. The Unicorn is associated with The Moon/Silver/Mercury while the Lion is associated with the Sun/Gold. The Unicorn and the Lion meeting represents the combining of the Male and Female elixirs and the stage at which the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Soul come into balance.

People who take these Allegories literally and believe that there are physical Mermaids and Unicorns alive on Earth are missing the point entirely and therefore will not be able to Advance Spiritually.

Once you begin to study Alchemy and Meditate and Advance yourself, you will see this more and more. Satan wants this Knowledge back in the hands of the Gentile People. Always be on the look out for enemy lies and traps, as these are specifically designed to keep True Satanic Knowledge from our People.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chris41226" <chris41226@ wrote:

watching the history Chanel last night with my mom and was watching a commendatory that mermaids have been proven to finally be real a big shock to me but so amazing in every way and stone cold proof that the xian god is finally losing its power and that the american military is purposely killing them with low pitch frequency's it just proved to me how everything in this world that we where supposed to believe was good is nothing but curl evil and horrible i in every way DOWN WITH THE XIAN GOD MAY FATHER SATAN AND THE GODS OF OLD AND OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS DESTROY IT SOON


From: claudius <claudiuslawal@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2013 1:03:20 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: mermaids have just been proven real
  So wich means my Father is leviathan right .ohhh I love this Great God .Hail Satan forever Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTNFrom: "siguarddraconis" <siguarddraconis@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2013 09:25:46 -0000To: <[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: mermaids have just been proven real
  Yes, Satan is Poseidon/Neptune.

Neptune as a planet is about inspiration, art, music. Also, it is a higher octave of Venus (which is the planet of Father; the Morning Star). YET Neptune in its NEGATIVE aspect is about delusions, addictions, unreliability, escapism, etc. which stands for the enemy program. Xianity has tainted and smeared everything it could.

Siguard Draconis.

Satanas Via, Vera et Vita est.
Ave Satanas! Rege Satanas!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@... wrote:

I thought Poseidon was Satan. Another name for him in Greek and he has some of the same similar traits as Satan.

Hail Satan! Hail Azazel! Hail Zeus! Hail the Gods of Hell!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@ wrote:

I have seen many elementals. I have seen the gnome beingepecially at my old apt. I have seen fairies about 5 inches tall dancimg in my window sill on a full moon nite. I have see water beings, like MERMAIDS THEY WERE in meditation drawing me down under the seas in a protective.pod like thing. Also I was very lucky and blessed to be visited by Posoiden. They AREreal though they live in another place.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

Yes! Little 1-2 element beings were what I meant when I said fairies! I think I saw 1 last week! She was white, had a yellow dress on and short red hair, her eyes were auqamarine. Her wings were the dragonfly kind and they had gold iridescence on them. She didn't say anything though. She's come around a few times since then. The sound of her wings beating alerts me to her presence, but she doesn't always fully manifest. There is also a red and gold lizard who is fond of crawling up the computer room wall in the evening, flicking it's tounge twice, then lighting itself on fire then disappering. I just hope the PHISICAL house doesn't end up catching on fire b/c of the lizard's astral hobby! I haven't seen any Earth or Water elementals yet, but everytime I leave something @ a special Linden tree in a creekbed near my house I find a beautiful stone on the way back. Best find so far was a rock w/ a few quartz crystals in it! Want to see? I figured out a few weeks ago after asking about it that the "fancy" legendary "fairies" were the Gods b/c ppl use the same adjectives to describe them. What other kind of elemental beings are out there besides the usual Salamanders, Sylphs, Undines, and Gromes? I just thought of something! How have the elemental beings evolved and changed over time according to how the Earth has changed? Do faries/sylphs look different in Africa where you're @ then they do here in America (and Europe) b/c the plants, animals, and overall climate/enviroment is different? At what point in our planet's history were they 1st born? Did they all come into being @ 1ce, or was it in the order that different elements were brought into our world (the Earth itself 1st, then Firey valcanos b/c of inner and outer geological processes, then the Atomosphere which would be Air, then finally the Oceans for Water)? Does every planet w/ life have it's own specific version of these beings?

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Fairies are slightly different. In Ancient Times, specifically Ancient Celtic Times, Fairies were associated with Beings called the Sidhe. These were our Gods.

From Wikipedia:

"In old Celtic fairy lore the sidhe (fairy folk) are immortals living in the ancient barrows and cairns. The Tuatha de Danaan are associated with several Otherworld realms including Mag Mell (the Pleasant Plain), Emain Ablach (the Fortress of Apples or the Land of Promise or the Isle of Women), and the Tir na nÓg (the Land of Youth)."

Sidhe/Fairy Folk were our Gods. Note also their association with Apples, which have long been symbols of Immortality. The Isle of Avalon (Isle of Apples) represented Immortality.

"Another theory is that the fairies were originally worshiped as gods, but with the coming of christianity, they lived on, in a dwindled state of power, in folk belief. In this particular time, fairies were reputed by the church as being 'evil' beings. Many beings who are described as deities in older tales are described as "fairies" in more recent writings."

Once again, xianity destroyed the True Knowledge and blasphemed our Gods.

The term "fairies" has also in more recent times, however, come to refer to certain Elemental beings who reside on the Astral. They are, like Salamanders, beings whose Souls comprise only one or two elements. These beings are of Satan and can be befriended when treated with care and respect and can even assist in Magickal Workings if they so choose.

There is no need to feel depressed over this and panic about it. It is actually quite the opposite, because it gives these Ancient Legends so much more meaning and value and the Knowledge can be used in order to Advance yourself.

There is also nothing wrong with still enjoying these Ancient Legends and the stories behind them, as they are extremely beautiful and are a proud part of our Heritage as Gentiles and children of Satan. Knowing what they Truly represent just means that we have added a whole new dimension to them and can really use the Spiritual Knowledge which they share.

Many of our People are very strongly drawn to these Allegorical Beings, such as Mermaids and Dragons. That is because the Racial Memory can never be destroyed and these Ancient Legends remain within our Souls.

And no, it does not mean you can no longer have dreams and fantasies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying fantasy. The issue comes in with those individuals who blur the line between fantasy and reality and become disconnected with reality to the point where they are just wasting their time and not making any progress. Like the typical "dungeons and dragons" obsessives who start to actually believe that they actually are the game character and take things a little too far, etc. We have had a few of these in the past. Obsession and enjoyment are two opposite ends of the spectrum. Obsession is unhealthy, enjoyment is perfectly healthy and normal.

I think you slightly misunderstood what I was saying. My point was that taking these Beings as completely literal will hinder Spiritual insight and progress. I did not mean that the stories behind these Beings cannot still be enjoyed.

They are gifts to us from Satan and the Gods, and I absolutely encourage our People to be aware of them and enjoy them, but also to realize that they contain a deeper meaning and purpose. I myself thoroughly enjoy the Ancient Celtic and Germanic Folklore and I grew up on the Arthurian Legends. These were all originally Pagan and had nothing what so ever to do with xianity.

All of our Satanic Heritage should be enjoyed!

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

So "little" magical beings like faries are real but "big" ones like you mentioned aren't? I've always thought they were real! Now I have no inspiration for art, darnit! *despair* Come to think of it, if they were, we would've killed them off by now anyway b/c of what we've been doing to the enviroment. Feel like the world has lost a large chunk of magic for me. *sigh of deeper despair* I've always wanted to find a unicorn, but I'm natually psysic, so it's really a desire to understand that part of myself better? A friend of mine loves dragons. Does that mean he subconciously desires Godhood? I'll never get better than I am now! I'm so STUPID!!!!!!!! *depression* Now I feel like having dreams/fantasies at all is stupid and a waste of time, that I need to become cold and calculating in everything I do.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons, Griffins, Sphinx, Centaurs, the Phoenix etc, are all Spiritual Allegories for stages of the Magnum Opus. They represent aspects of the Soul and certain workings done to open and Empower the Soul.

The enemy obviously does not want people to be aware of these True Allegorical meanings as that will open the door to further Spiritual/Satanic Knowledge, so they spout off all kinds of nonsense. Anything other than the Truth. They would rather people believe these are real beings than know the Alchemy which they represent. IMO, this is just another enemy trap.

Study Spiritual Alchemy, and you will begin to see the Allegories contained in the images of these beings. The Unicorn, for example, has to do with Empowering the Third Eye and achieving Astral site, hence the Horn protruding from the forehead. The Horn can also represent Sexual Energy/Life Force. It also represents the Feminine aspect of the Soul, the Female Eixir, and the "White Stage" of the Magnum Opus, which is the purification of the Soul. In Alchemical Drawings the Unicorn often appeared next to a Lion, which represented the Male aspect of the Soul. The Unicorn is associated with The Moon/Silver/Mercury while the Lion is associated with the Sun/Gold. The Unicorn and the Lion meeting represents the combining of the Male and Female elixirs and the stage at which the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Soul come into balance.

People who take these Allegories literally and believe that there are physical Mermaids and Unicorns alive on Earth are missing the point entirely and therefore will not be able to Advance Spiritually.

Once you begin to study Alchemy and Meditate and Advance yourself, you will see this more and more. Satan wants this Knowledge back in the hands of the Gentile People. Always be on the look out for enemy lies and traps, as these are specifically designed to keep True Satanic Knowledge from our People.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "chris41226" <chris41226@ wrote:

watching the history Chanel last night with my mom and was watching a commendatory that mermaids have been proven to finally be real a big shock to me but so amazing in every way and stone cold proof that the xian god is finally losing its power and that the american military is purposely killing them with low pitch frequency's it just proved to me how everything in this world that we where supposed to believe was good is nothing but curl evil and horrible i in every way DOWN WITH THE XIAN GOD MAY FATHER SATAN AND THE GODS OF OLD AND OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS DESTROY IT SOON

How about you stop trolling you fucking rat?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Heath Humberson <blessedchildoflucifer@... wrote:

Hey that does make a lot of sense. Since it has been known that Xianity has functioned on the negative aspect of Neptune

From: siguarddraconis <siguarddraconis@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2013 2:25 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: mermaids have just been proven real

Yes, Satan is Poseidon/Neptune.

Neptune as a planet is about inspiration, art, music. Also, it is a higher octave of Venus (which is the planet of Father; the Morning Star). YET Neptune in its NEGATIVE aspect is about delusions, addictions, unreliability, escapism, etc. which stands for the enemy program. Xianity has tainted and smeared everything it could.

Siguard Draconis.

Satanas Via, Vera et Vita est.
Ave Satanas! Rege Satanas!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@ wrote:

I thought Poseidon was Satan. Another name for him in Greek and he has some of the same similar traits as Satan.

Hail Satan! Hail Azazel! Hail Zeus! Hail the Gods of Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@ wrote:

I have seen many elementals. I have seen the gnome beingepecially at my old apt. I have seen fairies about 5 inches tall dancimg in my window sill on a full moon nite. I have see water beings, like MERMAIDS THEY WERE in meditation drawing me down under the seas in a protective.pod like thing. Also I was very lucky and blessed to be visited by Posoiden. They AREreal though they live in another place.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

Yes! Little 1-2 element beings were what I meant when I said fairies! I think I saw 1 last week! She was white, had a yellow dress on and short red hair, her eyes were auqamarine. Her wings were the dragonfly kind and they had gold iridescence on them. She didn't say anything though. She's come around a few times since then. The sound of her wings beating alerts me to her presence, but she doesn't always fully manifest. There is also a red and gold lizard who is fond of crawling up the computer room wall in the evening, flicking it's tounge twice, then lighting itself on fire then disappering. I just hope the PHISICAL house doesn't end up catching on fire b/c of the lizard's astral hobby! I haven't seen any Earth or Water elementals yet, but everytime I leave something @ a special Linden tree in a creekbed near my house I find a beautiful stone on the way back. Best find so far was a rock w/ a few quartz crystals in it! Want to see? I figured out a
few weeks ago after asking about it that the "fancy" legendary "fairies" were the Gods b/c ppl use the same adjectives to describe them. What other kind of elemental beings are out there besides the usual Salamanders, Sylphs, Undines, and Gromes? I just thought of something! How have the elemental beings evolved and changed over time according to how the Earth has changed? Do faries/sylphs look different in Africa where you're @ then they do here in America (and Europe) b/c the plants, animals, and overall climate/enviroment is different? At what point in our planet's history were they 1st born? Did they all come into being @ 1ce, or was it in the order that different elements were brought into our world (the Earth itself 1st, then Firey valcanos b/c of inner and outer geological processes, then the Atomosphere which would be Air, then finally the Oceans for Water)? Does every planet w/ life have it's own specific version of these beings?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Fairies are slightly different. In Ancient Times, specifically Ancient Celtic Times, Fairies were associated with Beings called the Sidhe. These were our Gods.

From Wikipedia:

"In old Celtic fairy lore the sidhe (fairy folk) are immortals living in the ancient barrows and cairns. The Tuatha de Danaan are associated with several Otherworld realms including Mag Mell (the Pleasant Plain), Emain Ablach (the Fortress of Apples or the Land of Promise or the Isle of Women), and the Tir na nÃ"g (the Land of Youth)."

Sidhe/Fairy Folk were our Gods. Note also their association with Apples, which have long been symbols of Immortality. The Isle of Avalon (Isle of Apples) represented Immortality.

"Another theory is that the fairies were originally worshiped as gods, but with the coming of christianity, they lived on, in a dwindled state of power, in folk belief. In this particular time, fairies were reputed by the church as being 'evil' beings. Many beings who are described as deities in older tales are described as "fairies" in more recent writings."

Once again, xianity destroyed the True Knowledge and blasphemed our Gods.

The term "fairies" has also in more recent times, however, come to refer to certain Elemental beings who reside on the Astral. They are, like Salamanders, beings whose Souls comprise only one or two elements. These beings are of Satan and can be befriended when treated with care and respect and can even assist in Magickal Workings if they so choose.

There is no need to feel depressed over this and panic about it. It is actually quite the opposite, because it gives these Ancient Legends so much more meaning and value and the Knowledge can be used in order to Advance yourself.

There is also nothing wrong with still enjoying these Ancient Legends and the stories behind them, as they are extremely beautiful and are a proud part of our Heritage as Gentiles and children of Satan. Knowing what they Truly represent just means that we have added a whole new dimension to them and can really use the Spiritual Knowledge which they share.

Many of our People are very strongly drawn to these Allegorical Beings, such as Mermaids and Dragons. That is because the Racial Memory can never be destroyed and these Ancient Legends remain within our Souls.

And no, it does not mean you can no longer have dreams and fantasies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying fantasy. The issue comes in with those individuals who blur the line between fantasy and reality and become disconnected with reality to the point where they are just wasting their time and not making any progress. Like the typical "dungeons and dragons" obsessives who start to actually believe that they actually are the game character and take things a little too far, etc. We have had a few of these in the past. Obsession and enjoyment are two opposite ends of the spectrum. Obsession is unhealthy, enjoyment is perfectly healthy and normal.

I think you slightly misunderstood what I was saying. My point was that taking these Beings as completely literal will hinder Spiritual insight and progress. I did not mean that the stories behind these Beings cannot still be enjoyed.

They are gifts to us from Satan and the Gods, and I absolutely encourage our People to be aware of them and enjoy them, but also to realize that they contain a deeper meaning and purpose. I myself thoroughly enjoy the Ancient Celtic and Germanic Folklore and I grew up on the Arthurian Legends. These were all originally Pagan and had nothing what so ever to do with xianity.

All of our Satanic Heritage should be enjoyed!

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

So "little" magical beings like faries are real but "big" ones like you mentioned aren't? I've always thought they were real! Now I have no inspiration for art, darnit! *despair* Come to think of it, if they were, we would've killed them off by now anyway b/c of what we've been doing to the enviroment. Feel like the world has lost a large chunk of magic for me. *sigh of deeper despair* I've always wanted to find a unicorn, but I'm natually psysic, so it's really a desire to understand that part of myself better? A friend of mine loves dragons. Does that mean he subconciously desires Godhood? I'll never get better than I am now! I'm so STUPID!!!!!!!! *depression* Now I feel like having dreams/fantasies at all is stupid and a waste of time, that I need to become cold and calculating in everything I do.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons, Griffins, Sphinx, Centaurs, the Phoenix etc, are all Spiritual Allegories for stages of the Magnum Opus. They represent aspects of the Soul and certain workings done to open and Empower the Soul.

The enemy obviously does not want people to be aware of these True Allegorical meanings as that will open the door to further Spiritual/Satanic Knowledge, so they spout off all kinds of nonsense. Anything other than the Truth. They would rather people believe these are real beings than know the Alchemy which they represent. IMO, this is just another enemy trap.

Study Spiritual Alchemy, and you will begin to see the Allegories contained in the images of these beings. The Unicorn, for example, has to do with Empowering the Third Eye and achieving Astral site, hence the Horn protruding from the forehead. The Horn can also represent Sexual Energy/Life Force. It also represents the Feminine aspect of the Soul, the Female Eixir, and the "White Stage" of the Magnum Opus, which is the purification of the Soul. In Alchemical Drawings the Unicorn often appeared next to a Lion, which represented the Male aspect of the Soul. The Unicorn is associated with The Moon/Silver/Mercury while the Lion is associated with the Sun/Gold. The Unicorn and the Lion meeting represents the combining of the Male and Female elixirs and the stage at which the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Soul come into balance.

People who take these Allegories literally and believe that there are physical Mermaids and Unicorns alive on Earth are missing the point entirely and therefore will not be able to Advance Spiritually.

Once you begin to study Alchemy and Meditate and Advance yourself, you will see this more and more. Satan wants this Knowledge back in the hands of the Gentile People. Always be on the look out for enemy lies and traps, as these are specifically designed to keep True Satanic Knowledge from our People.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chris41226" <chris41226@ wrote:

watching the history Chanel last night with my mom and was watching a commendatory that mermaids have been proven to finally be real a big shock to me but so amazing in every way and stone cold proof that the xian god is finally losing its power and that the american military is purposely killing them with low pitch frequency's it just proved to me how everything in this world that we where supposed to believe was good is nothing but curl evil and horrible i in every way DOWN WITH THE XIAN GOD MAY FATHER SATAN AND THE GODS OF OLD AND OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS DESTROY IT SOON

How is this kike is not banned yet?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "noxinflux" <noxinflux@... wrote:

On this plane.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@ wrote:

I thought so, I remember some years ago someone else said dragons and unicorns are real, but they truly are allegorical.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "En Haradren Amlug" <hecktic_shadow@ wrote:

Allegorical. As Don pointed out, this person is a deluded enemy trying to spread misinformation and confusion. Easily seen through their hopeless attempt.

-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@ wrote:

Wait; so to my knowledge I thought Dragons, Unicorns and etc are allegorical, just as High Priestess Zildar Raasi stated and what I learned. Not beings that are real, but as a knowledge given to us to advance ourselves. So my question is are they real astrally speaking, allegory(at least to my research of this which makes sense to me) or a combination of both?

Hail Satan! Hail Azazel! Hail Zeus! Hail the Gods of Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blessedchildoflucifer" <blessedchildoflucifer@ wrote:

Allegorical beings? Dragons and mermaids? My experience with Dragons was far from allegorical, and I am not talking about those reptillians, Dragons as I have experienced are astral creatures and powerful magicians themselves, I have experienced them as those huge types with wings, and a elongated snout like a goat, and some had even horns. I even had dreams of dragons. I do remember one dragon in my teens, claimed to have been some guardian of mine, and his name was Drake, in my dream, he told me this. Then the next day watching a movie about a dragon for the first time, the dragon spoke and called himself Drake. And well I was like "oh thats just a coincidence" and then the very next day my brother gave me "magic the gathering" card with a dragon on it called Drake. That is when my attention on this dragon heightened. I also have seen these huge types of dragon astrally before and seen the physical effects. These creatures breathed fire, and was able to fly.

As for mermaids, I also have experienced these as astral creatures of the water, also and also seen the physical affects. Perhaps these creatures do exist, either that or they will not reveal themselves to everyone.....

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Fairies are slightly different. In Ancient Times, specifically Ancient Celtic Times, Fairies were associated with Beings called the Sidhe. These were our Gods.

From Wikipedia:

"In old Celtic fairy lore the sidhe (fairy folk) are immortals living in the ancient barrows and cairns. The Tuatha de Danaan are associated with several Otherworld realms including Mag Mell (the Pleasant Plain), Emain Ablach (the Fortress of Apples or the Land of Promise or the Isle of Women), and the Tir na nÓg (the Land of Youth)."

Sidhe/Fairy Folk were our Gods. Note also their association with Apples, which have long been symbols of Immortality. The Isle of Avalon (Isle of Apples) represented Immortality.

"Another theory is that the fairies were originally worshiped as gods, but with the coming of christianity, they lived on, in a dwindled state of power, in folk belief. In this particular time, fairies were reputed by the church as being 'evil' beings. Many beings who are described as deities in older tales are described as "fairies" in more recent writings."

Once again, xianity destroyed the True Knowledge and blasphemed our Gods.

The term "fairies" has also in more recent times, however, come to refer to certain Elemental beings who reside on the Astral. They are, like Salamanders, beings whose Souls comprise only one or two elements. These beings are of Satan and can be befriended when treated with care and respect and can even assist in Magickal Workings if they so choose.

There is no need to feel depressed over this and panic about it. It is actually quite the opposite, because it gives these Ancient Legends so much more meaning and value and the Knowledge can be used in order to Advance yourself.

There is also nothing wrong with still enjoying these Ancient Legends and the stories behind them, as they are extremely beautiful and are a proud part of our Heritage as Gentiles and children of Satan. Knowing what they Truly represent just means that we have added a whole new dimension to them and can really use the Spiritual Knowledge which they share.

Many of our People are very strongly drawn to these Allegorical Beings, such as Mermaids and Dragons. That is because the Racial Memory can never be destroyed and these Ancient Legends remain within our Souls.

And no, it does not mean you can no longer have dreams and fantasies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying fantasy. The issue comes in with those individuals who blur the line between fantasy and reality and become disconnected with reality to the point where they are just wasting their time and not making any progress. Like the typical "dungeons and dragons" obsessives who start to actually believe that they actually are the game character and take things a little too far, etc. We have had a few of these in the past. Obsession and enjoyment are two opposite ends of the spectrum. Obsession is unhealthy, enjoyment is perfectly healthy and normal.

I think you slightly misunderstood what I was saying. My point was that taking these Beings as completely literal will hinder Spiritual insight and progress. I did not mean that the stories behind these Beings cannot still be enjoyed.

They are gifts to us from Satan and the Gods, and I absolutely encourage our People to be aware of them and enjoy them, but also to realize that they contain a deeper meaning and purpose. I myself thoroughly enjoy the Ancient Celtic and Germanic Folklore and I grew up on the Arthurian Legends. These were all originally Pagan and had nothing what so ever to do with xianity.

All of our Satanic Heritage should be enjoyed!

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

So "little" magical beings like faries are real but "big" ones like you mentioned aren't? I've always thought they were real! Now I have no inspiration for art, darnit! *despair* Come to think of it, if they were, we would've killed them off by now anyway b/c of what we've been doing to the enviroment. Feel like the world has lost a large chunk of magic for me. *sigh of deeper despair* I've always wanted to find a unicorn, but I'm natually psysic, so it's really a desire to understand that part of myself better? A friend of mine loves dragons. Does that mean he subconciously desires Godhood? I'll never get better than I am now! I'm so STUPID!!!!!!!! *depression* Now I feel like having dreams/fantasies at all is stupid and a waste of time, that I need to become cold and calculating in everything I do.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons, Griffins, Sphinx, Centaurs, the Phoenix etc, are all Spiritual Allegories for stages of the Magnum Opus. They represent aspects of the Soul and certain workings done to open and Empower the Soul.

The enemy obviously does not want people to be aware of these True Allegorical meanings as that will open the door to further Spiritual/Satanic Knowledge, so they spout off all kinds of nonsense. Anything other than the Truth. They would rather people believe these are real beings than know the Alchemy which they represent. IMO, this is just another enemy trap.

Study Spiritual Alchemy, and you will begin to see the Allegories contained in the images of these beings. The Unicorn, for example, has to do with Empowering the Third Eye and achieving Astral site, hence the Horn protruding from the forehead. The Horn can also represent Sexual Energy/Life Force. It also represents the Feminine aspect of the Soul, the Female Eixir, and the "White Stage" of the Magnum Opus, which is the purification of the Soul. In Alchemical Drawings the Unicorn often appeared next to a Lion, which represented the Male aspect of the Soul. The Unicorn is associated with The Moon/Silver/Mercury while the Lion is associated with the Sun/Gold. The Unicorn and the Lion meeting represents the combining of the Male and Female elixirs and the stage at which the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Soul come into balance.

People who take these Allegories literally and believe that there are physical Mermaids and Unicorns alive on Earth are missing the point entirely and therefore will not be able to Advance Spiritually.

Once you begin to study Alchemy and Meditate and Advance yourself, you will see this more and more. Satan wants this Knowledge back in the hands of the Gentile People. Always be on the look out for enemy lies and traps, as these are specifically designed to keep True Satanic Knowledge from our People.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chris41226" <chris41226@ wrote:

watching the history Chanel last night with my mom and was watching a commendatory that mermaids have been proven to finally be real a big shock to me but so amazing in every way and stone cold proof that the xian god is finally losing its power and that the american military is purposely killing them with low pitch frequency's it just proved to me how everything in this world that we where supposed to believe was good is nothing but curl evil and horrible i in every way DOWN WITH THE XIAN GOD MAY FATHER SATAN AND THE GODS OF OLD AND OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS DESTROY IT SOON

Mermaids, Dragons, The Centaurs and Dambo the Elemphant. All be with you in the funny house.

You remind me of another so uncreative jew that came not long ago and preached similiar nonsense.

I wonder how many unconscious friends have you brought, so you can troll together. They never stop don't they.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hailazazel" <hailazazel@... wrote:

How is this kike is not banned yet?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "noxinflux" <noxinflux@ wrote:

On this plane.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@ wrote:

I thought so, I remember some years ago someone else said dragons and unicorns are real, but they truly are allegorical.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "En Haradren Amlug" <hecktic_shadow@ wrote:

Allegorical. As Don pointed out, this person is a deluded enemy trying to spread misinformation and confusion. Easily seen through their hopeless attempt.

-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@ wrote:

Wait; so to my knowledge I thought Dragons, Unicorns and etc are allegorical, just as High Priestess Zildar Raasi stated and what I learned. Not beings that are real, but as a knowledge given to us to advance ourselves. So my question is are they real astrally speaking, allegory(at least to my research of this which makes sense to me) or a combination of both?

Hail Satan! Hail Azazel! Hail Zeus! Hail the Gods of Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blessedchildoflucifer" <blessedchildoflucifer@ wrote:

Allegorical beings? Dragons and mermaids? My experience with Dragons was far from allegorical, and I am not talking about those reptillians, Dragons as I have experienced are astral creatures and powerful magicians themselves, I have experienced them as those huge types with wings, and a elongated snout like a goat, and some had even horns. I even had dreams of dragons. I do remember one dragon in my teens, claimed to have been some guardian of mine, and his name was Drake, in my dream, he told me this. Then the next day watching a movie about a dragon for the first time, the dragon spoke and called himself Drake. And well I was like "oh thats just a coincidence" and then the very next day my brother gave me "magic the gathering" card with a dragon on it called Drake. That is when my attention on this dragon heightened. I also have seen these huge types of dragon astrally before and seen the physical effects. These creatures breathed fire, and was able to fly.

As for mermaids, I also have experienced these as astral creatures of the water, also and also seen the physical affects. Perhaps these creatures do exist, either that or they will not reveal themselves to everyone.....

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Fairies are slightly different. In Ancient Times, specifically Ancient Celtic Times, Fairies were associated with Beings called the Sidhe. These were our Gods.

From Wikipedia:

"In old Celtic fairy lore the sidhe (fairy folk) are immortals living in the ancient barrows and cairns. The Tuatha de Danaan are associated with several Otherworld realms including Mag Mell (the Pleasant Plain), Emain Ablach (the Fortress of Apples or the Land of Promise or the Isle of Women), and the Tir na nÓg (the Land of Youth)."

Sidhe/Fairy Folk were our Gods. Note also their association with Apples, which have long been symbols of Immortality. The Isle of Avalon (Isle of Apples) represented Immortality.

"Another theory is that the fairies were originally worshiped as gods, but with the coming of christianity, they lived on, in a dwindled state of power, in folk belief. In this particular time, fairies were reputed by the church as being 'evil' beings. Many beings who are described as deities in older tales are described as "fairies" in more recent writings."

Once again, xianity destroyed the True Knowledge and blasphemed our Gods.

The term "fairies" has also in more recent times, however, come to refer to certain Elemental beings who reside on the Astral. They are, like Salamanders, beings whose Souls comprise only one or two elements. These beings are of Satan and can be befriended when treated with care and respect and can even assist in Magickal Workings if they so choose.

There is no need to feel depressed over this and panic about it. It is actually quite the opposite, because it gives these Ancient Legends so much more meaning and value and the Knowledge can be used in order to Advance yourself.

There is also nothing wrong with still enjoying these Ancient Legends and the stories behind them, as they are extremely beautiful and are a proud part of our Heritage as Gentiles and children of Satan. Knowing what they Truly represent just means that we have added a whole new dimension to them and can really use the Spiritual Knowledge which they share.

Many of our People are very strongly drawn to these Allegorical Beings, such as Mermaids and Dragons. That is because the Racial Memory can never be destroyed and these Ancient Legends remain within our Souls.

And no, it does not mean you can no longer have dreams and fantasies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying fantasy. The issue comes in with those individuals who blur the line between fantasy and reality and become disconnected with reality to the point where they are just wasting their time and not making any progress. Like the typical "dungeons and dragons" obsessives who start to actually believe that they actually are the game character and take things a little too far, etc. We have had a few of these in the past. Obsession and enjoyment are two opposite ends of the spectrum. Obsession is unhealthy, enjoyment is perfectly healthy and normal.

I think you slightly misunderstood what I was saying. My point was that taking these Beings as completely literal will hinder Spiritual insight and progress. I did not mean that the stories behind these Beings cannot still be enjoyed.

They are gifts to us from Satan and the Gods, and I absolutely encourage our People to be aware of them and enjoy them, but also to realize that they contain a deeper meaning and purpose. I myself thoroughly enjoy the Ancient Celtic and Germanic Folklore and I grew up on the Arthurian Legends. These were all originally Pagan and had nothing what so ever to do with xianity.

All of our Satanic Heritage should be enjoyed!

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

So "little" magical beings like faries are real but "big" ones like you mentioned aren't? I've always thought they were real! Now I have no inspiration for art, darnit! *despair* Come to think of it, if they were, we would've killed them off by now anyway b/c of what we've been doing to the enviroment. Feel like the world has lost a large chunk of magic for me. *sigh of deeper despair* I've always wanted to find a unicorn, but I'm natually psysic, so it's really a desire to understand that part of myself better? A friend of mine loves dragons. Does that mean he subconciously desires Godhood? I'll never get better than I am now! I'm so STUPID!!!!!!!! *depression* Now I feel like having dreams/fantasies at all is stupid and a waste of time, that I need to become cold and calculating in everything I do.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons, Griffins, Sphinx, Centaurs, the Phoenix etc, are all Spiritual Allegories for stages of the Magnum Opus. They represent aspects of the Soul and certain workings done to open and Empower the Soul.

The enemy obviously does not want people to be aware of these True Allegorical meanings as that will open the door to further Spiritual/Satanic Knowledge, so they spout off all kinds of nonsense. Anything other than the Truth. They would rather people believe these are real beings than know the Alchemy which they represent. IMO, this is just another enemy trap.

Study Spiritual Alchemy, and you will begin to see the Allegories contained in the images of these beings. The Unicorn, for example, has to do with Empowering the Third Eye and achieving Astral site, hence the Horn protruding from the forehead. The Horn can also represent Sexual Energy/Life Force. It also represents the Feminine aspect of the Soul, the Female Eixir, and the "White Stage" of the Magnum Opus, which is the purification of the Soul. In Alchemical Drawings the Unicorn often appeared next to a Lion, which represented the Male aspect of the Soul. The Unicorn is associated with The Moon/Silver/Mercury while the Lion is associated with the Sun/Gold. The Unicorn and the Lion meeting represents the combining of the Male and Female elixirs and the stage at which the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Soul come into balance.

People who take these Allegories literally and believe that there are physical Mermaids and Unicorns alive on Earth are missing the point entirely and therefore will not be able to Advance Spiritually.

Once you begin to study Alchemy and Meditate and Advance yourself, you will see this more and more. Satan wants this Knowledge back in the hands of the Gentile People. Always be on the look out for enemy lies and traps, as these are specifically designed to keep True Satanic Knowledge from our People.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chris41226" <chris41226@ wrote:

watching the history Chanel last night with my mom and was watching a commendatory that mermaids have been proven to finally be real a big shock to me but so amazing in every way and stone cold proof that the xian god is finally losing its power and that the american military is purposely killing them with low pitch frequency's it just proved to me how everything in this world that we where supposed to believe was good is nothing but curl evil and horrible i in every way DOWN WITH THE XIAN GOD MAY FATHER SATAN AND THE GODS OF OLD AND OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS DESTROY IT SOON

This person does it horribly.
I mean seriously, look at that:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... sage/90746

I thought rats are good actors/liars/manipulators.
Well, maybe a deluded xian who's trying to implant misinformation?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

Mermaids, Dragons, The Centaurs and Dambo the Elemphant. All be with you in the funny house.

You remind me of another so uncreative jew that came not long ago and preached similiar nonsense.

I wonder how many unconscious friends have you brought, so you can troll together. They never stop don't they.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hailazazel" <hailazazel@ wrote:

How is this kike is not banned yet?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "noxinflux" <noxinflux@ wrote:

On this plane.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@ wrote:

I thought so, I remember some years ago someone else said dragons and unicorns are real, but they truly are allegorical.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "En Haradren Amlug" <hecktic_shadow@ wrote:

Allegorical. As Don pointed out, this person is a deluded enemy trying to spread misinformation and confusion. Easily seen through their hopeless attempt.

-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@ wrote:

Wait; so to my knowledge I thought Dragons, Unicorns and etc are allegorical, just as High Priestess Zildar Raasi stated and what I learned. Not beings that are real, but as a knowledge given to us to advance ourselves. So my question is are they real astrally speaking, allegory(at least to my research of this which makes sense to me) or a combination of both?

Hail Satan! Hail Azazel! Hail Zeus! Hail the Gods of Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blessedchildoflucifer" <blessedchildoflucifer@ wrote:

Allegorical beings? Dragons and mermaids? My experience with Dragons was far from allegorical, and I am not talking about those reptillians, Dragons as I have experienced are astral creatures and powerful magicians themselves, I have experienced them as those huge types with wings, and a elongated snout like a goat, and some had even horns. I even had dreams of dragons. I do remember one dragon in my teens, claimed to have been some guardian of mine, and his name was Drake, in my dream, he told me this. Then the next day watching a movie about a dragon for the first time, the dragon spoke and called himself Drake. And well I was like "oh thats just a coincidence" and then the very next day my brother gave me "magic the gathering" card with a dragon on it called Drake. That is when my attention on this dragon heightened. I also have seen these huge types of dragon astrally before and seen the physical effects. These creatures breathed fire, and was able to fly.

As for mermaids, I also have experienced these as astral creatures of the water, also and also seen the physical affects. Perhaps these creatures do exist, either that or they will not reveal themselves to everyone.....

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Fairies are slightly different. In Ancient Times, specifically Ancient Celtic Times, Fairies were associated with Beings called the Sidhe. These were our Gods.

From Wikipedia:

"In old Celtic fairy lore the sidhe (fairy folk) are immortals living in the ancient barrows and cairns. The Tuatha de Danaan are associated with several Otherworld realms including Mag Mell (the Pleasant Plain), Emain Ablach (the Fortress of Apples or the Land of Promise or the Isle of Women), and the Tir na nÓg (the Land of Youth)."

Sidhe/Fairy Folk were our Gods. Note also their association with Apples, which have long been symbols of Immortality. The Isle of Avalon (Isle of Apples) represented Immortality.

"Another theory is that the fairies were originally worshiped as gods, but with the coming of christianity, they lived on, in a dwindled state of power, in folk belief. In this particular time, fairies were reputed by the church as being 'evil' beings. Many beings who are described as deities in older tales are described as "fairies" in more recent writings."

Once again, xianity destroyed the True Knowledge and blasphemed our Gods.

The term "fairies" has also in more recent times, however, come to refer to certain Elemental beings who reside on the Astral. They are, like Salamanders, beings whose Souls comprise only one or two elements. These beings are of Satan and can be befriended when treated with care and respect and can even assist in Magickal Workings if they so choose.

There is no need to feel depressed over this and panic about it. It is actually quite the opposite, because it gives these Ancient Legends so much more meaning and value and the Knowledge can be used in order to Advance yourself.

There is also nothing wrong with still enjoying these Ancient Legends and the stories behind them, as they are extremely beautiful and are a proud part of our Heritage as Gentiles and children of Satan. Knowing what they Truly represent just means that we have added a whole new dimension to them and can really use the Spiritual Knowledge which they share.

Many of our People are very strongly drawn to these Allegorical Beings, such as Mermaids and Dragons. That is because the Racial Memory can never be destroyed and these Ancient Legends remain within our Souls.

And no, it does not mean you can no longer have dreams and fantasies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying fantasy. The issue comes in with those individuals who blur the line between fantasy and reality and become disconnected with reality to the point where they are just wasting their time and not making any progress. Like the typical "dungeons and dragons" obsessives who start to actually believe that they actually are the game character and take things a little too far, etc. We have had a few of these in the past. Obsession and enjoyment are two opposite ends of the spectrum. Obsession is unhealthy, enjoyment is perfectly healthy and normal.

I think you slightly misunderstood what I was saying. My point was that taking these Beings as completely literal will hinder Spiritual insight and progress. I did not mean that the stories behind these Beings cannot still be enjoyed.

They are gifts to us from Satan and the Gods, and I absolutely encourage our People to be aware of them and enjoy them, but also to realize that they contain a deeper meaning and purpose. I myself thoroughly enjoy the Ancient Celtic and Germanic Folklore and I grew up on the Arthurian Legends. These were all originally Pagan and had nothing what so ever to do with xianity.

All of our Satanic Heritage should be enjoyed!

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

So "little" magical beings like faries are real but "big" ones like you mentioned aren't? I've always thought they were real! Now I have no inspiration for art, darnit! *despair* Come to think of it, if they were, we would've killed them off by now anyway b/c of what we've been doing to the enviroment. Feel like the world has lost a large chunk of magic for me. *sigh of deeper despair* I've always wanted to find a unicorn, but I'm natually psysic, so it's really a desire to understand that part of myself better? A friend of mine loves dragons. Does that mean he subconciously desires Godhood? I'll never get better than I am now! I'm so STUPID!!!!!!!! *depression* Now I feel like having dreams/fantasies at all is stupid and a waste of time, that I need to become cold and calculating in everything I do.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons, Griffins, Sphinx, Centaurs, the Phoenix etc, are all Spiritual Allegories for stages of the Magnum Opus. They represent aspects of the Soul and certain workings done to open and Empower the Soul.

The enemy obviously does not want people to be aware of these True Allegorical meanings as that will open the door to further Spiritual/Satanic Knowledge, so they spout off all kinds of nonsense. Anything other than the Truth. They would rather people believe these are real beings than know the Alchemy which they represent. IMO, this is just another enemy trap.

Study Spiritual Alchemy, and you will begin to see the Allegories contained in the images of these beings. The Unicorn, for example, has to do with Empowering the Third Eye and achieving Astral site, hence the Horn protruding from the forehead. The Horn can also represent Sexual Energy/Life Force. It also represents the Feminine aspect of the Soul, the Female Eixir, and the "White Stage" of the Magnum Opus, which is the purification of the Soul. In Alchemical Drawings the Unicorn often appeared next to a Lion, which represented the Male aspect of the Soul. The Unicorn is associated with The Moon/Silver/Mercury while the Lion is associated with the Sun/Gold. The Unicorn and the Lion meeting represents the combining of the Male and Female elixirs and the stage at which the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Soul come into balance.

People who take these Allegories literally and believe that there are physical Mermaids and Unicorns alive on Earth are missing the point entirely and therefore will not be able to Advance Spiritually.

Once you begin to study Alchemy and Meditate and Advance yourself, you will see this more and more. Satan wants this Knowledge back in the hands of the Gentile People. Always be on the look out for enemy lies and traps, as these are specifically designed to keep True Satanic Knowledge from our People.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chris41226" <chris41226@ wrote:

watching the history Chanel last night with my mom and was watching a commendatory that mermaids have been proven to finally be real a big shock to me but so amazing in every way and stone cold proof that the xian god is finally losing its power and that the american military is purposely killing them with low pitch frequency's it just proved to me how everything in this world that we where supposed to believe was good is nothing but curl evil and horrible i in every way DOWN WITH THE XIAN GOD MAY FATHER SATAN AND THE GODS OF OLD AND OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS DESTROY IT SOON


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
