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Menstruation and Spirituality

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
Menstruation and Spirituality

There is more to menstruation that just the physical. There are certain spiritual practices to be done during ovulation and menstruation. We no longer know these practices, but at the end of this post I write what I do during menstruation.

By maintaining the same normal daily routine through the month, with how women are these day (feminism disregards the feminine in women and tells us to be the same as men), we throw our spiritual energies and bodily glands and hormones out of balance, resulting in PMS and other issues.

A lot of PMS comes from eating an incorrect diet, which has been mentioned by others here before. But the truth is, spirituality has a huge impact. Humans were created to be spiritual by nature, and women are connected to the Moon. Our very menstruation cycle is supposed to be linked to the Moon: ovulation during the Full Moon, menstruation starting a few days before or at the time of the New Moon.

Traditionally, women took time to themselves during menstruation. Being around other people takes a strong emotional and mental toll, for some reason. Most women can barely keep it together when having to be around other people, but it all gets better once we are alone and have the time to focus on self-care and introspection. When things are handled correctly and with spirituality involved, everything is better. Neglecting the spiritual sides of our nature causes everything to become a mess.

On top of the pain, discomfort, and emotional imbalances we experience, we also have to deal with men who are not able to understand and mock and insult us, very commonly seen in jewish “comedy” tv shows especially. The jews want men to think women are not fit for society and that menstruation is something freakish and disgusting, when in reality it is simply a continuous cycle of life and death within ourselves. Cycles of the Moon, cycles of the Sun, cycles of life… cycles of menstruation. This is just a part of life, plain and simple.

Something that has been mentioned multiple times in these forums by HPS Shannon and other women, including myself, is that women are at our strongest spiritually when we are menstruating. We can accomplish greater meditations at this time. From personal experience, it is far easier to remove curses, bindings, bad karma, and unwanted attachments at this time of our cycle. I even did a freeing the soul working, only 9 days needed, begun during a waxing Moon in Aries. It was extremely effective, despite the incorrect Moon phase and sign. So it’s a trade-off of the negative experiences related to menstruation, yet the increased power.

The following will help you take advantage of this time of the month, and reconnect spiritually with yourself as a woman.

Before starting menstruation, try to complete any extra household chores and errands before your period begins. Adjust your social calendar (for those who are social) so you can have extra alone time during the first few days.

For the day you begin your period. Of course most women these days have to work full-time, have children, and other responsibilities every day, but try to set aside even one hour of alone time. If you have children and a friend, you can alternate babysitting, taking care of each other’s children for the time needed. Or one friend takes all the children for one afternoon or evening, and the other friend takes them for the next afternoon or evening. It would help if your husband spent the same time out visiting his friends, too. If you live with your parents or housemates, lock yourself in your bedroom and say you have a migraine or online work to do and want to remain undisturbed.

Begin your spiritual practice with a physical moon-related practice. This will allow your following meditation to be more effective. Some great ideas are:

Moon Salutations. This video is the best I’ve seen, although the speed picks up after the first half-cycle so it’s not quite even, but still excellent. Start at the left side of your mat so your actions match her cues.

Yoga For Menstrual Health And Relief. This is by Yogi Bhajan, it is not in the PinkLotus site as it is not KY. I found this in a book written by one of his female students, I will post it and link here.

Qigong for menstrual health and relief of discomfort. There are more videos online which I have not done yet, but this one was very effective for me:
Qigong for Women’s Health - Qigong for PMS, Bloating, Sore Back, Mood Swings

Now, to meditate. You can have aromatherapy or light incense that corresponds to the Moon, or anything you like the scent of and makes you feel relaxed. There are also teas that help with relaxation and meditation, such as chamomile or sage. Doing these steps are optional, but can help ritualize this experience.

Tune into the Moon. Visualize it, feel the energy, breathe it in, invoke it. This can help facilitate a trance for those who have problems trancing. You will find that a Moon trance is different and more beautiful from regular trances, and nourishing to your soul and spiritual energies.

Stay in the trance for as long as you like (or have time for). You can tune into your body and allow the energy of the Moon to fix or realign anything that may be blocked or lacking in some way. Keep the mindset of honoring and embracing your womanhood.

Next, while still in the trance, you can focus on the sigil of a Goddess. Astarte, or any other you feel a connection to. Focus on the Goddess, and Her sigil, feel Her Divine Femininity. If you feel disconnected from being a woman (which most women these days do, in some way), this will help you.

When you are finished with the trance, now is the time to do any other spiritual practices, or divination, or do tarot/oracle card readings to gain insight into any area you might need to focus on. Keep the mindset of self-care, and doing what is best for you, being led to anything you might need to learn for your spiritual growth.

After, you can do physical self-care, beauty treatments, or another of the yoga/qigong ideas linked above.

Doing the above steps can make you feel more comfortable dealing with this time of the month, and you might even start to look forward to it every month :)

Hail Lilith
Hail Astarte
Thank you so much for this Lydia!! This needs to be pinned :)!

You might like what I wrote about menstruation in my moon square article with the representation of the egg and certain crystals.

One of the reasons I did a moon square earlier this year was for PMS. I get it. BAD. I am talking give me my crinklies, chocolate, chips, candy, and carbs and everyone leave me alone or I will bite you! On top of just being plain anxious and irritable :lol: :lol:

one of the best indicators for a PMS sufferer is having a harshly aspected or afflicted mars, especially when in aspect to the moon.

I remember I came across this sometime into my moon square. I laughed pretty hard

A lot of this info has given me more specifics about how to make cleaning and other things more effective! It seems females can be an exception with certain workings, especially of removal depending on the cycle no matter the moon sign.

Now I understand why Abrasax has often predicted dates for me (something that has always happened in general and with accuracy) that more than several times have turned out to be the first day of my period. I was pretty sure there was more to it! He also rules timings and cycles so it makes sense.

Great post!
While reading, I briefly imagined the moon and the feel of its energies, just walking myself lightly through the steps to get a feel for it. Even with that small exercise, I feel lighter, calmer. I'm looking forward to trying this more deeply.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=384903 time=1661853032 user_id=57]
Updated, with the link for the hatha.

Thanks Shadowcat, I'll look for your post about the Moon square :)

Sorry LOL. I meant the astrology post when I wrote about how to spot a debilitated moon.
Shadowcat said:
Thank you so much for this Lydia!! This needs to be pinned :)!

You might like what I wrote about menstruation in my moon square article with the representation of the egg and certain crystals.

One of the reasons I did a moon square earlier this year was for PMS. I get it. BAD. I am talking give me my crinklies, chocolate, chips, candy, and carbs and everyone leave me alone or I will bite you! On top of just being plain anxious and irritable :lol: :lol:

one of the best indicators for a PMS sufferer is having a harshly aspected or afflicted mars, especially when in aspect to the moon.

I remember I came across this sometime into my moon square. I laughed pretty hard

A lot of this info has given me more specifics about how to make cleaning and other things more effective! It seems females can be an exception with certain workings, especially of removal depending on the cycle no matter the moon sign.

Now I understand why Abrasax has often predicted dates for me (something that has always happened in general and with accuracy) that more than several times have turned out to be the first day of my period. I was pretty sure there was more to it! He also rules timings and cycles so it makes sense.

Great post!

Funny that you mention this I was thinking of doing a moon square sometime for my afflicted moon when I forat read this topic.
More or less with a similar reason...
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Thank you so much for this Lydia!! This needs to be pinned :)!

You might like what I wrote about menstruation in my moon square article with the representation of the egg and certain crystals.

One of the reasons I did a moon square earlier this year was for PMS. I get it. BAD. I am talking give me my crinklies, chocolate, chips, candy, and carbs and everyone leave me alone or I will bite you! On top of just being plain anxious and irritable :lol: :lol:

one of the best indicators for a PMS sufferer is having a harshly aspected or afflicted mars, especially when in aspect to the moon.

I remember I came across this sometime into my moon square. I laughed pretty hard

A lot of this info has given me more specifics about how to make cleaning and other things more effective! It seems females can be an exception with certain workings, especially of removal depending on the cycle no matter the moon sign.

Now I understand why Abrasax has often predicted dates for me (something that has always happened in general and with accuracy) that more than several times have turned out to be the first day of my period. I was pretty sure there was more to it! He also rules timings and cycles so it makes sense.

Great post!

Funny that you mention this I was thinking of doing a moon square sometime for my afflicted moon when I forat read this topic.
More or less with a similar reason...

Please make sure most of your negative moon Karma is first removed for your safety and health first or at least do extra cleaning if you proceed with the square. Remember these are a form of empowerment and will empower that specific part of your soul with the clean and the dirty. (make sure at least most if not all of the yuckness is gone xd)
Shadowcat said:
Sorry LOL. I meant the astrology post when I wrote about how to spot a debilitated moon.

Ah, understood. I just read it, thanks for linking it. I have both Labradorite and Moonstone and I love them :)
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=385129 time=1661933766 user_id=57]
Shadowcat said:
Sorry LOL. I meant the astrology post when I wrote about how to spot a debilitated moon.

Ah, understood. I just read it, thanks for linking it. I have both Labradorite and Moonstone and I love them :)

Hey Lydia and all female SS, just wanted to give an update on something. My guardian is good with plants and stones and at times communicates to me through their meanings or leads me to sources for such. I ran into someone on a job I did back in January and I learned about some good herbs for pain, clotting, menstrual problems and other things. One of the herbs he told me about was Wild Dagga. There are several strains but the specific one he told me about was Leonotus Leonurus, which is very good for pain!

I recently bought some and have been trying it out and it works great! I started having cramps today and I made some tea with Leonotus Leonurus flower and the pain has gone down significantly. A much better alternative to synthetic painkillers that either thin the blood too much or are bad for the liver. Marigold also works great for cramps in tea :). Bye cramps!
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=384885 time=1661848378 user_id=57]
From personal experience, it is far easier to remove curses, bindings, bad karma, and unwanted attachments at this time of our cycle. I even did a freeing the soul working, only 9 days needed, begun during a waxing Moon in Aries. It was extremely effective, despite the incorrect Moon phase and sign. So it’s a trade-off of the negative experiences related to menstruation, yet the increased power.

First of all, I just want to say this was a beautiful post. Though, I am no female, this still inspired me to do an experiment. When you did the freeing of the soul, did you use the Sanskrit word Munka? Did you do the 108 reps or 111 reps?
Shadowcat said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=385129 time=1661933766 user_id=57]
Shadowcat said:
Sorry LOL. I meant the astrology post when I wrote about how to spot a debilitated moon.

Ah, understood. I just read it, thanks for linking it. I have both Labradorite and Moonstone and I love them :)

Hey Lydia and all female SS, just wanted to give an update on something. My guardian is good with plants and stones and at times communicates to me through their meanings or leads me to sources for such. I ran into someone on a job I did back in January and I learned about some good herbs for pain, clotting, menstrual problems and other things. One of the herbs he told me about was Wild Dagga. There are several strains but the specific one he told me about was Leonotus Leonurus, which is very good for pain!

I recently bought some and have been trying it out and it works great! I started having cramps today and I made some tea with Leonotus Leonurus flower and the pain has gone down significantly. A much better alternative to synthetic painkillers that either thin the blood too much or are bad for the liver. Marigold also works great for cramps in tea :). Bye cramps!


I'll have to look at those.

I start cramping on and off about a week before I actually get my period usually. And I noticed that by then spiritual cleaning also goes better, and that sometimes it doesn't go as well when I've already started it.
But the pain is stupid and it should just start when I first start having cramps ...

I've read that it was mentioned in tcm that painful menses are due to blood cold (if I remember right, could also be stagnation) in the lower belly.

I was without cramps but now I think that also could have been because of the extra supplements I was taking a couple of months ago. They had a lot of vit B (all kinds, I was also taking B12 in watersoluble form) and additional minerals.
I was also taking a supplement with valerian and a bit of st johns wort in it once a day. I took a 2 week break though because something didn't feel right anymore within my body.
Something I've noticed that I think is cause for concern is just a how much I lack when my menstruation cycle comes around. I don't get emotional, I don't get cravings and if I do get cramps they only last the first day of the cycle. I feel...blank.

Could this be a sign of lack of spiritual balance? Could this be related to my being a Gemini? Or am I making something from nothing?
Darkpagan666 said:
First of all, I just want to say this was a beautiful post. Though, I am no female, this still inspired me to do an experiment. When you did the freeing of the soul, did you use the Sanskrit word Munka? Did you do the 108 reps or 111 reps?

Thank you :) For freeing the soul, I've done Munka and Ansuz, I've done quite a few workings. For that specific one, I don't remember.

I don't think 111 would be good for this, as it is a solar number. I've done 90, and 144. Also 40 worked, although I'm not sure if it is the best number for this. I'm looking forward to the next updates of HP Cobra's numerology section.

Charlotte61903 said:
Something I've noticed that I think is cause for concern is just a how much I lack when my menstruation cycle comes around. I don't get emotional, I don't get cravings and if I do get cramps they only last the first day of the cycle. I feel...blank.

Could this be a sign of lack of spiritual balance? Could this be related to my being a Gemini? Or am I making something from nothing?
I understand what you mean, I've had times like that too. I think it lasted for a few years maybe. I honestly don't know what could be the cause, or if it is bad or not. Perhaps someone else has some insight.

Btw cravings are not necessarily normal, I rarely ever get them.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=386513 time=1662361070 user_id=57]
Darkpagan666 said:
First of all, I just want to say this was a beautiful post. Though, I am no female, this still inspired me to do an experiment. When you did the freeing of the soul, did you use the Sanskrit word Munka? Did you do the 108 reps or 111 reps?

Thank you :) For freeing the soul, I've done Munka and Ansuz, I've done quite a few workings. For that specific one, I don't remember.

I don't think 111 would be good for this, as it is a solar number. I've done 90, and 144. Also 40 worked, although I'm not sure if it is the best number for this. I'm looking forward to the next updates of HP Cobra's numerology section.

Alrighty, thank you so much! I've used Munka and Ur before, which was excellent in many ways. I am now doing an experiment with Munka and the number 111. Not particularly a freeing of the soul, but more of a transformative conjuring of the solar energies to advance spiritually. I hope Munka will destroy impurities that hamper my spiritual growth and aids to set me onto an overall higher vibration. I really look forward for the updates myself :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
