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Menstruation and Hormones


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Women are definitely correspondent to the Moon. It takes 28 days on average for the moon to go through the signs and on average for a women to go through a cycle in that time. Traditionally women usually began their cycle's within 3 days of the new moon and ovulated on the full moon. This makes sense. I also wrote another article on this. It is located in the files section of this group.

Estrogen and progesterone are the dominant hormones in a women's body. They are made of cholesterol and other healthy fats and so to replenish your hormones you must take in this raw material. Butter, coconut oil, cod liver oil, pure cream, tallow and palm oil are great sources.

After a women's moon cycle has ended, estrogen starts to build up within the body as the moon waxes and increase in light leading up to ovulation around the full moon. This is a time of increased sex drive, cervical fluid and energy. Physically and psychically. Also this is the best time if one wants to become pregnant.

After the full moon when light starts to decrease and the moon wanes, progesterone starts to rise and estrogen begins to decrease. As progesterone rises, a women's cervical fluid decreases, sex drive starts to decrease and there is more of a need for introspection. This happens leading up to the New moon when the menstrual cycle begins and thus starting the new cycle. This is cleansing.

If you are experiencing long and heavy menstrual cycles, irregular cycles, pain and cramps and other negative menstrual symptoms, this is a sign of imbalanced hormones and a possibly a lymph problem. The moon also rules the fluids in the body.

I have worked with the energies of the moon and have breathed it in and even infused it into my herbal waters. After doing this, my menstrual cycle began on the day of the new moon. There are a couple of other satanists, including sister Lydia, who have worked with lunar energies.

Menstrual problems are usually a result of estrogen dominance. This comes from excess estrogen in the diet, stress and from environmental toxins. Estrogen dominance also contributes to cancer, excess weight gain, heavy bleeding and other reproductive problems. Progesterone balances estrogen.

As for birth control pills, they also act to put the hormones out of balance but this is a touchy subject hen it comes to contraception. If one is on birth control, you should look into using Vitex or Maca to balance your hormones when and if you get off of them. There are herbal contraceptives and emmenagogues (promotes menstrual cycle and brings on a natural miscarriage during early stages of conception) but I wont list them here. One should do their research on them first. They are effective, though.

My top pick of herbs that help to balance the female reproductive system and the menstrual cycle are Vitex(chaste tree) and Maca, they work as adaptogens and bring your body in balance. Vitex is my favorite. It is slower acting but has been taken by women for centuries over a long period of time with no adverse effects. It can be take in tincture or in capsule form.

Because Vitex and Maca work to increase progesterone in the body, one may notice breast growth since progesterone increases fat in the breasts and upper body. if one has bigger breasts due to a hormonal imbalance then reductions in breast size is a possibility. Either way, it will bring your body to a balance that is right for you.

Estrogen is responsible for fat production on the body from the stomach down. Having estrogen dominance can also cause weight gain and glandular problems, Now, fat on a women's body is not a bad thing. Women are suppose to have some body fat. This is a sign of fertility and reproductive health. It also is visually appealing.

The jewish media promote skinny as the standard of beauty. They also work to promote low fat diets and vegan and vegetarian diets. This is not only dangerous, it makes a women infertile. The cells, hormones and brain is made of fat...imagine what happens when our bodies lack this substance.

Feel free to add in any personal experiences or questions, if any.
could you please share the info how exactly should i meditate when working with the moon energy? is there some specific 40 day working or is it a simple thing, just breathing in the moon energy? do i need to programm something? and what other things could i use? you said something about herbal waters? i would appreciate it very much if you could share this :D thanks for the infos!
I went on the birth control pill to regulate my period (doctor recommendation) years ago, and I wound up having a very bad reaction... basically, my period lasted for an entire month. I went off the pill, tried again some years later, and same effect after a few months. I'm mentioning this in case it may benefit any other women here.

Working with the Moon helped, as you wrote. I just invoked it and programmed it to balance my cycle, or programmed my cycle to sync with the moon, I don't remember exactly. But it worked. Just a few (maybe 20) breaths and affirmations nightly did the job.

I've been taking Vitex (as a tea, I use fresh dried berries) for almost a year, and it is amazing. Tastes delicious too, at least to me.

And I agree, women are not supposed to have this 0% body fat... I have rock solid abs, but enough fat covering so I look feminine.
AncientShadow666 said:
could you please share the info how exactly should i meditate when working with the moon energy? is there some specific 40 day working or is it a simple thing, just breathing in the moon energy? do i need to programm something? and what other things could i use? you said something about herbal waters? i would appreciate it very much if you could share this :D thanks for the infos!

I cant believe I am seeing your message late. Still interested?
HPS Shannon said:
AncientShadow666 said:
could you please share the info how exactly should i meditate when working with the moon energy? is there some specific 40 day working or is it a simple thing, just breathing in the moon energy? do i need to programm something? and what other things could i use? you said something about herbal waters? i would appreciate it very much if you could share this :D thanks for the infos!

I cant believe I am seeing your message late. Still interested?

always :D dont worry i know that all of you are busy, if it was something urgent then i would make a topic on it already :) but yes i am planing on doing it SOON because my period is definitely not how it should be and sometimes it even jumps a month and when that happens i have pain :(
AncientShadow666 said:
HPS Shannon said:
AncientShadow666 said:
could you please share the info how exactly should i meditate when working with the moon energy? is there some specific 40 day working or is it a simple thing, just breathing in the moon energy? do i need to programm something? and what other things could i use? you said something about herbal waters? i would appreciate it very much if you could share this :D thanks for the infos!

I cant believe I am seeing your message late. Still interested?

always :D dont worry i know that all of you are busy, if it was something urgent then i would make a topic on it already :) but yes i am planing on doing it SOON because my period is definitely not how it should be and sometimes it even jumps a month and when that happens i have pain :(

How long has your cycle been skipping? Pain with your cycle is a sign of imbalance. You can try the Vitex if you're interested. It always helps. There are different things that will help too.

As far as the moon, breathing and taking it in when you're outside or near a window can help. That's what I do sometimes.
Yagami Light said:
Thank you for this post. :)
I had to research about it because I have my period and I'm in pain. :roll:

I will try this with the moon breathing and affirmation.
I'd like to ask, if a void moon is of any importance.

I remember one time my period had come on a Full moon and hooooly shit, it was amazing... Whenever I felt like I was going to feel pain, the pain wasn't pain at all, but a sense of energy... and it was INTENSE! I remember I would get dizzy in my head lol.
Now I may rarely feel dizzy in my head with energy (not physical dizziness; energy dizziness) but the pain is baaaad... :'(

So I will try your method; my only question is about the void moon.
Thank you. :D

As a rule, void moons are not really conducive to many workings. I wouldnt do any lunar workings during a void moon.
T.A.O.L. said:
Thanks HPS Shannon.

I have read your reply before the full moon though and I thought since I have a moonstone laying around here I could perhaps clean and charge it to help regulate it.

I think it is just better to use your own energies or energy from the moon to regulate and balance your cycles. If you really want to use stones and crystals and have fun with them, you can get a moonstone waist bead (or find a way to wear your moon stone , charge it with energy from the moon and rock it like that near your sacral and reproductive area. With that you have aesthetic appeal, fashion and a fully functioning regulator of your cycle. ;)

It depends on you.
T.A.O.L. said:
I found the raw herb of vitex in the form of dried berries or something.

I havent looked much further into it but I was wondering if those would be alright to use instead of a tincture.

You can make a tincture with 100 proof vodka or grain alcohol. With the grain alcohol, you should dilute it with 50% water and 50% grain alcohol.

It has to sit for 6 weeks though. They sell tinctures already made though. Like amazon, etc
i'm glad i found this article! not only do i experience menstural pain (usually on the first and second day before its gone, my period lasts 5 days and occurs every 20 to 25 days.) but i have PMS really bad...sometimes i wonder if its where the legend of the werewolf came from xD. i become psychologially instable and it affects my environment and mood...i even get random violent, even homicidal thoughts...even though theres no intent to act on anything it almost feels like an involutary venting...but its tiresome and makes me on edge. i wonder if working with lunar energies will also help to balance this as well?
Shadowcat said:
i'm glad i found this article! not only do i experience menstural pain (usually on the first and second day before its gone, my period lasts 5 days and occurs every 20 to 25 days.) but i have PMS really bad...sometimes i wonder if its where the legend of the werewolf came from xD. i become psychologially instable and it affects my environment and mood...i even get random violent, even homicidal thoughts...even though theres no intent to act on anything it almost feels like an involutary venting...but its tiresome and makes me on edge. i wonder if working with lunar energies will also help to balance this as well?

Girl. Same. Super painful periods, I average a period every 21 days. Irritable as all fuck. With a bonus of hormonal acne.

I’ve only worked with the lunar energies a little bit and they do seem to help. Ive started getting my period closer and closer the the moon cycle but I’ve got a ways to go with total hormone balancing.

In the mean time the best non spiritual thing I’ve found that helps me is using a heating pad and staying full. (Hunger is a cramping trigger for me)

Mmm love being a lady!
Sleepy said:
Shadowcat said:
i'm glad i found this article! not only do i experience menstural pain (usually on the first and second day before its gone, my period lasts 5 days and occurs every 20 to 25 days.) but i have PMS really bad...sometimes i wonder if its where the legend of the werewolf came from xD. i become psychologially instable and it affects my environment and mood...i even get random violent, even homicidal thoughts...even though theres no intent to act on anything it almost feels like an involutary venting...but its tiresome and makes me on edge. i wonder if working with lunar energies will also help to balance this as well?

Girl. Same. Super painful periods, I average a period every 21 days. Irritable as all fuck. With a bonus of hormonal acne.

I’ve only worked with the lunar energies a little bit and they do seem to help. Ive started getting my period closer and closer the the moon cycle but I’ve got a ways to go with total hormone balancing.

In the mean time the best non spiritual thing I’ve found that helps me is using a heating pad and staying full. (Hunger is a cramping trigger for me)

Mmm love being a lady!
thanks ill try it out when the moon is full again. Reee dont get me started on the cravings x.x chocolate carbs sweets xD
How is maca administered?
Take the treatment for at least 6 months then take a 3 month break and then take the treatment again, for example?
I first ordered 2 organic bags of 200 grams each. So to see how I react, any unwanted reactions, although I hope that is not the case.
Thank you for this post, article, it is very useful.
wariorSS said:
How is maca administered?
Take the treatment for at least 6 months then take a 3 month break and then take the treatment again, for example?
I first ordered 2 organic bags of 200 grams each. So to see how I react, any unwanted reactions, although I hope that is not the case.
Thank you for this post, article, it is very useful.
I'm not sure if the effects of maca vary between males and females to any big degree, but I (male) used to take maca powder and it heavily messed up my libido-balance. I would get horny all the time but lack the energy to have an orgasm without feeling drained and weak. Classic imbalance. It could have just been my specific case, but I'd advise to be careful with using maca.

The other alternative that Shannon listed was Vitex, so perhaps this could be a safer option for you. I'm not an expert on this stuff though, so it might be best to wait for a reply from Shannon or Centralforce before you use any of these.
Shael said:
wariorSS said:
How is maca administered?
Take the treatment for at least 6 months then take a 3 month break and then take the treatment again, for example?
I first ordered 2 organic bags of 200 grams each. So to see how I react, any unwanted reactions, although I hope that is not the case.
Thank you for this post, article, it is very useful.
I'm not sure if the effects of maca vary between males and females to any big degree, but I (male) used to take maca powder and it heavily messed up my libido-balance. I would get horny all the time but lack the energy to have an orgasm without feeling drained and weak. Classic imbalance. It could have just been my specific case, but I'd advise to be careful with using maca.

The other alternative that Shannon listed was Vitex, so perhaps this could be a safer option for you. I'm not an expert on this stuff though, so it might be best to wait for a reply from Shannon or Centralforce before you use any of these.

I would be careful at taking Vitex if you are a male. While it works great for women, it lowers the sex drive for men. Monks use to take it to get rid of their sexuality.

With Maca, I would just take it as a food source and not as a constant supplement. I use to take it with my oatmeal every morning and it increases my sex drive and libido after some days of use. It felt nice. There is a small part of me that thinks it works better for women more but I havent quite looked into it much. All in all, its good as a food stuff.

I never took it many times a day. I dont take it any more though its in my fridge. It depends on what I am in the mood for.

WarriorSS, what is the reason you are taking it specifically? You're female?
High Priestess Shannon, yes, i am a female and thank you so much for your advices, also you Shael.
I want to take maca for menstrual pain, menstrual disorders, migraines, water retention in the body before or during the menstrual cycle, breast pain,nausea, rarely vomiting. For balancing the level of estrogen and progesterone at optimum levels.
wariorSS said:
I want to take maca for menstrual pain, menstrual disorders, migraines, water retention in the body before or during the menstrual cycle, breast pain,nausea, rarely vomiting. For balancing the level of estrogen and progesterone at optimum levels.

Please read this thread. This has very important information you should know about your situation.


How old are you?
Please get back to me after you have read it.
I consume fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy products, cheese, eggs, smothie with fruit mix or with raw vegetable mixture. I have no salt, minerals and vitamins. I have polycystic ovarian syndrome and the estrogen level is high. I am 29 years old. The pH is optimal.
The final conclusion is the use of maca or vitex, I prefer maca but I look forward to other opinions and additional information.
wariorSS said:
The final conclusion is the use of maca or vitex, I prefer maca but I look forward to other opinions and additional information.

Did you read most of the thread I sent you. Its super important and then you will understand any advice given to you.

The most important thing is that whatever you eat should be nutrient dense and clean, so its a matter of the quality of what you eat and how it was processed.

Are you saying that you do not consume any salt or vitamins and mineral supplements?

Go slow and steady with the maca as it can aggravate or over stimulate you especially with the PCOS you have. Vitex is mild and slower acting. Most women are estrogen dominant which is especially why you should take the Vitex instead. Vitex works more on boosting progesterone in the body.

Vitex helps the body rebalance and build itself.
Of course I take supplements. In the first phase I was thinking about maca but I got confused between maca and vitex. Vitex is the one that helps the body balance itself. I was annoyed by Vitex because I heard bad opinions about it in my country and the poor quality in the trade market. That is why I was thinking about maca.
Do periods stop or become different upon completing Magnum Opus? Also, menopause cannot happen if you are immortal, right?
Larissa666 said:
Do periods stop or become different upon completing Magnum Opus? Also, menopause cannot happen if you are immortal, right?

I know the menstrual cycle temporarily stops or goes through changes the more one advances and goes through kundalini transformation but apparently our goddesses still do have their moon cycles.

Menopause doesn't really happen when you complete the magnum opus because of the lack of aging and such. You remain young and youthful.
High Priestess Shannon, I was wondering if I could email you for some advice regarding something similar. I've been doing a lot of reading on the forums about the menstrual cycle and I have seen Vitex mentioned several times. I think this would benefit me, as would taking multivitamins and magnesium. However, what I need advice on is more than just my cycle but I don't feel comfortable giving every detail where anyone can reply. I understand that you are a very busy person, I would greatly appreciate any of your time.
starlight said:
High Priestess Shannon, I was wondering if I could email you for some advice regarding something similar. I've been doing a lot of reading on the forums about the menstrual cycle and I have seen Vitex mentioned several times. I think this would benefit me, as would taking multivitamins and magnesium. However, what I need advice on is more than just my cycle but I don't feel comfortable giving every detail where anyone can reply. I understand that you are a very busy person, I would greatly appreciate any of your time.

Sure, you can email me.

[email protected]
HPS Shannon said:
Women are definitely correspondent to the Moon. It takes 28 days on average for the moon to go through the signs and on average for a women to go through a cycle in that time. Traditionally women usually began their cycle's within 3 days of the new moon and ovulated on the full moon. This makes sense. I also wrote another article on this. It is located in the files section of this group.

Estrogen and progesterone are the dominant hormones in a women's body. They are made of cholesterol and other healthy fats and so to replenish your hormones you must take in this raw material. Butter, coconut oil, cod liver oil, pure cream, tallow and palm oil are great sources.

After a women's moon cycle has ended, estrogen starts to build up within the body as the moon waxes and increase in light leading up to ovulation around the full moon. This is a time of increased sex drive, cervical fluid and energy. Physically and psychically. Also this is the best time if one wants to become pregnant.

After the full moon when light starts to decrease and the moon wanes, progesterone starts to rise and estrogen begins to decrease. As progesterone rises, a women's cervical fluid decreases, sex drive starts to decrease and there is more of a need for introspection. This happens leading up to the New moon when the menstrual cycle begins and thus starting the new cycle. This is cleansing.

If you are experiencing long and heavy menstrual cycles, irregular cycles, pain and cramps and other negative menstrual symptoms, this is a sign of imbalanced hormones and a possibly a lymph problem. The moon also rules the fluids in the body.

I have worked with the energies of the moon and have breathed it in and even infused it into my herbal waters. After doing this, my menstrual cycle began on the day of the new moon. There are a couple of other satanists, including sister Lydia, who have worked with lunar energies.

Menstrual problems are usually a result of estrogen dominance. This comes from excess estrogen in the diet, stress and from environmental toxins. Estrogen dominance also contributes to cancer, excess weight gain, heavy bleeding and other reproductive problems. Progesterone balances estrogen.

As for birth control pills, they also act to put the hormones out of balance but this is a touchy subject hen it comes to contraception. If one is on birth control, you should look into using Vitex or Maca to balance your hormones when and if you get off of them. There are herbal contraceptives and emmenagogues (promotes menstrual cycle and brings on a natural miscarriage during early stages of conception) but I wont list them here. One should do their research on them first. They are effective, though.

My top pick of herbs that help to balance the female reproductive system and the menstrual cycle are Vitex(chaste tree) and Maca, they work as adaptogens and bring your body in balance. Vitex is my favorite. It is slower acting but has been taken by women for centuries over a long period of time with no adverse effects. It can be take in tincture or in capsule form.

Because Vitex and Maca work to increase progesterone in the body, one may notice breast growth since progesterone increases fat in the breasts and upper body. if one has bigger breasts due to a hormonal imbalance then reductions in breast size is a possibility. Either way, it will bring your body to a balance that is right for you.

Estrogen is responsible for fat production on the body from the stomach down. Having estrogen dominance can also cause weight gain and glandular problems, Now, fat on a women's body is not a bad thing. Women are suppose to have some body fat. This is a sign of fertility and reproductive health. It also is visually appealing.

The jewish media promote skinny as the standard of beauty. They also work to promote low fat diets and vegan and vegetarian diets. This is not only dangerous, it makes a women infertile. The cells, hormones and brain is made of fat...imagine what happens when our bodies lack this substance.

Feel free to add in any personal experiences or questions, if any.

This is an amazing post, women’s hormones are so vital to our well being and power. When they’re off, the changes in myself are so immense. After I had my last child, my hormones have been so off balance. I started taking ashwagandha or however you spell it to fix it, with omega oil supplements that have the brand “nordic”, it’s from mercury free fish that are raised well. Also, a broad spectrum live probiotic supplement can bring back vaginal and digestive balance. Doing all of these things together for at least 6-8 weeks should knock a person back into shape. Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that helps to ease stress, increase energy, improve sleep, and balance hormones but I think I’d rather try vitex or maca. It’s been a couple of weeks since I started the ashwagandha and I feel pretty good so far, I’ll see how my cycle goes this month. Last month I got SO hungry and hoarded Philly cheesesteaks and cookies, impulsively shopped, cried for no reason, stereotypical issues when there’s no balance and I thought I was being a monster and it’s not normal for me so I realized I can’t ignore this problem anymore. Thanks so much for this post, I needed this! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Maca is most suited to polycystic ovarian syndrome as it is a yang tonic and PCOS is a definitive lack of yang leading to phlegm formation.

Vitex is more useful for issues with blood and yin.
Centralforce666 said:
Maca is most suited to polycystic ovarian syndrome as it is a yang tonic and PCOS is a definitive lack of yang leading to phlegm formation.

Vitex is more useful for issues with blood and yin.

Would this also be useful for standard ovarian cyst issues as well?
Sundara said:
Centralforce666 said:
Maca is most suited to polycystic ovarian syndrome as it is a yang tonic and PCOS is a definitive lack of yang leading to phlegm formation.

Vitex is more useful for issues with blood and yin.

Would this also be useful for standard ovarian cyst issues as well?

It should be. Read more about ovarian cysts on this article or others if you google "tcm ovarian cysts".

It says that ovarian cysts in general are a yin-based pathology, not just PCOS. Therefore, maca should help, since it tonifies kidney yang. The kidneys are an organ that are are more or less always considered deficient because they act as a battery for other organ imbalances.

Given that phlegm is involved, one also needs to look at the spleen and stomach. So for some people, the issue could be better treated that way instead. Kidney yang will tonify spleen yang, so Maca will help this indirectly as well.

Maca is just one herb, though, and if you seek TCM treatment they will give you an herbal formula comprised of multiple herbs. A formula for ovarian cysts, for example, would have herbs in it that treat all possible causes, as well as being in a balanced package as to not cause unintended side effects.

If I were you, I would seek out a TCM doctor for this and any other imbalances you may be experiencing. There are online/telehealth clinics as well where they diagnose you and you can order herbs from. This is probably the quickest solution to fixing imbalances from the physical perspective, and should more or less just be repeated in every thread on the health forum lol.
Greetings. I have a curiosity. I suppose that menstrual pain, and also pain of giving birth, are not normal in a healthy and functional human being. Actually, how human beings are supposed to be. Nor menopause since they wouldn't age. I really don't believe that beings as spiritually and technologically advanced as Goddesses have these problems. I think that our health was messed up by the spiritual attacks of the enemy that unbalanced our energies and by the environment that is not natural anymore (also the enemy), and by the stagnation that surrounded all of our souls. Is it true, that what modern media tries to coerce us into, that such pains are "normal", is just lies? I don't believe any injury/illness/disease is normal, and that each body discomfort and pain means something is wrong. Nor that you have to "live" with, and I believe you can treat them - with workings, meditation, and natural medicine. What is the energetical cause of these pains? Someone said that it's yin deficiency.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings. I have a curiosity. I suppose that menstrual pain, and also pain of giving birth, are not normal in a healthy and functional human being. Actually, how human beings are supposed to be. Nor menopause since they wouldn't age. I really don't believe that beings as spiritually and technologically advanced as Goddesses have these problems. I think that our health was messed up by the spiritual attacks of the enemy that unbalanced our energies and by the environment that is not natural anymore (also the enemy), and by the stagnation that surrounded all of our souls. Is it true, that what modern media tries to coerce us into, that such pains are "normal", is just lies? I don't believe any injury/illness/disease is normal, and that each body discomfort and pain means something is wrong. Nor that you have to "live" with, and I believe you can treat them - with workings, meditation, and natural medicine. What is the energetical cause of these pains? Someone said that it's yin deficiency.

Here is my answer in another topic https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=328983#p328983

Yes, first an foremost, all ideas that any disease anywhere in any way or form are "normal" is enemy lie. Proof: absolutely all Ancient and medieval non-traditional medicine books contains prescription against these, and see these as a diseases that must be treated. Bible elaborated on this very well: it is not "normal" or "out of the box" for human being to suffer, just it was jewish gawd's personal egocentric wish (thus curse) that "women give birth in pain" or suffer in any other way during her life. While some pains and problems might be inborn, they anyway can be cured by proper knowledge of herbs, diet and spirituality, since everything is emanation of subtlier things. So most part of this curse was to conceal already existing knowledge how to do it.

Another proof. Around 70% of women having discomfortable menstruation, and exact this percent have their sexual organs removed with tumor or related later. I.e. for me it is as clear as water that theri menstrual problems an early symptom of disease that had not been treated due xian programming that "to suffer is normal", as a result after 45 it ended up with tumor. So painful menstruation is not only not normal, it is dangerous to your life and health, let alone fertility. That's why our Ancestors treated it as dangerous disease.

Enemy pushes all propaganda of "covid" and other viruses as something exceptionally dangerous, they destroy our natural ways of dealing with them (fever) and suggest micro-chipping instead, but the really dangerous things like tumors (blood and phlegm stagnation according TCM) which cause most pains they choose not to see and mention, they just chop people (which itself causes a lot of pain and blood stasis). While sometimes to prevent these is easier than to write about them in forum:

Proper individual diet, acupoints and herbs will correct born disbalances. Spiritual means will solve spiritual side of it so it is burned out of karma and karma of the family.

Everything that is connected to childbirth in regards to pain is mostly also caused by the same patterns, the last being the product of the same more underlying patterns as well.

In the link above you will find a lot of resources to learn. I recommend also https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=70737 (thanks Serbon for this!)

As for pains in other organs that just become worse during menstruation or in some way correlate with the cycle, menstruation time is the time when diseases come out thus can be seen as indication of things. These diseases should be investigated and cured with TCM and magic till they give no symptoms during menstruation.

It might or might not be Yin deficiency as an underlying pattern. There may be many patterns that may each or together emerge in many different menstrual problems. And a lot of ways to investigate them. It is because there are many different organs and channels that participate in forming menstrual cycle. Use books in links and ask good TCM specialist for specific case.

Do not hesitate to ask Gods for advise and wisdom if you are in great pain with no help or clue. They will lead you to the right medicine.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
