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Europe Gladio

Sep 22, 2017
Since the whole Pepe helped Trump win craze, people have thought of memes as having a potentially occult message or significance even spawning a pseudonation called Kekistan. Any thoughts on this will be nice.
I will use Star Trek as reference in my reply.

It's all just a march, be it slowly or quickly, towards the virtualisation of the Human Mind, Soul, and Body - the microchip. (((They))) have to do cool; interesting; emotional; outlandish; 'etceteral' things online to make it more appealing. It's escapism, with a clique/group (i.e. herd) mentality, to "fit in". All of the mind energies and brainings put into memes and things - and kekistan - are collected, rather than left to sit upon the Astral realm, and are directed towards jewish global slave state (jew world order - ((("governments/authorities" being shit deliberately; media; education; etc.))) - to make sheeple woeful; there are many layers to it) with Borg implants and a single One-of-Us voice (and I would say a single One-of-Us thinking, but that would be minimal and forced when needed), with forceful assimilation, in order to turn some of us into greys who have no independece; will; power; aspirations; unique identity; etc. of our own. The only unique identity we would have is a number. Consider Weyoon in Star Trek - when one is killed by enemies or destroyed by their own gods, it is replaced with a more-or-less identical copy. It's to make us worse-than, less-than zombified; nothing more than a living-dead clone drone.

We might have 3-D printers now, but they are capitalistically-expensive, and regardless of any and all of that - the holodeck won't be done by/alongside the jew - it is something to look forward to, to hope to achieve, to aspire to; but the jew redirects such energies to its own agenda and end-goal. It's the same with Star Trek and other franchises of science fiction and the future and the jewpocalypse. "We" want to have a single, 1-nation, borderless world full of jewish, jew-on-a-stick love, love, love, instead of hating our enemies who want to do us more than harm. The jew makes things happen slowly (6), and rapes your bank account and wallet, as well as your mind, life, and livelihood, in the process - that's all it is, a process; everything is processed - food, through a "system" in (((government/local "authority"))); the protocols (rules and procedures) of things; etc. The number of Good Goyim are the RAM in this comjewter system, their Brains are the CPUs in it, and their Souls are the batteries/powerpacks in it (re: Matrix). These "fitting-in" groups are hubs for the jew to leech and parasitise off. Naturally, we are Tribal; the j00 knows that and exploits it. To make it more extreme, the j00 knows that like attracts like, and the j00 takes advantage of that - notice all the different types of sub-cultural - or should I say sub-"cultural" - groups and things that there are.

Be a bad Goy - go make a jew-on-a-stick cry, starve it to death, and feed it poison, instead.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
