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Meditation Experiments


Active member
Dec 12, 2023
In a relatively safe way, I like to experiment with my meditations and see if I discover anything new, preferably anchored to information provided by the JoS.

But I think it's best I have these verified, so I'll post the most recent one here.

Many of these sped up the process for me, of being able to feel and manipulate energy much faster than normal whilst still being safe.

You don't want to go fast based on grandisoity/impatience/arrogance, but you do want to push yourself a little bit. At a comfortable but brisk pace

Your intuition should alert you to which is which, stupidity or pacing yourself correctly - just don't ignore that inner voice.

When meditating, it is useful to imagine the whole room is filled with an "ocean of energy" with the relevant colour.

You can imagine your own body, rather than a physical object, as a being made of pure light. And that there is very little distinction between this body and the surrounding light.

You want to merge with the energy but remain subtly distinct, aa you are breathing it in. As if you are a piece of light bathing in a greater light. You want to believe this through the "channel" of your will, and visualise it too. You want to become light itself, forget you are a body, but also do not forget it at the same time. You do not want to abandon the body, but imagine it has transformed into PURE LIGHT.

It can help to "extend one's consciousness" to encompass a wider area. It is difficult to explain, but it is as if your mind is bigger and encompasses a greater distance. You can take it as far as encompassing your whole house, or perhaps greater at higher levels.

You become more sensitive to the objects within this area. You want to feel them as though they are alive, buzzing and humming with prana/energy.

And by merging with the energy, I mean it has become a part of your soul. Not something seperate from you and acting upon you, but rather something incorporated into and acting within you. Like a blood transfusion, but in terms of energy. It is a new part of you.

When visualising, you do not want to imagine it is happening inside your head, but outside of you. With all your senses involved, not just the mental.

When I did this it drastically sped up and increased the amount of energy I could feel, absorb and manipulate, and I had to give the extra energy to my GD. So if nothing else at least it benefits him.

There is no point going overboard with this, because either you will not be able to hold the extra energy or it will cause issues due to fluctuations in bio-electricity as well as other potential issues.

So if it feels like a dangerously high amount of energy, don't be stupid.

Always pay attention to your limits, BEFORE trying to exceed them. This is one area you do not want to be "optimistic" but realistic.

To higher members, is there anything dangerous to worry about here? Particularly the merging thing I was wondering about, and the light body transformation thing.
Another way to do cleaning is to imagine white-gold "liquid light" entering the body from the crown and literally washing away and washing out negative energy/dross both front and back of the body, and negative energy out through the feet. You can also compress the dross into a very small ball, and explode it into your local synagogue or something. It is more effective if you compress the energy then expand it in explosion upon impact. Easier to move the energy around as well, it is lighter/more agile.

I have found this to be more thorough than the "scanning" version.
Incorporating sound into your meditations can also be highly effective, but I also have to admit I am little more skeptical with its use as of yet, I believe a higher level understanding may be necessary to avoid unintended consequences.

With cleaning the chakras, I have started incoporating a "sizzling" sound burning away the dross alongside the miniature sun meditation.

It oft leaves me with a slight burning sensation, which I am not sure if I am just doing a very thorough cleaning or being counterproductive here.

With chakra spinning, it has helped me knowing, and to imagine, it spinning from the point outwards to the "base" (cone shape) according to the fibonacci pattern. Since it relates to the formation of the universe, and the universe being triangular shaped which is what I think HPS Maxine was referring to, but I don't know.

Can someone confirm?
Something I used to do to invoke the Gods was to "brand" their sigil onto my chakras. But I'm not sure if this would have any unintended consequences.

Same with certain workings, if I wanted more "Leo" energy for example. It worked, but it seems to be somewhat temporary or weak of a technique. But then again I was much weaker myself back then, haven't tried it since.

Being weaker seemed to entail much more creativity with these things, for better or worse. These things are probably quite frivolous the more one has advanced.
Since the base of the chakra is where the energy is absorbed, imagining your 3rd eye like a hole or vortex into which information or energy is being funnelled might do something, whilst spinning it - still testing this though.
What I do to clean my aura, which is effective and can be felt physically if done with enough focus, is to visualize being absorbed by the sun. As my
Body touches the surface of it, it immediately begins burning all the crap, and my aura becomes brighter in white yellow color. Then, travel to the center of the sun where it is the hottest and brightest and absorb energy for a few minutes.

This is very very powerful, when one is tired or had a rough day, or is under attack, this can revitalize 100%. Good as new
What I do to clean my aura, which is effective and can be felt physically if done with enough focus, is to visualize being absorbed by the sun. As my
Body touches the surface of it, it immediately begins burning all the crap, and my aura becomes brighter in white yellow color. Then, travel to the center of the sun where it is the hottest and brightest and absorb energy for a few minutes.

This is very very powerful, when one is tired or had a rough day, or is under attack, this can revitalize 100%. Good as new
I tried it. Worked pretty well even with minimal focus tbh

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
