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Meditation addiction & tolerance


New member
May 25, 2019
I began meditating about 5 years ago. I started small, maybe 2-3 minutes a day which was followed by 10 minutes each morning. 10 minutes became 30 and 30 became an hour. I would immediately meditating upon getting out of bed, otherwise my brain was foggy and I would become irritated and angry about the smallest of things. Today I need to meditate 2 hours every day. 10 minutes less and my brain feels clogged, unable to think and perceive things properly. I also lose the ability to control emotions. I would be fine if I had to meditate for an hour or two every morning, fixed. But the problem is I'm building tolerance fast and I need to meditate more. Now this is causing problems. On the one hand, by meditating I achieved what I wanted in life, elevated my self in the ladder and got my missions accomplished. On the other hand time is precious and limited and I simply cannot meditate for 2 hours ++ every day. Anyone going through this or dealt with this? Is there any middle ground solution? I don't want to quit meditating, I just want to reduce it or keep it fixed. It feels something bad will happen if I quit it altogether, like my good luck will be reversed. Thanks for the help, really need it
nino said:
I began meditating about 5 years ago. I started small, maybe 2-3 minutes a day which was followed by 10 minutes each morning. 10 minutes became 30 and 30 became an hour. I would immediately meditating upon getting out of bed, otherwise my brain was foggy and I would become irritated and angry about the smallest of things. Today I need to meditate 2 hours every day. 10 minutes less and my brain feels clogged, unable to think and perceive things properly. I also lose the ability to control emotions. I would be fine if I had to meditate for an hour or two every morning, fixed. But the problem is I'm building tolerance fast and I need to meditate more. Now this is causing problems. On the one hand, by meditating I achieved what I wanted in life, elevated my self in the ladder and got my missions accomplished. On the other hand time is precious and limited and I simply cannot meditate for 2 hours ++ every day. Anyone going through this or dealt with this? Is there any middle ground solution? I don't want to quit meditating, I just want to reduce it or keep it fixed. It feels something bad will happen if I quit it altogether, like my good luck will be reversed. Thanks for the help, really need it

Aw man, i wish i was like you. Im kinda the opposite
I really wanna meditate but so much shit gets in my way and i feel like any amount of time more than 30 minutes can bore me.
nino said:

I was like this for a long time, I truly felt that if I didn't get in all my meditations in the morning then my life could fall apart.

Something happened recently (within the past 2 years), and now I have much more freedom in regards to meditation. I still meditate of course, but I can go easier on some days, or do some meditations less frequently and everything stays the same, pretty much. A few fluctuations in my energy which can be problematic, but it doesn't feel like it's the end of the world, which is how it used to feel.

Basically, I feel like I fixed some things in my soul, and I am permanently fixed, so I don't need to scramble to stay afloat, if that makes sense. That's how it felt, anyway.

Maybe try asking your Guardian Demon to guide you to a way to manage your time better.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Aw man, i wish i was like you. Im kinda the opposite
I really wanna meditate but so much shit gets in my way and i feel like any amount of time more than 30 minutes can bore me.
Build your life around spiritual pursuit little by little. As for the boredom part, train your mind little by little. You'll get there eventually.
Henu the Great said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Aw man, i wish i was like you. Im kinda the opposite
I really wanna meditate but so much shit gets in my way and i feel like any amount of time more than 30 minutes can bore me.
Build your life around spiritual pursuit little by little. As for the boredom part, train your mind little by little. You'll get there eventually.

Hail Satan🤘🖤
nino said:
I began meditating about 5 years ago. I started small, maybe 2-3 minutes a day which was followed by 10 minutes each morning. 10 minutes became 30 and 30 became an hour. I would immediately meditating upon getting out of bed, otherwise my brain was foggy and I would become irritated and angry about the smallest of things. Today I need to meditate 2 hours every day. 10 minutes less and my brain feels clogged, unable to think and perceive things properly. I also lose the ability to control emotions. I would be fine if I had to meditate for an hour or two every morning, fixed. But the problem is I'm building tolerance fast and I need to meditate more. Now this is causing problems. On the one hand, by meditating I achieved what I wanted in life, elevated my self in the ladder and got my missions accomplished. On the other hand time is precious and limited and I simply cannot meditate for 2 hours ++ every day. Anyone going through this or dealt with this? Is there any middle ground solution? I don't want to quit meditating, I just want to reduce it or keep it fixed. It feels something bad will happen if I quit it altogether, like my good luck will be reversed. Thanks for the help, really need it

This is a problem that all advanced people will at some point experience, weaker people cannot relate to it and cannot give advice beyond "ask the gods" or "just deal with it" etcetera nonsense. Not every advanced person will have effective communication with Demons, though everyone should work on this as it's very important. I cannot give advice as effective as a God would, but assuming for whatever reason you're not an effective medium I'll share my personal experiences so that you can fix this problem FOR NOW until you can be given advice from the Gods.

Building tolerance is a good thing, you're becoming more powerful and require more effort to grow further. At a certain point, beyond raising the kundalini, you will require tailored meditations from the Demons directly in order to effectively advance further. This period is "pre-magnum". You haven't made it clear how advanced you are, I'll assume you're not kundalini ascended yet but might be nearly. In my experience, I had to forcedly raise it at a similar period you appear to be in.

Some ideas that came to mind while I patiently waited for someone else to answer this effectively, is to simply close your chakras. When you interact with people, especially if you have the desire to influence them, you will waste energy on people who objectively don't matter and have little or no consequence in your life; definitely consider this if you suspect people or enemy entities are draining you. Your first priority should be to conserve your energy in order to invest it in your advancement rather than wasting it on any ineffective saddis that might naturally develop (could write a book on that). If you want something to manifest, you should be doing a ritual for higher efficiency, instead of relying on your passive power to accomplish it. Eventually you won't need to make serious effort to manifest some things, personally I rarely use runes except for power meditation. Also, if you're jerking off a lot without using the orgasm in anyway, you're wasting a lot of energy that way too. At one point I was wasting a lot of energy through electro kinesis until I programmed aura to not function that way anymore.

While others here suggested you dedicate more of your time to meditation, while they likely meditate =<30minutes themselves, if you're wasting time on dumb shit like entertainment (video games, movies, other nonproductive things) then you could consider further eliminating them. You're already meditating more than 99% of people here, so again energy conservation is more important in this case.

If you're currently meditating on the chakras, consider optimization. Try using the sanskrit mantras on major chakras, and AUM on minor chakras. I'm personally doing 20x on all 7 major chakras and it takes me about 2 hours or 1 hour if I rush through it. If you can enter a stable deep trance, you can eliminate the time used while breathing (instead of 6 seconds inhale, 6 seconds hold, 6 seconds exhale, 6 seconds hold for example, you can do quick .5 seconds inhale, no hold, 6 seconds exhale, no hold) without noticeable consequence. Also you can affirm "all of my chakras-" instead of "my x chakra" in order to save even more time. It might not seem beneficial to make these adjustments, but accumulatively they are regarding time management. I don't personally notice a difference if I maintain focus while meditating. If you're not able to maintain focus, you could direct the accumulated energy to the specific chakra afterwards.

That's everything that came to mind. I hope this was useful to you and others to some degree. I wish idiots stopped pretending to be advanced and give shitty advice to their superiors, SMH.

AVE <3
Henu the Great said:
RED DAWN said:
I wish idiots stopped pretending to be advanced and give shitty advice to their superiors, SMH.
I wish play pretenders, other disingenuous people, enemy etc. would stop posting here, but alas, shit happens.

If you dedicated 50% of the time you spent on this forum developing a "reputation" instead to meditation and research, you wouldn't have to. People who work for a living and meditate 2 hours or more a day can't post as much as you and some others. Even HPHC doesn't seem to be active here on a daily basis, which is reasonable. People who are advanced don't have time. If I didn't recognize your account from years ago, I'd assume you're an attention seeking teen, but you're probably a young adult now.
RED DAWN said:
Henu the Great said:
RED DAWN said:
I wish idiots stopped pretending to be advanced and give shitty advice to their superiors, SMH.
I wish play pretenders, other disingenuous people, enemy etc. would stop posting here, but alas, shit happens.

If you dedicated 50% of the time you spent on this forum developing a "reputation" instead to meditation and research, you wouldn't have to. People who work for a living and meditate 2 hours or more a day can't post as much as you and some others. Even HPHC doesn't seem to be active here on a daily basis, which is reasonable. People who are advanced don't have time. If I didn't recognize your account from years ago, I'd assume you're an attention seeking teen, but you're probably a young adult now.
I spend 3-4 hours or more per day on 8 fold path. Simply said, you have no idea who I am and what I do. And furthermore, you do not understand how we operate.
Dick measuring about "advancement" online is a pointless exercise. Anybody can claim to be anything online and we've had more than a fair share of people putting up an act of being very knowledgeable and advanced who then just turned out to be delusional clowns.

The individuals who are truly advanced don't ever need to even explicitly say it because their actions demonstrate their level of understanding and progress. Namely in the quality of their contributions to the group.

Everyone's path is unique and different souls progress at their own pace. Comparing each other's progress and time to achieve certain milestones is pointless because the time taken to advance is influenced by innumerable factors down to the individual. I'm always cautious when it comes to people who are constantly making claims about their own "advanced" status and making grand claims about themselves.

From what I've seen, people with this kind of rhetoric are delusional clowns 90% of the time.
RED DAWN said:
Henu the Great said:
RED DAWN said:
I wish idiots stopped pretending to be advanced and give shitty advice to their superiors, SMH.
I wish play pretenders, other disingenuous people, enemy etc. would stop posting here, but alas, shit happens.

If you dedicated 50% of the time you spent on this forum developing a "reputation" instead to meditation and research, you wouldn't have to. People who work for a living and meditate 2 hours or more a day can't post as much as you and some others. Even HPHC doesn't seem to be active here on a daily basis, which is reasonable. People who are advanced don't have time. If I didn't recognize your account from years ago, I'd assume you're an attention seeking teen, but you're probably a young adult now.

I suppose super advanced demigods instead spend their time making shitposts online making up stories about curses and cults for attention?

Henu is far from perfect and does not have all the answers but at the very least a vast majority of his posting activity is answering the questions he has answers to and contributing to the group.

Where as a vast majority of your posts is just low tier trolling and shitposting trying to get attention and reactions. See this is the fallacy in your criticisms that at the very least the time Henu spends on the forum he is contributing in some way.

Where as you are just having a little piss on the floor and trying to get attention and reactions constantly, and wish to reprimand others on them being wasteful with their time, the audacity and hypocrisy here is ludicrous. Your attention/reaction seeking patterns are dead giveaways of a low tier mind and low quality human being.

Additionally, haven't you mentioned before that you've been heavily influenced by other entities?

Even relatively new and inexperienced Satanists are capable of maintaining an effective AoP that blocks such influences. I would expect someone "advanced" to at the very least be capable of a basic AoP to block external influences?

In your curse shitpost you also described a broken magickal formula which further demonstrates your actual level of understanding of basic things. There is nothing "advanced" about you besides perhaps the mental disorders that cause you to constantly seek reactions and attention from people online.

I don't know why you continue to try to maintain this facade of being some super advanced guru. Do you enjoy ridicule?
Henu the Great said:
RED DAWN said:
Henu the Great said:
I wish play pretenders, other disingenuous people, enemy etc. would stop posting here, but alas, shit happens.

Really? That's good. I'm happy to be proven wrong. Hopefully you're telling the truth.
If you dedicated 50% of the time you spent on this forum developing a "reputation" instead to meditation and research, you wouldn't have to. People who work for a living and meditate 2 hours or more a day can't post as much as you and some others. Even HPHC doesn't seem to be active here on a daily basis, which is reasonable. People who are advanced don't have time. If I didn't recognize your account from years ago, I'd assume you're an attention seeking teen, but you're probably a young adult now.
I spend 3-4 hours or more per day on 8 fold path. Simply said, you have no idea who I am and what I do. And furthermore, you do not understand how we operate.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Aw man, i wish i was like you. Im kinda the opposite
I really wanna meditate but so much shit gets in my way and i feel like any amount of time more than 30 minutes can bore me.

Do everything to improve your productivity, then. Reference this post for more details: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=374224#p374224
Dahaarkan said:
Dick measuring about "advancement" online is a pointless exercise. Anybody can claim to be anything online and we've had more than a fair share of people putting up an act of being very knowledgeable and advanced who then just turned out to be delusional clowns.

The individuals who are truly advanced don't ever need to even explicitly say it because their actions demonstrate their level of understanding and progress. Namely in the quality of their contributions to the group.

Everyone's path is unique and different souls progress at their own pace. Comparing each other's progress and time to achieve certain milestones is pointless because the time taken to advance is influenced by innumerable factors down to the individual. I'm always cautious when it comes to people who are constantly making claims about their own "advanced" status and making grand claims about themselves.

From what I've seen, people with this kind of rhetoric are delusional clowns 90% of the time.
Say what you want. I had to defend my pride from this fool and I stand 100% behind what I say. Feel free to join me to do Yoga. :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
