It's good to joke, but some things are here to be serious. You can cheerfully joke in a respectful way about something ONLY after you understand its sacredness and importance. Joy of Satanas is NOT a pastime and we Satanic People are not on a habbo hotel server exchanging meaningless stuff for entertainment.
We have missions to improve the universe, purposes for the Gods, dreams of personal empowerment and motivation to develop every good thing that exists. Once you understand this concept, yes, you can make memes about how something is funny and good for you and also helps you live life. But there is no point in clogging the home message boards with memes.
Memes are not our purpose. Also because AskSatan is an anonymous service to be used to help people in very intimate personal difficulties (for example, Arabs in Islamic families who spend time torturing them because they don't want to submit to Allah's cruelty, serious situations then).