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Maybe FancyMancy SHOULD Leave this Satanic Ministry


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
As we know regarding myself recently, there has been some tension. Some examples include -

the little tiff I had with Oly in this thread
Mel Gibson the 2nd, Jim Caviezel - Hollywood Elites are Trafficking Children for Adrenochrome

the larger skull-fuckery of this thread -
Regarding myself and my Grammar-Nazism and the dislike on here of it and me/my doing it

It is pointless to go on. It is stupid. To those of this forum and ministry (and everyone might as well also), see this video -

I may be an ex-christian, but I still can no longer deny one important and unavoidable truth


To any others, christians from Bitchute presumably, see these -

[PICTURES] In Case You Missed it or Were Asleep - Welcome to Dystopia/Communism

We all should know what God has done in our lives. We should know - it is plain and simple and so obvious. Just open your eyes! If you have eyes, then see! Hear me - if you have ears, then hear!

Current JoSM Sites & Selected Important Links

Images that describe christianity honestly

re: "Evil"

Some Truth Regarding 666
[url=https://rpcdebateforum.freeforums.net/post/59/thread said:
factsorfeelings1234[/url]"]According to biblical teachings, God created the Universe and Biological Life. According to Science, we know about chemicals and tiny bits and pieces of things, and things that makes-up life.

We have Carbon, and specifically for the point I am making, Carbon-12. Carbon-12 is essential for Biological Life to exist. Some christians argue that Science is what God has given us, as in revealing things, secrets, understandings to us, so that we can learn. So if we put these two things together, we understand that -

  • God created the Universe,
  • God chose that Biological Life should exist,
  • God decided that Carbon should be abundant,
  • God wanted Carbon-12, specifically and inextricably, to be for Biological Life, and
  • God filled Carbon-12 with 666 - 6 neutrons, 6 electrons, 6 protons, without which, Biological Life cannot exist (as we know it);
then God proceeded to tell us that we are dirty and sinful and must die, and tell us that 666 is evil. God creates Universe, then calls Universe, Nature, Biological Life, YOU dirty, evil, wrong, on death row...

All of the arguments for christianity (and islam...), all of the preaches, all of the prayers, all of the "faith"... they are all irrelevant. Have faith, and have faith hard, that 666 is not for Biological Life to exist... or have faith, and have faith hard, that God was joking... or delusional... or an idiot... or trolling... or forgot... or made a mistake... or wanted to create something just to hate it and control it... If 666 is Satan's number, and God decided 666 must be in Biological Life, then... what?

Above, I said, "We all should know what God has done in our lives. We should know - it is plain and simple and so obvious. Just open your eyes! If you have eyes, then see! Hear me - if you have ears, then hear!". Yeah, we know what "god" has done about these things - sweet fuck all! Stupid christianity. Don't worry, JoS and JoS members (and sorry to other JoS members) - I'm not leaving! If there might be any muslims here who might be reading this, then this one is for you - https://exposingthelieofislam.wordpress.com

Ol argedco luciftias said:
I asked a harmless question. You don't need to have such an emotional reaction.
I admit I got the wrong end of the stick at first, but then I remembered that I needed to post this video, and have been needing to for a few months or so. So I saw an opportunity! :p Hehe. Sorry.

Now for something a bit different - some of you know that I mention having a lot of coincidences all the time. Here is what I am calling an councidence ("un", meaning not, reverse, etc.) - Bitchute's processing is very bad. I have learnt to reupload the same video repeatedly - and by about the 5th upload, usually, one or more of them finish processing and are waiting for me to show the video. In these that I uploaded today (for this thread), all but the first one finished processing at the same time; only the first one was still stuck on processing for ages. This co-un-cidence is that the link for that unfinished-processing video is (was) "2ZhT4v7jhew9".


I waited for it to finish, but it didn't. :( Anyhoo - yeah. That's that, and sorry again, Oly (and sorry to others that I'm staying!)!
Lest I forget -

Fun ways to prove how delusional xians are
Why does everything always have to be some big dramatic thing with you?

And there was no tiff with me this morning. I asked a simple question with no negative energy of any type coming from me. Just asking why do you not just reply to a topic thread if you are responding to that topic. If you are copying a large post from another thread and your entire discussion is about the topic of that thread, why do you not reply there. I did not intend this in any negative way, I was just curious what the reason is. And you take this smallest and most basic interaction and freak out over it and say maybe you should leave forever because of it.

My opinion is that the topic you were replying to had comments on it that could be useful or helpful for people to see. And if you replied there, people would see the entire thread and possibly learn something from some of those comments. And many of these original comments have a value in them. And this is the reason why I asked my question in the thread of the original post because I want people to be able to see those replies.

Same as the "Evil" topic post which you have often shared the link for. I think that is a very valuable post about a valuable topic and it is important for more people to see it. But you have written things before like you are taking credit for sharing it and you are so helpful for being the person to share it, when what you share is literally a post from Mageson from another topic on this forum that you just copied and pasted onto your own page. And in doing this, all of the comments and replies on the original topic are lost because nobody is seeing those, they are only seeing your copied pasted version that does not include any of those replies. Every time you share the link to your copy, you could just as easily have shared the link to the actual original post. If you want to bring awareness about a topic, the easiest way would be to just reply to that topic and bring it back to the top of the lists of current active discussions and then everybody will see it. And then every reply with further information that people have shared on that topic would also be visible, and many of those comments would also be helping people.

Splitting people's replies between two seperate pages when the thing they are replying to is exactly the same in both pages, this suppresses the information gained by every person who views either one of the copies because viewing either copy does not show all of the further information that people replied with on each one. A person would have to read both copies of the topic to receive all of the information, but this would be unlikely because most people will not even know that there are two copies. Most people have not been here for the entire history of this website like the two of us have, and most people do not remember every topic that has ever been written.

Maybe I am completely wrong about all of this. I have been wrong about things before, and I will be wrong in the future about other things. And I believe that there could be something I am missing that is a very good reason for choosing to do it a different way than I would have. I never said you are wrong and I never said you have done anything wrong. I simply asked why you decided to do it that way because maybe you can teach me something new.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Why does everything always have to be some big dramatic thing with you?
Because I'm not boring? Because I have a lot of energy? Because I'm a sad loser? Because I like to be happy? I try to make this place be something so it is not dusty and old? Any one, a few, or all of these things? Including anything else?

I would hope - because I had an interaction with you recently as I said above - that you might have appreciated it. Nevermind. Tough crowd.

Just asking why do you not just reply to a topic thread if you are responding to that topic.
I can't see any problem with it. I have replied to other topics with more information that I found. This time, I simply chose to make a separate topic.

...freak out over it and say maybe you should leave forever because of it.
Allow me to refresh your memory -

FancyMancy said:
I have a thread to make soon-ish. It's a video thread. For those who might, or will, grab the wrong end of the stick - it is a joke, but with a lot of truth mixed in. I didn't want to tell anyone it is a joke, nor tell anyone about the video at all; I'd prefer to let them find it without their mind being "pre-blown" (hey, Sheldon?!) and I'd prefer to let them infer what they want, see the video, then realise what my intention was; but with all of this at the moment I don't think that would be a good idea - so the video I wish to make at some point in the near future or so is a joke but with a lot of truth mixed in.
Notice the title of the thread, also.

My opinion is that the topic you were replying to had comments on it that could be useful or helpful for people to see. And if you replied there, people would see the entire thread and possibly learn something from some of those comments. And many of these original comments have a value in them. And this is the reason why I asked my question in the thread of the original post because I want people to be able to see those replies.
Maybe you have seen where I have said before that I always keep in-mind that people will be reading my replies. I realise others can see posts and find valuable information. In the quote I shared, there is a link to the poster's account, where one can find all of their posts, and a link to the poster's post...where one can find the quoted post. If all else fails, they can ask if there is any more information. Besides, as GoldenxChild1 said, he/she didn't see Ninja 666's post which was posted on Sat 29 Sep, 2018 3:31 pm; GoldenxChild1 has been on here since Wed 06 Jan, 2021 6:23 pm. No offence to GoldenxChild1 but I know people are either too lazy to go through the forum or are too busy to scroll through the forum. I still provided the quote, with the links to the Ninja 666's account and post. While people are lazy/busy, I can help them only so much. Maybe you'd be happier if the way I quoted it was -

Mel Gibson: Hollywood Is ‘Den Of Parasites’ Who ‘Feast On Blood Of Kids’

Mel Gibson: Hollywood Is ‘Den Of Parasites’ Who ‘Feast On Blood Of Kids’
November 30, 2017

“It’s a dark, multidimensional occult art and practice, used by secret societies in the last few hundred years for social programming and mind control, and raised to a zenith by Hollywood in America in our era.“

? That way, no-one, who forgot or didn't know, knows who quoted it and where I got it from. Then I could steal as much credit as possible, while providing only a bit of information, by removing most of it as I did just here? Yes? No? Notice that the link doesn't work to NewsWire; so I could cheat - I could provide the link to the source, but knowing that it doesn't work anymore I can claim the credit all of my own. Good idea, hey? I didn't do that. Perhaps it would have been better if I didn't reference, quote and provide links to Ninja 666's post at all, instead just saying "previously, Mel Gibson also said the same thing" and not providing the post/thread about it? I didn't do that.

Perhaps it would be best if you and I didn't interact. I said "hehe" and "lol" and "sorry" to you. Nothing after that from you to me said "Oh, lol. Fancy, you so silly!". Instead - this interaction with you here.

Same as the "Evil" topic post which you have often shared the link for. I think that is a very valuable post about a valuable topic and it is important for more people to see it. But you have written things before like you are taking credit for sharing it and you are so helpful for being the person to share it
I can't take credit; I reference and share and quote others' work. If people give me credit, or think that I am trying to steal credit off others, then that's up to them to give me it/think that; I don't claim things are mine when I provide links and quotes to others' work.

Every time you share the link to your copy, you could just as easily have shared the link to the actual original post.
...I thought I did... with the link... to the other post/thread... Go through my posts and see where I have and have not linked to other threads. Tell me how many times I have not, and make a big dramatic mountain out of that molehill. KTHXBAI

I can't be arsed with this shit. If you don't like the way I post, and have continual problems with it, and with me, then block me. I won't change my ways to make you happy. Enjoy.

skip to your lou, while I do what I do best

I simply asked why you decided to do it that way because maybe you can teach me something new.
No-one else seems to care. You ask me why everything is dramatic with me; maybe you're a Drama Director. I am trying to have a bit up fun and lighten things a bit. I won't change to make you happy.

I might ignore your further replies. You ignored the video and the point I was making (granted, you probably forgot, or didn't see, what I quoted of myself above). Have the last word, and as I said - enjoy.

P.S. Maybe Oly should type a forum-posting template, of and called The Best Methods and Practices of Posting on JoS Ancient-Forums.
This just seems like a bit of a misunderstanding between two people and not any reason why someone should feel the need to leave. Perhaps FancyMancy is feeling a bit sensitive about his position here, but I don't see any true threat to him being welcome.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=401699 time=1669370898 user_id=21286]
This just seems like a bit of a misunderstanding between two people and not any reason why someone should feel the need to leave. Perhaps FancyMancy is feeling a bit sensitive about his position here, but I don't see any true threat to him being welcome.

I don't want to see FancyMancy leave as I like his wit.

I will state earlier this year(?), last year(?) he made another thread like this cause someone launched a few punches at Fancy.

Fancy I suggest you take a few deep breaths before replying and maybe waiting and re-reading your reply.

Perhaps your too emotionally invested in your replies. I know you said "Your a lone person and has a very high speech style which made you kinda an outcast".

I understand JoS is your main communication but just re-read and re-read. The advantage of text is you got time to think. Think it before typing it.

Please don't leave I like your messages your bombastic sarcasm is very much needed it's Hitlerian like as Dr.Dalton's edition when Hitler starts being sarcastic as he mentions why we are revolutionaries.

Relax a bit :D
Gear88 said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=401699 time=1669370898 user_id=21286]
This just seems like a bit of a misunderstanding between two people and not any reason why someone should feel the need to leave. Perhaps FancyMancy is feeling a bit sensitive about his position here, but I don't see any true threat to him being welcome.

I don't want to see FancyMancy leave as I like his wit.

I will state earlier this year(?), last year(?) he made another thread like this cause someone launched a few punches at Fancy.

Fancy I suggest you take a few deep breaths before replying and maybe waiting and re-reading your reply.

Perhaps your too emotionally invested in your replies. I know you said "Your a lone person and has a very high speech style which made you kinda an outcast".

I understand JoS is your main communication but just re-read and re-read. The advantage of text is you got time to think. Think it before typing it.

Please don't leave I like your messages your bombastic sarcasm is very much needed it's Hitlerian like as Dr.Dalton's edition when Hitler starts being sarcastic as he mentions why we are revolutionaries.

Relax a bit :D
I concur FancyMancy has quite an entertaining wit
Gear88 said:
Think it before typing it.
Well... err... I do... I suppose I haven't been taking my own advice, that I posted before, for those who have been taken off pre-moderation. You have to love hindsight...

Please don't leave I like your messages your bombastic sarcasm is very much needed it's Hitlerian like as Dr.Dalton's edition when Hitler starts being sarcastic as he mentions why we are revolutionaries.
Well, thanks. I had no idea whatsoever that my humour is Hitlerian, and I have no idea who Dr Dalton is, nor about Hitler's sarcasm... I have been focussing more on the Spiritual side than the Politics side. Sorry to bombard you with link requests, but could you...?

Relax a bit :D
Things don't always come across properly through text. We shall keep on trying!
Henu the Great said:
Clickbait title.
Exactly! I chose the title and the thumbnail of the video deliberately, as well. I also added the links to other threads, including the "Images that describe christianity honestly" one and the "re: Evil" one for christians to see, plus anyone else who might need to know. I was hoping, with the video, to get a bunch of christian viewers and show them how retarded "god"/yahweh/jehova is, but it doesn't tell me who (at least, which other Bitchute accounts) view my videos. I got 2 downvotes, though! I am going to believe they ware christians, lol. I think a video like that would be better if I had thousands of followers/subscribers, but nevermind.
Crystallized Mushroom said:
ummm is there something wrong. personally i never found your posts to be negative or anything but rather entertaining in many ways
Crystallized Mushroom said:
I concur FancyMancy has quite an entertaining wit
Well, thanks.

GoldenxChild1 said:
I try to lighten the mood here. Here doesn't like to have the mood lightened, apparently.

Asurya said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
I'm thinking that if this was in-person, rather than online, that you recorded GoldenxChild1 speaking that, and then played it back. :p

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=401699 time=1669370898 user_id=21286]
This just seems like a bit of a misunderstanding between two people and not any reason why someone should feel the need to leave. Perhaps FancyMancy is feeling a bit sensitive about his position here, but I don't see any true threat to him being welcome.
sigh All too often.
Liked and subscribed :!: :)
As far as I can tell you're doing alright, I mean you just had a good awareness post get placed in the announcements. https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=79695 which I'm sure is going to be super helpful in getting people to understand the state of things and why we are doing we what do with RTR's and meditation.

Friction and icky moments with other members here can leave a bad taste in the mouth, however, at the end of the day it's your choice if you want to be here or not, or to be active here or not. But let the choice be decided for yourself and not pressured on you by another because someone didn't make you feel welcome, understood or accepted, etc.
SSinHeartandSoul said:
Liked and subscribed :!: :)
Cool, thanks, lol.

tabby said:
As far as I can tell you're doing alright, I mean you just had a good awareness post get placed in the announcements. https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=79695 which I'm sure is going to be super helpful in getting people to understand the state of things and why we are doing we what do with RTR's and meditation.
Yes. I have had a few upped/stickied/pinned topics. That makes me realise that I must be doing something decent and helpful.

Friction and icky moments with other members here can leave a bad taste in the mouth, however, at the end of the day it's your choice if you want to be here or not, or to be active here or not. But let the choice be decided for yourself and not pressured on you by another because someone didn't make you feel welcome, understood or accepted, etc.
It's OK. As I say - I don't live to please others. What I don't qualify in that statement is this - "unless they are important to me, of course".

TJ 666 said:
FancyMancy said:
[url=https://rpcdebateforum.freeforums.net/post/59/thread said:
What kind of website is this? :)
Based on the link, name and topics, it's a debate forum.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
