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Material side of wealth building


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2020
TranscendTheSun said:
Hi, I was thinking to myself, material power is important to be whole, and material power also bolsters spiritual power. While there is a lot of information on how to obtain wealth through spiritual and magical means, I figure isn't there potential to gain vast financial wisdom via these forums? Wouldn't it help to strengthen the wealth of our fellow Spiritual Satanists to create a forum specifically for financial advice, and education on how to work money, right here on JoS? Now of course, I may be very wrong here, so these questions are most definitely not rhetorical.

I have some tips for the physical part.

First of all, understand the power of clothing. Most people seriously underestimate it. I won't go into details here because it would be too long, but there are so many ways in which clothing affects us and others in relation to us. The psychological and spiritual aspects of it are so fascinating, and it can't really be understood in logical terms. So this is my first piece of advice oriented towards males (because I'm a male and I don't know shit about navigating the world as a female, sorry ladies): do your research and purchase a high tier suit worth $600-1,000 minimum. I should be even more strict and say no less than 1,000, but if 600 is all you can do for now then just do that. Get it tailored to your body by an experienced tailor in your local area.

Upgrade the rest of your wardrobe as well, and follow common sense fashion advice that you can research anywhere (like the rule of thirds, for example, color rules, poorly matching shoes/socks, etc...) but have at least that one nice suit to wear around. The suit alone will elevate you to a new dimension and change how you view yourself, it's crazy.

Take good care of your shit. That means ironing your nice clothes, routinely cleaning your living spaces (it affects you astrally and psychologically) and keeping your car clean. All your assets (tools, property, everything), take the time to maintain them.

Now that that stuff is out of the way, I'm going to tell you something even more vital. One of the big reasons why a lot of people are poor is because they are too comfortable where they are. They want the good life, but they don't want to sacrifice what they have. You don't gain riches in life without taking risks unless you're born with generational wealth, and even then an heir will just lose it if they aren't trained in the right habits to continue growing the wealth because these things can regress over time with stagnation.

It says a lot that there are so many youths living with their parents for free, and yet they're always broke. And what do they spend their earnings on? We all know. It certainly isn't what rich people spend their money on. Imagine it - they have no expenses, their parents buy their food, pay the bills, and all they have to do is a few chores (if that...) and go to work. Some of them probably even get their parents to pay their car insurance. They could be saving tens of thousands of dollars every year, but they don't.

Here's what you do if you're lucky enough to have a situation like that: put the majority of your wages into a separate bank account which you will call your investment account. Build it up for a year or two, and then start buying dividend stocks. In the meantime, when you're off from work, build yourself an internet presence. It doesn't matter what it is - just use the tools provided including twitter, youtube, and whatever else, and do SOMETHING. Whatever you're interested in that other people are also interested in, and create content around that. Buy whatever tools you need for it (also a type of investment). You can program your aura to help you with this if you want, but that's related to the spiritual side which isn't the topic. Having an internet presence means that unlike a traditional job, money can potentially come at you from as many people as you manage to attract the attention of. Attention = money these days. If you can get attention then you win (USE MAGICK!)

After you have gotten used to taking these risks and putting things into action like this, and your wealth level that you can energetically handle (important concept) increases, start learning about bigger risks you can take. Even if you lose some here, the experience is extremely valuable, and your new energetic wealth level will bounce you back to where you left off fairly quickly because you are now used to doing the things that create that level of wealth rather than your former level. If you get this far by actually doing things instead of dreaming from a place of comfortable complacency then you will come to find that your further heights are only limited by your creativity which you can employ in investments, job creation, business creation, and your own magick. The more creative you become, the richer you will be. People who only consume and never create are the ones who never gain, and they always stay exactly where they are. You have to create. Every book writer has created something for others to consume, and they are rewarded with their money. The ones who created your workplace are employing your energy to work towards their creative process, and that's why customers give them money and provide your salary - it could be you doing the creating, if you can find people to buy into your dream (investing).

If you really want it badly enough then you will do the necessary steps to get it. Otherwise it's not important enough to you, and you will stay right where you are.

PS: If this helps anyone reading to raise their wealth, and you want to thank me, please consider donating to the JoS. I would appreciate that the most.
This is really good advice!!

I do have a few questions:

1. What if you buy cheap clothes (or worn ones (in good condition) if that's what people can afford at this stage..), that look good, or like vintage sort of look, would that be good or would that be bad?

2. Would you advise in making a separate bank account and store the money virtually, or would storing them physically be a good idea as well?

3. Is doing a Material Sun Square to attract money, combined with a Spiritual Jupiter Square for luck, be a good idea alongside, as well as doing a money working? Or would that be an overkill and the energies would crash?
Lightning-Wings said:
This is really good advice!!

I do have a few questions:

1. What if you buy cheap clothes (or worn ones (in good condition) if that's what people can afford at this stage..), that look good, or like vintage sort of look, would that be good or would that be bad?

2. Would you advise in making a separate bank account and store the money virtually, or would storing them physically be a good idea as well?

3. Is doing a Material Sun Square to attract money, combined with a Spiritual Jupiter Square for luck, be a good idea alongside, as well as doing a money working? Or would that be an overkill and the energies would crash?

For your first question: Yes, absolutely fine as long as you take them to a tailor to have them altered for your body. It's really important for clothing to be fitted to your body measurements. Start with what you are able to do, and upgrade when you can. There are way more occult aspects to clothing than I could ever cover in a single topic, and I urge everyone to meditate on it. Clothing has power, and it's incredible when you start to comprehend just how deep it goes.

2: Having both is very good. If you want to have savings outside of your bank account then one way to do it is to have a portion of your income be reserved for buying gold. Have a safe or something, and every time you save up enough to do so, buy a 1 oz gold bar or coin to store in the safe. Simply touching gold like that will have a profound effect on most people who have never experienced it before, too. Could almost think of it like some kind of rite of passage. Feeling it in your hands and having the mind understand "this gold belongs to me."

3: I think doing the spiritual Kabalistic square for the Sun would be better since it works on your soul directly which will naturally lead to better wealth habits, depending on the programming of course. Jupiter Squares won't be ideal for a while yet, iirc. Cleaning your solar chakra every day with a sun seed mantra, and empowering the solar chakra with the Sol Rune after, might be a good idea in the short term to pair with the Sun square for example if you are concerned about your energy output and don't want to do a money spell alongside the Kabalistic square. Then you can do a money spell later on which will be even more effective after the other work you did, especially on the solar chakra.
Here are some useful resources as well:

Powerful Working for Money by High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Rune Carving:
Sermon entitled: 10/08/1 by HPs Maxine.

It is glaringly obvious that the enemy is panicking, and this is all over the internet. www [666] is doing its job. Lilith told me something to the effect that yahoo may discontinue the groups altogether, for everyone. I will be working to put as much as possible on pdf so everyone can download. I have copies of the books that were from the JoS store, but the problem is these need revising. I will be doing my best to get these revised and uploaded to where they can downloaded and distributed. Satan told me even if the groups go down or whatever...JoS will go on in the way of what we started will never end, but continue on.

Time is short, I know. One other thing I need to add here...I have not had the time to work on this, as it is extensive and will need illustrations. Out Anti-christ gave me this as well- the Real Secret of the Runes: the correct way to use the Runes. Our ancients used code words like "engrave" "carve" and such; this has to do with vibrating into the soul, repeatedly. Remember, in truth, all material objects are only props. The real power is within the soul.

The RAUM and IO formula I posted for meditation is a guide here. The U is for the 6th and the solar chakras. This gets complex. I can't get back here to reply to any questions, but I will do what I can to try to get this information up and on pdf. "A-U" is the basis for most vibrations. For example, the Sowilo rune should be SAH-UU-LL-OH. The O for the runes; oe, is a guide that the O part of the vibration should be on the feminine side of the soul. For example, the rune Wunjo. The looped part should be vibrated on the left [feminine] side. So, you would begin vibrating the stem, the VVV at the base chakra, AH at the second chakra, UU at the solar plexus, NNN at the crown, then the looped part- YYY at the left shoulder chakra and OH or UU back at the solar plexus.

The swastika symbol in the runes symbolizes the Sun chakra; the 3rd chakra and this is where all of the central vibrations are for with the runes. For example, the X part of any rune; the center is the solar chakra. Remember, there are the three male and three female chakras; the I O chakras; each side. The hip, shoulder and temple chakras. As I said, I have to work on this and put up illustrations and specific clear directions. For those of you who have meditated and have worked with runes, what I wrote above may make more sense. Try working within these on your own.

Runes can also be "reversed" by vibrating the name of the rune backwards. This would also include reversing the path of the vibration for the shape of the rune. Runes can be vibrated into others. Just make sure you vibrate the rune for white magick into yourself to neutralize any negative energy you might have on your own soul, after doing a black magic working on an enemy.

All of the runic shapes are made to fit the chakra points on the soul, which include the three I [masculine chakras] and the three O [feminine chakras] of the hip, shoulder, and temples on each side. Each rune has a number and this corresponds to the number of times it needs to be vibrated per session. The main stem is always the spine.

Another example- Fehu, which is also Fehoe; the VVV vibration would begin at the based, then up the spine to the shoulder chakra on the feminine side; the left side, where AY would be vibrated into the shoulder, then immediately, the UUU into the feminine temple chakra; all the time visualizing the Fehu runic shape onto your soul.

I know this is not very clear, but some of you who have an affinity for working with runes may understand. I will do what I can to illustrate specific diagrams along with instructions for the vibrations. This does not mean that the older method for the runes does not work, only that this formula is much more powerful. I have used it with rapid success.
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=448447 time=1686424275 user_id=46372]
Lightning-Wings said:
This is really good advice!!

I do have a few questions:

1. What if you buy cheap clothes (or worn ones (in good condition) if that's what people can afford at this stage..), that look good, or like vintage sort of look, would that be good or would that be bad?

2. Would you advise in making a separate bank account and store the money virtually, or would storing them physically be a good idea as well?

3. Is doing a Material Sun Square to attract money, combined with a Spiritual Jupiter Square for luck, be a good idea alongside, as well as doing a money working? Or would that be an overkill and the energies would crash?

For your first question: Yes, absolutely fine as long as you take them to a tailor to have them altered for your body. It's really important for clothing to be fitted to your body measurements. Start with what you are able to do, and upgrade when you can. There are way more occult aspects to clothing than I could ever cover in a single topic, and I urge everyone to meditate on it. Clothing has power, and it's incredible when you start to comprehend just how deep it goes.

2: Having both is very good. If you want to have savings outside of your bank account then one way to do it is to have a portion of your income be reserved for buying gold. Have a safe or something, and every time you save up enough to do so, buy a 1 oz gold bar or coin to store in the safe. Simply touching gold like that will have a profound effect on most people who have never experienced it before, too. Could almost think of it like some kind of rite of passage. Feeling it in your hands and having the mind understand "this gold belongs to me."

3: I think doing the spiritual Kabalistic square for the Sun would be better since it works on your soul directly which will naturally lead to better wealth habits, depending on the programming of course. Jupiter Squares won't be ideal for a while yet, iirc. Cleaning your solar chakra every day with a sun seed mantra, and empowering the solar chakra with the Sol Rune after, might be a good idea in the short term to pair with the Sun square for example if you are concerned about your energy output and don't want to do a money spell alongside the Kabalistic square. Then you can do a money spell later on which will be even more effective after the other work you did, especially on the solar chakra.
Here are some useful resources as well:

Powerful Working for Money by High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Rune Carving:
Sermon entitled: 10/08/1 by HPs Maxine.

It is glaringly obvious that the enemy is panicking, and this is all over the internet. www [666] is doing its job. Lilith told me something to the effect that yahoo may discontinue the groups altogether, for everyone. I will be working to put as much as possible on pdf so everyone can download. I have copies of the books that were from the JoS store, but the problem is these need revising. I will be doing my best to get these revised and uploaded to where they can downloaded and distributed. Satan told me even if the groups go down or whatever...JoS will go on in the way of what we started will never end, but continue on.

Time is short, I know. One other thing I need to add here...I have not had the time to work on this, as it is extensive and will need illustrations. Out Anti-christ gave me this as well- the Real Secret of the Runes: the correct way to use the Runes. Our ancients used code words like "engrave" "carve" and such; this has to do with vibrating into the soul, repeatedly. Remember, in truth, all material objects are only props. The real power is within the soul.

The RAUM and IO formula I posted for meditation is a guide here. The U is for the 6th and the solar chakras. This gets complex. I can't get back here to reply to any questions, but I will do what I can to try to get this information up and on pdf. "A-U" is the basis for most vibrations. For example, the Sowilo rune should be SAH-UU-LL-OH. The O for the runes; oe, is a guide that the O part of the vibration should be on the feminine side of the soul. For example, the rune Wunjo. The looped part should be vibrated on the left [feminine] side. So, you would begin vibrating the stem, the VVV at the base chakra, AH at the second chakra, UU at the solar plexus, NNN at the crown, then the looped part- YYY at the left shoulder chakra and OH or UU back at the solar plexus.

The swastika symbol in the runes symbolizes the Sun chakra; the 3rd chakra and this is where all of the central vibrations are for with the runes. For example, the X part of any rune; the center is the solar chakra. Remember, there are the three male and three female chakras; the I O chakras; each side. The hip, shoulder and temple chakras. As I said, I have to work on this and put up illustrations and specific clear directions. For those of you who have meditated and have worked with runes, what I wrote above may make more sense. Try working within these on your own.

Runes can also be "reversed" by vibrating the name of the rune backwards. This would also include reversing the path of the vibration for the shape of the rune. Runes can be vibrated into others. Just make sure you vibrate the rune for white magick into yourself to neutralize any negative energy you might have on your own soul, after doing a black magic working on an enemy.

All of the runic shapes are made to fit the chakra points on the soul, which include the three I [masculine chakras] and the three O [feminine chakras] of the hip, shoulder, and temples on each side. Each rune has a number and this corresponds to the number of times it needs to be vibrated per session. The main stem is always the spine.

Another example- Fehu, which is also Fehoe; the VVV vibration would begin at the based, then up the spine to the shoulder chakra on the feminine side; the left side, where AY would be vibrated into the shoulder, then immediately, the UUU into the feminine temple chakra; all the time visualizing the Fehu runic shape onto your soul.

I know this is not very clear, but some of you who have an affinity for working with runes may understand. I will do what I can to illustrate specific diagrams along with instructions for the vibrations. This does not mean that the older method for the runes does not work, only that this formula is much more powerful. I have used it with rapid success.

Thank you, brother!!

I'll look into tailors near me for certain clothing that I own, see what they offer for future references.

Should the clothing tailoring apply also for people who buy new clothes that fit them perfectly regardless?

As for buying gold and such... I think I'm going to hold off on that when I have a more secure and better home and more space and such.

But thank you for your advice!

Would wearing, say, silver or gold jewelry, like bracelet, ring or necklace hold the same effect as actual gold bar or no?

Also, wouldn't Jupiter's luck help out in acquiring more money or better opportunities at getting money, etc., be a good thing?
Lightning-Wings said:
Thank you, brother!!

I'll look into tailors near me for certain clothing that I own, see what they offer for future references.

Should the clothing tailoring apply also for people who buy new clothes that fit them perfectly regardless?

As for buying gold and such... I think I'm going to hold off on that when I have a more secure and better home and more space and such.

But thank you for your advice!

Would wearing, say, silver or gold jewelry, like bracelet, ring or necklace hold the same effect as actual gold bar or no?

Also, wouldn't Jupiter's luck help out in acquiring more money or better opportunities at getting money, etc., be a good thing?

Sometimes clothing companies offer items made to your measurements, like certain suit brands. If it's a good fit then no worries. I'm thinking of people who wear slightly baggy or too tight clothing. Having the right fit is really important. If it fits well and it's comfortable then that's great.

Gold is special. It's the metal associated with the sun, and it has always been a symbol of riches through all the ages. Owning and wearing some high quality yellow gold jewelry is something I personally believe can affect a person in that way, "wearing your wealth" as they say. I also believe in certain claims of metallurgy such as that gold can increase the health of a person who wears it. That's my own private belief though, and it is best to discover for yourself. I don't think it would be a bad idea at all to experiment with programming through affirmation a piece of gold jewelry to attract more money and wealth, either. It certainly can't hurt to try.

I didn't say Jupiter isn't helpful for this, it absolutely is. Jupiter rules wealth and luck. The astrological signs that are ideal to do Jupiter squares in, such as ruling signs of Pisces and Sagittarius and exalted sign of Cancer, Jupiter won't be in any of these for a while. That's why I suggested going ahead with the Sun square in the short term.
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=448762 time=1686538615 user_id=46372]
Lightning-Wings said:
Thank you, brother!!

I'll look into tailors near me for certain clothing that I own, see what they offer for future references.

Should the clothing tailoring apply also for people who buy new clothes that fit them perfectly regardless?

As for buying gold and such... I think I'm going to hold off on that when I have a more secure and better home and more space and such.

But thank you for your advice!

Would wearing, say, silver or gold jewelry, like bracelet, ring or necklace hold the same effect as actual gold bar or no?

Also, wouldn't Jupiter's luck help out in acquiring more money or better opportunities at getting money, etc., be a good thing?

Sometimes clothing companies offer items made to your measurements, like certain suit brands. If it's a good fit then no worries. I'm thinking of people who wear slightly baggy or too tight clothing. Having the right fit is really important. If it fits well and it's comfortable then that's great.

Gold is special. It's the metal associated with the sun, and it has always been a symbol of riches through all the ages. Owning and wearing some high quality yellow gold jewelry is something I personally believe can affect a person in that way, "wearing your wealth" as they say. I also believe in certain claims of metallurgy such as that gold can increase the health of a person who wears it. That's my own private belief though, and it is best to discover for yourself. I don't think it would be a bad idea at all to experiment with programming through affirmation a piece of gold jewelry to attract more money and wealth, either. It certainly can't hurt to try.

I didn't say Jupiter isn't helpful for this, it absolutely is. Jupiter rules wealth and luck. The astrological signs that are ideal to do Jupiter squares in, such as ruling signs of Pisces and Sagittarius and exalted sign of Cancer, Jupiter won't be in any of these for a while. That's why I suggested going ahead with the Sun square in the short term.

That's fascinating!!

I asked my mom if we had any gold and she said we have 2 gold rings that she inherited from her deceased relatives.

The moment I touched the rings, especially one of them, felt like I held the power of the Sun in my hands and like my energy became powerful. It was a magnificent experience!!

She said I can have one of them, can inherit one of them too, so that's cool!!

What about silver rings/necklaces or copper ones?

Is Silver of Lunar energies? What about Copper? Is it of Earth energies?

And thank you, Jupiter is in Taurus currently, so wouldn't it help to do it during the heightened energies of the Summer Solstice?
Couldn't a Jupiter Square theoretically be done is Taurus? It expands what it touches and Taurus rules materialism more than most signs.
Korpi said:
Planetary Rulerships

Sun - Gold
Moon - Silver
Mercury - Mercury (Quicksilver)
Venus - Copper
Mars - Iron/Steel
Jupiter - Tin
Saturn - Lead
Uranus - Uranium
Neptune - Neptunium, Lithium and Platinum
Pluto - Plutonium

That's fascinating!!

Thank you, Korpi! I hope you're doing well! :)
GoldenxChild1 said:
Couldn't a Jupiter Square theoretically be done is Taurus? It expands what it touches and Taurus rules materialism more than most signs.

Yes, there's nothing wrong with this.
Jrvan said:
First of all, understand the power of clothing. Most people seriously underestimate it. I won't go into details here because it would be too long, but there are so many ways in which clothing affects us and others in relation to us. The psychological and spiritual aspects of it are so fascinating, and it can't really be understood in logical terms.

Great advice in this post! Totally know the difference it makes to wear great clothing and feel amazing, and the difference clothing makes in how people treat you.

And I am also very interested in the power of clothing. I like to program my clothing with affirmations, especially corresponding with colour, fabric, function, etc. Example: invoking sunlight into white linen ... (I have a preference for natural fabrics for health and environmental reasons, so I haven't experimented with synthetics.)

There's so much I don't know, though, particularly about the spiritual side. (There have been studies about the psychological side: how clothing affects both the wearer and the perception of others.) I'd be very interested if you were to share more on this topic.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
