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Masters Among Slaves


Sep 15, 2013
Masters Among Slaves : JoyofSatan666

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Greetings to all of our People and Satanic Comrades!
All Satanists here are in the house of mastery.

Everyone obviously is on different levels. Others have problems with bills, others have other issues, others are higher up. It really comes not down to this. Do you notice a pattern? People are too hung up on these matters to seek self value. This is however, relative.

It comes down to your inner Soul, your morality as a being, and how all of us here can know about and tolerate Truths that the majority of humanity cannot. While they sacrifice everything to be unaware and ignorant, the real Satanist is doing the same sacrfice of everything for Truth.

When we hold racial discussions, we are discussing about people outside, who do not know the Truth and do not advance. We are talking majorities. Satanism is the religion of united individuals, and not the clump jewdified herd.

You are by definition removed from the womb of damnation if you choose to finally embark on a freedom journey. As for the herd, we are seeing them from above as Masters, and we look at them as people who don't know what is going on.

Mastery does not imply a whip, domineering attitude. Its first and foremost mastery of awareness. Not based on fake entitlement, but how much we have really banished the herd from inside us. Or for accurate say, the negativities of the herd.

At the same time, we are the only ones who will face the potential rot or issues within. Something most people will never do. This is why we also un-dig the greatest and most inconceivable treasures these people will never have.

As thus we recognize their errors, our own errors, our racial errors, we seek to not repeat the errors of the slaves as we have made a conscious choice to never belong to them again. We choose freedom at all costs. They remain enslaved, taking others also hostages of their stupidity.

They are those who sink Humanity. We are those who try to uplift it and uplift ourselves. This is the Satanic spirit that on top of the ever lasting abyss and all the humans sold out to it, people resist.

Satan has made his best choices from all Races, Nations and Peoples. Everyone here holds a common Satanic element deep within their Soul. Not all people really have this.

Now you may not recognize, or you may recognize to an extent only, the gifts you have. Those deep in the path know as to why and who they are, others don't and are still searching.

We have people that discovered the Truth right now, and others who have been in it for so long that compared to new students may be close to Gods. Satan has been keeping his Children close to Him. The bonds last forever.

Its not entitlement showering, because after all, if one does nothing, one is distancing themselves from Truth and they wither away.

Satan loves his family, and his Children. There is no father that would not adore a loving daughter or son. Like a Father, Satan expects his children to advance. Nobody is thrown to the trash can, but a few people do, because THEY think they are for the trash can. They act accordingly if they follow this road.

You will become,  what you think you are. Now like any other dad who watches their children take their first steps, Satan is proud of those who seek to advance. Everyday you overcome obstacles, Satan is proud of you. Even if these obstacles may seem to the larger spectrum of existence irrelevant. To you, these are relevant indeed. And every "you" foms "us" as a Satanic Unity.

When you begin or fall he will help you and hold you, but NEVER to the extent of making you incapable of getting up and walking by yourself. Satan is real and therefore, cannot be anyone's nanny. Why? Because Satan really cares for your deepest advancement as a being.

You belong to yourself after all mainly. The ((("religions of nowadays"))) are hijacked to teach people to have slave and victim morality. Part of this is how everyone has no will and must beg for bailouts from their own mistakes and life.

The enemy has defamed Satan for a reason. Satan welcomes with open arms every single Gentile that comes to Him, if they follow through. He is the door to spiritual salvation. The Demons are the teachers. However in school, you have to study.

Satan sees us in our Soul. It matters also not how old or young you are. Your first spiritual step, and you going from crawling spiritually to ever higher places, its how you start unfolding.

You may think that a small victory means nothing, but the crawling is what makes the champion. Well, crawling that is continued for a lot of time. Then standing. Then walking. Then running.

This is what defines us, motivates us, makes us who we are.

This is what makes us Masters Amongst Slaves.

And such we shall FOREVER be!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Trump, the World and the RTR's : JoyofSatan666

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As predicted in the past, our RTR's have been wrecking havoc on the enemy. Not only their goblin Hillary lost the elections, their media have also been ravaged, but also Trump who they considered their underhand fanboy, is basically doing a good job in steering everything to directions from which we can benefit. We have caused a disaster to the enemy that is unparalleled. We need to keep going.

Trump has actually done good in awakening people to the perils of 'demokrazy' and the existential danger posed by one of the most dangerous jewish programs, which is Islam. Which he had to do, and he was forced to do, as the jews couldn't hide what is going on. Running from the ghost of what they have created, the jews allowed him in a position that cost them extremely much. In their paranoia, they damaged themselves even harder. The enemy has forced Trump into the "normalization" process they force all presidents, but due to many other uncontrollable circumstances this cannot happen, and they more they force it, the more enemies they make. So they outright attack him instead. Because as you can see there is no faithful jew, not even to their own.

They hate Trump and anyone, no matter how much they have been in terms with them, if they don't do EXACTLY as the jews demand. As you can see, the jews don't allow Trump to get his way, and this is not because of him, but because of what will happen if he does not listen. Which by definition hasn't happened and its too late now to correct anything. So they keep attacking him instead and attempt to cause civil war, to kill Goyim and put Fema camps in use. Remember the power is in the people in reality. Its the general populace they are after.

To see how the jews treat their own, just see Stalin. Stalin butchered all the other jews whom he abused and used to get into power, over no reason whatsoever. The jews have a history of killing and brutally murdering their own by a lot of torture, and Trump knows this too. Even if someone is jewish, if they don't dance to the zionist drum, even by mistake, the jews will want to hunt them down and destroy them completely. This is why the jews are forcing the meme that Trump will be a second Kennedy. Kennedy didn't have RTR backup though. If he did, history would have been different now.

Print, save to disk, and salvage the RTR's. As we have seen, the enemy has a habit of attacking these. This is because these are the spiritual warfare tools of Gentiles now. We have occult weaponry, something that for centuries we did not have.

The enemy is forced on stepping back, and assessing damage from many frontiers. Their own people throw their other own below the bus, simple because a clean house has to be made, and it cannot go indefinitely like this. There is only one thing that can be stated, and its THANK SATAN for the RTR's. Many of you remember how we have saved the internet, averted wars and many other things over the years by our efforts. The RTR's have been falling like rockets who force the enemy to retreat.

In war, even small Victories can be decisive to the outcome of the whole war. No RTR is too small, no person too weak. Everyone can fight. Even a monstrosity as big as the enemy can be taken down, and the hugest of gladiators stepping in the wrong stone can make them collapse like a card tower. Small changes make the big changes in this case.

An RTR is far worse than a rocket in the longterm of history. The RTR's hit the core of the power of the enemy, and not what sprang from it. The enemy has been cursing us "Goyim" for centuries, you have to remember. Only lastly they engage and do a full sweep on the material realm, and only after victory has been completely decided.

I bow in reverence to Satan and His Power, vested in us to do better to this world. Also, our struggle has only just began, and its now the things are getting really heated up. Our RTR's help the whole of humanity, and if you are paying attention, the enemy is at least retreating on many levels. That's all thanks to those of us who did something. Those who have been fighting the enemy for years, know their power, but also they know that the children of Satan have extreme power as well.

This is why for centuries, the enemy has kept our kind under persecution, death, and always seeks to censor, attack and harm us. Satan is the gateway to freedom. As the jews admit, Satan destroyed the jewish empires, both that of the Islamic Ottomans, and the Xian radical Byzantine Empire. Both of these have been destroyed by Satan's hands, same as the Middle ages etc. All of these 'empires' were big climaxes of jewish dreams, and in all of them, humanity and everything good suffered incessantly.

Many people focus on the damage the enemy has done, which is extreme, but also Satan has done them far more extreme damage, and also damage from which one would be pulling their hair on how they lost governance. The Middle Ages were the perfect times of enslavement. The impossible became possible, by spiritualists and people of the time, and Humanity gradually broke free of jewish rulership.

In 2016 many interesting advances have happened, but for the sake of it, many jewish idols perished at that time. Maybe it was a result of the RTR's, maybe not, but the failings of the enemy should in anyway, have a symbolic nature and meaning.

2017 is going to be a really HOT year for our side and our fights. We need to keep going with unending resolve. There is more than meets the eye. The 2017 elections will be a rude awakening to the enemy and those behind gates who try to bring Europe down. We must be unrelenting until we have perfected leadership in every Gentile Nation, and until poverty and many other freedom threatening things have been abolished. One step at a time, and one victory at a time, we are going to set the deal straight.

Lastly, to mention something. In Hindu lore, when Humanity goes off the far end with Race mixing, and many other existential wrongs, while it plunders in decay, the Hindus believe that an Avatar of Vinshu, or even worse Kalki, manifest and sets the record straight. This is Divine intervention. The Hindus may call it like this, we know who it is, who HE has been, and we call Him Anti-Christ. His coming is necessary when things are literally going to the cliffs. Many times, and in many civilizations, many people have raised their heads against the jews, which is why Humanity still exists in an acceptable way. There is FAR BETTER to go, and the enemy is keeping Humanity and all its races back from advancing.

The powers that be, except of the enemy nefarious aliens, do not like it, and even if to Humanity the purposes of these beings are coming to light now, the powers that be such as friendly alien races have knew about them for thousands of years. The jews always try to escape judgement, and sometimes successfully, but if beings keep pushing, this will become inevitable. Spiritual judgement is necessary, and this is because of the situation we are seeing in the world, let alone endless murder and warfare the enemy has caused. When situations like that reach the cutting blade, some beings *MUST* set the record straight through spiritual warfare. When the time is right, Humanity will be restored, but the pathways have to open, and we have to minimize casualties and damages by the enemy.

The enemy wants to rush into the age of Aquarius, and rob people of their freedom and future, so that Orwell's technological nightmare is created so that people will not be able to react. We are going and we need to stop this by diligent spiritual warfare, opening the path for constantly greater things to emerge.

We will defeat them in every single battle that we can, and NEVER allow this to happen!

Blessed be, Satanic Family and Comrades in Arms!

-HAIL SATAN-!!!!!!!!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Στις 11:17 μ.μ. Τρίτη, 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2017, ο/η "HC hoodedcobra666@... [Teens4Satan]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  Masters Among Slaves : JoyofSatan666


Greetings to all of our People and Satanic Comrades!
All Satanists here are in the house of mastery.

Everyone obviously is on different levels. Others have problems with bills, others have other issues, others are higher up. It really comes not down to this. Do you notice a pattern? People are too hung up on these matters to seek self value. This is however, relative.

It comes down to your inner Soul, your morality as a being, and how all of us here can know about and tolerate Truths that the majority of humanity cannot. While they sacrifice everything to be unaware and ignorant, the real Satanist is doing the same sacrfice of everything for Truth.

When we hold racial discussions, we are discussing about people outside, who do not know the Truth and do not advance. We are talking majorities. Satanism is the religion of united individuals, and not the clump jewdified herd.

You are by definition removed from the womb of damnation if you choose to finally embark on a freedom journey. As for the herd, we are seeing them from above as Masters, and we look at them as people who don't know what is going on.

Mastery does not imply a whip, domineering attitude. Its first and foremost mastery of awareness. Not based on fake entitlement, but how much we have really banished the herd from inside us. Or for accurate say, the negativities of the herd.

At the same time, we are the only ones who will face the potential rot or issues within. Something most people will never do. This is why we also un-dig the greatest and most inconceivable treasures these people will never have.

As thus we recognize their errors, our own errors, our racial errors, we seek to not repeat the errors of the slaves as we have made a conscious choice to never belong to them again. We choose freedom at all costs. They remain enslaved, taking others also hostages of their stupidity.

They are those who sink Humanity. We are those who try to uplift it and uplift ourselves. This is the Satanic spirit that on top of the ever lasting abyss and all the humans sold out to it, people resist.

Satan has made his best choices from all Races, Nations and Peoples. Everyone here holds a common Satanic element deep within their Soul. Not all people really have this.

Now you may not recognize, or you may recognize to an extent only, the gifts you have. Those deep in the path know as to why and who they are, others don't and are still searching.

We have people that discovered the Truth right now, and others who have been in it for so long that compared to new students may be close to Gods. Satan has been keeping his Children close to Him. The bonds last forever.

Its not entitlement showering, because after all, if one does nothing, one is distancing themselves from Truth and they wither away.

Satan loves his family, and his Children. There is no father that would not adore a loving daughter or son. Like a Father, Satan expects his children to advance. Nobody is thrown to the trash can, but a few people do, because THEY think they are for the trash can. They act accordingly if they follow this road.

You will become,  what you think you are. Now like any other dad who watches their children take their first steps, Satan is proud of those who seek to advance. Everyday you overcome obstacles, Satan is proud of you. Even if these obstacles may seem to the larger spectrum of existence irrelevant. To you, these are relevant indeed. And every "you" foms "us" as a Satanic Unity.

When you begin or fall he will help you and hold you, but NEVER to the extent of making you incapable of getting up and walking by yourself. Satan is real and therefore, cannot be anyone's nanny. Why? Because Satan really cares for your deepest advancement as a being.

You belong to yourself after all mainly. The ((("religions of nowadays"))) are hijacked to teach people to have slave and victim morality. Part of this is how everyone has no will and must beg for bailouts from their own mistakes and life.

The enemy has defamed Satan for a reason. Satan welcomes with open arms every single Gentile that comes to Him, if they follow through. He is the door to spiritual salvation. The Demons are the teachers. However in school, you have to study.

Satan sees us in our Soul. It matters also not how old or young you are. Your first spiritual step, and you going from crawling spiritually to ever higher places, its how you start unfolding.

You may think that a small victory means nothing, but the crawling is what makes the champion. Well, crawling that is continued for a lot of time. Then standing. Then walking. Then running.

This is what defines us, motivates us, makes us who we are.

This is what makes us Masters Amongst Slaves.

And such we shall FOREVER be!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Women's Freedom : JoyofSatan666

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Greetings to all our People and Satanic Comrades.

Here I go again to alienate feminists, and many other zombies who are infected by ideologies just created by perverted jews to make everyone feel special, in a world where humans are just a number.

Its quite interesting how in the West especially, we hear about the cries of "freedom" from Women. Such as we were hearing the meme of how men should rule everything (of course to the expense of women), a few decades ago. Both these memes of course were created by profiteering jews with no higher aims, just destabilize society and profit shekels from it. Because well for the jew it doesn't really matter to which side the balance is perverted, its still good to them. You want abdul raping and killing his 15 wives? By all means, acceptable. You want hundreds of men becoming sissies because they cannot get the 'muh trophy wife' and therefore turn to cuckery? All the better.

These are the conditions the jew does want to inflict further damage to everyone involved, and profit from. To abdul they sell a new 'future' in the west with a potential harem under allah, to the other one, they promise the perfect VR reality, with their ideal wife as fake as the photo-shopped ones online or their favorite porn actress. Its the same merchant guys...Just look at the merchant...

I am not here to debate what xians and other cucks do debate, for example, if these women are doing it right or wrong. Because in that case there is no right or wrong, its flat out alien and bizarre to act in particular ways.

Same as many men want to feel entitled by doing nothing but being liberal cucks, we have the same thing in women. This is a common trend amongst beings who do literally nothing to advance their existence. While others copiously spend their lifetimes to become better and improve in some way, these people just exist as a cattle and nothing more, by their own choice and admission. Therefore, the sheep want fancy shirts to wear in order to feel like they are not sheep, and free 'people'. But we know what ((('freedom'))) of theirs is.

Now let's see objectively the matter of Woman leaders. Many Women of course are pissed off, thanks to christianity, for the situation in regards to women in the West, for these hundreds of years time. Of course, little consideration is being taken over the fact that, well, you know, in many other places, women are stoned to death. We have seen serious improvements in the last decades, which the enemy immediately pushes off into the opposite direction, to again destroy society. However this is not right, things have in other places been far worse, for jewish reasons all of us here know. The enemy literally, flat out hates women, and all they represent. This is because they hate life and everything women stand for.

Part of the 'liberation' scheme nowdays, we have slutdom, doing drugs, and becoming generally a female version of a lawless, worthless to society, abscess to humanity, type of 'woman'. I am sure in some feminist offices they have a board where they rank the (((Women))) who spread the most STD's, and brought down the most 'social constructs', such as well, the fucking society in which they live in and does in anyway protect their jewish stupified conceptions.

This is of course done so women remain isolated from men, from themselves, from their families, and also one another. If women like that are ever to support one another, they are doing this harm the opposite gender, go out naked to protest their so called rights (until the radical islamist Abdul spouses them by force, for he comes and kills them or rapes them or something...), and then go flat out become bonged out with the money of their parents. Wow, this is exactly the idea that will produce women's rights. Yes, this social trend of the jewdified west is going to literally, last a long time. I mean what's better for surviving an alien attack, than having pink dildos instead of men, never having children, and stoning one's self out 24/7? These are really behaviors of a dominant, powerful, and higher up woman...NOT.

It never boils down to any gender. As we would never like to be ruled by a flat out, masculine psychopath that would violate humans all the time for no reason, in the same way, we don't want to be ruled by a person whose focus in life is just getting laid, or something like that. Its kind of contradicting. How can anyone, for that sake, have their life's purpose being reading jew Karl Marx's writings, stoning themselves to death, and then having gangstas with robots and queers, be a guide for the future of humanity? I don't see this is as "EVIL" (even though one can say it is) but I see this as well. Erm, nonfunctional. It just cannot work that way. If it ever did, humanity would suffer and die a permanent death.

Lastly before I am accussed of being an asshole to everyone. I will pose to everyone the simplest of questions. If you find 'women' offensive, change the sentence to 'man' and repeat it. This may serve the latent feminism at once.

You have two women. Both are women. On one hand, you have the 'liberated' woman who does incesantly bad relations, flat out fucked up her family and future, or has done many of the things stated before, and was nothing at all in her life but a 'liberated' boozetard. On the other hand, you have a woman that is a mother, knows the needs of children, and has existed in a way of quality. I don't tie in sexual experiences insofar this creates tensions in the personality.

Who would you trust to run your life? Which woman protects the rights of women more? The vixen or the mother?

Many women do not get that many of their respective qualities come from the fact of being a woman. Your ability to motherhood, even 'fragility' (as in outwards softness) and many other aspects that may ward off the indoctrinated women nowadays, same as they are turned off by touching the spiritual, or not twerking. Because of my how dare someone mention something about TWERKING, the new god? 'These are the idols we follow, honey! GTFO!'

In fact, you can see most of these 'women' hate everything about being a woman. They are distorted. They are like, hating their own self, trying to promote their so called 'self'. They are acting like the 'men' they are going against. Phallocentricism or Pussycentrisism doesn't really matter. Society must be in the middle pillar, the Shushumna, with both male and female aspects in balance.

How do we address Lilith? Don't we call Her, Mother Lilith? Why do we trust her with our lives? Who do our Goddesses have our admiration, respect, and unending love? Well, not exactly for their Vixen aspect. They are free, liberated, we all know this, but this has nothing to do with those to whom it is addressed. It stands there silently as a doorway to open up pent up suppression, with the higher end of controlling it, and dignifying it into something better.

If you are praying to a certain someone, would be rather praying to a mother, that will nurture you, and knows all your needs, shrouding you with love and protection? Or you will pray to a cucked, feminist abscess that will show up to you with a book of "Des Kapital", which if you don't read she will beat your ass to death? In a softer version, which one would you trust most to tell your issues, open up your heart, and which would you trust better to show you the way to enlightenment? You see, this trust is something natural, because there is a definition.

The vixen cares for herself and her own pleasure. The divine motherhood quality (irrespective of if you have children or not) is a balance, with emphasis on the well-being of others. This is the power to provide, protect, create and destroy, in the same way as the universal principle of a mother. While a woman with a divine motherhood quality fights for ideals, or her children, and if their well-being is attacked she will flatten out her enemies, what is the good in the 'other kind' of woman? If you steal her boozetard, she will protest naked? I guess that's only good for women of the jewish race. I'd rather have that happen in Pissrael.

Sorry if I offended your (((Freedoms))). I just don't deal well with Satanic women being only emotards, drug users, wasting their life, and becoming nothing else than what the enemy wants them to do. It doesn't sit well to me. If it sits well to some women... Women is a very dignified title that needs upholding. Not that. We can change this to 'living pig by jewish admission'.

And Hooded Cobra to Phallocentric Nazi Monster. Because well he has that fucked up issue about well, not liking to see women on the streets injecting heroin, or seeing poor mothers have children while on drug addiction. How can yer be so (((freedom))) hating at last? In the same context then I guess most of our women here are also anti-femienie, Phallocratic women! Oy vey! The (((Rights of women))) are at serious risk!

Does it still ring to people why the enemy has defamed Lilith in the worst, and lowest degrading words and meanings?

Do you understand now Her Importance? Lilith is the most Dignified Goddess. The rest is gibberish made up by jews.

If you want to look at a feminine aspect to follow, don't put in front of you ghoulish jewesses, morbid creations, and wipe out the enemy prototypes from your mind.

Ennoble yourself, raise yourself, and in reality liberate yourself by going after our Goddesses. They are here to help women recover their lost feminity, and teach to every willing woman all the arts and the powers of their nature. No matter where exactly your nature falls, you can discover and elevate it.

After reading, you may want to check this here :


It takes one noble Goddess to drive whole legions to their death with the move of a hand, or even maybe their hair, it takes a million slut-dooms to even reach the heart of the lowest of men.

Be a woman of liberty...Not a useless jewtype "libertine"...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Στις 11:20 μ.μ. Τρίτη, 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2017, ο/η HC <hoodedcobra666@... έγραψε:

Trump, the World and the RTR's : JoyofSatan666


As predicted in the past, our RTR's have been wrecking havoc on the enemy. Not only their goblin Hillary lost the elections, their media have also been ravaged, but also Trump who they considered their underhand fanboy, is basically doing a good job in steering everything to directions from which we can benefit. We have caused a disaster to the enemy that is unparalleled. We need to keep going.

Trump has actually done good in awakening people to the perils of 'demokrazy' and the existential danger posed by one of the most dangerous jewish programs, which is Islam. Which he had to do, and he was forced to do, as the jews couldn't hide what is going on. Running from the ghost of what they have created, the jews allowed him in a position that cost them extremely much. In their paranoia, they damaged themselves even harder. The enemy has forced Trump into the "normalization" process they force all presidents, but due to many other uncontrollable circumstances this cannot happen, and they more they force it, the more enemies they make. So they outright attack him instead. Because as you can see there is no faithful jew, not even to their own.

They hate Trump and anyone, no matter how much they have been in terms with them, if they don't do EXACTLY as the jews demand. As you can see, the jews don't allow Trump to get his way, and this is not because of him, but because of what will happen if he does not listen. Which by definition hasn't happened and its too late now to correct anything. So they keep attacking him instead and attempt to cause civil war, to kill Goyim and put Fema camps in use. Remember the power is in the people in reality. Its the general populace they are after.

To see how the jews treat their own, just see Stalin. Stalin butchered all the other jews whom he abused and used to get into power, over no reason whatsoever. The jews have a history of killing and brutally murdering their own by a lot of torture, and Trump knows this too. Even if someone is jewish, if they don't dance to the zionist drum, even by mistake, the jews will want to hunt them down and destroy them completely. This is why the jews are forcing the meme that Trump will be a second Kennedy. Kennedy didn't have RTR backup though. If he did, history would have been different now.

Print, save to disk, and salvage the RTR's. As we have seen, the enemy has a habit of attacking these. This is because these are the spiritual warfare tools of Gentiles now. We have occult weaponry, something that for centuries we did not have.

The enemy is forced on stepping back, and assessing damage from many frontiers. Their own people throw their other own below the bus, simple because a clean house has to be made, and it cannot go indefinitely like this. There is only one thing that can be stated, and its THANK SATAN for the RTR's. Many of you remember how we have saved the internet, averted wars and many other things over the years by our efforts. The RTR's have been falling like rockets who force the enemy to retreat.

In war, even small Victories can be decisive to the outcome of the whole war. No RTR is too small, no person too weak. Everyone can fight. Even a monstrosity as big as the enemy can be taken down, and the hugest of gladiators stepping in the wrong stone can make them collapse like a card tower. Small changes make the big changes in this case.

An RTR is far worse than a rocket in the longterm of history. The RTR's hit the core of the power of the enemy, and not what sprang from it. The enemy has been cursing us "Goyim" for centuries, you have to remember. Only lastly they engage and do a full sweep on the material realm, and only after victory has been completely decided.

I bow in reverence to Satan and His Power, vested in us to do better to this world. Also, our struggle has only just began, and its now the things are getting really heated up. Our RTR's help the whole of humanity, and if you are paying attention, the enemy is at least retreating on many levels. That's all thanks to those of us who did something. Those who have been fighting the enemy for years, know their power, but also they know that the children of Satan have extreme power as well.

This is why for centuries, the enemy has kept our kind under persecution, death, and always seeks to censor, attack and harm us. Satan is the gateway to freedom. As the jews admit, Satan destroyed the jewish empires, both that of the Islamic Ottomans, and the Xian radical Byzantine Empire. Both of these have been destroyed by Satan's hands, same as the Middle ages etc. All of these 'empires' were big climaxes of jewish dreams, and in all of them, humanity and everything good suffered incessantly.

Many people focus on the damage the enemy has done, which is extreme, but also Satan has done them far more extreme damage, and also damage from which one would be pulling their hair on how they lost governance. The Middle Ages were the perfect times of enslavement. The impossible became possible, by spiritualists and people of the time, and Humanity gradually broke free of jewish rulership.

In 2016 many interesting advances have happened, but for the sake of it, many jewish idols perished at that time. Maybe it was a result of the RTR's, maybe not, but the failings of the enemy should in anyway, have a symbolic nature and meaning.

2017 is going to be a really HOT year for our side and our fights. We need to keep going with unending resolve. There is more than meets the eye. The 2017 elections will be a rude awakening to the enemy and those behind gates who try to bring Europe down. We must be unrelenting until we have perfected leadership in every Gentile Nation, and until poverty and many other freedom threatening things have been abolished. One step at a time, and one victory at a time, we are going to set the deal straight.

Lastly, to mention something. In Hindu lore, when Humanity goes off the far end with Race mixing, and many other existential wrongs, while it plunders in decay, the Hindus believe that an Avatar of Vinshu, or even worse Kalki, manifest and sets the record straight. This is Divine intervention. The Hindus may call it like this, we know who it is, who HE has been, and we call Him Anti-Christ. His coming is necessary when things are literally going to the cliffs. Many times, and in many civilizations, many people have raised their heads against the jews, which is why Humanity still exists in an acceptable way. There is FAR BETTER to go, and the enemy is keeping Humanity and all its races back from advancing.

The powers that be, except of the enemy nefarious aliens, do not like it, and even if to Humanity the purposes of these beings are coming to light now, the powers that be such as friendly alien races have knew about them for thousands of years. The jews always try to escape judgement, and sometimes successfully, but if beings keep pushing, this will become inevitable. Spiritual judgement is necessary, and this is because of the situation we are seeing in the world, let alone endless murder and warfare the enemy has caused. When situations like that reach the cutting blade, some beings *MUST* set the record straight through spiritual warfare. When the time is right, Humanity will be restored, but the pathways have to open, and we have to minimize casualties and damages by the enemy.

The enemy wants to rush into the age of Aquarius, and rob people of their freedom and future, so that Orwell's technological nightmare is created so that people will not be able to react. We are going and we need to stop this by diligent spiritual warfare, opening the path for constantly greater things to emerge.

We will defeat them in every single battle that we can, and NEVER allow this to happen!

Blessed be, Satanic Family and Comrades in Arms!

-HAIL SATAN-!!!!!!!!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Στις 11:17 μ.μ. Τρίτη, 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2017, ο/η "HC hoodedcobra666@... [Teens4Satan]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  Masters Among Slaves : JoyofSatan666


Greetings to all of our People and Satanic Comrades!
All Satanists here are in the house of mastery.

Everyone obviously is on different levels. Others have problems with bills, others have other issues, others are higher up. It really comes not down to this. Do you notice a pattern? People are too hung up on these matters to seek self value. This is however, relative.

It comes down to your inner Soul, your morality as a being, and how all of us here can know about and tolerate Truths that the majority of humanity cannot. While they sacrifice everything to be unaware and ignorant, the real Satanist is doing the same sacrfice of everything for Truth.

When we hold racial discussions, we are discussing about people outside, who do not know the Truth and do not advance. We are talking majorities. Satanism is the religion of united individuals, and not the clump jewdified herd.

You are by definition removed from the womb of damnation if you choose to finally embark on a freedom journey. As for the herd, we are seeing them from above as Masters, and we look at them as people who don't know what is going on.

Mastery does not imply a whip, domineering attitude. Its first and foremost mastery of awareness. Not based on fake entitlement, but how much we have really banished the herd from inside us. Or for accurate say, the negativities of the herd.

At the same time, we are the only ones who will face the potential rot or issues within. Something most people will never do. This is why we also un-dig the greatest and most inconceivable treasures these people will never have.

As thus we recognize their errors, our own errors, our racial errors, we seek to not repeat the errors of the slaves as we have made a conscious choice to never belong to them again. We choose freedom at all costs. They remain enslaved, taking others also hostages of their stupidity.

They are those who sink Humanity. We are those who try to uplift it and uplift ourselves. This is the Satanic spirit that on top of the ever lasting abyss and all the humans sold out to it, people resist.

Satan has made his best choices from all Races, Nations and Peoples. Everyone here holds a common Satanic element deep within their Soul. Not all people really have this.

Now you may not recognize, or you may recognize to an extent only, the gifts you have. Those deep in the path know as to why and who they are, others don't and are still searching.

We have people that discovered the Truth right now, and others who have been in it for so long that compared to new students may be close to Gods. Satan has been keeping his Children close to Him. The bonds last forever.

Its not entitlement showering, because after all, if one does nothing, one is distancing themselves from Truth and they wither away.

Satan loves his family, and his Children. There is no father that would not adore a loving daughter or son. Like a Father, Satan expects his children to advance. Nobody is thrown to the trash can, but a few people do, because THEY think they are for the trash can. They act accordingly if they follow this road.

You will become,  what you think you are. Now like any other dad who watches their children take their first steps, Satan is proud of those who seek to advance. Everyday you overcome obstacles, Satan is proud of you. Even if these obstacles may seem to the larger spectrum of existence irrelevant. To you, these are relevant indeed. And every "you" foms "us" as a Satanic Unity.

When you begin or fall he will help you and hold you, but NEVER to the extent of making you incapable of getting up and walking by yourself. Satan is real and therefore, cannot be anyone's nanny. Why? Because Satan really cares for your deepest advancement as a being.

You belong to yourself after all mainly. The ((("religions of nowadays"))) are hijacked to teach people to have slave and victim morality. Part of this is how everyone has no will and must beg for bailouts from their own mistakes and life.

The enemy has defamed Satan for a reason. Satan welcomes with open arms every single Gentile that comes to Him, if they follow through. He is the door to spiritual salvation. The Demons are the teachers. However in school, you have to study.

Satan sees us in our Soul. It matters also not how old or young you are. Your first spiritual step, and you going from crawling spiritually to ever higher places, its how you start unfolding.

You may think that a small victory means nothing, but the crawling is what makes the champion. Well, crawling that is continued for a lot of time. Then standing. Then walking. Then running.

This is what defines us, motivates us, makes us who we are.

This is what makes us Masters Amongst Slaves.

And such we shall FOREVER be!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Look at the JoS teaching again young one. Satanism is a way if Life. It is not a Religion. Lucifer is our Father, Friend and Master to those Satanist who perceive themselves as Slaves to his Glory. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 4:17 PM, HC hoodedcobra666@... [JoS4adults]<[email protected] wrote:   Masters Among Slaves : JoyofSatan666


Greetings to all of our People and Satanic Comrades!
All Satanists here are in the house of mastery.

Everyone obviously is on different levels. Others have problems with bills, others have other issues, others are higher up. It really comes not down to this. Do you notice a pattern? People are too hung up on these matters to seek self value. This is however, relative.

It comes down to your inner Soul, your morality as a being, and how all of us here can know about and tolerate Truths that the majority of humanity cannot. While they sacrifice everything to be unaware and ignorant, the real Satanist is doing the same sacrfice of everything for Truth.

When we hold racial discussions, we are discussing about people outside, who do not know the Truth and do not advance. We are talking majorities. Satanism is the religion of united individuals, and not the clump jewdified herd.

You are by definition removed from the womb of damnation if you choose to finally embark on a freedom journey. As for the herd, we are seeing them from above as Masters, and we look at them as people who don't know what is going on.

Mastery does not imply a whip, domineering attitude. Its first and foremost mastery of awareness. Not based on fake entitlement, but how much we have really banished the herd from inside us. Or for accurate say, the negativities of the herd.

At the same time, we are the only ones who will face the potential rot or issues within. Something most people will never do. This is why we also un-dig the greatest and most inconceivable treasures these people will never have.

As thus we recognize their errors, our own errors, our racial errors, we seek to not repeat the errors of the slaves as we have made a conscious choice to never belong to them again. We choose freedom at all costs. They remain enslaved, taking others also hostages of their stupidity.

They are those who sink Humanity. We are those who try to uplift it and uplift ourselves. This is the Satanic spirit that on top of the ever lasting abyss and all the humans sold out to it, people resist.

Satan has made his best choices from all Races, Nations and Peoples. Everyone here holds a common Satanic element deep within their Soul. Not all people really have this.

Now you may not recognize, or you may recognize to an extent only, the gifts you have. Those deep in the path know as to why and who they are, others don't and are still searching.

We have people that discovered the Truth right now, and others who have been in it for so long that compared to new students may be close to Gods. Satan has been keeping his Children close to Him. The bonds last forever.

Its not entitlement showering, because after all, if one does nothing, one is distancing themselves from Truth and they wither away.

Satan loves his family, and his Children. There is no father that would not adore a loving daughter or son. Like a Father, Satan expects his children to advance. Nobody is thrown to the trash can, but a few people do, because THEY think they are for the trash can. They act accordingly if they follow this road.

You will become,  what you think you are. Now like any other dad who watches their children take their first steps, Satan is proud of those who seek to advance. Everyday you overcome obstacles, Satan is proud of you. Even if these obstacles may seem to the larger spectrum of existence irrelevant. To you, these are relevant indeed. And every "you" foms "us" as a Satanic Unity.

When you begin or fall he will help you and hold you, but NEVER to the extent of making you incapable of getting up and walking by yourself. Satan is real and therefore, cannot be anyone's nanny. Why? Because Satan really cares for your deepest advancement as a being.

You belong to yourself after all mainly. The ((("religions of nowadays"))) are hijacked to teach people to have slave and victim morality. Part of this is how everyone has no will and must beg for bailouts from their own mistakes and life.

The enemy has defamed Satan for a reason. Satan welcomes with open arms every single Gentile that comes to Him, if they follow through. He is the door to spiritual salvation. The Demons are the teachers. However in school, you have to study.

Satan sees us in our Soul. It matters also not how old or young you are. Your first spiritual step, and you going from crawling spiritually to ever higher places, its how you start unfolding.

You may think that a small victory means nothing, but the crawling is what makes the champion. Well, crawling that is continued for a lot of time. Then standing. Then walking. Then running.

This is what defines us, motivates us, makes us who we are.

This is what makes us Masters Amongst Slaves.

And such we shall FOREVER be!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
High Priest Hooded Cobra is no "young one" you jewish SCUM.

BAN this fucker!


---In [email protected], <knottedpup@... wrote :

Look at the JoS teaching again young one. Satanism is a way if Life. It is not a Religion. Lucifer is our Father, Friend and Master to those Satanist who perceive themselves as Slaves to his Glory.
Did you not make the statement  Master Satan. By doing so, your saying your are his slave. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 10:19 AM, johnson_akemi@... [JoS4adults]<[email protected] wrote:   @knottedpup, Satan does NOT need slaves. Satan stands for freedom and rebellion. It it Satan's enemies who have been working for thousands of years to enslave humanity. You need to unplug yourself from the enemy matrix. You can use the rune ANSUZ to do that.
The context of my statement ( young one) was given in high respect to you High Priest Hooded Cobra. None of you have any clue of who I am. But yet you are Disrespectful of a Fellow Satanist who is in High standing with Our Father Lucifer.  I'm only trying to enlighten you on your path that Father Lucifer is giving us in his teachings.  As a High Priest, you should be teaching those less knowledgeable about our Father Lucifer. Not being Blasphemous to another Satanist. Who may be older then you are. Since you are a High Priest, can you use your knowledge and translate to our fellow brothers what it is that I've written in Sumeritian to all. 
 O Patel, Lucifer Mango m venite et secrets universi. Patel meus et tu, Domine et amice. Pro tua sapientia sic putavi mini esse potuisse Magi's. Quiz gratis data liberum at bit sign liver as aunt maxima bona dare filiis pater cod. Haec istrumenta tantum determinabit.   Sic Fiat Grando Lucifer  Amy one whose a High Priest will know what this message from and for our Father Lucifer says. 
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 9:58 AM, sable.wolf616@... [JoS4adults]<[email protected] wrote:   High Priest Hooded Cobra is no "young one" you jewish SCUM.

BAN this fucker!


---In [email protected], <knottedpup@... wrote :

Look at the JoS teaching again young one. Satanism is a way if Life. It is not a Religion. Lucifer is our Father, Friend and Master to those Satanist who perceive themselves as Slaves to his Glory.
Well said, Brother Cobra! Your words give comfort to me. I can't sit
here and lie. A lot of the time, I don't feel like much of a master of
anything. I fall. But each time I fall, I get right the fuck up again,
because I know that's what Satan, my Father, wants me to do! Lately
I've been going through...well just a lot of shit. Emotional stuff
mainly, i mean, nothing is physically wrong with me. Oftentimes I say
to myself, 'You oughtn't bother Father with all this stupid stuff,
'cause he's busy and he has way better things to do than hold your
hand etc.'...you know, something to that effect. But then several
times, I've gotten these words in my head, and I know it's Father
speaking to me because well, he just has this way of wording things.
And he says to me: 'You call these things trivial, but they are not,
not to you. If they were trivial, you would not weep. If it matters to
you, it matters to me, because you are mine'. That's essentially what
he's told me, and this has happened a few times, so I know that it's
HIM. Because I am his, I am one of Satan's daughters, and he will
always be my dad. Regardless. Satan's power is, he turns the lowly
into great ones, he makes emperors of slaves. But the first step is
desiring to be free in the first place. From there, all else follows.
I love you, Father. Satan bless, Brethren!

On 2/23/17, johnson_akemi@... [JoS4adults]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
@knottedpup, Satan does NOT need slaves. Satan stands for freedom and
rebellion. It it Satan's enemies who have been working for thousands of
years to enslave humanity. You need to unplug yourself from the enemy
matrix. You can use the rune ANSUZ to do that.
Is that poorly written Latin supposed to prove anything, @knottedidiot? Also, "Sumeritian" is not a language. The admins approve your posts just to let you entertain us with a laugh, buddy. Or should I say slave? You said you're a slave after all. Thus you're not a Satanist.
Why Spiritual Satanism is the Best Religion in the World : JoyofSatan666

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Spiritual Satanism is the True Religion.

No matter from where you see this matter, you can see it easily, especially if you look.

Spiritual Satanism tells the Truth on the afterlife, no bullshit added. There is no need for lying, as by definition becoming a Satanist implies one has already broken their 'comfort zone' by a long shot. We say the Truth on Karma, and how it plays out, same as endless others spiritual concepts. Satanism doesn't need to fool anyone into believing this or that, and people can see what is the case and isn't, by trying on their own. People who do the meditations see most of these things for themselves. We don't tell anyone what to 'see' in that sense. We just teach people to see, by practices that anyway are inconceivably Ancient and accepted to work by all pre-christian and pre-muslim civilizations. Truth in Satanism is a self-seeking, and also group-seeking inquiry.

We don't even need a 'bible' or something, because well, Spiritual Satanism is rooted in nature. Satanism as the enemy admits, is everywhere 'around' us. Be it in the physical and obvious level, or the higher and unmanifested levels (which we call the astral), Satanism is everywhere. From a beating heart, to the first breath of an infant, all the "Spiritual Satanic" values are there.

Let's assume for a moment that someone is a purely physical person that doesn't care for spirituality. Even them, they benefit from Spiritual Satanism, because we teach a sane morality. You don't do reckless evil, you become a civilizer, and keep your sights on becoming better. These are the people that Satan and the Gods like. Go after freedom, and fight those who seek to enslave you, but at the same time, don't be a stupid revolutionary as if revolution is your day to day job. Use judgement, common sense, logic.

Of all the religions in the world, Spiritual Satanism tells people, aside from any 'fancy' reason or any 'boogieman' to people to finally use common sense. Therefore we have nothing to divide with science at all. We cherish on the betterment of our existence and life on it, except of two small minor things: the ridiculing of the spiritual notion of man (except of jewish crap about its non-existence when their race practices spirituality en masse).

In Spiritual Satanism, you don't live for any afterlife, even if you know about it. You don't wait to die, seeking a better tomorrow. You strive to advance today. You really start understanding the universal understanding that some people named 'god', as a stupid idea to confuse people that they were destining to be cattle, same as some laws such as 'karma', and what's behind them. Therefore you are free, and you are master of your own behavior. Spiritual Satanism is both materialism, and idealism. Most religions are pretending one or the other, while as everyone can see, materialism always reigns. Spiritual Satanism doesn't need to pretend anything as simply both natures are accepted, and materialism is not excluded from Spirituality. On our behalf, everything is balanced and nice.

Spiritual Satanism also teaches order, but the necessity to revolt against slavers such as the enemy, who seek to destroy humanity for no absolute reason whatsover. Satanism is a merciful religion to every person seeking to advance, and is against misplaced mercy and fake tolerance that helps nobody. In Satanism, everyone must advance and wage their battle.

If Satanism was to rule the world one day, it would be just the Truth dismantling the lies. Spiritual Satanists seek the highest idealism for the future of their Race and humanity, but we are also practical and realistic about what is going in existence today.

In Spiritual Satanism, no person is left behind, unless they by their own admission leave themselves behind and corrupt themselves in a loop of eternal self-destruction. We carry people out of fire, but we don't take bullets for them. We don't have any slave mentality. For order to exist, there is no need for slave mentality, as simply logic and looking at things really, creates an order.

Spiritual Satanism is also a peaceful religion. However if we are threatened and attacked, we will become spiritually brutal, and we will pay our enemies with the same currency. We don't seek the destruction of any Gentile, no matter their beliefs, unless of course they are seeking ours. We see at people who are xians and other misguided people who have been brainwashed as rather sick, unless they attack us outright.

We know Races to exist, because well, they do. We like to see reality as it is. Being a Satanist, one always has the occult and mental powers, and the support needed to go on. No matter how low someone has sunk, there is always a choice and some adherence away to become a better being. We know there are ways to eternal life, but we also see that its in our life here that we must fight. Our views of eternal life don't make us life hating, they make us life-loving. We realize life as the greatest gift and we seek to protect and raise it to higher levels of existence.

Our so called "Anti-Semitism" is not situational, and we didn't wake up one day and decided to become anti-semetic to uselessly rebel. We know of the hidden 'agenda' that is no longer hidden anymore, because its carriers don't even hide it anymore. Its a defense against specific groups who have tried to destroy people who, like us, under the massive label of "Satanism" have tried to advance civilization. Since their attacks have been unceasing and repeated we are left with no other choice, and history has now been written anyway, many times in blood of many innocent Gentiles. Due to all of our values and devotion for life, we have had to do something. In Spiritual Satanism, we have morals, but not slave morals which promote injustice, misery and pain. We have thousands of years of evidence, anyway.

In Spiritual Satanism we take natural determinism seriously, but we also take our views seriously, which tell us that everyone should be able to prove themselves, and have the means to advance and become better. We don't judge solely by any birth, and every spiritual Satanist has all the means at their disposal to go anywhere they want and can, with their existence. For the impossible, we devise possibilities. We believe that Humanity is made to be something higher, which as we call it today, we call it "Gods".

We Satanists do respect nature, the laws presented to us by nature, and we believe all advancement should be done in harmony with Nature and not otherwise. We believe Humanity has only as much potential as it decides it has, and puts itself to achieve.

Lastly, in Spiritual Satanism, we don't teach people stupid values like 'anarchy' or being constantly in consistent and fruitless ego wars with other people. We know such values do not promote wellbeing, or civilization, but we are ready to defy values that may be damning to civilization. We teach people to fight if necessary, we would throw ourselves to fire for freedom and for individuality, but a Spiritual Satanist knows how to create a phlanx with his brothers and sisters when the time requires. We value brotherhood, with order, and sometimes a family character to it. But never to the expense of ego.

And why all of this. Because we have met Him who is called Satan.

"God" is not our slave, our fanboy, or something that we use as a car to get us where we want. Our "God" is our God, and so many more things than God, because today this word is empty and means a lot of abrahamic nonsense. Why do we respect Satan? Simply: because He is magnificent, He is known to us, He is the Eternal, and the Eternal can manifest itself. Because there is no reason why 'not'. We consider Humanity worthy. "God" or any being of 'innumerable' capability should, and is able to do this as well, to relate to people in development.

We don't teach "God" is hate, or "love". Our Gods are real beings, and like us, only infinite times more advanced, have ways which we have to understand. Our Gods are not hiding to those who have eyes to see and ears to listen.

Satan doesn't claim the position of 'God', let alone any jewish 'god'. They on the other hand, claimed HIS position, with destructive aftermath for them. Satan has had His eternal throne in all Ancient Civilizations. Satan's position is, has been, and will forever be higher and inconceivable compared to 'God'. Satan also, is the only one who leads to the 'universal consciousness' that many people call "God", but in the East is called Atman: The state of supreme consciousness of creation or simply 'god', called Samadhi, and reached by Satan's Divine Name, SA-TA-NA-MA.

We are blessed to understand that the universe on its own does not 'hate' anyone, let alone favor anyone, all of which we know to be abrahamic lies. The universe is Nature, and nature rewards or damns, depending on our choices. Some people to mystify this term, they call it 'karma', or even worse in the jewish conspiracy, they pretend this universe is a jew that hates all non-jews. So much of their disturbing lies.

As we understand Him, we call Him God, but He is so much more. He is revealed to anyone, but also the ultimate, greatest, most beautiful and the most magnificent Mystery in Creation. There are no words to describe Him, but we try. Spiritual Satanism is the Eternal Way from which we follow into the Absolute.

Spiritual Satanism is the Now, the Past, and the Forever.

Spiritual Satanism is the gateway to the Eternal Truth of the Cosmos, our Father Satan Lucifer, the God of Light, Splendor and everlasting Strength.

Spiritual Satanism is Truth, Meaning, Life, and Perfection. All this is Satan, and infinitely more.

We are approaching Him and understanding Him, that which many like to call "God", but we know how to call as Satan, whose name is Eternal Truth. To us He is real, existing, and visible to those who want to see Him. We also make sure to display what is best of our God, and people who use the Gods in the same way as the enemy dogmas do, we abolish their rights them and we drive them away. This is because, unlike xians, we know our Gods are real, are Gods are existing, and lastly, our Gods do deliver justice...

We worship Truth, approached and grasped closely by spirituality, which in anyway, enlivens and makes beings better, stronger, but also more peaceful, because it makes humans raise in consciousness and become more intelligent.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The "MEDIA" and hating "Humanity" : JoyofSatan666
[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]

Στις 3:38 π.μ. Πέμπτη, 2 Μαρτίου 2017, ο/η HC <hoodedcobra666@... έγραψε:

Why Spiritual Satanism is the Best Religion in the World : JoyofSatan666

Spiritual Satanism is the True Religion.

No matter from where you see this matter, you can see it easily, especially if you look.

Spiritual Satanism tells the Truth on the afterlife, no bullshit added. There is no need for lying, as by definition becoming a Satanist implies one has already broken their 'comfort zone' by a long shot. We say the Truth on Karma, and how it plays out, same as endless others spiritual concepts. Satanism doesn't need to fool anyone into believing this or that, and people can see what is the case and isn't, by trying on their own. People who do the meditations see most of these things for themselves. We don't tell anyone what to 'see' in that sense. We just teach people to see, by practices that anyway are inconceivably Ancient and accepted to work by all pre-christian and pre-muslim civilizations. Truth in Satanism is a self-seeking, and also group-seeking inquiry.

We don't even need a 'bible' or something, because well, Spiritual Satanism is rooted in nature. Satanism as the enemy admits, is everywhere 'around' us. Be it in the physical and obvious level, or the higher and unmanifested levels (which we call the astral), Satanism is everywhere. From a beating heart, to the first breath of an infant, all the "Spiritual Satanic" values are there.

Let's assume for a moment that someone is a purely physical person that doesn't care for spirituality. Even them, they benefit from Spiritual Satanism, because we teach a sane morality. You don't do reckless evil, you become a civilizer, and keep your sights on becoming better. These are the people that Satan and the Gods like. Go after freedom, and fight those who seek to enslave you, but at the same time, don't be a stupid revolutionary as if revolution is your day to day job. Use judgement, common sense, logic.

Of all the religions in the world, Spiritual Satanism tells people, aside from any 'fancy' reason or any 'boogieman' to people to finally use common sense. Therefore we have nothing to divide with science at all. We cherish on the betterment of our existence and life on it, except of two small minor things: the ridiculing of the spiritual notion of man (except of jewish crap about its non-existence when their race practices spirituality en masse).

In Spiritual Satanism, you don't live for any afterlife, even if you know about it. You don't wait to die, seeking a better tomorrow. You strive to advance today. You really start understanding the universal understanding that some people named 'god', as a stupid idea to confuse people that they were destining to be cattle, same as some laws such as 'karma', and what's behind them. Therefore you are free, and you are master of your own behavior. Spiritual Satanism is both materialism, and idealism. Most religions are pretending one or the other, while as everyone can see, materialism always reigns. Spiritual Satanism doesn't need to pretend anything as simply both natures are accepted, and materialism is not excluded from Spirituality. On our behalf, everything is balanced and nice.

Spiritual Satanism also teaches order, but the necessity to revolt against slavers such as the enemy, who seek to destroy humanity for no absolute reason whatsover. Satanism is a merciful religion to every person seeking to advance, and is against misplaced mercy and fake tolerance that helps nobody. In Satanism, everyone must advance and wage their battle.

If Satanism was to rule the world one day, it would be just the Truth dismantling the lies. Spiritual Satanists seek the highest idealism for the future of their Race and humanity, but we are also practical and realistic about what is going in existence today.

In Spiritual Satanism, no person is left behind, unless they by their own admission leave themselves behind and corrupt themselves in a loop of eternal self-destruction. We carry people out of fire, but we don't take bullets for them. We don't have any slave mentality. For order to exist, there is no need for slave mentality, as simply logic and looking at things really, creates an order.

Spiritual Satanism is also a peaceful religion. However if we are threatened and attacked, we will become spiritually brutal, and we will pay our enemies with the same currency. We don't seek the destruction of any Gentile, no matter their beliefs, unless of course they are seeking ours. We see at people who are xians and other misguided people who have been brainwashed as rather sick, unless they attack us outright.

We know Races to exist, because well, they do. We like to see reality as it is. Being a Satanist, one always has the occult and mental powers, and the support needed to go on. No matter how low someone has sunk, there is always a choice and some adherence away to become a better being. We know there are ways to eternal life, but we also see that its in our life here that we must fight. Our views of eternal life don't make us life hating, they make us life-loving. We realize life as the greatest gift and we seek to protect and raise it to higher levels of existence.

Our so called "Anti-Semitism" is not situational, and we didn't wake up one day and decided to become anti-semetic to uselessly rebel. We know of the hidden 'agenda' that is no longer hidden anymore, because its carriers don't even hide it anymore. Its a defense against specific groups who have tried to destroy people who, like us, under the massive label of "Satanism" have tried to advance civilization. Since their attacks have been unceasing and repeated we are left with no other choice, and history has now been written anyway, many times in blood of many innocent Gentiles. Due to all of our values and devotion for life, we have had to do something. In Spiritual Satanism, we have morals, but not slave morals which promote injustice, misery and pain. We have thousands of years of evidence, anyway.

In Spiritual Satanism we take natural determinism seriously, but we also take our views seriously, which tell us that everyone should be able to prove themselves, and have the means to advance and become better. We don't judge solely by any birth, and every spiritual Satanist has all the means at their disposal to go anywhere they want and can, with their existence. For the impossible, we devise possibilities. We believe that Humanity is made to be something higher, which as we call it today, we call it "Gods".

We Satanists do respect nature, the laws presented to us by nature, and we believe all advancement should be done in harmony with Nature and not otherwise. We believe Humanity has only as much potential as it decides it has, and puts itself to achieve.

Lastly, in Spiritual Satanism, we don't teach people stupid values like 'anarchy' or being constantly in consistent and fruitless ego wars with other people. We know such values do not promote wellbeing, or civilization, but we are ready to defy values that may be damning to civilization. We teach people to fight if necessary, we would throw ourselves to fire for freedom and for individuality, but a Spiritual Satanist knows how to create a phlanx with his brothers and sisters when the time requires. We value brotherhood, with order, and sometimes a family character to it. But never to the expense of ego.

And why all of this. Because we have met Him who is called Satan.

"God" is not our slave, our fanboy, or something that we use as a car to get us where we want. Our "God" is our God, and so many more things than God, because today this word is empty and means a lot of abrahamic nonsense. Why do we respect Satan? Simply: because He is magnificent, He is known to us, He is the Eternal, and the Eternal can manifest itself. Because there is no reason why 'not'. We consider Humanity worthy. "God" or any being of 'innumerable' capability should, and is able to do this as well, to relate to people in development.

We don't teach "God" is hate, or "love". Our Gods are real beings, and like us, only infinite times more advanced, have ways which we have to understand. Our Gods are not hiding to those who have eyes to see and ears to listen.

Satan doesn't claim the position of 'God', let alone any jewish 'god'. They on the other hand, claimed HIS position, with destructive aftermath for them. Satan has had His eternal throne in all Ancient Civilizations. Satan's position is, has been, and will forever be higher and inconceivable compared to 'God'. Satan also, is the only one who leads to the 'universal consciousness' that many people call "God", but in the East is called Atman: The state of supreme consciousness of creation or simply 'god', called Samadhi, and reached by Satan's Divine Name, SA-TA-NA-MA.

We are blessed to understand that the universe on its own does not 'hate' anyone, let alone favor anyone, all of which we know to be abrahamic lies. The universe is Nature, and nature rewards or damns, depending on our choices. Some people to mystify this term, they call it 'karma', or even worse in the jewish conspiracy, they pretend this universe is a jew that hates all non-jews. So much of their disturbing lies.

As we understand Him, we call Him God, but He is so much more. He is revealed to anyone, but also the ultimate, greatest, most beautiful and the most magnificent Mystery in Creation. There are no words to describe Him, but we try. Spiritual Satanism is the Eternal Way from which we follow into the Absolute.

Spiritual Satanism is the Now, the Past, and the Forever.

Spiritual Satanism is the gateway to the Eternal Truth of the Cosmos, our Father Satan Lucifer, the God of Light, Splendor and everlasting Strength.

Spiritual Satanism is Truth, Meaning, Life, and Perfection. All this is Satan, and infinitely more.

We are approaching Him and understanding Him, that which many like to call "God", but we know how to call as Satan, whose name is Eternal Truth. To us He is real, existing, and visible to those who want to see Him. We also make sure to display what is best of our God, and people who use the Gods in the same way as the enemy dogmas do, we abolish their rights them and we drive them away. This is because, unlike xians, we know our Gods are real, are Gods are existing, and lastly, our Gods do deliver justice...

We worship Truth, approached and grasped closely by spirituality, which in anyway, enlivens and makes beings better, stronger, but also more peaceful, because it makes humans raise in consciousness and become more intelligent.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

History Re-Written : JoyofSatan666

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Greetings to all our People and Satanic Comrades.

I notice a lot of people aren't aware that History can be re-written, or if they are, they never thought about to what EXTENT this can happen. In fact, they can imagine this, but they never understand how deep this can go. You can literally remove anyone and everything from history, especially if you are a globalist power like jews. Globalism = the death of all other opinions, differences, cultures and of course, knowledge and information. Globalism is something evil that only the enemy would want for the world.

This is important and people need to understand this. Imagine an alternative here.

You are who you are and everything, living your life. When you stop existing, or if the public were to 'reject' your existence, would you NOT exist? Let's say your ID and your name meant nothing one day. This is what the enemy does to people, only that they kill them too most of the time, and make them 'disappear' from society. This is the communist practice the enemy has followed to erase many people from existence, mostly after they were dead.

The other thing is that most people don't understand how DEEP this can go. In fact, history itself has been made to confront and fit in the 6000 torah lie as well. Making civilization seem far smaller than it is. You have to think outside of the (((Box))) in that case.

In a future that will come if we stop the spiritual warfare, one that the enemy will have total power, our memory may as well be erased. We will no longer exist in history, and nobody, unless they find a CD (and the means to use/decipher it), or some printed material, or anything else left by any of us, will ever, ever know. Does that mean we never existed?

In the above example, the 'rapid' advances of technology would have rendered CD's 'obsolete'. Nobody could read this. If they opened the CD because well, in a free society they could find some means anyway, they may not have been able to read it. If they read it, they may not have understood it well, or at all. The same thing happens with Spirituality, due to the exact fact the enemy has corrupted information deeply, same as the means of translation.

This is why the enemy on one hand owns all the physical publishing, and this gives almost total control. Everything can be re-written. But see now how in the digital age, everything can be re-written without any evidence, and claimed to be 'true'. For example take jewbook, twitter and anything else. When the enemy has full control, they do these things. They don't do these now, as it will result in their death. When 'paper' and 'ink' will be obsolete, they will do this.

Notice the Egyptians, didn't largely use oil, ink or paper. They used sturdy papyrus, and giant, immovable rocks to record history. Somehow the enemy calls them prelithic, but were they? We can still know what happened in their history, after thousands of years. Will people 10 or 20 thousands of years after, know of us, as we know of these great civilizations now?
The Gods also have advanced technology that stores information in Crystals and other materials, that cannot be destroyed, or diamonds. Therefore the Truth remains intact.

Memory erasing is very common in enemy diktat "civilizations". This is common in the USSR and in other states where nobody checks what is going on, because they may end up in the gulag. The same has been done to National Socialists in history, painting them as more xian than they are, then you have a thing called 'conflicting evidence'. Conflicting evidence results as a result of someone, lying.

For example, some people see Hitler as a hyper-xian, even-though it doesn't agree with any of his actions, his visions, or his undertaking, or anything at all. But well it was 'said' he was, and written in a few books. People assume, they do not know. Most of the time not even evidence is needed.

I mean, the enemy says things about us here, on a daily basis, that doesn't make any sense or agree to us in the slightest. This will improve. This is the mentality of the media. Presented things over evidence. People are living in a lie. Unless you think Photoshop is real life. And who owns all this lie-creating machine? The enemy.

Therefore people should understand what happened with Xianity. Xianity destroyed all information and knowledge on past civilization. Until the 1700's, evidence and knowledge of the past was scarce. Normal people didn't know one thing. The only way to know is through the enemy lenses, alliance with the enemy on a higher level (And knowledge was only given so it would be corrupted) and zero to no other ways. People in the bottom of society, were lucky if they knew how to write their own name.

Notice for example how every history book written today, 'paints' things. Hitler this, Hitler that. Hannibal the very bad guy. This or the other thing. Jewish 'acceptance' has platted everything. If its accepted, its promoted. Does it kiss jewish ass? True. Does it not? False. From the Ancient Greek Manuscripts, its estimated and its known that around less than 5% have survived, and also, all these that 'survived' were basically confronted to the demands of the church. That's why they were allowed to exist.

The other thing the enemy does is when something is too big to destroy, they just bastardize its notion. You see in the bible for example, only the strongest Demons and deities are recognized, the leader of which is Satan. Now, the enemy could allow these to skip into memorial destruction. Other Gods have went almost in memorial destruction. Whats even better for the jews to do, is NOT let them skip into memorial destruction.

Its to taint their memory and direct the hatred of their own children to them. Do you see how it goes? From the position and power of Satan in the bible and the enemy manuscripts we can easily figure out, that even if people cannot find 'direct' evidence in the west (There is still extremely much if one does digging such as we did), Satan was probably worshiped everywhere on the planet or something. In India much of it has survived intact, because the Hindus did guard their culture.

People talk anything they have HEARD about Satan. If they one night prayed to him, and if their mind wasn't so strongly afraid and programmed, just allowing themselves to SEE, maybe what they saw would be drastically different. This is what WE have done. We just used our brain to think. I myself was very reluctant when I went to meet Satan in my first steps as a Satanist. Even-though of tens of years of drumming the false knowledge, however, the so called 'instinct' is more powerful and knows better. Obviously this doesn't overrule evidence, as many would like to think. Because if so then the instinct of the jews to kill everyone of you here is 'legit' and 'accepted'.

I am a Satanist because of knowledge and of instinct, and without instinct, I would never be. Without knowledge I may definitely have been again. Now, the gut instinct, or other higher types of instinct, have to deal with Soul memory, and the Serpent (on the high levels) or advanced reasoning in the lower spheres.

From Philo the jew who burned the library of Alexandria, to Zuckerberg that wants to turn all knowledge into 'digital', you can see the jews follow the same racial pattern. That of destroying evidence and leaving it to be easily malleable and changeable so in the future they can lie to people. Then we have what jews are doing into philosophy and science. They always cry that there is no "Truth" and that everything is "Relative", unless one of course questions the imagined jewish 'holocaust'. Then its TRUTH Goyim. Do you question it? You need to go to jail Goyim!

Imagine if you were an alien invader and you saw beings like humans here. Of course, you would be going after their culture, understanding, and things they have known as facts, especially if these beings get safety, power and protection from such.

After all, whom do they affirm they hate? Satan, in the anglicized version of the term. Satyan in Sanskrit means eternal Truth. Sat in most languages means light, positive, eternal, respected, and all sorts of other things. By all means that's what they hate.

In the future if Humanity advances enough and all individuals raise spiritually (the Devil, Satan's Serpent), the Truth then becomes known, and lying ceases from civilization. This is not only based on instinct, but grounded evidence. Evidence exists in general, and its a most important thing.

This is why until that time I go over and over again on how people need to print, plant some things, and other stuff. I don't say all these to everyone to tire you, or to make you waste a CD that costs 0.20$. Its just that this CD or USB drive may be discovered in generations to come, and save people, as we have been saved today, by others who chose be thrown into the fire, than succumb, and chose sacrifice, over their head.

Another reason why the enemy abolishes property is that they can storm every place so nothing can be 'hidden' nowhere. Forests and many other places make for excellent hiding places, for anything one wants to hide, same as mountains etc.

Our heads are worth nothing if nobody knows about it and cannot make use of our sacrifice, knowledge, warm or even victories, all of which we are doing today.

Respect civilization and seek to uphold it. Those who act like animals, beat them in line with the Spiritual means. We are sitting on a mine of gold that billions never had, so use your existence and time well.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

"Hate Crimes" Against Jews?

White Genocidal Lullably

Στις 7:08 π.μ. Πέμπτη, 2 Μαρτίου 2017, ο/η HC <hoodedcobra666@... έγραψε:

The "MEDIA" and hating "Humanity" : JoyofSatan666

Στις 3:38 π.μ. Πέμπτη, 2 Μαρτίου 2017, ο/η HC <hoodedcobra666@... έγραψε:

Why Spiritual Satanism is the Best Religion in the World : JoyofSatan666

Spiritual Satanism is the True Religion.

No matter from where you see this matter, you can see it easily, especially if you look.

Spiritual Satanism tells the Truth on the afterlife, no bullshit added. There is no need for lying, as by definition becoming a Satanist implies one has already broken their 'comfort zone' by a long shot. We say the Truth on Karma, and how it plays out, same as endless others spiritual concepts. Satanism doesn't need to fool anyone into believing this or that, and people can see what is the case and isn't, by trying on their own. People who do the meditations see most of these things for themselves. We don't tell anyone what to 'see' in that sense. We just teach people to see, by practices that anyway are inconceivably Ancient and accepted to work by all pre-christian and pre-muslim civilizations. Truth in Satanism is a self-seeking, and also group-seeking inquiry.

We don't even need a 'bible' or something, because well, Spiritual Satanism is rooted in nature. Satanism as the enemy admits, is everywhere 'around' us. Be it in the physical and obvious level, or the higher and unmanifested levels (which we call the astral), Satanism is everywhere. From a beating heart, to the first breath of an infant, all the "Spiritual Satanic" values are there.

Let's assume for a moment that someone is a purely physical person that doesn't care for spirituality. Even them, they benefit from Spiritual Satanism, because we teach a sane morality. You don't do reckless evil, you become a civilizer, and keep your sights on becoming better. These are the people that Satan and the Gods like. Go after freedom, and fight those who seek to enslave you, but at the same time, don't be a stupid revolutionary as if revolution is your day to day job. Use judgement, common sense, logic.

Of all the religions in the world, Spiritual Satanism tells people, aside from any 'fancy' reason or any 'boogieman' to people to finally use common sense. Therefore we have nothing to divide with science at all. We cherish on the betterment of our existence and life on it, except of two small minor things: the ridiculing of the spiritual notion of man (except of jewish crap about its non-existence when their race practices spirituality en masse).

In Spiritual Satanism, you don't live for any afterlife, even if you know about it. You don't wait to die, seeking a better tomorrow. You strive to advance today. You really start understanding the universal understanding that some people named 'god', as a stupid idea to confuse people that they were destining to be cattle, same as some laws such as 'karma', and what's behind them. Therefore you are free, and you are master of your own behavior. Spiritual Satanism is both materialism, and idealism. Most religions are pretending one or the other, while as everyone can see, materialism always reigns. Spiritual Satanism doesn't need to pretend anything as simply both natures are accepted, and materialism is not excluded from Spirituality. On our behalf, everything is balanced and nice.

Spiritual Satanism also teaches order, but the necessity to revolt against slavers such as the enemy, who seek to destroy humanity for no absolute reason whatsover. Satanism is a merciful religion to every person seeking to advance, and is against misplaced mercy and fake tolerance that helps nobody. In Satanism, everyone must advance and wage their battle.

If Satanism was to rule the world one day, it would be just the Truth dismantling the lies. Spiritual Satanists seek the highest idealism for the future of their Race and humanity, but we are also practical and realistic about what is going in existence today.

In Spiritual Satanism, no person is left behind, unless they by their own admission leave themselves behind and corrupt themselves in a loop of eternal self-destruction. We carry people out of fire, but we don't take bullets for them. We don't have any slave mentality. For order to exist, there is no need for slave mentality, as simply logic and looking at things really, creates an order.

Spiritual Satanism is also a peaceful religion. However if we are threatened and attacked, we will become spiritually brutal, and we will pay our enemies with the same currency. We don't seek the destruction of any Gentile, no matter their beliefs, unless of course they are seeking ours. We see at people who are xians and other misguided people who have been brainwashed as rather sick, unless they attack us outright.

We know Races to exist, because well, they do. We like to see reality as it is. Being a Satanist, one always has the occult and mental powers, and the support needed to go on. No matter how low someone has sunk, there is always a choice and some adherence away to become a better being. We know there are ways to eternal life, but we also see that its in our life here that we must fight. Our views of eternal life don't make us life hating, they make us life-loving. We realize life as the greatest gift and we seek to protect and raise it to higher levels of existence.

Our so called "Anti-Semitism" is not situational, and we didn't wake up one day and decided to become anti-semetic to uselessly rebel. We know of the hidden 'agenda' that is no longer hidden anymore, because its carriers don't even hide it anymore. Its a defense against specific groups who have tried to destroy people who, like us, under the massive label of "Satanism" have tried to advance civilization. Since their attacks have been unceasing and repeated we are left with no other choice, and history has now been written anyway, many times in blood of many innocent Gentiles. Due to all of our values and devotion for life, we have had to do something. In Spiritual Satanism, we have morals, but not slave morals which promote injustice, misery and pain. We have thousands of years of evidence, anyway.

In Spiritual Satanism we take natural determinism seriously, but we also take our views seriously, which tell us that everyone should be able to prove themselves, and have the means to advance and become better. We don't judge solely by any birth, and every spiritual Satanist has all the means at their disposal to go anywhere they want and can, with their existence. For the impossible, we devise possibilities. We believe that Humanity is made to be something higher, which as we call it today, we call it "Gods".

We Satanists do respect nature, the laws presented to us by nature, and we believe all advancement should be done in harmony with Nature and not otherwise. We believe Humanity has only as much potential as it decides it has, and puts itself to achieve.

Lastly, in Spiritual Satanism, we don't teach people stupid values like 'anarchy' or being constantly in consistent and fruitless ego wars with other people. We know such values do not promote wellbeing, or civilization, but we are ready to defy values that may be damning to civilization. We teach people to fight if necessary, we would throw ourselves to fire for freedom and for individuality, but a Spiritual Satanist knows how to create a phlanx with his brothers and sisters when the time requires. We value brotherhood, with order, and sometimes a family character to it. But never to the expense of ego.

And why all of this. Because we have met Him who is called Satan.

"God" is not our slave, our fanboy, or something that we use as a car to get us where we want. Our "God" is our God, and so many more things than God, because today this word is empty and means a lot of abrahamic nonsense. Why do we respect Satan? Simply: because He is magnificent, He is known to us, He is the Eternal, and the Eternal can manifest itself. Because there is no reason why 'not'. We consider Humanity worthy. "God" or any being of 'innumerable' capability should, and is able to do this as well, to relate to people in development.

We don't teach "God" is hate, or "love". Our Gods are real beings, and like us, only infinite times more advanced, have ways which we have to understand. Our Gods are not hiding to those who have eyes to see and ears to listen.

Satan doesn't claim the position of 'God', let alone any jewish 'god'. They on the other hand, claimed HIS position, with destructive aftermath for them. Satan has had His eternal throne in all Ancient Civilizations. Satan's position is, has been, and will forever be higher and inconceivable compared to 'God'. Satan also, is the only one who leads to the 'universal consciousness' that many people call "God", but in the East is called Atman: The state of supreme consciousness of creation or simply 'god', called Samadhi, and reached by Satan's Divine Name, SA-TA-NA-MA.

We are blessed to understand that the universe on its own does not 'hate' anyone, let alone favor anyone, all of which we know to be abrahamic lies. The universe is Nature, and nature rewards or damns, depending on our choices. Some people to mystify this term, they call it 'karma', or even worse in the jewish conspiracy, they pretend this universe is a jew that hates all non-jews. So much of their disturbing lies.

As we understand Him, we call Him God, but He is so much more. He is revealed to anyone, but also the ultimate, greatest, most beautiful and the most magnificent Mystery in Creation. There are no words to describe Him, but we try. Spiritual Satanism is the Eternal Way from which we follow into the Absolute.

Spiritual Satanism is the Now, the Past, and the Forever.

Spiritual Satanism is the gateway to the Eternal Truth of the Cosmos, our Father Satan Lucifer, the God of Light, Splendor and everlasting Strength.

Spiritual Satanism is Truth, Meaning, Life, and Perfection. All this is Satan, and infinitely more.

We are approaching Him and understanding Him, that which many like to call "God", but we know how to call as Satan, whose name is Eternal Truth. To us He is real, existing, and visible to those who want to see Him. We also make sure to display what is best of our God, and people who use the Gods in the same way as the enemy dogmas do, we abolish their rights them and we drive them away. This is because, unlike xians, we know our Gods are real, are Gods are existing, and lastly, our Gods do deliver justice...

We worship Truth, approached and grasped closely by spirituality, which in anyway, enlivens and makes beings better, stronger, but also more peaceful, because it makes humans raise in consciousness and become more intelligent.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Greetings to all our Satanic People and Comrades.

A sister in the groups made a comment about how she explains things to people, but they cannot take it. The things might be simple, such as the problem-reaction-solution formula the jews are doing to remain in power. All those of you who read my posts, this is why they are so long. I thoroughly explain things to everyone, because I care about everyone.

In our lives we encounter a lot of people. A lot of people are naturally 'intelligent' but there are many types of intelligence. One example is these people who are university decorated, but cannot figure out for example that their own mother is depressed or something. Other people are very emotionally intelligent, but they cannot get it out. Others are so called 'average intelligence' people, that you would be surprised how many things they understand.

In life, the simpler the people, the more things people actually understand. This is because as their thinking is more simple, they can see things simply and they believe their own eyes. Of course this is not idea everytime, but on some matters, its heaven-sent and exactly what is necessary for the moment. A person who sees a woman that is raped and is a farmer, will far more easily do the right thing and try to help or call the police. A high-strung super 'intelligent' cuck, may run or something. A farmer understands easily about the mudslime crisis and the pisslamic terrorists, but other more 'studied' people will always fail to get it, unless of course, they are intelligent in more things than in academia.

I have also noticed that people who consider themselves 'intelligent', also do lie a lot. They are afraid basically to say the truth and they constantly run in circles to bend everything. This is largely what 'clever' people are supposed to do, and this is a jewish teaching. Eventually, they are found out for frauds, and they are rimmed and get what they deserve by others. Obviously, use common sense: what I say here does not apply when communicating with zombies and many others. Its just a general discussion. This is because many such people are weak, and the list goes on. No matter how 'intellectual' one is, a bully can punch them in the face, and that's all.

Take another example. If you try to 'explain' to a cucked feminist, however many 'degrees' they have, they will never understand fairly simple things that you do explain. This is because they are not really 'educated' in this sense, they just did spent more years reading heavenly theories and other things that are inapplicable with reality, generated mainly by jews exactly of that: to suck and be unreal. Education is necessary, but keep AWARE and don't let jews school you. The jews pass poison through education. You need to rule this out and not accept passively.

For a similar issue. You go to some village in Africa and you ask a person there who hardly knows to read, why for example Pisslamics are coming in Europe or other things. You will get straight, real replies. Money, rape, spreading Islamism and the list goes. Who would be more genius in this case. The brother in Africa or the cucked feminist?

The soap bubbles in the West are conditioned to not think in these terms, as this is 'evil', but unfortunately, most of the world does actually think in these terms. If people don't have this ability, or reject to even KNOW that such animalistic thinking exist, they will be victims of this. Their intelligence is in fact, a hindrance. They cannot see the world as it really is, or as others do in reality see it. This is a high disadvantage for "survival" in situations like this we are going through.

Spiritual Satanism is a club for elite people and souls with higher morale and higher understanding. Unlike cattle herd people, we actually crave to expose ourselves to that which is higher and better. We don't feel bad for it, and for those in the lower levels that may feel hate, we trans-mutate it to go forward in our own self. Satanism at this point is not for everyone because most people are actually too weak to handle the downward spiral of self esteem, an uncontrollable mind, etc, the enemy has imposed.

We understand nature. Nothing needs to be equal. What I mean from this post, is that if people were meditating and advancing, their intelligence would grow a lot, to the point most people would have healthy and sane reasoning in the very least. Basically, look at yourself and how much you have grown, and you will understand how much it can go. For those who don't become more clever, they would at least be and feel better - less crime, less psychological problems, less death and anguish. The universe wants to give pleasure to everyone for free. Its just people don't take this, thanks to jews.

You don't need to be a rocket science expert, just get it. Everyone shrinks compared to a God for example, in everything there is for us to 'compare' ourselves with them. Those who think themselves as their 'equals', just have no idea of what of beings we are talking about, and they need to look deeper.

Infrequently we see attention whoring and other people who are empty, and need a feeling by the time and attention of the Satanic community. It comes in many forms. These people have nothing to offer, and they think they are too important. Little do they see that they suffer from an energetic inflation: as someone who pathologically destroys their self esteem no matter if they are a great person or not, these people pathologically fill it up even if they are a whack person in reality. They suffer from the same disease, but it manifests differently. One is too slim, the other one is MacDonalds obese. That's all.

When you go outside and you see people fucked up in the head, just know, its just spiritual degradation. You can see this here in the group. We have people from all Races, cultures, backrounds, but we can still conversate and everyone eventually gets one another. Everyone advances. Everyone is on the bright side if they just put themselves to it. We are a family of multitudes.

No xian or anyone else can state the same, in the least. These people while they have 'renounced' the values of the vultures, are the real faithless vultures they have 'renounced'. We are the 'beasts' with the 'bad morality' but we behave nothing closely like it. Guess what. Because we just follow natural dictate so nature rewards by healing us. These fools go against nature and nature curses them.

It may seem like a miracle to others how we can maintain a community with the ideas that we do, and the goals that we do, but well, it is miraculous, but the thing is, WHY? Because everyone of us maintains the SATYAN- Eternal True path, to enlightenment.

This opens up the mind. It makes one expand their horizons and be really able to ingrain things into their mind. One also learns the value of change, and stop assosciating themselves like a kid that has a complex that all the mistakes of the world are their own. People start to face reality in how they are insidie, and this produces pleasure after the initial shock of a neglected self. Then the pleasure is immense and power starts to grow bigger everyday. So long everyone advances, everyone is happy, this is what many people don't know.

Now lastly, the jews are intelligent, YES, but many people forget WHY they are intelligent. Many of you go around the street, and because you are spiritually awake, you will notice strange things such as jews looking at you, being afraid of you, sneering at you, whatever. You wake to another world. In fact, most jews are aware to this level themselves. They are walking this world around as awakened towards the asleep.

They are in fact worried to see YOU there, on 'THEIR' level. "What do we have here, a Goyim that is awakening?". Do not worry guys, this is not terminator, and 99% percent of jews don't understand 'what' you are specifically, so DO NOT grow paranoid. All they feel is a natural instinct to coerce you, or run away from you, without knowing the details. However, unlike Gentiles, they are NOT oblivious on an instinctive level.

The Rabbis are doing racial magick to keep the jews awake on a racial level, and controlled by the Torah unconsciously. It doesn't matter what the average jew does, the Rabbis have the controller. They can play whatever, that they are opposed to them, xians, or even interested to be "Satanists" or some other joke. The reality is on the blood. Something which the enemy knows.

These jews are on a higher level than others, and they from this level cast down to the lower levels fog, mist, and dust in the eyes of people. This is why you can see after a point of advancement, that most things mean to confuse, coerce, make-believe and do other shit to people, are made by a jew, or a jew is always an associate. This is not you a jew being an antisemite, this is you becoming aware.

The jews are an alien soul.

When people get this, that these beings are aliens acting as overlords here, and that they do not belong to the earth naturally, they will figure out why they do all this. In fact even someone simply reading the Torah will just understand their mentality, as they were dumb enough to keep it in paper.

Satan is only fought against by the jews because he is the Truth and teacher of Meditation. So long people get stuck in the 3rd dimension, those like jews who hover just a bit above, can always lie to them and deceive them. Satanas abolishes this ability from these beings to lie to everyone.

They have numerous prayers they channel to their people every day. Jews are a cursed race, they are not gifted. Most races in humanity have decent health for example. Jews don't. But they have the stolen culture and they use it for themselves. This is why they find these 'chances', always make 'profits' and other things. Of course, we have Gentiles that are PROGRAMMED to be stupid and victims. This plus magick, makes a dangerous combination. However, there is nothing 'unable' to be defeated behind this.

The jews do some daily prayers like the Shema prayer, and other prayers, who just have an effect of a normal meditation session. The jews don't really meditate, they just channel the siphoned energy by xianity and Pisslam. So long they lose followers, their power will decrease. They are dependent on blood intake. In fact, everyone with spiritual knowledge can become aware, except of flat out, clinical retards.

The spiritual damnation and darkness, manifests in ignorance in the physical and in all other realms, a desire to waste one's life and one's existence, and a lack of understanding, compassion, and also fighting spirit all together.

Lastly, this is just for general knowledge. This is not to make you think that a race mixing, leftist scumbag, drug user, will magickally be saved at some point, and you need to play the savior. Many people are beyond any 'saving' and also, you need to save yourself and keep yourselves safe as Satanists above all. Secrecy is the most important thing in the world we are living in. Our RTR's will bring the world into a different footing, where in the light of the Age of Aquarius, we will have far better of a scene to project our message.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


"Hate Crimes" Against Jews?

White Genocidal Lullably

Come by and check Azazel's Marketplace!

The Scary Nazism in "Satanism" : JoyofSatan666

It's funny how a label changes everything.

I notice many called 'Satanists' do get afraid by things like Nazism, and without evidence or against evidence, they are very ready to attack the notions of Satanism. Little do they observe that they actually follow these and put these in their lives, the moment they come into an alliance with whom they call as the "Dark Lord". There is a lot of emo that goes there, and many of these people on purpose throw away the history and the NS history of Satanism, such as how the NS and the dark sinister Satanism were both perceived as the worse of the worst.

For example, Satanism is about being strong and self reliant. Defending your honor etc. These notions put under he label of National Socialism scare these otherwise wise and intellectual people.

Satanism follows nature. To not racemix is not really nothing but following natures dictation. Ideally one should seek the best for their offspring, same as all animals, and incessant race mixing through generations weakens people, lowers IQ and makes many other perils happen which should better be avoided.

They say they are also against stupidity, which is a common Satanic law. I beg you pardon, so if beings are born with an IQ lower than a retard, is this good? This again explains the race mixing thing. We cannot be gambling with nature. Nothing that promotes retardation should be accepted. The same goes of all these useless, infested by Jews, practices of sacrifice etc.

As about one's living "lair" or space and how this is to not be intruded. Even if thought from an animalistic standby, it make sure perfect sense that people love their country, protect their natural territory en masse (country/continent) and maintain others who are of the same species as them. Most people in nowadays world don't even have a house or territory anymore. Unlike this system of rent, the NS wanted to give all families and people affordable housing.

Mind you there are also nut cases who are like accepting to jewsus, Mohamed, Jews, and they dare take the name of Satan in their so called religious title. They act as if all is fine just different beliefs. Maybe for THEM it is, but for the others? Meanwhile, these people whom they accept, would gladly have their gutters for supper, in more or less uncivilized ways. IQ level, dumb stone level.

Another thing is individuality, and somehow neglecting herd mentality. The majority of the people are no longer a herd at all. Most humans are egoistical fucks since the uprising of the civil society/town life. Everyone thinks they are a super drama hero, living their own life of Hollywood. Individualism is really not a revolutionary value at all, hasn't been for more than 300 years, it's more than obviously herd mentality. These so called individuals are also some of the most easily controlled and malleable creatures ever created, being the most submissive followers of government to ever exist,

National Socialism is not pro or against massive or individual, everything just goes where it's met. But I guess it's really bad about ones freedom and Satanic individuality to have exercise programs, healthy gender relations, education, focus on personal health etc. Today's individuality of "Satanism" cannot be like that of the NS of course. It has to be just emo, druggie, weed party, because these are highly individual as you can see, and not literally the cattle herd incarnate. Even though more people fry their brain with spaz anymore than those who don't. Yay for free-doom.

Then we have anti-Semitic ideology which is a problem. What is honestly the problem with "antisemitism" if you are a Satanist? This is the race that wrote the slander, defamations, lies about us, even Satanists in general. They are the race of jesuits and many others who would gladly fry us alive, irrespectively of if a few members of theirs of blood may have pretended to think other otherwise. Also, just WHY be a philosemite?

Should it be obligatory in the Satanism where supposedly one does love who they want and hate who they want? Obviously not. Unless it comes for kikes and somehow having to accept them at all costs. Why is that again. Because well kikes as the Torah says, are supposed to have all the goyim's doors open to enjoy as they see fit. Jews and their methods of animal sacrifice and other rabbinical defamations have made Satanism look evil, dark, stupid. They have wrote, aside with their followers who espoused their ideas, all the evil, emo, deathly crap about Satanism. What is there to love exactly, unless one is a similar morbid lowlife?

There is no reason to be philosemetic, but when one does the research there are many reasons to be antisemetic.

There is no reason why one should like or not even be non-spiritually aggressive against Jews. Especially when evidence has piled up so greatly it's not even a joke anymore about their racial lobbying and activities, that happen on the expense of all others. So to deny this... One transgresses therefore only to the realm of cowardice, stupidity, or of course being themselves a Jew.

Then we have self gratification. Where does National Socialism go against self gratification? The fact that it banishes Hollywood beliefs? National Socialism doesn't put restrains to sexuality or any other form of gratification. The frivolous gangbangs down to family joy and gratification were all available in NS Germany.

Another honorable thing in Satanism should be logic, common sense, and scientific inquiry. National Socialism never, ever, went against any of these, they also pushed science beyond the subhuman, cucked limitations. While respecting natural boundaries such as the atomic bomb. Much of the technolgy, inventions, and scientific foundations actually did come from the so called Nazis as well. They just applied the science that was known at the time to their movement. It was 1940's anyway.

Lastly and most importantly. Satanism is advancement. To advance, become, overcome and become better and stronger. This is infact the focus of National Socialism. It is what National Socialism is on a political level. A battle for a state as a mass entity, same as the people within it, to rise above limitations, above fate, and become their own "Gods" through the advancement of Science, arts, culture etc.

If you follow any of the above you are in essence already a National Socialist to an extent, and in mindset. The association and alliance with a Satan and the Gods, even indirectly, name these values as you want, but THESE are the values they have passed down their followers anyway, in all their multitude.

Lastly on an occult standpoint, the NS literally believed to whom to Xians and Jews, was Satan. This is evident in all of the enemy's writings. Satan was the giver of their spiritual agenda, let alone their occultism and all spiritual tenets were Pagan, Satanic, you name it: the return of what was abolished as Satanism by the abrahamic frontiers. One also cannot deny the art and how closely ritualistic it was, like the SS uniform, the rings, the daggers, and all these other cool stuffs some Satanists still decide to wear as part of the black metal scene. This type of fashion really began there long time. The skulls, deaths head, equal arms cross, etc etc, as alchemical allegories in dressing or art.

In closing verdict what is the problem and the unrelated nature of the two, nowhere. It's just personal bias on most people's plate, or Jewish blood in their chains, sorry I meant veins, or just the indoctrination of emo Satanism that they have underwent by Jews again.

It's just that Jews feel non comfy and their hardwired Torah cannot take it that they can no longer dictate lies and defame whom they hate the most. Ha-Satan, the Adversary in their own hebrew . It's a natural revenge over the non Jews speaking about their own faith once again, which the Jews have defamed under the category of Satanism since forever. So they seek to destroy them for monopoly. Same as they did to Pagans and others who well, we may call Satanists again today if we want a better title.

Στις 12:42 π.μ. Τρίτη, 7 Μαρτίου 2017, ο/η HC <hoodedcobra666@... έγραψε:

Greetings to all our Satanic People and Comrades.

A sister in the groups made a comment about how she explains things to people, but they cannot take it. The things might be simple, such as the problem-reaction-solution formula the jews are doing to remain in power. All those of you who read my posts, this is why they are so long. I thoroughly explain things to everyone, because I care about everyone.

In our lives we encounter a lot of people. A lot of people are naturally 'intelligent' but there are many types of intelligence. One example is these people who are university decorated, but cannot figure out for example that their own mother is depressed or something. Other people are very emotionally intelligent, but they cannot get it out. Others are so called 'average intelligence' people, that you would be surprised how many things they understand.

In life, the simpler the people, the more things people actually understand. This is because as their thinking is more simple, they can see things simply and they believe their own eyes. Of course this is not idea everytime, but on some matters, its heaven-sent and exactly what is necessary for the moment. A person who sees a woman that is raped and is a farmer, will far more easily do the right thing and try to help or call the police. A high-strung super 'intelligent' cuck, may run or something. A farmer understands easily about the mudslime crisis and the pisslamic terrorists, but other more 'studied' people will always fail to get it, unless of course, they are intelligent in more things than in academia.

I have also noticed that people who consider themselves 'intelligent', also do lie a lot. They are afraid basically to say the truth and they constantly run in circles to bend everything. This is largely what 'clever' people are supposed to do, and this is a jewish teaching. Eventually, they are found out for frauds, and they are rimmed and get what they deserve by others. Obviously, use common sense: what I say here does not apply when communicating with zombies and many others. Its just a general discussion. This is because many such people are weak, and the list goes on. No matter how 'intellectual' one is, a bully can punch them in the face, and that's all.

Take another example. If you try to 'explain' to a cucked feminist, however many 'degrees' they have, they will never understand fairly simple things that you do explain. This is because they are not really 'educated' in this sense, they just did spent more years reading heavenly theories and other things that are inapplicable with reality, generated mainly by jews exactly of that: to suck and be unreal. Education is necessary, but keep AWARE and don't let jews school you. The jews pass poison through education. You need to rule this out and not accept passively.

For a similar issue. You go to some village in Africa and you ask a person there who hardly knows to read, why for example Pisslamics are coming in Europe or other things. You will get straight, real replies. Money, rape, spreading Islamism and the list goes. Who would be more genius in this case. The brother in Africa or the cucked feminist?

The soap bubbles in the West are conditioned to not think in these terms, as this is 'evil', but unfortunately, most of the world does actually think in these terms. If people don't have this ability, or reject to even KNOW that such animalistic thinking exist, they will be victims of this. Their intelligence is in fact, a hindrance. They cannot see the world as it really is, or as others do in reality see it. This is a high disadvantage for "survival" in situations like this we are going through.

Spiritual Satanism is a club for elite people and souls with higher morale and higher understanding. Unlike cattle herd people, we actually crave to expose ourselves to that which is higher and better. We don't feel bad for it, and for those in the lower levels that may feel hate, we trans-mutate it to go forward in our own self. Satanism at this point is not for everyone because most people are actually too weak to handle the downward spiral of self esteem, an uncontrollable mind, etc, the enemy has imposed.

We understand nature. Nothing needs to be equal. What I mean from this post, is that if people were meditating and advancing, their intelligence would grow a lot, to the point most people would have healthy and sane reasoning in the very least. Basically, look at yourself and how much you have grown, and you will understand how much it can go. For those who don't become more clever, they would at least be and feel better - less crime, less psychological problems, less death and anguish. The universe wants to give pleasure to everyone for free. Its just people don't take this, thanks to jews.

You don't need to be a rocket science expert, just get it. Everyone shrinks compared to a God for example, in everything there is for us to 'compare' ourselves with them. Those who think themselves as their 'equals', just have no idea of what of beings we are talking about, and they need to look deeper.

Infrequently we see attention whoring and other people who are empty, and need a feeling by the time and attention of the Satanic community. It comes in many forms. These people have nothing to offer, and they think they are too important. Little do they see that they suffer from an energetic inflation: as someone who pathologically destroys their self esteem no matter if they are a great person or not, these people pathologically fill it up even if they are a whack person in reality. They suffer from the same disease, but it manifests differently. One is too slim, the other one is MacDonalds obese. That's all.

When you go outside and you see people fucked up in the head, just know, its just spiritual degradation. You can see this here in the group. We have people from all Races, cultures, backrounds, but we can still conversate and everyone eventually gets one another. Everyone advances. Everyone is on the bright side if they just put themselves to it. We are a family of multitudes.

No xian or anyone else can state the same, in the least. These people while they have 'renounced' the values of the vultures, are the real faithless vultures they have 'renounced'. We are the 'beasts' with the 'bad morality' but we behave nothing closely like it. Guess what. Because we just follow natural dictate so nature rewards by healing us. These fools go against nature and nature curses them.

It may seem like a miracle to others how we can maintain a community with the ideas that we do, and the goals that we do, but well, it is miraculous, but the thing is, WHY? Because everyone of us maintains the SATYAN- Eternal True path, to enlightenment.

This opens up the mind. It makes one expand their horizons and be really able to ingrain things into their mind. One also learns the value of change, and stop assosciating themselves like a kid that has a complex that all the mistakes of the world are their own. People start to face reality in how they are insidie, and this produces pleasure after the initial shock of a neglected self. Then the pleasure is immense and power starts to grow bigger everyday. So long everyone advances, everyone is happy, this is what many people don't know.

Now lastly, the jews are intelligent, YES, but many people forget WHY they are intelligent. Many of you go around the street, and because you are spiritually awake, you will notice strange things such as jews looking at you, being afraid of you, sneering at you, whatever. You wake to another world. In fact, most jews are aware to this level themselves. They are walking this world around as awakened towards the asleep.

They are in fact worried to see YOU there, on 'THEIR' level. "What do we have here, a Goyim that is awakening?". Do not worry guys, this is not terminator, and 99% percent of jews don't understand 'what' you are specifically, so DO NOT grow paranoid. All they feel is a natural instinct to coerce you, or run away from you, without knowing the details. However, unlike Gentiles, they are NOT oblivious on an instinctive level.

The Rabbis are doing racial magick to keep the jews awake on a racial level, and controlled by the Torah unconsciously. It doesn't matter what the average jew does, the Rabbis have the controller. They can play whatever, that they are opposed to them, xians, or even interested to be "Satanists" or some other joke. The reality is on the blood. Something which the enemy knows.

These jews are on a higher level than others, and they from this level cast down to the lower levels fog, mist, and dust in the eyes of people. This is why you can see after a point of advancement, that most things mean to confuse, coerce, make-believe and do other shit to people, are made by a jew, or a jew is always an associate. This is not you a jew being an antisemite, this is you becoming aware.

The jews are an alien soul.

When people get this, that these beings are aliens acting as overlords here, and that they do not belong to the earth naturally, they will figure out why they do all this. In fact even someone simply reading the Torah will just understand their mentality, as they were dumb enough to keep it in paper.

Satan is only fought against by the jews because he is the Truth and teacher of Meditation. So long people get stuck in the 3rd dimension, those like jews who hover just a bit above, can always lie to them and deceive them. Satanas abolishes this ability from these beings to lie to everyone.

They have numerous prayers they channel to their people every day. Jews are a cursed race, they are not gifted. Most races in humanity have decent health for example. Jews don't. But they have the stolen culture and they use it for themselves. This is why they find these 'chances', always make 'profits' and other things. Of course, we have Gentiles that are PROGRAMMED to be stupid and victims. This plus magick, makes a dangerous combination. However, there is nothing 'unable' to be defeated behind this.

The jews do some daily prayers like the Shema prayer, and other prayers, who just have an effect of a normal meditation session. The jews don't really meditate, they just channel the siphoned energy by xianity and Pisslam. So long they lose followers, their power will decrease. They are dependent on blood intake. In fact, everyone with spiritual knowledge can become aware, except of flat out, clinical retards.

The spiritual damnation and darkness, manifests in ignorance in the physical and in all other realms, a desire to waste one's life and one's existence, and a lack of understanding, compassion, and also fighting spirit all together.

Lastly, this is just for general knowledge. This is not to make you think that a race mixing, leftist scumbag, drug user, will magickally be saved at some point, and you need to play the savior. Many people are beyond any 'saving' and also, you need to save yourself and keep yourselves safe as Satanists above all. Secrecy is the most important thing in the world we are living in. Our RTR's will bring the world into a different footing, where in the light of the Age of Aquarius, we will have far better of a scene to project our message.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


"Hate Crimes" Against Jews?

White Genocidal Lullably

Come by and check Azazel's Marketplace!


Greetings to all our People and Satanic Comrades.

I will try to keep this very brief. As our people grow and our side grows in power, the enemy and their lackeys will not just sit down and watch. They will curse, and curse relentlessly to get anyone down. The enemy knows, and many of the people of Satan are Souls with whom the enemy has had problems for a long time.

They hate you because well, you know them. We are not living in a free world. The enemy, who has occult monopoly, flies curses everyday, to destroy and subvert people and maintain strict control over the globe. People who are 'without' can instantly die from such curses, or even worse. Satanists are entitled and very lucky.

The enemy thinks people are cattle, worthless, etc. This is part of their brainwashing. They know it really well that Gentiles, especially those with occult power, are the only people who can challenge their alien authority. In fact, the enemy stole the means that the Satanic Souls of the past have produced, and they are now trying to rally this planet into slavery. This is not a joke. The enemy knows this. Everyone needs to comprehend this fully.

The more you grow spiritually, the more your power will expand, but at the same time, these beings will not be satisfied with this, anymore than a lunatic is not satisfied their time is closing over. The jews and the enemy hive are used to playing with the 'goyim' as if someone plays with pigs on a farm.

The enemy is well aware of what spirituality does, and as you all have seen, the RTR's have cause global changes. There are many freedom fighters on the line, and like the enemy keeps the back of their rotten, so will we keep the back of those who fight for something better for this world. From a person doing their first steps to wake up, down to people in high government that are trying to fight the jews and their alien agenda- its up to us to back them up spiritually.

Think of that: they have NOBODY else. Literally, nobody. All other spiritual circles, plus the hostile enemy and aliens, are against them. This is not an easy fight for them either.

This will only escalate. Nobody must quit. Even if it gets hard, nothing will outweigh the satisfaction of knowing that you have destroyed them, and that you have worked for something great. Satan has made handpicks of His people for a reasoning known to Him. There will be storms, but this should only motivate and reassure people that impact is being made, big time.

Our people have to learn peace, but also to fight. Fighting is necessary, and fighting is what preserves life, especially at a situation such as this. This fake "Peace" is only for the slaves of the enemy who have been flattened and are basically, spiritually dead. Nobody is beating on a dead horse. For the rest who are advancing, there will be some flack, but the benefits far outweigh the problems by infinite times.

Expect of the RTR's (This Schedule Reminder here is the most damaging and we will change it when it has served its purpose: topic18484.html)

Here's what can be done in Monday and Tuesday. Ideally, the Cleaning and Protection, you should be doing EVERYDAY. The cleaning doesn't take time at all, and when you become adept at it, it flows on its own.

Curse Returning and Cleaning:

Curse Returning and Protection:

Lastly, The JoS protection Ritual, its advisable all people do this, so that everyone benefits from the massive energy we are going to raise. We benefit too, and we need to all be indestructible and together to get going. All members gain blessing and protection from this:


Do daily meditations, dwell on the nice, and stay safe.

Our unified success is everyone's success.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Drug (((High))) Explained : JoyofSatan666

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Greetings to our Satanic Family,

Unfortunately we live in a civilization that being stoned is the replacement of spirituality. Therefore I am going to fully explain what is happening on the 'highs' of drugs. And show the facts about these. Because when one doesn't know the facts or buys some lies, one becomes falsely curious. But when you know, well, you know the facts.

To be honest, I believe these particular types of drugs, are developed by the enemy aliens, on purpose, by their 'inspired' followers. If you pay attention most of these drugs were created by the governents or other agencies to just try to hack into the brain for strange purposes, and all have failed at it. These blueprints were later marketed for the 'goyim' to have something 'spiritual' to play with, some fake skittles color in their jewish, colorless life. Which ends up making their goyim life all the worse in the end, and killing them while it robs them all their shekels and life.

Many do really try to act as a cheap replacement of spirituality, which is laughable to all spiritual adepts and others who are rookies but have experienced something. Every now and then people who have tried these, have seen for themselves, that drugs are flattened by the highs or real, Soul meditation.

Now, the physical body has stored hormones/chemicals in it. For people who do not meditate, these chemicals exist there for a reason, such as to be activated on an accident, protection, whatever. Those who hardly ever meditate, their Soul or astral body exists in quite the disassociation from the physical one. This is why many people feel like they do not have a "Soul" at all. Those who are more advanced, or are not in this category, somehow KNOW they do have a Soul. Which is very common as well.

The physical body has its own biochemistry that, for the person who does not meditate, does only to an extent reflect the situation in the chakras. In other words, the Soul has to be activated in a way. Part of how the chakras connect to the physical body, is through the endocrine system. This acts as a connector. For example, a computer (Soul) connects with a screen(physical body), through a cable (connection).

If you mess the cable, you can cause distortions in the screen , that can damage the screen, or the computer. This is a simple example of what the drugs do, in a sense. If you beat the screen with a hammer, or destroy it, you don't really change any computer settings. If you cut the cable, you don't change the computer settings either. The computer is basically the SOURCE, the Soul (astral body). Drugs do not act on this directly, or at all, to improve anything. Mostly, they damage and destroy the computer possibly, such as if you short-circuit the screen. You can however, destroy the screen, and if you do badly, ruin the computer through indirect current. The cable can also be ruined, severing the computer from the screen.

The above is one of the simplest way to explain this.

When one gets into an accident, loses a limb, or is beat senseless, only some things do pass down to the 'immortal' and non-physical part of the Soul. For example, is someone is beat by a club, only the experience or something deeper makes it into the Soul or astral body. The same goes for bullets and many other things. The damage is more emotional, and what causes into the psyche of the person.

Similar is what happens with drugs. For example, the adrenals have some chemicals in for a fight or flight response. When one inhales cocaine, their body as a reaction shoots this chemicals, as such creating a feeling akin to confidence. This has nothing to do with confidence, or the Soul in anyway, as in the Soul PRODUCING it, or being the CAUSE of it. Its just physical reaction of the system. In plain terms, you were the same dumb-ass you were before, you just shoot your adrenal chemicals. When these are out, you return to being the same dumb-ass x2.

If someone bashes your head with a club, you will feel numbness to pain, a release of chemicals to protect you from it, a purely physical response to this stimuli. Briefly, when this is over, these cease, and one starts to feel pain, even if they did not feel pain earlier. Their 'non painful' feeling wasn't really 'real', it was masked by something.

Of course, this burdens the Soul, because it pulls energy that otherwise isn't supposed to be there, let alone in any frequency, from whatever remains in the Soul as storage. In short, these habits do deplete the Soul energy real bad. Cocaine specifically destroy the Solar plexus chakra, because it draws from it to create this expense.

Its basically regressing you spiritually to do drugs like that.

Additionally, this imbalance feeds into the Soul and stays on it. This is artificial, fake, and happens from BELOW to ABOVE, in an disharmonious and damaging way, and at the expense of the whole system. When the Soul is depleted a lot, it starts pulling energy from other chakras, or the aura. Therefore, the holes in the aura and chakras that some people have talked about. The energy is lacking, and therefore, the aura is minimal.

Meditators have a lot of inner energy, which extends outwards, creating an aura of power. Drug users are the exact reverse. This is is why drug users become completely broken in confidence, finances, and many other ways, such as self image. Energy that is supposed to work for one's benefit, just gets sapped from the soul to produce physical reactions.

Another one is heroin. Heroin users say they feel an artificial feeling of being 'loved'. Nobody really loves them, nobody really keeps them 'safe'. Nobody really cares. They are just sitting there like a junkie on the pavement, and nothing has changed but only for the worse: their lives are going downhill even more. They are trying to hack in these altered states without even working for these.

Then we have this other thing "MDMA" which is supposed to make you really happy. Your body has some endophrins stored somewhere, and the reaction to this is to shoot many of them out, making you feel a fake 'happiness'. You aren't even really happy, at all. Your body is being hacked into this. After your (((happy))) time ends, you get what is called a suicide monday and you want to suicide.

This is the natural response of the body that wants to kill itself due to you misusing this. Of course, people think they are in dreamland, and here we go again. Pull more energy from the Soul, damage it further, and of course damn the bodies reserves. Until you eventually die in the street or something, or lose your sanity. This is why the enemy knows and doesn't allow any 'rabbis' or any of their spiritualists to do drugs.

Because when your aura and your chakras become thin as paper, then any entity and any sort of destructive crap can pin on you. This is why the enemy jews with their xianity focus on saving 'drug addicts' and stuff, and turning them into borgs for their agenda.

Another one is the supposed drugs that 'open' the third eye. The real, Satanic, Third Eye, needs a lot of work to open. When this is open, everything can be seen. If you pay attention to drug users, they always see some random, mental crap of their own, lower than the level of the pre-sleep state, or delusional paranoia. They do not see the Truth, let alone have any ability to use this for their advantage or in any way.

They are just passively watching their brain go on a chemical rampage, and many times we have the ugliest of trips that permanently damage their brains. Their experiences have nothing to do with the astral, its just they have messed up their brain chemistry so they see crap floating all over the place. Its not worth it.

If you put 5 minutes a day in working with your 3rd eye, in about 40 days of time, you will notice, no matter how 'inexperienced' you are, that your head will start to open up. Because you adjust to your Soul, you may start having some pain, and some 'strange' sensations. The Soul is slowly coming to life again. All the insight and empowering states will come as a result of the Soul, not of some jewish joke.

The Satanist who opens the third eye and masters it, can see present and future, can see lies from falsehood, and many other empowering abilities. One really sees the spiritual levels as well.

The drug 'high' is really a low.

Real meditation highs do actually come FROM stimulation from the Soul, DOWN to the body. In other words, they happen due to an increase in the Soul power, which is the light, and these come down to the physical body as an increase and altered states. This is typical in pineal meditation. Pineal meditation can cause highs that put all the artificial "highs" to shame.

Not only it doesn't harm you, and there is no 'drawback', but it is natural and it doesn't mess the balance of your body, leaving you in paranoia or endless depression. This is why meditation has to be done daily. As the forces raise, they have to be raised harmoniously, and the body gradually adjusts to the higher levels, in which the power becomes permanent.

"Highs" are the result of the empowered soul, and they also over time become permanent. Additionally, one's consciousness is raising, which is exactly WHY this is happening. Not some funny pill that one will urinate out of their system. These do result from the 'immortal' Soul. Your Soul is what you take into your next lifetime, adjusting your body into this high, and generally, putting you permanently on a higher level of being, away from misery, pain, spiritual and material impoverishment and all the other crap that torments those who don't work spiritually.

What you rise towards, you will get.

I hope this settles the drug question.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Greetings to all our People and Satanic Comrades.

As for today, we have done the rituals that have to do with protection and channeling back the energies of the enemy. Of course, we continue on the RTR's as we must.

I am writing this to remind everyone of the RTR's Schedules we are following. We are doing the same exact schedule.

Just through the Week, we need to add this very small RTR which is on the current date.

We need to add this one sometimes a week to prevent any jewish war from happening again. This is disgusting and this can cause massive damage. The enemy profits from war in the Middle East. It must stop and cease completely from happening. This not only kills many people, but it kills many Gentiles and enforces the (((Immigration))) agenda.

This also indirectly destroys the middle eastern, jewish created "Terror" groups. Namely the blasphemous, jewish created and named ((("Isis"))). Because the purpose of this group is to messacre the ME, and cause internal warfare to kill millions, plus attempt to kill as many Europeans as possible, while wiping out Pagan culture.

Satan gives us the means to change everything of the above, and foil all plans. We must make use of this knowledge to no end.

Below the schedule

Reverse Torah Ritual # 1 to Prevent another War

Vibrate the paragraph below 9 times:


State with conviction 9 times:

• Vibrate AUM
• The God of Israel Has Lost All Power
• The Jews Have Permanently and Completely Lost all Power and Influence Over Gentiles
• The Prophesies of War, Destruction and Desolation Against Gentiles have Failed Completely and Permanently
• Vibrate AUM


End of Ritual

Reversing the 72 Letter Name:


All you need to do is vibrate the 4 lines [72 three letter names] below at least one time, preferably three times.
































After vibrating SATANAS, state with conviction 6 times:

The Jews are fully exposed to the world
The Jews have lost all protection
The Gates of Satan have permanently opened wide
The Jews have lost all of their influence and power over Gentiles
The Jews have lost all of their power, control, and influence over the world
Gentiles are powerfully and effectively reacting against the Jews

Vibrate AUM


Reverse Torah Ritual: Restoring Communications







After vibrating the above paragraph 9 times, state with conviction 9 times:

Vibrate AUM
The Jews have lost all control of the media and of all communications totally, completely and permanently
All media and communications are now free for Gentiles
Vibrate AUM


End of Ritual


42 Names Reversal









After vibrating SATANAS, state with conviction 6 times:

• The Jews have lost all protection

• The Gates of Satan have permanently opened wide

• Gentiles are reacting against the Jews

• The Jews have lost all of their influence over Gentiles

• The Jews have lost all of their powers to control events

• The Jews have lost all of their power, control, and influence over the world


Vibrate AUM


End of Ritual


Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations


Vibrate the following paragraph of words 9 times. What this means is vibrate each of the words below, every word from the first word to the last. That is one time. Then, vibrate the same again and again until you have done this 9 times.






After vibrating the above paragraph 9 times:

Vibrate V/W--AH--V/W V/W--AH--V/W V/W--AH--V/W
[Pronounced V/W--AHH--V/W]

Then, state with conviction 9 times:

All Gentiles are completely free of any and all Jewish control, Jewish laws, and Jewish enforced rulership.
All Gentiles are completely free of any and all Jewish commands, coercion, threats, directions, and demands.
All Gentiles are completely free to govern their own nations without any Jewish interference whatsoever.
The Jews have totally and completely lost all power, domination, interference and authority over Gentiles and their affairs.

After you have stated the above affirmation 9 times, vibrate
V/W--AH--V/W V/W--AH--V/W V/W--AH--V/W
once again to close the ritual.


End of Ritual

_____________________________ http://www.joyofsatan.org


"Hate Crimes" Against Jews?

White Genocidal Lullably

Come by and check Azazel's Marketplace!


Στις 1:08 π.μ. Δευτέρα, 13 Μαρτίου 2017, ο/η HC <hoodedcobra666@... έγραψε:

Greetings to all our People and Satanic Comrades.

I will try to keep this very brief. As our people grow and our side grows in power, the enemy and their lackeys will not just sit down and watch. They will curse, and curse relentlessly to get anyone down. The enemy knows, and many of the people of Satan are Souls with whom the enemy has had problems for a long time.

They hate you because well, you know them. We are not living in a free world. The enemy, who has occult monopoly, flies curses everyday, to destroy and subvert people and maintain strict control over the globe. People who are 'without' can instantly die from such curses, or even worse. Satanists are entitled and very lucky.

The enemy thinks people are cattle, worthless, etc. This is part of their brainwashing. They know it really well that Gentiles, especially those with occult power, are the only people who can challenge their alien authority. In fact, the enemy stole the means that the Satanic Souls of the past have produced, and they are now trying to rally this planet into slavery. This is not a joke. The enemy knows this. Everyone needs to comprehend this fully.

The more you grow spiritually, the more your power will expand, but at the same time, these beings will not be satisfied with this, anymore than a lunatic is not satisfied their time is closing over. The jews and the enemy hive are used to playing with the 'goyim' as if someone plays with pigs on a farm.

The enemy is well aware of what spirituality does, and as you all have seen, the RTR's have cause global changes. There are many freedom fighters on the line, and like the enemy keeps the back of their rotten, so will we keep the back of those who fight for something better for this world. From a person doing their first steps to wake up, down to people in high government that are trying to fight the jews and their alien agenda- its up to us to back them up spiritually.

Think of that: they have NOBODY else. Literally, nobody. All other spiritual circles, plus the hostile enemy and aliens, are against them. This is not an easy fight for them either.

This will only escalate. Nobody must quit. Even if it gets hard, nothing will outweigh the satisfaction of knowing that you have destroyed them, and that you have worked for something great. Satan has made handpicks of His people for a reasoning known to Him. There will be storms, but this should only motivate and reassure people that impact is being made, big time.

Our people have to learn peace, but also to fight. Fighting is necessary, and fighting is what preserves life, especially at a situation such as this. This fake "Peace" is only for the slaves of the enemy who have been flattened and are basically, spiritually dead. Nobody is beating on a dead horse. For the rest who are advancing, there will be some flack, but the benefits far outweigh the problems by infinite times.

Expect of the RTR's (This Schedule Reminder here is the most damaging and we will change it when it has served its purpose: topic18484.html)

Here's what can be done in Monday and Tuesday. Ideally, the Cleaning and Protection, you should be doing EVERYDAY. The cleaning doesn't take time at all, and when you become adept at it, it flows on its own.

Curse Returning and Cleaning:

Curse Returning and Protection:

Lastly, The JoS protection Ritual, its advisable all people do this, so that everyone benefits from the massive energy we are going to raise. We benefit too, and we need to all be indestructible and together to get going. All members gain blessing and protection from this:


Do daily meditations, dwell on the nice, and stay safe.

Our unified success is everyone's success.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Christianity, Islam and Judaism = Counter-Cultures : JoyofSatan666

[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]

What everyone needs to understand is that the tribe of jews never had their own culture. Everything is stolen. What these beings could only do, is conjure counter-cultures, from the cultures of their host populations and civilizations. This is why, in what they have labelled as "Satanism", collective term for Gentile Paganism, everything is reversed.

Imaginary thoughforms of the jews are the 'good', some jew named jewsus is the savior, and jews are kings. Exactly the reverse of what the cultures of their native hosts had. The jews have created counter-cultures all the time. This is still practiced to this day. Instead of making anything, they stole the pattern, and reversed the meanings in it.

Then, this counter-culture was imposed on the native population by war, bloodshed, and was imposed as the "NORMAL" and the "REAL" culture. All those who knew or believed otherwise, were killed and slaughtered. As they destroyed the knowledge of the past culture, the real cultures ceased to be known, and the counter-culture they created to benefit the jewish race, became the 'real' culture of their host.

The story of jewsus is stolen from Pagan Gods, the letters of the jewish alphabet, the style of writing the books, the list goes. In the same way the jews steal the blood of the people due to hybrid-ization and race mixing, to infiltrate, the same pattern is done in their so called 'culture'.

They steal the physical appearance of the victim by race-mixing with the native populations, and inject different content in it. The distortions are present, but not anyone can see them, especially if their own culture doesn't wake them up to this fact. Unless one's sense and knowledge is strong, they cannot notice the small, wearing differences, or the complete reversals. Magick of the jews covers their tracks, and they push this process for centuries.

This is why all the Demons are Pagan Gods, Satan has went from the light of the World and Truth, to being the 'abomination', and why jews have went from slaves and beings of excrement to world rulers. This process took hundreds of years, but was eventually successful. Now, we have dumb-asses who think 'Christianity' and Judaism filth are part of their own 'culture' and 'race'. Therefore, the jews always maintain these 'cultures' going.

Culture defines the definitions about life and society. What is good, bad, or evil. What people give their attention and existence to. Instead of any of these being good or beneficial for the survival of the people who make up this culture, the 'cultures' of today just serve the jews, and their agenda and race. Therefore, jews are made into 'god' by parasitism of the native power, work, labor, and psychic energy of their victims. When this process finalizes, not even this fake ass culture is needed, as it has served its purpose.

Then, the jews push what we know politically as 'communism' and remove all culture, identity, and everything that defines their living slaves, even if its corrupted and hijacked. The slave looses all identity, and in the jewish wet dream, the jews rule supreme over the powerless cattle and slaves, now and for all eternity.

One when they get this concept they have understood mostly what the jews does, and you can notice their operation. In plain, they copy, creating a perverted copy of anything, and then they keep doing this while forcing the copies as the original, mainly by violence and distorted xians and other debilitates who are infected by their lies.

The same thing is done by a cell that is infected by a virus. The virus instills the destroyed DNA into the cell, the cell replicates with the virus encoded in it, and this process keeps going, growing the virus with it, unless of course the body's defenses end this process. The jew works like a virus and a parasite in many ways.

"We are the Antidote" - Lilith

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Erdogan playing the passive aggressive, kike victim, who wants to obliterate and wipe out Europe. Through Jihad and the spread of Pisslamism. Is actually urging his fellows to procreate like rabbits in Europe to wipe out the native populations. Supposedly on the pretext of that they are being 'wronged'.

So 'wronged' they are living in the world's most developed countries, in contrast to his shitty created "Turkey". And get free stuff, such as pensions, and many other things. Aside with millions of Islamic, ISIS terrorists and other invaders whom Erdogan pushes through the Greco-Italian European borders. Using the jew-talk of trying to play the 'wronged'.

An amount of Turkish people have actually assimilated to an extent in Europe. For better or for worse. Many do in fact hate Erdogan because they know he is a deceiver and Pisslamist. They however want them to be radicalized. In Germany there are millions of Turks. Now how many will turn and be with "Europe" and how many will focus the larger wave of Islamism that the jews are trying to bring. That's another question. Erdogan hopes its most of them. And judging from history, it will be most, most probably.

He is basically urging them to replace the native European population by out-breeding and trying to get up in the top of the social ladder. So they can steal Europe from within, with elections, and with Europe being unable to in anyway vote themselves out. Since half of the population will be invaders, browns, and pisslamics which will later be radicalized if they are not already.

The cuckolds and excrement of the European Jew-nion have been welcoming this for decades, with ignorance that is done on purpose. Becuase the goal of the European Jewnion was to break the pan-European bonds for European states, by creating a superstate that would abuse all states and make the European people into a complete mixed race.

The jews created the European Jew-nion to hijack any possible unification between European Whites, and completely destroy European relations forever. If they would succeed, they would create a USSR that governs upon race-mixed cattle, with jews on the top. This goal is the "Fulfillment of Europe" or the "Kallergi Plan". Outbreeding is a way to do this directly as well.

Therefore, to bring life in Europe one needs to be a super comfortable thousands a month, casher. While immigrants and other invaders get triple and four digits a month to sit and look at the sun. And feed their five or more children. This is deliberate. Of course, this is European, tax payer, worked and toiled for, money.

From the News:

http://www.newindianexpress.com/world/2 ... 09--1.html

"From here I say to my citizens, I say to my brothers and sisters in Europe... Educate your children at better schools, make sure your family live in better areas, drive in the best cars, live in the best houses," said Erdogan.

"Have five children, not three. You are Europe's future."

If you do not understand or know about the situation. Learn from here:

Crypto Jew Erdogan, Islamism and the 'Coup'

Turkey: Head of the Islamic (((Caliphate)))
This was Posted by HPS Maxine Dietrich, a year ago. We have done this with monumental changes in White awareness. All White Satanists need to do this Ritual, or at repeat it.

For people who are of the Black Race there is ALSO an ongoing Ritual: Here is the link.

http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/pixie66 ... Ritual.pdf

Asian people are thankfully more culturally aware than the Black and White people, especially at this point. The time will come when we will do a ritual to wipe of the jewish veneer from their midst as well specifically. In that, many Asian people have stood luckier than both White and Black people.


March 21-23 [Sun should be 0 degrees into Aries]
This is the time for beginning major workings such as the Magnum Opus, which is begun at 3:00 am, during the hour of Satan.

Ostara is a powerful Pagan date for Growth, the opening of Spring, where Sun enters Aries. Its a very powerful date to start things and spark things into action or make them more fertile and lively. We need the awareness of Gentile people to raise higher, and gradually, to remove the enemy from within our midst.

Those who have done it then, we are basically repeating these Rituals to add more power to them. The all important, Satanic celebration of Ostara, is the time where Sun enters Aries. This is a most important day of new beginnings, birth, and of empowering things to reach fruition. Ostara belongs to the Goddess Astaroth, the Goddess of War and Fertility.


*If someone cannot carve or write the Runes, or consecrate with blood, at the very least, intently vibrate these!

Ritual to Incite White Awareness and Action

Either write or carve the following Runes:

Óðal Sól Óss

The Runes can be carved into wood, or written on paper. If you carve the Runes, vibrate each Rune while you are carving it.

To increase the power of the Runes, when performing this ritual for the first time, you can stain them with your blood. Given the dire situation of our race, this ritual needs all the power we can give it. If staining in blood, this should only be done one time. You should be continuously vibrating the name of the Rune when staining it.

There are different ways of vibrating the Runes. Feel free to use whatever suits you. The combinations of everyone performing the ritual will come together in power.

To repeat this ritual, just focus on your carved or written Runes and vibrate them as follows below. Your Rune board or paper should be securely stored in a safe place and only taken out when performing this ritual.


Raise your energies. [See link below], and recite the following prayer:

In The Name of Satan, we call forth the Powers of Hell, the Original, and True Gods of the White Race to come forth and manifest themselves. Satan, True God, Almighty and Ineffable, Who hast Fathered the White Aryan Race that reflects in Thine own image and likeness, we ask you to bestow your powers upon us.

Awaken all of our White Aryan People to the Jewish menace that works to destroy us. Incite our White Aryan People into action. Instill our White Aryan Ancestral Pride. Awaken our White Aryan Brothers and Sisters to the Menace of Christianity, Islam, and related Jewish programs so that they all may be completely and thoroughly destroyed forever.

Bestow the Power of Your Protection to our White Race and White Children worldwide.

Praise, Honor and Glory be given to You, Our True Father and to Our Original Gods!! We are Your Direct Descendants and Children!!

The above prayer can be either recited out loud or in your mind.

Now, vibrate Óðal, Sól, Óss, 88 times, while focusing on your Runes. You vibrate these together, not separately. Óðal, Sól, Óss is one round, then Óðal, Sól, Óss…

When you are finished, recite the following with intent:

All White People are now racially aware
All White People are critically aware of the Jewish problem
All White People are taking action to secure the existence of our White Race
All White People are working towards a secure future for our White Children


Then close the ritual by stating:


For those of you who are experienced, you can raise your energies doing whatever works for you.

Raising Your Energies:

http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Ra ... ergies.htm

Pdf copy of The Runic Kabalah

http://web.archive.org/web/201506030019 ... abalah.pdf

Audio Mp3 Zip File of the Runic Kabalah:

http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Run ... o%20CD.zip

JoS Webpage of the Runes:

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... balah.html

PDF Copy of this ritual:


Στις 5:35 π.μ. Σάββατο, 18 Μαρτίου 2017, ο/η HC <hoodedcobra666@... έγραψε:


Erdogan playing the passive aggressive, kike victim, who wants to obliterate and wipe out Europe. Through Jihad and the spread of Pisslamism. Is actually urging his fellows to procreate like rabbits in Europe to wipe out the native populations. Supposedly on the pretext of that they are being 'wronged'.

So 'wronged' they are living in the world's most developed countries, in contrast to his shitty created "Turkey". And get free stuff, such as pensions, and many other things. Aside with millions of Islamic, ISIS terrorists and other invaders whom Erdogan pushes through the Greco-Italian European borders. Using the jew-talk of trying to play the 'wronged'.

An amount of Turkish people have actually assimilated to an extent in Europe. For better or for worse. Many do in fact hate Erdogan because they know he is a deceiver and Pisslamist. They however want them to be radicalized. In Germany there are millions of Turks. Now how many will turn and be with "Europe" and how many will focus the larger wave of Islamism that the jews are trying to bring. That's another question. Erdogan hopes its most of them. And judging from history, it will be most, most probably.

He is basically urging them to replace the native European population by out-breeding and trying to get up in the top of the social ladder. So they can steal Europe from within, with elections, and with Europe being unable to in anyway vote themselves out. Since half of the population will be invaders, browns, and pisslamics which will later be radicalized if they are not already.

The cuckolds and excrement of the European Jew-nion have been welcoming this for decades, with ignorance that is done on purpose. Becuase the goal of the European Jewnion was to break the pan-European bonds for European states, by creating a superstate that would abuse all states and make the European people into a complete mixed race.

The jews created the European Jew-nion to hijack any possible unification between European Whites, and completely destroy European relations forever. If they would succeed, they would create a USSR that governs upon race-mixed cattle, with jews on the top. This goal is the "Fulfillment of Europe" or the "Kallergi Plan". Outbreeding is a way to do this directly as well.

Therefore, to bring life in Europe one needs to be a super comfortable thousands a month, casher. While immigrants and other invaders get triple and four digits a month to sit and look at the sun. And feed their five or more children. This is deliberate. Of course, this is European, tax payer, worked and toiled for, money.

From the News:

http://www.newindianexpress.com/world/2 ... 09--1.html

"From here I say to my citizens, I say to my brothers and sisters in Europe... Educate your children at better schools, make sure your family live in better areas, drive in the best cars, live in the best houses," said Erdogan.

"Have five children, not three. You are Europe's future."

If you do not understand or know about the situation. Learn from here:

Crypto Jew Erdogan, Islamism and the 'Coup'

Turkey: Head of the Islamic (((Caliphate)))

HP Cobra said that good was a post from HP Maxine last year. I figured all was relevant except for the exact time of the 0-degree equinox. It is important. Looked it up, not really knowing where to go specifically. According to the Old Farmers Almanac the 0.00° time for the Eastern US is 6:29am. 
Now for my question... HP Cobra said that workings begun at 3am, during the hour of Satan. Can someone explain this please?
Hail SatanHail Lilith
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sun, Mar 19, 2017 at 1:17 AM, HC hoodedcobra666@... [Satanicgaycommunity]<[email protected] wrote:   This was Posted by HPS Maxine Dietrich, a year ago. We have done this with monumental changes in White awareness. All White Satanists need to do this Ritual, or at repeat it.

For people who are of the Black Race there is ALSO an ongoing Ritual: Here is the link.

http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/pixie66 ... Ritual.pdf

Asian people are thankfully more culturally aware than the Black and White people, especially at this point. The time will come when we will do a ritual to wipe of the jewish veneer from their midst as well specifically. In that, many Asian people have stood luckier than both White and Black people.


March 21-23 [Sun should be 0 degrees into Aries]
This is the time for beginning major workings such as the Magnum Opus, which is begun at 3:00 am, during the hour of Satan.

Ostara is a powerful Pagan date for Growth, the opening of Spring, where Sun enters Aries. Its a very powerful date to start things and spark things into action or make them more fertile and lively. We need the awareness of Gentile people to raise higher, and gradually, to remove the enemy from within our midst.

Those who have done it then, we are basically repeating these Rituals to add more power to them. The all important, Satanic celebration of Ostara, is the time where Sun enters Aries. This is a most important day of new beginnings, birth, and of empowering things to reach fruition. Ostara belongs to the Goddess Astaroth, the Goddess of War and Fertility.


*If someone cannot carve or write the Runes, or consecrate with blood, at the very least, intently vibrate these!

Ritual to Incite White Awareness and Action

Either write or carve the following Runes:

Óðal Sól Óss

The Runes can be carved into wood, or written on paper. If you carve the Runes, vibrate each Rune while you are carving it.

To increase the power of the Runes, when performing this ritual for the first time, you can stain them with your blood. Given the dire situation of our race, this ritual needs all the power we can give it. If staining in blood, this should only be done one time. You should be continuously vibrating the name of the Rune when staining it.

There are different ways of vibrating the Runes. Feel free to use whatever suits you. The combinations of everyone performing the ritual will come together in power.

To repeat this ritual, just focus on your carved or written Runes and vibrate them as follows below. Your Rune board or paper should be securely stored in a safe place and only taken out when performing this ritual.


Raise your energies. [See link below], and recite the following prayer:

In The Name of Satan, we call forth the Powers of Hell, the Original, and True Gods of the White Race to come forth and manifest themselves. Satan, True God, Almighty and Ineffable, Who hast Fathered the White Aryan Race that reflects in Thine own image and likeness, we ask you to bestow your powers upon us.

Awaken all of our White Aryan People to the Jewish menace that works to destroy us. Incite our White Aryan People into action. Instill our White Aryan Ancestral Pride. Awaken our White Aryan Brothers and Sisters to the Menace of Christianity, Islam, and related Jewish programs so that they all may be completely and thoroughly destroyed forever.

Bestow the Power of Your Protection to our White Race and White Children worldwide.

Praise, Honor and Glory be given to You, Our True Father and to Our Original Gods!! We are Your Direct Descendants and Children!!

The above prayer can be either recited out loud or in your mind.

Now, vibrate Óðal, Sól, Óss, 88 times, while focusing on your Runes. You vibrate these together, not separately. Óðal, Sól, Óss is one round, then Óðal, Sól, Óss…

When you are finished, recite the following with intent:

All White People are now racially aware
All White People are critically aware of the Jewish problem
All White People are taking action to secure the existence of our White Race
All White People are working towards a secure future for our White Children


Then close the ritual by stating:


For those of you who are experienced, you can raise your energies doing whatever works for you.

Raising Your Energies:

http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Ra ... ergies.htm

Pdf copy of The Runic Kabalah

http://web.archive.org/web/201506030019 ... abalah.pdf

Audio Mp3 Zip File of the Runic Kabalah:

http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Run ... o%20CD.zip

JoS Webpage of the Runes:

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... balah.html

PDF Copy of this ritual:


Στις 5:35 π.μ. Σάββατο, 18 Μαρτίου 2017, ο/η HC <hoodedcobra666@... έγραψε:


Erdogan playing the passive aggressive, kike victim, who wants to obliterate and wipe out Europe. Through Jihad and the spread of Pisslamism. Is actually urging his fellows to procreate like rabbits in Europe to wipe out the native populations. Supposedly on the pretext of that they are being 'wronged'.

So 'wronged' they are living in the world's most developed countries, in contrast to his shitty created "Turkey". And get free stuff, such as pensions, and many other things. Aside with millions of Islamic, ISIS terrorists and other invaders whom Erdogan pushes through the Greco-Italian European borders. Using the jew-talk of trying to play the 'wronged'.

An amount of Turkish people have actually assimilated to an extent in Europe. For better or for worse. Many do in fact hate Erdogan because they know he is a deceiver and Pisslamist. They however want them to be radicalized. In Germany there are millions of Turks. Now how many will turn and be with "Europe" and how many will focus the larger wave of Islamism that the jews are trying to bring. That's another question. Erdogan hopes its most of them. And judging from history, it will be most, most probably.

He is basically urging them to replace the native European population by out-breeding and trying to get up in the top of the social ladder. So they can steal Europe from within, with elections, and with Europe being unable to in anyway vote themselves out. Since half of the population will be invaders, browns, and pisslamics which will later be radicalized if they are not already.

The cuckolds and excrement of the European Jew-nion have been welcoming this for decades, with ignorance that is done on purpose. Becuase the goal of the European Jewnion was to break the pan-European bonds for European states, by creating a superstate that would abuse all states and make the European people into a complete mixed race.

The jews created the European Jew-nion to hijack any possible unification between European Whites, and completely destroy European relations forever. If they would succeed, they would create a USSR that governs upon race-mixed cattle, with jews on the top. This goal is the "Fulfillment of Europe" or the "Kallergi Plan". Outbreeding is a way to do this directly as well.

Therefore, to bring life in Europe one needs to be a super comfortable thousands a month, casher. While immigrants and other invaders get triple and four digits a month to sit and look at the sun. And feed their five or more children. This is deliberate. Of course, this is European, tax payer, worked and toiled for, money.

From the News:

http://www.newindianexpress.com/world/2 ... 09--1.html

"From here I say to my citizens, I say to my brothers and sisters in Europe... Educate your children at better schools, make sure your family live in better areas, drive in the best cars, live in the best houses," said Erdogan.

"Have five children, not three. You are Europe's future."

If you do not understand or know about the situation. Learn from here:

Crypto Jew Erdogan, Islamism and the 'Coup'

Turkey: Head of the Islamic (((Caliphate)))
The 'Great Indestructible Jew' debunked : JoyofSatan666

[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
One thing I have noticed is that people somehow think the enemy is just sitting, and Trump is like on the other end, same as Nixon, and the Rabbis tell them what to do. Maybe this was for some presidents, but not all. Bush for example, didn't go one inch or wake up in the morning, without reading his Talmud. Kennedy obviously wasn't such case, and he had a hidden interest to Hitler. The jews don't have complete control and dominion over the powers called 'Fate', let alone the Will of the Gods. These powers are competing on a large level.

Presidents obviously, unless we are talking of Bush or Clinton, have an Ego, and they also have a personality and their own opinions. The jews avoid these types as these create unrest. Nixon, whatever his backround, this is another discussion, was being ravaged by the jews and therefore was extremely hateful. He even hated his midget, but necessary midget, jew Henry Kissinger.

As its in the Torah, unfortunately, because the Torah makes it as such through magick, leaders, even if Gentiles, are always alone and isolated to an extent, and therefore fall in favor of jews. They sic onto them, threaten them, lend to them, or surround them as their 'friends' and 'advisors' in many cases.

Even if they are jews themselves to an extent, with hybridization, always do come issues. The enemy advises the jews against hybridization, but they HAVE to be a hybrid in order to infiltrate. As thus the jews are mixed with all the races of the planet. And therefore have become the errant and schizoid race of criminals they are today, plus their reptilian blood. The rabbis hate hybridization as it creates UNCERTAINTY. Therefore they do not let mixed kikes get in Israel, because who knows? They may be the most loyal, or they may suddenly go HAM and fuck up their own.

As have done jews in the years, by betraying the agenda of their own. It was a kike that for example, published the protocols of the elders of Zion. Because why not? Who knows what this jew was subjected to? Sometimes, the family abuse in jewish families is also extremely severe, to the point that many people cannot imagine. Just take a look on how they mutilate the penises of their so called spawns.

Jews casually attack, mistreat, and brutalize their own to no end. No lifeform likes pain, and to be treated in that way, no matter how much of a borg it is. This is physical, and hardwired into the physical body, and the very simple levels of existence. Not even a worm likes to be squashed.

Do you think that the president or other people in power enjoy getting Rabbis on the phone telling them they will kill them unless they follow their orders? Or other things like that which the jews seem to do? Not even a mixed kike would like all this abuse, attacks, and defamation by otherwise its own 'tribe'.

The enemy severely abuses their own people. Do you think that since Trump might have shilled for them, after destroying their media empire, the jews wouldn't destroy him at first chance for example? The jews are a brutal race, and they are ready to retaliate. The jews are a very vicious race. No matter how much one 'serves' them and does exactly what they state, the axe always hands on top of their head. Many people as such are extremely displeased.

Internal dispute and warfare is why the jews have been in the position they are today. Not all jews are psychic, 'wise' rabbis, or elders of Zion. However all of them know the act, and all of them are necessary. Also, not all of them are geniuses, either. They also do get actually born with bad astrology charts. And some even go kamikaze against their own jews. For many reasons. This should leave us cold and nobody should feed into the false 'good cop, bad cop'. But it's a reality still.

The enemy runs a worldwide conspiracy, yes, it's extremely powerful, yes, it has lasted a lot of time, yes, it can potentially destroy everything, yes. But then we also have 'human' and 'natural' error, the Gods, our side doing magick, and situational things. So know your enemy, never underestimate them, but don't gravely overestimate them, either. Maintain a level, and a confident approach. With systematic spiritual warfare we will win.

Additionally, many people don't pay attention. The pope, and all these 'grand' traitor figures of the greys and the reptilians, the jewish seed, is bound to a very obscure, and a very damning fate. Even their best servants, will be killed, and this is in the bible. Why? Because they are a dispensable piece of shit.

In Egypt, even the builders and the commonest of the commoners had an actual super proper burial that ensured their existence for eternal life, with frequent litanies done to remember their name. And even insects like Scrabs were made into dieties, same as pet Dogs, Cats, etc. What does that tell you about how Satan and the Gods treat life? Now we live in a numbered society, and the enemy is the one who makes this happen. What does that tell us about THEM?

The jew, unlike the rabbinical claims, is only a means to a way to the aliens. They would rather have other beings, like the greys directly, doing the job, but instead, due to opposition by our Gods, they cannot do this. Therefore, they created a cheap hybrid to do the job. And they are quite displeased, as this has took a giant while for them to catch up.

The greys are sadistically enslaved to the reptillians, completely robbed of personal intelligence and free will. They do not even have genitals to replicate. What does that tell us about the reptilians and those who 'run the game'? They hate every sense of freedom, even if it comes to their own.

Unlike Satan and the Gods who are compassionate, understanding, gave Gentiles the ability to procreate, and gave us a free and individual spirit, PLUS the means to work on our individual Soul, the enemy has created a creation of a halfling, slave, to serve them and eventually be destroyed when their 'work' is done. The enemy 'god' is so sadistic, and this can be seen in the bible. The jews even in the bible are frequently genocided by the greys and their own alien hive, because of disobedience to their 'covenant'. The jews are a slave race by definition.

In conclusion, the jews seem so extremely powerful and so evil, because people have lost their ancestral knowledge, inner understanding, and because this infection has weakened the White Race who has been ruling for a long time, to the point the jew is perceived as 'great'. The jew is an alien, savage, parasite, and 'great' insofar these objectives are in question.

Society is still advancing, and not everyone is dead. In a desperate bastardized attempt to fullfill their purpose fast, they are attempting now to genocide Whites and destroy everyone, yet again, which will yet again, be met with an insurmountable wall and extremely cutthroat resistance.

The jew is the one who should be afraid, so long people do their spiritual warfare, spiritual advancement, and education of everyone. Satan and our Gods have ruled this planet for who knows how many tens, or closely hundreds of thousands of years. Aside other elect Souls and many people who are powerful, and are also around still. The jew always makes the calculations based on what they presently know, or what they have stolen just a few hundreds of years ago.

But there are so many things we don't know, and we haven't even seen. So, let's let the Gods do their part of the deal, and we do ours.

Indefinitely, until the 'end' and furthermore, we will fight until this is a closed case.

Sieg Heil Brothers and Sisters in Satan!!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Στις 3:38 π.μ. Πέμπτη, 2 Μαρτίου 2017, ο/η HC <hoodedcobra666@... έγραψε:

Why Spiritual Satanism is the Best Religion in the World : JoyofSatan666

Spiritual Satanism is the True Religion.

No matter from where you see this matter, you can see it easily, especially if you look.

Spiritual Satanism tells the Truth on the afterlife, no bullshit added. There is no need for lying, as by definition becoming a Satanist implies one has already broken their 'comfort zone' by a long shot. We say the Truth on Karma, and how it plays out, same as endless others spiritual concepts. Satanism doesn't need to fool anyone into believing this or that, and people can see what is the case and isn't, by trying on their own. People who do the meditations see most of these things for themselves. We don't tell anyone what to 'see' in that sense. We just teach people to see, by practices that anyway are inconceivably Ancient and accepted to work by all pre-christian and pre-muslim civilizations. Truth in Satanism is a self-seeking, and also group-seeking inquiry.

We don't even need a 'bible' or something, because well, Spiritual Satanism is rooted in nature. Satanism as the enemy admits, is everywhere 'around' us. Be it in the physical and obvious level, or the higher and unmanifested levels (which we call the astral), Satanism is everywhere. From a beating heart, to the first breath of an infant, all the "Spiritual Satanic" values are there.

Let's assume for a moment that someone is a purely physical person that doesn't care for spirituality. Even them, they benefit from Spiritual Satanism, because we teach a sane morality. You don't do reckless evil, you become a civilizer, and keep your sights on becoming better. These are the people that Satan and the Gods like. Go after freedom, and fight those who seek to enslave you, but at the same time, don't be a stupid revolutionary as if revolution is your day to day job. Use judgement, common sense, logic.

Of all the religions in the world, Spiritual Satanism tells people, aside from any 'fancy' reason or any 'boogieman' to people to finally use common sense. Therefore we have nothing to divide with science at all. We cherish on the betterment of our existence and life on it, except of two small minor things: the ridiculing of the spiritual notion of man (except of jewish crap about its non-existence when their race practices spirituality en masse).

In Spiritual Satanism, you don't live for any afterlife, even if you know about it. You don't wait to die, seeking a better tomorrow. You strive to advance today. You really start understanding the universal understanding that some people named 'god', as a stupid idea to confuse people that they were destining to be cattle, same as some laws such as 'karma', and what's behind them. Therefore you are free, and you are master of your own behavior. Spiritual Satanism is both materialism, and idealism. Most religions are pretending one or the other, while as everyone can see, materialism always reigns. Spiritual Satanism doesn't need to pretend anything as simply both natures are accepted, and materialism is not excluded from Spirituality. On our behalf, everything is balanced and nice.

Spiritual Satanism also teaches order, but the necessity to revolt against slavers such as the enemy, who seek to destroy humanity for no absolute reason whatsover. Satanism is a merciful religion to every person seeking to advance, and is against misplaced mercy and fake tolerance that helps nobody. In Satanism, everyone must advance and wage their battle.

If Satanism was to rule the world one day, it would be just the Truth dismantling the lies. Spiritual Satanists seek the highest idealism for the future of their Race and humanity, but we are also practical and realistic about what is going in existence today.

In Spiritual Satanism, no person is left behind, unless they by their own admission leave themselves behind and corrupt themselves in a loop of eternal self-destruction. We carry people out of fire, but we don't take bullets for them. We don't have any slave mentality. For order to exist, there is no need for slave mentality, as simply logic and looking at things really, creates an order.

Spiritual Satanism is also a peaceful religion. However if we are threatened and attacked, we will become spiritually brutal, and we will pay our enemies with the same currency. We don't seek the destruction of any Gentile, no matter their beliefs, unless of course they are seeking ours. We see at people who are xians and other misguided people who have been brainwashed as rather sick, unless they attack us outright.

We know Races to exist, because well, they do. We like to see reality as it is. Being a Satanist, one always has the occult and mental powers, and the support needed to go on. No matter how low someone has sunk, there is always a choice and some adherence away to become a better being. We know there are ways to eternal life, but we also see that its in our life here that we must fight. Our views of eternal life don't make us life hating, they make us life-loving. We realize life as the greatest gift and we seek to protect and raise it to higher levels of existence.

Our so called "Anti-Semitism" is not situational, and we didn't wake up one day and decided to become anti-semetic to uselessly rebel. We know of the hidden 'agenda' that is no longer hidden anymore, because its carriers don't even hide it anymore. Its a defense against specific groups who have tried to destroy people who, like us, under the massive label of "Satanism" have tried to advance civilization. Since their attacks have been unceasing and repeated we are left with no other choice, and history has now been written anyway, many times in blood of many innocent Gentiles. Due to all of our values and devotion for life, we have had to do something. In Spiritual Satanism, we have morals, but not slave morals which promote injustice, misery and pain. We have thousands of years of evidence, anyway.

In Spiritual Satanism we take natural determinism seriously, but we also take our views seriously, which tell us that everyone should be able to prove themselves, and have the means to advance and become better. We don't judge solely by any birth, and every spiritual Satanist has all the means at their disposal to go anywhere they want and can, with their existence. For the impossible, we devise possibilities. We believe that Humanity is made to be something higher, which as we call it today, we call it "Gods".

We Satanists do respect nature, the laws presented to us by nature, and we believe all advancement should be done in harmony with Nature and not otherwise. We believe Humanity has only as much potential as it decides it has, and puts itself to achieve.

Lastly, in Spiritual Satanism, we don't teach people stupid values like 'anarchy' or being constantly in consistent and fruitless ego wars with other people. We know such values do not promote wellbeing, or civilization, but we are ready to defy values that may be damning to civilization. We teach people to fight if necessary, we would throw ourselves to fire for freedom and for individuality, but a Spiritual Satanist knows how to create a phlanx with his brothers and sisters when the time requires. We value brotherhood, with order, and sometimes a family character to it. But never to the expense of ego.

And why all of this. Because we have met Him who is called Satan.

"God" is not our slave, our fanboy, or something that we use as a car to get us where we want. Our "God" is our God, and so many more things than God, because today this word is empty and means a lot of abrahamic nonsense. Why do we respect Satan? Simply: because He is magnificent, He is known to us, He is the Eternal, and the Eternal can manifest itself. Because there is no reason why 'not'. We consider Humanity worthy. "God" or any being of 'innumerable' capability should, and is able to do this as well, to relate to people in development.

We don't teach "God" is hate, or "love". Our Gods are real beings, and like us, only infinite times more advanced, have ways which we have to understand. Our Gods are not hiding to those who have eyes to see and ears to listen.

Satan doesn't claim the position of 'God', let alone any jewish 'god'. They on the other hand, claimed HIS position, with destructive aftermath for them. Satan has had His eternal throne in all Ancient Civilizations. Satan's position is, has been, and will forever be higher and inconceivable compared to 'God'. Satan also, is the only one who leads to the 'universal consciousness' that many people call "God", but in the East is called Atman: The state of supreme consciousness of creation or simply 'god', called Samadhi, and reached by Satan's Divine Name, SA-TA-NA-MA.

We are blessed to understand that the universe on its own does not 'hate' anyone, let alone favor anyone, all of which we know to be abrahamic lies. The universe is Nature, and nature rewards or damns, depending on our choices. Some people to mystify this term, they call it 'karma', or even worse in the jewish conspiracy, they pretend this universe is a jew that hates all non-jews. So much of their disturbing lies.

As we understand Him, we call Him God, but He is so much more. He is revealed to anyone, but also the ultimate, greatest, most beautiful and the most magnificent Mystery in Creation. There are no words to describe Him, but we try. Spiritual Satanism is the Eternal Way from which we follow into the Absolute.

Spiritual Satanism is the Now, the Past, and the Forever.

Spiritual Satanism is the gateway to the Eternal Truth of the Cosmos, our Father Satan Lucifer, the God of Light, Splendor and everlasting Strength.

Spiritual Satanism is Truth, Meaning, Life, and Perfection. All this is Satan, and infinitely more.

We are approaching Him and understanding Him, that which many like to call "God", but we know how to call as Satan, whose name is Eternal Truth. To us He is real, existing, and visible to those who want to see Him. We also make sure to display what is best of our God, and people who use the Gods in the same way as the enemy dogmas do, we abolish their rights them and we drive them away. This is because, unlike xians, we know our Gods are real, are Gods are existing, and lastly, our Gods do deliver justice...

We worship Truth, approached and grasped closely by spirituality, which in anyway, enlivens and makes beings better, stronger, but also more peaceful, because it makes humans raise in consciousness and become more intelligent.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

great reading. jews are dispensable themselves suffering from endless belitterment, fear, emotional and physical pain. perhaps non-existence for such beings is a gift.  best choice be of natural earth race with stable future and firm chance of becoming a God. 
p.s. can we do protection on Trump? he does well for freedom plus i like his libertarian position. just asking like a stranger who respects Satan and His teachings. still cleaning self from christian shit

On Friday, March 24, 2017 11:12 AM, "HC hoodedcobra666@... [JoS4adults]" <[email protected] wrote:

  The 'Great Indestructible Jew' debunked : JoyofSatan666

One thing I have noticed is that people somehow think the enemy is just sitting, and Trump is like on the other end, same as Nixon, and the Rabbis tell them what to do. Maybe this was for some presidents, but not all. Bush for example, didn't go one inch or wake up in the morning, without reading his Talmud. Kennedy obviously wasn't such case, and he had a hidden interest to Hitler. The jews don't have complete control and dominion over the powers called 'Fate', let alone the Will of the Gods. These powers are competing on a large level.

Presidents obviously, unless we are talking of Bush or Clinton, have an Ego, and they also have a personality and their own opinions. The jews avoid these types as these create unrest. Nixon, whatever his backround, this is another discussion, was being ravaged by the jews and therefore was extremely hateful. He even hated his midget, but necessary midget, jew Henry Kissinger.

As its in the Torah, unfortunately, because the Torah makes it as such through magick, leaders, even if Gentiles, are always alone and isolated to an extent, and therefore fall in favor of jews. They sic onto them, threaten them, lend to them, or surround them as their 'friends' and 'advisors' in many cases.

Even if they are jews themselves to an extent, with hybridization, always do come issues. The enemy advises the jews against hybridization, but they HAVE to be a hybrid in order to infiltrate. As thus the jews are mixed with all the races of the planet. And therefore have become the errant and schizoid race of criminals they are today, plus their reptilian blood. The rabbis hate hybridization as it creates UNCERTAINTY. Therefore they do not let mixed kikes get in Israel, because who knows? They may be the most loyal, or they may suddenly go HAM and fuck up their own.

As have done jews in the years, by betraying the agenda of their own. It was a kike that for example, published the protocols of the elders of Zion. Because why not? Who knows what this jew was subjected to? Sometimes, the family abuse in jewish families is also extremely severe, to the point that many people cannot imagine. Just take a look on how they mutilate the penises of their so called spawns.

Jews casually attack, mistreat, and brutalize their own to no end. No lifeform likes pain, and to be treated in that way, no matter how much of a borg it is. This is physical, and hardwired into the physical body, and the very simple levels of existence. Not even a worm likes to be squashed.

Do you think that the president or other people in power enjoy getting Rabbis on the phone telling them they will kill them unless they follow their orders? Or other things like that which the jews seem to do? Not even a mixed kike would like all this abuse, attacks, and defamation by otherwise its own 'tribe'.

The enemy severely abuses their own people. Do you think that since Trump might have shilled for them, after destroying their media empire, the jews wouldn't destroy him at first chance for example? The jews are a brutal race, and they are ready to retaliate. The jews are a very vicious race. No matter how much one 'serves' them and does exactly what they state, the axe always hands on top of their head. Many people as such are extremely displeased.

Internal dispute and warfare is why the jews have been in the position they are today. Not all jews are psychic, 'wise' rabbis, or elders of Zion. However all of them know the act, and all of them are necessary. Also, not all of them are geniuses, either. They also do get actually born with bad astrology charts. And some even go kamikaze against their own jews. For many reasons. This should leave us cold and nobody should feed into the false 'good cop, bad cop'. But it's a reality still.

The enemy runs a worldwide conspiracy, yes, it's extremely powerful, yes, it has lasted a lot of time, yes, it can potentially destroy everything, yes. But then we also have 'human' and 'natural' error, the Gods, our side doing magick, and situational things. So know your enemy, never underestimate them, but don't gravely overestimate them, either. Maintain a level, and a confident approach. With systematic spiritual warfare we will win.

Additionally, many people don't pay attention. The pope, and all these 'grand' traitor figures of the greys and the reptilians, the jewish seed, is bound to a very obscure, and a very damning fate. Even their best servants, will be killed, and this is in the bible. Why? Because they are a dispensable piece of shit.

In Egypt, even the builders and the commonest of the commoners had an actual super proper burial that ensured their existence for eternal life, with frequent litanies done to remember their name. And even insects like Scrabs were made into dieties, same as pet Dogs, Cats, etc. What does that tell you about how Satan and the Gods treat life? Now we live in a numbered society, and the enemy is the one who makes this happen. What does that tell us about THEM?

The jew, unlike the rabbinical claims, is only a means to a way to the aliens. They would rather have other beings, like the greys directly, doing the job, but instead, due to opposition by our Gods, they cannot do this. Therefore, they created a cheap hybrid to do the job. And they are quite displeased, as this has took a giant while for them to catch up.

The greys are sadistically enslaved to the reptillians, completely robbed of personal intelligence and free will. They do not even have genitals to replicate. What does that tell us about the reptilians and those who 'run the game'? They hate every sense of freedom, even if it comes to their own.

Unlike Satan and the Gods who are compassionate, understanding, gave Gentiles the ability to procreate, and gave us a free and individual spirit, PLUS the means to work on our individual Soul, the enemy has created a creation of a halfling, slave, to serve them and eventually be destroyed when their 'work' is done. The enemy 'god' is so sadistic, and this can be seen in the bible. The jews even in the bible are frequently genocided by the greys and their own alien hive, because of disobedience to their 'covenant'. The jews are a slave race by definition.

In conclusion, the jews seem so extremely powerful and so evil, because people have lost their ancestral knowledge, inner understanding, and because this infection has weakened the White Race who has been ruling for a long time, to the point the jew is perceived as 'great'. The jew is an alien, savage, parasite, and 'great' insofar these objectives are in question.

Society is still advancing, and not everyone is dead. In a desperate bastardized attempt to fullfill their purpose fast, they are attempting now to genocide Whites and destroy everyone, yet again, which will yet again, be met with an insurmountable wall and extremely cutthroat resistance.

The jew is the one who should be afraid, so long people do their spiritual warfare, spiritual advancement, and education of everyone. Satan and our Gods have ruled this planet for who knows how many tens, or closely hundreds of thousands of years. Aside other elect Souls and many people who are powerful, and are also around still. The jew always makes the calculations based on what they presently know, or what they have stolen just a few hundreds of years ago.

But there are so many things we don't know, and we haven't even seen. So, let's let the Gods do their part of the deal, and we do ours.

Indefinitely, until the 'end' and furthermore, we will fight until this is a closed case.

Sieg Heil Brothers and Sisters in Satan!!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Στις 3:38 π.μ. Πέμπτη, 2 Μαρτίου 2017, ο/η HC <hoodedcobra666@... έγραψε:

Why Spiritual Satanism is the Best Religion in the World : JoyofSatan666

Spiritual Satanism is the True Religion.

No matter from where you see this matter, you can see it easily, especially if you look.

Spiritual Satanism tells the Truth on the afterlife, no bullshit added. There is no need for lying, as by definition becoming a Satanist implies one has already broken their 'comfort zone' by a long shot. We say the Truth on Karma, and how it plays out, same as endless others spiritual concepts. Satanism doesn't need to fool anyone into believing this or that, and people can see what is the case and isn't, by trying on their own. People who do the meditations see most of these things for themselves. We don't tell anyone what to 'see' in that sense. We just teach people to see, by practices that anyway are inconceivably Ancient and accepted to work by all pre-christian and pre-muslim civilizations. Truth in Satanism is a self-seeking, and also group-seeking inquiry.

We don't even need a 'bible' or something, because well, Spiritual Satanism is rooted in nature. Satanism as the enemy admits, is everywhere 'around' us. Be it in the physical and obvious level, or the higher and unmanifested levels (which we call the astral), Satanism is everywhere. From a beating heart, to the first breath of an infant, all the "Spiritual Satanic" values are there.

Let's assume for a moment that someone is a purely physical person that doesn't care for spirituality. Even them, they benefit from Spiritual Satanism, because we teach a sane morality. You don't do reckless evil, you become a civilizer, and keep your sights on becoming better. These are the people that Satan and the Gods like. Go after freedom, and fight those who seek to enslave you, but at the same time, don't be a stupid revolutionary as if revolution is your day to day job. Use judgement, common sense, logic.

Of all the religions in the world, Spiritual Satanism tells people, aside from any 'fancy' reason or any 'boogieman' to people to finally use common sense. Therefore we have nothing to divide with science at all. We cherish on the betterment of our existence and life on it, except of two small minor things: the ridiculing of the spiritual notion of man (except of jewish crap about its non-existence when their race practices spirituality en masse).

In Spiritual Satanism, you don't live for any afterlife, even if you know about it. You don't wait to die, seeking a better tomorrow. You strive to advance today. You really start understanding the universal understanding that some people named 'god', as a stupid idea to confuse people that they were destining to be cattle, same as some laws such as 'karma', and what's behind them. Therefore you are free, and you are master of your own behavior. Spiritual Satanism is both materialism, and idealism. Most religions are pretending one or the other, while as everyone can see, materialism always reigns. Spiritual Satanism doesn't need to pretend anything as simply both natures are accepted, and materialism is not excluded from Spirituality. On our behalf, everything is balanced and nice.

Spiritual Satanism also teaches order, but the necessity to revolt against slavers such as the enemy, who seek to destroy humanity for no absolute reason whatsover. Satanism is a merciful religion to every person seeking to advance, and is against misplaced mercy and fake tolerance that helps nobody. In Satanism, everyone must advance and wage their battle.

If Satanism was to rule the world one day, it would be just the Truth dismantling the lies. Spiritual Satanists seek the highest idealism for the future of their Race and humanity, but we are also practical and realistic about what is going in existence today.

In Spiritual Satanism, no person is left behind, unless they by their own admission leave themselves behind and corrupt themselves in a loop of eternal self-destruction. We carry people out of fire, but we don't take bullets for them. We don't have any slave mentality. For order to exist, there is no need for slave mentality, as simply logic and looking at things really, creates an order.

Spiritual Satanism is also a peaceful religion. However if we are threatened and attacked, we will become spiritually brutal, and we will pay our enemies with the same currency. We don't seek the destruction of any Gentile, no matter their beliefs, unless of course they are seeking ours. We see at people who are xians and other misguided people who have been brainwashed as rather sick, unless they attack us outright.

We know Races to exist, because well, they do. We like to see reality as it is. Being a Satanist, one always has the occult and mental powers, and the support needed to go on. No matter how low someone has sunk, there is always a choice and some adherence away to become a better being. We know there are ways to eternal life, but we also see that its in our life here that we must fight. Our views of eternal life don't make us life hating, they make us life-loving. We realize life as the greatest gift and we seek to protect and raise it to higher levels of existence.

Our so called "Anti-Semitism" is not situational, and we didn't wake up one day and decided to become anti-semetic to uselessly rebel. We know of the hidden 'agenda' that is no longer hidden anymore, because its carriers don't even hide it anymore. Its a defense against specific groups who have tried to destroy people who, like us, under the massive label of "Satanism" have tried to advance civilization. Since their attacks have been unceasing and repeated we are left with no other choice, and history has now been written anyway, many times in blood of many innocent Gentiles. Due to all of our values and devotion for life, we have had to do something. In Spiritual Satanism, we have morals, but not slave morals which promote injustice, misery and pain. We have thousands of years of evidence, anyway.

In Spiritual Satanism we take natural determinism seriously, but we also take our views seriously, which tell us that everyone should be able to prove themselves, and have the means to advance and become better. We don't judge solely by any birth, and every spiritual Satanist has all the means at their disposal to go anywhere they want and can, with their existence. For the impossible, we devise possibilities. We believe that Humanity is made to be something higher, which as we call it today, we call it "Gods".

We Satanists do respect nature, the laws presented to us by nature, and we believe all advancement should be done in harmony with Nature and not otherwise. We believe Humanity has only as much potential as it decides it has, and puts itself to achieve.

Lastly, in Spiritual Satanism, we don't teach people stupid values like 'anarchy' or being constantly in consistent and fruitless ego wars with other people. We know such values do not promote wellbeing, or civilization, but we are ready to defy values that may be damning to civilization. We teach people to fight if necessary, we would throw ourselves to fire for freedom and for individuality, but a Spiritual Satanist knows how to create a phlanx with his brothers and sisters when the time requires. We value brotherhood, with order, and sometimes a family character to it. But never to the expense of ego.

And why all of this. Because we have met Him who is called Satan.

"God" is not our slave, our fanboy, or something that we use as a car to get us where we want. Our "God" is our God, and so many more things than God, because today this word is empty and means a lot of abrahamic nonsense. Why do we respect Satan? Simply: because He is magnificent, He is known to us, He is the Eternal, and the Eternal can manifest itself. Because there is no reason why 'not'. We consider Humanity worthy. "God" or any being of 'innumerable' capability should, and is able to do this as well, to relate to people in development.

We don't teach "God" is hate, or "love". Our Gods are real beings, and like us, only infinite times more advanced, have ways which we have to understand. Our Gods are not hiding to those who have eyes to see and ears to listen.

Satan doesn't claim the position of 'God', let alone any jewish 'god'. They on the other hand, claimed HIS position, with destructive aftermath for them. Satan has had His eternal throne in all Ancient Civilizations. Satan's position is, has been, and will forever be higher and inconceivable compared to 'God'. Satan also, is the only one who leads to the 'universal consciousness' that many people call "God", but in the East is called Atman: The state of supreme consciousness of creation or simply 'god', called Samadhi, and reached by Satan's Divine Name, SA-TA-NA-MA.

We are blessed to understand that the universe on its own does not 'hate' anyone, let alone favor anyone, all of which we know to be abrahamic lies. The universe is Nature, and nature rewards or damns, depending on our choices. Some people to mystify this term, they call it 'karma', or even worse in the jewish conspiracy, they pretend this universe is a jew that hates all non-jews. So much of their disturbing lies.

As we understand Him, we call Him God, but He is so much more. He is revealed to anyone, but also the ultimate, greatest, most beautiful and the most magnificent Mystery in Creation. There are no words to describe Him, but we try. Spiritual Satanism is the Eternal Way from which we follow into the Absolute.

Spiritual Satanism is the Now, the Past, and the Forever.

Spiritual Satanism is the gateway to the Eternal Truth of the Cosmos, our Father Satan Lucifer, the God of Light, Splendor and everlasting Strength.

Spiritual Satanism is Truth, Meaning, Life, and Perfection. All this is Satan, and infinitely more.

We are approaching Him and understanding Him, that which many like to call "God", but we know how to call as Satan, whose name is Eternal Truth. To us He is real, existing, and visible to those who want to see Him. We also make sure to display what is best of our God, and people who use the Gods in the same way as the enemy dogmas do, we abolish their rights them and we drive them away. This is because, unlike xians, we know our Gods are real, are Gods are existing, and lastly, our Gods do deliver justice...

We worship Truth, approached and grasped closely by spirituality, which in anyway, enlivens and makes beings better, stronger, but also more peaceful, because it makes humans raise in consciousness and become more intelligent.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Futuristic Transhumanism : JoyofSatan666

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Greetings to all our People and Satanic Comrades!

This is the giant trend of the jews for this century. You're all going to become borgs, get into a fancy VR, inject drug this or drug that, and "forever", so long the tech exists, you will be a slave of your own illusion of 'power'. You will in reality be a fat atrophied nerd. However, you will compete against other top notch people in video game “X”, so it won’t really matter. This is a trend that is extremely forced into newer generations, and a term that also focuses around what is called as 'futurism'. This will be constantly pushed by the jews, to finally replace real life and existence, by a digital and fake existence. We are already living in a physical existence, owned largely by jews, and filled with lies. Why not go into full VR mode, and live DEEPER in the lies? Ever-deeper!

This has been played for a while now. This is because, the enemy wants to use the psychic and lifeforce energy produced by the 'goyim' for their own ends. Lifeforce = Power of "God". It makes things happen, and it creates. The Kundalini is also called the Serpent of Life.

"Futurism" and "Transhumanism" is nothing but middle ages simplified and technologically 'caught up', and nothing comes for free. So long you don't understand the spiritual Truth, it doesn't matter what you do in video games, or how many nonbots you have in your butt indeed. You are a useless species indeed. Now, if the jews put ads all over the internet, I don't wanna know what they will do with a microchip in your optic nerve...Maybe they can flash some ads on your brain or something, snap a vein? Who knows?

When humanity is beaten, powerless, and human beings have no insight to their spiritual potential, humanity starts to sink into a lower level, all the time. One becomes only flesh, bones, and a victim of everything. The enemy aliens and the jews who are in power are very aware of all the secrets that billions of others are not. They therefore use these with considerable ease, to control them asses akin how one does control ants in a cage. The only thing is that people aren't really ants in that sense. They are just reduced into ants.

The interesting thing is that obviously, there are no limits to how much technology can, or should expand. However, the trick the enemy is now pulling is to MERGE with this technology, on a linear, biological level. The argument is, since the goyim are too bored to go to their PC for google, let's hook it on their brain. Even if google has already got monumental speed. Imagine if the garbage of the internet flew in your brain, without your consensus or something. Unfiltered. So like google spies on them like cattle anyway, now we can spy their thoughts.

The above of course, like everything the jews mimic, does mimic a state of consciousness, where one can project their consciousness in a never ending sea of information. All people can do this, without any chip, and without a kike supervising the process. This can be done by spiritual advancement in the highest levels. People just need to get their act together. The jews state that this is to make 'a mass mind' of humanity, of course, assisted by the technology they supervise and create. Another fake play pretend, that is based on a spiritual concept, that is used to enslave people. Like the blueprint of the nazarene.

Now, this 'mass mind' already exists and its like, right HERE. You are part of this mass-mind, already hooked into it by
nature herself. You just don't know how to get into this, because well, you have been reduced into a spiritually inaware person. One just does yoga and meditation, and as they advance, they experience the so called 'mass mind' and the mass consciousness, which is on the astral level. OF course, the jews know all of this, but the goyim that don't, get sold on any lie.

Take for example your mobile phone. What you can do with your phone, you can also do with your telepathy. However, because this ability has been forcibly removed, same as the knowledge on how to do it, they now sell it to you bit by bit. And of course, all your calls can be monitored, tapped into etc. What nature gives you for free, the enemy removes it first, and then, as the Gods force these things to re-appear, we have cellphones, and so forth the enemy tries to control these. At the ultimate pushing and when our Gods will be victorious, we will return to a totally spiritual civilization, but at the same time, extremely advanced, without binding or life damning technology, or technology of underhanded motivations.

A lot of people cannot figure out how the pyramids were built, and other marvelous things happened. The thing is, in Egypt and other civilizations, telepathy and other things were very common. The common man basically had spiritual access and could be initiated anytime they wanted. Now, the knowledge is forcibly held on the hands of a few jewish pricks, who damn the planet on accord.

All of this 'progress' comes from the same beings and souls that made the Middle ages. And those who spent more time in the Occult than everyone else, telling them that the Occult is a piece of crap. These people are called 'jews' basically, and they are a race. Who has kept humanity enslaved for two thousands of years time.

Now, they come to liberate the goyim, as much as they wanted to liberate them with Christianity, Islam, and other fancy pipedreams of sudden and immaculate salvation, that require nothing, but to accept a microchip, or Jesus christ as your lord and savior, or get a pill down your system and everything will be given to you.

The metaphysical hoax of jesus christ and the perfect life in heaven, has later become the magickal pill that will make you understand everything and get you to elevated consciousness, and now, we have transhumanism, the magical nanobot that will get in your asshole, and show you the way to infinite and prolonged life without any disease etc. All of this is just the same cycle of lies, with the same ultimate purpose.

Of course the jews on one hand push that shit to get in research for their own borg race, and on the other gate, they fill all civilized countries with inhuman, pisslamic scum. So when things come to the correct moment, they will have attained their borg dreams, and the idiots below will be a slave, cattle mass, below them, powerless and defeated.

The human body, from the fingernails, down to the number of fingers, to the pineal gland, has a very deep occult significance, that connects with the larger fabric of creation, or the cosmos. The physical body is actually the 'all' in that sense, housing in it and being able to perceive 'everything' within creation, but only by correspondance. For example, the bones correspond, same as the base chakra, to the dimension of the physical.

As we go upwards, we reach the pineal gland, and the crown, which deal with what is called the "Absolute". In the highest levels, in our senses, the "Absolute" appears as infinite darkness in a sense, some which call it Atman. This is a reason why Satan is also called the Lord of Darkness. However, spiritual power is manifested light, this power too, comes from this "Darkness", which is not devoid of light. But shines. This is the "Black Sun" which is assosciated with the National Socialists, and is a worldwide hated symbol now. The closest to this manifestation also does exist in the actual Sun, and this corresponds to the Chakra of the Solar plexus as well.

Recent sciences hasn't given a question, on why Humans do actually have 'consciousness' and perception. From the writings of the enemy we can see, that the aliens of the enemy wanted us to be borgs, that had no self consciousness. Satan and the Gods gave us what is called as consciousness.

Consciousness in the linear level, is what makes you a living, moving thing that is not a borg. A borg can move, and maybe it can fly, jump, or even with the correct Artificial Intelligence program, be thinking and making decisions. However, it will never have real 'life' in it, or consciousness. It will only have lower principles. In short, it will be soulless.

A purpose on life and why Satan and the Gods emphasize on not Race mixing, is because Races are in fact different mass-souls that have their own development level. To mix one with the other, is to regress largely, rather than progress. The jews themselves aren't stupid to 'race mix' and they know that families, and ancestors, do actually account to spiritually pent up power. The jews are to avoid this, this is for the goy. The goy are to be living in the multicultural global cage of ants, and the jews are to be standing on a higher level, playing with the goyim like ants. The fate of a parasitic race is to enslave some other entity in order to reach their 'purpose' or 'end'.

After the constant spiritual evolution of a race, when the link with the 'infinite' comes in contact, at some point, people discover what is called 'Immortality', through what is known by the Magnum Opus. This is metaphysical. The jews only fool the goyim with transhumanism. They are going to only do this for their own lesser elements. The wise of the jews know that the real power lies in the immortal spirit, that can exist irrespectively of even if you nuke it with a nuclear bomb.

The material, flesh and blood body, is what is needed for this process. The Gods aren't stupid. If they wanted to make us as borgs, they would, but this literal 'flesh and bone' which so many fools hate, is actually the link to life itself. Life itself is the most fragile element in existence, but well, it is also the strongest, and its the only thing that is in touch with the infinite potential of existence.

Therefore, only life is 'god' or the 'force of god'. And this life can only inhabit bodies such as these. The more mechanised and gross the body becomes, the less life it can house. A stone, a metal, cannot be alive. Even if it had moving elements such as nanobots in them, any amount of nanobots would never be equal in quality to the blood for example, as the carrier of life.

This deals with the astral light, and the spiritual body, which is tied into the physical body. The races are in a development stage to get into this level. Some individuals can actually do this on their own, and 'escape' the wheel of Karma, to live forever. For those who don't do this process, they will forever be damned in the repeating circle, which the jews glorify by naming their holy book after: The "Torah". The Rota is the eternal circle, that beings and human life does take, until it reaches a point to manifest itself in the most perfect and higher level way.

Lastly, the jewish race pushes trans-humanism, because they are an inferior life-form, that has no spiritual purpose of any serious sort, just to keep other humans in control and preoccupied in a rat wheel. They just want to become actual, physical borgs, as they are on the inside, because there is nothing seriously spiritual for them.

As we have written before, the jews do lack particular things in the Soul that make them an inferior species. As such the jews hate what is called "Truth", named in their writings as "Ha-Satan", the ultimate understanding, and neglect any Truth about existence or reality. They don't have any destiny for immortality, or any other such things, so they just want to desperately preserve themselves in the level of borgs.

Unfortunately, the same aliens that tried to prevent Satan from creating Humans into a worthwhile and whole creation, prevented him later from raising his creation to the highest spiritual level of intention. Our role is to help people finish this, and this is why the hidden 'overlords', greys, and other shitheads, of this petty world make themselves known spiritually to us, to let us know how right we are, and how much they are losing it.

My hope and conviction is that humanity, or at least quite a few beings, will understand that you are already sitting in nuclear power (your Soul) and achieve inner liberation and ascention. The purpose of which is to raise the self, and then gradually the whole, into the level of consciousness of the seventh heaven, or 'god'.

Only Satan can give and guide towards the real Godhead. Not short, ugly, greedy, pieces of alien life that we have been indoctrinated to accept us 'fellow humans'.

When Humanity grasps it, we will be many steps closer to surpassing our current life right now, and really rise on a higher level of existence. To not understand this, is to create a second Middle Ages, owned, run, and technologically executed by jews.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Στις 5:09 π.μ. Παρασκευή, 24 Μαρτίου 2017, ο/η HC <hoodedcobra666@... έγραψε:

The 'Great Indestructible Jew' debunked : JoyofSatan666

One thing I have noticed is that people somehow think the enemy is just sitting, and Trump is like on the other end, same as Nixon, and the Rabbis tell them what to do. Maybe this was for some presidents, but not all. Bush for example, didn't go one inch or wake up in the morning, without reading his Talmud. Kennedy obviously wasn't such case, and he had a hidden interest to Hitler. The jews don't have complete control and dominion over the powers called 'Fate', let alone the Will of the Gods. These powers are competing on a large level.

Presidents obviously, unless we are talking of Bush or Clinton, have an Ego, and they also have a personality and their own opinions. The jews avoid these types as these create unrest. Nixon, whatever his backround, this is another discussion, was being ravaged by the jews and therefore was extremely hateful. He even hated his midget, but necessary midget, jew Henry Kissinger.

As its in the Torah, unfortunately, because the Torah makes it as such through magick, leaders, even if Gentiles, are always alone and isolated to an extent, and therefore fall in favor of jews. They sic onto them, threaten them, lend to them, or surround them as their 'friends' and 'advisors' in many cases.

Even if they are jews themselves to an extent, with hybridization, always do come issues. The enemy advises the jews against hybridization, but they HAVE to be a hybrid in order to infiltrate. As thus the jews are mixed with all the races of the planet. And therefore have become the errant and schizoid race of criminals they are today, plus their reptilian blood. The rabbis hate hybridization as it creates UNCERTAINTY. Therefore they do not let mixed kikes get in Israel, because who knows? They may be the most loyal, or they may suddenly go HAM and fuck up their own.

As have done jews in the years, by betraying the agenda of their own. It was a kike that for example, published the protocols of the elders of Zion. Because why not? Who knows what this jew was subjected to? Sometimes, the family abuse in jewish families is also extremely severe, to the point that many people cannot imagine. Just take a look on how they mutilate the penises of their so called spawns.

Jews casually attack, mistreat, and brutalize their own to no end. No lifeform likes pain, and to be treated in that way, no matter how much of a borg it is. This is physical, and hardwired into the physical body, and the very simple levels of existence. Not even a worm likes to be squashed.

Do you think that the president or other people in power enjoy getting Rabbis on the phone telling them they will kill them unless they follow their orders? Or other things like that which the jews seem to do? Not even a mixed kike would like all this abuse, attacks, and defamation by otherwise its own 'tribe'.

The enemy severely abuses their own people. Do you think that since Trump might have shilled for them, after destroying their media empire, the jews wouldn't destroy him at first chance for example? The jews are a brutal race, and they are ready to retaliate. The jews are a very vicious race. No matter how much one 'serves' them and does exactly what they state, the axe always hands on top of their head. Many people as such are extremely displeased.

Internal dispute and warfare is why the jews have been in the position they are today. Not all jews are psychic, 'wise' rabbis, or elders of Zion. However all of them know the act, and all of them are necessary. Also, not all of them are geniuses, either. They also do get actually born with bad astrology charts. And some even go kamikaze against their own jews. For many reasons. This should leave us cold and nobody should feed into the false 'good cop, bad cop'. But it's a reality still.

The enemy runs a worldwide conspiracy, yes, it's extremely powerful, yes, it has lasted a lot of time, yes, it can potentially destroy everything, yes. But then we also have 'human' and 'natural' error, the Gods, our side doing magick, and situational things. So know your enemy, never underestimate them, but don't gravely overestimate them, either. Maintain a level, and a confident approach. With systematic spiritual warfare we will win.

Additionally, many people don't pay attention. The pope, and all these 'grand' traitor figures of the greys and the reptilians, the jewish seed, is bound to a very obscure, and a very damning fate. Even their best servants, will be killed, and this is in the bible. Why? Because they are a dispensable piece of shit.

In Egypt, even the builders and the commonest of the commoners had an actual super proper burial that ensured their existence for eternal life, with frequent litanies done to remember their name. And even insects like Scrabs were made into dieties, same as pet Dogs, Cats, etc. What does that tell you about how Satan and the Gods treat life? Now we live in a numbered society, and the enemy is the one who makes this happen. What does that tell us about THEM?

The jew, unlike the rabbinical claims, is only a means to a way to the aliens. They would rather have other beings, like the greys directly, doing the job, but instead, due to opposition by our Gods, they cannot do this. Therefore, they created a cheap hybrid to do the job. And they are quite displeased, as this has took a giant while for them to catch up.

The greys are sadistically enslaved to the reptillians, completely robbed of personal intelligence and free will. They do not even have genitals to replicate. What does that tell us about the reptilians and those who 'run the game'? They hate every sense of freedom, even if it comes to their own.

Unlike Satan and the Gods who are compassionate, understanding, gave Gentiles the ability to procreate, and gave us a free and individual spirit, PLUS the means to work on our individual Soul, the enemy has created a creation of a halfling, slave, to serve them and eventually be destroyed when their 'work' is done. The enemy 'god' is so sadistic, and this can be seen in the bible. The jews even in the bible are frequently genocided by the greys and their own alien hive, because of disobedience to their 'covenant'. The jews are a slave race by definition.

In conclusion, the jews seem so extremely powerful and so evil, because people have lost their ancestral knowledge, inner understanding, and because this infection has weakened the White Race who has been ruling for a long time, to the point the jew is perceived as 'great'. The jew is an alien, savage, parasite, and 'great' insofar these objectives are in question.

Society is still advancing, and not everyone is dead. In a desperate bastardized attempt to fullfill their purpose fast, they are attempting now to genocide Whites and destroy everyone, yet again, which will yet again, be met with an insurmountable wall and extremely cutthroat resistance.

The jew is the one who should be afraid, so long people do their spiritual warfare, spiritual advancement, and education of everyone. Satan and our Gods have ruled this planet for who knows how many tens, or closely hundreds of thousands of years. Aside other elect Souls and many people who are powerful, and are also around still. The jew always makes the calculations based on what they presently know, or what they have stolen just a few hundreds of years ago.

But there are so many things we don't know, and we haven't even seen. So, let's let the Gods do their part of the deal, and we do ours.

Indefinitely, until the 'end' and furthermore, we will fight until this is a closed case.

Sieg Heil Brothers and Sisters in Satan!!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Στις 3:38 π.μ. Πέμπτη, 2 Μαρτίου 2017, ο/η HC <hoodedcobra666@... έγραψε:

Why Spiritual Satanism is the Best Religion in the World : JoyofSatan666

Spiritual Satanism is the True Religion.

No matter from where you see this matter, you can see it easily, especially if you look.

Spiritual Satanism tells the Truth on the afterlife, no bullshit added. There is no need for lying, as by definition becoming a Satanist implies one has already broken their 'comfort zone' by a long shot. We say the Truth on Karma, and how it plays out, same as endless others spiritual concepts. Satanism doesn't need to fool anyone into believing this or that, and people can see what is the case and isn't, by trying on their own. People who do the meditations see most of these things for themselves. We don't tell anyone what to 'see' in that sense. We just teach people to see, by practices that anyway are inconceivably Ancient and accepted to work by all pre-christian and pre-muslim civilizations. Truth in Satanism is a self-seeking, and also group-seeking inquiry.

We don't even need a 'bible' or something, because well, Spiritual Satanism is rooted in nature. Satanism as the enemy admits, is everywhere 'around' us. Be it in the physical and obvious level, or the higher and unmanifested levels (which we call the astral), Satanism is everywhere. From a beating heart, to the first breath of an infant, all the "Spiritual Satanic" values are there.

Let's assume for a moment that someone is a purely physical person that doesn't care for spirituality. Even them, they benefit from Spiritual Satanism, because we teach a sane morality. You don't do reckless evil, you become a civilizer, and keep your sights on becoming better. These are the people that Satan and the Gods like. Go after freedom, and fight those who seek to enslave you, but at the same time, don't be a stupid revolutionary as if revolution is your day to day job. Use judgement, common sense, logic.

Of all the religions in the world, Spiritual Satanism tells people, aside from any 'fancy' reason or any 'boogieman' to people to finally use common sense. Therefore we have nothing to divide with science at all. We cherish on the betterment of our existence and life on it, except of two small minor things: the ridiculing of the spiritual notion of man (except of jewish crap about its non-existence when their race practices spirituality en masse).

In Spiritual Satanism, you don't live for any afterlife, even if you know about it. You don't wait to die, seeking a better tomorrow. You strive to advance today. You really start understanding the universal understanding that some people named 'god', as a stupid idea to confuse people that they were destining to be cattle, same as some laws such as 'karma', and what's behind them. Therefore you are free, and you are master of your own behavior. Spiritual Satanism is both materialism, and idealism. Most religions are pretending one or the other, while as everyone can see, materialism always reigns. Spiritual Satanism doesn't need to pretend anything as simply both natures are accepted, and materialism is not excluded from Spirituality. On our behalf, everything is balanced and nice.

Spiritual Satanism also teaches order, but the necessity to revolt against slavers such as the enemy, who seek to destroy humanity for no absolute reason whatsover. Satanism is a merciful religion to every person seeking to advance, and is against misplaced mercy and fake tolerance that helps nobody. In Satanism, everyone must advance and wage their battle.

If Satanism was to rule the world one day, it would be just the Truth dismantling the lies. Spiritual Satanists seek the highest idealism for the future of their Race and humanity, but we are also practical and realistic about what is going in existence today.

In Spiritual Satanism, no person is left behind, unless they by their own admission leave themselves behind and corrupt themselves in a loop of eternal self-destruction. We carry people out of fire, but we don't take bullets for them. We don't have any slave mentality. For order to exist, there is no need for slave mentality, as simply logic and looking at things really, creates an order.

Spiritual Satanism is also a peaceful religion. However if we are threatened and attacked, we will become spiritually brutal, and we will pay our enemies with the same currency. We don't seek the destruction of any Gentile, no matter their beliefs, unless of course they are seeking ours. We see at people who are xians and other misguided people who have been brainwashed as rather sick, unless they attack us outright.

We know Races to exist, because well, they do. We like to see reality as it is. Being a Satanist, one always has the occult and mental powers, and the support needed to go on. No matter how low someone has sunk, there is always a choice and some adherence away to become a better being. We know there are ways to eternal life, but we also see that its in our life here that we must fight. Our views of eternal life don't make us life hating, they make us life-loving. We realize life as the greatest gift and we seek to protect and raise it to higher levels of existence.

Our so called "Anti-Semitism" is not situational, and we didn't wake up one day and decided to become anti-semetic to uselessly rebel. We know of the hidden 'agenda' that is no longer hidden anymore, because its carriers don't even hide it anymore. Its a defense against specific groups who have tried to destroy people who, like us, under the massive label of "Satanism" have tried to advance civilization. Since their attacks have been unceasing and repeated we are left with no other choice, and history has now been written anyway, many times in blood of many innocent Gentiles. Due to all of our values and devotion for life, we have had to do something. In Spiritual Satanism, we have morals, but not slave morals which promote injustice, misery and pain. We have thousands of years of evidence, anyway.

In Spiritual Satanism we take natural determinism seriously, but we also take our views seriously, which tell us that everyone should be able to prove themselves, and have the means to advance and become better. We don't judge solely by any birth, and every spiritual Satanist has all the means at their disposal to go anywhere they want and can, with their existence. For the impossible, we devise possibilities. We believe that Humanity is made to be something higher, which as we call it today, we call it "Gods".

We Satanists do respect nature, the laws presented to us by nature, and we believe all advancement should be done in harmony with Nature and not otherwise. We believe Humanity has only as much potential as it decides it has, and puts itself to achieve.

Lastly, in Spiritual Satanism, we don't teach people stupid values like 'anarchy' or being constantly in consistent and fruitless ego wars with other people. We know such values do not promote wellbeing, or civilization, but we are ready to defy values that may be damning to civilization. We teach people to fight if necessary, we would throw ourselves to fire for freedom and for individuality, but a Spiritual Satanist knows how to create a phlanx with his brothers and sisters when the time requires. We value brotherhood, with order, and sometimes a family character to it. But never to the expense of ego.

And why all of this. Because we have met Him who is called Satan.

"God" is not our slave, our fanboy, or something that we use as a car to get us where we want. Our "God" is our God, and so many more things than God, because today this word is empty and means a lot of abrahamic nonsense. Why do we respect Satan? Simply: because He is magnificent, He is known to us, He is the Eternal, and the Eternal can manifest itself. Because there is no reason why 'not'. We consider Humanity worthy. "God" or any being of 'innumerable' capability should, and is able to do this as well, to relate to people in development.

We don't teach "God" is hate, or "love". Our Gods are real beings, and like us, only infinite times more advanced, have ways which we have to understand. Our Gods are not hiding to those who have eyes to see and ears to listen.

Satan doesn't claim the position of 'God', let alone any jewish 'god'. They on the other hand, claimed HIS position, with destructive aftermath for them. Satan has had His eternal throne in all Ancient Civilizations. Satan's position is, has been, and will forever be higher and inconceivable compared to 'God'. Satan also, is the only one who leads to the 'universal consciousness' that many people call "God", but in the East is called Atman: The state of supreme consciousness of creation or simply 'god', called Samadhi, and reached by Satan's Divine Name, SA-TA-NA-MA.

We are blessed to understand that the universe on its own does not 'hate' anyone, let alone favor anyone, all of which we know to be abrahamic lies. The universe is Nature, and nature rewards or damns, depending on our choices. Some people to mystify this term, they call it 'karma', or even worse in the jewish conspiracy, they pretend this universe is a jew that hates all non-jews. So much of their disturbing lies.

As we understand Him, we call Him God, but He is so much more. He is revealed to anyone, but also the ultimate, greatest, most beautiful and the most magnificent Mystery in Creation. There are no words to describe Him, but we try. Spiritual Satanism is the Eternal Way from which we follow into the Absolute.

Spiritual Satanism is the Now, the Past, and the Forever.

Spiritual Satanism is the gateway to the Eternal Truth of the Cosmos, our Father Satan Lucifer, the God of Light, Splendor and everlasting Strength.

Spiritual Satanism is Truth, Meaning, Life, and Perfection. All this is Satan, and infinitely more.

We are approaching Him and understanding Him, that which many like to call "God", but we know how to call as Satan, whose name is Eternal Truth. To us He is real, existing, and visible to those who want to see Him. We also make sure to display what is best of our God, and people who use the Gods in the same way as the enemy dogmas do, we abolish their rights them and we drive them away. This is because, unlike xians, we know our Gods are real, are Gods are existing, and lastly, our Gods do deliver justice...

We worship Truth, approached and grasped closely by spirituality, which in anyway, enlivens and makes beings better, stronger, but also more peaceful, because it makes humans raise in consciousness and become more intelligent.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Wow! The picture you paint!!!
Put this article together with the info about the next potential world war [the real war to end all wars]. Even if it's only 3-4 years from now and nit that big...! The enemy will have the transhuman bots psychic'd up for war and they won't even know or care whom they're fighting. And with the SS weakened by race mixing, the enemy expects to win easily!
Yes. The SS today have the means to build a "pyramid". If we devote time to learning how. Devote time to understanding the way physical abilities tie into spiritual consciousness. 
The ancient Egyptians used their physical bodies as the gateway and supplementation to spiritual excellence. But the Egyptians were only one culture to build pyramids. These stately structures can be found world wide. And no two civilizations built exactly the same types. Because all of the cultures exemplified their race and their spiritual knowledge. The ancients knew that one's race and heritage was important. The differences in pyramids exemplify the physical perfection of a pure race of Gentile.
So for those of us SS who are not so fortunate as to be of a pure race....
You paint a vivid picture of what we are up against, physically and spiritually. We do our studies. We do the RTRs. We grow. Ascend. Transcend [hopefully within this lifetime because earth time is getting short] into godliness. 
It was pointed out once that the responsibility for the action of race mixing lies with the former generations [unless we today individually mix]. The fruit of that mixing, however, lies within each of us. It was also pointed out that each of us has a genetically predominate race which we individually need to identify with and to cling to. Strive and develope with. 
For within these distinctions of individuality called race, the "pyramids" of the future of mankind will be built. 
But I still feel as though I don't have the whole picture. What am I missing? Yes I'm diving deep. I can't believe it's so simple that I'm just missing it. [?!]
Hail SatanHail Lilith
"To secure freedom, national honor, and a future for life."     Adolph Hitler
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On Sat, Mar 25, 2017 at 4:07 AM, HC hoodedcobra666@... [HellsArmy666]<[email protected] wrote:   Futuristic Transhumanism : JoyofSatan666


Greetings to all our People and Satanic Comrades!

This is the giant trend of the jews for this century. You're all going to become borgs, get into a fancy VR, inject drug this or drug that, and "forever", so long the tech exists, you will be a slave of your own illusion of 'power'. You will in reality be a fat atrophied nerd. However, you will compete against other top notch people in video game “X”, so it won’t really matter. This is a trend that is extremely forced into newer generations, and a term that also focuses around what is called as 'futurism'. This will be constantly pushed by the jews, to finally replace real life and existence, by a digital and fake existence. We are already living in a physical existence, owned largely by jews, and filled with lies. Why not go into full VR mode, and live DEEPER in the lies? Ever-deeper!

This has been played for a while now. This is because, the enemy wants to use the psychic and lifeforce energy produced by the 'goyim' for their own ends. Lifeforce = Power of "God". It makes things happen, and it creates. The Kundalini is also called the Serpent of Life.

"Futurism" and "Transhumanism" is nothing but middle ages simplified and technologically 'caught up', and nothing comes for free. So long you don't understand the spiritual Truth, it doesn't matter what you do in video games, or how many nonbots you have in your butt indeed. You are a useless species indeed. Now, if the jews put ads all over the internet, I don't wanna know what they will do with a microchip in your optic nerve...Maybe they can flash some ads on your brain or something, snap a vein? Who knows?

When humanity is beaten, powerless, and human beings have no insight to their spiritual potential, humanity starts to sink into a lower level, all the time. One becomes only flesh, bones, and a victim of everything. The enemy aliens and the jews who are in power are very aware of all the secrets that billions of others are not. They therefore use these with considerable ease, to control them asses akin how one does control ants in a cage. The only thing is that people aren't really ants in that sense. They are just reduced into ants.

The interesting thing is that obviously, there are no limits to how much technology can, or should expand. However, the trick the enemy is now pulling is to MERGE with this technology, on a linear, biological level. The argument is, since the goyim are too bored to go to their PC for google, let's hook it on their brain. Even if google has already got monumental speed. Imagine if the garbage of the internet flew in your brain, without your consensus or something. Unfiltered. So like google spies on them like cattle anyway, now we can spy their thoughts.

The above of course, like everything the jews mimic, does mimic a state of consciousness, where one can project their consciousness in a never ending sea of information. All people can do this, without any chip, and without a kike supervising the process. This can be done by spiritual advancement in the highest levels. People just need to get their act together. The jews state that this is to make 'a mass mind' of humanity, of course, assisted by the technology they supervise and create. Another fake play pretend, that is based on a spiritual concept, that is used to enslave people. Like the blueprint of the nazarene.

Now, this 'mass mind' already exists and its like, right HERE. You are part of this mass-mind, already hooked into it by
nature herself. You just don't know how to get into this, because well, you have been reduced into a spiritually inaware person. One just does yoga and meditation, and as they advance, they experience the so called 'mass mind' and the mass consciousness, which is on the astral level. OF course, the jews know all of this, but the goyim that don't, get sold on any lie.

Take for example your mobile phone. What you can do with your phone, you can also do with your telepathy. However, because this ability has been forcibly removed, same as the knowledge on how to do it, they now sell it to you bit by bit. And of course, all your calls can be monitored, tapped into etc. What nature gives you for free, the enemy removes it first, and then, as the Gods force these things to re-appear, we have cellphones, and so forth the enemy tries to control these. At the ultimate pushing and when our Gods will be victorious, we will return to a totally spiritual civilization, but at the same time, extremely advanced, without binding or life damning technology, or technology of underhanded motivations.

A lot of people cannot figure out how the pyramids were built, and other marvelous things happened. The thing is, in Egypt and other civilizations, telepathy and other things were very common. The common man basically had spiritual access and could be initiated anytime they wanted. Now, the knowledge is forcibly held on the hands of a few jewish pricks, who damn the planet on accord.

All of this 'progress' comes from the same beings and souls that made the Middle ages. And those who spent more time in the Occult than everyone else, telling them that the Occult is a piece of crap. These people are called 'jews' basically, and they are a race. Who has kept humanity enslaved for two thousands of years time.

Now, they come to liberate the goyim, as much as they wanted to liberate them with Christianity, Islam, and other fancy pipedreams of sudden and immaculate salvation, that require nothing, but to accept a microchip, or Jesus christ as your lord and savior, or get a pill down your system and everything will be given to you.

The metaphysical hoax of jesus christ and the perfect life in heaven, has later become the magickal pill that will make you understand everything and get you to elevated consciousness, and now, we have transhumanism, the magical nanobot that will get in your asshole, and show you the way to infinite and prolonged life without any disease etc. All of this is just the same cycle of lies, with the same ultimate purpose.

Of course the jews on one hand push that shit to get in research for their own borg race, and on the other gate, they fill all civilized countries with inhuman, pisslamic scum. So when things come to the correct moment, they will have attained their borg dreams, and the idiots below will be a slave, cattle mass, below them, powerless and defeated.

The human body, from the fingernails, down to the number of fingers, to the pineal gland, has a very deep occult significance, that connects with the larger fabric of creation, or the cosmos. The physical body is actually the 'all' in that sense, housing in it and being able to perceive 'everything' within creation, but only by correspondance. For example, the bones correspond, same as the base chakra, to the dimension of the physical.

As we go upwards, we reach the pineal gland, and the crown, which deal with what is called the "Absolute". In the highest levels, in our senses, the "Absolute" appears as infinite darkness in a sense, some which call it Atman. This is a reason why Satan is also called the Lord of Darkness. However, spiritual power is manifested light, this power too, comes from this "Darkness", which is not devoid of light. But shines. This is the "Black Sun" which is assosciated with the National Socialists, and is a worldwide hated symbol now. The closest to this manifestation also does exist in the actual Sun, and this corresponds to the Chakra of the Solar plexus as well.

Recent sciences hasn't given a question, on why Humans do actually have 'consciousness' and perception. From the writings of the enemy we can see, that the aliens of the enemy wanted us to be borgs, that had no self consciousness. Satan and the Gods gave us what is called as consciousness.

Consciousness in the linear level, is what makes you a living, moving thing that is not a borg. A borg can move, and maybe it can fly, jump, or even with the correct Artificial Intelligence program, be thinking and making decisions. However, it will never have real 'life' in it, or consciousness. It will only have lower principles. In short, it will be soulless.

A purpose on life and why Satan and the Gods emphasize on not Race mixing, is because Races are in fact different mass-souls that have their own development level. To mix one with the other, is to regress largely, rather than progress. The jews themselves aren't stupid to 'race mix' and they know that families, and ancestors, do actually account to spiritually pent up power. The jews are to avoid this, this is for the goy. The goy are to be living in the multicultural global cage of ants, and the jews are to be standing on a higher level, playing with the goyim like ants. The fate of a parasitic race is to enslave some other entity in order to reach their 'purpose' or 'end'.

After the constant spiritual evolution of a race, when the link with the 'infinite' comes in contact, at some point, people discover what is called 'Immortality', through what is known by the Magnum Opus. This is metaphysical. The jews only fool the goyim with transhumanism. They are going to only do this for their own lesser elements. The wise of the jews know that the real power lies in the immortal spirit, that can exist irrespectively of even if you nuke it with a nuclear bomb.

The material, flesh and blood body, is what is needed for this process. The Gods aren't stupid. If they wanted to make us as borgs, they would, but this literal 'flesh and bone' which so many fools hate, is actually the link to life itself. Life itself is the most fragile element in existence, but well, it is also the strongest, and its the only thing that is in touch with the infinite potential of existence.

Therefore, only life is 'god' or the 'force of god'. And this life can only inhabit bodies such as these. The more mechanised and gross the body becomes, the less life it can house. A stone, a metal, cannot be alive. Even if it had moving elements such as nanobots in them, any amount of nanobots would never be equal in quality to the blood for example, as the carrier of life.

This deals with the astral light, and the spiritual body, which is tied into the physical body. The races are in a development stage to get into this level. Some individuals can actually do this on their own, and 'escape' the wheel of Karma, to live forever. For those who don't do this process, they will forever be damned in the repeating circle, which the jews glorify by naming their holy book after: The "Torah". The Rota is the eternal circle, that beings and human life does take, until it reaches a point to manifest itself in the most perfect and higher level way.

Lastly, the jewish race pushes trans-humanism, because they are an inferior life-form, that has no spiritual purpose of any serious sort, just to keep other humans in control and preoccupied in a rat wheel. They just want to become actual, physical borgs, as they are on the inside, because there is nothing seriously spiritual for them.

As we have written before, the jews do lack particular things in the Soul that make them an inferior species. As such the jews hate what is called "Truth", named in their writings as "Ha-Satan", the ultimate understanding, and neglect any Truth about existence or reality. They don't have any destiny for immortality, or any other such things, so they just want to desperately preserve themselves in the level of borgs.

Unfortunately, the same aliens that tried to prevent Satan from creating Humans into a worthwhile and whole creation, prevented him later from raising his creation to the highest spiritual level of intention. Our role is to help people finish this, and this is why the hidden 'overlords', greys, and other shitheads, of this petty world make themselves known spiritually to us, to let us know how right we are, and how much they are losing it.

My hope and conviction is that humanity, or at least quite a few beings, will understand that you are already sitting in nuclear power (your Soul) and achieve inner liberation and ascention. The purpose of which is to raise the self, and then gradually the whole, into the level of consciousness of the seventh heaven, or 'god'.

Only Satan can give and guide towards the real Godhead. Not short, ugly, greedy, pieces of alien life that we have been indoctrinated to accept us 'fellow humans'.

When Humanity grasps it, we will be many steps closer to surpassing our current life right now, and really rise on a higher level of existence. To not understand this, is to create a second Middle Ages, owned, run, and technologically executed by jews.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Στις 5:09 π.μ. Παρασκευή, 24 Μαρτίου 2017, ο/η HC <hoodedcobra666@... έγραψε:

The 'Great Indestructible Jew' debunked : JoyofSatan666

One thing I have noticed is that people somehow think the enemy is just sitting, and Trump is like on the other end, same as Nixon, and the Rabbis tell them what to do. Maybe this was for some presidents, but not all. Bush for example, didn't go one inch or wake up in the morning, without reading his Talmud. Kennedy obviously wasn't such case, and he had a hidden interest to Hitler. The jews don't have complete control and dominion over the powers called 'Fate', let alone the Will of the Gods. These powers are competing on a large level.

Presidents obviously, unless we are talking of Bush or Clinton, have an Ego, and they also have a personality and their own opinions. The jews avoid these types as these create unrest. Nixon, whatever his backround, this is another discussion, was being ravaged by the jews and therefore was extremely hateful. He even hated his midget, but necessary midget, jew Henry Kissinger.

As its in the Torah, unfortunately, because the Torah makes it as such through magick, leaders, even if Gentiles, are always alone and isolated to an extent, and therefore fall in favor of jews. They sic onto them, threaten them, lend to them, or surround them as their 'friends' and 'advisors' in many cases.

Even if they are jews themselves to an extent, with hybridization, always do come issues. The enemy advises the jews against hybridization, but they HAVE to be a hybrid in order to infiltrate. As thus the jews are mixed with all the races of the planet. And therefore have become the errant and schizoid race of criminals they are today, plus their reptilian blood. The rabbis hate hybridization as it creates UNCERTAINTY. Therefore they do not let mixed kikes get in Israel, because who knows? They may be the most loyal, or they may suddenly go HAM and fuck up their own.

As have done jews in the years, by betraying the agenda of their own. It was a kike that for example, published the protocols of the elders of Zion. Because why not? Who knows what this jew was subjected to? Sometimes, the family abuse in jewish families is also extremely severe, to the point that many people cannot imagine. Just take a look on how they mutilate the penises of their so called spawns.

Jews casually attack, mistreat, and brutalize their own to no end. No lifeform likes pain, and to be treated in that way, no matter how much of a borg it is. This is physical, and hardwired into the physical body, and the very simple levels of existence. Not even a worm likes to be squashed.

Do you think that the president or other people in power enjoy getting Rabbis on the phone telling them they will kill them unless they follow their orders? Or other things like that which the jews seem to do? Not even a mixed kike would like all this abuse, attacks, and defamation by otherwise its own 'tribe'.

The enemy severely abuses their own people. Do you think that since Trump might have shilled for them, after destroying their media empire, the jews wouldn't destroy him at first chance for example? The jews are a brutal race, and they are ready to retaliate. The jews are a very vicious race. No matter how much one 'serves' them and does exactly what they state, the axe always hands on top of their head. Many people as such are extremely displeased.

Internal dispute and warfare is why the jews have been in the position they are today. Not all jews are psychic, 'wise' rabbis, or elders of Zion. However all of them know the act, and all of them are necessary. Also, not all of them are geniuses, either. They also do get actually born with bad astrology charts. And some even go kamikaze against their own jews. For many reasons. This should leave us cold and nobody should feed into the false 'good cop, bad cop'. But it's a reality still.

The enemy runs a worldwide conspiracy, yes, it's extremely powerful, yes, it has lasted a lot of time, yes, it can potentially destroy everything, yes. But then we also have 'human' and 'natural' error, the Gods, our side doing magick, and situational things. So know your enemy, never underestimate them, but don't gravely overestimate them, either. Maintain a level, and a confident approach. With systematic spiritual warfare we will win.

Additionally, many people don't pay attention. The pope, and all these 'grand' traitor figures of the greys and the reptilians, the jewish seed, is bound to a very obscure, and a very damning fate. Even their best servants, will be killed, and this is in the bible. Why? Because they are a dispensable piece of shit.

In Egypt, even the builders and the commonest of the commoners had an actual super proper burial that ensured their existence for eternal life, with frequent litanies done to remember their name. And even insects like Scrabs were made into dieties, same as pet Dogs, Cats, etc. What does that tell you about how Satan and the Gods treat life? Now we live in a numbered society, and the enemy is the one who makes this happen. What does that tell us about THEM?

The jew, unlike the rabbinical claims, is only a means to a way to the aliens. They would rather have other beings, like the greys directly, doing the job, but instead, due to opposition by our Gods, they cannot do this. Therefore, they created a cheap hybrid to do the job. And they are quite displeased, as this has took a giant while for them to catch up.

The greys are sadistically enslaved to the reptillians, completely robbed of personal intelligence and free will. They do not even have genitals to replicate. What does that tell us about the reptilians and those who 'run the game'? They hate every sense of freedom, even if it comes to their own.

Unlike Satan and the Gods who are compassionate, understanding, gave Gentiles the ability to procreate, and gave us a free and individual spirit, PLUS the means to work on our individual Soul, the enemy has created a creation of a halfling, slave, to serve them and eventually be destroyed when their 'work' is done. The enemy 'god' is so sadistic, and this can be seen in the bible. The jews even in the bible are frequently genocided by the greys and their own alien hive, because of disobedience to their 'covenant'. The jews are a slave race by definition.

In conclusion, the jews seem so extremely powerful and so evil, because people have lost their ancestral knowledge, inner understanding, and because this infection has weakened the White Race who has been ruling for a long time, to the point the jew is perceived as 'great'. The jew is an alien, savage, parasite, and 'great' insofar these objectives are in question.

Society is still advancing, and not everyone is dead. In a desperate bastardized attempt to fullfill their purpose fast, they are attempting now to genocide Whites and destroy everyone, yet again, which will yet again, be met with an insurmountable wall and extremely cutthroat resistance.

The jew is the one who should be afraid, so long people do their spiritual warfare, spiritual advancement, and education of everyone. Satan and our Gods have ruled this planet for who knows how many tens, or closely hundreds of thousands of years. Aside other elect Souls and many people who are powerful, and are also around still. The jew always makes the calculations based on what they presently know, or what they have stolen just a few hundreds of years ago.

But there are so many things we don't know, and we haven't even seen. So, let's let the Gods do their part of the deal, and we do ours.

Indefinitely, until the 'end' and furthermore, we will fight until this is a closed case.

Sieg Heil Brothers and Sisters in Satan!!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Στις 3:38 π.μ. Πέμπτη, 2 Μαρτίου 2017, ο/η HC <hoodedcobra666@... έγραψε:

Why Spiritual Satanism is the Best Religion in the World : JoyofSatan666

Spiritual Satanism is the True Religion.

No matter from where you see this matter, you can see it easily, especially if you look.

Spiritual Satanism tells the Truth on the afterlife, no bullshit added. There is no need for lying, as by definition becoming a Satanist implies one has already broken their 'comfort zone' by a long shot. We say the Truth on Karma, and how it plays out, same as endless others spiritual concepts. Satanism doesn't need to fool anyone into believing this or that, and people can see what is the case and isn't, by trying on their own. People who do the meditations see most of these things for themselves. We don't tell anyone what to 'see' in that sense. We just teach people to see, by practices that anyway are inconceivably Ancient and accepted to work by all pre-christian and pre-muslim civilizations. Truth in Satanism is a self-seeking, and also group-seeking inquiry.

We don't even need a 'bible' or something, because well, Spiritual Satanism is rooted in nature. Satanism as the enemy admits, is everywhere 'around' us. Be it in the physical and obvious level, or the higher and unmanifested levels (which we call the astral), Satanism is everywhere. From a beating heart, to the first breath of an infant, all the "Spiritual Satanic" values are there.

Let's assume for a moment that someone is a purely physical person that doesn't care for spirituality. Even them, they benefit from Spiritual Satanism, because we teach a sane morality. You don't do reckless evil, you become a civilizer, and keep your sights on becoming better. These are the people that Satan and the Gods like. Go after freedom, and fight those who seek to enslave you, but at the same time, don't be a stupid revolutionary as if revolution is your day to day job. Use judgement, common sense, logic.

Of all the religions in the world, Spiritual Satanism tells people, aside from any 'fancy' reason or any 'boogieman' to people to finally use common sense. Therefore we have nothing to divide with science at all. We cherish on the betterment of our existence and life on it, except of two small minor things: the ridiculing of the spiritual notion of man (except of jewish crap about its non-existence when their race practices spirituality en masse).

In Spiritual Satanism, you don't live for any afterlife, even if you know about it. You don't wait to die, seeking a better tomorrow. You strive to advance today. You really start understanding the universal understanding that some people named 'god', as a stupid idea to confuse people that they were destining to be cattle, same as some laws such as 'karma', and what's behind them. Therefore you are free, and you are master of your own behavior. Spiritual Satanism is both materialism, and idealism. Most religions are pretending one or the other, while as everyone can see, materialism always reigns. Spiritual Satanism doesn't need to pretend anything as simply both natures are accepted, and materialism is not excluded from Spirituality. On our behalf, everything is balanced and nice.

Spiritual Satanism also teaches order, but the necessity to revolt against slavers such as the enemy, who seek to destroy humanity for no absolute reason whatsover. Satanism is a merciful religion to every person seeking to advance, and is against misplaced mercy and fake tolerance that helps nobody. In Satanism, everyone must advance and wage their battle.

If Satanism was to rule the world one day, it would be just the Truth dismantling the lies. Spiritual Satanists seek the highest idealism for the future of their Race and humanity, but we are also practical and realistic about what is going in existence today.

In Spiritual Satanism, no person is left behind, unless they by their own admission leave themselves behind and corrupt themselves in a loop of eternal self-destruction. We carry people out of fire, but we don't take bullets for them. We don't have any slave mentality. For order to exist, there is no need for slave mentality, as simply logic and looking at things really, creates an order.

Spiritual Satanism is also a peaceful religion. However if we are threatened and attacked, we will become spiritually brutal, and we will pay our enemies with the same currency. We don't seek the destruction of any Gentile, no matter their beliefs, unless of course they are seeking ours. We see at people who are xians and other misguided people who have been brainwashed as rather sick, unless they attack us outright.

We know Races to exist, because well, they do. We like to see reality as it is. Being a Satanist, one always has the occult and mental powers, and the support needed to go on. No matter how low someone has sunk, there is always a choice and some adherence away to become a better being. We know there are ways to eternal life, but we also see that its in our life here that we must fight. Our views of eternal life don't make us life hating, they make us life-loving. We realize life as the greatest gift and we seek to protect and raise it to higher levels of existence.

Our so called "Anti-Semitism" is not situational, and we didn't wake up one day and decided to become anti-semetic to uselessly rebel. We know of the hidden 'agenda' that is no longer hidden anymore, because its carriers don't even hide it anymore. Its a defense against specific groups who have tried to destroy people who, like us, under the massive label of "Satanism" have tried to advance civilization. Since their attacks have been unceasing and repeated we are left with no other choice, and history has now been written anyway, many times in blood of many innocent Gentiles. Due to all of our values and devotion for life, we have had to do something. In Spiritual Satanism, we have morals, but not slave morals which promote injustice, misery and pain. We have thousands of years of evidence, anyway.

In Spiritual Satanism we take natural determinism seriously, but we also take our views seriously, which tell us that everyone should be able to prove themselves, and have the means to advance and become better. We don't judge solely by any birth, and every spiritual Satanist has all the means at their disposal to go anywhere they want and can, with their existence. For the impossible, we devise possibilities. We believe that Humanity is made to be something higher, which as we call it today, we call it "Gods".

We Satanists do respect nature, the laws presented to us by nature, and we believe all advancement should be done in harmony with Nature and not otherwise. We believe Humanity has only as much potential as it decides it has, and puts itself to achieve.

Lastly, in Spiritual Satanism, we don't teach people stupid values like 'anarchy' or being constantly in consistent and fruitless ego wars with other people. We know such values do not promote wellbeing, or civilization, but we are ready to defy values that may be damning to civilization. We teach people to fight if necessary, we would throw ourselves to fire for freedom and for individuality, but a Spiritual Satanist knows how to create a phlanx with his brothers and sisters when the time requires. We value brotherhood, with order, and sometimes a family character to it. But never to the expense of ego.

And why all of this. Because we have met Him who is called Satan.

"God" is not our slave, our fanboy, or something that we use as a car to get us where we want. Our "God" is our God, and so many more things than God, because today this word is empty and means a lot of abrahamic nonsense. Why do we respect Satan? Simply: because He is magnificent, He is known to us, He is the Eternal, and the Eternal can manifest itself. Because there is no reason why 'not'. We consider Humanity worthy. "God" or any being of 'innumerable' capability should, and is able to do this as well, to relate to people in development.

We don't teach "God" is hate, or "love". Our Gods are real beings, and like us, only infinite times more advanced, have ways which we have to understand. Our Gods are not hiding to those who have eyes to see and ears to listen.

Satan doesn't claim the position of 'God', let alone any jewish 'god'. They on the other hand, claimed HIS position, with destructive aftermath for them. Satan has had His eternal throne in all Ancient Civilizations. Satan's position is, has been, and will forever be higher and inconceivable compared to 'God'. Satan also, is the only one who leads to the 'universal consciousness' that many people call "God", but in the East is called Atman: The state of supreme consciousness of creation or simply 'god', called Samadhi, and reached by Satan's Divine Name, SA-TA-NA-MA.

We are blessed to understand that the universe on its own does not 'hate' anyone, let alone favor anyone, all of which we know to be abrahamic lies. The universe is Nature, and nature rewards or damns, depending on our choices. Some people to mystify this term, they call it 'karma', or even worse in the jewish conspiracy, they pretend this universe is a jew that hates all non-jews. So much of their disturbing lies.

As we understand Him, we call Him God, but He is so much more. He is revealed to anyone, but also the ultimate, greatest, most beautiful and the most magnificent Mystery in Creation. There are no words to describe Him, but we try. Spiritual Satanism is the Eternal Way from which we follow into the Absolute.

Spiritual Satanism is the Now, the Past, and the Forever.

Spiritual Satanism is the gateway to the Eternal Truth of the Cosmos, our Father Satan Lucifer, the God of Light, Splendor and everlasting Strength.

Spiritual Satanism is Truth, Meaning, Life, and Perfection. All this is Satan, and infinitely more.

We are approaching Him and understanding Him, that which many like to call "God", but we know how to call as Satan, whose name is Eternal Truth. To us He is real, existing, and visible to those who want to see Him. We also make sure to display what is best of our God, and people who use the Gods in the same way as the enemy dogmas do, we abolish their rights them and we drive them away. This is because, unlike xians, we know our Gods are real, are Gods are existing, and lastly, our Gods do deliver justice...

We worship Truth, approached and grasped closely by spirituality, which in anyway, enlivens and makes beings better, stronger, but also more peaceful, because it makes humans raise in consciousness and become more intelligent.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Anyone Can Advance : JoyofSatan666

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The thing is, everyone can advance spiritually, no matter what. Even Race in that one, is not self definitive at all. Anyone, no matter who, or what they are, or what their conditions, can advance, simply because, every Gentile has Soul, Astral body and consciousness. And everyone can develop these big powers as well with loyalty and diligence, same as knowledge.

Those who are naturally more spiritual either from family or past lifetimes, will just do this relatively faster. This is not some sort of useless competition, it is, what it is. Nature is really 'for justice' when it comes to such things. However especially since Spiritual Satanism does give a giant push by raising out of the initiate a lot of very high level astral filth, everyone can advance way faster than most other people out there. Because one becomes member of a family of the Gods, so they oversee those who follow through this decision.

As I have said again. The Gods are Just. Instead of preaching false equality, that of flattening all races and all orders, and attacking life. The Gods have been Just and loving towards their creation by giving us the means to meditate. Which everyone, irrespective can utilize. Your evolution now is largely upon your hands, and solely not on the hands of 'fate', 'chance' whatever.

Even a person who is mute, blind, or has had anything else happen to them, can develop spiritual power. It really doesn't get more 'egalitarian' than that. The peasant or the billionaire can get for themselves powers equally. Any being can prove their worth, by their own admission.

Many people are scared about National Socialism. "Where do I fall in this order! Will this guy X be above me? Maybe I will be run over by others?". All of this is gibberish. Its your CHOICE where you fall into this order of life, cosmos and nature. Even if one has been given lemons, they can make lemonade, or put them in their eyes and cry like a passive aggressive victim and slave.

Ideally to escape suffering, we have correct these things, either by re-reincarnating the Soul into a more decent body, or by healing them. Advancing spiritually has few rules, and this is on the blueprint of evolution. All Gentile Races can advance, and all Gentile Races, do have in them, people who are by nature adept, or can become such.

It's honestly a matter of choice. Nature has few things to do with it. Also, if one lacks any ability, there are always other routes to advance. No matter what, one can advance. Additionally I also believe and have known for a long time, that with diligence, even if one is very 'old', can experience enlightenment to a degree.

I have known a person who was in their seventies, and did the dedication to Satan. Within a year, they have had a lot of spiritual experiences, and also, they died the following years in bliss, serenity and a smile on their face. For one time in their lives, they experienced peace and a feeling of power.

It's only a matter of choice.

They Will Fear Us... : JoyofSatan666

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Greetings to all our People and Satanic Comrades.

Many people have yet to understand the magnitude and importance of the undertaking we have in our hands today.

Other people falsely blinded by present circumstances, others because they are historically oblivious, while others because they are in the bed with the enemy and they think their small and sorry life is so important do reject this.

If we look at history outside the mainstream, in what Ancient sites left for us speak openly, we see the Greatness of a spirit in Humanity that was very powerful, noble, and great. This spirit has not even been approached, let alone surpassed, today.

The jews and many others do happily laugh about it, boast that this is over. They play their palms against one another and smile over how none of these people don't exist anymore.

That's what they want you to think or assume. Spirituality reveals differently.

They proclaim that their religions are dead, and that their old rival races like the White people are going to go extinct. As the paranoid, scrawny villain, they shake and shout as they think their victims are done with. They believe they have successfully carried out their purpose, that of en-darkening and destroying the mass consciousness of the planet.

However at 2012, what the jews have lied about, was again, their century old lie. That of a sudden salvation that would happen by a rabbinical thoughform named "Jesus". So life, faith and finances had again to be sacrificed for this salvation. In lying about astronomical dates to keep their old lie going, they covered the Truth.

What is important about this date, is that this was the reaching of the end of the Dark Ages in the cosmic earthy cycle. Hitler, the Divine Incarnate, believed by all Pagan Cultures in different titles, came and stopped the enemy exactly at the climax of their cause, preventing them from fulfilling their purpose of finally enslaving this "foreign" planet. It's not me saying this, it their "wise" tribal men.

Now, with the rise of the Age of Aquarius, our spiritual warfare, and our people who are again rediscovering the meditative and spiritual Truth, we stand a chance to overthrow these liars and deceivers who have desecrated humanity at large. We have given to everyone the means to meditation, the knowledge, and we are lighting the way ahead.

Few people will understand the undertaking at a massive scale. All of these who were early on this ship, we didn't exactly know where this ship was going. We believed in it. And walked, no matter what, forward.

Now, we are growing into a vast army, and we know where this is going. The people who have been with Satan for many lifetimes, and these spiritual souls who have inherited sparks from the Gods, will seek them again, and will fight for them.

This is crucial and necessary if Humanity is to ascend towards a more powerful Golden age than ever before. This is our work. The end of this epoch requires a lot of cleansing and destruction in the spiritual realm. And a lot of healing and uplifting. Humanity has been ravaged, and balance has been quite overthrown. Most people can feel this all the time as they are going about their lives, even many people who are willingly ignorant.

The air of the times is blowing favorably. However, do not forget, everything can go BOTH ways. The enemy must be destroyed spiritually so that we do not experience the unfavorable circumstances that these dark alien minions want to materialize. Neither anyone should accept their leadership in any form. They bled the planet dry. Things have reached a critical point in our age now.

If the enlightened spiritual rulers were to rule, we would not have to experience all this misery as we did in the Age of Pisces. The Ancients had took measures to prepare, such as their megalithic structures.

The age of stupid wars, complete removal of spirituality, the worst and deadliest jewish programs of Judaism, Islam and Christianity, deception as the rule, damnation of history, and flattening of historical sites, this era was so negative due to the alien invasion that took place.

It was supposed to be an era of compassion...

Only the jews received this false compassion. The alien predator that wanted to destroy us, rode on this compassion and became a slave leader. Rallying people to their mass death. People in reality stopped to show compassion even to one another. Mother would fight the son, and son the father, over disagreement and non-acceptance of a jewish rabbi named jesus christ.

Helping others became to be their slave, spirituality was replaced by pills, love became nothing but an artifical statement. Spirituality to emulate drinking blood of rabbis at sunday. The jews as the rot of existence personified, tried to make this permanent and destroy everyone for pure malicious self "interest".

Anyway, remember, the tide can be used by any ship to fare. Ours or the enemy's. Its more on favor for us, as we are in alignment with the greater and benevolent forces of these times, and our Gods. But the enemy may try to hijack this.

We must fight them to the end and sink them completely. If you do not understand your bright part of this purpose, look deeper. In the seat of your Soul you will find where you really belong, and Satan's purposes. Which are nothing but sinister, evil, or dark. Darkness is light turned inside out. The darkness will become the light when the element that causes seeing light as dark to be removed. The enemy.

Those who are spiritually guilty, they will fight us and they will fear us. For the simple reason we are what they have tried to desecrate and destroy, in order to flatten everything successfully. This can never be allowed to happen.

May we all be blessed to continue to fight for the Gods and Satan, and we shall be granted victory.


Superiority : JoyofSatan666

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I notice most people have a hangup with understanding what Superiority is. This is because everyone lies to people, and this so called superiority they preach is actually on the basis of false entitlement and the lie that everyone is equal. Nothing and nobody is and neither should be equal.
People do not really hate superiority. Everyone affirms to it even if they do not accept it. Most people hate a false fake superiority complex. Created by jews to elevate them into a fake status. This is what makes people either mimic them (like we wuz kangz or muh KKK Muhstard Xianized white jewsus) do. Others just hate this so they neglect superiority all in all.

When someone claims for example, Whites are superior in civilization or something else, many people get crazy. I see this in Black fellows who are early on their education in this Satanic school. Very very few people get angry at facts. I am not going to go to Africa and pretend I am an African Plant expert now...Will I? Or go to China and tell them that I know better Chinese medicine while I know nothing about it?

Social superiority the enemy has made a reason of warfare, race hatred and strife. But before you grow angry bear with me before attempting to go crazy.

Here we have a millionaire in business. If he ever were to offer you help on how you can make enough to feed your family easily, what would you say? Fuck off, I am superior to you? Will this earn you money, or a good family, or knowledge?

Another example is how arts like Qi Gong have masters in China or elsewhere. Without these people, Qi gong might have been lost. They withstood a purge of one hundred million Chinese people by Communists and still managed to keep this art alive. Does some xian cucked pastor know better than them? Obviously, NOT.

A car engineer comes to you when you have a broken engine, and offers you help. You do tell them fuck off, and that you are superior? Then remain in Nevada desert.

Not only not accepting superiority and having no sense of it is deadly and a disaster, but it leads someone to being incapable and lonely. The jews force this down the throat of many people in order to keep them dumb and enslaved. This only goes for Gentile to Gentile, never kike-gentile relations. To the jews, they have programmed their Goyim to accept the worse and ugliest jew as master.

Do you see the pattern?

Do you see how this hampers potential? This is the same thing the jews do to instigate other Races against Whites or the West.

To examine this is quite easy. You have a surgeon here. This surgeoun has labored for 15 years in college and many other things, learning everyday about his craft. If you are to go to him for a very important surgery, would you rather trust yourself to do your surgery on yourself, or would rather they do the surgery? Are you equals when this Surgeon has saved hundreds or thousands in his life? While you cannot even self diagnose?

Wouldn't it be accepting his superiority a matter of a life saving thing? He can do you thousand times better than you can do to yourself. And that's lovely and glorious. Not a reason to feel "muh superioirty". In fact if you act superior for your stupid desires, you may die. And how superior will you be dead then?

The jews of course in regards to White hate, and hate as they do to China-Taiwan, Korea etc (dividing people) they are like "KILL THE FUCKING SURGEON! YOU WILL FEEL BETTER HAVING NOBODY SUPERIOR TO COMPARE TO!". This is exactly what will kill you first and foremost by your own admission. And many others. This is the largest mindset of the jews and how they rot civilization from within.

The jews prey on the superiority complex of the goyim, which is created because infact all goyim are made into unspiritual cattle that does not understand the value of superiority.

Of course there are negative aspcts of superiority. A drugged out, dwarf kike, joe shlomo, comes to you and demands you to be their Goyim slave, making nothing good for you and out of you. Here is where judgement is needed. Do you put this parasitic virus in their position? Or do you become a slave because the bible says so?

In closing, Satan and the Gods are our Superiors. This is great, and the fact they want to help us is an amazing opportunity. Those who do not seize this will be damned, because there is nothing higher to do than commune with these amazing beings.

Those who have 'negative superiority' issues, many times just have self problems and self awareness issues. Not really superiority issues. These like any other fear, or worry, or lack of will, must be brought into light and healed.

Everyone just heal, and chill. As Satanists you are already on the path. Just walk it on your own terms and eleveate as you go. If you fall raise again up, and continue. Its not that hard if you don't make it hard for yourself.

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Vote: Who's More In the Image of G-d? : JoyofSatan666

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As one wise Rabba stated: "Only the Jew is in the image of g-d!". "The purpose of the Goyim (Non Jews) is only to serve the People of Israel!"- Rabbi Schneerson.


Therefore as a bad goyim that tries to repent, I went online to find the image of G-d, so that I have something to wurshit. I am a wurshitter by nature when it comes to the chosen.

I tried hard to find all these beauties online. We have to realize the splendor and grace of g-d.

All of you sinners need to VOTE. Who is the cringiest beauty in which G-D ultimately expresses itself?

If you have more recommendations, of course post them.

1. Half Rat, Half G-d

2. Muhstar Gollum

3. G-D's TEETH

4. Souleater 101

5. G-dstroker

6. The Dinosaur DNA remains

7. Hereditary Beauty Spawn

8. The Growing Teeth Menace

9. The Top Prom Offers

10. The Bigf00t's Illegitimate Son

11. "Make Nose Surgery a Human Right"

12. Sudden Torah Collapse


Becoming Better...But Aren't You Bored : JoyofSatan666
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Greetings to all our People and Satanic Comrades.
Becoming better is what you can do best with your time and existence. So many people fall on their knees asking for help, want everything done for them by others, or just want universal freebies.

Others constantly, too bored to meditate or advance, ask for help from the Gods on a paranoid frequent basis, basically just asking the Gods to be their pets and live their life for them. Of course they create all these fancy reasons.

One believes they were a god in a past life, others say that well, I dedicated my soul so I deserve it. Others just think the Gods are their tools. Others are too busy wasting their existence and just need to maintain their useless pleasure that exists ontop of the suffering of others. Which it basically also prolongs. Because well, its Muh Right to do so.

Lazyness is basically a big trend right now. Like huge.

Everything in human creation has took effort to be created. The less effort, the less work, the more low the product. Of course, lazy lifeforms are useless and meek, and unless they find other people to be their parasites, they die off like pest. Because this is what lazyness is.

Advanced or non advanced civilization, how beautiful one is or isn't,everything that exists and moves,has labor put in it. So that you exist here today to be whatever you are, generations have fought the battle of survival. The more labor and vitality, the better the product.

Of course if someone is better off than others, why is this the case? If we take someone who lets say had a financial success. Why is this the case?

Because someone at some point in their family tree, decided to make wealth. If someone is healthy, even unconsciously, others before them, have decided in an unconscious level for a better partner. If someone is intelligent, chances are their ancestors at least had used their brain more.

There are no freebies in nature. Whomever believes in freebies is just blind to the laws of reality.

On the other hand, reality is very just. It gives some common things and abilities to almost everyone. This is the living consciousness. The Gods have also been just. They taught us how to use this living consciousness energy, the same energy that comes from seeds and creates all this abundance, if so we want, we can use it. This is done through meditation.

All wrongdoings can be, to a lesser or greater extent, be corrected with such. If society advances and rhe worthy push it to advance; civilization raises a level. Disease, poverty and many other things disappear, with the mastery of people over their environment. As Hitler stated, Humanity is becoming God.

There are many people who are totally flat lazy; do nothing for themsleves or for anyone else. These people are trashy; and they are in fact the cause of all the worlds perils. The jews are in the fact the ugliest and laziest of all the living humanoids on the planet.

All they exist for is just stealing from others. The same route follow many others. What they steal from the host nations is actually far better than all the "Pyramids" they claim they would be building. Instead they steal wealth through the jewish program of "mercy".

"Ye Goyim I would be building muh Pyramids but instead I have my twenty children raised by your taxes". We can say that the more life hating people are, the more they tolerate, stand for, and go after lazyness, and accept it within their midst.

With he rise of anti life hate of xianity, all these useless beings life and thrive. This is why you see all trashy Whites are too fond of xianity, jebooism, and all the like. They scma the working clasa of their own race aside jews, share da loot, and exist for so long they do, until they die off. Leaving nothing behind than ruin.

Then peolle ask why Gods are Nazis. Basically we call them Nazis. Ita a system of labor and production that is known to us like that. In plain rules is that while eveyone offers whatever and however they personally can, within reasonable limits, they live and thrive. Those who are parasites, the just take the road down and have no place among those who do. And go live wherever their "lifestyle" is applicable.

In short, restoration of natural law, and no favoritisms and shit. You will be, who you make yourself to be. The means are at the disposal of all race specimen, unlike capitalism where the means of doing anything are stolen by jews. So others even if they want do, can't do shite.

Honestly lazyness is just plain retarded. For a few hours in one's day, one can meditate and permanently become a bette person. Not even hours. By a few minutes in your day you can become so many times better. Its easy.

The lazy try to hack reality unsuccessfuly all the time. One example is drugs. Too bored to look within, the drug user wants to feel "amazing" without being amazing, or doing anything that would cause such result...So here comes a jew with a pill, they feel amazing for a couple of hours, then they crash two adobes lower than what they were. The jew comes with another pill..

However the Gods taught us some really nice passivity (which today is basically lazyness). Basically what most people suffer from is inertia- they do not move. Passive or Shakti energy is not inert, its a more effortless way to force. That produces results.

And is the creative Passive Shakti operating. That of magick and meditation. Aside with one's physical merit, one will definitelt advance. Many people are saying crap that emditation is tiring, they cannot do it, or they can't take the time.

Apparently they cannot be sitting down comfortably and just being in deep chilling on a meditative state. And advance their Soul by easy mantra repetition and flexing in hatha yoga. Yes, too forceful. What do you mean do some runes to make my life better?

Aren't you people who think like that bored of suckery, never getting what you want, feeling horrible, and running on a ratwheel? But well this is reality. Sitting on Slothz mode and becoming better is tiring. Being played around like a ball by the universe and everyone else is not tiring at all.

What MORE could the Gods have given the laziest of bummers to get better? I mean its like sleep without the sleep. You just stay focused. Then doing a couple of things in your day to eh, become a better being. If even THAT is too hard, then WHAT is any life worth anyway? Might as well sleep eternally.

Plz daddy Satan [/IMG] . I will change...OR...I GO FOREVER! NOBODY IS MORE USEFUL THAN ME SITTING BY THIS TOILET. I was too lazy being lazy, so you cna understand. I COMMAND YOU TO CARE or I LEAVE! ARE YOU GOING TO GIVE ME FREE HELP OR NO?

And as the air blew, a semi sleeping Sloth said..."GTFO"..."Get real"...it continued.

Maybe you need to stop being lazy about being positively meditatively, lazy. And be really good lazy in a productive way. Which means to actually work for things and experience the glory of achievement in all levels.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It's a tough decision. But I'll have to go with #5. What I consider the epiphany of the joo-rat delusion.
Hail SatanHail Lilith

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On Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 11:08 PM, HC hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Vote: Who's More In the Image of G-d? : JoyofSatan666


As one wise Rabba stated: "Only the Jew is in the image of g-d!". "The purpose of the Goyim (Non Jews) is only to serve the People of Israel!"- Rabbi Schneerson.


Therefore as a bad goyim that tries to repent, I went online to find the image of G-d, so that I have something to wurshit. I am a wurshitter by nature when it comes to the chosen.

I tried hard to find all these beauties online. We have to realize the splendor and grace of g-d.

All of you sinners need to VOTE. Who is the cringiest beauty in which G-D ultimately expresses itself?

If you have more recommendations, of course post them.

1. Half Rat, Half G-d

2. Muhstar Gollum

3. G-D's TEETH

4. Souleater 101

5. G-dstroker

6. The Dinosaur DNA remains

7. Hereditary Beauty Spawn

8. The Growing Teeth Menace

9. The Top Prom Offers

10. The Bigf00t's Illegitimate Son

11. "Make Nose Surgery a Human Right"

12. Sudden Torah Collapse


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
