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Mark Zuckerberg loses $29bn overnight as people abandon Facebook

I was searching for a similar term, but I came across this first article/post in a thread. My comments, within what I am sharing, are in red (namely, links in the thread which I add after).

  • Meta Means Death!
  • HUGE MISTAKE OR FOREBODING ACTION? You’ll Never Guess What Facebook’s New Name “Meta” Means in Hebrew
  • Tech Company Already Named ‘Meta’ Lashes Out at Facebook, Ridicules Company
  • "Meta Company founder Nate Skulic alleges in a letter..." (from in article below)

Meta Means Death!
Colonel Obyezyana
31/10/2021, 7:14 am


You would think Mark Zuckerberg would know this. He is Jewish. The new name for Facebook “Meta” means “Death” in Hebrew
[link/article below]
Facebook's new name makes people laugh in Israel. Meta, as CEO Mark Zuckerberg proudly christened his parent company this week, means ‘death' in Hebrew. And that causes a lot of hilarity on social media.

Until now, the group behind the social network was also called Facebook. But the parent company is changing its name to Meta, CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced this week. The new name fits better with Zuckerberg's ambitious plans to develop a new virtual world. The social media app will continue to be called Facebook. The company behind it also owns Instagram, WhatsApp and Oculus.

Since the announcement, especially Jewish users poke fun at the name change. Meta is very similar to the Hebrew word for “death,” tweeted tech expert Nirit Weiss-Blatt. “The Jewish community will ridicule this name for years to come,” she wrote. Other twitterers also point out to Facebook the unfortunate choice of name.

Red Square
31/10/2021, 7:52 pm

A Freudian slip, comrades. Nothing to see here, move along.


Colonel Obyezyana
7/11/2021, 9:17 am

Tech Company Already Named ‘Meta' Lashes Out at Facebook, Ridicules Company
[link/article below]

On this site, the breadcrumbs for the section of the site that this article/thread is in, is -

Groupthink » Karl Marx Treatment Center » People's Blog »

I thought that "karl marx Treatment Centre" was funny.

HUGE MISTAKE OR FOREBODING ACTION? You’ll Never Guess What Facebook’s New Name “Meta” Means in Hebrew
30/10/2021 6:53pm

You would think Mark Zuckerberg would know this. He is Jewish
. The new name for Facebook “Meta” means “Death” in Hebrew.

Netherland News Live

Facebook’s new name makes people laugh in Israel. Meta, as CEO Mark Zuckerberg proudly christened his parent company this week, means ‘death’ in Hebrew. And that causes a lot of hilarity on social media.
Until now, the group behind the social network was also called Facebook. But the parent company is changing its name to Meta, CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced this week. The new name fits better with Zuckerberg’s ambitious plans to develop a new virtual world. The social media app will continue to be called Facebook. The company behind it also owns Instagram, WhatsApp and Oculus.
Since the announcement, especially Jewish users poke fun at the name change. Meta is very similar to the Hebrew word for “death,” tweeted tech expert Nirit Weiss-Blatt. “The Jewish community will ridicule this name for years to come,” she wrote. Other twitterers also point out to Facebook the unfortunate choice of name.

Facebook’s new name is now a joke in Israel. But others find it more sinister.


Others noted that the music to the Universal Death Squad was playing in the background when Zuckerberg made the Meta announcement.


Facebook is involved in censoring conservatives and the truth, election fraud, and COVID media manipulation. Maybe Zuckerberg did know the name of Meta in Hebrew.



Tech Company Already Named ‘Meta’ Lashes Out at Facebook, Ridicules Company
6 Nov 2021

Tech giant Facebook is receiving backlash from yet another tech firm with the name Meta over attempts by Mark Zuckerberg’s company to take over the name with its recent Meta rebrand. A chicag0-based tech firm named Meta Company claims that the Silicon Valley Masters of the Universe are “fixated on domination.”

It appears that multiple tech firms using the “Meta” brand name are taking aim at tech giant Facebook. Breitbart News recently reported
that in August, the founders of the custom PC making firm Meta PC filed to trademark the word “Meta” in relation to all computers, tablets, software, laptops, and more items relating to technology. The founders of the company, Joe Darger and Zack Shutt, have been operating Meta PC for just over a year and recently filed the documents to formally trademark the brand.


Mark Zuckerberg throwing spears (Mark Zuckerberg/Facebook)

Meta PC has yet to be officially approved in its quest to trademark the name Meta but they still have a significant lead on Facebook if they attempt to claim the name for its Facebook rebrand. Darker and Shutt have said if Facebook wants the name that badly, they’re willing to cancel their trademark request — for $20 million.

Now, SlashGear reports
that yet another company with a Meta trademark has come forward. Meta Company, a Chicago-based tech firm, has accused Facebook of infringing on its trademark and domains. Meta Company founder Nate Skulic alleges in a letter [screenshot below] that Facebook lawyers actually reached out in an attempt to buy the trademark from him but Skulic “refused their offer on multiple bases,” alleging that Facebook made a “low offer that wouldn’t cover” the name change costs.

Skulic states in his letter:

On October 20th, 2021, during a phone call with Facebook attorneys, we declined their low offer and maintained our requirements. At this point, we presumed it was Facebook and identified them on the call. The attorney representing Facebook declared they would respect our existing right and registration.

On October 28th, 2021, Facebook decided to commit trademark infringement and call themselves “Meta”.

Skulic further lashed out at Facebook, stating that the firm is “a company that continually says one thing and does another,” also alleging that it is “fixated on domination.”

Read more at SlashGear here



Meta Company founder Nate Skulic alleges in a letter...

For Immediate Public Release
Facebook Stole Our Name and Livelihood

Hello, World!

We are Meta Company.

Original Flavor. 😊

For the last three months, Facebook lawyers have been hounding us to sell our name to them. We refused their offer on multiple bases. Namely, the low offer wouldn’t cover the costs of changing our name, and we insisted on knowing the client and intent, which they did not want to disclose.

At least two law firms were involved: One in the USA that requested our trademark and domains (Kilpatrick, Townsend & Stockton), and the other in Europe aggressively contacting trying to get us to sell our domain registrations (Hogan Lovells).

On October 20th, 2021, during a phone call with Facebook attorneys, we declined their low offer and maintained our requirements. At this point, we presumed it was Facebook and identified them on the call. The attorney representing Facebook declared they would respect our existing right and registration.

On October 28th, 2021, Facebook decided to commit trademark infringement and call themselves "Meta".

They couldn’t buy us, so they tried to bury us by force of media. We shouldn't be surprised by these actions — from a company that continually says one thing and does another. Facebook and its operating officers are deceitful and acting in bad faith, not only towards us, but to all of humanity.

It's unfortunate to have been associated with a company so rooted in controversy and fixated on domination. We aim to be distinguished from Facebook's totalitarian view of the future. We hope the negative association with Facebook and its founder will be forgotten — but we won't ignore the damages done.

We have proceeded to file the necessary legal actions. This message may be regarded as a public cease and desist. We welcome your support.

One more thing: Our new product launch just got delayed because of Facebook. We must deal with these matters. In the coming weeks, we will make an announcement earlier than we expected. We promise it will be good. Stay tuned.

Thank You.

Nate Skulic
Founder, MetaCompany

Media and press inquiries may be submitted to [email hidden]
Published: 2021-11-01


So facebook's low offer was declined, while it/zucc has many, many billions invested in Meta? Hmmm... It sounds like the jew is not investing; rather, is giving its jew pals money to be able to brainwash and mind-rape Humans into the jew matrix.
FancyMancy said:
So facebook's low offer was declined, while it/zucc has many, many billions invested in Meta? Hmmm... It sounds like the jew is not investing; rather, is giving its jew pals money to be able to brainwash and mind-rape Humans into the jew matrix.

Hey I know it's off topic but I need someone to send me the ritual for protecting the vibrating one Ramogalasoose
FancyMancy said:
FancyMancy said:
So facebook's low offer was declined, while it/zucc has many, many billions invested in Meta? Hmmm... It sounds like the jew is not investing; rather, is giving its jew pals money to be able to brainwash and mind-rape Humans into the jew matrix.


Gates sends in the goon squad! This was priceless and very fitting. :D

Awesome channel BTW FancyMancy. It has some great content.
FancyMancy said:
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It's a public personal diary or journal, in which the jew collects all of your details and advertises shit to you which you don't want nor need. Just like jewgle; it "accidentally" collected information from unsecured Wi-Fi - so it had an actual programme on the jewgle cars' computers which deliberately scanned all Wi-Fi within range and the programme was coded so that it deliberately stole information, and the hardware which was a receiver to collect it... and it was all "accidental"?! Yeah, I believe that... It was also on kikebook that Martin Lewis (money-saving expert in the UK) was falsely-advertised on; he said that the advert claimed that he supported something, but he did not. He was upset about that.

Martin Lewis settles lawsuit with Facebook over scam adverts

Facebook cracks down on scams ads after a Martin Lewis lawsuit

Facebook scams: will they take complaints about fake adverts seriously?

kikebook/mark kikerberg has so much money, but doesn't know how to spend it so false adverts - for the Goyim - are prevented. No, kikeberg's not a jew at all... (In case you're uncertain; I'm being sarcastic; mark kikeberg is a jew.)

Thank you for the information. I didn't know that they can do this.
Zuckerberg managed to get a great achievement here, the biggest fail in the history of the stock market within a day.

I guess that's the Guinness record for selling snake oil and stuff like this.

The Jewish Race excels as per usual.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Zuckerberg managed to get a great achievement here, the biggest fail in the history of the stock market within a day.

I guess that's the Guinness record for selling snake oil and stuff like this.

The Jewish Race excels as per usual.

IDK how simple things are. We know the basics of how the world jew economic system works. Zucc lost some money, okay. But where did it go? It's not like that money got erased, it went somewhere else in this global monopoly system. Probably in an indirect manner it goes back to the banks, which being in control of most of the wealth of the planet it will go back to the corporations that loose money or different ones that will be needed in case the trend changes. The economic system is like a system of pumps draining and recirculating water. What happens with some lost money of a corporation or a certain area of the stock market is it will grow in another part of it. At one point humanity must come to the conclusion that you have to confront the system head to head. Playing by it's rules is basically a waste of time. That's why certain men in history tried to change and break away from the global monetary system.
Even if the money goes back in the hands of citizens, the banks slowly drain that fortune from us trough credits and loans.
EasternFireLion666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Zuckerberg managed to get a great achievement here, the biggest fail in the history of the stock market within a day.

I guess that's the Guinness record for selling snake oil and stuff like this.

The Jewish Race excels as per usual.

IDK how simple things are. We know the basics of how the world jew economic system works. Zucc lost some money, okay. But where did it go? It's not like that money got erased, it went somewhere else in this global monopoly system. Probably in an indirect manner it goes back to the banks, which being in control of most of the wealth of the planet it will go back to the corporations that loose money or different ones that will be needed in case the trend changes. The economic system is like a system of pumps draining and recirculating water. What happens with some lost money of a corporation or a certain area of the stock market is it will grow in another part of it. At one point humanity must come to the conclusion that you have to confront the system head to head. Playing by it's rules is basically a waste of time. That's why certain men in history tried to change and break away from the global monetary system.
Even if the money goes back in the hands of citizens, the banks slowly drain that fortune from us trough credits and loans.

This is only a beginning. For the global system of wealth transactions etc to move and change, there is far more needed. The particular failure of Zuccerberg, which is a known servant of the enemy that wants to mine people's soul by using the Metaverse as a cloak, is for now, a good setback for the rat.

The financial "system" requires a lot of work. It reflects relationships that are very embed.
Mark Zuckerberg and team consider shutting down Facebook and Instagram in Europe if Meta can not process Europeans’ data on US servers


Facebook considers pulling out of Europe if its data transfer options are further restricted

If Meta is not given the option to transfer, store and process data from its European users on US-based servers, Facebook and Instagram may be shut down across Europe, the social media giants’ owner reportedly warned in its annual report.
Facebook is now Meta.

Meta means Dead in hebrew?

So Facebook is now Dead.

What an epic failed subliminal. Instead of subtly meaning a spiritual death for all the Gentiles who use "meta", it just means death for facebook. :lol: :lol: :lol:

The RTRs are definitely working.
I just noticed, META in reverse is ATEM, or ATEN. Aten was the Egyptian sun god introduced by that prototype jew Akhenaten to replace the real Gods.

I wonder why the enemy would try to reverse one of their own creations. Maybe this was yet another meta-goof. :p
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=323036 time=1644289418 user_id=346]
I just noticed, META in reverse is ATEM, or ATEN. Aten was the Egyptian sun god introduced by that prototype jew Akhenaten to replace the real Gods.

I wonder why the enemy would try to reverse one of their own creations. Maybe this was yet another meta-goof. :p

That's very interesting. Sometimes the word "Meta" is also used for the term conventional/effective, but it really does seam like Zuckerberg slipped up here.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=323036 time=1644289418 user_id=346]I wonder why the enemy would try to reverse one of their own creations. Maybe this was yet another meta-goof. :p

I think it might have to do with the fact that while facebook is a HUMONGOUS data-stripper and data-siphoner especially for the agencies.

I think overall people are kinda getting into the internet warfare mode with it. Plus people are more normalizing their understanding of how this is a negative thing i.e. FB/Social Media.

For example there's an old statement by older people who've been on the internet probably since the Usenet/BB days of early internet.

Internet = The anonymous harassment of any person, place, or thing. In fact it's a defacto rule like rule 34 or any of the other memey rules implemented.

I'm sure the old internet users and even some modern users still believe this so. It's harder and harder to anonymously harass for example XYZ troll is identified as Gamer XYZ from the FPS/MMORPG community.

I think certain people are realizing the potential of the internet for what it originally was i.e. a military weapon. So militarization.

ARPANET and even the original (controlling mechanism)* of WW2 U.S. is coming back or to be more specific is aggrandizing again. People thought the internet is harmless look at the shit it's done. I'm not surprised people are attempting to weaponize. I mean it already is a weapon you just need to learn to use it. Not unlike a rifle money see, monkey do but that's not the end of it. Reloading dry/tactical, cleaning, dismantling, inspecting, civilian/military ammunition.

*Back in the 40s during WW2 the Americans built one of the first if not the first quad-controlled Bofors 40mm, radar guided/locking triple-AAA. So they linked up to 4 Bofos which is fine even in modern day anti-aircraft strategem launchers are separated by a wide range and usually a few are working together directly while the entire network is working passively as support. To avoid wild-weasel interceptors and avoid blindspots and also mass casualty/damage to the system itself. Most launchers are interconnected network with a handful of them per area.

Anyways Soaring Eagle 666, like one member mentioned we are using post-Renaissance, industrial/electrical revolution energy 1780s-1820s, technology from the 1960s-1970s-1980s, ALL with our society being a 1950s post WW2 society. It's no surprise combat is being waged. If the enemy does it, why can't Joe the facebook user on his smartphone engage in combat.

Hell we even do it, as do others and we've only scratched the surface of the potential internet warfare capabilities.

IF this is what the surface dwellers and non-hackers can do. Imagine what the hackers can do who engage in shadow combat. Look at North Korea one guy who got hacked by them, popped their entire internet.
This reflects a greater change in thinking.

Finally, people are starting to smell the fire. 77% of people deny that Facebook should make a "Metaverse". This shows a rapid change in sentiment, but also the necessary exposure to the enemy agenda.

The financial loss is only a followup to this reality. The lizardman is now angry that he can't mine people's souls into the "Metaverse".

The other nonsense project of the reptile, "Diem", which was planning to take control of people's finances through Jewbook, also bit the dust.

Given the above, one must see evidently that the RTR's are giving us major wins. Go three years backwards, and Facebook looked like the Behemoth that would never fall.

Now people finally are starting to understand that it's bad for everyone. We are moving good and forward.

This is faster than even I would anticipate here. Kikebook was like an "empire", that is now turned into a deck of cards or something.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This reflects a greater change in thinking.

Finally, people are starting to smell the fire. 77% of people deny that Facebook should make a "Metaverse". This shows a rapid change in sentiment, but also the necessary exposure to the enemy agenda.

The financial loss is only a followup to this reality. The lizardman is now angry that he can't mine people's souls into the "Metaverse".

The other nonsense project of the reptile, "Diem", which was planning to take control of people's finances through Jewbook, also bit the dust.

Given the above, one must see evidently that the RTR's are giving us major wins. Go three years backwards, and Facebook looked like the Behemoth that would never fall.

Now people finally are starting to understand that it's bad for everyone. We are moving good and forward.

This is faster than even I would anticipate here. Kikebook was like an "empire", that is now turned into a deck of cards or something.

Facebook is going to stop Facebook and Instagram from being used in all of Europe. New European laws do not want people's information to be taken and spied on in American servers. Facebook will not build new servers in Europe and will instead just lose all of those customers.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This reflects a greater change in thinking.

Finally, people are starting to smell the fire. 77% of people deny that Facebook should make a "Metaverse". This shows a rapid change in sentiment, but also the necessary exposure to the enemy agenda.

The financial loss is only a followup to this reality. The lizardman is now angry that he can't mine people's souls into the "Metaverse".

The other nonsense project of the reptile, "Diem", which was planning to take control of people's finances through Jewbook, also bit the dust.

Given the above, one must see evidently that the RTR's are giving us major wins. Go three years backwards, and Facebook looked like the Behemoth that would never fall.

Now people finally are starting to understand that it's bad for everyone. We are moving good and forward.

This is faster than even I would anticipate here. Kikebook was like an "empire", that is now turned into a deck of cards or something.

Facebook is going to stop Facebook and Instagram from being used in all of Europe. New European laws do not want people's information to be taken and spied on in American servers. Facebook will not build new servers in Europe and will instead just lose all of those customers.
I don't think that's gonna happen, it's a bluff. That would be a good way to lose many more billions.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This reflects a greater change in thinking.

Finally, people are starting to smell the fire. 77% of people deny that Facebook should make a "Metaverse". This shows a rapid change in sentiment, but also the necessary exposure to the enemy agenda.

The financial loss is only a followup to this reality. The lizardman is now angry that he can't mine people's souls into the "Metaverse".

The other nonsense project of the reptile, "Diem", which was planning to take control of people's finances through Jewbook, also bit the dust.

Given the above, one must see evidently that the RTR's are giving us major wins. Go three years backwards, and Facebook looked like the Behemoth that would never fall.

Now people finally are starting to understand that it's bad for everyone. We are moving good and forward.

This is faster than even I would anticipate here. Kikebook was like an "empire", that is now turned into a deck of cards or something.

Facebook is going to stop Facebook and Instagram from being used in all of Europe. New European laws do not want people's information to be taken and spied on in American servers. Facebook will not build new servers in Europe and will instead just lose all of those customers.
Mark Zuckerberg and team consider shutting down Facebook and Instagram in Europe if Meta can not process Europeans’ data on US servers
If Meta is not given the option to transfer, store and process data from its European users on US-based servers, Facebook and Instagram may be shut down across Europe, the social media giants’ owner reportedly warned in its annual report.

Aquarius said:
I don't think that's gonna happen, it's a bluff. That would be a good way to lose many more billions.
I think some would still just use facebook and instagram anyway. Like if anyone from Europe were to use any US news website and registered on it.
As for diem -


So "meta" means "death", and "diem" has... "die" as a major part of the word. Hmmm... (Although, "diem" does not (necessarily) mean "die", though, but most people don't know or check the history/origins of words and their etymology.) Also - did diem/facebook/zucc not pester that diem cannabis site/company(?) for its name, or is it OK to share the name with narcotics and poison? Oh! It is narcotics and poison itself! As we can see, diem.com says it is (and a global payment system, because we all "need" the jew's financial support (notice also it said "billions of people" and not "everyone on the Planet")), whereas wikipaedia says it was.
I wish they stopped with the idle threats and just got it over with. Nobody truly needs this platform when there are options that are 666% better.

Also, why does it matter what Meta means in hebrew? Hebrew is a stolen language. I think they stole "Meta" from Ancient Greek and perverted it. Meta-physics...
Stormblood said:
I wish they stopped with the idle threats and just got it over with. Nobody truly needs this platform when there are options that are 666% better.

Also, why does it matter what Meta means in hebrew? Hebrew is a stolen language. I think they stole "Meta" from Ancient Greek and perverted it. Meta-physics...

True, true. They also inverted the meaning. The "Meta" has a generally positive connotation to it, an expectation, to look into what is coming after. In Hebrew, this means death. It also has to do with the "There-after" and the "Next life". For jews it's poised on the notion of death.

If we are to get even more "out there" with this, it should be certain that Zuccerberg knows what it means in Hebrew, and to bring all of humanity into a "Metaverse" of "Meta", ie, death in Hebrew, does only mean the most suspicious projects.

Zuccerborg has not done any move as a coincidence, and it's also interesting that the "Face-Book" is a book of faces, sort of like the "Book of life" is a "Book of Names". That, aside of the obvious that Face-Book is the book of faces or the book of "Facades", but also a literal global mining operation for facial structures.
Aquarius said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This reflects a greater change in thinking.

Finally, people are starting to smell the fire. 77% of people deny that Facebook should make a "Metaverse". This shows a rapid change in sentiment, but also the necessary exposure to the enemy agenda.

The financial loss is only a followup to this reality. The lizardman is now angry that he can't mine people's souls into the "Metaverse".

The other nonsense project of the reptile, "Diem", which was planning to take control of people's finances through Jewbook, also bit the dust.

Given the above, one must see evidently that the RTR's are giving us major wins. Go three years backwards, and Facebook looked like the Behemoth that would never fall.

Now people finally are starting to understand that it's bad for everyone. We are moving good and forward.

This is faster than even I would anticipate here. Kikebook was like an "empire", that is now turned into a deck of cards or something.

Facebook is going to stop Facebook and Instagram from being used in all of Europe. New European laws do not want people's information to be taken and spied on in American servers. Facebook will not build new servers in Europe and will instead just lose all of those customers.
I don't think that's gonna happen, it's a bluff. That would be a good way to lose many more billions.

That is too hopeful. These sites are still part of a global mining operation, but also of a communication operation. These are just big threats by the reptile of ripping down the communication channels so many millions use in Europe, to force them to abide by his dictates.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Zuccerborg has not done any move as a coincidence, and it's also interesting that the "Face-Book" is a book of faces, sort of like the "Book of life" is a "Book of Names". That, aside of the obvious that Face-Book is the book of faces or the book of "Facades", but also a literal global mining operation for facial structures.
Including those who wish to wear a mask so as to stick-up places or rob places, etc., now that idea went out the window; the computers have been learning to recognise people with masks on, as well, now.
FancyMancy said:
Mark Zuckerberg and team consider shutting down Facebook and Instagram in Europe if Meta can not process Europeans’ data on US servers


Facebook considers pulling out of Europe if its data transfer options are further restricted

If Meta is not given the option to transfer, store and process data from its European users on US-based servers, Facebook and Instagram may be shut down across Europe, the social media giants’ owner reportedly warned in its annual report.

I say good news Zuckerberg go ahead do it. Your just going to lose even more money and go down faster.
slyscorpion said:
FancyMancy said:
Mark Zuckerberg and team consider shutting down Facebook and Instagram in Europe if Meta can not process Europeans’ data on US servers


Facebook considers pulling out of Europe if its data transfer options are further restricted

If Meta is not given the option to transfer, store and process data from its European users on US-based servers, Facebook and Instagram may be shut down across Europe, the social media giants’ owner reportedly warned in its annual report.

I say good news Zuckerberg go ahead do it. Your just going to lose even more money and go down faster.
I would like to agree, but America is like a bastion or bulwark. A lot of businesses try to move to America soon or after e.g. Europe. I think it would dwindle before it fizzles-out and dies entirely. Besides, (((they))) wouldn't allow a gap in the mark-- data-mining operation...
FancyMancy said:
slyscorpion said:
FancyMancy said:
Mark Zuckerberg and team consider shutting down Facebook and Instagram in Europe if Meta can not process Europeans’ data on US servers


Facebook considers pulling out of Europe if its data transfer options are further restricted

If Meta is not given the option to transfer, store and process data from its European users on US-based servers, Facebook and Instagram may be shut down across Europe, the social media giants’ owner reportedly warned in its annual report.

I say good news Zuckerberg go ahead do it. Your just going to lose even more money and go down faster.
I would like to agree, but America is like a bastion or bulwark. A lot of businesses try to move to America soon or after e.g. Europe. I think it would dwindle before it fizzles-out and dies entirely. Besides, (((they))) wouldn't allow a gap in the mark-- data-mining operation...
Well, when I say dwindle and fizzle-out - once it reaches a lower threshold, not enough billions or millions, then (((they))) would pull the plug, I reckon.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Facebook is going to stop Facebook and Instagram from being used in all of Europe. New European laws do not want people's information to be taken and spied on in American servers. Facebook will not build new servers in Europe and will instead just lose all of those customers.
I don't think that's gonna happen, it's a bluff. That would be a good way to lose many more billions.

That is too hopeful. These sites are still part of a global mining operation, but also of a communication operation. These are just big threats by the reptile of ripping down the communication channels so many millions use in Europe, to force them to abide by his dictates.
Legally, making threats like this is a form of harassment and can be prosecuted.
You are a claimant unless you opt out: £2.2bn damages claim filed against Facebook owner Meta on behalf of 45m Brits


A multi-billion pound damages claim was filed late last night against Meta, formerly Facebook Inc., on behalf of UK Facebook users, for abusing its dominant market position by imposing unfair terms, prices and/or other trading conditions on users.

This is the first UK case against Facebook to be filed at the Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) and will be pursued under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 on behalf of around 45m UK consumers.

Under the rules laid down in the Consumer Rights Act, all UK users of Facebook between 11th Feb 2016 and 31st Dec 2019 living in the UK will automatically become part of the group of claimants unless they explicitly opt-out.

This means that, once the claim is approved by the CAT, individuals falling within the class will automatically be eligible to receive compensation at the conclusion of the claim.

The Act enables a collective damages claim to be brought on behalf of a class of people who have suffered loss. A minimum of £2.2bn plus interest is being sought as damages.

The claim is being brought by Dr. Liza Lovdahl Gormsen as the proposed representative of the class of UK consumers.

Dr Gormsen has a long and distinguished career as a competition law academic and practitioner. She is a a Senior Research Fellow at the British Institute and Comparative Law and the director of the Competition Law Forum.

Dr Lovdahl Gormsen is being advised by a Quinn Emanuel team led by UK partner and Head of Competition Litigation Kate Vernon, and counsel Ronit Kreisberger QC and Nikolaus Grubeck of Monckton Chambers and Greg Adey of One Essex Court. The claim is being funded by Innsworth Capital Limited.

Quinn Emanuel partner Kate Vernon said this morning: ‘Today marks a significant moment for the UK collective action regime with our filing in the CAT of the first UK case alleging abuse of dominance by Facebook.”

“Facebook’s clear abuse of its dominant position in the personal social network and/or social media market, netted the company many billions in profit with zero payment to consumers,” Emanuel said.

“The purpose of this action is to secure redress for the 45 million UK consumers who have lost out as a result of Facebook’s imposition of unfair terms, prices and/or other trading conditions,” he continued.

FTC case
Facebook faces an antitrust suit by the FTC in the United States that could force it to sell the Instagram and WhatsApp platforms that have cemented its market dominance in the past decade.

Facebook is also facing a consumer class action in the US and is under investigation, or has been investigated and fined by competition authorities, in several countries including, Australia, Argentina, Hungary, Turkey and South Africa.

Today’s filing includes a statement from Dr Lovdahl Gormsen explaining why she is bringing the action, why she is the best person to represent consumers and how she will manage the proceedings on their behalf.

The claim is also supported by a report from independent expert economists and a detailed plan for managing the claim, including how the proposed class of 45 million consumers will be communicated with through a claims website, www.facebookclaim.co.uk-), newspapers, magazines and social media.

I deactivated the hyperlink with the hyphen at the end. Any mistakes in the article, including the randomly-placed close-parenthesis, are not mine.

Meta’s threat to close down Facebook and Instagram in Europe backfires as EU leaders embrace shutdown: ‘Life would be very good without’


Germany’s Economy Minister Robert Habeck speaking alongside his French colleague, France’s Minister Bruno Le Maire (right): “Life would be very good without Facebook.” (Source: Getty Images)

“Digital giants must understand that the European continent will resist and affirm its sovereignty.”
French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire

“We are closely monitoring the potential impact on our European operations as these developments progress.”
A Meta spokesperson speaking to City A.M.

UK gambling regulator clamps down on illegal Facebook lotteries
Facebook and Twitter ‘failing to tackle fake review factories’
Facebook fails to block antitrust lawsuit over WhatsApp and Instagram ownership
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Facebook says it’s behind the £45m deal for Meta name rights
US tech firms dominate web searches reaching more than 40m monthly hits each
FancyMancy said:
slyscorpion said:
FancyMancy said:
Mark Zuckerberg and team consider shutting down Facebook and Instagram in Europe if Meta can not process Europeans’ data on US servers


Facebook considers pulling out of Europe if its data transfer options are further restricted

If Meta is not given the option to transfer, store and process data from its European users on US-based servers, Facebook and Instagram may be shut down across Europe, the social media giants’ owner reportedly warned in its annual report.

I say good news Zuckerberg go ahead do it. Your just going to lose even more money and go down faster.
I would like to agree, but America is like a bastion or bulwark. A lot of businesses try to move to America soon or after e.g. Europe. I think it would dwindle before it fizzles-out and dies entirely. Besides, (((they))) wouldn't allow a gap in the mark-- data-mining operation...

They obviously are getting some users in Europe though and in turn money out of it. If they were not they wouldn't even bother with an article like this or try to work with European countries.

So if they shut down there they lose something. Which is good. I know it's mainly America where they work from and are but this should effect them in a bad way.
Shadowcat said:
Nothing like kicking a kike in the shekels. It's where it hurts the most :lol:
RTR's ftw!

Do you think it really bothers him? He's been a billionaire for years. Has had more money than most of us and our last few family generations... I'm sure he's got a billion tucked away in case he decided to go crazy one day and run away.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
