JoS Forum Contributions
Manipura Chakra And Liberation
"Both Tantric traditions accept that duality is caused by the subtle wins which are located in the two subtle channels. At the Manipuri cakra the right subtle channel, Pingala nadi...and the left subtle channel, Ida nadi...converge with the central subtle channel, susumna nadi.... The subtle winds traverse the side channels but theses winds are impeded in entering the central channel because the opening at the Manipuri cakra is closed. As long as the entrance is closed a person experiences duality.....
The manipura cakra is also a pivotal point between liberation or enslavement to cyclic existence. If one knows how to open the central channel at the manipura chakra, one can achieve salvation conversely, if one does not one remains in the continual cycle of births and deaths."[1]
The ancient Greeks called the solar chakra "The Knot of Hercules" this center is crucial to the raising of the serpent energy. The ancient Egyptians showed in the Hall of Maat the weighing of the Heart against the Feather of Maat. If the feather weighted less then the heart of the individual it was thrown on the floor where it was devoured by Ammit
The Ammit was shown standing with the scales of Maat which are shown as the spine with the chakra's. Ammit is shown relating to the region of the manipura or solar chakra. The Greeks Gnostic's called Ammit "Hades"[2] This is symbolic of the knot at the manipura chakra if the knot is not opened the serpent stays in the root chakra the ground of the floor of the hall which is symbolic of the spinal channel. Hades is the root chakra. The feather is symbolic of the serpent energy and the heart the centers of the head and how the nadi's connect there. This based on moving of this serpent energy pass the knot at the solar to the head and opening the crown and fixing the energy and transforming the soul. When this is done the heart is lighter, if not the heart is not opened meaning the serpent has not been activated and risen.
If the knot of the solar is not undone then the serpent stays in the root chakra [Hades, Ammit] and the major point of soul consciousness will exist in the lower sphere of the octave of the soul as the Gnostic's showed. Which leaves the person subject to death and rebirth.
The entire outcome of the individual is depended on one thing. How much they transformed themselves with the Serpent Yoga of Satan or not. That is what a individual is cosmically judged by the laws of the universe based on. Think about the effects on everyone on this planet for having this knowledge removed by the enemy. The heart is the seat of the soul in the Egyptian it also relates to the mental, emotional kosha's the personality of that life. The loss of such the heart is symbolic of the reincarnation process and the loss of the personality of the previous life. This gets pushed into the unconsciousness mind with birth into the next life.
Chinnamasta, Elisabeth Anne Benard [1]
Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection by D.M. Murdock [2]
"Both Tantric traditions accept that duality is caused by the subtle wins which are located in the two subtle channels. At the Manipuri cakra the right subtle channel, Pingala nadi...and the left subtle channel, Ida nadi...converge with the central subtle channel, susumna nadi.... The subtle winds traverse the side channels but theses winds are impeded in entering the central channel because the opening at the Manipuri cakra is closed. As long as the entrance is closed a person experiences duality.....
The manipura cakra is also a pivotal point between liberation or enslavement to cyclic existence. If one knows how to open the central channel at the manipura chakra, one can achieve salvation conversely, if one does not one remains in the continual cycle of births and deaths."[1]
The ancient Greeks called the solar chakra "The Knot of Hercules" this center is crucial to the raising of the serpent energy. The ancient Egyptians showed in the Hall of Maat the weighing of the Heart against the Feather of Maat. If the feather weighted less then the heart of the individual it was thrown on the floor where it was devoured by Ammit
The Ammit was shown standing with the scales of Maat which are shown as the spine with the chakra's. Ammit is shown relating to the region of the manipura or solar chakra. The Greeks Gnostic's called Ammit "Hades"[2] This is symbolic of the knot at the manipura chakra if the knot is not opened the serpent stays in the root chakra the ground of the floor of the hall which is symbolic of the spinal channel. Hades is the root chakra. The feather is symbolic of the serpent energy and the heart the centers of the head and how the nadi's connect there. This based on moving of this serpent energy pass the knot at the solar to the head and opening the crown and fixing the energy and transforming the soul. When this is done the heart is lighter, if not the heart is not opened meaning the serpent has not been activated and risen.
If the knot of the solar is not undone then the serpent stays in the root chakra [Hades, Ammit] and the major point of soul consciousness will exist in the lower sphere of the octave of the soul as the Gnostic's showed. Which leaves the person subject to death and rebirth.
The entire outcome of the individual is depended on one thing. How much they transformed themselves with the Serpent Yoga of Satan or not. That is what a individual is cosmically judged by the laws of the universe based on. Think about the effects on everyone on this planet for having this knowledge removed by the enemy. The heart is the seat of the soul in the Egyptian it also relates to the mental, emotional kosha's the personality of that life. The loss of such the heart is symbolic of the reincarnation process and the loss of the personality of the previous life. This gets pushed into the unconsciousness mind with birth into the next life.
Chinnamasta, Elisabeth Anne Benard [1]
Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection by D.M. Murdock [2]