Probably similar to how the jew does it, with infusing "holy" scripture with occult energies. I had an idea before, which I don't know if I mentioned or not, about doing something similar - in the case of some possibly-long-winded affirmations, or if they might be too specific and a bit complicated, one could write them in a book - which has to be a special book, similar to if anyone has a Black Book/Journal, for use of this only and kept clean and I suppose wrapped in silk, or whichever material is best - and when speaking the affirmation, saying the reference to the page, article, line/paragraph, etc.
Libra said:
I’ve read something similar before, that a woman unintentionally created thoughtforms of her characters and felt as if they lived beside her in a way. A lot of authors have also admitted that when writing characters, they will want them to do a certain thing, but they know the character doesn’t want to do that, as if becoming an entity of their own.
It’s probably something similar. A lot of work and thought and energy goes into creation. Of course you attract the things you focus on and open yourself up to. When you write it down, draw it, speak it, placing your thoughts into reality.... creation like that becomes a type of magic on its own and some people have a gift for it whether they fully realize it or not. It can be seen in the natal chart.
In a Children's comedy programme, in Sabrina, the Teenaged Witch, there was an exact episode regarding that, where the characters of a story, via magic, of course, couldn't just do certain things; that they had to have the realistic reasons to do them.