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Magick, Meditation & Your Destiny

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
There has to be a formal clarification of certain subjects in Spiritual Satanism so that everyone here knows exactly the path that we are set upon. Knowing this path exactly for what it is, can give a sense of solace, peace and promote wellbeing in one's approach to the path.

Magick and Meditation are two things which are essentially one thing; yet they affect your existence differently. Both as a soul and as a human being, you carry a subset of karmic and other carryovers, that you carry from numerous sources. As I have explained before, it is known that the body and the soul, or the family line, have their own Karma. We also have social karma that comes from our Nation and so on.

The above, is nothing else but the law of the universe of cause and effect. For the above topic, I have written a long time ago, in the karma series. I will clarify and explain more things as time goes, but the point of this message is another.

In this topic I want to clarify what you should expect from Magick and what from Meditation where your life changing is concerned.

When we do meditation, we essentially go into the root of our soul and everything else, where the basic configurations of our soul do reside. In there, cleansing, empowerment and so on, do have another effects which can change your karmic and other residual forces that make your life and existence as they are.

Therefore, to make magnified changes, workings much be done in the form of a repetitive way, like a meditation is to be done, in order to manifest themselves and cement themselves by causing inside you the necessary energetic changes.

Magick, on the other hand, is a form of expression of the will outwards. It certainly affects you, but it's adobe of action is the limit of the above karmic forces in your life. To basically explain this, let's say you want a partner. Magick will work in accordance to it's programming, to bring a desired change, but within the context of your soul. In rare cases or where magick is directed by other people, it can alter the above, but to do this, a lot of power is needed.

Lastly, intervention from the Gods or higher beings, because of the very nature of their power and their own level, they can affect you in a wholly different manner, which might not always be within the confine of the above situations. However, even this help, cannot fully alter your destiny or your fate completely if you are not trying it.

Depending on the power of these forces, they can alter fate. The Gods can do this, but they do so for rare considerations, or because one is already on such deserving trajectory. "Deserving" here is not as much moral as it is where you are at on your development.

Changing fate completely is a task that only you can do, yet, serious effects from other beings can really mean the world where it comes to this application. That's one of the reasons we do Group Rituals. Clearly, a group Ritual is not going to change your existence wholly if you don't do anything, yet, if you also walk your own path decidedly, these powers can come from behind you and propel you like a ship in an open sea. But you have to be on the sea and to be an active sailor to see the full power of these things, a personal responsibility.

Years ago, with HPS Maxine we were working on healing for an SS who had a very serious eye related ailment. We were doing work and it manifested in bettering their situation, then, the opportunity for surgery appeared on a major discount like minus 75%, on a very good hospital. They did the surgery, regained their eyesight, and it was all paid for and good. The person still had to do certain things to fix this condition, because of the forces explained above.

Finally, when you do workings and meditation to change certain things, these act on everything in you, causing a series of changes on all of these levels. Thats one of the primary reasons why there is always a lag time and waiting needed in order to get certain goals. The less the resistance, the better the outcomes and more direct.

Affirmations being specific, is important here, such as in the "most positive way for me" and so on. Magick done recklessly, can yield certain results, but they are not guaranteed to be safe.

The two above forces or magick and meditation, are supposed to be connected and united, in order for you to bring your life under proper order and grant yourself your wishes or to overcome your obstacles in life.

Neither must be mistaken for hocus pocus nonsense, and they are always limited by the power of those involved, including your own power. The power you have, is decided by meditation and meditation is supposed to increase and empower the baseline upon which you build everything that you do as a magickal operation.

Finally, both of these forces, can help you alter your own fate and make you a person of your own choice and destiny, free from the compulsive situation of being enforced into everything by fate; but this takes time.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you High Priest Cobra. This is very helpful and clarifies alot that is important.

I simply have one thing i was curious about.

Healing chronic disease when the power is there and there is not much of tangible physical aspects this can take. What I mean here is things are opening up for me to pursue alternative options financially for the first time in a very long time. I can see this start to manifest.

However from what I can see. Much of this will just require me to throw large amounts of energy at these ailments until they never resurface again. Through doing this, is how I will end up free of it.

I know this is certainly possible, yet I am under the impression this is a bit more of an uncommon occurrence, as most things take a few different manifestations and people often can solve things and issues they are going through without brute forcing it just with the energy alone.
Thank you for this. Magick done recklessly esp during some wrong transits as a result of not carefully planning can also have negative consequences.

It's also important to have the right mindset when you want something to manifest, which constant backlashes of karma can make very difficult unless cleaned. It can be to the point that one may think they karma they come into this life with can basically be some sick sadistic joke, but that's Saturn for you trying to kick your ass when you are down. Obliterate it back and attract the things you want. Don't let it get you down because the feeling of emptiness and disappointment will resonate with what you end up attracting. Act and feel as if you already have it, envision and work towards it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As I have explained before, it is known that the body and the soul, or the family line, have their own Karma. We also have social karma that comes from our Nation and so on.

My great-great grandfather was an imam, so the effects of his rituals are passed on to his grandchildren, right? really incredible. My family, involved in Jewish filth, is hurting me from all sides. I understand better now. the importance of certain mixed cleaning works and why they always appear as a remedy when my life is turned upside down. Ah, your post answered many questions in my mind. Thank you High Priest.

Now I must very strongly try to clear and destroy this negative karma. and let me cut the negative ties that have been transferred from both this life and my previous lives.
Thank you for that reminder, Brother. I needed it.

Brilliant and magnificent as always.
Thank you very much for such valuable information, the way in which the Gods influence you is divine
Simply put, meditation is the foundation on which magic rests, meditation opens the way for magic, and meditation is what removes blockages so that magic can better do its work.
I understood this thanks to you
You're the best

Hail Satan.
Can you write about how one could use the Runic rituals for God's for personal purposes ? Like the Janus ritual removes obstacles from one's lives. So how can we use it in our own lives as a working aside from the Schedule.
Great sermon HPHC! Thank you :D

Hail Satan!
Very enlightening sermon, thank you.

Some people fall under the illusion that people outside there are okay, they don’t mediate and they appear to be happy and all going well. Yet that’s totally not the reality. People are broken down from the inside and this manifest in their behavior such as drug and substance abuse etc
Nothing is being done to work on the soul, lives full of problems and other forms of negativity.
Its very sad.
And yes others are materially successful but thats not all there is to this life. Issues always comes out.

But once we walk this path, we notice that we are blessed and free than them. We are continuously improving on a daily basis and solving internal issues that are impossible for those who don’t walk this path to solve. For some it takes time, but there is nothing more gratifying that knowing that you are completely in control of your own life.

This path is healing and we should thank the Gods we are on this path.
It is true that the success of a magick work depends on the person who do it, but correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't our "nature" play an important role too? Our natal chart defines ourselves, in our charts dwells which magical aspects we naturally born for, maybe some are better at healing magick, some are better in love affair, others have natural inclination on "harm" their opponents and so on. Everyone can do any ritual or magick work and find success in accordance to their will and power, but there's always a sphere where we "excel" so to say. Yet correct me if I'm wrong.
AstralFrog said:
It is true that the success of a magick work depends on the person who do it, but correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't our "nature" play an important role too? Our natal chart defines ourselves, in our charts dwells which magical aspects we naturally born for, maybe some are better at healing magick, some are better in love affair, others have natural inclination on "harm" their opponents and so on. Everyone can do any ritual or magick work and find success in accordance to their will and power, but there's always a sphere where we "excel" so to say. Yet correct me if I'm wrong.

Elements, and planets/signs contributing to the influence of such.

Someone with a lot of fire will naturally possess success in black magick, and someone with a lot of water may succeed in love spells and anything emotional. If you're lacking the power to manifest magick of a particular nature, look to invoke the element that governs the attributes of such a working.

We all possess a different elemental setup, with one or two elements very strong, and the remaining ones somewhat lacking. It is also true that willpower, diligence, etc. play a factor too, and that itself falls under elements as well (Earth). Runes also possess the attributes of particular elements.

Try invoking the elements that you feel you might be lacking, and balancing them with Quintessence.
General Yeager said:
Can you write about how one could use the Runic rituals for God's for personal purposes ? Like the Janus ritual removes obstacles from one's lives. So how can we use it in our own lives as a working aside from the Schedule.

I have done several jobs like this with the rituals of the gods, before doing so it visualize the sigil of the god and affirm the effect you want , always related to what this god is specialized, examples:

Bifrons ritual: "To free my soul from each and all obstacles and impediments"

Azazel ritual: "To cure and heal my solar chakra and clean and purify my soul of all dross, negative energy and curses"

Abraxas ritual: "To banish and remove each and all connections, links and entities of the enemy that there is in my soul"
HP, why does magic seek the easiest route even even programmed?

For example, the scenario you explained is similar to some of the results I have had, but what if you want no material intervention?

I have been working relentlessly to rid myself of a particular affliction, and it keeps manifesting through treatment instead of curing it. Why? And how do I ensure the magic cures it instead of attracting to me medicine and such?
tandt said:
People are broken down from the inside and this manifest in their behavior such as drug and substance abuse etc

This is problem enough in itself!!!

The only thing worse is that if a True Spiritual Satanist is dependent in some way on such people or have to live with these kinds of people in some way, adapt to them because of necessity situation(destiny).

That is why everything must be done that no true Spiritual Satanist should ever be in such a situation.Or if anyone are already in it, someone need to break out of it as soon as possible with the help of magic and meditation!!!!
I have been doing a lot of thinking about meditation and magick lately and then this post pops up. Good timing.

Thank you!
Beautiful sermon HP HoodedCobra666. Thank you.
A strong aura helps a lot in overcoming obstacles and achieving goals, and that comes with power meditations and taking care of one self.
Heil Hitler!
Heil Satan!
Shadowcat said:
It can be to the point that one may think they karma they come into this life with can basically be some sick sadistic joke, but that's Saturn for you trying to kick your ass when you are down. Obliterate it back and attract the things you want. Don't let it get you down because the feeling of emptiness and disappointment will resonate with what you end up attracting. Act and feel as if you already have it, envision and work towards it.

I've been thinking about this lately, how "the Saturn issue must be solved to move forward".
I did my first magickal square (material Sun square) some time ago and although I always had difficulty in feeling energy (even the elements when I was immature enough to dive into them without much care), when I did the Sun square I could DEFINITELY feel it, even to the point of "wondering if I could take it".

I was strongly suggested not to deal with Saturn as it will likely manifest itself too strongly and if I couldn't hold the Sun square (the safest in my opinion) I could have inadvertently attracted something nefarious my way by doing a Saturn square.

Then again...
In my natal chart (when I learned how to read it some) I noticed that one of the things that afflict me in this life is 'teeth problems' and I've see that increase over the past year or so.
That made me wonder whether or not I should try to "release the Saturn" and face my shit, but since teeth is about the only real problem I'm facing right now (many other things have been improving) I wouldn't want to mess it all up summoning Saturn presence in my life even more.

You seem pretty knowledgeable so, since you mentioned Saturn.. what's your take on it? Should I consider a square or should I just leave it alone and focus on the Sun square again and other Planets until I feel ready?

Thanks in advance.

serpentwalker666 said:
I know this is certainly possible, yet I am under the impression this is a bit more of an uncommon occurrence, as most things take a few different manifestations and people often can solve things and issues they are going through without brute forcing it just with the energy alone.

I think this is the case as well. Another point, especially with health, is not to feel you need physical aspects to make progress. My exercise and diet is relatively the same, but the the overall health profile is much better as a result of my work on this.

In this case, unlike something like wealth, the physical template where health workings take place includes the body itself. We can see this in athletes or others who have naturally stronger vitality and physical abilities, regardless of whether they are doing everything right for their health.

So in that sense, I think you can be optimistic about your position, because you already have the spiritual power, which is the important part here. Now, it is just a matter of time.
AstralFrog said:
It is true that the success of a magick work depends on the person who do it, but correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't our "nature" play an important role too? Our natal chart defines ourselves, in our charts dwells which magical aspects we naturally born for, maybe some are better at healing magick, some are better in love affair, others have natural inclination on "harm" their opponents and so on. Everyone can do any ritual or magick work and find success in accordance to their will and power, but there's always a sphere where we "excel" so to say. Yet correct me if I'm wrong.

Our natal chart, which is an energetic map of our soul, would therefore influence how we interact with the "web" of energies that makes up our reality. So yes, you are correct. By studying our chart, we can maximize our potential, as well as figure out where we are weakest.

When we push to transform our weak points, here is where we are most likely to encounter resistance, which is negative karma. Until we do this, however, we should be realistic about where we will find success and not waste our time in areas that we are not great at. That doesn't mean we should avoid parts of our soul, but we have to work efficiently, especially as we are at war with both the enemy and potentially dangerous negative karma.
Once again Hp proves me right. Someone asked can the enemy influence someone aura wile its being programmed vy ones self and i said yes and hp basically said the same in this post. It all depends on resistance
Eagle Bearer 666 said:
Shadowcat said:
It can be to the point that one may think they karma they come into this life with can basically be some sick sadistic joke, but that's Saturn for you trying to kick your ass when you are down. Obliterate it back and attract the things you want. Don't let it get you down because the feeling of emptiness and disappointment will resonate with what you end up attracting. Act and feel as if you already have it, envision and work towards it.

I've been thinking about this lately, how "the Saturn issue must be solved to move forward".
I did my first magickal square (material Sun square) some time ago and although I always had difficulty in feeling energy (even the elements when I was immature enough to dive into them without much care), when I did the Sun square I could DEFINITELY feel it, even to the point of "wondering if I could take it".

I was strongly suggested not to deal with Saturn as it will likely manifest itself too strongly and if I couldn't hold the Sun square (the safest in my opinion) I could have inadvertently attracted something nefarious my way by doing a Saturn square.

Then again...
In my natal chart (when I learned how to read it some) I noticed that one of the things that afflict me in this life is 'teeth problems' and I've see that increase over the past year or so.
That made me wonder whether or not I should try to "release the Saturn" and face my shit, but since teeth is about the only real problem I'm facing right now (many other things have been improving) I wouldn't want to mess it all up summoning Saturn presence in my life even more.

You seem pretty knowledgeable so, since you mentioned Saturn.. what's your take on it? Should I consider a square or should I just leave it alone and focus on the Sun square again and other Planets until I feel ready?

Thanks in advance.


With any planetary square, even with the malefics like Saturn and Mars, one size does not not fit all because every chart is different. It depends on a lot of factors, on what is weak or strong, and other deficiencies or excesses. A Saturn square may help others while making it works for some. I would generally only advise not doing a Saturn square during a bad transit, as this might amplify what is negatively taking place, or even trigger it, which happened to be my personal experience, and even two days in. It is possible to do Saturn squares or any planetary square as a means of sucking out all negative karma, but this is often riskier than doing deep cleaning first. If one wants to take this route anyway, I would recommend a controlled environment if possible that gives little to no change for an opening for something negative to come to you.

Like with any planet of course when most negatives are cleared out, I do think the positive of Saturn can manifest which can bring great benefit, such as endurance, patience and tenaciousnes.
Are epiphanies and realizations a byproduct of meditation? Or is philosophical thought in fact meditation?

When I realize something, it does not always immediately impact my life, eventually however I do adjust my lifestyle and understanding.

How much of our Intellectual development can be passed into another life(soul?). I have many years of obtaining a love and understanding of Power, Civilization, Community, service, race, nation, family, etc.

Entering into another life, I would necessitate again the logical analysis into many topics, especially when we are bombarded by falsified and nonsense.
Thanks a lot for your clarifications brothers, my thoughts are more clear now.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" user_id=21286]
Our natal chart, which is an energetic map of our soul, would therefore influence how we interact with the "web" of energies that makes up our reality. So yes, you are correct. By studying our chart, we can maximize our potential, as well as figure out where we are weakest.

When we push to transform our weak points, here is where we are most likely to encounter resistance, which is negative karma. Until we do this, however, we should be realistic about where we will find success and not waste our time in areas that we are not great at. That doesn't mean we should avoid parts of our soul, but we have to work efficiently, especially as we are at war with both the enemy and potentially dangerous negative karma.
Shadowcat said:
With any planetary square, even with the malefics like Saturn and Mars, one size does not not fit all because every chart is different. It depends on a lot of factors, on what is weak or strong, and other deficiencies or excesses. A Saturn square may help others while making it works for some. I would generally only advise not doing a Saturn square during a bad transit, as this might amplify what is negatively taking place, or even trigger it, which happened to be my personal experience, and even two days in. It is possible to do Saturn squares or any planetary square as a means of sucking out all negative karma, but this is often riskier than doing deep cleaning first. If one wants to take this route anyway, I would recommend a controlled environment if possible that gives little to no change for an opening for something negative to come to you.

Like with any planet of course when most negatives are cleared out, I do think the positive of Saturn can manifest which can bring great benefit, such as endurance, patience and tenaciousnes.

That makes complete sense to me.. Astrology has never been my forte and I know I have a lot of progress to make spiritually before I can just dive into something as powerful and potentially dangerous as squares, Saturn especially. That's why I've left it alone so far.

Thanks for your advice Sister, I'll treasure it.

Eagle Bearer 666 said:

A Saturn square is much different from the others, especially those of the traditionally beneficial planets of the Sun, Jupiter, and Venus. With these, you should not fear them, although keeping in mind that any transformations can result in dealing with negative karma.

Look at the signs and aspects of your planets to see the most likely examples of negative karma. For example, Mars/Neptune when doing a Mars Square might give you days where you suddenly feel like you don't know how to apply your bravery, aggression, and masculine actions such as work. You might have days where your body's yang energy is low, making you feel little tired. This is all because Neptune's energy can result in negativity like confusion and dispersion of Mars' explosion and threatening power.

If you have been here for 2 years, I think you can safely start a Sun Square, especially as it enters Leo very soon. Use it for something simple and with a safe affirmation, and you should not have any problems.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=453077 time=1688927452 user_id=21286]
Eagle Bearer 666 said:

A Saturn square is much different from the others, especially those of the traditionally beneficial planets of the Sun, Jupiter, and Venus. With these, you should not fear them, although keeping in mind that any transformations can result in dealing with negative karma.

Look at the signs and aspects of your planets to see the most likely examples of negative karma. For example, Mars/Neptune when doing a Mars Square might give you days where you suddenly feel like you don't know how to apply your bravery, aggression, and masculine actions such as work. You might have days where your body's yang energy is low, making you feel little tired. This is all because Neptune's energy can result in negativity like confusion and dispersion of Mars' explosion and threatening power.

If you have been here for 2 years, I think you can safely start a Sun Square, especially as it enters Leo very soon. Use it for something simple and with a safe affirmation, and you should not have any problems.

Thank you for your advice, Brother. That was well explained and to the point. I appreciate that.
I'll definitely keep in mind the upcoming Sun Square chance as it's been too long since the last (and first) one, and I need something to compare that experience to other than my usual unsuccessful meditations.
And yeah, I've been here in the Forums for 2-3 years (I think, my original profile was Satan_is_our_Father666, haven't logged on in forever), but I've been a SS since the year after HP Maxine launched the JoS on the internet. I was luck enough to find it very soon, I'm sure the Gods led me to it and the Truth. However, to this day I still feel very inexperienced, like a child learning how to grow up, and that's why I postponed workings like the Square, that I knew to be powerful.

I'll see how this Sun Square goes.
(Do you happen to know what day that should be started? I keep losing my calendar in a ton of folders and saved material from the Forum.. thanks!)

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=453077 time=1688927452 user_id=21286]...

Correction: I found it (in Lydia's signature, forgot it was there), no worries. Thanks. :)

It is very true that magic fulfills our destinies.

May the Gods bless you HPHC for the words you've said 🙏 ✨️.

You are a wise man
Hi, from where do you get the Mantras And mudras for the opening up the soul section? The pages do not put much importance on mudras, while I read contradictory information in the Internet, stating that they are highly important. I noticed that doing some breathwork before the Mantras seems to increase the effectiveness of the process, especially when using, Bellows Breath or Breath Of Fire, but unfortunately this approach was never mentioned anywhere in the JOS. I especially noted that by increasing the resistance/pressure during each exhale, by almost sealing the mouth with the tongue pressed to the roof, seem to have an empowering effect. Do you have an explanation to why it's so effective?

I also have a serious problem with being electronically tortured and harassed, with lifethreatening endangering consequences, trying to combat by different means, including the aforementioned...

Also why is it recommended apart from the risk of health complications to open the upper chakras first? Could it be for the reason for easing the path of cosmic energy to enter the body, since it might be the main pathway for this energy to enter.
Thank you so much for your sermons hphc! They bring awareness of the true spiritual essence of what spiritual satanism is all about! It’s very enlightening and I hope everyone here appreciates alll you do! Hail satan! He is perfect! And hail the gods of hell!
Wotanwarrior said:
General Yeager said:
Can you write about how one could use the Runic rituals for God's for personal purposes ? Like the Janus ritual removes obstacles from one's lives. So how can we use it in our own lives as a working aside from the Schedule.

I have done several jobs like this with the rituals of the gods, before doing so it visualize the sigil of the god and affirm the effect you want , always related to what this god is specialized, examples:

Bifrons ritual: "To free my soul from each and all obstacles and impediments"

Azazel ritual: "To cure and heal my solar chakra and clean and purify my soul of all dross, negative energy and curses"

Abraxas ritual: "To banish and remove each and all connections, links and entities of the enemy that there is in my soul"

It is always best to ask what is most needed in your life as well, even though you cant go wrong with the affirmations you mentioned. We don't always know whats best, and on top of personal change you might also want to do objective worldly rituals to influence society.

Uranus just finished a return to the moment that World War 2 started if you cast the chart for the day that Germany invaded Poland with Uranus at 21° 57' 45". I thought it would be a good idea to do a ritual to Aries for this special day, but I was told to do a ritual for Janus instead. Because we are dealing with the transition of an era of war, as Janus is the god of transitions, were it will no longer be humans fighting each other, but robots, drones, AI, and with humans behind a computer as if it is a video game. Uranus will go retrograde over this spot soon and then over it again once it goes direct. I started my ritual exactly when it was going through the return. Just yesterday he mentioned to use green energy with the energies of Janus, although this could be just for me. Again you have to ask.

Another time to assist with the recurrence of these energies is when Mercury, the ruler of the chart for the invasion, is at around 20° of Leo, or if you want to be exact as I try to be then around 20° 21' 7". Really anywhere between 20-30 arc minutes would do as the original chart I saw for this was at 20° and 27'.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
