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Lydia: notable peoples' chart readings


Feb 3, 2020
From YahooGroup

Marie Curie
Marie Curie – November 7th, 1867. Warsaw, Poland
Birth time is noted as 12 noon, and looking at her chart for this time, it fits. 10th house stellium (prominent career) and Uranus on 7th house cusp (marriage to an intellectual, possibly genius), her husband was also a pioneer in his field of radioactivity.

Capricorn ascendant, chart ruler Saturn in 10th house of career, conjunct Venus and Mars. These three planets plus Sun (9th house) in Scorpio, the sign of intensity. Marie Curie was noted for working 16+ hour days in her lab until she was places in a sanatorium due to radium poisoning, shortly before her death at age 66. Jupiter square Saturn, workaholic with great potential for success.

Venus conjunct Saturn, misfortune and delay in love, she did not marry until age 28 (late for that era) and her husband was killed in an accident 11 years after marriage.She had an affair years later and was publicly humiliated and slandered in the press even though she was a widow. Her 10th house Saturn placement adds to her reputation suffering.

Sun in 9th house, higher education, travels far from home (born in Poland and lived in France). Educational honors, won two Nobel Prizes (shared one with her husband).She is the only person in history to win Nobel Prizes in two different sciences. Mercury in Sagittarius, life-long student. First house Jupiter, also with emphasis on education.Mercury square Jupiter adds to love of education etc. Pluto in 3rd house, obsession with knowledge and research.

10th house: Venus here indicates pleasant working environment, she and her husband worked side-by-side in harmony until his death. Mars here, intense ambition, obsession with work (working all day long, despite having 2 children). Saturn placement, hard work and perseverance. Mercury in 10th, her father also was intellectual, teaching physics and mathematics.

Venus conjunct Saturn in Scorpio, Moon in Pisces, and Neptune in 2nd house, all indicate poverty. Her parents lost their fortune and jobs in Poland. She and her husband refused to patent their method for isolating radium which would have made them quite wealthy. She also gave away most of her Nobel Prize money and other money given to her, to scientific institutions and friends and family. Her Jupiter in Aquarius explains why she didn’t want to patent their method, she believed scientific knowledge should be free and research unhindered. This placement, as well as her Sun trine Uranus, is also for individuality and freedom and rebellion, she was agnostic and married in a civil union to avoid a religious ceremony.

Transits for life events:
Uranus was transiting her natal Sun when she married. Leo intercepted in her 7th house of partnership, Sun is a co-ruler of that house. Jupiter was transiting this house as well. Pluto was transiting her 5th house (love affairs), inconjunct her natal Sun. Pluto transiting 5th when her first child was born.

Uranus was transiting her 11th house (goals) when she won her first Nobel Prize. Jupiter was conjunct her 2nd house natal Moon (1 degree exactly), Nobel Prizes have a monetary prize as well. At the time she won her 2nd Nobel Prize, Jupiter was conjunct her 10th house stellium.

When her husband died, Uranus was transiting her 12th house. 12th is the house of sorrow, natal Uranus on cusp of 7th. Not sure if this is an indicator, but it’s interesting to note. Also Saturn was transiting her 1st house, the worst time in one’s life.
At the time her affair (after she was widowed, but in that era it was still taboo) was made public, followed by disgrace, Saturn was transiting her natal Pluto, Scorpio on cusp of 10th house, 10th rules the reputation. She was slandered in the press.

At the time of her death, Saturn was again transiting on a late degree in her 1st house, conjunct her Jupiter. Jupiter rules her 12th house of endings. Neptune was in her 8th house (rules death). Neptune rules weakening and poisons, she died from years of exposure to radiation.

Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin – January 17, 1706. Boston Massachusetts. Birth time originally 10:30am, rectified by a professional to 9:37am, placing Saturn in his 2nd house instead of 1st, a few other changes.

From my notes, I think the first time is more accurate. Saturn in 1st house, endurance and discipline, and this puts his MC in Capricorn, emphasis on his notable career and reputation. Also, with the original birth time, Uranus is trine his AC. Uranus aspects to chart ruler and/or AC is noted in charts of exceptionally gifted people. However, he also has Mercury opposite Uranus, another indicator of being highly intelligent. With the original birth time, his AC is in Aries, chart ruler Mars in 9th house of publishing, and he was a leading author and printer (opened his own print shop at age 17). Pluto in 5th (instead of 6th with the rectified birth time) much creative power. However, with the rectified chart, Uranus in 6th makes sense (inventors, geniuses, humanitarian work).

With the original birth time, his DC (7th house cusp, house of relationships) would be on the star Vindemiatix, marriage can be unfortunate (entered common-law relationship, unable to marry due to her being previously married to to a man who ran off with her dowry, anti-bigamy laws prevented her from remarrying). This star rules loss of partner through death, he outlived her by 16 years.

Benjamin Franklin has a yod in his chart. Yods indicate a fated life (see HPS Maxines post on yods). His yod planets Moon and Venus pointing to Uranus, the planet of inventions, higher knowledge, revolution, freedom, progress.

Fire grand trine (Neptune-Pluto-Mars). Independent, self-starter, good for health (he lived to 85, much higher than life expectancy in that era).

Jupiter in Cancer, very patriotic (became president of America). Venus in 10th, enjoys being before the public.

Sun in 11th house (both birth times). Emphasis on friends, fairness, humanitarian nature. Enjoys leadership and belonging to groups and organizations. Describes him perfectly. Mercury in Aquarius, innovator and inventor, interested in bettering humanity and change existing conditions, talent with science and mathematics.

Mercury is retrograde, perceives information and communications differently, excellent in research and details. Mercury square Saturn, not good for education, he only did a few years of formal schooling. Thorough and hardworking in regards to education and learning. Opposite Pluto, excellent concentration and investigating.

Moon at 4 Pisces (Deneb Adige), above average intelligence, money made through arts and sciences. Saturn conjunct Almach, popular influence, possible fame, prominent position.

Mars in Sagittarius, honest, loves travel (traveled many times to England etc), life-long student. Mars in 9th adds to this, as well as with my first paragraphs of authoring and publishing. Also, conflict with in-laws, the mother of his common-law wife would not let them marry, and married her to someone else while he was in England (that husband ran away with her dowry, never heard from again).

Moon in 12th house Pisces. Shyness, loneliness, sensitive, compassionate, psychic ability, active imagination. Inconjunct Uranus, unusual family life, had 16 siblings and a common-law relationship (common-law was not the norm for that era).

Jupiter and Uranus are retrograde, freedom, rebellion, spirituality, intuition. Pluto is also retrograde, inner intensity, do-or-die attitude.

Barack Obama
Barack Hussein Obama II – August 4 1961, 19:24. Honolulu, Hawaii

Aquarius AC, chart ruler Uranus in Leo, along with Sun and Mercury (not a stellium though). Western hemisphere emphasis, need for others in his life. Southern hemisphere (6 planets), social and outgoing.

Chart ruler Uranus conjunct star Alphard: Lack of control (current world leaders are puppets of the jews), unethical, subject to imprisonment and tragedy. Moon is conjunct Hyades: greedy, excessive nature, exploitative of others, can be tremendous success but can cause one’s own ruin. Saturn conjunct Terebellum: greedy, scheming, shrewd. Jupiter conjunct Altair: sudden wealth, position of high command (president of America). Mars conjunct Denebola: honors and wealth (won Nobel Peace Prize, two presidential terms), disgrace. North Node conjunct Regulus: often obtain high positions of power, success, leadership ability, but possibility of disgrace and disastrous fall from prominent position.

Sun in Leo: leadership ability, loves to be in public eye. 6th house, workaholic, needs to be of service to others and to be noticed for their work. He worked in the inner-city of Chicago helping the poor get education and training needed for better jobs before he went to law school. His only Sun aspect is to Neptune (square). Neptune weakens- confusion about the self. Hard Sun-Neptune aspects can indicate a weak father, his father abandoned the family when he was a young child.

Mercury in same sign/house placement, loves being center of attention, talent with speaking and lecturing before others, continuous study for work /career. Mercury semi-sextile Venus, sextile Moon, opposite Jupiter: personal charm and charisma, sense of humor, talkative, inspiring others through communication. We can see why many people voted for him in the elections. Mercury square Neptune, excellent liar, dishonesty, deceptive.

Obama also has aspects indicating much travel in his life; he was born in Hawaii, lived in Indonesia, travelled Africa, and has traveled much more since becoming president.

Moon in 4th house Gemini, talkative, moves many times throughout life, excels in all types of communications, wide variety of friends, strong need for a family. Moon trine Jupiter and Saturn, and square Pluto: mother is a strong influence in his life. Jupiter indicates good relationship with mother, Saturn indicates bad relationship, Pluto indicates domineering.

Venus in 5th house, a need for love and romance. Generally well liked, popular (again, he did win 2 presidential elections). Venus trine Neptune, very creative, compassionate. His Jupiter-Neptune aspect also indicates much compassion for others, and creative talent.

Mars in Virgo, very hygienic and tidy, hard-working, reliable and responsible. Mars square Venus and Mars in 7th house, not good for relationships. Possible violence, especially with Pluto in 7th house. Pluto here indicates jealous partner.

Neptune in 9th house is often seen in those who travel for spiritual purposes where much can be learned. Obama traveled through Africa to become closer to his racial heritage (his father, from Kenya, had left the family). He later published a book regarding this.

Jupiter and Saturn, conjunct in 12th house: powerful imagination (Jupiter square Neptune adds to this), good for meditation but prone to depression. Jupiter in Aquarius, happiest when belonging to groups and with friends, interested in betting humanity and social reforms, progressive. Jupiter conjunct Saturn, heavy responsibilities, potential for great success through hard work and discipline, workaholic. Saturn in Capricorn, professional success through hard work and effort, workaholic, practical, dependable, reliable, responsible, talent for business. Cares about his reputation.

Transits for life events:
When Obama was 10, his mother sent him to live with his grandparents in Hawaii, his mother was living in Indonesia with her new husband. Saturn was transiting his 4th house Moon. The Moon rules the mother, 4th house rules domestic scene. Saturn here, separation.

Pluto and Saturn were transiting his 8th house (death) when his father died. Pluto rules his 10th house which rules the father, and Saturn rules death. Uranus was transiting his 10th house as well, and Uranus rules the unexpected. He did not have contact with his father, his aunt was the one who informed him of the death.

When he was elected to state senate, Pluto had recently entered his 10th house. Uranus was conjoining his Jupiter, Sagittarius on cusp of 11th (groups, goals).

When his first child was born, Pluto was opposite his natal Moon, Gemini on cusp on 5th house. Pluto to Moon is common for change in domestic scene and someone being born, 5th house is one’s children.

At the time he was elected as president of USA, Pluto was transiting his 11th house – obsession with goals and ambitions, possibility of being placed in a position of power. Transiting Pluto opposite his natal Venus, inconjunct his Moon and Mercury, trine natal Pluto (rules MC in Scorpio). Jupiter was also transiting this house (semi-sextile his AC), and Uranus transiting his 1st (changes in life).

When he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, transiting Jupiter was conjunct his AC, Pluto still in his 11th.

Pluto was still in his 11th house when he was re-elected president, inconjunct his Moon and Mercury, opposite his Venus, semi-sextile his Jupiter, trine his natal Pluto (rules Scorpio on his MC). Transiting Uranus and Saturn were also making aspects to all these planets. Transiting Jupiter was trine his AC.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
