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Sep 15, 2002
I know that the throat chakra is suppose to be the seat of emotion but what about love. i know that jc is a thoughform that wants all gentiles destroyed and it goes for the heart chakra first but what if you dont feel that emotion-love-well only for two beings- my mom and my cat- how does one open the heart chakra to feel love to be able to connect with anyone. any advise is welcome.

Hail Satan


In chinese chakra system, the chakras are specific organs in the body.  This is true, our body has inner secretions of hormone which generate emotional energy. My advice?  Do a little research on it, get some sort of health check up and look for ways to stimulate and heal yourself.  Your ability to function magickally is tied to your health.  The chakra system isnt merely some vague esoterica as there are sciences behind it.

On Feb 6, 2017, at 4:55 PM, "enkihome@... [JoS4adults]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I know that the throat chakra is suppose to be the seat of emotion but what about love. i know that jc is a thoughform that wants all gentiles destroyed and it goes for the heart chakra first but what if you dont feel that emotion-love-well only for two beings- my mom and my cat- how does one open the heart chakra to feel love to be able to connect with anyone. any advise is welcome.

Hail Satan
Opening up and connecting with everyone is suicidal. Enemy program such as christianity advocate love, love, love. Love they enemies, turn the other cheek, and in general be a good slave. If your body loved and embraced invading viruses, you would be dead in 20 minutes. Connecting with other people forms an energy link between you and the other people. If you connect with christians, muslims, and other ilk you will be absorbing their filthy energy and problems while allowing them to sap your energy that you worked your butt off to obtain. If you only love your cat and your mother, that is perfectly fine.
i understand what your saying and i dont want to connect to everyone. thing is i dont feel that emotion for father satan or any god on our side. when i was younger i was able to feel said love come from my grandma and hit a wall when it tried to reach me. i could sense the wall itself. i know father has tried to reach me but i felt nothing. now a days it feels like a hole in my heart and when the chakra is active it hurts like a motherfucker. do you understand?

Hail Satan
you are who you are, you dont need to connect chakras with satan in order to have him feel you, and you dont need to change your soul per say in order for him to accept you.i havent "seen" him but i have felt him and it wasnt through chakras almost like an aura hug right around the mid section nice warm gold energy may i add. dont worry about it as i had to leave normal school when i started activating my soul along with stopping the usage of wireless device like cell phones its all too stimulating and i feel like both nasty kikes and beams of programmed light coming from cell phones create drossso my advice is dont make any efforts to just begin trying to love but instead your issue is the fact that you have a "blocked chakra" i usually use orgasm to push unwanted energy out of me and if its serious (in your case it is) go to JOS,meditations,and select "meditation for opening blocked chakras"
thanks. i'm glad you could at least feel something from father. maybe after unblocking i could feel.

Hail Satan
i was looking into a guy he was at least a hp at one point but he said there was a working you can do specifically for sociopathy type deals i will look back into it and relay the information...that being said im not sure who this guy really is and im waiting for my post to go through the post basically asks about his legitimacy
Money, employment, and anything related to earth; also to increase sexual pleasures and to increase/decrease genital size; men the penis and women the clit. Also to arouse striking and intense passions inside of those who have never had them before; to change the disposition of anyone. Protection from elite talents. 
this is what salem burke says is the benefit from doing the "fourth satanic ritual" on friday do not do anything enkihome i am still waiting for a HIGH PRIEST/PRIESTESS!!!(if your reading) to shed light on who this guy is i feel like this is something i need to do aswell
Be extremely wary of people who claim to be past clergy. Anyone can claim to be a past clergy member and use that opportunity to give you rituals or techniques that seem legitimate, but are actually extremely harmful. Also, people who blaspheme the Joy of Satan will claim to be past clergy members to try and give their lies more weight.

Take for example violet flame. If you are not familiar with violet flame, a recommendation to use violet flame to give you the ability to love and heal your soul may seem legitimate. In reality, violet flame makes you extremely vulnerable to the influences of the enemy. New age idiots use violet flame to try and be like ascended master jesus christ and become the purity that god desires. It is a good idea to stick with the meditations on the Joy of Satan website.

If your ability to love is broken, focus on general spiritual empowerment. Things like yoga and breathing exercises raise your bioelectricity and you can direct that energy towards healing yourself. As you raise your bioelectricity and clear blockages from your soul, that will awaken dormant parts of your soul and restore your ability to love. Anytime you have an energy buzz, you can direct the energies for anything you desire by using an affirmation.

Also, an inability to love may be due to a severe hang up stemming from a past life. If you had some sort of severe trauma in a past life relating to love, that trauma does not disappear upon death. The trauma is carried into future lifetimes and continues to cause problems. Such trauma is karma that can be burned away using the Sanskrit mantra MUNKA. You can also use the runes ANSUZ or URUZ to free yourself from hang ups and other dross.

How to Obliterate Your Saturn
The past clergy members Salem Burke and Vovim Baghie were delusional. Salem Burke's drug use was what did him in and he lost touch with reality. Stay away from anything Salem Burke spews out.
You speak of many truths and its contents, but there are some old school ways of reliving your past through a channel who may if powerful enough evoke your past life energies to not carry forward into your next or future lives.
Also the use of the spirit world can be another place that you can release pass troubles and problems.
To heal ones self. Then envision your chakras bathed in a glowing orange and white light and allow through your third eye to let this light to absorb all your negative energies to be release and then expelled from your body's chakras.
It a pleasure chatting with other Sons and Daughters of our Father, Lucifer. I'm hopeful that this group holds True follower's of Lucifer's Path and that this old son my learn as well as teach. I don't believe in titles though many have been given me. I just go where Lucifer tells me to go and listen and learn and help when I can. The only title that's of any concern to me is Father Lucifer. Knight Timothy.
thanks. i dont know who the guy is that your talking about but i wouldnt have done anything the guy said especisally once they mention increasing genital size. i will go with the uruz rune along with a few other things that i hope help. thanks for all the info.

Hail Satan
Lucifer is here for all of us. And he answer's all of us differently. When I'm communing with Lucifer. I'll be at our Alter and upon lighting the black candle that represents our Father Lucifer in the center just slightly higher then the 4 others. I always let Lucifer know that in lighting this candle we ask that you allow us to talk to you. Then we light the four cardinal points that represents our guardian demons and one giddess. Then we thank him for being in our life and state all that has happened this week because of our conviction to give ourselves to Lucifer. He has allowed us to grow closer to our goals that we set for ourselves. Remember Kucufer gives everyone of his children that have given themselves fully to Lucifer three things
Free Will
Free Choice
Free Thought
With these gifts its up to us to go forth and seek out what it's is that we want in life, but we must give thanks to our Father Lucifer regularly with updates on how your doing. And remember to always than him and your guardian demon or demons. Lucifer will meet you half way. But we must Stive to do all we can for ourselves. Lucifer is always there for us when we need him. But we must show him that he's not a fad that were going to do for a few weeks and then drop it. Look for the Signs there all around you. You just need to be able to see them and understand that there messages from our Father Lucifer. I hope this helps you or anyone. Knight Timothy.
Dude, either read www.joyofsatan.org and LEARN something from it, so you will know not to talk bs and stop being delsional, OR get lost.

I somehow feel you can be a troublemaker.


---In [email protected], <knottedpup@... wrote :

You speak of many truths and its contents, but there are some old school ways of reliving your past through a channel who may if powerful enough evoke your past life energies to not carry forward into your next or future lives.
Also the use of the spirit world can be another place that you can release pass troubles and problems.
To heal ones self. Then envision your chakras bathed in a glowing orange and white light and allow through your third eye to let this light to absorb all your negative energies to be release and then expelled from your body's chakras.
It a pleasure chatting with other Sons and Daughters of our Father, Lucifer. I'm hopeful that this group holds True follower's of Lucifer's Path and that this old son my learn as well as teach. I don't believe in titles though many have been given me. I just go where Lucifer tells me to go and listen and learn and help when I can. The only title that's of any concern to me is Father Lucifer. Knight Timothy.
sabel.wolf i'm glad ur not talking about me lol and i hope that people dont listen to the guy you are talking about.  people should read jos before posting.
have a good day

Hail Satan
I was laying In bed and somthing was astral projected under me like under the ground at a distance I was nervous but the spirit reached out to me and gave me the ability to travel out of my body the closer I got the more real things appeared but he closer I got the more it looked like hell I got close and it cut me off before I seen the face... When I opened my eyes everything looked different everywhere my voice in my head was muted my body started shrinking muscles and blood flow felt weird my voice changed high pitched and I seen demonish faces on people dogs and birds won't shut up when I'm around I've been searching for help for 3 years now I have voices in my head now I went to therapist medical doctors phycologist I'm not chemically imblanaced I need help I don't even drink let alone do drugs not even the ones they wanted me to test out can you actually help me or direct someone to me??!??!! I hear voices in my head that want me to kill myself and hurt other people I can't keep a job my energy is being drained I can't remember much through out my days it controls my life makes me think a certain way and influences people to do things I hate I can't have a normal conversation anymore my body aches it voices over other people it's spiritual abuse I need help ask people worthy to help me or necessary people to pass this along please there's far more worse things that happens be careful how you approach this situation people in my house hold will react this is controlling my life and people avoid me lot I need serious help
You say what I'm saying is BS and delusional, but you present no facts to back up that statement. Please I'm inquiring about what's BS and Delusional. I've read Joy of Satan site and also have read Sandscript Book of Shadow the original text dated 148 BCE Also many other Original works of other Satanist Grimores in about 9 different languages. Are you upset that I might bring insight to new and different ways from what I've learnex through the giidence ive gotten directly from our Father Lucifer.  I don't want to be taken ad delusional ad you try to put it. But let me ask you this. Have you ever wondered where the information came from so the Joy of Satan web site could be written? It just didn't appear from some make believe fairy tale. We are the Original Walkers of this planet. Lucifer was here before any other god or religion. Then they came along to try and destroy us. So many minds got together and put firth there knowledge to help create this website Joy of Satan. To allow those who wish to seek knowledge and wisdom  and understand the truth of what we are.  So please before you Blasphemy me and in turn Lucifer. Do research and prove without a doubt that what I'm saying is bullshit. Caidr I can prove everything I say using the website Joy of Satan. Everything I've stated is tied to JoS. Knight Timothy
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 5:24 AM, sable.wolf616@... [JoS4adults]<[email protected] wrote:   Dude, either read www.joyofsatan.org and LEARN something from it, so you will know not to talk bs and stop being delsional, OR get lost.

I somehow feel you can be a troublemaker.


---In [email protected], <knottedpup@... wrote :

You speak of many truths and its contents, but there are some old school ways of reliving your past through a channel who may if powerful enough evoke your past life energies to not carry forward into your next or future lives.
Also the use of the spirit world can be another place that you can release pass troubles and problems.
To heal ones self. Then envision your chakras bathed in a glowing orange and white light and allow through your third eye to let this light to absorb all your negative energies to be release and then expelled from your body's chakras.
It a pleasure chatting with other Sons and Daughters of our Father, Lucifer. I'm hopeful that this group holds True follower's of Lucifer's Path and that this old son my learn as well as teach. I don't believe in titles though many have been given me. I just go where Lucifer tells me to go and listen and learn and help when I can. The only title that's of any concern to me is Father Lucifer. Knight Timothy.
Knottedpup's behavior is a very good example of delusions you should watch out for. Take for example, "So please before you Blasphemy me and in turn Lucifer." Mistaking your ego for yourself is a problem some people run into and that is why questioning him was interpreted as an unforgivable transgression on par with blaspheming Satan himself. Satanism is not christianity where questioning the priest is questioning the christian god itself and will get you thrown in an everlasting pit of fire. If you look at the clergy, they regularly are questioned. Instead of throwing a fit and being triggered into orbit, they logically explain their position and provide clarification for people who may not have understood their original message. A good example of that is here: http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic18270.html

Also, "I've read Joy of Satan site and also have read Sandscript Book of Shadow the original text dated 148 BCE." Satanism is not about shadows, darkness, or other crap Satanism has been associated with. Christianity has been on a 2,000 year campaign to destroy and defame Satan and Satanism. Satanism is about spiritual empowerment and becoming immortal like the Gods.

Who is Satan
It is apparent to me that you are a lost sheep. You have just stated the fact that I have been trying to explain, Satanism has nothing to do with Christianity. We were here long before any religions came to this earth. We are the original Walker's of the Earth. Christianity is trying to defame us, to shame us and to corrupt us and you're allowing them to corrupt you. For your relating Satanism to Christianity, it has nothing to do with Christianity. I at no time blasphemy Our Father Lucifer you attacked a fellow Satanist directly and that is not your place or your position.  You say you're a high priest,  who gave you that title, youself. There are no high priest, there are no Bishops, only in organized religions. And being a Satanist, we are all brothers and sisters, Our levels are determined by our knowledge and power and our respect for Father Lucifer. All of you are following a path of Destruction.  You have allowed Christianity to control your life and your understanding of being a Satanist. All that I'm saying is in the Joy of Satan website. If you need me to direct you to where its stated I'll be glad to show you.You,  you're saying that satanist have been around for 2,000 years we've been around for thousand of thousand of years. We were here when the dinasaur walked on earth. So then, came those who would try and corrupt our way of life.  And way before anything happened. Look at the other sandscript Bibles of the pyramids, look at the teachings of the Samaritan, to the Babylonians,look at the teachings of the Greek, look at the teachings of the Chinese and the Japanese. Look at all the teachings of all the cultures. We are in them because we were here first and in order for them to rise above us they must corrupt our teachings,  but that's okay Lucifer needs soldiers like you. Its funny you create a Yahoo group but then you demoralized anyone who may know more than you who may have insight to help other satanist but you don't want that because you want the control your head swells large with ego and that's fine too but it is supposed to help other Satanist to learn to understand to do rituals, to know the signs, to know the moon's, when to do black magic, what incense to use for rituals  which color candles for which rituals to know for the colors of the day, to know what to do in the waning moon, to know what to do in a waxing moon, to know what to do in life  I am a Satanist. I am I an Original Walker and I walk hand-in-hand with my Father Lucifer. This is my life this is my reality. I put my Real Name out there Knight Timothy and I am no high priest and I am no Bishop. I am me,I represent the True Satanist. I go out into the world, I talk to others, I bring them to us,I bring lost Christians to the way of Lucifer, I enlighten them and you criticize and push them away. Half of today's Satanist at one time were xtains, until they came to realize that the bible was bullshit and  when they could be good soldiers for Lucifer. We  know Christianity is a lie  that they have stole all their stories from other cultures. They want to control them, to keep their power from them. Open your eyes brother,  Empower yourself, it is the knowledge that you seek and you have free will  free choice and free thought. But to blindly attack felliw Satanist without doing research and studying and looking for the truth that is delusional. Knight Timothy  One more thing. I became a Satanist before there was internet. During a time where we as a group would go out into the woods and do physical rituals with many others present. We had try black masses that lasted days. We celebrated Father Lucifer in our Heart's, Body and Soul. That was more then 30 years before JoS was even thought of. I'm a very patient person. And respect others opinions but your not even willing to try to want to learn. Your set on believing that there was nothing before JoS. So in your mind. Nothing happened before then. I would suggest that you contact Brian the author of JoS and ask him if what I say is true. Because Brian was actually at many if the same Rituals that I attended. Hail Lucifer So Mote It Be Knight Timothy.Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 12:08 AM, johnson_akemi@... [JoS4adults]<[email protected] wrote:   Knottedpup's behavior is a very good example of delusions you should watch out for. Take for example, "So please before you Blasphemy me and in turn Lucifer." Mistaking your ego for yourself is a problem some people run into and that is why questioning him was interpreted as an unforgivable transgression on par with blaspheming Satan himself. Satanism is not christianity where questioning the priest is questioning the christian god itself and will get you thrown in an everlasting pit of fire. If you look at the clergy, they regularly are questioned. Instead of throwing a fit and being triggered into orbit, they logically explain their position and provide clarification for people who may not have understood their original message. A good example of that is here: http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic18270.html

Also, "I've read Joy of Satan site and also have read Sandscript Book of Shadow the original text dated 148 BCE." Satanism is not about shadows, darkness, or other crap Satanism has been associated with. Christianity has been on a 2,000 year campaign to destroy and defame Satan and Satanism. Satanism is about spiritual empowerment and becoming immortal like the Gods.

Who is Satan
I agree with johson, be careful with knottepup something's not right of what he says.

And bath in orange and white light.... Any other true satanist can correct me but that sounds wrong any many ways to me.

9 different languages... Anyways I don't believe anyone questions where the info comes from sense alot of the info has the informations and recommendations to the books or web or aurthers that all satanist gets from especially the HPs, so thread carefully.

Don't believe in titles... So u don't believe in father. Sense the HPs have been given those tiltes by father Satan.

Reread Joy Of Satan. Unless ur a Jew then by all means drop dead.

Hail Father Satan
Hail Mother Lilith
Hail all the deite Gods/Goddesses
I only noticed one thing which speaks further about malevolent intent of this troll: BRIAN.

What Brian? Perhaps Brian GIBBONS? The arch-jew-troll.

To people who don't know - Gibbons is a long term troll who, like a jew it was, used to return here several times, always trolling and bothering us with his egopathic behaviour. There have been some of its minions who used to cause troubles - as it has been revealed by HP Hooded Cobra, everything liked back to Brian's stink.

Summing up - this knottedpup is likely someone from the past who was banned for its retardedness and viciousness.



---In [email protected], <knottedpup@... wrote :

It is apparent to me that you are a lost sheep ou have just stated the fact that I have been trying to explain, Satanism has nothing to do with Christianity. We were here long before any religions came to this earth. We are the original Walker's of the Earth. Christianity is trying to defame us, to shame us and to corrupt us and you're allowing them to corrupt you. For your relating Satanism to Christianity, it has nothing to do with Christianity. I at no time blasphemy Our Father Lucifer you attacked a fellow Satanist directly and that is not your place or your position.  You say you're a high priest,  who gave you that title, youself. There are no high priest, there are no Bishops, only in organized religions. And being a Satanist, we are all brothers and sisters, Our levels are determined by our knowledge and power and our respect for Father Lucifer. All of you are following a path of Destruction.  You have allowed Christianity to control your life and your understanding of being a Satanist. All that I'm saying is in the Joy of Satan website. If you need me to direct you to where its stated I'll be glad to show you.You,  you're saying that satanist have been around for 2,000 years we've been around for thousand of thousand of years. We were here when the dinasaur walked on earth. So then, came those who would try and corrupt our way of life.  And way before anything happened. Look at the other sandscript Bibles of the pyramids, look at the teachings of the Samaritan, to the Babylonians,look at the teachings of the Greek, look at the teachings of the Chinese and the Japanese. Look at all the teachings of all the cultures. We are in them because we were here first and in order for them to rise above us they must corrupt our teachings,  but that's okay Lucifer needs soldiers like you. Its funny you create a Yahoo group but then you demoralized anyone who may know more than you who may have insight to help other satanist but you don't want that because you want the control your head swells large with ego and that's fine too but it is supposed to help other Satanist to learn to understand to do rituals, to know the signs, to know the moon's, when to do black magic, what incense to use for rituals  which color candles for which rituals to know for the colors of the day, to know what to do in the waning moon, to know what to do in a waxing moon, to know what to do in life  I am a Satanist. I am I an Original Walker and I walk hand-in-hand with my Father Lucifer. This is my life this is my reality. I put my Real Name out there Knight Timothy and I am no high priest and I am no Bishop. I am me,I represent the True Satanist. I go out into the world, I talk to others, I bring them to us,I bring lost Christians to the way of Lucifer, I enlighten them and you criticize and push them away. Half of today's Satanist at one time were xtains, until they came to realize that the bible was bullshit and  when they could be good soldiers for Lucifer. We  know Christianity is a lie  that they have stole all their stories from other cultures. They want to control them, to keep their power from them. Open your eyes brother,  Empower yourself, it is the knowledge that you seek and you have free will  free choice and free thought. But to blindly attack felliw Satanist without doing research and studying and looking for the truth that is delusional. Knight Timothy  One more thing. I became a Satanist before there was internet. During a time where we as a group would go out into the woods and do physical rituals with many others present. We had try black masses that lasted days. We celebrated Father Lucifer in our Heart's, Body and Soul. That was more then 30 years before JoS was even thought of. I'm a very patient person. And respect others opinions but your not even willing to try to want to learn. Your set on believing that there was nothing before JoS. So in your mind. Nothing happened before then. I would suggest that you contact Brian the author of JoS and ask him if what I say is true. Because Brian was actually at many if the same Rituals that I attended. Hail Lucifer So Mote It Be Knight Timothy.Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 12:08 AM, johnson_akemi@... [JoS4adults]<[email protected] wrote:  Knottedpup's behavior is a very good example of delusions you should watch out for. Take for example, "So please before you Blasphemy me and in turn Lucifer." Mistaking your ego for yourself is a problem some people run into and that is why questioning him was interpreted as an unforgivable transgression on par with blaspheming Satan himself. Satanism is not christianity where questioning the priest is questioning the christian god itself and will get you thrown in an everlasting pit of fire. If you look at the clergy, they regularly are questioned. Instead of throwing a fit and being triggered into orbit, they logically explain their position and provide clarification for people who may not have understood their original message. A good example of that is here: http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic18270.html

Also, "I've read Joy of Satan site and also have read Sandscript Book of Shadow the original text dated 148 BCE." Satanism is not about shadows, darkness, or other crap Satanism has been associated with. Christianity has been on a 2,000 year campaign to destroy and defame Satan and Satanism. Satanism is about spiritual empowerment and becoming immortal like the Gods.

Who is Satan
Alright, thats enough. Stop rambling mounds of unbased garbage, it only causes trouble for everyone else. Instead of pretending to know everything head to the JoS main site an actually try learning something, not sitting here rambling without anything to back it up. If you arent willing to learn then just leave or pull yourself together otherwise.... Running on ego here only causes trouble for people here or even confuse newer people who are actually trying to learn and do their best, don't really respond with random rambling like that, it only makes you look like a fool. I know you're probably pissed at me here but so be it, im saying what i feel should be said and nothing more.
On Feb 13, 2017 12:14 PM, "'knottedpup@...' knottedpup@... [JoS4adults]" <[email protected] wrote:
  It is apparent to me that you are a lost sheep. You have just stated the fact that I have been trying to explain, Satanism has nothing to do with Christianity. We were here long before any religions came to this earth. We are the original Walker's of the Earth. Christianity is trying to defame us, to shame us and to corrupt us and you're allowing them to corrupt you. For your relating Satanism to Christianity, it has nothing to do with Christianity. I at no time blasphemy Our Father Lucifer you attacked a fellow Satanist directly and that is not your place or your position.  You say you're a high priest,  who gave you that title, youself. There are no high priest, there are no Bishops, only in organized religions. And being a Satanist, we are all brothers and sisters, Our levels are determined by our knowledge and power and our respect for Father Lucifer. All of you are following a path of Destruction.  You have allowed Christianity to control your life and your understanding of being a Satanist. All that I'm saying is in the Joy of Satan website. If you need me to direct you to where its stated I'll be glad to show you.You,  you're saying that satanist have been around for 2,000 years we've been around for thousand of thousand of years. We were here when the dinasaur walked on earth. So then, came those who would try and corrupt our way of life.  And way before anything happened. Look at the other sandscript Bibles of the pyramids, look at the teachings of the Samaritan, to the Babylonians,look at the teachings of the Greek, look at the teachings of the Chinese and the Japanese. Look at all the teachings of all the cultures. We are in them because we were here first and in order for them to rise above us they must corrupt our teachings,  but that's okay Lucifer needs soldiers like you. Its funny you create a Yahoo group but then you demoralized anyone who may know more than you who may have insight to help other satanist but you don't want that because you want the control your head swells large with ego and that's fine too but it is supposed to help other Satanist to learn to understand to do rituals, to know the signs, to know the moon's, when to do black magic, what incense to use for rituals  which color candles for which rituals to know for the colors of the day, to know what to do in the waning moon, to know what to do in a waxing moon, to know what to do in life  I am a Satanist. I am I an Original Walker and I walk hand-in-hand with my Father Lucifer. This is my life this is my reality. I put my Real Name out there Knight Timothy and I am no high priest and I am no Bishop. I am me,I represent the True Satanist. I go out into the world, I talk to others, I bring them to us,I bring lost Christians to the way of Lucifer, I enlighten them and you criticize and push them away. Half of today's Satanist at one time were xtains, until they came to realize that the bible was bullshit and  when they could be good soldiers for Lucifer. We  know Christianity is a lie  that they have stole all their stories from other cultures. They want to control them, to keep their power from them. Open your eyes brother,  Empower yourself, it is the knowledge that you seek and you have free will  free choice and free thought. But to blindly attack felliw Satanist without doing research and studying and looking for the truth that is delusional. Knight Timothy  One more thing. I became a Satanist before there was internet. During a time where we as a group would go out into the woods and do physical rituals with many others present. We had try black masses that lasted days. We celebrated Father Lucifer in our Heart's, Body and Soul. That was more then 30 years before JoS was even thought of. I'm a very patient person. And respect others opinions but your not even willing to try to want to learn. Your set on believing that there was nothing before JoS. So in your mind. Nothing happened before then. I would suggest that you contact Brian the author of JoS and ask him if what I say is true. Because Brian was actually at many if the same Rituals that I attended. Hail Lucifer So Mote It Be Knight Timothy.Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
  Knottedpup's behavior is a very good example of delusions you should watch out for. Take for example, "So please before you Blasphemy me and in turn Lucifer." Mistaking your ego for yourself is a problem some people run into and that is why questioning him was interpreted as an unforgivable transgression on par with blaspheming Satan himself. Satanism is not christianity where questioning the priest is questioning the christian god itself and will get you thrown in an everlasting pit of fire. If you look at the clergy, they regularly are questioned. Instead of throwing a fit and being triggered into orbit, they logically explain their position and provide clarification for people who may not have understood their original message. A good example of that is here: http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic18270.html

Also, "I've read Joy of Satan site and also have read Sandscript Book of Shadow the original text dated 148 BCE." Satanism is not about shadows, darkness, or other crap Satanism has been associated with. Christianity has been on a 2,000 year campaign to destroy and defame Satan and Satanism. Satanism is about spiritual empowerment and becoming immortal like the Gods.

Who is Satan
Epic fail. Johnson Akemi never said she is High Priestess. I'm guessing this moron is the one who accused everyone of being mageson, male members and female members alike. Also s/he never says "Satan" at this round, always "Lucifer".
Guys, let's just ignore him/her.
Holy deluded
  It is apparent to me that you are a lost sheep. You have just stated the fact that I have been trying to explain, Satanism has nothing to do with Christianity. We were here long before any religions came to this earth. We are the original Walker's of the Earth. Christianity is trying to defame us, to shame us and to corrupt us and you're allowing them to corrupt you. For your relating Satanism to Christianity, it has nothing to do with Christianity. I at no time blasphemy Our Father Lucifer you attacked a fellow Satanist directly and that is not your place or your position.  You say you're a high priest,  who gave you that title, youself. There are no high priest, there are no Bishops, only in organized religions. And being a Satanist, we are all brothers and sisters, Our levels are determined by our knowledge and power and our respect for Father Lucifer. All of you are following a path of Destruction.  You have allowed Christianity to control your life and your understanding of being a Satanist. All that I'm saying is in the Joy of Satan website. If you need me to direct you to where its stated I'll be glad to show you.You,  you're saying that satanist have been around for 2,000 years we've been around for thousand of thousand of years. We were here when the dinasaur walked on earth. So then, came those who would try and corrupt our way of life.  And way before anything happened. Look at the other sandscript Bibles of the pyramids, look at the teachings of the Samaritan, to the Babylonians,look at the teachings of the Greek, look at the teachings of the Chinese and the Japanese. Look at all the teachings of all the cultures. We are in them because we were here first and in order for them to rise above us they must corrupt our teachings,  but that's okay Lucifer needs soldiers like you. Its funny you create a Yahoo group but then you demoralized anyone who may know more than you who may have insight to help other satanist but you don't want that because you want the control your head swells large with ego and that's fine too but it is supposed to help other Satanist to learn to understand to do rituals, to know the signs, to know the moon's, when to do black magic, what incense to use for rituals  which color candles for which rituals to know for the colors of the day, to know what to do in the waning moon, to know what to do in a waxing moon, to know what to do in life  I am a Satanist. I am I an Original Walker and I walk hand-in-hand with my Father Lucifer. This is my life this is my reality. I put my Real Name out there Knight Timothy and I am no high priest and I am no Bishop. I am me,I represent the True Satanist. I go out into the world, I talk to others, I bring them to us,I bring lost Christians to the way of Lucifer, I enlighten them and you criticize and push them away. Half of today's Satanist at one time were xtains, until they came to realize that the bible was bullshit and  when they could be good soldiers for Lucifer. We  know Christianity is a lie  that they have stole all their stories from other cultures. They want to control them, to keep their power from them. Open your eyes brother,  Empower yourself, it is the knowledge that you seek and you have free will  free choice and free thought. But to blindly attack felliw Satanist without doing research and studying and looking for the truth that is delusional. Knight Timothy  One more thing. I became a Satanist before there was internet. During a time where we as a group would go out into the woods and do physical rituals with many others present. We had try black masses that lasted days. We celebrated Father Lucifer in our Heart's, Body and Soul. That was more then 30 years before JoS was even thought of. I'm a very patient person. And respect others opinions but your not even willing to try to want to learn. Your set on believing that there was nothing before JoS. So in your mind. Nothing happened before then. I would suggest that you contact Brian the author of JoS and ask him if what I say is true. Because Brian was actually at many if the same Rituals that I attended. Hail Lucifer So Mote It Be Knight Timothy.Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
  Knottedpup's behavior is a very good example of delusions you should watch out for. Take for example, "So please before you Blasphemy me and in turn Lucifer." Mistaking your ego for yourself is a problem some people run into and that is why questioning him was interpreted as an unforgivable transgression on par with blaspheming Satan himself. Satanism is not christianity where questioning the priest is questioning the christian god itself and will get you thrown in an everlasting pit of fire. If you look at the clergy, they regularly are questioned. Instead of throwing a fit and being triggered into orbit, they logically explain their position and provide clarification for people who may not have understood their original message. A good example of that is here: http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic18270.html

Also, "I've read Joy of Satan site and also have read Sandscript Book of Shadow the original text dated 148 BCE." Satanism is not about shadows, darkness, or other crap Satanism has been associated with. Christianity has been on a 2,000 year campaign to destroy and defame Satan and Satanism. Satanism is about spiritual empowerment and becoming immortal like the Gods.

Who is Satan
LOLLLOLOL THIS IS SO GOOD we were here with the dinosaurs guysOBVIOUSLYi remember just the other day my buddy tyrone-assaurus rex told me his hoe spine-assaurus was gettin it on an all da sudden a pteradactyl ruined all the fun thats when they got into a big fight over wwho the biggest dinosaur waslong story short the ninja god madara of the uchiha clan casted a jutsu skill which mad a big meteor hit the earthfortunately we satanists traveled quickly to the ether relm where we hid for millions of years only to find that once we came back there were............

Abyssius, cease treating this knotted mut as something lost - it is not. It is clearly a troll which does NOT bother correcting itself.

Trolls ARE fools, they don't just make themselves look like one.

New people, heed Abyssuis' words - this knottedpup is an egopath - i.e. it believes it is holier than thou, Satan Himself - though fearing to use His Holy name, so uses safer (for the jews) name - Lucifer. More on the relation - https://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic14233.html


---In [email protected], <tmziebold@... wrote :

Alright, thats enough. Stop rambling mounds of unbased garbage, it only causes trouble for everyone else.Instead of pretending to know everything head to the JoS main site an actually try learning something, not sitting here rambling without anything to back it up. If you arent willing to learn then just leave or pull yourself together otherwise....Running on ego here only causes trouble for people here or even confuse newer people who are actually trying to learn and do their best, don't really respond with random rambling like that, it only makes you look like a fool. I know you're probably pissed at me here but so be it, im saying what i feel should be said and nothing more.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
