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It’s a part of human nature to want love. It fulfills us emotionally and gives us something to fight for, a meaning to our lives. Everybody wants love and the things that go with it: passion, adventure, nurturing, comfort, family, a sense of belonging and acceptance with someone.

There have been countless posts in these groups regarding how to find their true love. And while Satan and other Gods have helped some find love, the thing is, many people just aren’t ready yet.

As we advance in Satanism and evolve our souls, we become so much better than we ever were, more than we could ever have expected. Are you, right now, able to offer your intended one the best possible version of yourself? Or are they going to be left dealing with a sorry mess. Many people when they first come to Satan are lost and broken, with a ton of emotional baggage. Wouldn’t you want the person you will be with for the rest of your life, to experience a completely healthy, happy, capable you?

Let’s say you are 14 years old and desperate to be united with your soulmate. You can’t even legally hold a full-time job, how are you going to manage a life-long commitment? You have so much to experience in life first. Of course there are some who have met their true loves at a very young age, but most are not ready for this.

Or maybe you are 25, single with children. You hold rituals often, asking (if not begging) Satan to unite you with your soulmate. Only… your soulmate is still a teenager. Can you expect him to help you raise your kids, when he is still being raised by his parents? Can you count on him to drive your kids to school while you’re at work… oh wait, he can’t drive. And you can’t legally be with him as he’s still a minor.

Or perhaps you’re going through a messy divorce. Are you able to give your intended the love and attention of a new relationship, or are they going to have to be dragged through the drama of dealing with your crazy ex who is trying to take you to court for everything you got.

For most people, at this moment, if they were united with their true love, it would be a complete disaster. So just work on yourself, work on bettering your life situation and overcoming any issues you have, so that when you are united with a life-long partner, you will be able to give them the best of you.

Finding true love doesn’t make you live the rest of your life in bliss, where the world no longer exists. There are going to be problems arising, all sorts of stuff to deal with. Real life responsibilities.

Now, when you do find that one person, and there are people in these groups who have… Aristotle said, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. What this means, is that you by yourself can accomplish x amount, your partner can accomplish x amount, but together, you can accomplish more than what you can as individuals combined. Especially if you are both SS and working for Satan.

I love this post as I have now found the Love of my life even though she's in prison
On Oct 1, 2016 12:47 PM, "lydia_666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  It’s a part of human nature to want love. It fulfills us emotionally and gives us something to fight for, a meaning to our lives. Everybody wants love and the things that go with it: passion, adventure, nurturing, comfort, family, a sense of belonging and acceptance with someone.

There have been countless posts in these groups regarding how to find their true love. And while Satan and other Gods have helped some find love, the thing is, many people just aren’t ready yet.

As we advance in Satanism and evolve our souls, we become so much better than we ever were, more than we could ever have expected. Are you, right now, able to offer your intended one the best possible version of yourself? Or are they going to be left dealing with a sorry mess. Many people when they first come to Satan are lost and broken, with a ton of emotional baggage. Wouldn’t you want the person you will be with for the rest of your life, to experience a completely healthy, happy, capable you?

Let’s say you are 14 years old and desperate to be united with your soulmate. You can’t even legally hold a full-time job, how are you going to manage a life-long commitment? You have so much to experience in life first. Of course there are some who have met their true loves at a very young age, but most are not ready for this.

Or maybe you are 25, single with children. You hold rituals often, asking (if not begging) Satan to unite you with your soulmate. Only… your soulmate is still a teenager. Can you expect him to help you raise your kids, when he is still being raised by his parents? Can you count on him to drive your kids to school while you’re at work… oh wait, he can’t drive. And you can’t legally be with him as he’s still a minor.

Or perhaps you’re going through a messy divorce. Are you able to give your intended the love and attention of a new relationship, or are they going to have to be dragged through the drama of dealing with your crazy ex who is trying to take you to court for everything you got.

For most people, at this moment, if they were united with their true love, it would be a complete disaster. So just work on yourself, work on bettering your life situation and overcoming any issues you have, so that when you are united with a life-long partner, you will be able to give them the best of you.

Finding true love doesn’t make you live the rest of your life in bliss, where the world no longer exists. There are going to be problems arising, all sorts of stuff to deal with. Real life responsibilities.

Now, when you do find that one person, and there are people in these groups who have… Aristotle said, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. What this means, is that you by yourself can accomplish x amount, your partner can accomplish x amount, but together, you can accomplish more than what you can as individuals combined. Especially if you are both SS and working for Satan.
Thank you for writing this Lydia. You really have a good way with words, that was amazing!

From my own experience I'll add this: 

Don't try to dive into love when it's too early, because as Lydia said it will simply end in disaster, whether you are with your soul mate or not. 

If you succesfully complete the Magnum Opus this lifetime you will literally have eternity ahead of you, so working to improve yourself for 20 some years (or more depending on how fast you progress after comming to Satan) before trying to find your perfect soulmate really isn't that much time. 

Your Soulmate might not even have reincarnated yet and also it's easy to get absorbed by the emotion of love and believe you have found your perfect soulmate while in reality you are just denying yourself the truth about your relationship out of fear to be alone. 

Many people dive into love too early and end up with someone they actually don't really love at all, but because the first 3 months felt so magical since the persons were completely broken and empty and finally felt some kind of salvation by being together they end up just taking each other further down the rabbit hole in the end and realize too late that their choice to be together was a mistake, so now they have children and a family with a person who they aren't compatible with and this creates all kinds of problems that can be avoided by showing some patience regarding love. 

Get yourself together first. If you aren't happy with who you are, then how can you expect to make your significant other happy? Ask yourself: "Am I truly ready to be a good partner for my Soulmate, that can care for him/her at all times and help them in their physical lives, support them in their endeavors and be the partner that is truly the best for them"? If there is even a small uncertainty you are probably not ready. 

Look at your life and yourself carefully and be honest with yourself to realize where you stand now and how much you have to learn and improve upon before you can truly be that perfect partner for your perfect Soulmate. Don't give them a half complete or partially broken you, give them the best you as Lydia said. 
... and there is still hope...

This almost had me in tears, thank you for the inspiration!

Hail Satan forever!
Hail Lucifuge!
Beautiful way to put it.. I feel what u mean. Thanks for posting that, I needed to hear it!!! Kami

On Saturday, October 1, 2016 11:47 AM, "lydia_666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  It’s a part of human nature to want love. It fulfills us emotionally and gives us something to fight for, a meaning to our lives. Everybody wants love and the things that go with it: passion, adventure, nurturing, comfort, family, a sense of belonging and acceptance with someone.

There have been countless posts in these groups regarding how to find their true love. And while Satan and other Gods have helped some find love, the thing is, many people just aren’t ready yet.

As we advance in Satanism and evolve our souls, we become so much better than we ever were, more than we could ever have expected. Are you, right now, able to offer your intended one the best possible version of yourself? Or are they going to be left dealing with a sorry mess. Many people when they first come to Satan are lost and broken, with a ton of emotional baggage. Wouldn’t you want the person you will be with for the rest of your life, to experience a completely healthy, happy, capable you?

Let’s say you are 14 years old and desperate to be united with your soulmate. You can’t even legally hold a full-time job, how are you going to manage a life-long commitment? You have so much to experience in life first. Of course there are some who have met their true loves at a very young age, but most are not ready for this.

Or maybe you are 25, single with children. You hold rituals often, asking (if not begging) Satan to unite you with your soulmate. Only… your soulmate is still a teenager. Can you expect him to help you raise your kids, when he is still being raised by his parents? Can you count on him to drive your kids to school while you’re at work… oh wait, he can’t drive. And you can’t legally be with him as he’s still a minor.

Or perhaps you’re going through a messy divorce. Are you able to give your intended the love and attention of a new relationship, or are they going to have to be dragged through the drama of dealing with your crazy ex who is trying to take you to court for everything you got.

For most people, at this moment, if they were united with their true love, it would be a complete disaster. So just work on yourself, work on bettering your life situation and overcoming any issues you have, so that when you are united with a life-long partner, you will be able to give them the best of you.

Finding true love doesn’t make you live the rest of your life in bliss, where the world no longer exists. There are going to be problems arising, all sorts of stuff to deal with. Real life responsibilities.

Now, when you do find that one person, and there are people in these groups who have… Aristotle said, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. What this means, is that you by yourself can accomplish x amount, your partner can accomplish x amount, but together, you can accomplish more than what you can as individuals combined. Especially if you are both SS and working for Satan.

I figured this one out myself earlier this year.. Although we hate to be alone sometimes, it's best not to rush into things.

I've met quite a few people that wanted to rush a lot of things. And due to some of them there are some problems now that I have to face.

People are pushed to be together to have sex and destroy themselves. It is on one side 'normal' to lose your virginity before your 17th... And a lot of people simply don't know what real love is (Neither do I.. but I have a general idea in my mind and I am going to work to accomplish that).

Every person has a vibration of its own and I notice that I am on that level not compatible with a lot of people. Although I had a friend once.. and this was very strange.. normally people that you are not quite compatible with annoy you, tire you out etc. But it seemed rather the opposite with this one.
Relaxing, and hell not once did I feel really tired or exhausted.
Although I had moments that I was scared. I had times where I felt overwhelmed. Times where I said something that hurt her.

Now it obviously wasn't the right time we met due to all the issues we had been going through. So maybe we'll meet again in the future. Until then.. we will see where the ship leads.
Because honestly I do not plan to give up on a friend like that so easily after all.
One of many reasons why I love translating your stuff Lydia =]

The more female stuff, all the better.

Do share more with us, Dear Lydia.

Well, as mortals, I wish we did not need love. Because, when we find
it, and then lose it, it hurts so so much
! I am now 30 years old; just turned 30 in September, actually. But
for 3 years before that, I was engaged to a wonderful man. Actually,
before we became romantically involved, we were best friends. He was,
and is, because we are still friends even though he broke it off with
me in August of 2013. I did not know what real love was until I found
this man! He was...is, truly a remarkable and honourable man,and i
utterly adore him! Even now, I would do absolutely anything for him!
My problem is, I really still love him. I cannot break free from this
torment! I don't know how to. I even see visions of him and I with our
future children, though now we are broken up. Still, I see these
things! And these are like detailed visions; like exactly what the
kids look like and everything, evenndown to what their personalities
and individual hobbies are. it's so maddening! He is the man i want!
But he just does not want me any more. For various reasons, there was
fault on both sides of the scale and I won't go into it, suffice it to
say, I majorly fucked up, and I know it! But I can't ask him to try
again, because once Mike makes up his mind, nothing any mortal says
can change it, and he's got his mind set that we oughtn't be together.
But I know what my mistaeks were, I know why the relationship failed,
and the fault was squarely on my side. I know this! But there's no
fixing it, for he refuses to consider the fact that I might have
changed. I'd move Hell and Earth for him, he knows that, but he
doesn't care for me any more. We're done, but now I am wretched. I
truly do not feeel like I am a whole person, ever since he left me, I
feel as though a part of me is missing. It's stupid and weak i know,
but I can't help how i feel! And so now I am here, and there but for
the grace of Satan, go I. Satan, Enki, One Who Beareth the
Light...give to me thy strength! Shine thy light upon me! Comfort me
with thy words! For, without thee, I would be truly bereft. I beg,
cleanse me from this soul-deep sorrow, the rapier that stabs my very

On 10/2/16, black.wyrm666@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
One of many reasons why I love translating your stuff Lydia =]

The more female stuff, all the better.

Do share more with us, Dear Lydia.


I've been through a similar situation and I know your pain. I know how it feels to lose someone you lose dearly, and feeling at fault for it. I'm currently at work and my brain is racing. Let me get home, do some void meditation, do research as I want to double check the methods I used that helped me, which in turn I hope to help you with. Stay strong sister, I will reply again to this post with some advice that will hopefully help ease your pain.

Hail Satan!!!
Hail the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!!!
May the jew be trampled under Satanic feet!!!
I'm back home now and here to help. Keep in mind I was very new to SS when I came up with this method, so it is simple, however it was very effective for me. I hope it helps and of course if there's anything you think that would strengthen this, do it.
First off, do lots and lots of void meditation. Sometimes we can forget the effectiveness of this, as it is very basic. Every time you think of him, or are reminded of him/being with him in anyway immediately start void meditation as long as you can do it. 
This next step is a tactic learned from HP Vovim Bahgie. Here's the link if you're not familiar, but I'm sure you are. Link: http://www.gentilenation.com/hp-vovim-baghie.htmlIt's called Severing the Links it's in the 3rd chapter should be page 60. Now, I know this is for severing links to the enemy, but it works well for people too. Whenever we are with somebody intimately we attach to each other's chakras. We create a link to them. Go through your seven main chakras (base-crown). Visualize a tube, like he says, and break it with your hands, see it shatter then affirm: "I am totally free of all thoughts and feelings for (name of individual). My thoughts belong to me. I am at peace with our separation. I am fully in control of my emotions." Something along those lines, and do it at each of your chakras. Affirming each time.
After you've done all of this visualize yourself surrounded in the most brilliant light you can possibly conjure up and smile. Meditate on your happiness think of anything (outside of him) that makes you happy. State your affirmations again 
Do this as many days as it takes. I really hope this helps you. Remember state your affirmations with intent. You are at odds with yourself, and are hanging on to the past. Stay in the present, the right now. Remember, we are here for you.
 I would be willing to read a book's worth of words, if that's how much it would take for you to write for you even feel a tiny bit better as I'm sure most, if not all of our family would. Trust me, I know this pain, & I don't want anybody in my Satanic family to be going through this torment. You deserve to be happy, no will be happy. 
Take it for what it was, a beautiful experience, and now it is time to make way for more. I truly hope this helps you. You will find peace, I know you will.
Hail Satan!!!Hail The Mighty Gods and Goddesses of Hell!!!May the jews be trampled under Satanic feet!!!
Allison. Your story breaks my heart. I know what you mean by your words of love. I love someone who is  very dear to me and if I lose him it would tear me apart. I am lucky that he loves me back, but he has loved me for years before I ever found him. My heart goes to you nonetheless.
Satan give her strength. Be there for her and remove her sorrow.
I think he's your soul mate. Nothing hurts worse than losing your soul mate.
Hail Satan
Thanks Brother Jay! ^ I really appreciate what you say! I know it'll
go away eventually, if I work at it, and Father and my Daemons are
always there to lean on. Satan is my anchor, in this thing. Again,
thank you from the bottom of my heart for your most encouraging words!
You rock, and just are all kinds of awesome! ^ Father himself told me
that the pain won't always be there, and I'll get my peace in the end,
and he never lies, so I just need to do these void meditations, and
I'll power through and break this pain. I am stronger than the pain,
because I am a daughter of Satan, and this pain will not conquer me! I
think that's a great idea, using Vovim's exercise to break off
attached people. I'd used it for breaking off angelic attacks before
of course, but had never thought to use it for something like this.
Certainly wont hurt, yes? :D Oh, and just as a side note, I really,
really do miss HP Vovim! I do hope that ie is all right, wherever he
is. I always used to love reading his posts.

On 10/5/16, satanslove.666@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
Allison. Your story breaks my heart. I know what you mean by your words of
love. I love someone who is very dear to me and if I lose him it would tear
me apart. I am lucky that he loves me back, but he has loved me for years
before I ever found him. My heart goes to you nonetheless.

Satan give her strength. Be there for her and remove her sorrow.

I think he's your soul mate. Nothing hurts worse than losing your soul

Hail Satan
Hello everyone. I've been dedicated for over a year now, I meditate daily. Lately i've been thinking about my life, and actually realised that loneliness is a big part of it, i've never had a love partner before in my life. Is it possible to do some kind of ritual to Lord Satan, asking to send perfect love partner to me? What else can I do? Would green aura and affirmation also help?
Hail Satan!
You can do a ritual to father asking that.You can also use runes and affirmation and program your aura for the perfect partner.
With any ritual or programing once u do it don't think about it.
Think others have better help then what I give.Best luck :)
Sent from the Yahoo Mail app. Get yours!
Hello, brothers and sisters. i hope you all are well and happy. I am Daniel.. I have always lived for the Light, but have only recently officially exercised the dedication ritual. I am currently learning Enochian, I am initiating a complete meditation habit, etc. i’d learned years ago of the order of the nine angles, and have been interested in them since, for such concepts as living with Nature alone for a couple of months, as well as exercising good behavior (regarding maintaining good health, etc.), and apparently living for the Light, the Truth are very acceptable to me; does anyone know of any representatives of the ONA, the state of ONA, etc.? this inquiry is my first attempt to communicate with any other good beings regarding such concepts, so pardon me if my references are apparently random. I am thinking of initially communicating with Andrealphus; have any of you communicated with him? Amun-Ra? Dagon? I am due to graduate Law school this year, so soon i will have more time, etc. to use in my service to L; so I want to communicate with you, my family, to learn what is required of me, etc. We have work to do. Any And All information is greatly appreciated.
Yes talk to Satan and tell him what u want do a ritual as well a love spell
On Feb 21, 2018 4:52 AM, "ninawolf927@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hello everyone. I've been dedicated for over a year now, I meditate daily. Lately i've been thinking about my life, and actually realised that loneliness is a big part of it, i've never had a love partner before in my life. Is it possible to do some kind of ritual to Lord Satan, asking to send perfect love partner to me? What else can I do? Would green aura and affirmation also help?
Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
