This works for me. For the best results you should have strong chakras and good feel and visualisation. In a few days results usually follow.
I use this to incite love and lust in the same time, but it can be modified ofc.
Go in meditative state or trance. Visualise who you want in front of you, visualise his chakras bright and clean and yours too. Make sure that you are clean. Imagine bright cords between yours and his chakras (root, sacral and heart chakra). Empower those cords. I usually empower the cord between the heart chakras the most. You can breathe energy into it, use sun energy or runes. Try to empower your chakras too before or while empowering the cords. Positive affirmations are welcomed here. When you finish, try to feel things. Do you feel more lust, love? Can you feel that person? If you aren't sure that you feel anything or you want to feel things more, then keep empowering those cords. If you don't want to have any connections anymore, visualise the cords breaking apart and state affirmations that you don't want to be connected to that person anymore. Keep doing that.
After this you can try few things too. This is optional- In a relaxed state or a trance go inside that person, feel his body, his soul (merging consciousness). It helps to connect even more.
Also you can try drawing his energy into your chakras. Exchange the energy, then try to stimulate yourself to an orgasm. Program that energy.
Whenever you can and want to- keep visualising yourself with that person having sex or whatever, state affirmations while doing that. Be confident and patient.
Do this all at least once a day or just empower the cords. You should feel that person much more, some sort of connection and increased desire/lust. My GD worked with me on this. For me it works very well, I use this lately and the results are impressive, tho all of my chakras are really powerful now. Ofc, the more power you have, the better. Also, if you succeed, you will start seeing this person much more often, like universe is drawing him to you xD
Don't waste those chances.