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Lost my way.

Nov 13, 2018
Hello, not sure how to write this though I'm currently in the middle of downloading the forums new and old since I have found the archives of the old forums and am attempting to get as much of the old forums I am able to download.

But I have lost my way I am back at square 1 again to be quite honest I never left square 1, sure I was meditating and doing yoga but I was never doing anything practical with my life, eventually I stopped meditation and doing YOGA multiple times cause I was not achieving any of the benefits I wanted. Yoga was pretty much a stale mate I was never progressing at all same was with meditation. I did quit smoking but I'm unsure if I could totally label that as effect of the meditation program I was following. my favorite pose in yoga is the Seated forward bend/fold and not once I was making any progress eventually I found out that I was stuck in a beginner mistake the back always remaining straight as if I was sitting straight even forcing my self into this position would only mean I could move not even a few inches.

I was having a slight success with a working to overcome a fear which I had completed doing 40 days but the problem came back so I did it again and doing even more vibrations but I could never rid the fear I had or at least soothe the problem I was having, after about 16 days of doing the working it just felt like more of a chore and not something I wanted to do. That combined with not seeing any results in yoga or meditation, even it was subtle is was made me pretty much "quit" I have not meditated or done any yoga since I stopped. I had gotten 2 teeth behind my fronts removed which was hindering my ability to eat/drink and was also causing problems with vibrating words that had "Th" in them. Vibrating words with "Th" has improved but not my ability to eat or drink.

At this point I am almost beyond the point of bettering my life, I am trying to eat foods like eggs and chicken but I have to spit out about 90% of the food I chew since I am in-capable of consuming it therefore wasting the time I needed to cook them so now my diet is eggs/chicken(rarely) rice-crackers with my preferred topping, chips, chocolate milk, chocolate flavored custard and flavored ice-cream and rarely do I drink water. I was at a time drinking lost of soda but I started noticing my teeth starting to rot so I stopped drinking it but my diet remains the same.

I have been doing the same thing over and over and over again all I do is pretty much 1. wake up, 2. go on computer. 3 eat while sitting at computer 4. sleep 5. repeat. This is all I have done for what feels like 10 years I am 22 years of age now and I wont do a single thing unless its something very specific like going to a dentist appointment or attending appointing relating to government benefits anything else is pretty much of no importance of me. I forgot to mention that I had 2 jobs which thanks to both of my parents I was able to get one but the outcome was always the same work and stay home doing the same fucking thing over and over again. When I quit one job and lost the other due to Covid-19 lock-down I was never filled with anger it was happiness since I dont have to do anything anymore I could just sit at my computer all day and all night with nothing to worry about.

I apologize for the very long post at this point i am 100% just whinging without even attempting to make a change, I will perhaps, cant make any promises do AC and AOP alongside the Final RTR. I ask for advice on what I should do all help is appreciated.

Once again sorry for the long post.
I can understand the problems you are facing. We lose Motivation if we don't see progress. Our Mindset has become more impatient due to being dependant in technology. For now, I would suggest that you do the RTR daily. It should be the bare minimum. Next is Aura Cleaning and Aura of Protection. I have noticed that our Aura reflects our Emotional State. Just try to keep a Stable Emotional State. As long as you keep yourself from Negative Thoughts Your Aura should be able to hold up. Do some Physical Movement that makes you feel good. These are Troubling Times. So being lost is understandable. But you must keep working on finding a way. Hope my suggestions help you.
NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
Hello, not sure how to write this though I'm currently in the middle of downloading the forums new and old since I have found the archives of the old forums and am attempting to get as much of the old forums I am able to download.

But I have lost my way I am back at square 1 again to be quite honest I never left square 1, sure I was meditating and doing yoga but I was never doing anything practical with my life, eventually I stopped meditation and doing YOGA multiple times cause I was not achieving any of the benefits I wanted. Yoga was pretty much a stale mate I was never progressing at all same was with meditation. I did quit smoking but I'm unsure if I could totally label that as effect of the meditation program I was following. my favorite pose in yoga is the Seated forward bend/fold and not once I was making any progress eventually I found out that I was stuck in a beginner mistake the back always remaining straight as if I was sitting straight even forcing my self into this position would only mean I could move not even a few inches.

I was having a slight success with a working to overcome a fear which I had completed doing 40 days but the problem came back so I did it again and doing even more vibrations but I could never rid the fear I had or at least soothe the problem I was having, after about 16 days of doing the working it just felt like more of a chore and not something I wanted to do. That combined with not seeing any results in yoga or meditation, even it was subtle is was made me pretty much "quit" I have not meditated or done any yoga since I stopped. I had gotten 2 teeth behind my fronts removed which was hindering my ability to eat/drink and was also causing problems with vibrating words that had "Th" in them. Vibrating words with "Th" has improved but not my ability to eat or drink.

At this point I am almost beyond the point of bettering my life, I am trying to eat foods like eggs and chicken but I have to spit out about 90% of the food I chew since I am in-capable of consuming it therefore wasting the time I needed to cook them so now my diet is eggs/chicken(rarely) rice-crackers with my preferred topping, chips, chocolate milk, chocolate flavored custard and flavored ice-cream and rarely do I drink water. I was at a time drinking lost of soda but I started noticing my teeth starting to rot so I stopped drinking it but my diet remains the same.

I have been doing the same thing over and over and over again all I do is pretty much 1. wake up, 2. go on computer. 3 eat while sitting at computer 4. sleep 5. repeat. This is all I have done for what feels like 10 years I am 22 years of age now and I wont do a single thing unless its something very specific like going to a dentist appointment or attending appointing relating to government benefits anything else is pretty much of no importance of me. I forgot to mention that I had 2 jobs which thanks to both of my parents I was able to get one but the outcome was always the same work and stay home doing the same fucking thing over and over again. When I quit one job and lost the other due to Covid-19 lock-down I was never filled with anger it was happiness since I dont have to do anything anymore I could just sit at my computer all day and all night with nothing to worry about.

I apologize for the very long post at this point i am 100% just whinging without even attempting to make a change, I will perhaps, cant make any promises do AC and AOP alongside the Final RTR. I ask for advice on what I should do all help is appreciated.

Once again sorry for the long post.
Learn discipline and don't have expectations, expectations can be used against you, if you don't get what you expect you are disappointed, sad, frustrated and may not persevere. Meditation should be important for you because widouth meditation you can't advance spiritualy and that way you can't become a God and widout meditation and spiritual advancement life gets worse and worse.

Start first with AC and AOP then slowly build up more and more meditations over the weeks or months as you get comfortable doing them, just do them.
I think you have to coax yourself into things. You don't have to tell me, but I am presuming that you masturbate. Do. Then after you have orgasmed, use that orgasm energy for something. I would suggest Aura of Protection or Soul Cleaning. It's better to clean yourself first before empowering yourself; if you empower yourself with crap still in your Soul then that crap might increase, or at least hinder you and block things off and clog things up. After you get yourself to do AoP/SC with orgasm energy twice per day (after waking up and before sleeping), then keep doing that meditation, then add something else after a bit of time.

In at least some ways, I have been similar to what you have said. Maybe you have to just force yourself to do a small thing, and if (and maybe when, if you have been susceptible to these) you forget or procrastinate or are distracted, then just continue again, but don't be disheartened. The Mind can be so stubborn; forcing it is hard for some people, so maybe instead of forcing yourself, you should just ease yourself into it gently, like I said in the first sentence above. The reason the Mind can be so stubborn is that like attracts like; we increase whatever we do, have, be, put into ourselves - and that becomes more and more, and trying to break that and change it is like trying to uproot a big tree which has rooted very deeply into our Mind/Psyche; therefore, very deeply into our Soul - and yes, that can be painful, uncomfortable, etc.

Say you have a million copper coins and you think that's nice, but then you decide that you want some silver coins because silver coins are better than copper coins - you need to add silver coins to the collection. At first, it will be 1 silver coin amid a million copper coins, so with that 1:1000000 silver:copper coins, it looks, feels, seems like nothing but a waste of time - but the more silver coins you add to it, the greater the percentage of those silver coins is in your collection - and the smaller the percentage of copper coins are in your collection. Eventually, you have 1 million copper coins and 1 million silver coins. Nice. That also means that not only do you have 50:50 each, you have also increased yourself - from 1 million to 2 million. You just have to do it. Get there. Then you decide you want gold coins because gold coins are better than silver coins, and you do the same thing. The reason I think this analogy works very well (which I just made up on the spot here and now, so if I do say so myself, lol) is because we can always have more and more types of coins/paper money/etc. - and we, as beings, have the innate ability to increase ourselves infinitely. We want more - we do more; we have and become more. Maybe we decide we like copper coins again because of their properties, so we increase those again. Eventually when we realise to work evenly and with balance, we'll have all of the coins, and other things, in their own respective amounts in balance for us. We don't need to steal coins from others and parasitise off them, because we can raise Energies ourselves straight from the Aether.

Copper coins have properties that silver coins and gold coins don't have, just like the others also do with each other, etc., as well. Maybe later, we find platinum coins... Once upon a time, surely Satan was an unmagick or little-magick being, but look at Him now! He has so many copper, silver and gold coins - plus platinum coins and whatever-else coins, as well. More so than that, He also has various denominations of paper big money, etc. He has higher denominations because He has been working on it for so long and consistently - getting into a pattern of behaviour, which then became; therefore is now, a part of Him. Once, He might have had just 1 copper coin and no other coins at all, nor any papers nor anything. Then now He is the God of Gods, the highest-ranking God. Is it possible any other God or Goddess could increase past Him? If the Universe is infinite and eternal, and if there is no such thing as "absolute power", then yes, They could. Maybe They don't want to - maybe Satan is too far ahead for Them to be able to! We all - Gods and Goddeses, and us alike - have to start somewhere.

For example, if you are at 0 and you want to get to 100, then you have to work to get there. In this example, 0 is doing nothing. 1 is, for example, AoP. 2 is Soul Cleaning. 3 is expanding 2 to include Aura and/or Chakra Cleaning. 4 might be yoga, etc., etc., etc. You make your meditation programme up yourself, for yourself, so it works the best way for you. How it might happen - and this is just an example, don't forget; you do yours yourself - you might start to do 1, and then for a few days you do 1, but then you forget by accident. After you remember, later that day or the next day, you do 1 again. This might happen repeatedly for a week or a month... Lather, rinse, repeat. After some time, while you have started to do that 1 repeatedly, even if you forget, procrastinate or are distracted, it then becomes a part of you. The more you do it, the more it becomes a part of you. What you focus on consumes you; thoughts create things.

It might take a short time or a long time, but doing it, even if not every single day, it becomes a part of you. Every day and consistency are extremely important, but don't fret - we're working up to that. We can't run before we can walk. Maybe some are walking with a limp, or they are only crawling, or they are in a wheelchair. We start from somewhere, and work from there. After it has become, or while it is becoming, a part of you, you would then do 1 and 2, and while you are doing 1 and keep doing it and no longer forget, procrastinate or be distracted (which might still happen sometimes), you are still doing 1, but also 2 now, as well.

Maybe you'll have a repeat performance with 2 as you did with 1 - forgetting/procrastinating/being distracted, but this time with 2, but you're still doing 1 already anyway. After some time, 2 will also become a part of you, just like 1 did. Then you can add 3, so you'll be doing 1, 2 and 3. Maybe, or maybe not, 3 would be much easier than 1 and 2 were, so you've grasped 1 and 2 and are doing them properly, and now 3 is added and you might or might not do it easily. Because you've been doing 1, 2 and 3 and managed to do them consistently, it might then be easier for other things to be done consistently without forgetting/procrastinating/being distracted, because you'd had the practice of overcoming any forgetting/procrastinating/being distracted by this point (or maybe still need more practice with it), so other things might be easier. Of course, I don't know, so that's why I say that it might or it might not - you know you more than I do! Then you do 4, then 5, then 6...

Quite often I have forgot to do a particular meditation, and then I'd realise, with enough time before it would mean failing to do it, that I need to do it. It is a random realisation, like "Oh! I need to do my meditation/s." Checking the time and Astrological time, there is plenty of time for me to do it. This hasn't always been the case, though; I kept missing/forgetting days, but now I remember sort of by accident that I need to do it, before it's too late which would have rendered it missed. If need-be, use a reminder app or alarm or something. Like attracts like, so we have to make like be, first, before we can get more like. Remember Quantum Physics - 2 entangled particles work with each other; like attracts like. We need to put like here first before can get more like - and some of the likes within us already might counteract the likes which we are trying to have, so we have to just add more coins to the collection, and eventually we'll be able to do things ourselves. Also do a bit of meditation, then play a bit of a computer game or watch a bit of a programme or go for a walk through a park, etc. Focusing solely upon Spiritual things might be way too daunting, not to mention it could be imbalancing, so we need to ease it in alongside and with and among other things.

Trying to do too much too quickly might be - or again, might not be - too big a change all at once. Again - the more you do it, the more it becomes a part of you. What you focus on consumes you; thoughts create things. Put like in to get more like. Add bits of things more when it's OK to carefully and gently. Lay the groundwork. As I say - start lowly and slowly, then build yourself up from there.
NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
Hello, not sure how to write this though I'm currently in the middle of downloading the forums new and old since I have found the archives of the old forums and am attempting to get as much of the old forums I am able to download.

But I have lost my way I am back at square 1 again to be quite honest I never left square 1, sure I was meditating and doing yoga but I was never doing anything practical with my life, eventually I stopped meditation and doing YOGA multiple times cause I was not achieving any of the benefits I wanted. Yoga was pretty much a stale mate I was never progressing at all same was with meditation. I did quit smoking but I'm unsure if I could totally label that as effect of the meditation program I was following. my favorite pose in yoga is the Seated forward bend/fold and not once I was making any progress eventually I found out that I was stuck in a beginner mistake the back always remaining straight as if I was sitting straight even forcing my self into this position would only mean I could move not even a few inches.

I was having a slight success with a working to overcome a fear which I had completed doing 40 days but the problem came back so I did it again and doing even more vibrations but I could never rid the fear I had or at least soothe the problem I was having, after about 16 days of doing the working it just felt like more of a chore and not something I wanted to do. That combined with not seeing any results in yoga or meditation, even it was subtle is was made me pretty much "quit" I have not meditated or done any yoga since I stopped. I had gotten 2 teeth behind my fronts removed which was hindering my ability to eat/drink and was also causing problems with vibrating words that had "Th" in them. Vibrating words with "Th" has improved but not my ability to eat or drink.

At this point I am almost beyond the point of bettering my life, I am trying to eat foods like eggs and chicken but I have to spit out about 90% of the food I chew since I am in-capable of consuming it therefore wasting the time I needed to cook them so now my diet is eggs/chicken(rarely) rice-crackers with my preferred topping, chips, chocolate milk, chocolate flavored custard and flavored ice-cream and rarely do I drink water. I was at a time drinking lost of soda but I started noticing my teeth starting to rot so I stopped drinking it but my diet remains the same.

I have been doing the same thing over and over and over again all I do is pretty much 1. wake up, 2. go on computer. 3 eat while sitting at computer 4. sleep 5. repeat. This is all I have done for what feels like 10 years I am 22 years of age now and I wont do a single thing unless its something very specific like going to a dentist appointment or attending appointing relating to government benefits anything else is pretty much of no importance of me. I forgot to mention that I had 2 jobs which thanks to both of my parents I was able to get one but the outcome was always the same work and stay home doing the same fucking thing over and over again. When I quit one job and lost the other due to Covid-19 lock-down I was never filled with anger it was happiness since I dont have to do anything anymore I could just sit at my computer all day and all night with nothing to worry about.

I apologize for the very long post at this point i am 100% just whinging without even attempting to make a change, I will perhaps, cant make any promises do AC and AOP alongside the Final RTR. I ask for advice on what I should do all help is appreciated.

Once again sorry for the long post.

Buddy I don’t know exactly what your doing on the computer, but you need to stop. It’s just a waste of time plane and simple. I was the same way, always pouring hours and hours into video games. Don’t try to make compromises you just have to stop because “20 minutes more” can easily become 4 hours or more. It’s just silly to be spending that much time on devices, you don’t have to do it all at once, but don’t compromise it’s the worse thing you can do.

As far meditation and yoga. If your not making progress it may be time to switch up your routine, be patient even If you don’t see results. Yknow, try different stretches than before, try kundalini yoga, Kung fu stretches even two times a day if you can. Every little bit helps do a bunch of Void meditation to if you can, again don’t add this all at once just start with AC AOP and void the the most important also drink more water work out if you find it daunting it will definitely make you crave it though do mostly cardio because your diet isn’t good.

You can Do it never stop trying good luck
Have an amazing week.
FancyMancy said:
I think you have to coax yourself into things. You don't have to tell me, but I am presuming that you masturbate. Do. Then after you have orgasmed, use that orgasm energy for something. I would suggest Aura of Protection or Soul Cleaning. It's better to clean yourself first before empowering yourself; if you empower yourself with crap still in your Soul then that crap might increase, or at least hinder you and block things off and clog things up. After you get yourself to do AoP/SC with orgasm energy twice per day (after waking up and before sleeping), then keep doing that meditation, then add something else after a bit of time.

In at least some ways, I have been similar to what you have said. Maybe you have to just force yourself to do a small thing, and if (and maybe when, if you have been susceptible to these) you forget or procrastinate or are distracted, then just continue again, but don't be disheartened. The Mind can be so stubborn; forcing it is hard for some people, so maybe instead of forcing yourself, you should just ease yourself into it gently, like I said in the first sentence above. The reason the Mind can be so stubborn is that like attracts like; we increase whatever we do, have, be, put into ourselves - and that becomes more and more, and trying to break that and change it is like trying to uproot a big tree which has rooted very deeply into our Mind/Psyche; therefore, very deeply into our Soul - and yes, that can be painful, uncomfortable, etc.

Say you have a million copper coins and you think that's nice, but then you decide that you want some silver coins because silver coins are better than copper coins - you need to add silver coins to the collection. At first, it will be 1 silver coin amid a million copper coins, so with that 1:1000000 silver:copper coins, it looks, feels, seems like nothing but a waste of time - but the more silver coins you add to it, the greater the percentage of those silver coins is in your collection - and the smaller the percentage of copper coins are in your collection. Eventually, you have 1 million copper coins and 1 million silver coins. Nice. That also means that not only do you have 50:50 each, you have also increased yourself - from 1 million to 2 million. You just have to do it. Get there. Then you decide you want gold coins because gold coins are better than silver coins, and you do the same thing. The reason I think this analogy works very well (which I just made up on the spot here and now, so if I do say so myself, lol) is because we can always have more and more types of coins/paper money/etc. - and we, as beings, have the innate ability to increase ourselves infinitely. We want more - we do more; we have and become more. Maybe we decide we like copper coins again because of their properties, so we increase those again. Eventually when we realise to work evenly and with balance, we'll have all of the coins, and other things, in their own respective amounts in balance for us. We don't need to steal coins from others and parasitise off them, because we can raise Energies ourselves straight from the Aether.

Copper coins have properties that silver coins and gold coins don't have, just like the others also do with each other, etc., as well. Maybe later, we find platinum coins... Once upon a time, surely Satan was an unmagick or little-magick being, but look at Him now! He has so many copper, silver and gold coins - plus platinum coins and whatever-else coins, as well. More so than that, He also has various denominations of paper big money, etc. He has higher denominations because He has been working on it for so long and consistently - getting into a pattern of behaviour, which then became; therefore is now, a part of Him. Once, He might have had just 1 copper coin and no other coins at all, nor any papers nor anything. Then now He is the God of Gods, the highest-ranking God. Is it possible any other God or Goddess could increase past Him? If the Universe is infinite and eternal, and if there is no such thing as "absolute power", then yes, They could. Maybe They don't want to - maybe Satan is too far ahead for Them to be able to! We all - Gods and Goddeses, and us alike - have to start somewhere.

For example, if you are at 0 and you want to get to 100, then you have to work to get there. In this example, 0 is doing nothing. 1 is, for example, AoP. 2 is Soul Cleaning. 3 is expanding 2 to include Aura and/or Chakra Cleaning. 4 might be yoga, etc., etc., etc. You make your meditation programme up yourself, for yourself, so it works the best way for you. How it might happen - and this is just an example, don't forget; you do yours yourself - you might start to do 1, and then for a few days you do 1, but then you forget by accident. After you remember, later that day or the next day, you do 1 again. This might happen repeatedly for a week or a month... Lather, rinse, repeat. After some time, while you have started to do that 1 repeatedly, even if you forget, procrastinate or are distracted, it then becomes a part of you. The more you do it, the more it becomes a part of you. What you focus on consumes you; thoughts create things.

It might take a short time or a long time, but doing it, even if not every single day, it becomes a part of you. Every day and consistency are extremely important, but don't fret - we're working up to that. We can't run before we can walk. Maybe some are walking with a limp, or they are only crawling, or they are in a wheelchair. We start from somewhere, and work from there. After it has become, or while it is becoming, a part of you, you would then do 1 and 2, and while you are doing 1 and keep doing it and no longer forget, procrastinate or be distracted (which might still happen sometimes), you are still doing 1, but also 2 now, as well.

Maybe you'll have a repeat performance with 2 as you did with 1 - forgetting/procrastinating/being distracted, but this time with 2, but you're still doing 1 already anyway. After some time, 2 will also become a part of you, just like 1 did. Then you can add 3, so you'll be doing 1, 2 and 3. Maybe, or maybe not, 3 would be much easier than 1 and 2 were, so you've grasped 1 and 2 and are doing them properly, and now 3 is added and you might or might not do it easily. Because you've been doing 1, 2 and 3 and managed to do them consistently, it might then be easier for other things to be done consistently without forgetting/procrastinating/being distracted, because you'd had the practice of overcoming any forgetting/procrastinating/being distracted by this point (or maybe still need more practice with it), so other things might be easier. Of course, I don't know, so that's why I say that it might or it might not - you know you more than I do! Then you do 4, then 5, then 6...

Quite often I have forgot to do a particular meditation, and then I'd realise, with enough time before it would mean failing to do it, that I need to do it. It is a random realisation, like "Oh! I need to do my meditation/s." Checking the time and Astrological time, there is plenty of time for me to do it. This hasn't always been the case, though; I kept missing/forgetting days, but now I remember sort of by accident that I need to do it, before it's too late which would have rendered it missed. If need-be, use a reminder app or alarm or something. Like attracts like, so we have to make like be, first, before we can get more like. Remember Quantum Physics - 2 entangled particles work with each other; like attracts like. We need to put like here first before can get more like - and some of the likes within us already might counteract the likes which we are trying to have, so we have to just add more coins to the collection, and eventually we'll be able to do things ourselves. Also do a bit of meditation, then play a bit of a computer game or watch a bit of a programme or go for a walk through a park, etc. Focusing solely upon Spiritual things might be way too daunting, not to mention it could be imbalancing, so we need to ease it in alongside and with and among other things.

Trying to do too much too quickly might be - or again, might not be - too big a change all at once. Again - the more you do it, the more it becomes a part of you. What you focus on consumes you; thoughts create things. Put like in to get more like. Add bits of things more when it's OK to carefully and gently. Lay the groundwork. As I say - start lowly and slowly, then build yourself up from there.

I’m not sure how long you been dedicated but it’s probably longer than me so I have a question to ask if I can help..

I’m in a similar boat as the OP and recently started meditating again and trying to better myself so I can advance and change my life around instead of wasting it.

So for I say about the past week now I do the following, aura cleaning, Aop, clean my chakras, void meditation. (2x a day morning and night)
My question is what else should I be be doing or can safely do right now? I’m pretty much at the start of the 40 day program.

What do you do as your daily meditation routine if u don’t mind sharing I’m curious What works for you?
ChaosBringer666 said:

You're 100% right when you say that, I always say maybe 30 mins or something like that playing some games then I'll do something spiritual or physically practical. But nope, turns into what feels like hours of spending time doing the one thing and it doesn't help at all when the game I'm playing is one like skyrim. Especially with the modding community since I can change the entire game and it'll feel a lot like a different game altogether.

I am taking it slow this time, I've only just started again but I did do aura cleaning/Aura of protection which was in the middle of day but I will re-adjust so I'm doing them with the addition of Void meditation in the morning and before I go to sleep. I have created a new yoga routine which is essentially based off preparatory exercises that lead to aiding with Sitting/Standing forward bend most of these except one or 2 are poses I've never done so I'll be sticking with this routine for a while til I need to change.

I wasn't entirely sure what you meant by cardio since you tied it with diet, so I thought it was some referring to like a diet-plan then I realized that cardio is for physical workout...I have started a workout routine (currently a work in progress) that involves a full body + lower body and upper body on different days, it wont be entirely cardio I have tried to do some of them but I just feel uncomfortable doing so I am making a routine that hopefully help with building strength and toning my body. It's not much but it will get me doing something practical. So far when I fully incorporate my routine it'll be
WORKOUT (FULL BODY, LOWER AND UPPER BODY) on the appropriate days
and finally AC/AOP/VM before bedtime, I will do my best to start drinking as much water as I can (too fixed on flavored drinks and not enough on water)

Thank you so much for the kind words and advice :smile:
FancyMancy said:

Oh wow this is a lot of information to take in, thank you so much for the advice and helpful tips. I am starting slow this time and incorporating another physical exercise apart with addition to Hatha Yoga. I have not added Kundalini Yoga but I will once I truly start my new routine again, definitely have to read your post multiple times to memorize as much information as I can thank you so much once again.

Also I think your analogy on copper,silver and gold coins is really good :lol:
Catalincata94 said:

Regarding yoga I never had any expectations for the entire time I did my first 40 day working but after that when I saw that I hadn't progress at all
(I base this off seated/standing forward bend) the working I had done to overcome a fear was never truly defeated so I had the feeling I wasted my time doing it so it pretty much came a choir (a boring one at that) so I stopped meditating or doing anything regarding spirituality.

Say a month+ later I got back into meditation again, visualization was improving with AC and AOP I started the fear working again but instead vibrating Ansuz for 72 times and not 36 I got to day 16 as I mentioned in my post and I just stopped I wasnt seeing any benefits same with Hatha Yoga this time I was really expecting something which just left me even more disappointed so this time I completely stopped doing any meditation or yoga. Now I'm back what feels like another month+ later I have made a new routine for yoga and I'm starting slowly this time with a physical workout in addition to Hatha Yoga. Not much added on but I will add pretty one or 2 more things onto my routine once it becomes official.

Thank you for you advice :smile:
NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
At the end of the day, what I get from this post of yours is that you are weak-willed, lazy, impatient, and love to procrastinste.

You will need to get rid of these habits one way or another if you want to ever get anywhere, both in meditations and in life.

Depending on where you live, you might be able to start the Mars Square next Tuesday (there is a big VoC so in some timezones you might not have any opening to start it). You can do the spiritual Mars square (or a working with the Mars mantra for a set number of reps) with an affirmation that the energies of Mars are healthily increasing your productivity. It's in Aries right now so it's the perfect time to take advantage of its energies.
If you cant start it on next Tuesday because of the VoC, then just start it on the Tuesday after.
NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
ChaosBringer666 said:

You're 100% right when you say that, I always say maybe 30 mins or something like that playing some games then I'll do something spiritual or physically practical. But nope, turns into what feels like hours of spending time doing the one thing and it doesn't help at all when the game I'm playing is one like skyrim. Especially with the modding community since I can change the entire game and it'll feel a lot like a different game altogether.

I am taking it slow this time, I've only just started again but I did do aura cleaning/Aura of protection which was in the middle of day but I will re-adjust so I'm doing them with the addition of Void meditation in the morning and before I go to sleep. I have created a new yoga routine which is essentially based off preparatory exercises that lead to aiding with Sitting/Standing forward bend most of these except one or 2 are poses I've never done so I'll be sticking with this routine for a while til I need to change.

I wasn't entirely sure what you meant by cardio since you tied it with diet, so I thought it was some referring to like a diet-plan then I realized that cardio is for physical workout...I have started a workout routine (currently a work in progress) that involves a full body + lower body and upper body on different days, it wont be entirely cardio I have tried to do some of them but I just feel uncomfortable doing so I am making a routine that hopefully help with building strength and toning my body. It's not much but it will get me doing something practical. So far when I fully incorporate my routine it'll be
WORKOUT (FULL BODY, LOWER AND UPPER BODY) on the appropriate days
and finally AC/AOP/VM before bedtime, I will do my best to start drinking as much water as I can (too fixed on flavored drinks and not enough on water)

Thank you so much for the kind words and advice :smile:

The thing about building muscle and toning is that you NEED proper diet if your not eating healthy with enough protein, your body will repair slow and you might even get losses rather than gains. Which is why I suggested cardio instead. Also working out is usually best when working on specific muscle groups so be aware of that. Just as well working out usually takes a lot of time so it may not be the best to start with. Running on the spot even for say 15-30 minutes is less time consuming and you probably won’t feel as restricted in time.

Yoga is also best done when stretches are even add a few back starches as well like cobra or even backwards bend when standing near a wall so you can push yourself up with your hands afterwards.

Don’t rush it to much get a feel for it when I returned to Satanism all I did was AOP AC and void meditation 3 times a day. Maybe you could do a reida working for 40 days when the moon is Taurus for permanence just start small like say 20-40 vibrations it only takes say 20 minutes with an affirmation like “I am in complete control of my day, in a positive and healthy way for me, totally, completely and permanently” stated 5-10 times. Again get a feel for how your day/month goes and then slide this in.

Aww man don’t even get me started on Skyrim, that can take frickin hours to set up alone :p

Have an awesome week
ChaosBringer666 said:
The thing about building muscle and toning is that you NEED proper diet if your not eating healthy with enough protein, your body will repair slow and you might even get losses rather than gains. Which is why I suggested cardio instead. Also working out is usually best when working on specific muscle groups so be aware of that. Just as well working out usually takes a lot of time so it may not be the best to start with. Running on the spot even for say 15-30 minutes is less time consuming and you probably won’t feel as restricted in time.

Yoga is also best done when stretches are even add a few back starches as well like cobra or even backwards bend when standing near a wall so you can push yourself up with your hands afterwards.

Don’t rush it to much get a feel for it when I returned to Satanism all I did was AOP AC and void meditation 3 times a day. Maybe you could do a reida working for 40 days when the moon is Taurus for permanence just start small like say 20-40 vibrations it only takes say 20 minutes with an affirmation like “I am in complete control of my day, in a positive and healthy way for me, totally, completely and permanently” stated 5-10 times. Again get a feel for how your day/month goes and then slide this in.

Aww man don’t even get me started on Skyrim, that can take frickin hours to set up alone :p

Have an awesome week

I am having flashbacks to the time I last worked out it took weeks or I think longer for my body to heal so I'll refrain from doing that particular workout and focus more on Cardio. It was very uncomfortable when I first tried to do it but I'll just have to push through with it and do a whole routine when I create one. I will also add the cobra pose and perhaps the locust pose as-well to my routine, also gonna add in the headstand but since I wrecked my whole body from the workout I did the the day before I'll have to post-pone that one for now.

May I ask where I can find more information on about a reida working? is it the same as a working involving runes? and to keep it between you and me it would take me weeks to almost a month to properly setup Skyrim depending on what theme I was going for :p
weeks to months that could be used in meditation or something productive but at that time I had no interest in meditation or Satanism so here I am again, so cant overhype myself with promises I would most likely fail to keep. Gotta take it slowly this time :smile:
Shael said:

Well you got it pretty much word for word, but I dont know what to do anymore I'm pretty much in a state of limbo doing the same thing over and over without seeking to do something different and productive. I'll try the mars square you mentioned but I cant make any promises.

Also not related to the topic but is there a meditation I can do with help finding lost or stolen items that belongs to a family member. How many times would I need to do this particular meditation? and how would I know if the meditation is having an effect, would I get a strong feeling to go towards a certain place or would I know about it some other way?
NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
Well you got it pretty much word for word, but I dont know what to do anymore I'm pretty much in a state of limbo doing the same thing over and over without seeking to do something different and productive. I'll try the mars square you mentioned but I cant make any promises.
Just bear in mind that, if you don't do anything yourself, you would need to wait for some planetary transit to bail you out of this. And that might take years, if it comes around at all.

NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
Also not related to the topic but is there a meditation I can do with help finding lost or stolen items that belongs to a family member. How many times would I need to do this particular meditation? and how would I know if the meditation is having an effect, would I get a strong feeling to go towards a certain place or would I know about it some other way?
Yeah, just raise some energy and program it to find the item. Do it every day until you find it, without worrying about time. Make it short so you can do it every day without getting too lazy to do it. You can just use Satanama.
NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
ChaosBringer666 said:
The thing about building muscle and toning is that you NEED proper diet if your not eating healthy with enough protein, your body will repair slow and you might even get losses rather than gains. Which is why I suggested cardio instead. Also working out is usually best when working on specific muscle groups so be aware of that. Just as well working out usually takes a lot of time so it may not be the best to start with. Running on the spot even for say 15-30 minutes is less time consuming and you probably won’t feel as restricted in time.

Yoga is also best done when stretches are even add a few back starches as well like cobra or even backwards bend when standing near a wall so you can push yourself up with your hands afterwards.

Don’t rush it to much get a feel for it when I returned to Satanism all I did was AOP AC and void meditation 3 times a day. Maybe you could do a reida working for 40 days when the moon is Taurus for permanence just start small like say 20-40 vibrations it only takes say 20 minutes with an affirmation like “I am in complete control of my day, in a positive and healthy way for me, totally, completely and permanently” stated 5-10 times. Again get a feel for how your day/month goes and then slide this in.

Aww man don’t even get me started on Skyrim, that can take frickin hours to set up alone :p

Have an awesome week

I am having flashbacks to the time I last worked out it took weeks or I think longer for my body to heal so I'll refrain from doing that particular workout and focus more on Cardio. It was very uncomfortable when I first tried to do it but I'll just have to push through with it and do a whole routine when I create one. I will also add the cobra pose and perhaps the locust pose as-well to my routine, also gonna add in the headstand but since I wrecked my whole body from the workout I did the the day before I'll have to post-pone that one for now.

May I ask where I can find more information on about a reida working? is it the same as a working involving runes? and to keep it between you and me it would take me weeks to almost a month to properly setup Skyrim depending on what theme I was going for :p
weeks to months that could be used in meditation or something productive but at that time I had no interest in meditation or Satanism so here I am again, so cant overhype myself with promises I would most likely fail to keep. Gotta take it slowly this time :smile:

Exactly why I said just Cardio. Y’know even 10 minutes is better than nothing.

Reida is the 5th rune https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html
So being the fifth rune it’s best vibrated in multiplications of five. The rune helps with organization of time, So this can be very effective if timed right with planets and the right affirmation. Again something like “I am in complete control of every aspect of every day, at all times and in every way, in a positive and healthy way for me, totally permanently and completely.” Taurus moon for permanence, and you really only need 20- 40 vibrations for 40 days if you want exceptional change 90 days is best but either way will be very powerful with Taurus moon. Also search up magenta 666 on YouTube for correct pronunciation as this is most important.

Good luck :)
I know how you feel. I've been going through a lot of similar shit, like my teeth are too damaged and stuff to vibrate a lot of certain mantras properly. Been trying to get into shape and stuff and change my diet and shit to build muscle. Wasting time with games, giving up on meditations, feeling worthless and hopeless.
Most of this type of shit is enemy influences and psychic attacks. You just have to keep up the good work and make changes. Everything might seem pretty bad right now, but it'll pass as long as you keep meditating and working on yourself.
You could look into an astrology reading which might give some insight into things you might have overlooked.
Theserpentrises1666 said:
I’m not sure how long you been dedicated but it’s probably longer than me so I have a question to ask if I can help..

I’m in a similar boat as the OP and recently started meditating again and trying to better myself so I can advance and change my life around instead of wasting it.

So for I say about the past week now I do the following, aura cleaning, Aop, clean my chakras, void meditation. (2x a day morning and night)
My question is what else should I be be doing or can safely do right now? I’m pretty much at the start of the 40 day program.

What do you do as your daily meditation routine if u don’t mind sharing I’m curious What works for you?
Hey, I've started again back at square one plenty of times (more times than I've had hot meals!). I can't tell you what is best for you. I can only give advice based on what I know (which might sometimes be incorrect, I have to also say), and based on the experiences I have. An important thing to remember is to not burn yourself out, nor spread yourself too thinly. If you think and feel that your current work is going well, then you should stick with that.

Others have suggested that to progress, i.e once what we do currently seems to not work anymore, is that we need to push ourselves to about 110%. If you think and feel that you can do more, then do; if not, then don't. You might test it - e.g. stay with what you are doing at the moment, but then add one or a couple or a few other things and see how they work - if help or hinder you, and adjust accordingly. Maybe remove one or two of them, or keep them but do them less for a little while, then increase them after.

NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
Oh wow this is a lot of information to take in
I thought it important to add different examples/analogies to help try and make the point. This seems to help a lot of people - hence there being legends and stories which may not be real-life but are used to explain things; allegories are told, so that we can understand a concept or a Spiritual point. Seeing as everyone wants money, it seems like a good idea to use that, and the copper, silver and gold denominations, and then paper denominations, just makes sense, as well. (I realise it's not the same in all countries.)

NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
Also I think your analogy on copper,silver and gold coins is really good :lol:
Nice! I think that's the best one I have come up with so far, lol.
Clean your each chakras and aura daily, you can use "visudhi & suryae ". Often planets can affect you probably why you feel this way. Vibrate sowilo and affirm this affirmation daily: '' In a positive way for me, I'm fully and permanently protected and shielded from all negative planetary transits and influences.''
NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
Hello, not sure how to write this though I'm currently in the middle of downloading the forums new and old since I have found the archives of the old forums and am attempting to get as much of the old forums I am able to download.

But I have lost my way I am back at square 1 again to be quite honest I never left square 1, sure I was meditating and doing yoga but I was never doing anything practical with my life, eventually I stopped meditation and doing YOGA multiple times cause I was not achieving any of the benefits I wanted. Yoga was pretty much a stale mate I was never progressing at all same was with meditation. I did quit smoking but I'm unsure if I could totally label that as effect of the meditation program I was following. my favorite pose in yoga is the Seated forward bend/fold and not once I was making any progress eventually I found out that I was stuck in a beginner mistake the back always remaining straight as if I was sitting straight even forcing my self into this position would only mean I could move not even a few inches.

I was having a slight success with a working to overcome a fear which I had completed doing 40 days but the problem came back so I did it again and doing even more vibrations but I could never rid the fear I had or at least soothe the problem I was having, after about 16 days of doing the working it just felt like more of a chore and not something I wanted to do. That combined with not seeing any results in yoga or meditation, even it was subtle is was made me pretty much "quit" I have not meditated or done any yoga since I stopped. I had gotten 2 teeth behind my fronts removed which was hindering my ability to eat/drink and was also causing problems with vibrating words that had "Th" in them. Vibrating words with "Th" has improved but not my ability to eat or drink.

At this point I am almost beyond the point of bettering my life, I am trying to eat foods like eggs and chicken but I have to spit out about 90% of the food I chew since I am in-capable of consuming it therefore wasting the time I needed to cook them so now my diet is eggs/chicken(rarely) rice-crackers with my preferred topping, chips, chocolate milk, chocolate flavored custard and flavored ice-cream and rarely do I drink water. I was at a time drinking lost of soda but I started noticing my teeth starting to rot so I stopped drinking it but my diet remains the same.

I have been doing the same thing over and over and over again all I do is pretty much 1. wake up, 2. go on computer. 3 eat while sitting at computer 4. sleep 5. repeat. This is all I have done for what feels like 10 years I am 22 years of age now and I wont do a single thing unless its something very specific like going to a dentist appointment or attending appointing relating to government benefits anything else is pretty much of no importance of me. I forgot to mention that I had 2 jobs which thanks to both of my parents I was able to get one but the outcome was always the same work and stay home doing the same fucking thing over and over again. When I quit one job and lost the other due to Covid-19 lock-down I was never filled with anger it was happiness since I dont have to do anything anymore I could just sit at my computer all day and all night with nothing to worry about.

I apologize for the very long post at this point i am 100% just whinging without even attempting to make a change, I will perhaps, cant make any promises do AC and AOP alongside the Final RTR. I ask for advice on what I should do all help is appreciated.

Once again sorry for the long post.

Not related to topic but I have reading much about almost anything and came across Freemasons and it's difficult to comprehend what is it that they are trying to say. Does anyone knows about it ? Anything ?
Thank you !
Hail Satan !!!!
satanicperson said:
NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
Hello, not sure how to write this though I'm currently in the middle of downloading the forums new and old since I have found the archives of the old forums and am attempting to get as much of the old forums I am able to download.

But I have lost my way I am back at square 1 again to be quite honest I never left square 1, sure I was meditating and doing yoga but I was never doing anything practical with my life, eventually I stopped meditation and doing YOGA multiple times cause I was not achieving any of the benefits I wanted. Yoga was pretty much a stale mate I was never progressing at all same was with meditation. I did quit smoking but I'm unsure if I could totally label that as effect of the meditation program I was following. my favorite pose in yoga is the Seated forward bend/fold and not once I was making any progress eventually I found out that I was stuck in a beginner mistake the back always remaining straight as if I was sitting straight even forcing my self into this position would only mean I could move not even a few inches.

I was having a slight success with a working to overcome a fear which I had completed doing 40 days but the problem came back so I did it again and doing even more vibrations but I could never rid the fear I had or at least soothe the problem I was having, after about 16 days of doing the working it just felt like more of a chore and not something I wanted to do. That combined with not seeing any results in yoga or meditation, even it was subtle is was made me pretty much "quit" I have not meditated or done any yoga since I stopped. I had gotten 2 teeth behind my fronts removed which was hindering my ability to eat/drink and was also causing problems with vibrating words that had "Th" in them. Vibrating words with "Th" has improved but not my ability to eat or drink.

At this point I am almost beyond the point of bettering my life, I am trying to eat foods like eggs and chicken but I have to spit out about 90% of the food I chew since I am in-capable of consuming it therefore wasting the time I needed to cook them so now my diet is eggs/chicken(rarely) rice-crackers with my preferred topping, chips, chocolate milk, chocolate flavored custard and flavored ice-cream and rarely do I drink water. I was at a time drinking lost of soda but I started noticing my teeth starting to rot so I stopped drinking it but my diet remains the same.

I have been doing the same thing over and over and over again all I do is pretty much 1. wake up, 2. go on computer. 3 eat while sitting at computer 4. sleep 5. repeat. This is all I have done for what feels like 10 years I am 22 years of age now and I wont do a single thing unless its something very specific like going to a dentist appointment or attending appointing relating to government benefits anything else is pretty much of no importance of me. I forgot to mention that I had 2 jobs which thanks to both of my parents I was able to get one but the outcome was always the same work and stay home doing the same fucking thing over and over again. When I quit one job and lost the other due to Covid-19 lock-down I was never filled with anger it was happiness since I dont have to do anything anymore I could just sit at my computer all day and all night with nothing to worry about.

I apologize for the very long post at this point i am 100% just whinging without even attempting to make a change, I will perhaps, cant make any promises do AC and AOP alongside the Final RTR. I ask for advice on what I should do all help is appreciated.

Once again sorry for the long post.

Not related to topic but I have reading much about almost anything and came across Freemasons and it's difficult to comprehend what is it that they are trying to say. Does anyone knows about it ? Anything ?
Thank you !
Hail Satan !!!!
Freemasonry was infiltrated by jews don't waste your time with them, read our sites www.satanisgod.org
Hps.mlimlal666 said:
Clean your each chakras and aura daily, you can use "visudhi & suryae ". Often planets can affect you probably why you feel this way. Vibrate sowilo and affirm this affirmation daily: '' In a positive way for me, I'm fully and permanently protected and shielded from all negative planetary transits and influences.''

Apologies for the delayed response but does this also serve as an AOP? I had one I was going to do which was Algiz and Sauil(Variation of SOWILO)
with the affirmation “I am at all times spiritually, physically, and mentally safe, secure, protected, powerful, strong and healthy in a positive way for me.” would the affirmation you recommended above be more suitable for me? or can I do both workings at different times??
Hps.mlimlal666 said:
Clean your each chakras and aura daily, you can use "visudhi & suryae ". Often planets can affect you probably why you feel this way. Vibrate sowilo and affirm this affirmation daily: '' In a positive way for me, I'm fully and permanently protected and shielded from all negative planetary transits and influences.''

Apologies for the delayed response but does this also serve as an AOP? I had one I was going to do which was Algiz and Sauil(Variation of SOWILO)
with the affirmation “I am at all times spiritually, physically, and mentally safe, secure, protected, powerful, strong and healthy in a positive way for me.” would the affirmation you recommended above be more suitable for me? or can I do both workings at different times??

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
