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Looking for help and the best approach…


Active member
Nov 14, 2020
With Satan, always.
This is kinda embarrassing for me to write about but some health problems I have that I’m hoping to address sooner than later is an eczema condition, breast health, and menstrual problems.

The eczema seems to be triggered by a fair range of different things. Triggers include:
- certain foods like sugar, acids from citrus, nuts, artificial colourings and flavours (needs to be a decent amount consumed regularly for it to trigger)
- cold weather
- getting sick
- toxins and chemicals (local anaesthetic, injections, some medications)
- stress and anxiety

It appears on my arms, hands, and face the most, sometimes the neck, breasts, and torso depending on the trigger. Flare-ups usually last between a month to a year. Actually my last flare-up hasn’t gone away and only fluctuated in going from bad to manageable, it’s now going on to over a year later - the trigger was sudden hyper food sensitivity to grapefruit juice resulting from an injection (not covid vax). Topical treatments do little if anything (some have made it worse) which tells me it’s an internal issue. I’ve had pills for it that did nothing. I take supplements and a pro/pre-biotic, though it can’t help me much if I have one of the other triggers since this only takes care of the gut side of things.

I believe it’s an immunity and gut problem, and something I’ve dealt with since I was a kid. I know what I can do physically to help it but I’m not sure how to approach this spiritually.

Breast health is just good practice as a female, and I have a benign lump that I want to go away without surgery if possible that developed from a lot of negative energies in my environment some time ago. I did a working last year to remove said build up of negative energies from my body, but I haven’t had the chance for further workings as other things took priority.

As for my menstrual problems, I’ve had unpleasant periods since I started bleeding. I get feverish and nausea which cause me to vomit. I have to stay in the bathroom for a good few hours because the pain causes the runs. After the worst of it passes, I tend to sleep for a long while from exhaustion. It only happens the first and second day of my period, then it’s just slight cramps for the rest of the week. My cycle consistently starts around the last quarter moon and lasts 7 days. I haven’t had a skipped period since my teenhood, and I’ve never taken any contraception like that pill thing nor been pregnant.

During my cult experience, the people did a ritual on my reproductive organs and breasts, and after that my symptoms got worse. I’m not sure exactly what they did, I’d asked for healing back then and they tried to rip something out that they claimed was affecting my cycles and breast.

I have plans for a health working coming up, though I’m wondering what would be the best approach to take care of all this. Sun, Saturn, Venus, Moon square? Removing health problems, increasing overall health? Sacral or solar plexus healing?

I hope to eventually see a TCM expert since I have no trust for modern medicines and doctors. And before anyone asks, no I haven’t been able to go to the doctors before about this. Partial reasons include that I’d been conditioned to think that my symptoms were normal and that if I took painkillers and had a day off it’d be fine, so I never sought help until it got worse. Any advice is appreciated.
tabby said:
This is kinda embarrassing for me to write about but some health problems I have that I’m hoping to address sooner than later is an eczema condition, breast health, and menstrual problems.

The eczema seems to be triggered by a fair range of different things. Triggers include:
- certain foods like sugar, acids from citrus, nuts, artificial colourings and flavours (needs to be a decent amount consumed regularly for it to trigger)
- cold weather
- getting sick
- toxins and chemicals (local anaesthetic, injections, some medications)
- stress and anxiety

It appears on my arms, hands, and face the most, sometimes the neck, breasts, and torso depending on the trigger. Flare-ups usually last between a month to a year. Actually my last flare-up hasn’t gone away and only fluctuated in going from bad to manageable, it’s now going on to over a year later - the trigger was sudden hyper food sensitivity to grapefruit juice resulting from an injection (not covid vax). Topical treatments do little if anything (some have made it worse) which tells me it’s an internal issue. I’ve had pills for it that did nothing. I take supplements and a pro/pre-biotic, though it can’t help me much if I have one of the other triggers since this only takes care of the gut side of things.

I believe it’s an immunity and gut problem, and something I’ve dealt with since I was a kid. I know what I can do physically to help it but I’m not sure how to approach this spiritually.

Breast health is just good practice as a female, and I have a benign lump that I want to go away without surgery if possible that developed from a lot of negative energies in my environment some time ago. I did a working last year to remove said build up of negative energies from my body, but I haven’t had the chance for further workings as other things took priority.

As for my menstrual problems, I’ve had unpleasant periods since I started bleeding. I get feverish and nausea which cause me to vomit. I have to stay in the bathroom for a good few hours because the pain causes the runs. After the worst of it passes, I tend to sleep for a long while from exhaustion. It only happens the first and second day of my period, then it’s just slight cramps for the rest of the week. My cycle consistently starts around the last quarter moon and lasts 7 days. I haven’t had a skipped period since my teenhood, and I’ve never taken any contraception like that pill thing nor been pregnant.

During my cult experience, the people did a ritual on my reproductive organs and breasts, and after that my symptoms got worse. I’m not sure exactly what they did, I’d asked for healing back then and they tried to rip something out that they claimed was affecting my cycles and breast.

I have plans for a health working coming up, though I’m wondering what would be the best approach to take care of all this. Sun, Saturn, Venus, Moon square? Removing health problems, increasing overall health? Sacral or solar plexus healing?

I hope to eventually see a TCM expert since I have no trust for modern medicines and doctors. And before anyone asks, no I haven’t been able to go to the doctors before about this. Partial reasons include that I’d been conditioned to think that my symptoms were normal and that if I took painkillers and had a day off it’d be fine, so I never sought help until it got worse. Any advice is appreciated.

A sun square is great for overall health and vitality, and a moon square would really help with menstrual problems and PMS specifically. I also have some benign lumps in my breasts but they are lipomas. they always remain benign.

If you do the squares be sure to tailor the affirmations according to what you want to manifest. For example you could do your moon square and make an affirmation for the moons energy to eliminate your menstrual problems. Since this deals with your physical self which is just a manifestation of your soul use a spiritual square for this. Same goes for sun square for a general health working.

The moon goes into virgo on the 20th. you can also supplement runes, specifically wunjo or ansuz especially since it will be a good waning moon sign for removing health issues.

I have theorized in a previous post that rashes could come from a debilitated or an afflicted mars, since rash rules inflammation and heat. You may want to look at your chart. If your mars has more hard aspects than not or at least several prominent hard aspects, this maybe a manifestation of that depending on what planet mars aspects. IF this is the case here a mars square may help for only having the energies of mars in your chart manifesting in healthy positive ways for you. This goes also in to the TCM field with excess liver fire. Maybe Dr. Blitz can explain better hes great at TCM.

This is at anyrate an idea for the best possible spiritual advice as far as workings. I would definately go to a TCM anyway.
Shadowcat said:
A sun square is great for overall health and vitality, and a moon square would really help with menstrual problems and PMS specifically. I also have some benign lumps in my breasts but they are lipomas. they always remain benign.

If you do the squares be sure to tailor the affirmations according to what you want to manifest. For example you could do your moon square and make an affirmation for the moons energy to eliminate your menstrual problems. Since this deals with your physical self which is just a manifestation of your soul use a spiritual square for this. Same goes for sun square for a general health working.

The moon goes into virgo on the 20th. you can also supplement runes, specifically wunjo or ansuz especially since it will be a good waning moon sign for removing health issues.

I have theorized in a previous post that rashes could come from a debilitated or an afflicted mars, since rash rules inflammation and heat. You may want to look at your chart. If your mars has more hard aspects than not or at least several prominent hard aspects, this maybe a manifestation of that depending on what planet mars aspects. IF this is the case here a mars square may help for only having the energies of mars in your chart manifesting in healthy positive ways for you. This goes also in to the TCM field with excess liver fire. Maybe Dr. Blitz can explain better hes great at TCM.

This is at anyrate an idea for the best possible spiritual advice as far as workings. I would definately go to a TCM anyway.

The 20th-21th was the date I had in mind as well, though that's assuming my current workings free me up some space in time. I believe there's another waning virgo moon next month as well so I'll get another opportunity for that at least if things don't work out this month.

I saw your post, yeah. I've wanted to do a mars square since I've learned that mine is debilitated. There's a strong aspect with a less-than-ideal planet outside of the ones I've told you of privately, though I don't know enough of astrology to know how that affects things.

I don't know what excess liver fire is, but when I touch the kidney points on the bottom of my feet or Liver 3 point they're sensitive.

Thank you for your response, Shadowcat. I'll see what I can do for this month and make an update with any changes down the line.
The eczema seems to be triggered by a fair range of different things. Triggers include:
- cold weather
- getting sick

In this case you have a Yang energy deficit. The relative levels of Yin and Yang change continuously. Normally this is a harmonious change, but when Yin or Yang are out of balance, they affect each other, and too much of one can weaken the other.
To tone up your Yang I recommend eating spicy foods such as garlic, mint, basil or ginger. In addition to diet, Yang Yoga is great for you.

I believe it’s an immunity and gut problem, and something I’ve dealt with since I was a kid. I know what I can do physically to help it but I’m not sure how to approach this spiritually.
The intestines are Yang organs, and when they don't work properly you experience deficiencies like the ones you mentioned. Pre-puncture in the Qihai ( CV6 ), Weishu ( BL21 ) and Zongwan ( CV12 ) area helps with Yang organ problems in general.
Also, the intestines are governed by the root chakra, so vibrating SOWILO or LAUM for a period of 40 days are very good. You can start them on a Saturday when the Moon is in a favorable position.
About immunity, some useful acupoints are GB20, KI27, ST36, LU7 and LI4. From a spiritual perspective, a clean soul and a strong protective aura strengthen your immune system.
As for my menstrual problems, I’ve had unpleasant periods since I started bleeding. I get feverish and nausea which cause me to vomit.
SP6, PC6, PC9, LIV2 and LIV1 acupressure points are good for pain relief. Sacral chakra healing will solve some of your problems. It has been mentioned on the forum that vibrating the Berkano rune in the sacral chakra can alleviate the symptoms you are experiencing.
During my cult experience, the people did a ritual on my reproductive organs and breasts...
As I mentioned above, you can perform a healing and perhaps soul-liberating work on reproductive organ issues.
I have some sort of eczema skin flaking thing. Just apply Curel Moisture Lotion or Coconut Cream or Aloe Vera cream to the area. Also Aloe Vera and or Coconut Shampoo helps with this. There are prescription stuff you can get but avoid steroid based cream as some people get allergic reactions from them.

My eczema is triggered by eating Gluten (toxic additive) containing foods.
tabby said:

Any redness of the skin is a heat sign. If the skin is dry, this relates more to blood deficiency. If there is any pus or anything, then this shows dampness.

Any excess heat in the body will make the immune system overactive and any allergies worse. I felt this firsthand when I had heat on my cheeks, where if I showered it would get super red. When I resolved the underlying heat, then the skin was much more resilient. I believe this to be the case with your allergies.


During menstruation, the loss of blood can make yin-deficiency symptoms, and subsequent heat, flare, resulting in fevers. The nausea feeling could come from liver/gallbladder heat, or it can come from general blood deficiency.

The liver and kidneys both relate a lot to the yin in the body. The kidneys are a general store of yin and yang, hence their relation to endurance and the base chakra. The liver stores blood and balances energy flow in the body. The kidneys and liver also closely support each other, so one being deficient influences the other.

If you are feeling dizzy and also getting diarrhea, then this is likely both from the liver. A yin-deficient liver can result in headaches on the top of the head, or it can attack the spleen, resulting in diarrhea. It is like the liver is ungrounded from the lack of yin, resulting in its energy going upwards.

The above is the case if your digestion is otherwise fine, meaning you can normally stomach decent meals, meats and fats, and so on without diarrhea or bloating. Note that a yin-deficient liver can become upset if you eat too heavy meals, but this does not mean the spleen and stomach are necessarily weak.


In regards to Squares and so forth, I would primarily focus on the Sun due to its ruling of overall vitality. Next would be Mars since it also rules vitality, but also blood and heat, anger, and so on. Those with liver issues can get overly frustrated or angry.

The other planets, like the Moon, do impact bodily functions, but generally, anything pertaining to health is mostly related to the lower chakras. A strong Sun can compensate for physical shortcomings that come from other planetary issues, but not the other way around if that makes sense.

Whether you want to do this through removing issues or adding health, this is up to you. I would do a removal working if your chart clearly shows you would have a type of issue. However, what you describe is a variety of issues that seem to stem all from being yin deficient, then secondary problems which result from that.


You are best off seeing a TCM doctor for a full and accurate evaluation, one that is going to be better than what I can provide. You don't have to see them very often, either, because once you have the diagnosis then you can do a lot of self-treatment.

In regard to treating this yourself, first try to understand if you are more of a vata, kapha, or pitta build. What you describe sounds more like yin-deficient or vata issues. This will help you realize what your main obstacles are.

As far as points to focus on, Spleen 6 is the best for quickly regaining yin, as it restores liver, kidney, and spleen yin (which also quickly generates new blood). To directly target the heat symptoms, use large intestine 4 or 11, which will directly target the skin issues.

The above points can cause you to use a bit of energy up, so if you start to feel lethargic or cold, then switch to stomach 36 (plus eating food) to stimulate the production of new energy in the body. Yang exercise should also be done, like the breath of fire which can be done quickly.
Hey Zeus Kristos said:
I have some sort of eczema skin flaking thing. Just apply Curel Moisture Lotion or Coconut Cream or Aloe Vera cream to the area. Also Aloe Vera and or Coconut Shampoo helps with this. There are prescription stuff you can get but avoid steroid based cream as some people get allergic reactions from them.

My eczema is triggered by eating Gluten (toxic additive) containing foods.

I’ve tried these things before but they only seemed to make it worse or didn’t make a difference - both the natural route of aloe and coconut, and prescription medication. Topicals have only provided me temporary relief and often that relief lasts as little as a few minutes. So I just don’t bother using anything like that anymore.

If these things can work for you though then I’m glad.
Siatris Ioholo said:

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=318145 time=1642832576 user_id=21286]

I’m a little confused about what you guys are telling me. One is saying it’s yang deficiency and the other yin deficiency. I don’t understand, can one be deficient in both?

I’ll try respond as best as I can.

Blitz for your first paragraph, I have all three there.

My body is almost always running on the hotter side, I’m rarely cold (as in body temperature). Especially at night, my body becomes really hot even if the room is chilly. I can’t stand hot weather very well. I hear green tea and maybe milk are yin, so I've tried drinking both more since after your comment and I haven't felt as much heat, but still warm. Though my extremities like hands and feet got noticeably colder. Today though the heat came back pretty quick.

Fats and oils my body doesn’t like much. It makes me feel sick usually. Meats are the same if they’re fatty. My stomach is often sensitive and on occasion has acid-re flux. Bloating happens a lot too. I handle fruits, some veggies, and lean meats a lot easier, but not much in the way of bread and definitely not beans and legumes.

I think I'm vata. There's not enough I know about the doshas to make use of that though. Do you know any good sources that provide further information about this? I hear that they talk about certain foods that are best for the different types and the ones to avoid, but some sites have a bit contradictory information about that though.

Pretty much all my chakras in general need some work after what happened. But I believe the ones that got most affected were sacral, center, and 6th. I tried vibrating into my base not so long ago since I figured starting from the bottom up would give me a starting point, and ended up having a hit of an anger wave that lasted all day. Since then I've been going through the different chakras and vibrating into them regularly. I've noticed that I've felt lighter, and have had a return of more feminine energy and feeling more comfortable in my femininity from working on my sacral which was surprising.

What exactly is yang yoga? I wasn't aware that different yoga poses had yin and yang to them as well. I'm pretty new to that, and acupuncture/acupressure. On and off I have been dabbling with Chinese reflexology, which I guess is acupressure but for the feet. Both of your advice for different points and magick is very helpful along with everything. Thank you, I appreciate your comments. I understand better now where to direct my focus.

Btw, Blitz, the points you showed me for my cold has helped greatly. I was able to vibrate the RTR's aloud yesterday without too much trouble.
According TCM pain is always caused by energy or blood or other substance not being able to flow freely https://love.drdgacupuncture.com/pain-according-to-tcim/

Menstruation as well as any other natural process in the body is not meant to be painful, but is one because of much blocks around this. Liver channel is much involved into a lot of factors of stagnation, which are connected not only to sexual organs' functions, yet it seems high procent of all sexual organs' pains are caused by Liver blood stagnation.

Here is interesting material to investigate about menstruation and some other pains:

https://www.acupuncture-points.org/liver-blood-stagnation.html (this can be the answer)

All this materials have links to other Liver material mentioned in this topic such as blood or yin deficiency.

I myself was looking for special pain killers among TCM herbs and noticed that most of them cure blood stasis.

This is also good website to investigate different symptoms' nature https://www.meandqi.com/

List of conditions https://www.meandqi.com/tcm-education-center/diseases
List of symptoms https://www.meandqi.com/tcm-education-center/symptoms-list
tabby said:
This is kinda embarrassing for me to write about but some health problems I have that I’m hoping to address sooner than later is an eczema condition, breast health, and menstrual problems.

The eczema seems to be triggered by a fair range of different things. Triggers include:
- certain foods like sugar, acids from citrus, nuts, artificial colourings and flavours (needs to be a decent amount consumed regularly for it to trigger)
- cold weather
- getting sick
- toxins and chemicals (local anaesthetic, injections, some medications)
- stress and anxiety

It appears on my arms, hands, and face the most, sometimes the neck, breasts, and torso depending on the trigger. Flare-ups usually last between a month to a year. Actually my last flare-up hasn’t gone away and only fluctuated in going from bad to manageable, it’s now going on to over a year later - the trigger was sudden hyper food sensitivity to grapefruit juice resulting from an injection (not covid vax). Topical treatments do little if anything (some have made it worse) which tells me it’s an internal issue. I’ve had pills for it that did nothing. I take supplements and a pro/pre-biotic, though it can’t help me much if I have one of the other triggers since this only takes care of the gut side of things.

I believe it’s an immunity and gut problem, and something I’ve dealt with since I was a kid. I know what I can do physically to help it but I’m not sure how to approach this spiritually.

Breast health is just good practice as a female, and I have a benign lump that I want to go away without surgery if possible that developed from a lot of negative energies in my environment some time ago. I did a working last year to remove said build up of negative energies from my body, but I haven’t had the chance for further workings as other things took priority.

As for my menstrual problems, I’ve had unpleasant periods since I started bleeding. I get feverish and nausea which cause me to vomit. I have to stay in the bathroom for a good few hours because the pain causes the runs. After the worst of it passes, I tend to sleep for a long while from exhaustion. It only happens the first and second day of my period, then it’s just slight cramps for the rest of the week. My cycle consistently starts around the last quarter moon and lasts 7 days. I haven’t had a skipped period since my teenhood, and I’ve never taken any contraception like that pill thing nor been pregnant.

During my cult experience, the people did a ritual on my reproductive organs and breasts, and after that my symptoms got worse. I’m not sure exactly what they did, I’d asked for healing back then and they tried to rip something out that they claimed was affecting my cycles and breast.

I have plans for a health working coming up, though I’m wondering what would be the best approach to take care of all this. Sun, Saturn, Venus, Moon square? Removing health problems, increasing overall health? Sacral or solar plexus healing?

I hope to eventually see a TCM expert since I have no trust for modern medicines and doctors. And before anyone asks, no I haven’t been able to go to the doctors before about this. Partial reasons include that I’d been conditioned to think that my symptoms were normal and that if I took painkillers and had a day off it’d be fine, so I never sought help until it got worse. Any advice is appreciated.

If I had those issues I would try to reduce anxiety levels as a priority, do more yoga, and tab some chamomile tea on the eczema once a day to see if it helps. Is it itchy too? Or it starts to get more reddish and itchy only when you are stressed and it's triggered? Try to observe if it has some sort of a cycle, like, being intense for somedays then smoother etc even if nothing triggers it.

For the breast and menstrual issues I would do a moon square for sure. First a moon square to focus on those, and then, a sun square for overall health.
Edward Lonsa said:

Thank you for all this information, this is very helpful and an eye opener.

Maya said:
If I had those issues I would try to reduce anxiety levels as a priority, do more yoga, and tab some chamomile tea on the eczema once a day to see if it helps. Is it itchy too? Or it starts to get more reddish and itchy only when you are stressed and it's triggered? Try to observe if it has some sort of a cycle, like, being intense for somedays then smoother etc even if nothing triggers it.

For the breast and menstrual issues I would do a moon square for sure. First a moon square to focus on those, and then, a sun square for overall health.

Do you think drinking the chamomile would also help? From my experiences with drinking the tea it's very calming, and helps me sleep but I don't know much else about what it does.

It's pretty itchy when it flares up, yes. Flaky and/or rash-looking (depending on things), skin sometimes cracks and breaks. My hands are the worst area usually, since the eczema there blisters and it's painful to flex my fingers. It's periodically itchy when it's in the calming down phase as well but not as bad. I wear silk gloves to help the itchiness on my hands and keep them from drying out. It seems since starting a mars square any health issues I had relating to mars has worsened including the eczema, but I'm hoping that once the square is finished things will smooth out.

I have been attempting to more closely analyse my placements in my natal chart and it's becoming quite clear what's causing issues now, so yeah, sun and moon squares are definitely in order at some point.
tabby said:
Maya said:
If I had those issues I would try to reduce anxiety levels as a priority, do more yoga, and tab some chamomile tea on the eczema once a day to see if it helps. Is it itchy too? Or it starts to get more reddish and itchy only when you are stressed and it's triggered? Try to observe if it has some sort of a cycle, like, being intense for somedays then smoother etc even if nothing triggers it.

For the breast and menstrual issues I would do a moon square for sure. First a moon square to focus on those, and then, a sun square for overall health.

Do you think drinking the chamomile would also help? From my experiences with drinking the tea it's very calming, and helps me sleep but I don't know much else about what it does.

It's pretty itchy when it flares up, yes. Flaky and/or rash-looking (depending on things), skin sometimes cracks and breaks. My hands are the worst area usually, since the eczema there blisters and it's painful to flex my fingers. It's periodically itchy when it's in the calming down phase as well but not as bad. I wear silk gloves to help the itchiness on my hands and keep them from drying out. It seems since starting a mars square any health issues I had relating to mars has worsened including the eczema, but I'm hoping that once the square is finished things will smooth out.

I have been attempting to more closely analyse my placements in my natal chart and it's becoming quite clear what's causing issues now, so yeah, sun and moon squares are definitely in order at some point.

Chamomile has calming and stress reducing effects when you drink it, so it could help with anxiety issues and as a result reducing the triggering from it. So indirectly, yes.

Oh it sounds annoying and frustrating. Um, I don't think a mars square will help it but let's see.

Some calendula oil could help your eczema, also coconut oil and walnut oil. They will help it get a bit moderated when it's on the high phase.
Also, aloe vera gel could help with itchiness and the reddish colour.

Have you tried any antifungal cream? Usually those help with ezcemas of unknown origin.
tabby said:
Background Health Info

Vata, being air, is lacking in both full firey yang, as well as yin. Yes, it is possible to have both deficiencies at once, and this will usually happen if a problem exists for long enough. As the yin or yang of an organ is depleted, the other will also be depleted in an attempt to compensate for the overall decreased functioning.

The heat signs come from the body having insufficient yin to stay cool. This can mean a lack of cooling, but also a lack of structure, such as blood or organ components. Certain food items may be yin overall, but the excess cooling can dampen your digestive power too much. Some foods, like meat, have a heating power to them, whilst simultaneously giving a boost to yin, with their dense structure.

Reducing both the yin deficiency and the heat will be priorities here. The skin redness is directly heat-related, but you need the yin to keep the heat in check after initially balancing it.

The digestive problems can come from having a weak digestive fire (like with a weakened Sun placement). Also, being yin deficient can cause one to be nervous, not allowing the stomach to move downwards as it should. Excess heat in the body can result in stomach heat, like acid reflux or excessive hunger.

Vata link + Mudras

Here is a good source about balancing vata, although the exact foods may vary based on additional conditions you may have: https://jivabotanicals.com/what-is-ayurveda/vata/

You can also use mudras for this. I have found the kapha-reducing, pitta-increasing mudra to work well for myself. Although it may sound contradictory, fire is what creates vitality, so increasing fire can help you regenerate more yin.

One can also use the kapha increasing mudra: https://www.completenaturecure.com/pran-mudra-benefits/
Better yet, you can use the mudra that specifically decreases Vata: https://www.completenaturecure.com/vaata-naashak-mudra/

The kapha increasing mudra was pretty strong for me. With the increased yin of winter, the mudra seemed to make me way too tired. So I use mainly the pitta increasing mudra + vata decreased mudra. You will have to experiment and see what works best.


Acupoints like Stomach 36 and Spleen 6 will be the main ones that will help you, along with Kidney 3 and Large Intestine 11. St36 will fix your digestion and improve your overall energy. Sp-6 will generate lots of yin. Ki-3 will generate kidney yin/yang and help those symptoms. LI-11 will specifically reduce heat in the blood and therefore the heat reaching the skin.

Sp-6 or Li-11, done in excess, can exhaust your yang, which is part of why I first used the pitta mudra in my personal experiments. Ki-3 won't upset either yin or yang. St36 is also relatively balanced for yin and yang, and will increase the quality of the blood and your overall energy, giving you the power to create more yin.

Ideally, you could fix your digestion a bit, allowing you to eat the denser items that would then rebuild your body. This is especially important after menstruation when your blood supply takes a big hit.

Vitality working

Without making this post excessively long, I would like to bring your attention to permanent solutions: The solar chakra, and the fire element, is the main area responsible for vitality, for, with enough energy, one can create all the yin they need. Earth is also useful for maintaining vitality, just not as directly responsible.

What I suggest to you is to highly think about a vitality working. You can use a Sun or Mars Square specifically for this, but sometimes it is better to use those for other things. If you used a Sun Square for improving your overall Sun energy, this would help, but perhaps the vitality would only get a small boost compared to a dedicated working.

What I did, starting on an Aries waxing moon, on a Sunday and hour of Sun, was x40 Auruz, x40 Saulo, programmed to now and permanently increase my vitality, in a positive manner. Even something small like this was enough to fix up my symptoms that I was constantly battling, allowing me respite from having to otherwise maintain strict discipline with my healthful activities.

The above is the permanent solution to your problem, and this will go a long way in helping your productivity and overall sense of wellbeing.


Yang yoga is anything that involves a lot of pumping or vigorous activity, such as Kundalini Yoga or the Tibetan 5 Rites. While it may seem contradictory to your heat symptoms, these activities will improve your yang, allowing more yin to be generated.

Primarily, you should focus on hatha yoga first, then add in the others.

Remember, if you ever have severe, excess heat, then definitely push LI 11, which should start to immediately "exhaust" a lot of the heat out of the skin.

Productivity, Discipline, Deep Cleaning

In regards to your discipline and productivity, the current Mars Square can help this, since it is in the sign of Capricorn. Use that for specifically increasing productivity, then use Mars in Aries for other, directly firey uses.

Capricorn as a moon sign will be waning until July. However, you can start a Nauthiz working, for productivity, on a Taurus moon sign, under the hour of Saturn. This will definitely be better than nothing until July.

I read that you are booked for workings, which is understandable. Just keep in mind that with increased productivity, one can do more of anything. So it is better to focus firstly on that before getting bogged down with everything else.

In regards to the past trauma you had experienced, you should focus heavily on deep cleaning. I would recommend using Lydia's visuddhi, because it doesn't take that much time at all. 5 minutes of visualization is sufficient enough, and overall may only take about 20 minutes or so. However, the benefits will be immediately felt.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=324200 time=1644682691 user_id=21286]
In regards to the past trauma you had experienced, you should focus heavily on deep cleaning. I would recommend using Lydia's visuddhi, because it doesn't take that much time at all. 5 minutes of visualization is sufficient enough, and overall may only take about 20 minutes or so. However, the benefits will be immediately felt.

Please excuse the late response, thank you for all your advice. If I can remember to get around to it later down the line, I'll update on how my progress is going under this thread.

I'm having trouble finding Lydia's visuddhi method for cleaning though. I've seen it get mentioned several times but I can't seem to find how to do it.
tabby said:
I'm having trouble finding Lydia's visuddhi method for cleaning though. I've seen it get mentioned several times but I can't seem to find how to do it.


Basically just chant into chakras and soul, then clean whole soul, feeling everything come out of you, perhaps over a few minutes of meditation.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
