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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
This new writing is based on my previous two works “Conclusions before the great storm” and “The New Empire”. While it contains new elements and ideas, it is based on the previously formulated vision from the two.

When I wrote “Conclusions before the great storm”, the purpose of the book was bringing outsiders to a higher degree of knowledge about the affairs of our world. I have elaborated in detail about what I learned about the enemy and how it affects all aspects of our society. Continuing the journey, based on the first writing, I have created “The New Empire”, which’s purpose was to instigate the ones willing to listen and acknowledge reality to take the optimal and most realistic path in order to lead us out of this destructive path which the Jew has set us on.

We have determined that reality and human advancement are mostly disappointing and many logical attempts to educate people often fail due to fear and emotional attachments created by the enemy using their wide areas of influence and social pressure.

The idea therefore, is to win based on whatever it takes to do so before it is too late and create The New Empire in which humanity can advance and leave the previous challenges behind to make room for the new ones. I have even cited Edward Luttwak’s work “Coup d'État: A Practical Handbook” which emphasizes the wider idea that if many are unwilling to willfully join a vision, in our case the mission to survive and not have the faith of the dinosaurs, power can be taken by such means. The author is a Jew and we must note one fundamental thing about their way of thinking: they are willing to go to any lengths to achieve their goals. This is something that white people and the other gentile races should strongly take into consideration.

Now for our purposes of this book, I will be going through mainly two things: what I’ve learned from the past and our present and how this knowledge should be used to preserve our newly formed society when we will have achieved “The New Empire” so we can say with joy and trust in our hearts “Long Live The Empire” for thousands and thousands of years.

All of the Universe is a chain of cause and effect as it is learning from the past and present. Earning a title in sports is one thing, but defending it holds a lot more effort and patience in itself.

Defeating the enemy and creating the new society with the white race at the core of the empire will be done by mobilizing people to turn against them and this will only be done by understanding the current level of understanding that humanity as a whole resides in. One can go and rant thousands of speeches and write essays about how they ideally see humans behaving, but one must acknowledge the reality of their moment. Alexander the Great could have fantasized about laser weapons or magical dragons, but instead he used the soldiers armed with swords, spears and bows in order to win his military campaign. That was the reality at that point in history and that’s what he used instead of delusion.

In the exact same way, whites must win over their institutions and system’s infrastructure and then, maintain the Empire by picking up where they left off. For example, there may be political or social issues that people are unable to discuss, see through or act on based on the rational approach, but rather on emotional instigation. The exceptional people who have the necessary influence and embark on this mission to lead the effort, must use what works best.

Another very important aspect of such elites or brotherhoods that choose to get involved and to lead, is to trust each other. Trust is earned. For example, if one of the individuals from such a group is kept unaware of such a plan and they see that the official hypothesis is incomplete, the rest should normally make him aware of the strategy in order to not loose faith in the movement. Ranks in such movements must be earned and trust must be tested at one point. If a campaign donor were to be deceived by the ones executing the strategy, they would lose a financial ally.

Of course, in a gentile Empire based on ancient teachings and Spiritual Satanism, humans will evolve in time, therefore the methods and strategies used for each endeavor will have to always adapt to the present and the current level of collective natural understanding of our societies.

One can only imagine that the incipient stages of managing the new society will be based on the knowledge and understanding of the previous society’s last days. Adolf Hitler also mentioned in Mein Kampf that only 10 to 15% could understand his vision if explained in a rational way, the rest will need to be emotionally motivated and have a fanatic approach in the endeavors of that time.

I do not know at the moment of me writing this (2024 – 2025) how things will go. I cannot predict if there will be a New Empire, if we will win or if the enemy wins and either exterminates the white race or enslaves us like the rest. But if we win, it will be great to have a written guide based on what we learned so far in the Joy of Satan community and how reality works so we can develop society and advance the human being with slow, gradual steps.

New ideas will be detailed about areas such as: the economy, foreign policy, the military, energy, psychology and social interaction, civics and education, health and physical training, spiritual training, nature and environment protection, housing, scientific research and how each one of those topics relates and influences the others. In short, I wish the reader understands how it was in the past and how it should be.

For years since the honest and principled individuals became aware of the enemy trying to destroy, divide and conquer our society in order to transition our world into a farm of brainless animals, we have been trying to explain, debate and educate the sheep that were embracing their dogmas and agendas. Turned out we were the stupid ones for thinking they were. Yes, many are literally retarded or worse, vegetables, but the vast majority do not lack a brain, but a spine. What they do not have is integrity. The average human understands power and comfort and therefore will even pretend to be stupid, just to be on the winning side. Of course, the enemy well knows that it hurts for one to be aware to a certain degree that they are stupid so they create the pressure and social environment where the ones that obey are falsely painted with virtues and good adjectives. Therefore, a thief can pretend he is honest. What thief would come to you willingly and say “I know what I am doing is wrong”?

When creating an uprising against a sitting power, one must create the necessary psychological environment in order for the adepts to feel comfortable with their decision to join. The enemy has learned a lot from the past and has adapted. They will not push people into total suffering and poverty before they have total control over their minds and souls. Such a state of perpetual suffering, hunger and pain will leave people no choice but to revolt. The enemy knows that a great segment of the population must feel a certain degree of safety if they conform to them and that they still have something to lose if they confront them. A job, money, social validation, a certain right.

People instinctively know that things could be a lot better under a sane leadership with common sense, but they also know that defying the sitting power could lead to catastrophic consequences. They know if a certain undesired by the Jew system group were to take power in a certain country, the rest of them who still are under the enemy’s control would simply boycott the country in question on trade, foreign relations, travel and diplomacy. It happened during Hitler’s rise to power. Even so, National Socialist Germany had a fighting chance because they were a bigger country that had control over several foreign territories before the outbreak of war and they were able to sustain the necessary production for their society to work.

Russia and the United States of America, although it would be hard for them if they were to isolate themselves from the rest of the world, have the necessary resources to provide a decent life for their citizens given their massive land and natural riches.

Nicolae Ceausescu was the last socialist president of Romania. Although a socialist of the former Warsaw Pact, he had a slightly independent vision from the rest of the communist countries and even had some strong relations with the West and several countries from Africa and Asia.

He was a dictator that did oppress our country, but from what I studied so far, I came to believe that Ceausescu’s faults stemmed from a lack of education rather than total ill intend. The Securitate was at the time of his reign, the secret police agency that supervised all state and foreign affairs. It was the deep state of that time and Jewish elements were present in that faction.

Mikhail Gorbachev decided to lead the initiatives of Perestroika and Glasnost which although, were a seemingly positive change at that time, they were the first pages of a larger plan to change the spheres of power due to massive economic and industrial changes in Europe. Nicolae Ceausescu did not want to conform as in his vision, his country was supposed to be completely independent from both the West and the Soviet Union. This costed Ceausescu lots of trade agreements and life in Romania became a nightmare in the last years before the fall of the Iron Curtain. When 1989, the revolutions year came, Ceausescu refused to step down and align with the rest of the countries and the Securitate executed a coup revolution against him with help from foreign agents and sentenced him and his wife to death during and improvised military tribunal. They were shot by an execution squad on the 25th of December 1989. Both spouses said while looking in the eyes of the soldiers “If you wish to kill us, they we die together! We fought together.”

All this time the state security was in constant contact with the Soviets. During the last years. The president of Romania asked Gorbachev why he did not honor his part of the energy import contracts and Gorbachev just ignored him.

The Securitate was responsible for much of the crimes and oppression of the communist era in Romania, many times not even Ceausescu being fully aware of the extend of those actions. I do not know if it is true, but Ceausescu said during the last trial that he ordered the troops to restore peace, but had given specific orders not to shoot at civilians. It is believed by some that the Securitate gave the army orders to shoot civilians and created several diversions to create the chaos and crimes that were used at the trial in order to remove the Ceausescu family from power.

Executing a coup against the larger, global system of the enemy is extremely difficult. If a coup is executed at a national level and most of the other countries remain on the side of the enemy, than the above scenario will be again reality. Most people know and understand this instinctively or at a subconscious level. This is why they want to conform.

Such uprisings must be executed and coordinated at the same time with other major players. Of course, the most desirable course of action, would be through a peaceful transition, although the enemy has made it clear that they will not willingly deviate from their course under no circumstance. They will fight to the death.

If humanity listens to the call of the Gods which is the common sense of natural understanding and they collectively achieve this transition, they will definitely have to learn from both the past and future’s lessons. Otherwise, a similar or different type of enemy can appear who knows from where and upset the course of natural advancement.

New challenges will arise. People will not have to fight against racial extinction, poverty, a war on property, manufactured wars and pandemics. Focus will be on the physical and intellectual development, on scientific research, spiritual training, space exploration, health and environment. For the ones who lack the vision to imagine what will “humans be good for” after we solve all problems, they must realize that you never solve all problems. There will always be new challenges at each level of advancement and according to the laws of the Universe, there is an endless stairway of evolution.

Unless one wants to regress and become a vegetable, one will always find an objective in life according to their own level of evolution and understanding.

The focus on the new society will be to perfect humans, to grow them and make them better on every aspect of life. Compared to the enemy’s socialism which is communism or capitalism, the focus will not be on the well-being of the institutions, corporations or a fake GDP statistic comfort, but rather on the well being and advancement of each individual. This is where we will be deriving our satisfaction from.

This vision will put emphasis on both individual and collective achievement as both are correlated. What one does good for himself in an ethical way will in turn give him the ability to grow society in turn and vice-versa, a strong and advanced society will give individuals greater chances to grow.

Faults and failures will not be shallowly looked upon, but rather we will be looking at the causes of those shortcomings of each individual and try our best to solve them. Instead of just having a system of evaluation and sorting, we will have achievements for teachers and other individuals who train and grow others, based on how many excel in the real life. So, instead of just giving someone a test, we should make it an objective to make the motivated and successful in the areas where their aptitudes reside.

Money will be a form of quantifying products, services and their quantity and quality balance, not just a number that gives power without taking any qualities and values into account. Things like stock exchanges and gaining money just by exchanging currencies will have to gradually be abolished and transition towards a product and/or service-based merit system.

Buying and selling and investing capital will not be a thing of the future as one will have to make themselves useful for themselves and society. Bullshits such as streaming or selling one’s own image to idiots online such as OnlyFans or other crap like this will be banned. Societies need electricians, plumbers, mechanics, doctors, engineers and construction workers, not walking jokes.

Given the above, society will gain its satisfaction from achievements and real joy, not cheap distractions and entertainment. We must be overall more serious and focused. Nowadays everything that should be treated with seriousness is treated as a joke. We joke about or dismiss the most important topics such as public safety, human feelings, the importance of race and legislation.

On the other hand, the things that should be laughed about like endless genders, people that identify as Gods know what are being treated seriously and even enforced through policy. The enemy wants to reduce us to vegetable level, we wish to elevate humanity to the level of the Gods. But until then, there is much work to do and the journey is long. We have to start somewhere.

As we progress in time, less and less restriction will be needed, analogous to a child that grows and needs protection from his parents when he is young.

But as of now, people need guidance. A lot of our shortcomings are due to soul maturity as well. The four aspects that define the character are the Astrological Natal Chart, biological predisposition, education and life experience. Some have it in their hereditary traits to reject poison even when education and life experience push them to be toxic and immoral. Those are the ones chosen by nature to lead the effort to change the system and to educate and grow humanity as a whole. I believe it is our divine mission to contribute to this great and honorable endeavor.

The future is ours if we think carefully what to do with the time that is given to us. Think of what could be and with some effort it will manifest. Do not focus on negative thought, acknowledge it, but do not feed it and fall into an obsession.

I wish to address special gratitude to High Priest Hooded Cobra and High Priestess Lydia for taking so much care of the community. I am addressing many thanks to all the members and guardians that worked on all the projects along with our High Priests. Also, a titanic gratitude from all of us goes to our beloved High Priestess Maxine Dietrich for building this community from scratch and laying forward the path to the Gods against all odds in a world where all seemed lost!


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
