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liz greene


Active member
Jan 12, 2019
What do people think about this alleged guru of astrology? Is she a jew?
Beware, she is a jewess, and she has wrote copious and never ending misinformation.
Liz-ard GreenShekelBergStein

Interesting name :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Beware, she is a jewess, and she has wrote copious and never ending misinformation.
Thanks. Would you have a list of astrological sources beyond JOS? I've printed out and read JOS's handbook. Just looking to go deeper even than that if possible
loki88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Beware, she is a jewess, and she has wrote copious and never ending misinformation.
Thanks. Would you have a list of astrological sources beyond JOS? I've printed out and read JOS's handbook. Just looking to go deeper even than that if possible
Look into Cafeastrology for some info on aspects and especially also synastry. JoS sources on synastry are very small so Cafeastrology is very useful to gain more info.
Shael said:
loki88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Beware, she is a jewess, and she has wrote copious and never ending misinformation.
Thanks. Would you have a list of astrological sources beyond JOS? I've printed out and read JOS's handbook. Just looking to go deeper even than that if possible
Look into Cafeastrology for some info on aspects and especially also synastry. JoS sources on synastry are very small so Cafeastrology is very useful to gain more info.

Thanks I forgot about that site. I was using astro-seek and astrotheme amongst others. Any ideas what sources can be trusted for learning more about astrology than the JOS document?
Shael said:
loki88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Beware, she is a jewess, and she has wrote copious and never ending misinformation.
Thanks. Would you have a list of astrological sources beyond JOS? I've printed out and read JOS's handbook. Just looking to go deeper even than that if possible
Look into Cafeastrology for some info on aspects and especially also synastry. JoS sources on synastry are very small so Cafeastrology is very useful to gain more info.
The site says the report is written by a jew (((rosenberg))):
loki88 said:
The site says the report is written by a jew (((rosenberg))):
I probably should have clarified further. Their site is good for searching info on individual aspects. Just google "[aspect] cafeastrology" and you will find a page about most of them. For example "Sun trine Moon Cafeastrology". Their resources are great for Synastry specifically also. Just search the aspect you want, and add "synastry" at the end, for example "Sun trine Sun synastry" and the cafeastrology page on it will come up in the first few results.
loki88 said:
Shael said:
loki88 said:
Thanks. Would you have a list of astrological sources beyond JOS? I've printed out and read JOS's handbook. Just looking to go deeper even than that if possible
Look into Cafeastrology for some info on aspects and especially also synastry. JoS sources on synastry are very small so Cafeastrology is very useful to gain more info.
The site says the report is written by a jew (((rosenberg))):


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jews wanna curse you AND take your hard earned money. :x

Gonna do some rtr now... :evil:
Shael said:
loki88 said:
The site says the report is written by a jew (((rosenberg))):
I probably should have clarified further. Their site is good for searching info on individual aspects. Just google "[aspect] cafeastrology" and you will find a page about most of them. For example "Sun trine Moon Cafeastrology". Their resources are great for Synastry specifically also. Just search the aspect you want, and add "synastry" at the end, for example "Sun trine Sun synastry" and the cafeastrology page on it will come up in the first few results.

So for fixed star aspects? Apparently only conjunctions and oppositions apply...? What is the conjunction/opposition is 'off' by a degree...is there leeway other than an orb of 2 degrees?
loki88 said:
So for fixed star aspects? Apparently only conjunctions and oppositions apply...? What is the conjunction/opposition is 'off' by a degree...is there leeway other than an orb of 2 degrees?
If you read the page on JoS about stars, you can find there that only conjunctions and oppositions count with an orb of 2 degrees or less.
Shael said:
loki88 said:
So for fixed star aspects? Apparently only conjunctions and oppositions apply...? What is the conjunction/opposition is 'off' by a degree...is there leeway other than an orb of 2 degrees?
If you read the page on JoS about stars, you can find there that only conjunctions and oppositions count with an orb of 2 degrees or less.

I suppose thats the concensus. The document was a little confused in my opinion
Shael said:
loki88 said:
So for fixed star aspects? Apparently only conjunctions and oppositions apply...? What is the conjunction/opposition is 'off' by a degree...is there leeway other than an orb of 2 degrees?
If you read the page on JoS about stars, you can find there that only conjunctions and oppositions count with an orb of 2 degrees or less.
Shael, why you look like a girl?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
