I have not read them in any significant capacity. Not all of the material has to be rejected due to potential corruption, although some discernment is certainly needed here. The practices are what should be scrutinized the most, although you can reference general Satanic principles here, like that of harmony and expression of energy. For example, if they tell you to restrict your sexual or other energy, or to hold it and not circulate it, then you should be wary about this.
If other auras corroborate what is said in the book, this is another method you can use to understand which material is generally valid. Additionally, if the person is a practicing doctor, it is likely their experience will ward against incorrect practices, and so on.
I wondered if anyone had come across these knots before, they sound similar to the three knots of Granthi in the yoga system
In ancient China, Daoist mystics believed that Man was formed through the union of Yin and Yang, created from the interaction of contrary en- ergetic movements originating from Heaven and Earth. The energy of Heaven is animated by Yang clockwise descending movements, while the en- ergy of Earth is animated by Yin counterclockwise ascending movements.
According to the ancient Daoist text, The Book of the Superior Transformations of the Cinnabar Nine into the Essence of the Embryo, as the embryo de- velops, it receives (on a month to month basis) the "nine breaths" of the Nine Primordial Heav- ens. These nine breaths are responsible for the spi- ralling energetic transformations that occur dur- ing the process of Jing, Qi, and Shen embryonic development. Once the nine Heavenly breaths are all present, birth occurs in the tenth lunar month.
Progressive development of the fetus during pregnancy is attributed to the intervention of a di- vine influx of spiralling Yin and Yang energy, known as the "motion of the nine revolutions of cinnabar." Mankind is therefore believed to be the product of the energetic condensation of the spiritual breaths of the Nine Heavens, which are knotted and con- tained inside a person's Jing, transformed into spirit, and then formed into a human being.
During the time of pregnancy, these congenital knots (twelve in number) were considered by the
ancient Daoists to be the "death roots of the womb." According to same ancient text, an individual's life also contains a "morbid" breath, and its energetic root is tightly formed into these twelve embryonic knots. Therefore, an individual also receives death at the same time that he or she receives life.
The ancient Daoists believed that these twelve embryonic knots have twelve nodules, and are di- vided into three groups of four, described as fol- lows:
• The Upper Four Nodules: these knots are lo- cated in the Upper Dantian, eyes, cheeks, and mouth.
• The Middle Four Nodules: these knots are located in the viscera, Stomach, Large Intes- tine, and Small Intestine.
• The Lower Four Nodules: these knots are lo- cated in the Urinary Bladder, reproductive organs, anus, and feet.
The ancient Daoists believe that when an
individual's fate was cut short, it was because the twelve embryonic knots became too tight, caus- ing the morbid breath to be released.