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lactose intollerance?


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Why do people get it? White people especially...
How come kids can eat all the dairy they want but growing up we become intollerant to it?
If you stop drinking milk, your body will stop making lactase, the enzyme that digests lactose, because you don't need it anymore. Your body thinks that you are done forever with drinking milk and you never will again, because naturally people only drink milk when they're babies. If you drink milk your whole life, you won't be lactose intolerant. Asians are usually the most lactose intolerant because they don't ever drink milk in their cultures, and whites are usually the most capable of drinking milk with no problem because many/most of all white cultures have been drinking milk for so many thousands of years. It's all genetic and cultural adaptations.
Lactose intolerance should be only in the asian/black races.. more and more 'white' people may be having this but they're often of mixed race decendent.

Lack of consuming dairy does turn down the amount of enzyme left in your body thats used to break down the lactose..
Plus there is the thing that is said that only babies and children should consume milk because that is what nature dictates.. but I think that that doesn't quite go up for humans since actually we're like aliens on this planet...

Not to mention the fact that milk nowadays is plucked out and then reconstructed.. Unnatural stuff.
we drink another animals fat and hormones(milk) that it breastfeeds to its calf so it can mature properly. its disgusting to say, but its like growing up and still consuming breast milk from your mother. or giving their breast milk for an aged animal to drink.
Length said:
we drink another animals fat and hormones(milk) that it breastfeeds to its calf so it can mature properly. its disgusting to say, but its like growing up and still consuming breast milk from your mother. or giving their breast milk for an aged animal to drink.
It doesn't sound as gross when you think in most places they boil the milk so hot it changes the chemicals in it. There's no bacteria or enzymes or any other active thing left in there. Like when you cook an egg and it changes the protein from the clear liquid to solid white. So it becomes just nutrients like macronutrients, but does not have anymore active proteins in there.
Length said:
we drink another animals fat and hormones(milk) that it breastfeeds to its calf so it can mature properly. its disgusting to say, but its like growing up and still consuming breast milk from your mother. or giving their breast milk for an aged animal to drink.
Not disgusting at all, actually quite the opposite, it’s deliciousssssss
Length said:
we drink another animals fat and hormones(milk) that it breastfeeds to its calf so it can mature properly. its disgusting to say, but its like growing up and still consuming breast milk from your mother. or giving their breast milk for an aged animal to drink.
And we have been doing it for thousand of years.
For anyone who is lactose intolerant, try goat milk. It's also better for people who are prone to damp, as in, you get phlegm and cough from cow milk, this won't happen with goat milk. Goat milk is also closer to human breast milk, so it is more compatible for humans to drink it, and has significantly more nutrients in it than cow milk. The taste can take some getting used to though, I didn't like it at first but now I prefer it.
drinking the breast milk of another animal is not delicious. but then again, honey is bee vomit regurgitated over and over into the honey combs(walls) lol, the water and liquid evaporates within the chamber walls and we get the honey from the vomit.
Aquarius said:
Why do people get it? White people especially...
How come kids can eat all the dairy they want but growing up we become intollerant to it?

Store bought milk is full of toxins (antibiotics,hormones etc.), made with nasty preparation methods (homogenization) and completely lacks natural beneficial bacteria. Homogenized milk is sometimes said to contain certain protein damaging thing, that attacks your veins from the inside, creating damage that the body tries to repair, but sometimes blocks the circulation in the attempt. Anyway, most people should tolerate natural milk better, it's very sticky food though, unsuitable for obese and people with any other form of excess people.
winragefilled666 said:
Aquarius said:
Why do people get it? White people especially...
How come kids can eat all the dairy they want but growing up we become intollerant to it?

Store bought milk is full of toxins (antibiotics,hormones etc.), made with nasty preparation methods (homogenization) and completely lacks natural beneficial bacteria. Homogenized milk is sometimes said to contain certain protein damaging thing, that attacks your veins from the inside, creating damage that the body tries to repair, but sometimes blocks the circulation in the attempt. Anyway, most people should tolerate natural milk better, it's very sticky food though, unsuitable for obese and people with any other form of excess people.
I know about that, the normal milk has a very shitty taste, the organic one is much more delicious.
Length said:
drinking the breast milk of another animal is not delicious. but then again, honey is bee vomit regurgitated over and over into the honey combs(walls) lol, the water and liquid evaporates within the chamber walls and we get the honey from the vomit.

It's a matter of personal taste. I am actually enjoying a glass of goat milk with chia seeds added, right now. The chia seeds make it kinda weird and clumpy but it's like a drinkable vitamin, amino acids and all the other nutrients.

It seems like some people are overly-associating animal milk with human breast milk. We eat animal flesh, it's not human flesh, there is a big difference, same with milk. And the calcium and other nutrients in milk, you can't get from food in the same amount. I don't feel as healthy if I go for long without milk, I have it almost daily.

As for honey being bee vomit... what fertilizes the ground to produce healthy vegetables? Cow poop, worm poop and decomposed worms. It's nature, and natural.
I drink milk by the gallons, both cow and goat and it is perfectly fine.

Not if you are lactose intolerant however, as it can even be harmful in this case. So you do not need to.

Just go for Bio cow milk. You can spend a few bucks more but it will be worth it.

Even the normal ones who undergo processes like warming them up are also drinkable, and shouldn't cause problems.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Get the grass-fed organic chocolate milk with real ingredients, no strange chemicals added. Where the cows really walk around the hills all day eating real grass. Nothing better than that!
Agreed! I've had this, both cow and goat chocolate milk. Tastes amazing. Also, from research, apparently the vitamins and minerals from chocolate milk are better absorbed by the body than regular white milk.
Lydia said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Get the grass-fed organic chocolate milk with real ingredients, no strange chemicals added. Where the cows really walk around the hills all day eating real grass. Nothing better than that!
Agreed! I've had this, both cow and goat chocolate milk. Tastes amazing. Also, from research, apparently the vitamins and minerals from chocolate milk are better absorbed by the body than regular white milk.
Guess I gotta buy choccolate milk then...... lol
Lydia said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Get the grass-fed organic chocolate milk with real ingredients, no strange chemicals added. Where the cows really walk around the hills all day eating real grass. Nothing better than that!
Agreed! I've had this, both cow and goat chocolate milk. Tastes amazing. Also, from research, apparently the vitamins and minerals from chocolate milk are better absorbed by the body than regular white milk.
Goat choccolate milk doesent exist here in Italy, but goat milk does, and it’s tasty!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
