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Kundalini Serpent

Taylor Wiebe

New member
May 3, 2013
What are the "symptoms" of the  Kundalini Serpent rising? I know I read it somewhere but I can't find it. 
Check this link out: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... xpect.html

And here's a copy and paste from HP Maxine:

Here is a list of kundalini symptoms. The following indicates one's serpent has been activated and/or empowered, meaning you might be experiencing one or more of the symptoms on this list. always remember that each of us is individual. What one person may experience, another may not and some brothers and sisters may experience more of the symptoms and some less. It all depends upon where your soul is at in this present life. Remember- it is very important to be free. Restrictions create hang-ups for the serpent. Be free in what you eat, your sex life and when past repressed hang-ups surface, try to mentally soften, detach and let go of them. Never be afraid. Just because a symptom is on this list does not mean you will experience it. I know for a fact, when a dedicated brother or sister in Satan is making a serious effort at meditation, Demons are more than happy to assist you if you need help or guidance. This may not always be verbal. Demons are our
spiritual guides. They may guide you in other ways. Our efforts at meditation and empowering ourselves are extremely important to the Gods of Hell. Also, from my own experience, I have had some of what is on this list. It comes and goes and is nothing to be worried about, as it is not usually constant.

Some of this list I copied and pasted from various sources on kundalini symptoms on the web and some of this is my own.

Muscle twitches, cramps or spasms.

Energy rushes or immense electricity circulating the body

Itching, vibrating, prickling, tingling, stinging or crawling sensations

Intense heat or cold

Involuntary bodily movements (occur more often during meditation, rest or sleep): jerking, tremors, shaking; feeling an inner force pushing one into postures or moving one's body in unusual ways. (May be misdiagnosed as epilepsy, restless legs syndrome (RLS), or PLMD.)

Some of this is copied and pasted from various websites on kundalini, some of ths is also my own:

Alterations in eating and sleeping patterns

Episodes of extreme hyperactivity or, conversely, overwhelming fatigue (some CFS victims are experiencing Kundalini awakening)

Intensified or diminished sexual desires

Headaches, pressures within the skull

Racing heartbeat, pains in the chest

Digestive system problems

Numbness or pain in the limbs (particularly the left foot and leg)

Pains and blockages anywhere; often in the back and neck (Many cases of FMS are Kundalini-related.)

Emotional outbursts; rapid mood shifts; seemingly unprovoked or excessive episodes of grief, fear, rage, depression

Spontaneous vocalizations (including laughing and weeping) -- are as unintentional and uncontrollable as hiccoughs

Hearing an inner sound or sounds, classically described as a flute, drum, waterfall, birds singing, bees buzzing but which may also sound like roaring, whooshing, or thunderous noises or like ringing in the ears.

Mental confusion; difficulty concentrating

Altered states of consciousness: heightened awareness; spontaneous trance states; mystical experiences (if the individual's prior belief system is too threatened by these, they can lead to bouts of psychosis or self-grandiosity)

Heat, strange activity, and/or blissful sensations in the head, particularly in the crown area.

Ecstasy, bliss and intervals of tremendous joy, love, peace and compassion

Psychic experiences: extrasensory perception; out-of-body experiences; pastlife memories; astral travel; direct awareness of auras and chakras; contact with spirit guides through inner voices, dreams or visions; healing powers

Increased creativity: new interests in self-expression and spiritual communication through music, art, poetry, etc.

Intensified understanding and sensitivity: insight into one's own essence; deeper understanding of spiritual truths; exquisite awareness of one's environment (including "vibes" from others)

Enlightenment experiences: direct Knowing of a more expansive reality; transcendent awareness

Heightened sensitivity to noise, electricity, such as feeling keenly when an appliance comes on or off or when you shut off a TV, for example. Even feeling a shock.

'Seeing' shadows or faint objects, even moving or crawling in your peripheral vision, lasting a second or less.

Then, there is what is known as 'The Devil's Skin.' Rashes, bumps, acne, and other skin problems can flare up. It is more annoying than anything. Hollywood has really twisted this. This I believe is the main reason that High Priests of ancient times shaved their heads bald.

Episodes of intense energy which make you want to leap out of bed and into action. One person said her body seems to vibrate wildly. Followed by periods of lethargy and fatigue. The fatigue usually follows great shifts.
[The above is where you can just sleep and sleep. I have noted this happens when one experiences a drop in energy, like in the way of skipping meditations].

Numbness or pain in the limbs, especially the finders and toes. There can be nerve pain. This is because the serpentine energy is cleaning out your nadis which are often with nerve pathways.

Looking younger, grey hair going back to its natural color, feeling lighter. [One must raise one's serpent before working on the magnum opus. The serpentine energy is a major part of immortality and the commencement of the magnum opus which is physical and spiritual perfection and immortality].

Feeling a kinship with animals and nature, having more empathy, awareness and respect for both.

The serpent will amplify your thoughts, and also bring repressed memories and thoughts, often of a disturbing nature into your conscious awareness. This is so you can deal with them, then they will pass away, as you are transforming spiritually.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Taylor Wiebe <shadeofraven@... wrote:

What are the "symptoms" of the Kundalini Serpent rising? I know I read it somewhere but I can't find it.
So what if someone (me) was experiencing some of these symptoms, but only started meditating around a week ago? Muscle spasms( been going on for a while)  Mild hot flashes (only sometimes) Chest pains ( quite often) Disturbing thoughts (well, I like them, but they are probably disturbing to others)Digestive problems :)Crawling sensationsSeeing shadow like things (when it's dark, things will crawl across my vision) So, what is this? Could they just be coincidences or something from past lives? 

On 2013-03-11, at 10:16 PM, "Sven" <belthazorthemighty@... wrote:
  Check this link out: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... xpect.html

And here's a copy and paste from HP Maxine:

Here is a list of kundalini symptoms. The following indicates one's serpent has been activated and/or empowered, meaning you might be experiencing one or more of the symptoms on this list. always remember that each of us is individual. What one person may experience, another may not and some brothers and sisters may experience more of the symptoms and some less. It all depends upon where your soul is at in this present life. Remember- it is very important to be free. Restrictions create hang-ups for the serpent. Be free in what you eat, your sex life and when past repressed hang-ups surface, try to mentally soften, detach and let go of them. Never be afraid. Just because a symptom is on this list does not mean you will experience it. I know for a fact, when a dedicated brother or sister in Satan is making a serious effort at meditation, Demons are more than happy to assist you if you need help or guidance. This may not always be verbal. Demons are our
spiritual guides. They may guide you in other ways. Our efforts at meditation and empowering ourselves are extremely important to the Gods of Hell. Also, from my own experience, I have had some of what is on this list. It comes and goes and is nothing to be worried about, as it is not usually constant.

Some of this list I copied and pasted from various sources on kundalini symptoms on the web and some of this is my own.

Muscle twitches, cramps or spasms.

Energy rushes or immense electricity circulating the body

Itching, vibrating, prickling, tingling, stinging or crawling sensations

Intense heat or cold

Involuntary bodily movements (occur more often during meditation, rest or sleep): jerking, tremors, shaking; feeling an inner force pushing one into postures or moving one's body in unusual ways. (May be misdiagnosed as epilepsy, restless legs syndrome (RLS), or PLMD.)

Some of this is copied and pasted from various websites on kundalini, some of ths is also my own:

Alterations in eating and sleeping patterns

Episodes of extreme hyperactivity or, conversely, overwhelming fatigue (some CFS victims are experiencing Kundalini awakening)

Intensified or diminished sexual desires

Headaches, pressures within the skull

Racing heartbeat, pains in the chest

Digestive system problems

Numbness or pain in the limbs (particularly the left foot and leg)

Pains and blockages anywhere; often in the back and neck (Many cases of FMS are Kundalini-related.)

Emotional outbursts; rapid mood shifts; seemingly unprovoked or excessive episodes of grief, fear, rage, depression

Spontaneous vocalizations (including laughing and weeping) -- are as unintentional and uncontrollable as hiccoughs

Hearing an inner sound or sounds, classically described as a flute, drum, waterfall, birds singing, bees buzzing but which may also sound like roaring, whooshing, or thunderous noises or like ringing in the ears.

Mental confusion; difficulty concentrating

Altered states of consciousness: heightened awareness; spontaneous trance states; mystical experiences (if the individual's prior belief system is too threatened by these, they can lead to bouts of psychosis or self-grandiosity)

Heat, strange activity, and/or blissful sensations in the head, particularly in the crown area.

Ecstasy, bliss and intervals of tremendous joy, love, peace and compassion

Psychic experiences: extrasensory perception; out-of-body experiences; pastlife memories; astral travel; direct awareness of auras and chakras; contact with spirit guides through inner voices, dreams or visions; healing powers

Increased creativity: new interests in self-expression and spiritual communication through music, art, poetry, etc.

Intensified understanding and sensitivity: insight into one's own essence; deeper understanding of spiritual truths; exquisite awareness of one's environment (including "vibes" from others)

Enlightenment experiences: direct Knowing of a more expansive reality; transcendent awareness

Heightened sensitivity to noise, electricity, such as feeling keenly when an appliance comes on or off or when you shut off a TV, for example. Even feeling a shock.

'Seeing' shadows or faint objects, even moving or crawling in your peripheral vision, lasting a second or less.

Then, there is what is known as 'The Devil's Skin.' Rashes, bumps, acne, and other skin problems can flare up. It is more annoying than anything. Hollywood has really twisted this. This I believe is the main reason that High Priests of ancient times shaved their heads bald.

Episodes of intense energy which make you want to leap out of bed and into action. One person said her body seems to vibrate wildly. Followed by periods of lethargy and fatigue. The fatigue usually follows great shifts.
[The above is where you can just sleep and sleep. I have noted this happens when one experiences a drop in energy, like in the way of skipping meditations].

Numbness or pain in the limbs, especially the finders and toes. There can be nerve pain. This is because the serpentine energy is cleaning out your nadis which are often with nerve pathways.

Looking younger, grey hair going back to its natural color, feeling lighter. [One must raise one's serpent before working on the magnum opus. The serpentine energy is a major part of immortality and the commencement of the magnum opus which is physical and spiritual perfection and immortality].

Feeling a kinship with animals and nature, having more empathy, awareness and respect for both.

The serpent will amplify your thoughts, and also bring repressed memories and thoughts, often of a disturbing nature into your conscious awareness. This is so you can deal with them, then they will pass away, as you are transforming spiritually.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Taylor Wiebe <shadeofraven@... wrote:

What are the "symptoms" of the Kundalini Serpent rising? I know I read it somewhere but I can't find it.
Will your work on raising the Kundalini Serpent transfer into your next life? (I'm assuming so?) 

Yes, it does. Any work that one does on one's soul throughout any
lifetime stays with you, when you reincarnate...if you do not finish
the magnum Opus, obviously. Lol.

On 3/15/13, Taylor Wiebe <shadeofraven@... wrote:
Will your work on raising the Kundalini Serpent transfer into your next
life? (I'm assuming so?)
Lol, thanks. 
I think I remember reading somewhere not to raise the serpent during puberty (or something) am I totally wrong in what I remember or is that true, and why?Can your progress go backwards if you don't continue it? Will it start receding?
On 2013-03-16, at 7:58 PM, Allison P <apocalypseofjon@... wrote:
  Yes, it does. Any work that one does on one's soul throughout any
lifetime stays with you, when you reincarnate...if you do not finish
the magnum Opus, obviously. Lol.

On 3/15/13, Taylor Wiebe <shadeofraven@... wrote:
Will your work on raising the Kundalini Serpent transfer into your next
life? (I'm assuming so?)
So I just did the ritual for the 14th and the 15th that is supposed to free you serpent and immediately while I was doing the AUM statement AUM 9 round thing I felt my kundalini rising. My kundalini serpent actually first rose in a dream and it rose to the sacral chakra from the base and now it's risen to the solar plexus. What should I be doing? I tried staying there and meditating on it for a bit but it's still hurting in my solar plexus area like it's still piercing through it. What should I be doing if anything? It's been about an hour. I'm keeping my back straight and just focusing on it while I'm doing my school work and stuff.
Hail Satan!
Theres some information on it in the meditation section on JoS under important information about meditation.

On Monday, September 14, 2015 8:21 PM, "davidlost6667@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  So I just did the ritual for the 14th and the 15th that is supposed to free you serpent and immediately while I was doing the AUM statement AUM 9 round thing I felt my kundalini rising. My kundalini serpent actually first rose in a dream and it rose to the sacral chakra from the base and now it's risen to the solar plexus. What should I be doing? I tried staying there and meditating on it for a bit but it's still hurting in my solar plexus area like it's still piercing through it. What should I be doing if anything? It's been about an hour. I'm keeping my back straight and just focusing on it while I'm doing my school work and stuff.
Hail Satan!

The ritual for the 14th and 15th is NOT a meditation, its a ritual to free humanity and remove the curse on the kundalini serpent. It has nothing to do with you. You're supposed to be sending the energies out, not directing it toward yourself. If you want to raise your kundalini then meditate, otherwise stop deluding the energies of the ritual. 

On Thursday, September 17, 2015 8:25 PM, "Zach Verita Eterna deepearth666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Theres some information on it in the meditation section on JoS under important information about meditation.

On Monday, September 14, 2015 8:21 PM, "davidlost6667@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  So I just did the ritual for the 14th and the 15th that is supposed to free you serpent and immediately while I was doing the AUM statement AUM 9 round thing I felt my kundalini rising. My kundalini serpent actually first rose in a dream and it rose to the sacral chakra from the base and now it's risen to the solar plexus. What should I be doing? I tried staying there and meditating on it for a bit but it's still hurting in my solar plexus area like it's still piercing through it. What should I be doing if anything? It's been about an hour. I'm keeping my back straight and just focusing on it while I'm doing my school work and stuff.
Hail Satan!

All kinds of symptoms from heat, cold, pain, etc but it's from too much kundalini energy.
@hemIf you're a beginner I doubt that is the serpent, it sounds like kundalini surge. There are different detox symptoms that happen from meditation.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
