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Kundalini Awakening

Dec 30, 2012
Kundalini Awakening


High Priest Vovim Baghie, Joy of Satan Ministries

I realize that I am writing this out of order, as I have written first about the Initial Rising of my Kundalini Serpent (http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_kundalini_serpent.html) regardless this is important, especially for Spiritual Satanists who are going through this or are about to go through this.

The awakening of my Kundalini was quite a violent and beautiful experience, nothing actually rose up my Spine, not even energy, so when they Awakening happened, it actually took a few weeks for me to realize what had happened to me.

** It is vitally important your Kundalini Serpent faces up, towards the “Heavens”. Your Kundalini is naturally faced\pointed to the side. (For me, it was pointed to the left) If you do not point your Kundalini Serpent up, your energy will pool beneath your Spine and you will either internally overheat or burst into flames. When Kundalini energy cannot flow freely up the spine and vent out through the Crown Chakra, you are going to have serious problems.

The serpent is coiled Three times beneath the base of the Spine (The Tail Bone) when facing the serpent up, try to “see” it, rather than just visualizing. My Kundalini appeared to me as a Golden Cobra, Immolated in Golden Flames, Golden Eyes and with Large Wings. **

~The Awakening of my Kundalini Serpent took place 3 months before the Initial Rising~

The first day it started, I felt strange the entire day, I was incredibly agitated. I was very nauseas and generally disoriented. It was incessant, these feelings would not leave. I was continually slurring my speech and I would suddenly forget what was happening in the moment. It was as if I had no short term memory.

One sensation I will never forget, which happened continually throughout this entire phase of my Kundalini, was a really sickening sensation as if I was getting pulled out my body through my head – [The sensation was similar to the feeling of being in an elevator when it has reached it’s destined floor, and it stops, it shakes, And you feel an almost weightless feeling for a second. It was very much like that, However the focus point was in my head and it was a very intense feeling]

My bodies’ temperature was very high and it continually rose through the 3 Days of this experience.

Then the second day came, It was just more severe disorientation, nausea and extreme agitation. When it came to the evening the sensation of getting pulled out my body started to happen more and more frequently - [What I understand of it now, the sensation was my light body shifting from the intense push of the Kundalini energy]

The sensation became more and more frequent throughout the evening and my disorientation increased to the point where I honestly did not know where I was. As it became night the sensation would not stop, literally, it would happen every ten\fifteen seconds. It was quite unbearable.

After a short while it seemed like it was going away and then suddenly, at I think around 12pm, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I got hotter and hotter, the sensation got stronger and stronger. It was quickly getting worse and worse, I was just in complete agony, I could literally feel every electrical appliance in the room, it was so painful. I cannot describe the pain, it was really severe.

Then noises started to hurt me, the fan, the fridge, the smallest noises would hurt me and shock me– as if being violently woken up from a very deep trance state. Any noise felt like an intense jolt of electric pain.

It lasted at that intensity for about 45min, I think, and I could move freely, I stood up, and all of a sudden I just felt like an entirely new being, literally. My entire life perspective changed, My Soul itself even changed, in almost the Blink of an eye.

I was lucky enough to have my Guardian Demons with me during this, if it weren’t for their presence I definitely would not have made it through the Awakening. I am so thankful to my Guardians!

I felt, without a shadow of a doubt, that my Will became closer to Father Satans’, as well as my perspective and thought process, even my Soul became closer to Father Satan. Not only did I “feel” it but it was - and is still - reflected in the fact that my Aura has changed color from green, to turquoise and is now almost the Demonic Blue.

I know that was a sudden, but that is how it happened. Just like that – it was over. The effects lasted for about 2 nights afterwards, especially cell-phones, honestly, Combining all my broken bones and cracked ribs from Thai-Boxing and Enduro, I have never felt such stinging pain.

I enjoyed the pain, In-fact I was overjoyed because I knew I was Advancing, Growing and becoming closer to Father Satan than I had ever previously Imagined. “No pain no Gain” Looking back on it, in the weeks leading up to this ‘Spiritual Transformation’ I was feeling and acting so strange, I just assumed it was psychic attack, - “Assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups”

After this, I would receive a small electric shock whenever I touched an object; The Gods later explained to me that it was my Aura naturally connecting with the objects I interacted with. This gives a great advantage when sending or draining energy from someone\something and with telekinesis.

The changes never stop after the Awakening of your Kundalini Serpent; once your Serpent has awakened you can actually communicate and connect with it. I will be writing about this very soon.

To all the truly Dedicated Warriors of Father Satan and the Mighty Gods of Duat, Always Keep Strong in Father Satan! And may Father Satans’ Divine Light Guide You Eternally!


High Priest Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama!
Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!


Joy of Satan Ministries
Wow, HP Baghie, thanks for sharing that. I have a question--was there anything in particular you were doing--like how long were you meditating at a time, and did you do certain meditations more than others? I am concerned that b/c I have musculoskeletal disease in my back (not serious thankfully) I will have a harder time awakening my serpent....can you offer any suggestions for those of us to whom this has not yet happened? I feel closer to Satan all the time but he hasn't offered me any suggestions how too awaken the kundulini yet... thanks again for your full story...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priest Vovim Baghie <high_priest.vovim_baghie@... wrote:

Kundalini Awakening


High Priest Vovim Baghie, Joy of Satan Ministries

I realize that I am writing this out of order, as I have written first about the Initial Rising of my Kundalini Serpent (http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_kundalini_serpent.html) regardless this is important, especially for Spiritual Satanists who are going through this or are about to go through this.

The awakening of my Kundalini was quite a violent and beautiful experience, nothing actually rose up my Spine, not even energy, so when they Awakening happened, it actually took a few weeks for me to realize what had happened to me.

** It is vitally important your Kundalini Serpent faces up, towards the “Heavens”. Your Kundalini is naturally faced\pointed to the side. (For me, it was pointed to the left) If you do not point your Kundalini Serpent up, your energy will pool beneath your Spine and you will either internally overheat or burst into flames. When Kundalini energy cannot flow freely up the spine and vent out through the Crown Chakra, you are going to have serious problems.

The serpent is coiled Three times beneath the base of the Spine (The Tail Bone) when facing the serpent up, try to “see” it, rather than just visualizing. My Kundalini appeared to me as a Golden Cobra, Immolated in Golden Flames, Golden Eyes and with Large Wings. **

~The Awakening of my Kundalini Serpent took place 3 months before the Initial Rising~

The first day it started, I felt strange the entire day, I was incredibly agitated. I was very nauseas and generally disoriented. It was incessant, these feelings would not leave. I was continually slurring my speech and I would suddenly forget what was happening in the moment. It was as if I had no short term memory.

One sensation I will never forget, which happened continually throughout this entire phase of my Kundalini, was a really sickening sensation as if I was getting pulled out my body through my head â€" [The sensation was similar to the feeling of being in an elevator when it has reached it’s destined floor, and it stops, it shakes, And you feel an almost weightless feeling for a second. It was very much like that, However the focus point was in my head and it was a very intense feeling]

My bodies’ temperature was very high and it continually rose through the 3 Days of this experience.

Then the second day came, It was just more severe disorientation, nausea and extreme agitation. When it came to the evening the sensation of getting pulled out my body started to happen more and more frequently - [What I understand of it now, the sensation was my light body shifting from the intense push of the Kundalini energy]

The sensation became more and more frequent throughout the evening and my disorientation increased to the point where I honestly did not know where I was. As it became night the sensation would not stop, literally, it would happen every ten\fifteen seconds. It was quite unbearable.

After a short while it seemed like it was going away and then suddenly, at I think around 12pm, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I got hotter and hotter, the sensation got stronger and stronger. It was quickly getting worse and worse, I was just in complete agony, I could literally feel every electrical appliance in the room, it was so painful. I cannot describe the pain, it was really severe.

Then noises started to hurt me, the fan, the fridge, the smallest noises would hurt me and shock meâ€" as if being violently woken up from a very deep trance state. Any noise felt like an intense jolt of electric pain.

It lasted at that intensity for about 45min, I think, and I could move freely, I stood up, and all of a sudden I just felt like an entirely new being, literally. My entire life perspective changed, My Soul itself even changed, in almost the Blink of an eye.

I was lucky enough to have my Guardian Demons with me during this, if it weren’t for their presence I definitely would not have made it through the Awakening. I am so thankful to my Guardians!

I felt, without a shadow of a doubt, that my Will became closer to Father Satans’, as well as my perspective and thought process, even my Soul became closer to Father Satan. Not only did I “feel” it but it was - and is still - reflected in the fact that my Aura has changed color from green, to turquoise and is now almost the Demonic Blue.

I know that was a sudden, but that is how it happened. Just like that â€" it was over. The effects lasted for about 2 nights afterwards, especially cell-phones, honestly, Combining all my broken bones and cracked ribs from Thai-Boxing and Enduro, I have never felt such stinging pain.

I enjoyed the pain, In-fact I was overjoyed because I knew I was Advancing, Growing and becoming closer to Father Satan than I had ever previously Imagined. “No pain no Gain” Looking back on it, in the weeks leading up to this ‘Spiritual Transformation’ I was feeling and acting so strange, I just assumed it was psychic attack, - “Assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups”

After this, I would receive a small electric shock whenever I touched an object; The Gods later explained to me that it was my Aura naturally connecting with the objects I interacted with. This gives a great advantage when sending or draining energy from someone\something and with telekinesis.

The changes never stop after the Awakening of your Kundalini Serpent; once your Serpent has awakened you can actually communicate and connect with it. I will be writing about this very soon.

To all the truly Dedicated Warriors of Father Satan and the Mighty Gods of Duat, Always Keep Strong in Father Satan! And may Father Satans’ Divine Light Guide You Eternally!


High Priest Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama!
Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!


Joy of Satan Ministries
The specific Meditations I did consistently where the Twin Serpent Meditation [http://www.666blacksun.com/Serpent_Medi ... II.html%5d The Single Serpent Meditation [http://www.666blacksun.com/Serpent_Medi ... ne.html%5d The Magnum Opus Steps [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... us.html%5d As well as Elemental Invocation, Evocation and Manipulation. However I worked in sets of threes. [http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/true_trini ... ie.html%5d Working to empower the Main, Front and Back extensions of the Chakra's was a major factor in the Initial Rising of my Kundalini Serpent.

I was and I still meditate about one to two hours a day. I still continue with these meditations as they are incredibly powerful and important. I did also stimulate my Kundalini Serpent with my own condensed Bio-electricity as well as sexual energy. I will write a short article on this soon. If you do try it, just ensure your Serpent is facing up.

And you have no reason to be concerned, you Kundalini will actually work to heal and rid you of this disorder, What I suggest you do as a preliminary is to sit for just 5 minutes every morning when you wake up, apply White-Gold energy to your Entire Back and repeat the following affirmation "I am permanently cured of my musculoskeletal disorder. The White-Gold energy ensuring that I am completely healed and completely healthy" or something to that effect, you can change it if you wish.

Just be open to Father Satan and the Gods, we are guided by His will everyday, we just don't know if half of the time. For instance, you are randomly browsing through the Joy of Satan website, and a specific Meditation catches your attention and you briefly think to yourself, "huh, I should definitely give that a try" or you just have a distinct feeling that you should do this meditation you found – that is the Guidance of our Beloved Father and our Almighty Gods.


High Priest Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama!
Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@..." <moonshadow48@... wrote:

Wow, HP Baghie, thanks for sharing that. I have a question--was there anything in particular you were doing--like how long were you meditating at a time, and did you do certain meditations more than others? I am concerned that b/c I have musculoskeletal disease in my back (not serious thankfully) I will have a harder time awakening my serpent....can you offer any suggestions for those of us to whom this has not yet happened? I feel closer to Satan all the time but he hasn't offered me any suggestions how too awaken the kundulini yet... thanks again for your full story...
HP Baghie, thank you ever so much! I especially like your advice about seeing what meditations I'm attracted to--well that happened already with a few of them like the MerKaBa one...I can't thank you enough for your kind advice...Hail Ea! :)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priest Vovim Baghie" <high_priest.vovim_baghie@... wrote:

The specific Meditations I did consistently where the Twin Serpent Meditation [http://www.666blacksun.com/Serpent_Medi ... II.html%5d The Single Serpent Meditation [http://www.666blacksun.com/Serpent_Medi ... ne.html%5d The Magnum Opus Steps [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... us.html%5d As well as Elemental Invocation, Evocation and Manipulation. However I worked in sets of threes. [http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/true_trini ... ie.html%5d Working to empower the Main, Front and Back extensions of the Chakra's was a major factor in the Initial Rising of my Kundalini Serpent.

I was and I still meditate about one to two hours a day. I still continue with these meditations as they are incredibly powerful and important. I did also stimulate my Kundalini Serpent with my own condensed Bio-electricity as well as sexual energy. I will write a short article on this soon. If you do try it, just ensure your Serpent is facing up.

And you have no reason to be concerned, you Kundalini will actually work to heal and rid you of this disorder, What I suggest you do as a preliminary is to sit for just 5 minutes every morning when you wake up, apply White-Gold energy to your Entire Back and repeat the following affirmation "I am permanently cured of my musculoskeletal disorder. The White-Gold energy ensuring that I am completely healed and completely healthy" or something to that effect, you can change it if you wish.

Just be open to Father Satan and the Gods, we are guided by His will everyday, we just don't know if half of the time. For instance, you are randomly browsing through the Joy of Satan website, and a specific Meditation catches your attention and you briefly think to yourself, "huh, I should definitely give that a try" or you just have a distinct feeling that you should do this meditation you found – that is the Guidance of our Beloved Father and our Almighty Gods.


High Priest Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama!
Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Wow, HP Baghie, thanks for sharing that. I have a question--was there anything in particular you were doing--like how long were you meditating at a time, and did you do certain meditations more than others? I am concerned that b/c I have musculoskeletal disease in my back (not serious thankfully) I will have a harder time awakening my serpent....can you offer any suggestions for those of us to whom this has not yet happened? I feel closer to Satan all the time but he hasn't offered me any suggestions how too awaken the kundulini yet... thanks again for your full story...
These links are a bit screwed up I think, unless my PC is doing it for some reason. On the main Magnum opus link, the sublinks: alternate nostril breathing, Meditation from Satan, and Pineal meditation aren't working.

Its because when I click on them I get a "www1." but when I delete the "1" it takes me to the actual link. Just thought I'd point it out if you have time to fix it. =)

From: High Priest Vovim Baghie <high_priest.vovim_baghie@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sun, May 9, 2010 6:13:14 AM
Subject: [Advanced_Meditation] Re: Kundalini Awakening

The specific Meditations I did consistently where the Twin Serpent Meditation [http://www.666blacksun.com/Serpent_Medi ... II.html%5d The Single Serpent Meditation [http://www.666blacksun.com/Serpent_Medi ... ne.html%5d The Magnum Opus Steps [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... us.html%5d As well as Elemental Invocation, Evocation and Manipulation. However I worked in sets of threes. [http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/true_trini ... ie.html%5d Working to empower the Main, Front and Back extensions of the Chakra's was a major factor in the Initial Rising of my Kundalini Serpent.

I was and I still meditate about one to two hours a day. I still continue with these meditations as they are incredibly powerful and important. I did also stimulate my Kundalini Serpent with my own condensed Bio-electricity as well as sexual energy. I will write a short article on this soon. If you do try it, just ensure your Serpent is facing up.

And you have no reason to be concerned, you Kundalini will actually work to heal and rid you of this disorder, What I suggest you do as a preliminary is to sit for just 5 minutes every morning when you wake up, apply White-Gold energy to your Entire Back and repeat the following affirmation "I am permanently cured of my musculoskeletal disorder. The White-Gold energy ensuring that I am completely healed and completely healthy" or something to that effect, you can change it if you wish.

Just be open to Father Satan and the Gods, we are guided by His will everyday, we just don't know if half of the time. For instance, you are randomly browsing through the Joy of Satan website, and a specific Meditation catches your attention and you briefly think to yourself, "huh, I should definitely give that a try" or you just have a distinct feeling that you should do this meditation you found – that is the Guidance of our Beloved Father and our Almighty Gods.


High Priest Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama!
Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@..." <moonshadow48@... wrote:

Wow, HP Baghie, thanks for sharing that. I have a question--was there anything in particular you were doing--like how long were you meditating at a time, and did you do certain meditations more than others? I am concerned that b/c I have musculoskeletal disease in my back (not serious thankfully) I will have a harder time awakening my serpent....can you offer any suggestions for those of us to whom this has not yet happened? I feel closer to Satan all the time but he hasn't offered me any suggestions how too awaken the kundulini yet... thanks again for your full story...


Yahoo! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I wanted to comment on the Twin Serpent meditation.

The twin serpents are in fact symbolic of DNA strands intertwining when they go through their phases. This caught my attention while I was in Biology class the other day looking at the lecture slides. One thing that did stand out though is that the DNA intertwines both ways, one way facing each way. I just found that interesting and thought I would mention it.

If this is the case, then essentially raising the Kundalini could very well just be DNA Activation of the serpent. There is a reason the Dragon is important to Satan. You see symbols of the Dragon all over the history and country.. in the flags, in the medical sign of the serpents around the pole, in religions both east and west. Finally you must also consider the fact that we are a hybrid species and have what is called a "reptillian brain." There is no coincidence that a serpentine kundalini is tied in to all this.

So taking from all my thoughts and meditations and whatever Satan and his demons have shown me, I've come to the conclusion that raising the kundalini is in fact activating our very DNA. Raising the serpent is in fact "becoming" or activating the serpent in order to claim our rightful power that the church has tried to suppress. Now thinking about how DNA is tied in with sexuality.. which the church has tried to suppress in conjunction with soul empowerment.. it makes sense that we pass these Siddhi's and empowered genes through our DNA.

From: High Priest Vovim Baghie <high_priest.vovim_baghie@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sun, May 9, 2010 6:13:14 AM
Subject: [Advanced_Meditation] Re: Kundalini Awakening

The specific Meditations I did consistently where the Twin Serpent Meditation [http://www.666blacksun.com/Serpent_Medi ... II.html%5d The Single Serpent Meditation [http://www.666blacksun.com/Serpent_Medi ... ne.html%5d The Magnum Opus Steps [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... us.html%5d As well as Elemental Invocation, Evocation and Manipulation. However I worked in sets of threes. [http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/true_trini ... ie.html%5d Working to empower the Main, Front and Back extensions of the Chakra's was a major factor in the Initial Rising of my Kundalini Serpent.

I was and I still meditate about one to two hours a day. I still continue with these meditations as they are incredibly powerful and important. I did also stimulate my Kundalini Serpent with my own condensed Bio-electricity as well as sexual energy. I will write a short article on this soon. If you do try it, just ensure your Serpent is facing up.

And you have no reason to be concerned, you Kundalini will actually work to heal and rid you of this disorder, What I suggest you do as a preliminary is to sit for just 5 minutes every morning when you wake up, apply White-Gold energy to your Entire Back and repeat the following affirmation "I am permanently cured of my musculoskeletal disorder. The White-Gold energy ensuring that I am completely healed and completely healthy" or something to that effect, you can change it if you wish.

Just be open to Father Satan and the Gods, we are guided by His will everyday, we just don't know if half of the time. For instance, you are randomly browsing through the Joy of Satan website, and a specific Meditation catches your attention and you briefly think to yourself, "huh, I should definitely give that a try" or you just have a distinct feeling that you should do this meditation you found – that is the Guidance of our Beloved Father and our Almighty Gods.


High Priest Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama!
Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@..." <moonshadow48@... wrote:

Wow, HP Baghie, thanks for sharing that. I have a question--was there anything in particular you were doing--like how long were you meditating at a time, and did you do certain meditations more than others? I am concerned that b/c I have musculoskeletal disease in my back (not serious thankfully) I will have a harder time awakening my serpent....can you offer any suggestions for those of us to whom this has not yet happened? I feel closer to Satan all the time but he hasn't offered me any suggestions how too awaken the kundulini yet... thanks again for your full story...


Yahoo! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: Kris Tucker <theanimaniacs88@...
Date: Sun, 9 May 2010 14:29:24
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: Re: [Advanced_Meditation] Re: Kundalini Awakening

I wanted to comment on the Twin Serpent meditation.

The twin serpents are in fact symbolic of DNA strands intertwining when they go through their phases. This caught my attention while I was in Biology class the other day looking at the lecture slides. One thing that did stand out though is that the DNA intertwines both ways, one way facing each way. I just found that interesting and thought I would mention it.

If this is the case, then essentially raising the Kundalini could very well just be DNA Activation of the serpent. There is a reason the Dragon is important to Satan. You see symbols of the Dragon all over the history and country.. in the flags, in the medical sign of the serpents around the pole, in religions both east and west. Finally you must also consider the fact that we are a hybrid species and have what is called a "reptillian brain." There is no coincidence that a serpentine kundalini is tied in to all this.

So taking from all my thoughts and meditations and whatever Satan and his demons have shown me, I've come to the conclusion that raising the kundalini is in fact activating our very DNA. Raising the serpent is in fact "becoming" or activating the serpent in order to claim our rightful power that the church has tried to suppress. Now thinking about how DNA is tied in with sexuality.. which the church has tried to suppress in conjunction with soul empowerment.. it makes sense that we pass these Siddhi's and empowered genes through our DNA.

From: High Priest Vovim Baghie <high_priest.vovim_baghie@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sun, May 9, 2010 6:13:14 AM
Subject: [Advanced_Meditation] Re: Kundalini Awakening

The specific Meditations I did consistently where the Twin Serpent Meditation [http://www.666blacksun.com/Serpent_Medi ... II.html%5d The Single Serpent Meditation [http://www.666blacksun.com/Serpent_Medi ... ne.html%5d The Magnum Opus Steps [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... us.html%5d As well as Elemental Invocation, Evocation and Manipulation. However I worked in sets of threes. [http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/true_trini ... ie.html%5d Working to empower the Main, Front and Back extensions of the Chakra's was a major factor in the Initial Rising of my Kundalini Serpent.

I was and I still meditate about one to two hours a day. I still continue with these meditations as they are incredibly powerful and important. I did also stimulate my Kundalini Serpent with my own condensed Bio-electricity as well as sexual energy. I will write a short article on this soon. If you do try it, just ensure your Serpent is facing up.

And you have no reason to be concerned, you Kundalini will actually work to heal and rid you of this disorder, What I suggest you do as a preliminary is to sit for just 5 minutes every morning when you wake up, apply White-Gold energy to your Entire Back and repeat the following affirmation "I am permanently cured of my musculoskeletal disorder. The White-Gold energy ensuring that I am completely healed and completely healthy" or something to that effect, you can change it if you wish.

Just be open to Father Satan and the Gods, we are guided by His will everyday, we just don't know if half of the time. For instance, you are randomly browsing through the Joy of Satan website, and a specific Meditation catches your attention and you briefly think to yourself, "huh, I should definitely give that a try" or you just have a distinct feeling that you should do this meditation you found – that is the Guidance of our Beloved Father and our Almighty Gods.


High Priest Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama!
Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@..." <moonshadow48@... wrote:

Wow, HP Baghie, thanks for sharing that. I have a question--was there anything in particular you were doing--like how long were you meditating at a time, and did you do certain meditations more than others? I am concerned that b/c I have musculoskeletal disease in my back (not serious thankfully) I will have a harder time awakening my serpent....can you offer any suggestions for those of us to whom this has not yet happened? I feel closer to Satan all the time but he hasn't offered me any suggestions how too awaken the kundulini yet... thanks again for your full story...


Yahoo! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
It is based upon the Ida and Pingala nadis. Here is a website with an illustration and some info on the three main nadis, the third is the sushumna.

http://innerlotusyoga.blogspot.com/2006 ... -nadi.html

This is where the 'Devil's Pitchfork' symbol was stolen and corrupted from. The pitchfork symbol can be seen in many East Indian artworks of the Gods, which predated xianity from thousands of years. The 'pitchfork' symbol represents these three main nadis and the arrow points are the piercing energy.

The serpent, as you wrote below, also represents the DNA.


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Kris Tucker <theanimaniacs88@... wrote:

I wanted to comment on the Twin Serpent meditation.

The twin serpents are in fact symbolic of DNA strands intertwining when they go through their phases. This caught my attention while I was in Biology class the other day looking at the lecture slides. One thing that did stand out though is that the DNA intertwines both ways, one way facing each way. I just found that interesting and thought I would mention it.

If this is the case, then essentially raising the Kundalini could very well just be DNA Activation of the serpent. There is a reason the Dragon is important to Satan. You see symbols of the Dragon all over the history and country.. in the flags, in the medical sign of the serpents around the pole, in religions both east and west. Finally you must also consider the fact that we are a hybrid species and have what is called a "reptillian brain." There is no coincidence that a serpentine kundalini is tied in to all this.

So taking from all my thoughts and meditations and whatever Satan and his demons have shown me, I've come to the conclusion that raising the kundalini is in fact activating our very DNA. Raising the serpent is in fact "becoming" or activating the serpent in order to claim our rightful power that the church has tried to suppress. Now thinking about how DNA is tied in with sexuality.. which the church has tried to suppress in conjunction with soul empowerment.. it makes sense that we pass these Siddhi's and empowered genes through our DNA.

From: High Priest Vovim Baghie <high_priest.vovim_baghie@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sun, May 9, 2010 6:13:14 AM
Subject: [Advanced_Meditation] Re: Kundalini Awakening

The specific Meditations I did consistently where the Twin Serpent Meditation [http://www.666blacksun.com/Serpent_Medi ... II.html%5d The Single Serpent Meditation [http://www.666blacksun.com/Serpent_Medi ... ne.html%5d The Magnum Opus Steps [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... us.html%5d As well as Elemental Invocation, Evocation and Manipulation. However I worked in sets of threes. [http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/true_trini ... ie.html%5d Working to empower the Main, Front and Back extensions of the Chakra's was a major factor in the Initial Rising of my Kundalini Serpent.

I was and I still meditate about one to two hours a day. I still continue with these meditations as they are incredibly powerful and important. I did also stimulate my Kundalini Serpent with my own condensed Bio-electricity as well as sexual energy. I will write a short article on this soon. If you do try it, just ensure your Serpent is facing up.

And you have no reason to be concerned, you Kundalini will actually work to heal and rid you of this disorder, What I suggest you do as a preliminary is to sit for just 5 minutes every morning when you wake up, apply White-Gold energy to your Entire Back and repeat the following affirmation "I am permanently cured of my musculoskeletal disorder. The White-Gold energy ensuring that I am completely healed and completely healthy" or something to that effect, you can change it if you wish.

Just be open to Father Satan and the Gods, we are guided by His will everyday, we just don't know if half of the time. For instance, you are randomly browsing through the Joy of Satan website, and a specific Meditation catches your attention and you briefly think to yourself, "huh, I should definitely give that a try" or you just have a distinct feeling that you should do this meditation you found – that is the Guidance of our Beloved Father and our Almighty Gods.


High Priest Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama!
Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Wow, HP Baghie, thanks for sharing that. I have a question--was there anything in particular you were doing--like how long were you meditating at a time, and did you do certain meditations more than others? I am concerned that b/c I have musculoskeletal disease in my back (not serious thankfully) I will have a harder time awakening my serpent....can you offer any suggestions for those of us to whom this has not yet happened? I feel closer to Satan all the time but he hasn't offered me any suggestions how too awaken the kundulini yet... thanks again for your full story...


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I don't have any practise in Kundalini- Meditation until now.

From several sources i have heared about bad side effects doing that wrong.

Have anyone here had discoverd some of this effects during the practice of this medidation?
some times you just get too much energy and you are up for a long time, but push too hard and you and truely hurt yourself, but your body and guide warm you trust your 'gut feeling.'

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
