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Kumusta! Greetings! Filipino for Satan here! A Case for Filipino Satanism and True Philippine Religion

  • Thread starter Deleted member 72759
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I do believe this is a valuable post with many important points.

For those who might have read the "Messianic Jew" part, and might falsely call you a jew, they must know that these are cults like Jehovah's Witnesses, in which one is not necessitated to be a jew biologically or by ancestry, but that they can become a convert. These are to deceive Gentiles. In some Asiatic Nations, there are endless of these cults that claim to make people "Jews" or whatever.

I believe Spiritual Satanism will heal you and show you the importance of your ancestral culture.
Maharlikan666 said:

Very interesting read
Thank you for this info. And welcome.
May satan and the gods guide your path
Maharlikan666 said:

This was very inspiring. Thanks for sharing your studies.

About the word ''Salamat'', I'm not criticizing, just wanted to let you know this since you look very strict about your nation. About the time the halife (the Muslim pope) was kicked out for treason, a Turkish language movement that simply aims to get rid of Arabic words in the language was gaining strength. Nationalists of that time (the 1900s?) thought Islam as an Arabian religion, no offense to gentile Arabs, and were trying to get rid of their language. Like Latin language and Catholics. Salamat has Arabic roots and is one of the most common words that we're avoiding (selam, selamet). It's so common that there is a movie ''Selam, 2013'' on promoting Islamic conquer. The idea of the movie is how the Islamic conquer took place with ''Selam, salamat'' (salute or greeting) and not by massacre. Lies.

Again, I'm not criticizing, just wanted to let you know. Most of the languages of countries invaded by Islam inherited that word.
Incredible. I am so glad to hear more about the fact that Southeast Asia has been severely corrupted by Islam and Catholicism; it's something that is not spoken of very often, it seems. Islam in Indonesia is so forced and toxic, that they'll make up excuses to attack you in any way.

Not to mention that the actual governmental law is based on islamic restrictions. You can go to prison for having a guest stay the night if they're the opposite gender and not married to you, or are not family, and the neighbours will report it. You can also go to prison if people find out your girlfriend/boyfriend or even spouse living with you is not muslim. On forms of personal identification, you HAVE to declare you're islamic to display such on your ID or paper.

It's always angered me knowing how much free the people of Indonesia would be without islam. Applies to Malaysia too. The countries are phenomenally beautiful when it comes to nature, and even the ancient temples that still stand to this day. Years ago in the Yahoo groups, I once uploaded a photo of a temple, that contained symbolism in the structures matching those I learned from JoS. It confirmed to me that the Southeast Asian people were strongly connected to the Gods at some point in the past. Even today, smaller temples as such are being destroyed by muslims, nothing new.

Considering the amount of Javanese people, or simply Southeast Asians in general, and their linguistic origins in Sanskrit, it is a sad reality that such ancient and true knowledge is drowned and locked out of people's souls because of some shit excuse of a religion.

This might be a slightly different matter, but when it also comes to things unrelated to religion, not much good is known or said about most Southeast Asian countries in general, if anything at all. That's why I'm so happy to see a post like this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I do believe this is a valuable post with many important points.

For those who might have read the "Messianic Jew" part, and might falsely call you a jew, they must know that these are cults like Jehovah's Witnesses, in which one is not necessitated to be a jew biologically or by ancestry, but that they can become a convert. These are to deceive Gentiles. In some Asiatic Nations, there are endless of these cults that claim to make people "Jews" or whatever.

I believe Spiritual Satanism will heal you and show you the importance of your ancestral culture.

There is actually a lot of people like this. I just call them xtians because its essentially another sect. One guy i dated in college was actually trying to convert to judaism when i was barely 19 and didn't know any better. but his whole family including him was gentile genetically.
Maharlikan666 said:
The Philippines, "Slave nation" is one of the most Jews' most favorite countries, from my understanding the Jews control the world, but they have their "extreme favorites", so not only are Filipinos very pro-Israel, but the desire to restore and return the Filipinos to their true God, and ultimately, to Lucifer, is nearly non-existent
If you knew how much a Hungarian slave nation :( Very much and strongly xian's,what can we expect.
Hungary is also one of the great favorites of the Jews.Several people have told me over the years that Hungary wants to be the new Israel.It is also said to be exposed in many family homes in Israel,map of hungary and it is written that it is our "new country",hence the new homeland of the Jews.Maybe they want to come here because of the natural resources,for example, hungary has many water resources and is a peaceful zone(when I heard this fact, there was no war in Ukraine neighbor),not like Israel.

Although I did not personally seek this fact, it is not at all unthinkable.I tried to look it up now but couldn't find anything about this factor or I'm just lame and I heard that years ago.
I think the rune number 24 othal would help you in your travel to get more knowledge about your people

#24. Rune of property and land. Inheritance. Rune of ancestry and heritage. Used to tap into one’s racial memory for ancestral knowledge. Used to obtain wealth in the form of property and possessions. Unlike Fehu, this rune represents property that is rooted and not mobile, a putting down of roots. Can be used to incite racism and cultural prejudices. Othala represents the circle/sphere; the boundary. Petrified wood works well with Othala; brings out memories of past lives, talents and wisdom of previous incarnations.

Welcome to our group ! Welcome to our home and family!🔥🐍 Hail Satan!!💖
Maharlikan666 said:
I'll try to find another word, preferably of Old Sanskrit origin, that's what I'd like to see with the Tagalog, Malay and Indonesian languages, the total elimination of Gematria language from the enemy and the return to their True Roots.

Hail Satan!

Yes, s-l-m and k-t-b are Arabic roots. S-l-m is especially annoying because it can produce “teslim and muslim” that means surrendering and the one who surrenders to Allah. The easiest way to distunguish Arabic words is their inflexional root, if your language is not one of inflexional languages. Inflexional languages work like this: k-t-b is the root, “kitab” means book, katib means the one who writes, kütüb means books, maktab or mektep means desk and it was used as school back then in Ottoman. We changed it to okul. It comes from oku (read) from pure Turkish.

Good luck with that. Going back to the original language can occur in 2-3 generations. Common Turkish youngster can’t understand the 18th century Ottoman Turkish but can understand 1200s Turkish.
Well, I'm new here, wants to join a Satan group so that I can get some understandings about this. But for this I need help. So someone can tell what I need to do in order to join a Satan group?
Maharlikan666 said:
I'm a former hardcore Christian, former hardcore Catholic, also former hardcore Messianic Jew from the Philippines, who at this point, dealing with the severe consequences of following Judeo-Christianity, having followed ALL SORTS of its horrid factions, as I stated ranging from Catholicism (which I grew up with), to Messianic Judaism garbage, and its putrid culture of darkness, self-loath and self-hatred (Matthew 6:24, John 12:25, Matthew 10:39, 1 John 2:15, Matthew 10:38, John 3:30 to name a few) which forms a huge reason to why I attract so many energy vampires.

I will come up and say, I have noticed hardcore Christians and even hardcore Muslims and hardcore Jews tend to be energy vampires themselves, because that's the type of energies one invites into their soul when they follow such blasphemy.

Christianity, and all of its sects. seriously NEED to be renamed "I Hate Myself" - because that, is the serious overtone of every single "born again" Christian group. We're all evil, we're all sinners, blah blah blah....

I'm used to hearing that shit, and if you've ever heard about the "Toxic Filipino parents" culture, well - it's a no wonder why they can easily use Catholicism and Christianity when abusing and guilt-tripping their children. Catholicism, crab mentality and narcassistic personality go VERY WELL hand-in-hand to create a lumpia roll of disaster.

And yes, the Catholics don't want their congregations reading the Bible because they're afraid people will learn the Truth, and walk away. This is evidenced when proved to my parents Christianity was bullshit, using their own Bible.

They best excuse?

"YOU NEED HAVE A PRIEST INTERPRET IT FOR YOU"....yeah, I kid you not they said that, word for word.

Another excuse I've heard is that "Well, Yahweh allows His Torah to be distorted to test mankind", and blah blah blah.

Once-again, the energies of all that mental abuse promoted by Christianity, in addition with having toxic parents, is showing the results of its ugly face, as the Chaldean numbers have indeed, revealed that I have a phsycic and energy imbalance, and the Truths via the beautiful Chaldean numerology is how I finally concluded that Judeo-Christianity is bullshit, and offers nothing but lies, misery and complete and total suppression of Spiritual Truths.

So recently, around 2021, I had decided that I've simply had enough, and have lots of healing to do for I am in a really low-point in my life, truthfully - always have been, but from some of what I'm reading, perhaps the Gods do use pain and suffering to teach people lessons. I'm still trying to contemplate what the Gods are trying to show me, for I'm just in the "praying/studying" phase of my spiritual journey, haven't yet gotten into the candle, crystal and incense part of it, not to mention I'm living in an apartment being paid for by my hardcore Catholic parents - so this makes it even more difficult for me.

I have, at this point - bought blue, red and black-colored incense, for when I do begin performing candle rituals. Thinking of also getting red, blue and black-colored stones.

I plan on putting together a separate, but large and detailed testimony of the deplorable choices I made as a Judeo-Christian, good grief.

The beautiful religion(s) of the Philippines prior to Cocksuckerism ("Christianity")

I used to be one of those Filipinos, typical Filipinos who got all infatuated with the Spanish Catholic culture of the Philippines. "Catholicism and Spanish culture", if you've ever been around Filipinos, that's a repetitive mantra you'll hear among Filipinos.

The Jewish Kabbalistic spell is working. Catholicism has nothing to do with True Filipino spirituality, Filipino culture, no more than Judaism has anything to do with the True Roots of Mankind.

Ever since I woke up, and discovered the beautiful REAL and TRUE roots of Filipino religion, I couldn't be anymore disgusted with what "contemporary Filipino culture" has become. I don't associate with any Filipino clubs or organizations, which by my experience - are nothing more but religious pulpits for the Catholic church.

Let me make a distinction here as well, I normally don't like using the word Filipino, a term invented by the Catholics which literally means "property of Christian King Philip".

A term that I embrace is "Maharlikan", and this is Ancient Tagalog which literally means "free" and "independent". This is taken from Old Sanskrit "Mahardhikka" (महर्द्धिक), and is a direct cognate to the Indonesian and Malay word "merdeka". It was title given to high-ranking sons of Anito, one of the True Gods of Ancient Philippines. In their ranks, they were almost like the Cossacks of Russia and Ukraine, semi-independent.

Below them, were the datus, which is the equivalent of a baron. The highest-ranks where Brahmic-influenced Rajah and Maharajah, and they answered to Brahmic Gods.


The biggest shame of all, the overwhelming majority of Filipinos do not know what Maharlika is, they are completely infested with the Judeo-Christian disease and the slavish love of Catholicism and a false Latin identity. While I have nothing against Latins, Spaniards or Mexicans, and respect their Pantheon, Filipinos are not Latins. I am not a Filipino, I am a Maharlikan.

Join any Filipino culture club online, you'll even see them constantly promoting Christianity. As I stated, they've become silent-bully pulpits for Christianity. Look at a brochure of Filipino culture, it will always be infested with promotions of Catholicism and the false miracle of Ferdinand Magellan, who along with Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, are almost worshiped as demi-Gods themselves for their so-called mythical miracle of "blessings the Filipinos with Christ" and blah blah blah....gag.

Like always, these "holy Christian sites" in the Philippines were built on the ruins of pagan sites and ley lines. The Philippine Archipelago is a VERY ley line-rich nation, which is why the Jews wanted it so, so bad. There was no such thing as "Philippine independence", by the time the Philippines got its so-called "independence" from Catholic Spain, it exchanged hands to the Masonic Jews of America, by this point, the Masons I believe were already infilitrated.

That's what Jews (as well as all of their off-shoots, Christianity and Islam) do, they destroy REAL Holy Sites to build their pathetic mockeries over them.

The Brahmic-influenced alphabet of the Philippines
The Ancient Filipinos had their own alphabet, known as Baybayin, which was rooted from the Brahmic scripts used in Indonesia, Malaysia and India (Pallava to be specific), speaking of Indonesia, that country too, was once a beautiful and spiritually-advanced nation that worshiped a beautiful pantheon of Gods and Goddesses, mostly of Hindu and Buddhist nature, coupled in with native Javanese and Malay Deities until the Islam atrocity took over.

Other Pallava-descended scripts were used for Tagalog's and other Philippine languages' cousins in the Malay Archipelago, such as Malay itself and the languages of Indonesia.



Contrary to what the Jew wants Filipinos to believe (namely that they're "Mexicans/Latins of Asia", no offense to any fellow Mexican Satanist) and the worst lie of all, is that the pre-Hispanic Filipinos were nothing more but uneducated, naked and primitive caveman-type subhumans, Philippines and Indonesia were spiritually-connected nations, albeit they speak related languages and very-likely, known as the "Austronesian peoples" - the race that inhabits both countries was probably created by the same God.

Ancient Filipinos and Ancient Indonesians were connected via the Glory of the Hindu Deities. The Ancient Filipinos had their own cosmology, society, music, art and very-likely, probably even their own numerology, a topic which deserves much attention for Filipinos interested in Satanism, such as myself.

Then - Catholicism and Islam happened, but more-so Catholicism since this is a bit fixated on Filipino Satanism, and my personal vision for Filipinos to become less of Filipinos and more of Maharlikans. While I don't advocate stupid Islam, another Jewish creation, the Catholics did well in destroying the spiritual bridge that binded the ancient peoples of Maritime Southeast Asia.

Now in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia - in order to be considered "Malay" - you have to be a Muslim, ultra-moronic on a spiritual level.

I've been lambasted by Filipinos because of my hatred against Catholicism, that's "so un-Filipino" of me, I used to get so angry but now I just smile and take it as a badge of honor, because I must stress again, I'm not a "Filipino" I strive to be a "Maharlikan".

I have no goals, or intentions to embracing my "Filipino (SLAVE)" heritage. The so-called "Filipino heritage and identity" was a damn joke from the beginning.

While the peoples of Malaysia and Brunei are well-familiar that Indonesia is a sister-country, the Filipinos are unfortunately pretty-much cut off, and are no longer aware of this, and the biggest and most infuriating part, there exists little, if any Filipinos (at least that I'm aware of) that has the spiritual guts to return Filipinos to their true roots.

Many, if not most, if not all, are subject to abuse and/or threat of abuse.

There is an event in Philippine history known as the "Tondo conspiracy". This is when the various rajahs, datus and kings of the archipelago basically found out they were duped, their so-called "accepting" of Christ's mythical gift was a Jew ploy, they were on the verge of victory - but thanks to taddle tales, namely a traitor and Jew/Catholic-lover and slave by the name of Antonio Surabao, they were discovered and executed.

I have no doubt, Surabao became victim of the blasphemous Catholic shamanism, the Catholics were known for fooling the native shamans, and in-turn, employ them to become silent inquisitors, not by blood and sword, but by using the occult to spread Catholicism.

The Philippines, "Slave nation" is one of the most Jews' most favorite countries, from my understanding the Jews control the world, but they have their "extreme favorites", so not only are Filipinos very pro-Israel, but the desire to restore and return the Filipinos to their true God, and ultimately, to Lucifer, is nearly non-existent.

The Katipunan, Revolutionaries....Catholics? Or Were They...?

The early Katipunan were a lot like the original Freemasons of America, sought to restore the glory of Ancient Maharlikans. This didn't last long, as with every Brotherhood established to enlighten mankind, our enemies are on the prowl and use the deadliest weapon, INFILTRATION.

Among Philippine whistleblowers, you'll see much controversy over Emilio Aguinaldo, of course - Satan is the boogeyman. I'm not gonna "pretend" like I know the entire Truth behind the rivalry between Emilio Aguinaldo, General Antonio Luna and Andre Bonifacio. Aguinaldo did sympathize with the Japanese, True liberators of the Asian peoples from the Jew (see more below), so that may have me thinking Aguinaldo had good intentions for the Philippines.


See that? The symbol on my profile? That's an ancient Brahmic symbol, from Baybayin "ka-", or "KA-tipunan", that the Katipuneros, or the revolutionaries, used. Similar variants of it can be found.

They established the First Philippine Republic inside a Church, so they can't be Luciferians rights?

Here's what I noticed.


This inside the Barasoian Church - but if one notices in the altar area, there's no crucifixes, Christian crap anywhere, whose to say that the Katipuneros were one of us, trying to do what the original Masons were trying to do for America?

I stress...that is a personal thought, and not a "GASP! I know this is Truth!"

When the Americans, controlled by the now-Jewish-infilitrated Freemasons invaded the Philippines, they wasted no time dissolving and destroying the Katipunan, who too, considered themselves Masonic. This begins the destruction of one Jew faction (Catholicism) and replacing it with another (American Jew Masonry).

A word about these "Satanic groups" in the Philippines

Regarding matters outside the Masons, or the Katipunan, we have "so-called Satanists", I say "so-called" for a reason, those wannabes who indulge in vampiric practices, "Aswang cults" as we refer to them, being accused by brainwashed Catholics as being Satanic. I now know, reading everything from the Joy of Satan ministries, that those who partake in living sacrifices, blood-drinking and other abominable rituals are not true Spiritual Satanists, and are indeed following something completely different.

Also, the influence of garbage media helps fuel those accusations as well, all you fellow Satanists know this - the way horror-themed rock bands like to hijack Satanic symbols in order to make Satanism look like some bat-shit cult that promotes aggressive behavior, alcoholism or horror-type shit. If you've ever had any Filipino associates, or attend Filipino parties, you'll notice the host will often have The Filipino Channel blasting out loud on their flat-screen TVs. Yes it's a real channel, for Filipino-American expatriates.

The cheesy and annoying nature of that shit is not the point. The thing is, this same TFC, as well Filipino tele-drama in general, also non-stops promotes and associates Satanism with ghouls, vampires, horror-type shit, and even play horror films portraying Chinese Feng-Shui as attracting ghouls and evil spirits. This, as we all know, is all for the promotion of Judeo-Christianity as the so-called "solution", to make Catholics the "good guys".

The Hand-in-Hand Role of Catholicism and Toxic Controlling Parents

There is a place called "Holy Hills" in Wisconsin, a predominantly-Filipino Catholic church. If a Satanist could ever visit that Church, especially on a packed Sunday, one could just "feel" the energies of total brainwash, especially when near the children, the energies of enslavement got even stronger, and I could simply hear their subconscious pleas for help.

If people think America and the West is fucked, we can look at what happened to the Maritime Southeast Asian countries, namely my own Philippines, as well as Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei, nations that were once spiritually-advanced - until Catholicism (Philippines) and Islam (Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei) happened.

Like most places, look at Occupied Maharlika aka "Philippines", a Catholic Jew-cock sucking nation, and the entire Global Filipino and Filipino-American community prides themselves as being warriors for the Jew Catholic church and its sister nation, Israel.

The Japanese Boogeyman

Again, I used to be a typical guy, brainwasher by the false narrative that the Japanese are evil, the Western Christians (Gentile slaves to Jewish overlords) are our friends. Every Awakened Goyim knows that Japan was a victim, not an aggressor.

I've always loved the Japanese, the Chinese and the Koreans. They're my brethren. Another Judeo-Christian cult that I used to be part outside (outside of my Catholic upbringing) had me painting them as evil, trying to distance myself from them all for you guessed it...JEW WORSHIP and the worship of JEWS as the "Chosen Race"...chosen by evil, to do evil, for evil.

Now, I've also developed a close-knit feelings with The Dragon, with Buddha and the beautiful mystical faiths of the Asia-Pacific Rim. Parents did everything they could to keep me away from it, and there was a point in my life where my parents no longer cared, but I made the poor decision to continuing a Judeo-Christian life and avoiding it because the stupid Bible says it's "evil"...if you read Lev. 19:31, 20:6, Deut. 18:9-12, Jer. 27:9, and Matt. 5:30 to name a few - ANYTHING BENEFICIAL TO MANKIND IS "EVIL".

Divinations and meditation IS THE KEY to Enlightenment! This is ultra-hypocritical because as you'll read in Exodus 39:8-14, and Hebrew 9:1-28 to name a few - the entire fucking Judeo-Christian movement was FOUND BY OCCULTISTS who practiced HARDCORE MEDITATION AND ESOTERICISM + BLOOD SACRIFICE, LOTS AND LOTS OF IT. But that's already been exposed by HP Maxine, so I won't regurgitate what's already been exposed.

Even a Korean Christian friend of mine admitted that the Philippines would be far better-off aligned with Japan and the Axis. True to the deep blue, the Philippines would VERY LIKELY became Maharlika again, and be ruled by spiritually-advanced kings and queens unlike the whore it has become. Then you get the Yamashita's gold controversy, a topic which I'm not really sharp on.

Point is, I'm ASIAN and I am PROUD of my Asian roots, always have been. I don't go around using Catholicism as a pulpit to find an excuse for a false Latin identity or any of that garbage, because Catholicism as we all know, is already garbage, just another tentacle of the vicious Jew octopus.

Just like Hitler and his attempted liberation of both the Aryan Gentiles and Slavs of Russia, the Japanese were attempting to liberate Maritime Southeast Asia from the Jew-disease that overtook them.

I always considered Chinese, Japanese, Malays and Indonesians are my own, again - without any disrespect to the Latin peoples.

Anyways, this may not be the best way to end, it was a bit of gobble to get all this info on, but I look foreword to strengthening my knowledge with Satan as I removed the putrid and accursed Yahweh from my very-being!


May Father Satan/Lucifer and all of the Gods/Goddess of Hell guide your path in True Spiritual Satanism...
Finally, a pinoy sermon that sheds light on my people. May it be one day legal and desired by our people thanks to the RTRs to tear down all those churches in our country just like when we were deceived like crazy to do the stupid EDSA revolution. I'm voting for and doing a few rituals for bong bong Marcos to secure his victory.

Thank you for this post brother, I wish I could have helped more for our people.
Maharlikan666 said:

I have something to add: the main god of our islands is Bathala which is a mispronunciation of the word Bathara. Bathara is known as Bhattara guru in Malaysia and Indonesia. Bhattara is also known as Shiva. We know that Shiva is Satan. The tagalogs also honored crocodiles and considered them as Nonos (uncle). Which I believe came from venerating of Nagas. Who is associated with Nagas? Shiva.


The (((jesuits))) destroyed our heritage and culture. And, replaced it with garbage of a (((religion))).
Maharlikan666 said:
Good grief, it's what keeping Indonesians and Filipinos from re-connecting, one is a militantly Islamic nation, and the other a militantly Catholic. I've even had a staunch Catholic giving me shit for wanting to re-connect the Filipinos with their brethren in the Malay Archipelago, with the full knowledge of our common ancestral origins, one of those delusional Latin identity people, again - I got nothing against Latins but certainly the Jewish mockeries of them, who are responsible for the enslaving of former Maharlika.

This being-said, another God worthy of mention, or even as equally-important is Tuhan, the God that was worshipped by Malay-speaking people, but Filipinos also worshiped him as "Tuan", and the also bore the Huang Nkya Tuan. I'm still trying to piece together the Pantheon for the ancient peoples of Maritime Southeast Asia.

Yeah both nations like to babble about being "democratic" or whatever, but as you pointed out, and with Indonesia specifically, the reality is not the case. Javanese culture and Islam just simply, do not mix well, and it's not that hard to tell that Javanese were meant to be pagans (actually, we all are but some races and nations just have it harder depending on the amount of suppression of their ancestral faiths).

If you ever notice, the law only applies to "non-Muslims" in Indonesia, whenever Muslims commit attack, the military and government don't do jack, or make up excuses to make themselves look democratic (i.e. "they've shown remorse" and etc), but I've seen videos of non-Muslims fighting back - and the military went full bat-shit.

Anyways, I'm excited to go this path, but I gotta take those next steps!

Hail Satan!

Wow, that is very interesting to hear. The word "Tuhan" in Indonesian means god, but I have only ever heard it used in reference to their islamic thoughtform. I had no idea there was an actual Pagan god of which the name truly originated; I've always wondered who the Gods of the Southeast Asian people were.

I hope you eventually become able to discover more about the original Gods of such civilizations, and who they are listed on the JoS as. I would love to know more.

I am relatively sure that it was at least Baal-Zebulon whom possessed a great deal of authority and influence to the Asian people in general, so perhaps he must have been present in Southeast Asia, too... but under what name? And who else?

Good luck, you're already doing incredibly well.
Asura said:
Well, I'm new here, wants to join a Satan group so that I can get some understandings about this. But for this I need help. So someone can tell what I need to do in order to join a Satan group?
Start here: https://www.joyofsatan.org/
I know the Philippines is not in Mexico, it's a running joke, but I'm glad you're here an a Satanist I'm also sick of the jewish corruption
As for Latinos Sadly most if not all of the Latino aincent religions have been corrupted by jewish crap xian an catholicism to, Latinos are going to have to work hard to clear this jewish crap from their home land,
Welcome to the forum!
Thank you for your detailed informative post, I learned a lot I did not know. I am sorry to hear you experienced all of this hardship because of that stupid religion, I also come from a hardcore x-tian family and they use it to perpetuate abuse and oppression and force you to stay in contact with horrible people for life, unless you walk away. Ever since I was a child I knew it was all bullshit and it didn't make any sense.
From my experience, once you find SS, everything starts to make a lot more sense. I recommend reading here on the Forum as much as you can, also read the resources/links the members provide and for more don't hesitate to post.
Hail Satan!
I find it interesting how closely related modern Mexicans and Filipinos are from to almost looking exactly the same when it comes to some dark skin Mexicans all the way to our modern culture. Only difference is the is deep hatred for Spaniards in Mexico. Which is misplaced because they should be hating the church since it's their fault the Spaniards came to our lands and perverted it but even then I sometimes think we shouldn't have gotten independence from Spain if it meant current Mexico being better off and out of the hands of cartels but I digress.

The Mexicans who do seem to idolize the Spaniard catholic influence are the lighter toned ones (white looking Mexicans) but I'm not entirely sure if that's a major thing since I've never lived in Mexico after the age of 1.

Very interesting post. Thank you for giving us a clearer view of Pagan Philippines instead of the modern one that most people see.
Maharlikan666 said:
balo666 said:
I think the rune number 24 othal would help you in your travel to get more knowledge about your people

#24. Rune of property and land. Inheritance. Rune of ancestry and heritage. Used to tap into one’s racial memory for ancestral knowledge. Used to obtain wealth in the form of property and possessions. Unlike Fehu, this rune represents property that is rooted and not mobile, a putting down of roots. Can be used to incite racism and cultural prejudices. Othala represents the circle/sphere; the boundary. Petrified wood works well with Othala; brings out memories of past lives, talents and wisdom of previous incarnations.


Yes! Unfortunately the scamdemic hampered all my travel plans, I currently live in an apartment right now so I still gotta sort everything out so I can begin performing rituals.

Good luck! It's your travel and don't forget to be patient with what you know is coming

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
