First, Ji Won is she, not he...
Second, I "know" her for years and she translated a lot of writings from Joy of Satan to Korean and shared them on her Korean blogs. I even checked some of the posts, they're correctly translated.
I already talked about her with HP Cobra...
Actually I wanted to get to know her more but she was not really available for a while or had no intention to talk with me more, I don't know exactly.
So I don't know too much about her yet. But it's true that she was translating JoS stuff.
Now I am a bit disappointed because she does not study about true national socialism, it seems, and/or failed to understand the fact why nazism and saranism are inseparable.
Also she made some videos in the past, on her youtube channel, which contained some weird stuff about this possible White ancestry and also some odd things about the name of "jesus" - but I couldn't really understand fully what she was talking about.
About this thing, that some Koreans would be is obviously wrong. True that Koreans, Japanese and some Chinese have such some White genes, or there is some similarity in some level, I don't even know exactly. There were some scientifical articles in the past which discussed that some of the Asians can have some White DNA as well. Maybe she read these writings and these "delusions" of her may based on this...
It's the same as if I said that some Whites are actually Japanese or Koreans because they look like an Asian.
Here's an example: from my childhood and later too people always asked my mom or me if I am a half-Asian and if my mom had an Asian husband. Lol. Just because of my Asian-like eyes. I also have a Mongolian spot above my ass

which is rare amongst Whites, as to my knowledge.
But later it turned out, - because of the presence of some special haplogroup(s) or what the fuck - that I possibly had such ancestors (from paternal also from maternal side) who had some Mongolian ancestors in the very past, once upon a time, lol. Still, it does not make me an Asian at all. Even if I am not a total pure 100% Nordic type, I am still White of course.
So Ji Won-ssi, please don't feel offended at it but what you said here it's wrong.
I also recommend to you to read everything from Satan's Library and start to study more about nazism. Nazism is the part of satanism. And it comes from the Gods directly.
Hope you will continue your blog and will translate HP Cobra's writings as well as you promised.