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Knowledge is the Key...

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002

There are a few things I need to bring up in this sermon. Everyone should participate in the upcoming reverse torah rituals, as this has been effective in exposing the enemy and in working to destroy them. Few people are fully aware of just how serious this is. Rituals will be given for the Summer Solstice, the 21st of June and more will be closely following. I will post the rituals to all of the JoS e-groups, the forums and the updates on www.joyofsatan.org and the updates page at http://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Satans_Library.htm  very soon [in a matter of days].
This sermon is mostly for those who are new, but everyone should be aware of this and read on. I rarely have any time or interest in watching movies anymore. Earlier this evening, I had 20 minutes I had to wait for a service and there was a video store where they rented DVDs close by, so I decided to go inside while I waited. The walls were chock full of DVDs [new releases for one] that were obviously made with the intention of frightening people away from Satan. This crap was loaded. I saw so many DVDs with inverted crucifixes, possession, exorcist type junk and much more. Now, for those of you here who are educated and onto these enemy tactics, you understand, as you know just how Hollywood is Jewish and how the Jews work relentlessly to push Christianity and to frighten people away from Satan. In addition to the horror and gore heaped upon Satan, the clever Jews also include many subliminal messages in these movies to try to further frighten audiences away from Satan and ideally, to push them into accepting jewsus and Christianity.  
For those of you who are onto these tactics, like myself, you can see right through them. Knowledge is the key and knowledge is of Satan. With enough knowledge, when you pass a certain point, you can no longer be lied to or deceived. The truth is the truth. For those of you who are in doubt or are confused in any way, study everything on the websites above and also www.exposingchristianity.com Take the time to read and educate yourself. If you doubt any of the information in the articles on the above website, I strongly encourage you to do research on your own. Everything in the articles can be verified with enough study.
The Jews have a modus operandi; certain methods they use and have used for centuries to retain their nefarious hold and control of humanity. Knowledge is the most serious threat to them and to their agenda. This has been proven repeatedly with the cursing of the serpent who represented knowledge in the book of Genesis in the bible, for one. Slaves of any kind must be unknowing, and ideally illiterate. Knowledge is power. When Jew communism takes over, one of the first actions they take are the purges. Purges are the mass-murders and tortures that extend into the millions and the first to go are the scholars and the intellectuals- people with knowledge. Most of you here already know about the Jewish program of communism and their tactics, which have their foundation in the bible.
I also want to mention in closing that I will have a full article forthcoming concerning what the Jews are doing with technology. High Priest Don already covered a lot of this in his article on The Jewish Enforced Microchip Implants PDF
http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Jewish ... rochip.pdf  
There is much more to this and for this to be stopped, the entire world must know and be aware of this. Few people are aware of this to any extent at all. This is extremely serious.
I will also add here and everyone should know this beyond any doubt… Everything the Jews and Christians accuse Satan [The Devil] of and blame on Satan is really their own god. Take the time to really read and to understand this article if you haven’t already:
http://www.angelfire.com/dawn666blacksu ... hcraft.htm
As I have mentioned many times before, Amdusias told the JoS ministry way back in 2003 how “the enemy will manifest blatantly as the earth draws closer to the climax of our cause.” The enemy is very clever and has a major talent for deception and getting the populace to believe their lies. In that filthy bible of theirs, which is no more than a very powerful subliminal that is pushed upon the populace and is in nearly every home, every hotel, hospitals and you name it… concerning the references to the implants in the biblical book of Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version (KJV)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Christians have this all wrong and backwards. THE ABOVE VERSE IS A POWERFUL SUBLIMINAL. Every ugly action carried out by the Jews is given in the bible, as this IMPLANTS and IMBEDS itself in the minds of believers and into the subconscious. Just as the Old Testament has the endless verses of how the God of the Jews delivers up the Gentile nations to be systematically slaughtered, looted and enslaved. THESE ARE SUBLIMINALS! You have to be onto this to fully understand.
The above verse concerning the implants imbeds itself in the minds of Christians and others who believe this AND THROUGH THIS, THE MASS MIND EXPECTS IT AND IT HAPPENS. In addition, again, everything the enemy is and does is cleverly blame-shifted onto Satan in order to create extreme confusion and to deceive. Satan is the distraction. The same has also been done with how the Jews have used Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich as a distraction to cover up the crimes of communism [mass-murder past the 100 million count], the REAL concentration camps and everything the Jews have accused the Nazis of, are in truth crimes committed under Jewish communism. Concentration camps in Communist China and North Korea harvest the body organs of prisoners where the Jews make a killing financially, for one. There are very, very few survivors and hardly any mass-murdering communists have ever been bought to justice.
With this, so many fall into the deceptive trap and this gives Christianity credibility, as few people have enough sense to fully understand and see through this.
Knowledge is the key to solving all problems, and if something seems that it cannot be solved, then there is always the knowledge of ‘how.’ Knowledge is the greatest weapon we have against the enemy. This can be readily seen in how the Jews have used their Christian tools to burn libraries to the ground, destroy and confiscate books and other sources of knowledge. Loads of texts over the centuries were seized by the Vatican and are in the vaults that are off-limits to the public.
Death is also of the enemy. Whenever humanity has reached a certain level of knowledge, the enemy moves in and destroys this, along with the culture. The fall of Rome and the ensuing Dark Ages for one and of course many of you are aware of how Jewish communism along with mass-murdering educated peoples, they the destroy books and any sources of education in any countries that they victimize.
Taking this a step further, we humans cannot take our knowledge with us when we die. Reincarnation wipes away all knowledge and as babies, we start it all over again at square one. It is of the enemy who has had control through the Christian and the Muslim programs and other programs of spiritual degeneracy. Satan’s rule was during the Golden Age when humans lived hundreds of years.
Think of how many great minds, highly educated people could benefit the world if they did not die and could expand their learning indefinitely.  
The enemy has worked to cut this short.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Really looking forward to the next ritual.

Some questions, though:

1. Does it matter what time of day I do them? My new work schedule has me doing all sorts of crazy hours and my living situation allowse no privacy.

2. Should I only do this next working or, should I do it plus each of the two previous? Do I continue either of those, at all?

Thank you.

Hail Father Satan forever!
@ nostate in maxine's sermons on all the other rituals she said no, time does not matter including void of course moon because these are group rituals and ongoing.
However I too need to see the ritual for myself ASAP once it's finished so I can begin rehearsing it and I also have very little privacy especially on the weekends.
It enrages me to no end that on the weekends I can barely get more than 20 minutes alone at a time and when I'm on a sun square this becomes annoying as fuck because I can't meditate out loud without drawing attention unless I'm in the shower and that still doesn't muffle my crazy ass voice enough for me to use more than half my power -_-

On Thursday, June 11, 2015 7:55 PM, "no.state@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Really looking forward to the next ritual.

Some questions, though:

1. Does it matter what time of day I do them? My new work schedule has me doing all sorts of crazy hours and my living situation allowse no privacy.

2. Should I only do this next working or, should I do it plus each of the two previous? Do I continue either of those, at all?

Thank you.

Hail Father Satan forever!

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
What bell?  What am I turning clockwise?  And silver is super expensive what else can I use?  And what type of incense?  I need help from satan and your site just is not very clear...
Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 11, 2015, at 9:28 PM, maxine.dietrich666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
    There are a few things I need to bring up in this sermon. Everyone should participate in the upcoming reverse torah rituals, as this has been effective in exposing the enemy and in working to destroy them. Few people are fully aware of just how serious this is. Rituals will be given for the Summer Solstice, the 21st of June and more will be closely following. I will post the rituals to all of the JoS e-groups, the forums and the updates on www.joyofsatan.org and the updates page at http://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Satans_Library.htm  very soon [in a matter of days].   This sermon is mostly for those who are new, but everyone should be aware of this and read on. I rarely have any time or interest in watching movies anymore. Earlier this evening, I had 20 minutes I had to wait for a service and there was a video store where they rented DVDs close by, so I decided to go inside while I waited. The walls were chock full of DVDs [new releases for one] that were obviously made with the intention of frightening people away from Satan. This crap was loaded. I saw so many DVDs with inverted crucifixes, possession, exorcist type junk and much more. Now, for those of you here who are educated and onto these enemy tactics, you understand, as you know just how Hollywood is Jewish and how the Jews work relentlessly to push Christianity and to frighten people away from Satan. In addition to the horror and gore heaped upon Satan, the clever Jews also include many subliminal messages in these movies to try to further frighten audiences away from Satan and ideally, to push them into accepting jewsus and Christianity.     For those of you who are onto these tactics, like myself, you can see right through them. Knowledge is the key and knowledge is of Satan. With enough knowledge, when you pass a certain point, you can no longer be lied to or deceived. The truth is the truth. For those of you who are in doubt or are confused in any way, study everything on the websites above and also www.exposingchristianity.com Take the time to read and educate yourself. If you doubt any of the information in the articles on the above website, I strongly encourage you to do research on your own. Everything in the articles can be verified with enough study.   The Jews have a modus operandi; certain methods they use and have used for centuries to retain their nefarious hold and control of humanity. Knowledge is the most serious threat to them and to their agenda. This has been proven repeatedly with the cursing of the serpent who represented knowledge in the book of Genesis in the bible, for one. Slaves of any kind must be unknowing, and ideally illiterate. Knowledge is power. When Jew communism takes over, one of the first actions they take are the purges. Purges are the mass-murders and tortures that extend into the millions and the first to go are the scholars and the intellectuals- people with knowledge. Most of you here already know about the Jewish program of communism and their tactics, which have their foundation in the bible.   I also want to mention in closing that I will have a full article forthcoming concerning what the Jews are doing with technology. High Priest Don already covered a lot of this in his article on The Jewish Enforced Microchip Implants PDF http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Jewish ... rochip.pdf   There is much more to this and for this to be stopped, the entire world must know and be aware of this. Few people are aware of this to any extent at all. This is extremely serious.   I will also add here and everyone should know this beyond any doubt… Everything the Jews and Christians accuse Satan [The Devil] of and blame on Satan is really their own god. Take the time to really read and to understand this article if you haven’t already: http://www.angelfire.com/dawn666blacksu ... hcraft.htm   As I have mentioned many times before, Amdusias told the JoS ministry way back in 2003 how “the enemy will manifest blatantly as the earth draws closer to the climax of our cause.” The enemy is very clever and has a major talent for deception and getting the populace to believe their lies. In that filthy bible of theirs, which is no more than a very powerful subliminal that is pushed upon the populace and is in nearly every home, every hotel, hospitals and you name it… concerning the references to the implants in the biblical book of Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version (KJV) 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.   Christians have this all wrong and backwards. THE ABOVE VERSE IS A POWERFUL SUBLIMINAL. Every ugly action carried out by the Jews is given in the bible, as this IMPLANTS and IMBEDS itself in the minds of believers and into the subconscious. Just as the Old Testament has the endless verses of how the God of the Jews delivers up the Gentile nations to be systematically slaughtered, looted and enslaved. THESE ARE SUBLIMINALS! You have to be onto this to fully understand.   The above verse concerning the implants imbeds itself in the minds of Christians and others who believe this AND THROUGH THIS, THE MASS MIND EXPECTS IT AND IT HAPPENS. In addition, again, everything the enemy is and does is cleverly blame-shifted onto Satan in order to create extreme confusion and to deceive. Satan is the distraction. The same has also been done with how the Jews have used Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich as a distraction to cover up the crimes of communism [mass-murder past the 100 million count], the REAL concentration camps and everything the Jews have accused the Nazis of, are in truth crimes committed under Jewish communism. Concentration camps in Communist China and North Korea harvest the body organs of prisoners where the Jews make a killing financially, for one. There are very, very few survivors and hardly any mass-murdering communists have ever been bought to justice.   With this, so many fall into the deceptive trap and this gives Christianity credibility, as few people have enough sense to fully understand and see through this.   Knowledge is the key to solving all problems, and if something seems that it cannot be solved, then there is always the knowledge of ‘how.’ Knowledge is the greatest weapon we have against the enemy. This can be readily seen in how the Jews have used their Christian tools to burn libraries to the ground, destroy and confiscate books and other sources of knowledge. Loads of texts over the centuries were seized by the Vatican and are in the vaults that are off-limits to the public.   Death is also of the enemy. Whenever humanity has reached a certain level of knowledge, the enemy moves in and destroys this, along with the culture. The fall of Rome and the ensuing Dark Ages for one and of course many of you are aware of how Jewish communism along with mass-murdering educated peoples, they the destroy books and any sources of education in any countries that they victimize.   Taking this a step further, we humans cannot take our knowledge with us when we die. Reincarnation wipes away all knowledge and as babies, we start it all over again at square one. It is of the enemy who has had control through the Christian and the Muslim programs and other programs of spiritual degeneracy. Satan’s rule was during the Golden Age when humans lived hundreds of years.   Think of how many great minds, highly educated people could benefit the world if they did not die and could expand their learning indefinitely.   The enemy has worked to cut this short.       High Priestess Maxine Dietrich www.joyofsatan.com  
I cannot seem to find a starting off step by step type of thing.  What if you cannot visualize your chakras ??  What's been really holding me back on this is the lack of start up.  Yes it has all the meditations but it's not clear .  I just know you can't just open all your chakras right out of the gate.  There are other steps before which I cannot seem to find.  Please help.

Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 11, 2015, at 9:28 PM, maxine.dietrich666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
    There are a few things I need to bring up in this sermon. Everyone should participate in the upcoming reverse torah rituals, as this has been effective in exposing the enemy and in working to destroy them. Few people are fully aware of just how serious this is. Rituals will be given for the Summer Solstice, the 21st of June and more will be closely following. I will post the rituals to all of the JoS e-groups, the forums and the updates on www.joyofsatan.org and the updates page at http://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Satans_Library.htm  very soon [in a matter of days].   This sermon is mostly for those who are new, but everyone should be aware of this and read on. I rarely have any time or interest in watching movies anymore. Earlier this evening, I had 20 minutes I had to wait for a service and there was a video store where they rented DVDs close by, so I decided to go inside while I waited. The walls were chock full of DVDs [new releases for one] that were obviously made with the intention of frightening people away from Satan. This crap was loaded. I saw so many DVDs with inverted crucifixes, possession, exorcist type junk and much more. Now, for those of you here who are educated and onto these enemy tactics, you understand, as you know just how Hollywood is Jewish and how the Jews work relentlessly to push Christianity and to frighten people away from Satan. In addition to the horror and gore heaped upon Satan, the clever Jews also include many subliminal messages in these movies to try to further frighten audiences away from Satan and ideally, to push them into accepting jewsus and Christianity.     For those of you who are onto these tactics, like myself, you can see right through them. Knowledge is the key and knowledge is of Satan. With enough knowledge, when you pass a certain point, you can no longer be lied to or deceived. The truth is the truth. For those of you who are in doubt or are confused in any way, study everything on the websites above and also www.exposingchristianity.com Take the time to read and educate yourself. If you doubt any of the information in the articles on the above website, I strongly encourage you to do research on your own. Everything in the articles can be verified with enough study.   The Jews have a modus operandi; certain methods they use and have used for centuries to retain their nefarious hold and control of humanity. Knowledge is the most serious threat to them and to their agenda. This has been proven repeatedly with the cursing of the serpent who represented knowledge in the book of Genesis in the bible, for one. Slaves of any kind must be unknowing, and ideally illiterate. Knowledge is power. When Jew communism takes over, one of the first actions they take are the purges. Purges are the mass-murders and tortures that extend into the millions and the first to go are the scholars and the intellectuals- people with knowledge. Most of you here already know about the Jewish program of communism and their tactics, which have their foundation in the bible.   I also want to mention in closing that I will have a full article forthcoming concerning what the Jews are doing with technology. High Priest Don already covered a lot of this in his article on The Jewish Enforced Microchip Implants PDF http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Jewish ... rochip.pdf   There is much more to this and for this to be stopped, the entire world must know and be aware of this. Few people are aware of this to any extent at all. This is extremely serious.   I will also add here and everyone should know this beyond any doubt… Everything the Jews and Christians accuse Satan [The Devil] of and blame on Satan is really their own god. Take the time to really read and to understand this article if you haven’t already: http://www.angelfire.com/dawn666blacksu ... hcraft.htm   As I have mentioned many times before, Amdusias told the JoS ministry way back in 2003 how “the enemy will manifest blatantly as the earth draws closer to the climax of our cause.” The enemy is very clever and has a major talent for deception and getting the populace to believe their lies. In that filthy bible of theirs, which is no more than a very powerful subliminal that is pushed upon the populace and is in nearly every home, every hotel, hospitals and you name it… concerning the references to the implants in the biblical book of Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version (KJV) 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.   Christians have this all wrong and backwards. THE ABOVE VERSE IS A POWERFUL SUBLIMINAL. Every ugly action carried out by the Jews is given in the bible, as this IMPLANTS and IMBEDS itself in the minds of believers and into the subconscious. Just as the Old Testament has the endless verses of how the God of the Jews delivers up the Gentile nations to be systematically slaughtered, looted and enslaved. THESE ARE SUBLIMINALS! You have to be onto this to fully understand.   The above verse concerning the implants imbeds itself in the minds of Christians and others who believe this AND THROUGH THIS, THE MASS MIND EXPECTS IT AND IT HAPPENS. In addition, again, everything the enemy is and does is cleverly blame-shifted onto Satan in order to create extreme confusion and to deceive. Satan is the distraction. The same has also been done with how the Jews have used Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich as a distraction to cover up the crimes of communism [mass-murder past the 100 million count], the REAL concentration camps and everything the Jews have accused the Nazis of, are in truth crimes committed under Jewish communism. Concentration camps in Communist China and North Korea harvest the body organs of prisoners where the Jews make a killing financially, for one. There are very, very few survivors and hardly any mass-murdering communists have ever been bought to justice.   With this, so many fall into the deceptive trap and this gives Christianity credibility, as few people have enough sense to fully understand and see through this.   Knowledge is the key to solving all problems, and if something seems that it cannot be solved, then there is always the knowledge of ‘how.’ Knowledge is the greatest weapon we have against the enemy. This can be readily seen in how the Jews have used their Christian tools to burn libraries to the ground, destroy and confiscate books and other sources of knowledge. Loads of texts over the centuries were seized by the Vatican and are in the vaults that are off-limits to the public.   Death is also of the enemy. Whenever humanity has reached a certain level of knowledge, the enemy moves in and destroys this, along with the culture. The fall of Rome and the ensuing Dark Ages for one and of course many of you are aware of how Jewish communism along with mass-murdering educated peoples, they the destroy books and any sources of education in any countries that they victimize.   Taking this a step further, we humans cannot take our knowledge with us when we die. Reincarnation wipes away all knowledge and as babies, we start it all over again at square one. It is of the enemy who has had control through the Christian and the Muslim programs and other programs of spiritual degeneracy. Satan’s rule was during the Golden Age when humans lived hundreds of years.   Think of how many great minds, highly educated people could benefit the world if they did not die and could expand their learning indefinitely.   The enemy has worked to cut this short.       High Priestess Maxine Dietrich www.joyofsatan.com  
You needn't use silver. The bell is whatever bell you can get a hold
of; Father Satan understands that silver is expensive. I recommend you
use the spiritual warfare training program. That breaks stuff downa
little bit, if you are confused which obviously, you are. Which is
understandable! There is so much info on the Jos! Check this link out:

http://hailtosatansvictory666.angelfire ... ining.html

Though the program is not complete on the actual site, in html form, I
believe that the PDF document is complete for download. Maxine must
have taken the last two months down for a reason. But just with the
first four months, that should be plenty to be getting on with!
Patience is the key here, my Brother!

Oh, and about the counterclockwise thing? That is the direction you,
yourself turn when invoking or doing ritual. Hope I answerd all your
questions okay. I am not very good at explaining or teaching things. I
hope I was able to aid somewhat. Hail Lord/Father Satan always! Hail
Sorath, the One Who Burns! Hail Andras!

On 6/12/15, Josh Blutman skullbrain1@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
I cannot seem to find a starting off step by step type of thing. What if
you cannot visualize your chakras ?? What's been really holding me back on
this is the lack of start up. Yes it has all the meditations but it's not
clear . I just know you can't just open all your chakras right out of the
gate. There are other steps before which I cannot seem to find. Please

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 11, 2015, at 9:28 PM, maxine.dietrich666@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

There are a few things I need to bring up in this sermon. Everyone should
participate in the upcoming reverse torah rituals, as this has been
effective in exposing the enemy and in working to destroy them. Few people
are fully aware of just how serious this is. Rituals will be given for the
Summer Solstice, the 21st of June and more will be closely following. I
will post the rituals to all of the JoS e-groups, the forums and the
updates on www.joyofsatan.org and the updates page at
http://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Satans_Library.htm very soon [in a
matter of days].

This sermon is mostly for those who are new, but everyone should be aware
of this and read on. I rarely have any time or interest in watching movies
anymore. Earlier this evening, I had 20 minutes I had to wait for a
service and there was a video store where they rented DVDs close by, so I
decided to go inside while I waited. The walls were chock full of DVDs
[new releases for one] that were obviously made with the intention of
frightening people away from Satan. This crap was loaded. I saw so many
DVDs with inverted crucifixes, possession, exorcist type junk and much
more. Now, for those of you here who are educated and onto these enemy
tactics, you understand, as you know just how Hollywood is Jewish and how
the Jews work relentlessly to push Christianity and to frighten people
away from Satan. In addition to the horror and gore heaped upon Satan, the
clever Jews also include many subliminal messages in these movies to try
to further frighten audiences away from Satan and ideally, to push them
into accepting jewsus and Christianity.

For those of you who are onto these tactics, like myself, you can see
right through them. Knowledge is the key and knowledge is of Satan. With
enough knowledge, when you pass a certain point, you can no longer be lied
to or deceived. The truth is the truth. For those of you who are in doubt
or are confused in any way, study everything on the websites above and
also www.exposingchristianity.com Take the time to read and educate
yourself. If you doubt any of the information in the articles on the above
website, I strongly encourage you to do research on your own. Everything
in the articles can be verified with enough study.

The Jews have a modus operandi; certain methods they use and have used for
centuries to retain their nefarious hold and control of humanity.
Knowledge is the most serious threat to them and to their agenda. This has
been proven repeatedly with the cursing of the serpent who represented
knowledge in the book of Genesis in the bible, for one. Slaves of any kind
must be unknowing, and ideally illiterate. Knowledge is power. When Jew
communism takes over, one of the first actions they take are the purges.
Purges are the mass-murders and tortures that extend into the millions and
the first to go are the scholars and the intellectuals- people with
knowledge. Most of you here already know about the Jewish program of
communism and their tactics, which have their foundation in the bible.

I also want to mention in closing that I will have a full article
forthcoming concerning what the Jews are doing with technology. High
Priest Don already covered a lot of this in his article on The Jewish
Enforced Microchip Implants PDF

http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Jewish ... rochip.pdf

There is much more to this and for this to be stopped, the entire world
must know and be aware of this. Few people are aware of this to any extent
at all. This is extremely serious.

I will also add here and everyone should know this beyond any doubt…
Everything the Jews and Christians accuse Satan [The Devil] of and blame
on Satan is really their own god. Take the time to really read and to
understand this article if you haven’t already:

http://www.angelfire.com/dawn666blacksu ... hcraft.htm

As I have mentioned many times before, Amdusias told the JoS ministry way
back in 2003 how “the enemy will manifest blatantly as the earth draws
closer to the climax of our cause.” The enemy is very clever and has a
major talent for deception and getting the populace to believe their lies.
In that filthy bible of theirs, which is no more than a very powerful
subliminal that is pushed upon the populace and is in nearly every home,
every hotel, hospitals and you name it… concerning the references to the
implants in the biblical book of Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond,
to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the
name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Christians have this all wrong and backwards. THE ABOVE VERSE IS A
POWERFUL SUBLIMINAL. Every ugly action carried out by the Jews is given in
the bible, as this IMPLANTS and IMBEDS itself in the minds of believers
and into the subconscious. Just as the Old Testament has the endless
verses of how the God of the Jews delivers up the Gentile nations to be
systematically slaughtered, looted and enslaved. THESE ARE SUBLIMINALS!
You have to be onto this to fully understand.

The above verse concerning the implants imbeds itself in the minds of
Christians and others who believe this AND THROUGH THIS, THE MASS MIND
EXPECTS IT AND IT HAPPENS. In addition, again, everything the enemy is and
does is cleverly blame-shifted onto Satan in order to create extreme
confusion and to deceive. Satan is the distraction. The same has also been
done with how the Jews have used Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich as a
distraction to cover up the crimes of communism [mass-murder past the 100
million count], the REAL concentration camps and everything the Jews have
accused the Nazis of, are in truth crimes committed under Jewish
communism. Concentration camps in Communist China and North Korea harvest
the body organs of prisoners where the Jews make a killing financially,
for one. There are very, very few survivors and hardly any mass-murdering
communists have ever been bought to justice.

With this, so many fall into the deceptive trap and this gives
Christianity credibility, as few people have enough sense to fully
understand and see through this.

Knowledge is the key to solving all problems, and if something seems that
it cannot be solved, then there is always the knowledge of ‘how.’
Knowledge is the greatest weapon we have against the enemy. This can be
readily seen in how the Jews have used their Christian tools to burn
libraries to the ground, destroy and confiscate books and other sources of
knowledge. Loads of texts over the centuries were seized by the Vatican
and are in the vaults that are off-limits to the public.

Death is also of the enemy. Whenever humanity has reached a certain level
of knowledge, the enemy moves in and destroys this, along with the
culture. The fall of Rome and the ensuing Dark Ages for one and of course
many of you are aware of how Jewish communism along with mass-murdering
educated peoples, they the destroy books and any sources of education in
any countries that they victimize.

Taking this a step further, we humans cannot take our knowledge with us
when we die. Reincarnation wipes away all knowledge and as babies, we
start it all over again at square one. It is of the enemy who has had
control through the Christian and the Muslim programs and other programs
of spiritual degeneracy. Satan’s rule was during the Golden Age when
humans lived hundreds of years.

Think of how many great minds, highly educated people could benefit the
world if they did not die and could expand their learning indefinitely.

The enemy has worked to cut this short.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

"http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.htmlWhat bell?  What am I turning clockwise?  And silver is super expensive what else can I use?  And what type of incense?  I need help from satan and your site just is not very clear..."
You can use any type of bell, it doesn't have to be silver. Whatever incense that smells good and isn't dirt cheap is good, because cheap stinking incense is insulting to the Gods. You can get quality incense in health food stores and Tibetan stores. Or at occult shops.
What part are you unclear about, that is from the JoS site?  

On Sunday, June 14, 2015 2:28 AM, "Allison Passino apocalypseofjon@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  You needn't use silver. The bell is whatever bell you can get a hold
of; Father Satan understands that silver is expensive. I recommend you
use the spiritual warfare training program. That breaks stuff downa
little bit, if you are confused which obviously, you are. Which is
understandable! There is so much info on the Jos! Check this link out:

http://hailtosatansvictory666.angelfire ... ining.html

Though the program is not complete on the actual site, in html form, I
believe that the PDF document is complete for download. Maxine must
have taken the last two months down for a reason. But just with the
first four months, that should be plenty to be getting on with!
Patience is the key here, my Brother!

Oh, and about the counterclockwise thing? That is the direction you,
yourself turn when invoking or doing ritual. Hope I answerd all your
questions okay. I am not very good at explaining or teaching things. I
hope I was able to aid somewhat. Hail Lord/Father Satan always! Hail
Sorath, the One Who Burns! Hail Andras!

On 6/12/15, Josh Blutman skullbrain1@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[email protected] wrote:
I cannot seem to find a starting off step by step type of thing. What if
you cannot visualize your chakras ?? What's been really holding me back on
this is the lack of start up. Yes it has all the meditations but it's not
clear . I just know you can't just open all your chakras right out of the
gate. There are other steps before which I cannot seem to find. Please

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 11, 2015, at 9:28 PM, maxine.dietrich666@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[email protected] wrote:

There are a few things I need to bring up in this sermon. Everyone should
participate in the upcoming reverse torah rituals, as this has been
effective in exposing the enemy and in working to destroy them. Few people
are fully aware of just how serious this is. Rituals will be given for the
Summer Solstice, the 21st of June and more will be closely following. I
will post the rituals to all of the JoS e-groups, the forums and the
updates on www.joyofsatan.org and the updates page at
http://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Satans_Library.htm very soon [in a
matter of days].

This sermon is mostly for those who are new, but everyone should be aware
of this and read on. I rarely have any time or interest in watching movies
anymore. Earlier this evening, I had 20 minutes I had to wait for a
service and there was a video store where they rented DVDs close by, so I
decided to go inside while I waited. The walls were chock full of DVDs
[new releases for one] that were obviously made with the intention of
frightening people away from Satan. This crap was loaded. I saw so many
DVDs with inverted crucifixes, possession, exorcist type junk and much
more. Now, for those of you here who are educated and onto these enemy
tactics, you understand, as you know just how Hollywood is Jewish and how
the Jews work relentlessly to push Christianity and to frighten people
away from Satan. In addition to the horror and gore heaped upon Satan, the
clever Jews also include many subliminal messages in these movies to try
to further frighten audiences away from Satan and ideally, to push them
into accepting jewsus and Christianity.

For those of you who are onto these tactics, like myself, you can see
right through them. Knowledge is the key and knowledge is of Satan. With
enough knowledge, when you pass a certain point, you can no longer be lied
to or deceived. The truth is the truth. For those of you who are in doubt
or are confused in any way, study everything on the websites above and
also www.exposingchristianity.com Take the time to read and educate
yourself. If you doubt any of the information in the articles on the above
website, I strongly encourage you to do research on your own. Everything
in the articles can be verified with enough study.

The Jews have a modus operandi; certain methods they use and have used for
centuries to retain their nefarious hold and control of humanity.
Knowledge is the most serious threat to them and to their agenda. This has
been proven repeatedly with the cursing of the serpent who represented
knowledge in the book of Genesis in the bible, for one. Slaves of any kind
must be unknowing, and ideally illiterate. Knowledge is power. When Jew
communism takes over, one of the first actions they take are the purges.
Purges are the mass-murders and tortures that extend into the millions and
the first to go are the scholars and the intellectuals- people with
knowledge. Most of you here already know about the Jewish program of
communism and their tactics, which have their foundation in the bible.

I also want to mention in closing that I will have a full article
forthcoming concerning what the Jews are doing with technology. High
Priest Don already covered a lot of this in his article on The Jewish
Enforced Microchip Implants PDF

http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Jewish ... rochip.pdf

There is much more to this and for this to be stopped, the entire world
must know and be aware of this. Few people are aware of this to any extent
at all. This is extremely serious.

I will also add here and everyone should know this beyond any doubt…
Everything the Jews and Christians accuse Satan [The Devil] of and blame
on Satan is really their own god. Take the time to really read and to
understand this article if you haven’t already:

http://www.angelfire.com/dawn666blacksu ... hcraft.htm

As I have mentioned many times before, Amdusias told the JoS ministry way
back in 2003 how “the enemy will manifest blatantly as the earth draws
closer to the climax of our cause.” The enemy is very clever and has a
major talent for deception and getting the populace to believe their lies.
In that filthy bible of theirs, which is no more than a very powerful
subliminal that is pushed upon the populace and is in nearly every home,
every hotel, hospitals and you name it… concerning the references to the
implants in the biblical book of Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond,
to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the
name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Christians have this all wrong and backwards. THE ABOVE VERSE IS A
POWERFUL SUBLIMINAL. Every ugly action carried out by the Jews is given in
the bible, as this IMPLANTS and IMBEDS itself in the minds of believers
and into the subconscious. Just as the Old Testament has the endless
verses of how the God of the Jews delivers up the Gentile nations to be
systematically slaughtered, looted and enslaved. THESE ARE SUBLIMINALS!
You have to be onto this to fully understand.

The above verse concerning the implants imbeds itself in the minds of
Christians and others who believe this AND THROUGH THIS, THE MASS MIND
EXPECTS IT AND IT HAPPENS. In addition, again, everything the enemy is and
does is cleverly blame-shifted onto Satan in order to create extreme
confusion and to deceive. Satan is the distraction. The same has also been
done with how the Jews have used Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich as a
distraction to cover up the crimes of communism [mass-murder past the 100
million count], the REAL concentration camps and everything the Jews have
accused the Nazis of, are in truth crimes committed under Jewish
communism. Concentration camps in Communist China and North Korea harvest
the body organs of prisoners where the Jews make a killing financially,
for one. There are very, very few survivors and hardly any mass-murdering
communists have ever been bought to justice.

With this, so many fall into the deceptive trap and this gives
Christianity credibility, as few people have enough sense to fully
understand and see through this.

Knowledge is the key to solving all problems, and if something seems that
it cannot be solved, then there is always the knowledge of ‘how.’
Knowledge is the greatest weapon we have against the enemy. This can be
readily seen in how the Jews have used their Christian tools to burn
libraries to the ground, destroy and confiscate books and other sources of
knowledge. Loads of texts over the centuries were seized by the Vatican
and are in the vaults that are off-limits to the public.

Death is also of the enemy. Whenever humanity has reached a certain level
of knowledge, the enemy moves in and destroys this, along with the
culture. The fall of Rome and the ensuing Dark Ages for one and of course
many of you are aware of how Jewish communism along with mass-murdering
educated peoples, they the destroy books and any sources of education in
any countries that they victimize.

Taking this a step further, we humans cannot take our knowledge with us
when we die. Reincarnation wipes away all knowledge and as babies, we
start it all over again at square one. It is of the enemy who has had
control through the Christian and the Muslim programs and other programs
of spiritual degeneracy. Satan’s rule was during the Golden Age when
humans lived hundreds of years.

Think of how many great minds, highly educated people could benefit the
world if they did not die and could expand their learning indefinitely.

The enemy has worked to cut this short.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich



Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
