Humm, not to be disrespectful, but are your parents complete "Bible
thumping Jesurs" or are they rational human beings? If your not 18
(I'm assuming you're from the US), I think it's pretty hard to declare
independence, but perhaps you could try to reason with your family. I
wouldn't go so far as to tell them that your are a Satanist, but just
tell that your are not Christian and it's not your thing. If they are
reasonable perhaps they will understand and won't try to push it on
you. Though, if they are the crazy type, then don't try telling them.
I would keep my religious beliefs private. If you have a hard time
finding places to practice rituals, try doing at secluded park or when
everyone's asleep at your house. I'm assuming you're in your teens,
remember you only have a few more years left in their house, my advice
is to wait it out. I have friends who were kicked out, it's not easy.
If you're not even a highs school grad you will only get minimum wage
jobs, and it's hard to live off of that if you have to pay for your
own utilities, and other living expenses.