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Jupiter square Neptune [Synastry Question]


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
X has Jupiter as their Chart Ruler, in square to my Neptune (but also in opposition to my Sun).

In addition, X's Mercury-Venus-Saturn conjunction is also in square to my Neptune.

I read up on the general influence of these already on Cafeastrology, but I was curious what you guys think the combined effect of all of this would be like. I want to get along with X and have 0 bad intentions here, so I'm curious what I could do to "dampen" these aspects a bit. I'd assume just trying to be honest whenever possible is best, since Neptune in this situation gives a tendency to deceive the person?

We also have Mars conjunct Mars and X's Pluto trine my Mars, along with X's Sun sextile my Uranus and my Chart Ruler trine X's Moon.
Just as background info. This is mostly a business relationship but there can also be some friendship involved such as going out and talking from time to time. We haven't met yet.
Neptune in this case is benefic for you, in Synastry it sort of works like Saturn in that it instead provides a smokescreen (which works in a business relation) instead of a direct sense of power over the person which can lead to animosity and hatred. You'll be able to keep them interested and happy, especially seeing as it is involved with your Sun. Natal Sun-Neptune people in my experience (aside of what it says on the Azazel's) tend to be peaceful people to know and easy to get along with like the sign of Pisces, so this will also tie in with their synastry to you in some way. Deception in things is in the way of their understanding which your Neptune will act to dissolve the irrelevancies of in the relationship and "water" the experience of that stellium as it is a very earth oriented and serious stellium to have. I don't know what sign it's in, but it is definitely an earth oriented stellium as all 3 of those planets rule all the earth signs and thus the persons earth tones are condensed in that one spot.

This person will be very driven in the way of wanting material security and an apt person at being sociable, charismatic and making new relationships which is needed in the means of business. I would say that this person will like you. In my experience those with Jupiter on your Sun even if its not your ruler, will tend to like you and if you have Neptune on someone else you will make their life when they are around you seem richer in some way especially if you will it. Deception of Neptune acts in the way of making things feel richer when really they might not be, or they might but its hard to reach unless someone plucks at it like this person with their driven earth planet toned stellium :lol: for the reason of the nature of this stellium, they may have a hard time trusting you in certain things like allocating significant capital into something unless they are absolutely sure it works which you will have to convince them and bare their stellium in mind.

'Deceiving' people here isn't always bad and in this case with Neptune it needs a new word. Certain features of everyday life and understanding require 'deception' in order to function and survive. Like here in the case of building a strong business relationship, it's not deception if the ultimate goal is productive and positive, Neptune in synastry enriches these processes by bringing up new ideas in a albeit dreamy way.

Mars conjunct Mars shows you have a similar way in which you go about doing things, and a similar sense for creating a new routine, which can be a positive. If you butt heads it will feel natural and there's more of a mutual understanding of energies there.

X's Pluto trining your Mars shows that they will have some dominance over these routines in question. Mars/Pluto synastry is naturalised synastry too but is not negative or anything for that very reason. Both these planets work together and Pluto will only control Mars in this aspect insofar Mars agrees as it should be (unlike Venus and Pluto). Pluto focuses Mars, and so if X will present to you fixed formulas which will dictate heading on, any actions you take in this deal, its easier in your relationship process. You will feel focused energy-wise if you are Acting, asserting and working alongside this person for better or for worse.

Your Uranus sextile X's Sun reemphasises you bringing new ideas into the fray with the Neptune stuff. It is a "we sorta get eachother" kind of a contact, those two planets.

Your Chart ruler trining X's Moon reemphasises the Mars over Mars. You will understand eachother better even on the emotional feminine level. In day after day contacts, this is another "we sorta get eachother" kind of contact. I would actually say Mars on Mars reemphasises this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
