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HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
theserpentrises666 said:
The link works still as of rn but how do I save the meditations and everything?

Please check my other post, and go to http://www.Satanslibrary.org and download the whole library. In there there are PDF's and also one PDF with the Joy of Satan full website, which has the meditations.

There's two pdf which one has the meditations mirror 1 or mirror 2? I don't think I have enough memory to download the whole thing :(.

I fixed the Joy of Satan pdf. There were several pages with missing pictures, for example in the descriptions of the runes only the first rune is there and the rest are blank boxes. I put in all the correct pictures on the pages where they were missing from. The link in this comment is the fixed and reloaded version. The Joy of Satan pdf link in my comments above has been erased from the folders because of all the missing pictures. So that link above won't work anymore, and if you already downloaded that you should download this new one instead.
HP Mageson666 said:
It seems the enemy pulls off their major attacks and schemes when Mercury is retrograde. They are probably trying to use this to undo things that have been done.

This is where they screw up big time.
That doesn't work. They're failing miserably. Also, I don't know what time the angelfire server removed the websites, but in addition to Mercury being retrograde, the moon yesterday was void of course for most of the day.

The entire site needs an overhaul. I was planning to do this for quite some time, but Azazel stopped me and told me to concentrate on studying. He must have known this was coming. Much more new information will be added once we get everything up and running again.

Everyone, tomorrow is Purim, where the Jews celebrate by cursing their enemies. Take some extra time to clean your aura and send their curses right back to them.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Was a matter of time. Luckily I was able to use your guides to connect to the gods in time.

This could be a good omen, theyre scared
When the Charlottesville false flag attack happened, the enemy went on the rampage and used this to shut down numerous sites including the previous JoS forum. They also attempted to pass "Hate Speech" laws with specific amendments to the constitution. They did this when Mercury was retrograde and it failed. I note however they seem to always try this when Mercury goes retrograde, its too many times to be not a tactic. It seems now they are attempting to bring in massive internet censorship, New Zealand has been banning access to entire websites and programs.

Here is a pdf link to the jos.
I managed to take most of the important stuff(IMO)

I took all in pdf format:
entire meditation section
the entire witchcraft section
the entire index of demons labeled alphabetically
also the advanced satanism section and the spiritual satanism section
dedicating yourself to satan section
the satan section including his poems and doctrines

If anyone needs these emailed to them in pdf format please pm me
HP Mageson666 said:
When the Charlottesville false flag attack happened, the enemy went on the rampage and used this to shut down numerous sites including the previous JoS forum. They also attempted to pass "Hate Speech" laws with specific amendments to the constitution. They did this when Mercury was retrograde and it failed. I note however they seem to always try this when Mercury goes retrograde, its too many times to be not a tactic. It seems now they are attempting to bring in massive internet censorship, New Zealand has been banning access to entire websites and programs.

Mercury retrograde is a viable time to pull these stunts, but also it can severely backfire. Mercury is really unreliable in these regards. Mercury direct is not a very good time to pull these stunts.

The spiritual deck is just stacked against the enemy at this point, everyone must keep doing the RTR's.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
When the Charlottesville false flag attack happened, the enemy went on the rampage and used this to shut down numerous sites including the previous JoS forum. They also attempted to pass "Hate Speech" laws with specific amendments to the constitution. They did this when Mercury was retrograde and it failed. I note however they seem to always try this when Mercury goes retrograde, its too many times to be not a tactic. It seems now they are attempting to bring in massive internet censorship, New Zealand has been banning access to entire websites and programs.

Mercury retrograde is a viable time to pull these stunts, but also it can severely backfire. Mercury is really unreliable in these regards. Mercury direct is not a very good time to pull these stunts.

The spiritual deck is just stacked against the enemy at this point, everyone must keep doing the RTR's.
Maybe if they had full spiritual power like before they could have pull it out but not anymore. The fact that they did this before Purim shows that they think they have enough power to pull this things...tomorrow more Rtr ;)
The jews are exposed in all internet right now, whatever they try to do they can stop any longer what is coming for them. Satan WILL be victorius !

Hail Satan !

Hail our noble Priesthood !
What is happening from these events is the energy of the enemy is not connecting like they wanted. The energy is not there and it can't manifest as they need anymore. The enemy also makes mistakes with timing. The astrological timing they created the USSR on was off and it cost them down the road. It was predicted by an Astrologer in the 1950's, that the USSR would collapse in the early 1990's for such reason.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Scion of Atlantis said:
Luciftas Ol Argedco has a link to a .zip file with screenshots of almost every JoS page in his signature, which is invaluable. I am putting it in my signature as well.
I'm very happy for you to share this, but can you please put my name with it? I spent a long time to capture, name, and organize all those pages in there. And downloading, sorting, naming, uploading, and organizing everything else in my links was a lot of work too.
Of course comrade, my bad for writing your username backwards as well. I was in a rush to get to some RTRs when I wrote that message.
Jews have a fucking alien astrological and predictive system, which they pretend is superimposed on the actual Astrological laws of the universe. This is tied into their Torah, and their own calendar, the lunar circle, and their interpretation of these events. Books on the subjects are essentially non-existant even in Amazon or other places, or misinform strongly.

Then they try to impose this, but then this is so dependent on their kike energy grid, that it literally collapses, and many times on top of their own head.

When I find more, I will share on this, their numerology, and other things.
under the opening of the soul in meditations. under the opening of the throat chakra, it doesn't say to do this exercise for any amount of days. does anyone know why? or does anyone know the proper amount of days. or is it just one day?
Fucking parasites, time to express my anger through more RTRs, they won’t know what’ll hit them…
And could this also have something to do with Us doing the White Race Awakening Ritual few days ago?

Could it have SO much Power now, that The Enemy would Be doing astrology-wise More damage to themselves than Us? :lol:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Exposing Christianity pdf

Power Meditations, Entire JOS in Pictures zip https://mega.nz/#!rx9TnYoI!smo8lqI3u0tWIrlU4JtKxU_-SruSykEGOSJwT5RxHfs  

Joy Of Satan pdf

Final RTR 1 page version

40 meditation program
And 6 month meditation program

Read through everything in my link, there's a lot more than this that you should probably all download and read.
Joy of Satan pdf is no longer available
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
When I find more, I will share on this, their numerology, and other things.
I'm personally also very interested in this.
I wonder if they could have genuinely pulled this off and "overwritten" the existing astrological influences if their energy-grid had been stronger.
Blackdragon666 said:
Joy of Satan pdf is no longer available
Because I replaced it with a corrected version that you can find in another comment here in this topic. I put in the pictures of the runes on pages 437 to 446, the rosary on 447, the empowering hand chakras picture on 454, and the ball of light meditation picture on 456. All these pictures were missing in the original document so I had to fix it.
The enemy always tries to stop us. But, they slip on bananas as we always have backups and will to rebuild our "carved stones" on the www. We did survive even the Dark Ages!
But I am careful as the tones of this battle are different, much more sudden, violent and unpredictable. Going "Uranian" I'd say, while past centuries have bee consuming, slow, Neptunian, battles
We are adapting to new battle scene!

Said this, the Italian JoS including Library is working on http://www.itajos.com.
You can translate pages in English if you need as a temporary resource, until all is back up!
Hope this censorship ends from the 'powers that be'. I am getting into Satanism at the beginner level and have more to learn. This spiritual faith on the real Satan has not only made me happier, but also perfected my world view. When I found the JOS site and read it, I was only impressed.and the keys to the truth were found. We don't want the shill websites like LaVey to remain but we get shutdown.
Hope justice prevails and we get back the main JOS site back ASAP.
onemage619 said:
under the opening of the soul in meditations. under the opening of the throat chakra, it doesn't say to do this exercise for any amount of days. does anyone know why? or does anyone know the proper amount of days. or is it just one day?

First time around I did it for one day. I've done the whole thing several times and last couple of times I did it for 4 days. It's really up to you but it won't hurt to do it for one more than one day. Make sure to align and empower your chakras everyday as well as cleaning them including cleaning your pineal gland.

Also for future reference we have a thread for new people to ask questions pinned in the main Joy of Satan Forum so feel free to ask any other questions there. :)

The current state of affairs:

  • Ancient-Forums.com: Up(duh).
    BlacksForSatan.com: Down.
    ExposingChristianity.com: Down.
    Groups-archive.com: Up.
    JoyOfSatan.org: Down.
    KabbalahExposed.com: Up.
    SatansLibrary.org: Up.
...did I miss anything?

FancyMancy said:
Using Password as a password would take no time to crack; trying P@s5w0rd! would take 4 weeks to crack, according to howsecureismypassword.net. I wouldn't trust putting in the actual password, so I'd use the same type of password or passphrase, but using different uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols to check it. (It also doesn't say if this is a home computer or big supercomputers which are being used to crack them, so assume this is only a home computer.)
The Deep State of USA has probably halls featuring supercomputer units working in grids in their DUMBs. Any trivial passwords, at least, will be broken.

Daily Stormer was the site that got hit hardest after the Charlottesville incident in 2017. They went through many domain suffices before settling for .name. Following the Christchurch attack, they've been down for most of the time, but their onion site has never been down.
If things get really bad, you should also consider setting up such a thing, to maintain a common spot for the up-to-date infos.

Even if Satan had already won, the frightening thing is that the super-parasite has still plenty of material power and could cause a lot of damage to everyone in the death struggle.

Internet interprets censorship as an error and seeks to route around it. This is the essence of the situation we're in:
Noticed a weird thing in the forum main page:

User birthdays for today:
Congratulations to: Niki1KGoono (43), StuartArtit (43), Buffordunserly (43), HynabsdTam (41), UtazreTam (41), fodprofi (41), AdellePen (40), Ur-Goshemowlymof (40), Lornaalara (40), tochlaxs (40), TeofilBobbraria (40), FidelMel (39), Tres12sl (38), ErnestoTifttrige (37), virgieky11 (36), Ceciluttet (35), bhdnaWot (34), Keithnig (33), Sonjafok (33), VasilyKU (33), TimofeyUO (33), Jasonturse (33), StephenJoumb (32)

None of these users have made any posts and their handles seem very much auto-generated to me.
TimberWolf said:
Noticed a weird thing in the forum main page:

User birthdays for today:
Congratulations to: Niki1KGoono (43), StuartArtit (43), Buffordunserly (43), HynabsdTam (41), UtazreTam (41), fodprofi (41), AdellePen (40), Ur-Goshemowlymof (40), Lornaalara (40), tochlaxs (40), TeofilBobbraria (40), FidelMel (39), Tres12sl (38), ErnestoTifttrige (37), virgieky11 (36), Ceciluttet (35), bhdnaWot (34), Keithnig (33), Sonjafok (33), VasilyKU (33), TimofeyUO (33), Jasonturse (33), StephenJoumb (32)

None of these users have made any posts and their handles seem very much auto-generated to me.

All of these are endless spambots the enemy has deployed by the hundreds to take out the forum, they made a few thousand accounts, around 1500 or so. This is basically indirect DDOS's ing. They used to post 100+ spam messages a day to make moderation impossible.

Eventually, after they stood there like idiots and we mass removed their messages and they saw they will never post, they just stopped. IP Banning sorted most of this out.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TimberWolf said:
Noticed a weird thing in the forum main page:

User birthdays for today:
Congratulations to: Niki1KGoono (43), StuartArtit (43), Buffordunserly (43), HynabsdTam (41), UtazreTam (41), fodprofi (41), AdellePen (40), Ur-Goshemowlymof (40), Lornaalara (40), tochlaxs (40), TeofilBobbraria (40), FidelMel (39), Tres12sl (38), ErnestoTifttrige (37), virgieky11 (36), Ceciluttet (35), bhdnaWot (34), Keithnig (33), Sonjafok (33), VasilyKU (33), TimofeyUO (33), Jasonturse (33), StephenJoumb (32)

None of these users have made any posts and their handles seem very much auto-generated to me.

All of these are endless spambots the enemy has deployed by the hundreds to take out the forum, they made a few thousand accounts, around 1500 or so. This is basically indirect DDOS's ing. They used to post 100+ spam messages a day to make moderation impossible.

Eventually, after they stood there like idiots and we mass removed their messages and they saw they will never post, they just stopped. IP Banning sorted most of this out.

Holy shit that's a lot. I used to think it was just the bing(bot) and google(bot) that was spam as it's obvious but didn't expect it to be that much. I try not to make too many posts at a time. Some days when theres several things i want to reply to I usually keep it around 4 or 5 at the most and wait until the next day or half a day may be to reply to others. 1 because i don't want to flood you guys with posts and 2 because I know too many replies might lead to getting lost in the spam.

Thank you and the rest of the mods for hard work and keeping the forums clean from these trolls and bots.

:) <3
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
All you need to do is get a rar file (I have these too but I have been working on another matters as of present) and you can forward them to my e-mail.

If you struggle as to where to upload the RAR file, you can find numerous hosting sites online. Just write file upload site, you upload your RAR/ZIP and it will give you a link. Then, pass that link. It's all very easy.

Sorry for the late response. But unfortunately I don't know your E-mail address..

I'll shortly make a post and paste several links to several backups of the JoS website including the library and GBLT website and more random stuff.
TimberWolf said:
FancyMancy said:
Using Password as a password would take no time to crack; trying P@s5w0rd! would take 4 weeks to crack, according to howsecureismypassword.net. I wouldn't trust putting in the actual password, so I'd use the same type of password or passphrase, but using different uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols to check it. (It also doesn't say if this is a home computer or big supercomputers which are being used to crack them, so assume this is only a home computer.)
The Deep State of USA has probably halls featuring supercomputer units working in grids in their DUMBs. Any trivial passwords, at least, will be broken.
Yeah. I thought previously, due to the advent of Quantum Computers and their power, that any encryption would be nullified, but then a member mentioned that regardless, one-time pads are still uncrackable.

Daily Stormer was the site that got hit hardest after the Charlottesville incident in 2017. They went through many domain suffices before settling for .name. Following the Christchurch attack, they've been down for most of the time, but their onion site has never been down.
If things get really bad, you should also consider setting up such a thing, to maintain a common spot for the up-to-date infos.
I have suggested the use of .onion sites before, but I can think of five problems with that -
  1. most people don't use Tor/Tor2Web and don't want to download a programme to use to access things, plus some don't know how to, and then to use Tor safely and securely requires some learning and understanding...,
  2. there are fear-mongering scare stories that "the deep web" is dangerous and used for criminals only,
  3. going on to put a site on there would sort of put us in-league with these illegal, questionable, immoral... underworld peoples
  4. there is a heck of a lot of work needing to be done with the current sites already and getting a trusted HP/HPS (to make it official/sanctioned by JoSM) to run the Torsite would not be very easy
  5. Tor, for example, is not as secure, in certain ways, as people think; both the US government fund to keep it running and also fund to break into it at the same time (or so was the last I heard), and if you go through Tor to visit the regular Web and go into Tor through a malicious Entry Node and exit it through a malicious Exit Node, your data traffic can be correlated - plus with your Entry Node, they might have your real IP Address; but you might use proxies/VPNs...but then they may or may not be reliable and safe and genuine in not keeping logs/personally-identifiable information about you, etc.

Alternatively, a Tor archive site, updated montlhy, for example, might be fine. There could also be one on Freenet, as well, but that is so slow, the last I knew about it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TimberWolf said:
Noticed a weird thing in the forum main page:

User birthdays for today:
Congratulations to: Niki1KGoono (43), StuartArtit (43), Buffordunserly (43), HynabsdTam (41), UtazreTam (41), fodprofi (41), AdellePen (40), Ur-Goshemowlymof (40), Lornaalara (40), tochlaxs (40), TeofilBobbraria (40), FidelMel (39), Tres12sl (38), ErnestoTifttrige (37), virgieky11 (36), Ceciluttet (35), bhdnaWot (34), Keithnig (33), Sonjafok (33), VasilyKU (33), TimofeyUO (33), Jasonturse (33), StephenJoumb (32)

None of these users have made any posts and their handles seem very much auto-generated to me.

All of these are endless spambots the enemy has deployed by the hundreds to take out the forum, they made a few thousand accounts, around 1500 or so. This is basically indirect DDOS's ing. They used to post 100+ spam messages a day to make moderation impossible.

Eventually, after they stood there like idiots and we mass removed their messages and they saw they will never post, they just stopped. IP Banning sorted most of this out.

Fucking pathetic idiots! :lol: :lol:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Joy of Satan pdf is no longer available
Because I replaced it with a corrected version that you can find in another comment here in this topic. I put in the pictures of the runes on pages 437 to 446, the rosary on 447, the empowering hand chakras picture on 454, and the ball of light meditation picture on 456. All these pictures were missing in the original document so I had to fix it.
Ok. Thanks comrade :p
Many people are aware
Rats are going crazy they are acting fully Jew
Apprentice said:
LightAlgur said:
Then why did you quote the link to it? :lol:
Lol. My logic was that the Moderator disapproves my post and deletes the spam :idea:
Filtering out useful, genuine posts from a cesspool and doing it quickly is a grueling job.

I can't even moderate a discord server with 200+ members let alone filter an entire forum with thousands of active users, so uhh...there's that.
Hey, I know you.
It’s been a while. What’s up?
Brdredr said:
Apprentice said:
LightAlgur said:
Then why did you quote the link to it? :lol:
Lol. My logic was that the Moderator disapproves my post and deletes the spam :idea:
Filtering out useful, genuine posts from a cesspool and doing it quickly is a grueling job.

I can't even moderate a discord server with 200+ members let alone filter an entire forum with thousands of active users, so uhh...there's that.
LightAlgur said:
Hey, I know you.
It’s been a while. What’s up?
Brdredr said:
Apprentice said:
Lol. My logic was that the Moderator disapproves my post and deletes the spam :idea:
Filtering out useful, genuine posts from a cesspool and doing it quickly is a grueling job.

I can't even moderate a discord server with 200+ members let alone filter an entire forum with thousands of active users, so uhh...there's that.

I remember you as well.

Make a Twitter and DM me on @Wolfsschanze07.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
