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Joy of Satan Websites on Tor

Soaring Eagle 666

Well-known member
Sep 24, 2017
I set up a mirror of the Joy of Satan websites on the Tor network:


You need to use the Tor Browser to access that link. Download it here:

Although the dark web has a bad reputation, it's really just a tool. It provides anonymity for both servers and visitors, that's all. If you look for jewish filth, you can find plenty to look at, both on the regular Internet and Tor. Also, I can't help but notice that the "onion" extension of Tor sites looks a lot like "orion".

The site layout should be familiar, but I merged the "Satan is God" index page with our old homepage to keep everything more organized. Blacks for Satan is also here. You will find several new links in the left column with pentagram pictures. I put "Reverse Torah Rituals" near the top, as they are the most important. The rest are near the bottom.

Enjoy! :D

Please excuse any broken links and mangled pages. If you find any (like the Satanic Symbols page), please post about it here so I can make sure not to miss anything. Over the years, our websites have been repeatedly taken down and restored, losing quality each time. Currently, this site is a mirror of our most recent version on satanisgod.org (captured on Dec 31, 2020). However, a few pages have issues, and some pages were already mangled there. However, rest assured that I have complete backups going beyond five years ago, so everything will be restored to perfect condition eventually!

Table of Contents

Our Main Angelfire Website
Exposing Christianity
Kabbalah Exposed
Blacks For Satan
Hell's Army 666
The Black Sun 666
Reverse Torah Rituals

Satan's Library of PDF and MP3 Files
Another awesome project concluded.

JoyOfSatan in normal web will be returned to full function soon. Tor mirror will guarantee existence of information in a safe manner.

We will also mirror the Library on Tor.

There are some things that need to be cleared first, as our sites are being kept in a sense, in bondage.

We have been in similar situations before, so we will come above this.
I downloaded the TOR browser but even after numerous captchas I cannot access Joy of Satan's main page. The links to the rituals work fine.
This is great. I was hacked yesterday and I lost so many links since I had to reset my machine if u have any helpful link...do send.
"Onion" refers to the layers of protection, like an onion. Similar to other open-source software, they use other words and terms for things. e.g. on Windows, to go through files and folders on the computer, we have to use Explorer; on Linux, one version is called Nautilus (there are many 'distros' of Linux); part of the 'shell' on Linux is Gnome; there are also things with the name Zeitgeist., sort of similar to Firefox instead of Internet Explorer, etc. Tor, known formerly as TOR - The Onion Router - was created by the US DoD and is both funded by the US government to keep it safe, strong and secure, and also by the US government to break into it, i.e. penetration testing. It was used, originally, for private communications between US government/military departments.

I still maintain that Tor is not as safe and secure as one would hope. Saying that, it is up to each individual to use their own Brain (if they have one) and not be stupid, but keep themselves safe and be careful. To use Tor successfully, never enable Javascript while using it; doing so = not using Tor at all. Javascript works not on the website/server, but on the user's computer.

With all of that being said... good job! You don't have to answer, but a wondering or concern is how you managed to create and own a Torsite yourself, whether you have your own server at home or somewhere, or if you bought server space either from a reputable regular-Internet/clearnet business who allow Tor-usage, or from an in-Tor server. Any option, surely, presents safety and security concerns for you.
Sieg Heil !!!
FancyMancy said:
I still maintain that Tor is not as safe and secure as one would hope. Saying that, it is up to each individual to use their own Brain (if they have one) and not be stupid, but keep themselves safe and be careful. To use Tor successfully, never enable Javascript while using it; doing so = not using Tor at all. Javascript works not on the website/server, but on the user's computer.

If one wants extra safety while browsing the internet one should install whonix. Whonix is a virtual workstation that has a couple of extra layers of protection. Whonix is build with tor so even the virtual workstation goes trough tor to hide your identity, It also uses tor browser as the default browser....

Big tech goes extremely far to trace your identity, For example they analyze your typing behavior, This is basically your online fingerprint. Tor can not protect you from this method of tracing but whonix does protect you from this.

I mainly use it to save information i dont want on my pc, And to watch video's that i want to watch without being traced (Since its a virtual workstation you can use fullscreen).
Thanks bro safe innit. Important to have all the articles saved due to internet censorship from evil ones. Loved the Satanic movies watched Angel Heart (1987) and others and other important stuff as well to help in growth to Satan. I feel like i'm close to you lot even though being far away. Hail Satan!
FancyMancy said:
I still maintain that Tor is not as safe and secure as one would hope. Saying that, it is up to each individual to use their own Brain (if they have one) and not be stupid, but keep themselves safe and be careful. To use Tor successfully, never enable Javascript while using it; doing so = not using Tor at all. Javascript works not on the website/server, but on the user's computer.

With all of that being said... good job! You don't have to answer, but a wondering or concern is how you managed to create and own a Torsite yourself, whether you have your own server at home or somewhere, or if you bought server space either from a reputable regular-Internet/clearnet business who allow Tor-usage, or from an in-Tor server. Any option, surely, presents safety and security concerns for you.
True, Tor does give a false sense of "perfect" security. However, the enemy's target is currently our server, not the visitors, and we have several measures in place to protect it, in addition to Tor. Turning off JS is definitely good practice. Our sites don't use it anyway. (Except for my Paintable Final RTRs)

I would love to tell you every detail about the server, but remember, the first rule of security is... don't talk about security!
Let's just say that I know what I'm doing, I've researched past mistakes that exposed Tor sites, and HP Cobra chipped in to boost the security to 110%. ;)
SixSixtySix said:
I downloaded the TOR browser but even after numerous captchas I cannot access Joy of Satan's main page. The links to the rituals work fine.
Captchas in Tor??? Are you sure you're loading the right link? (The long one starting with jos666.)
This links works in a normal browser without Tor:

If you add ".pet" in an onion link you can access it from a normal browser.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We will also mirror the Library on Tor.
Yes, I'm working on it! I just noticed that most of the Dropbox links are still working, so I uploaded the PDF, MP3, and Encyclopedia library pages in their unmodified state. This should provide everyone access in the short term. However, the files themselves are not mirrored on Tor (yet) due to the enormous number of them!
FancyMancy said:
"Onion" refers to the layers of protection, like an onion. Similar to other open-source software, they use other words and terms for things. e.g. on Windows, to go through files and folders on the computer, we have to use Explorer; on Linux, one version is called Nautilus (there are many 'distros' of Linux); part of the 'shell' on Linux is Gnome; there are also things with the name Zeitgeist., sort of similar to Firefox instead of Internet Explorer, etc. Tor, known formerly as TOR - The Onion Router - was created by the US DoD and is both funded by the US government to keep it safe, strong and secure, and also by the US government to break into it, i.e. penetration testing. It was used, originally, for private communications between US government/military departments.

I still maintain that Tor is not as safe and secure as one would hope. Saying that, it is up to each individual to use their own Brain (if they have one) and not be stupid, but keep themselves safe and be careful. To use Tor successfully, never enable Javascript while using it; doing so = not using Tor at all. Javascript works not on the website/server, but on the user's computer.

With all of that being said... good job! You don't have to answer, but a wondering or concern is how you managed to create and own a Torsite yourself, whether you have your own server at home or somewhere, or if you bought server space either from a reputable regular-Internet/clearnet business who allow Tor-usage, or from an in-Tor server. Any option, surely, presents safety and security concerns for you.

I agree with FancyMancy.

I will add some additional info for others.
Tor was and is used for private communication by CIA and many other intelligence agencies/departments around the world. But CIA had and have to allow non-governmental bodies to use it for better anonymity and a much securer way of communication. There are other private ways to communicate but that would be a exclusive governmental body, which means your enemy would surely want to breach into it because it would exclusively have classified data relating to government/intelligence. But here the idea is to push chaotic and unorganized traffic encrypted in layers into this network by letting non-governmental bodies use it from all around the world, it is pretty much like needle in a haystack to find someone or intercept someone if they haven't done something personal that would lead authorities to them. Even when they crack/breach your layers of encryption and of TOR, what would they find? Possibly your IP, the visited website, the the data that traveled, which is why never use it for personal things or write personal things that can lead them to you or narrow their search for you(with they, I mean Jews. If Jews ever tried doing it but actually it's pretty useless because we know our destination that is JoS). The data that CIA would send would be in different kinds of Codes. Which means it would take time to decrypt the data as well, which is why CIA or other intelligence agencies do not fear from using Tor because they have their own codes and languages. When you hear "CIA doesn't use it cuz too many know about it" thats like a psyop, they do use it but not like for every other thing.
Best encryption for extremely classified information/data in a spiritually lowered world is a Human brain. That is why Tor is not a everyday or everything place of CIA and other intelligence agencies. But they do use it. The physical itself is an encryption from the virtual world. Intelligence agencies don't have any "cloud" where they story everything. The information is stored in CD/DVD and some in Hard Disks which are used only when needed otherwise are kept unplugged. USB ports are permanently disabled in these intelligence agencies.

So yeah, there is no such thing as "100% secured". There is only "better or worse". Tor is a 'better' option according to some.

The things that you never have to use on Tor or visit a website on Tor is, things that can expose your real identity(your personal info). Such as visiting a website and using your credit card, real name, main email address used in your jobs, bank, government registrations. Anything personal can lead you to them, basically use Tor as a different person. Okay you are from Brazil? Well from now, you live in South Korea and etc. You have an option to use disinformation/misinformation about yourself, this does help to add an encryption of 'luck'.
(I have explained about decoy/bait websites as well in a okay manner in one of my previous post on a different topic because I am sure some people will have an urge/curiosity to take a look at some "dark web" that they keep hearing about. Better to warn others about it, especially our SS brothers and sisters who we don't want to see in any trouble.)
My previous post: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=217956&sid=0b31b75b5e373aa35abdcb109fa9c222#p217956

I also agree with disabling the JavaScript as FancyMancy has pointed it, keeping it disabled is better because someday you are going to wander off to some other website or troll posted URL by mistake.
Also look into the noscript addon that Tor comes with. If you have been using Tor with Javascript enabled on JoS, not much to worry because you 'trust' this end which is JoS but since jew trolls/infiltrators can post their own crap here, it becomes a vulnerable end to some extent, which is why you should not click on a 'suspicious' link posted by any member, especially new members. If there was a suspicious scripts trying to run, such as a cross site scripting attack(pretty common on fake and even on some legit torrent websites). NoScript would have blocked it from running and asked you what to do about it on a popped up window. So do not worry too much, even if you have visited websites that are on the clearnet(the regular internet), the better option now is to disable the JavaScript.
Found these links for people who don't know much about Tor+Javascript.

It is true many intelligence agencies and criminals use Tor for disgusting things but it is a price to pay for a better security and anonymous communication for the intelligence agencies to do their good and dirty work as well.

This is the reason why even media talks about Tor sometimes in a short manner, to let some few people know that something like Tor exists and they need to use it for their NPC stuff, because their NPC stuff is very valuable and needs encryption, xD.

Additional thing I want to add is, in the image below the official site of Tor explains why they did not remove java script completely, and on top why it comes enabled by default(when you install Tor and open it for first time), this is a bit of a validation that the traffic with encrypted NPC/public crap is important here to create a clusterfuck in this network.


As it is said, there is no such thing as "100% secured", keeping it unorganized, chaotic and creating a maze with encrypted layers was a better option than a end to end encrypted communication which enemies find about someday. This was done especially for espionage use, spies/agents who do their stuff mostly in other country, many use Tor but with public wifi though(even in China). Which you may do as well right now or if when shtf for internet censorship. if you are in a first world country, especially in West, if you ever want to use Tor, I do recommend doing this 'using tor with public wifi', all you would need is a cheap laptop to use only for JoS and strictly nothing else in public places that have wifi.
Read my previous post it has additional info and do read the last bit again where I say some stuff and to read documentations and manuals to see what these things are. https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=217956&sid=0b31b75b5e373aa35abdcb109fa9c222#p217956

Pardon my english, my english can be a bit untidy and like cancer to read. I really do strongly recommend reading the documentations and manuals before proceeding to use the Tor network as people can make mistakes. Especially me I can make mistakes by miswording things(English is not my first language). I am a bit free in january so even though it took me 4 to 5+ hours typing this carefully(and my previous post about tor and tails os) mistakes can still happen. So yeah don't skip the documentations, manuals and some research into it.
Finally! I am sooo happy there is an onion link for Joy Of Satan! I was wondering to when it was going to happen. Knowing how the jewnternet is nowadays Tor is a more favorable place to be in. Both clearnet and deepweb!
I am extremely relieved you did this, because I couldn't access the site for a bit. And what with the purge going on at the moment, I thought the site got taken out for good. Thank you for taking the time to do that!
New Updates

- A full mirror of Ancient Forums, captured on Dec 31, 2020. (At the bottom of the home page.) It also includes mirrors of all SS calendar versions, linked to from those threads within the forum mirror.

On the RTRs Page
- The War Room (Rewritten from scratch to avoid external dependencies.)
- Wealth And Prosperity Ritual
- JoS Protection Ritual
- White Race Awakening Ritual
- Black Race Awakening Ritual
when i clicked the link to the forum on the onion mirror of jos,it showed me the old forum instead of this one,check for yourself
I think I dont know how to use this. I had tor in my phone already in the background. This doesn't work even in the tor browser. But oh well I will look it up.

It is nice to know its there just in case this does totally go down.
can you make the frontpage/mainlink goto/ show SatanisGod instead of JoyofSatan, the only way i can get to Satanisgod is by modifying the URL with /SatanisGod/, and also could you link these live forums, and perhaps put the that older forums that are on there on a seperate mirror link with a date. like ancient forums mirror dec 31 or something like that, that way if this forum ever goes down for an a little bit we have a backup to go find something. oh and the yahoo archives need to be linked

besides that small stuff its kinda slow but other than that i think its awesome work.
So can I still use my own vpn even while using Tor browser or does Tor have it's own vpn which will interfere with the vpn I am using right now?
Also the vpn I am using is Surfshark. Is that an okay VPN or is it not trustable?
A bit of topic but seeing how a lot of members are trying to find a safer solution I might do the same now that I've been using opera for all this time lol.
Ardgion said:
So can I still use my own vpn even while using Tor browser or does Tor have it's own vpn which will interfere with the vpn I am using right now?
Also the vpn I am using is Surfshark. Is that an okay VPN or is it not trustable?
A bit of topic but seeing how a lot of members are trying to find a safer solution I might do the same now that I've been using opera for all this time lol.
Can't really trust a VPN service. I have already said it, it's really hard to find something like that, a real VPN. So yeah, a VPN would/may/can compromise you. Read my post above and the link to another post on this forum is also up on that post. It's some advice and helpful info. Read Tor's documentation and manuals before proceeding to use it or even when giving it a try, don't skip this part even if you don't like reading cuz now that we are in 2021, one can't be careless and make stupid mistakes.
Ardgion said:
So can I still use my own vpn even while using Tor browser or does Tor have it's own vpn which will interfere with the vpn I am using right now?
Also the vpn I am using is Surfshark. Is that an okay VPN or is it not trustable?
A bit of topic but seeing how a lot of members are trying to find a safer solution I might do the same now that I've been using opera for all this time lol.
Yes you can, and it likely does improve security. Tor should be secure, and a good VPN should be secure. If you use them together, and one is hacked, it shouldn't be able to compromise the other.

Here's the information each party has. You'll see that a VPN adds one more layer of distance between you and the site you're visiting.

With a VPN:
Your ISP will see that you're using a VPN.
A VPN will see that you're using Tor.
The last Tor relay will see that someone is using a VPN with Tor.
The server will see that someone is using Tor to browse the site.

Without a VPN:
Your ISP will see that you're using Tor.
The last Tor relay will see that you're using Tor.
The server will see that someone is using Tor to browse the site.

SATchives said:
can you make the frontpage/mainlink goto/ show SatanisGod instead of JoyofSatan, the only way i can get to Satanisgod is by modifying the URL with /SatanisGod/, and also could you link these live forums, and perhaps put the that older forums that are on there on a seperate mirror link with a date. like ancient forums mirror dec 31 or something like that, that way if this forum ever goes down for an a little bit we have a backup to go find something. oh and the yahoo archives need to be linked

besides that small stuff its kinda slow but other than that i think its awesome work.
Good idea to link the live forums too! I'll also upload JoS-Groups-Forums-Backup.zip, which has a backup of the Yahoo groups.
I downloaded this and went on it and I have no idea how to get to the actual browser. I'm not very experienced with computers I'm used to doing things on a phone. What VPN do you recommend?
satanama666 said:
satanama666 said:
or one could use orbot with any other browser.it worked to me

There's an easier way.

Damon said:
This links works in a normal browser without Tor:

If you add ".pet" in an onion link you can access it from a normal browser.
Damon said:
satanama666 said:
satanama666 said:
or one could use orbot with any other browser.it worked to me

There's an easier way.
i tried that,it didn't load completely even the first page
Damon said:
This links works in a normal browser without Tor:

If you add ".pet" in an onion link you can access it from a normal browser.
satanama666 said:

So from what I understand orbot is just the VPN of tor? That's not what I'm interested in I was trying to get the legitimate browser. Sorry if you don't understand the only I experience I have with computers is the little bit we did from school but I understand the basics of everything.
So It just said the actual browser is incompatible with my device, not sure why, but I just downloaded the brave browser and am using that now. I hear it is the second best to TOR.
It appears that the entire Tor network is having trouble. Cohencidentally, only 3 days after I released our Tor site. Can anyone still access it? I can't seem to access ANY long (v3) onion URL, and a lot of short v2 ones are broken too! I tried changed my IP address, so I doubt the problem is on my end. I even tried making a brand new URL for our site, and that didn't work either!
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
It appears that the entire Tor network is having trouble. Cohencidentally, only 3 days after I released our Tor site. Can anyone still access it? I can't seem to access ANY long (v3) onion URL, and a lot of short v2 ones are broken too! I tried changed my IP address, so I doubt the problem is on my end. I even tried making a brand new URL for our site, and that didn't work either!
Very strange. Now Tor is working again, except for our URL. :evil:
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
It appears that the entire Tor network is having trouble. Cohencidentally, only 3 days after I released our Tor site. Can anyone still access it? I can't seem to access ANY long (v3) onion URL, and a lot of short v2 ones are broken too! I tried changed my IP address, so I doubt the problem is on my end. I even tried making a brand new URL for our site, and that didn't work either!

This is probably a large scale attack on the Tor Network or something similar. I do not believe it would be beyond possible to keep an IP map of many nodes, and just try to DDOS all of them or a major portion to influence the network.

At the way things are going, even Tor may experience issues looking at the future.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
It appears that the entire Tor network is having trouble. Cohencidentally, only 3 days after I released our Tor site. Can anyone still access it? I can't seem to access ANY long (v3) onion URL, and a lot of short v2 ones are broken too! I tried changed my IP address, so I doubt the problem is on my end. I even tried making a brand new URL for our site, and that didn't work either!

This is probably a large scale attack on the Tor Network or something similar. I do not believe it would be beyond possible to keep an IP map of many nodes, and just try to DDOS all of them or a major portion to influence the network.

At the way things are going, even Tor may experience issues looking at the future.
Our site is back now. The attack messed up the server's networking in a subtle way, requiring a system reboot. I checked the logs, and nothing indicates a security breach on our end, which is good. At least I know what to do if it happens again.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
