Joy of Satan Websites Offline Archive
(Link is at the end of topic)
The following offline archive contain most of the English (only) Joy of Satan websites, including but not limited to:
- Joy of Satan Website
- The JoS Library
- Death of Communism
- Exposing Christianity
- Maxine Dietrich's Sermons
- White Death of Islam
- And more
The archive is based on the saved .html pages, so it should work with any device that contains a browser (laptop, computer, smartphone, tablet etc),
without any internet connection. You will be looking for the .html file only, and just ignore the `_files` folder which contains the images and the scripts of the page you are looking for:
If everything is fine with your browser, all images should load up with no problem. The page should look exactly like on the internet. I noticed that due to some javascript settings, some pages do not load all the images or some pages do not load at all, it most likely depends on the browser's settings because I tried to open same pages with different browser and they were working properly. If the images are not loading, you can find them in the `_files` folder, but most important is the information is unaffected and will load instantly.
Browsing through the pages like you would do with an offline website is not possible as all the pages are saved individually and do not contain the neccesary scripts to connect to each other offline. But the advantage of this archive is that you can use the `Search` function of your file manager and you will find wathever you are looking for instantly. In the following example I searched `moon` and these were the results.
Every single page in this archive is numbered and grouped in such way to maintain exactly the same order like on their website, so although the archive is relatively big, you won't get confused as the order is exactly the same like the original websites.
Some small pages are saved multiple times due to being linked in multiple places, but bigger categories which are linked in two or more places have only one main location and the alternative location(s) contain an image that will guide you to the respective file, like here:
Easiest is to use the `Search` function.
Any pages that are not working anymore have been recovered from the Internet Archive, so if I remember right, all websites are 100% complete.
I think the only website missing is Blacks for Satan, mainly because when I tried to enter it, it was saying that the website is being updated and was unavailable. There is also another website that hasn't been saved mainly because it was containing a lot of links to other JoS websites which are already downloaded.
Some small pages containing only the `Index` or the list of articles have not been saved, but in their place I put a simple image showing how the page was looking like, similar to this:
I haven't downloaded the JoS Library myself, I put there an archive already given to us by HP. HoodedCobra, apparently containing 930 files.
I chose to remove the MP3 files from Exposing Christianity to keep the archive as fit as possible. Basically the memory they were taking is nearly as big as the archive itself, but I can upload them separately if you want them, just let me know. The MP3 files are good to listen at headphones when you are at work, although I wouldn't reccomend saving any SS data on your smartphones. I saved all the mp3 files from Exposing Christianity plus some mp3 sermons of Maxine about Christianity and Communism that I found on another JoS website. I will upload them separatelly if someone wants them. They are same numbered and grouped to maintain the same original order.
Other images to give you a hint about how the archive is organised:
The above is basically the main index page. All the other Websites are saved in the „7. JoS WEBSITES ARCHIVE” folder.
Compressed archive is 911 MB
Unzipped archive is 1.4 GB
It works even if is compressed but for the `Search` function to work properly, most likely you will have to extract/unzip it.
I will also update my signature with it to be easier to see. I hope you will like it