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Journaling, Writing to Yourself

Is there a specific time this ritual would be best? (New moon, etc?)
You might start this on a specific date. But this should be done everyday. Preferably at night when undisturbed. You don't need to do a formal ritual everyday. After you get back from work, take a nice bath and clean yourself. The do some rounds of SATANAMA and just respectfully invoke your Guardian and talk to him/her or even if you do not know who he is. Then meditate on your third eye. Either the answers or realizations come to you in contemplation or after you forgot about it, suddenly in day to day life.
General Yeager! ⚡♥️ Thank you!! I am going to do this!
Unlocking the mind is like breathing fire. And walking in places you've never been before! And experimenting with the mind as you experience the moment of doing and trying something new! Kind of like Awakening your Kundalini practice makes perfect! We all have to start somewhere and don't be afraid of making mistakes because laugh out loud and making mistakes is a part of the learning process! That is how we grow in mind body and soul! Just simply picking up the pin? And just writing down whatever you feel like or whatever is on your mind? Even if it's just simply writing about some situation you went through today! And get all that anger out of you describing the situation releasing all of that anger and all of that emotion through words! It's all so kind of like a power ritual too if you look at it! And you're also healing yourself!🙂
I once started journaling, but it's hard because I hate my handwriting, it's like the handwriting of a kid with dyslexia. I really never cared about the handwriting exercises when I was in elementary school, I actually didn't care about anything lol I should re learn to write in cursive.
Try a digital journal, or a word doc. But learning cursive is a good skill to have anyway :)
I will give that a try. I would love to post a few poems and stories on here as well! And I posted my first thread today!🙂 however I didn't see anybody comment on it or show an interest in it yet? I am just barely learning this stuff and figuring things out! And I want to tell you thank you for your help last night! You are a very patient woman! And you were very sweet kind and helpful!🙂♥️ Hail Satan ❤️ Hail Lilith !!💜⚡🔥
Started today! Thx HPS!
My Apologies for the late congrats Hps Lydia, you truly deserve this title🥳🥰
As for the journaling ,this is quite helpful, especially for someone like me who has the entire ocean in the head 😅
never ending chaos that I'm still trying to take control of
You might start this on a specific date. But this should be done everyday. Preferably at night when undisturbed. You don't need to do a formal ritual everyday. After you get back from work, take a nice bath and clean yourself. The do some rounds of SATANAMA and just respectfully invoke your Guardian and talk to him/her or even if you do not know who he is. Then meditate on your third eye. Either the answers or realizations come to you in contemplation or after you forgot about it, suddenly in day to day life.
Thank you for elaborating!
I appreciate your reply.
Hail Satan
I too have noticed that help make notes and similar, but i wonder why the people feel necessary to express oneself in continuously?!
It helps the mind develop. It depends on the person though, some have more thoughts than others, some have more creative ability than others.

Some people have a straight-forward mind, while others have a lot happening in the mind so having a healthy outlet such as writing is essential.
In the time that I have gotten back into journaling (I didn’t for many years), I have developed a higher sense of Self, and gained heightened awareness of the importance of certain things in my past. I also feel so much more connected to myself, and an increased sense of self-love and self-knowledge. It makes my day feel more real, makes my life feel more real, more full and enriched. Which then makes my mind feel more enriched. This is truly a remarkable feeling that I wish for all of you to gain as well :)

About this and also to the whole topic in general i would like to add that journaling your dreams may help you not only becoming more conscious inside of them but also help you to understand messages that your subconscious mind tries to tell you.

In my experience the times when i journal my dreams i am able to remember from 3 to 5 dreams or even remember all of the dreams i had since i falled asleep till i wake up (this is beautiful) in contrast that when i dont, i barely remember 1 or 2, this works exactly as any muscle that you train: with the time it develops the skill of remembering dreams.

For last there is something everybody should remember: the gods communicate with you in a level that you can understand them, being capable to be conscious during your dreams gives another way to them to communicate with you and you will REALLY want to write in your journal when a servant of Satan visits you.

It helps the mind develop. It depends on the person though, some have more thoughts than others, some have more creative ability than others.

Some people have a straight-forward mind, while others have a lot happening in the mind so having a healthy outlet such as writing is essential.
So it is fine for some to just write one or two sentences while for others writing tons of paragraphs?
I'd like to thank everyone for contributing more to this thread, your replies are valuable for other members who read them :)

And yes, writing your dreams is very useful. I do this as well, and it is good to read them later to remember how important messages in dreams are. Also if you have recurring dreams, to take note of how often you get them, if anything in your previous day or week may have triggered them, and then try to understand what you need to change in your life or in your mind to resolve them.
I used to write down my thoughts as well as my dreams, and experienced all of the benefits mentioned in this thread. I am also an obsessive daydreamer and spend at least 2 hours every day only thinking and pondering about things. I would like to try writing my thoughts down again, but there was always one thing that kind of bothered me whenever I went back and read over what I had written at the time, especially if I was experiencing a particular emotion while writing.

How do I get over the intense feeling of cringe or concern when I sound like an insane person in my writings? I already draw so I put my emotions in there. But using literature as a way to express emotions is real tough because I can actually hear my own voice in my mind thinking these things when I read them. As if I'm putting my own mind's past emotional garbage back into my head, if that makes sense, and wondering how or why I even felt that way to begin with. Every time I wrote, I felt like it was written by a different person than me; it was like going back in time and witnessing your past self say or think something stupid, because you were someone else back then and thought differently. Whenever I wrote, I just couldn't look at it again.

Writing down dreams is definitely great, though. It's exactly as balo666 mentioned.
Through spiritual evolution and overall advancement, the mental aspect of our being comes into importance, along with the need to understand better our own unique psyche, our subconscious, and everything we might be capable of creating.

The practice of journaling will increase your self-awareness, improve your mind, and refine your ability to communicate. The benefits are vastly more important than many people understand. You will grow and advance as a person.

If you keep thoughts only in your head, they can scatter easily and be forgotten. Putting them on paper/word doc will make your thoughts more real and permanent.

Many people have blockages in communicating with others; how can you communicate with others if you cannot communicate with yourself? Journaling will increase your ability to articulate your thoughts, and order your words and sentences in a more coherent way. Writing to yourself will give you the practice and confidence to communicate better with others.

Writing/Journaling is very therapeutic. It enables you to gain insight into who you are and how you operate as an individual. Journaling will give you a private outlet for you to rant in, or write about your fears and insecurities in a way that will help you understand them better, in order to begin working on overcoming them.

You may have seen it online before: someone gets triggered by something, posts a giant emotional outburst rant, embarrasses themselves, leaves. (Hopefully they come back, at least under a new username if they want to separate themselves from the embarrassment.) They could have prevented this incident if they had written to themselves first, in their journal:

Anything that bothers you, including about another person, write it out. Don’t post it but keep it for yourself, at least for a while. Write it all out, rant and rage in it, contemplate it some more, write some more, read it over, complete it, feel the catharsis. And then decide if it’s something worth posting publicly. Chances are, you will realize that it is not something to make public. You can absolutely take parts of it, re-write it, and post a revised version if you feel it is necessary. But you will realize that there is no need to post your entire outburst.

The practice of journaling is very beneficial for people who seek attention everywhere online, or who dump their problems online and later regret it. Writing to yourself, explaining all your thoughts and problems, enables you to see that *you* are the important one, that you in fact do not need to over-express yourself to strangers online.

A lot of people seek attention from others for validation (this is often subconscious). If you spend time writing to yourself, you are validating yourself! Journaling is a form of self-care, you are putting time and effort into yourself, to take care of your mind and emotions. You need to understand that you are very important to yourself, and prioritizing time to write to yourself will prove this to you :)

Some people feel the strong need to express themselves, their personality, and their opinions, but in the wrong way, due to a lack of self-understanding. Every single person on the internet does not need to know every single detail about you. By keeping a journal, you can have the full sense of expressing yourself, while keeping appropriate boundaries.

There are various methods for journaling. There are many tips available online for methods, such as “brain-dumping” (getting everything on your mind out as fast as possible, often randomly), writing a set amount of pages each morning, or rules to stick with, and so on. Some recommend pen-and-paper notebook, some a word doc on computer, or you can buy an actual designed journal, or an app for your computer, or a digital writing pad. Look around and see what might work best for you. Typing is faster which many would consider preferable, yet manual writing with pen is slower which forces the brain to think better, which other people would consider preferable. (I suggest avoiding pencil which fades over time.)

Personally, I prefer to keep it free-form yet still with structure, always noting the date and time at the top of the entry. Sometimes I brain-dump, sometimes I write memories of my childhood (I find this very insightful and brings lovely feelings of nostalgia). Sometimes I will skim through past entries and find inspiration; or see a note to myself to do something, so I become inspired to immediately post a new entry as a follow-up. Sometimes I go on a philosophic tangent, or write random things that then turn into something that can be used in a post for the forums.

You can even have a few journals; use one for inspiration, motivation, and to write good things in it; and the other to vent, rant, and rage. My point is, you can completely tailor the journaling process to what you need, what will help you. You can make it as simple or as complex as you want.

One practice is to write about your mood, your emotions. This will help you better understand yourself and become more insightful. Write how you feel, and what made you feel like that, and what you think you can do to feel better. Or write about someone in your life and how you think they can feel better, or do better in their life.

Journaling can be done at any time of day or night. First thing in the morning has benefits, and you can write things you plan on doing in the day. Journaling in evening has benefits of going over the events of the day. This is similar to High Priest HoodedCobra’s Introspective Meditation, and can be combined with it, or done one after the other. See what works best for you.

You can also jot down a few more lines throughout the day, I do this, and I always enter the time at the top of the new entry, because when/if I go over it again days or months later, it’s interesting to see how my day went and the random times I decided to write. It makes my day feel more full and real, when I read over it later.

Journaling differs from blogging, as with blogs, you are inviting criticism and even trolling from random strangers on the internet. Blogging is fine for some people and for some topics, but keeping a private journal benefits everyone. You might write in it, and then take parts of it for your blog.

And you might discover that a particular journal entry expands further and could be a helpful post to others in the forums (perhaps with some revision if the original was too personal).

Just make sure your journal will never fall into the wrong hands. I know someone who stopped journaling for many years because they developed a mental block after it was repeatedly discovered and read by their parents. It even had a key (it was a physical journal) but they did not hide the key well enough.

If you keep a journal on a shared computer, put a password on it. If you keep a digital writing pad, make sure to back it up in case it ever breaks. If you keep a physical journal, keep it somewhere safe and hidden from prying eyes. You can even buy ones that come with a lock and key, but keep the key safe. Some people keep the key on a chain around their neck, as they like the aesthetic of it.

Writing to yourself is mental exploration and opens new gateways that you did not know of before. It is a very enjoyable and therapeutic process that you will grow from.

In the time that I have gotten back into journaling (I didn’t for many years), I have developed a higher sense of Self, and gained heightened awareness of the importance of certain things in my past. I also feel so much more connected to myself, and an increased sense of self-love and self-knowledge. It makes my day feel more real, makes my life feel more real, more full and enriched. Which then makes my mind feel more enriched. This is truly a remarkable feeling that I wish for all of you to gain as well :)
I needed to read this because it's a lot I been going through out this journey with self and mentally mainly
I used to write down my thoughts as well as my dreams, and experienced all of the benefits mentioned in this thread. I am also an obsessive daydreamer and spend at least 2 hours every day only thinking and pondering about things. I would like to try writing my thoughts down again, but there was always one thing that kind of bothered me whenever I went back and read over what I had written at the time, especially if I was experiencing a particular emotion while writing.

How do I get over the intense feeling of cringe or concern when I sound like an insane person in my writings? I already draw so I put my emotions in there. But using literature as a way to express emotions is real tough because I can actually hear my own voice in my mind thinking these things when I read them. As if I'm putting my own mind's past emotional garbage back into my head, if that makes sense, and wondering how or why I even felt that way to begin with. Every time I wrote, I felt like it was written by a different person than me; it was like going back in time and witnessing your past self say or think something stupid, because you were someone else back then and thought differently. Whenever I wrote, I just couldn't look at it again.

Writing down dreams is definitely great, though. It's exactly as balo666 mentioned.
Do you think it would help you to write down everything "cringe" and then burn it? This is a catharsis method. And then you can write about how you feel about that. Some things are meant to be kept and re-read, and other things are meant to be released and removed (burning).
Do you think it would help you to write down everything "cringe" and then burn it? This is a catharsis method. And then you can write about how you feel about that. Some things are meant to be kept and re-read, and other things are meant to be released and removed (burning).

Oh, I had never thought of that. That's a great idea. I was always under the impression that everything had to be kept, but this makes total sense. I'm grateful for the advice, and I shall incorporate such methods when applicable.
I am a dreamer , as all of you , everyone have dreams each night.
Trough my long study and practice I have noticed that having a Journal is essential in obtaining more Lucid dreams.
Not only that I am capable of Lucid Dreaming but I am also capable to understand my own mind and emotions better and more then ever before.

I think I will start some posts and topics about this , I have noticed in the past how this "dreaming" is very unwell seen and forgotten but I defo think is very essential in understanding one's mind and soul and will improve his workings a lot more.
There's nothing wrong with being a dreamer 🙂 It opens up the world of creativity! Especially if you're an oil painter. Or a musician! I I think it's very healing to be able to express that and write that on paper and to get that out in music as well!😀💜
Developing the balance of your mind! Is a very rewarding❤💡 and accepting the energies of both masculine and feminine! And being able to work with them in harmony! Without one over writing the other. 🍎🙂 it is not easy! Considering the fact that we're living in a male dominant world run by Jews and christians! That are doing their very best to Snuff out anything that has to do with the female! Even the enemy doesn't realize that he or she is also using both parts of their mind when it comes down to their little games I'm trying to conquer the world proving to the world out there as it is what kind of Hypocrites they are and what kind of cowards they are! They don't seem to realize that us having a mind of our own! Expressing who we are through our talents and abilities! And knowing who we are as humans and Gentile people! That we have those attributes being born with them! Learning to balance out our own looking through the fog of evil and confusion! Recognizing what makes sense and what don't! And how we develop our own strength and balance accepting both energy levels
Going along with the flow.

Accepting ourselves as is! Learning about our energy and our power on both sides of the brain. Is very intriguing! And I find that both energies are very mesmerizing and both beautiful and Powerful. Enjoying my years of school as a little kid working with the masculine side of the brain with math and art.

And then at the effeminine side with Music and Dance.
One side being creative and intuitive and the other side with mathematics organizing and having both being able to find the focus and the balance to see where things fit and how things go hand in hand.
Oh, I had never thought of that. That's a great idea. I was always under the impression that everything had to be kept, but this makes total sense. I'm grateful for the advice, and I shall incorporate such methods when applicable.
I've experienced the same about cringeing at the writings of my past self, particularly if I was writing from a non-neutral headspace. I've destroyed alot of entries, and this even went beyond just my writing. I think there is something deeper to this urge.

Doing this can be a symbol of denial, or it can be a symbol of letting go. It can be out of grief and acceptance, and it can be out of shame or guilt.

Sometimes I think it would be nice to have something from my younger self to look back on if I grow old. There is a certain regret of not having things to look back on, to serve as little time capsules and reminders, as mementos. Sometimes, you might think to yourself that you don't want to remember, or to be reminded.

Tavaly május környékén elkezdtem füzetet vezetni a főbb gondolataimról. Olyan dolgok, amelyekről azt hittem, hogy pozitív irányba terelnek az életemben.
It helped a lot.

Actually, the diary would be the best, but for me it's a step forward. Compared to myself.

What I realised was that if I wanted to develop as an SS, sooner or later I would have to start writing and keeping a diary or notes.
I never could Get into writing my thoughts down I could never sit still long enough growing up. When I wasn't being willful I was being a menace to my adopted xain mother. I don't have a lot of good stories or stuff to write down it will take me to a dark space.

I do have a story about one of the only good story I have is from when I was two years old and I ran out of the house in what the gods gave me.
While I hear my xain mother scream and chase after me .

But I really don't like writing but I will give it a shot and I hate opening that dark void each time I write something.
Thank you Lydia, it's been in the back of my head to start journaling again. I have placed the journal right in front of my desk.
This was a beautiful post by someone who has clearly mastered this skill! I will read it over again for sure. I used to write poetry and I felt such inspiration from that alone. I'll have to try this journaling and see where it takes me. It's much better than making other people and my own mind a sort-of journal no doubt.

My foster parent (in her 60's at the time) always told me to think before I speak, to always use proper grammar and so on. These practices indeed make us more presentable and admirable, save from those few with very sensitive egos. We should always speak to others how we'd like to be spoken to; with respect and empathy. Those who do not do the same in return simply aren't worth getting triggered over. One should always look to integrity as being the foundation to how we conduct ourselves.

Thanks Lydia for yet another empowering and inspiring post!
Through spiritual evolution and overall advancement, the mental aspect of our being comes into importance, along with the need to understand better our own unique psyche, our subconscious, and everything we might be capable of creating.

The practice of journaling will increase your self-awareness, improve your mind, and refine your ability to communicate. The benefits are vastly more important than many people understand. You will grow and advance as a person.

If you keep thoughts only in your head, they can scatter easily and be forgotten. Putting them on paper/word doc will make your thoughts more real and permanent.

Many people have blockages in communicating with others; how can you communicate with others if you cannot communicate with yourself? Journaling will increase your ability to articulate your thoughts, and order your words and sentences in a more coherent way. Writing to yourself will give you the practice and confidence to communicate better with others.

Writing/Journaling is very therapeutic. It enables you to gain insight into who you are and how you operate as an individual. Journaling will give you a private outlet for you to rant in, or write about your fears and insecurities in a way that will help you understand them better, in order to begin working on overcoming them.

You may have seen it online before: someone gets triggered by something, posts a giant emotional outburst rant, embarrasses themselves, leaves. (Hopefully they come back, at least under a new username if they want to separate themselves from the embarrassment.) They could have prevented this incident if they had written to themselves first, in their journal:

Anything that bothers you, including about another person, write it out. Don’t post it but keep it for yourself, at least for a while. Write it all out, rant and rage in it, contemplate it some more, write some more, read it over, complete it, feel the catharsis. And then decide if it’s something worth posting publicly. Chances are, you will realize that it is not something to make public. You can absolutely take parts of it, re-write it, and post a revised version if you feel it is necessary. But you will realize that there is no need to post your entire outburst.

The practice of journaling is very beneficial for people who seek attention everywhere online, or who dump their problems online and later regret it. Writing to yourself, explaining all your thoughts and problems, enables you to see that *you* are the important one, that you in fact do not need to over-express yourself to strangers online.

A lot of people seek attention from others for validation (this is often subconscious). If you spend time writing to yourself, you are validating yourself! Journaling is a form of self-care, you are putting time and effort into yourself, to take care of your mind and emotions. You need to understand that you are very important to yourself, and prioritizing time to write to yourself will prove this to you :)

Some people feel the strong need to express themselves, their personality, and their opinions, but in the wrong way, due to a lack of self-understanding. Every single person on the internet does not need to know every single detail about you. By keeping a journal, you can have the full sense of expressing yourself, while keeping appropriate boundaries.

There are various methods for journaling. There are many tips available online for methods, such as “brain-dumping” (getting everything on your mind out as fast as possible, often randomly), writing a set amount of pages each morning, or rules to stick with, and so on. Some recommend pen-and-paper notebook, some a word doc on computer, or you can buy an actual designed journal, or an app for your computer, or a digital writing pad. Look around and see what might work best for you. Typing is faster which many would consider preferable, yet manual writing with pen is slower which forces the brain to think better, which other people would consider preferable. (I suggest avoiding pencil which fades over time.)

Personally, I prefer to keep it free-form yet still with structure, always noting the date and time at the top of the entry. Sometimes I brain-dump, sometimes I write memories of my childhood (I find this very insightful and brings lovely feelings of nostalgia). Sometimes I will skim through past entries and find inspiration; or see a note to myself to do something, so I become inspired to immediately post a new entry as a follow-up. Sometimes I go on a philosophic tangent, or write random things that then turn into something that can be used in a post for the forums.

You can even have a few journals; use one for inspiration, motivation, and to write good things in it; and the other to vent, rant, and rage. My point is, you can completely tailor the journaling process to what you need, what will help you. You can make it as simple or as complex as you want.

One practice is to write about your mood, your emotions. This will help you better understand yourself and become more insightful. Write how you feel, and what made you feel like that, and what you think you can do to feel better. Or write about someone in your life and how you think they can feel better, or do better in their life.

Journaling can be done at any time of day or night. First thing in the morning has benefits, and you can write things you plan on doing in the day. Journaling in evening has benefits of going over the events of the day. This is similar to High Priest HoodedCobra’s Introspective Meditation, and can be combined with it, or done one after the other. See what works best for you.

You can also jot down a few more lines throughout the day, I do this, and I always enter the time at the top of the new entry, because when/if I go over it again days or months later, it’s interesting to see how my day went and the random times I decided to write. It makes my day feel more full and real, when I read over it later.

Journaling differs from blogging, as with blogs, you are inviting criticism and even trolling from random strangers on the internet. Blogging is fine for some people and for some topics, but keeping a private journal benefits everyone. You might write in it, and then take parts of it for your blog.

And you might discover that a particular journal entry expands further and could be a helpful post to others in the forums (perhaps with some revision if the original was too personal).

Just make sure your journal will never fall into the wrong hands. I know someone who stopped journaling for many years because they developed a mental block after it was repeatedly discovered and read by their parents. It even had a key (it was a physical journal) but they did not hide the key well enough.

If you keep a journal on a shared computer, put a password on it. If you keep a digital writing pad, make sure to back it up in case it ever breaks. If you keep a physical journal, keep it somewhere safe and hidden from prying eyes. You can even buy ones that come with a lock and key, but keep the key safe. Some people keep the key on a chain around their neck, as they like the aesthetic of it.

Writing to yourself is mental exploration and opens new gateways that you did not know of before. It is a very enjoyable and therapeutic process that you will grow from.

In the time that I have gotten back into journaling (I didn’t for many years), I have developed a higher sense of Self, and gained heightened awareness of the importance of certain things in my past. I also feel so much more connected to myself, and an increased sense of self-love and self-knowledge. It makes my day feel more real, makes my life feel more real, more full and enriched. Which then makes my mind feel more enriched. This is truly a remarkable feeling that I wish for all of you to gain as well :)
Self-awareness begets personal development. Thank you for the reminder.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
