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JoS Turkey Forums Are Now Official [Updated 12 August 2020]

Congratulations to our fellow Turks comrades, the jewish viruses of Xianity and Islam have to go removed completely and forever.
Gear88 said:
Master said:
If I remember correctly, the Byzantine was created by the jewish infiltration and corruption of Rome. And it was used to spread xianism. It's disgusting how jews try to pass xianism and islam as culture, when in reality they are nothing more than communist parties of slavery.

Commander, I'd like you to write something about the history of Rome. In the history corrupted and rewritten by the jews, Nero is described as a madman who burned Rome. Nero instead accuses the xians of burning Rome. Knowing how things stand, I think it was the jews who burned Rome using the xians to spread xianism and take control. Obviously, Nero has been blamed and is described as a madman.

And today you have the Vatican's malignant neoplasia inside Rome.

That's like the quote Hitler put out: It was not Nero who burned down Rome it was the judeo-bolshevik christians. It was not the people of France that murdered the aristocracy it was the jacobinites. And it was the communist who burned down the Reichstag in '32.

Technically speaking the quote is kinda like a simple to intermediate level understanding because it's not fully complete without the historical backing. For example when Hitler mentions jacobins(kinda like the communism occurring as of the time of these posts over by BLM/Antifa Chaz/Chop) well Hitler should have also mentioned about 500,000 French civilians died in the so-called jacobin republic. Although considering the re-writing and alteration of history more might have died it kinda begs the question what about other European nations who were trying to be thumbed under the zog/jog jacobins.

Also technically speaking read this sermon on the original Armenian massacre. While your statements are correct lots of xtianism with Byzantine particularly the orthodox and also Eastern so-called religions pislamification. Don't forget the major player Sabbatai/Zabbatai Zevi/Zhivi a Lurian Kabalist adept. Even Frank Jacobs(Jacobinites later on) states he is the reincarnation of Zevi, if it weren't for all the occult information we have on jews I would have chalked it up to tall tales but I would not be shocked if Jacobs peered or maybe was lied to by his alien cohorts.

The Jewish World Order The Jews Are Using Occult Power:
I agree, history is an important discipline. Thanks for the information.
Artık yavaş adımlarla değil koşarak insanlığın kurtuluşuna yaklaşıyoruz. Pislik y*hudi düzeninin sonu çok uzakta değil ve bunlar hepimizin sayesinde. Yavaşça değil hızlıca büyüyoruz ve insanların gözü artık iyiden iyiye açılmaya başladı. Bu bizim yarattığımız mükemmel bir ilerleme ve çok yakında düşmanın üstüne büyük bir güç ile çullanacağız. Bu da gelişmemizin meyvelerinden birisi. Umarım diğer ülkeler için de çok yakında böyle haberler duyarız. "İyi forumlar :lol: "
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Comrades,

As everyone knows, one of our powerful communities has been Turkey for a long time. Translators there and people involved have done a wonderful job in spreading the message to their own kin, for years now. Therefore, it is now, all things considered, the time where our Turkish SS do actually come under the same roof, free from oppression from corrupt jewish governments, with the ability to assemble online and converse about anything pertaining to their lives as Satanists.

To that end, and given the situation of oppression in Turkey [this comes with radical Islam], it would be a good idea for Turkish members that live in Turkey, to take some precautions such as a proxy or a VPN to connect to the internet, or simply use TOR. The forums have been made open to TOR users worldwide, as some of our readership and members come from places of discrimination, violence, and other proofs of the "Love" the Abrahamic Jewish religions are all about.

Turkey as a country in the modern world has taken a reverse turn in regards to what Turkey was before, like anyone else- what we call today as a State by this name, was in the past, filled with booming Pagan communities, people that worshiped the Gods for centuries and centuries. Tengrism, one of the few examples that has been accredited to Turkey, shows clearly that Turks followed a general line of an Indo-European character, which defined all their religious beliefs.

All the races of Turkey had in one form or another, the very same mythological symbology like all Gentiles did, which was centered around the Serpentine Kundalini power, and which of course, people practiced for centuries. A lot of history about this ends in the 10th century where the enemy made major advances in the region, but existing evidence is enough in itself. In Native Turkic myth one who knows what the secret meanings mean, does understand, that Turks followed the same Indo-European tradition [Serpent based and Godhead based], especially so in the metaphysical sense.

Until of course, jewish infiltration took place, and the local and regional religions were turned progressively into a violent form of Judaism, which is rebranded as "Islam" so the "Goyim cannot know". Some of the most potent and toxic versions of enemy poison, were cast on the Turkish people through Zoroastrianism. Rabbis go into detail on how they infected the civilizations of the Near East, such as Turkey, and they have stayed there doing business for centuries, on the back of Gentiles as per usual.

Islam, with it's advent, destroyed so mercilessly the great majority of spiritual knowledge, that Turks are no exception in this regard like anyone else, have now tidbits left compared to what was present before in region. Many cults from all over the Pagan world, have passed through, or have had relationships with Turkey, from Mithraism, all the way to the native Persian Paganism. On top of this, the enemy with their "Islamist" agenda, does not allow Turkish people and scientists and/or educated people to even do anything remotely active to find about their past, such as let's say, archeological digging or inquiry.

Iran is in a similar situation in that regard, where Iraq and Iran were both bombed until nothing remained. Egypt, which unironically is one of the most major places for archeological Pagan knowledge, also is succumbing under the poison of Islam, to where the Government either disallows excavations, or outright destroys or blocks findings that could topple the disease of Islam. Islam, is based on the hebrew letters, and is blotted out with the Final RTR. There are billions of people living their lives in needless oppression of the lowest kind that did not exist in this level before in history. The enemy wants Islam to persist at all costs, for it's Nation destroying power is very effective.

Turkey is rife with anti-semitism and also historically this is the case, as the enemy has been very active in Turkey and specifically in Instanbul for centuries, motivating ceaseless and pointless cultural and material warfare, trying to keep local leaders from advancing and using next leaders who have been jews to backtrack every attempt of the country to advance, and generally putting the blame on the Turkish people as a whole.

For those that may not know, Turks were majorly allied with the Axis in WW2, and in specific, Hitler's Germany, and even the SS took honorary Turks as members. This was in these cases a situation that had to do with Race, and not "Islam" as erroneously stated by historians. Turks were [they are millions and a very large landmass], of many Gentile sub races of the region, and on the shores, many can be predominantly White, Persian, while in some cases Mongolian.

The relationship of friendship between Germany and Turkey has persisted to this day, although, Jewish International councils of reptilians are now using this relationship as part of their general agenda of race mixing and subversion of the region.

Nowadays, Turkey has been used meticulously by the enemy to become a center and a hub for Islamism, which is the vision that all "Islamic Countries" should unite, with the general goal of Jihad in mind [this is seldom said, but this is what this is about]. Political incompetence of jews, pushes into this direciton, as to keep the populace from progressing, and because the jews have Islam as a second ace in the sleeve for when Christianity is going to fail in the West [which the last failure of, brought worldwide awakening].

We always knew the enemy's agenda, and how they turn countries, people, and everything they can, from light, straight into the bottomless dark pit of ignorance, violence and death.

Yesterday and today, the enemy has had one of their darkest and grimmest days, the 9th of AV, where the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and Jews. Indeed that is a day of celebration for everyone, and so it should remain, as a symbolic war against the toxicity and damnation the jewish race has been spreading on humanity, and a historic reaction against this.

With a lot of happiness and celebration, we announce that from now on, officially, the Joy of Satan Turkish forums will be active. These will be moderated by a respected and longterm member, and by people that care about the community that were of choice of the main brother who will do, as he has done before, his earnest so that JoS Turkey flourishes. This Brother is Satan's peacock, but he also has went by the more linear forum name of Peppermintaco before. From now on, conversation, comments and so forth, can all happen safely under these forums.

As always, care to personal security is advised, since, the enemy may not sit idle when it comes to specific people assemblying. Remember, this is online, and to not put your personal information to risk, especially in countries where the "Vibrant tolerance" [which can get someone killed over this] of the enemy has manifested itself too far.

May the Gods bless this endeavor to free the Turkic people and see to that we all advance together in the path that they have set, setting the world free from enemy chains, and may we banish ignorance permanently in our collective efforts.

Let us all give them our most positive wishes, and warmest welcome. May we always succeed in manifesting Satan's Holy Endeavors.

The Link to the Website is here, which most Turkish Members already know:


Link to the Forums [These will be fully open]:


Below will be the principles and rules of the JoS Turkey Forum:

Bu forum Şeytan'la ve Demon'larıyla bir ilişki kurmak ve ciddi bir şekilde Spiritüel Satanizm, Demon'lar, Satanik Cadılık, Maji ve daha fazlası hakkında konuşmak isteyen, Türkçe konuşan kişiler içindir. Şeytan'ı ve Onun Demon'larını gerçek varlıklar olarak tanıyoruz, ve Onlarla iletişim kurup gelişimimiz için çalışıyoruz. Şeytan, İnsanlığın Yaratıcısıdır. Felsefi bir Satanist'seniz veya inancınız başka şekildeyse, inançlarınızı burada empoze etmeye çalışmayın.

Şeytan'ın düşmanlarına (Yahudiler, Hristiyanlar, Müslümanlar, vesaire) sempatizanlıkta veya destekte bulunanlar yasaklanacaktır.

Şeytan'a ve/veya Onun Demon'larına karşı hakaret ve küfürlere tolerans gösterilmeyecektir.

Şeytan'ın ve Onun Demon'larının kötü olduğuna inanıyorsanız burası sizin için değil, başka bir yer bulun.

Satanizm'den uzak, Yeni Çağ inançlarını ve benzeri şeyleri burada empoze etmeye çalışmayın.

Joy of Satan'a saldıran kişileri, grupları veya organizasyonları tanıtıp desteklemeye çalışmayın. Mesajlarınız silinir ve yasaklanırsınız.

Burada bizim düşünce biçimimizle ALAKASI OLMAYAN kanlı kurbanlar verme ve yasadışı eylemler gibi şeylerle uğraşmıyoruz. Yasalara saygılıyız. Yasadışı herhangi bir şey destekleyen herhangi biri yasaklanacaktır.

Nazik olun. Her şeyden önce eğitim ve saygı.

http://www.joyofsatan.com / http://www.joyofsatan.org / https://spirituelsatanizm.org/
This is awesome! The enemy can't fucking spy on us anymore.
Master said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Master said:
If I remember correctly, the Byzantine was created by the jewish infiltration and corruption of Rome. And it was used to spread xianism. It's disgusting how jews try to pass xianism and islam as culture, when in reality they are nothing more than communist parties of slavery.

Commander, I'd like you to write something about the history of Rome. In the history corrupted and rewritten by the jews, Nero is described as a madman who burned Rome. Nero instead accuses the xians of burning Rome. Knowing how things stand, I think it was the jews who burned Rome using the xians to spread xianism and take control. Obviously, Nero has been blamed and is described as a madman.

And today you have the Vatican's malignant neoplasia inside Rome.
What I don't understand is how Pagans converted to Christianity so easily. A lot of people during the end of Rome were arian christians.
Xianism is no different from islam, look at the inquisition. What needed to be done was the removal of knowledge and those who knew. I once asked myself, but how are Jewish lies standing? Jews use violence and ignorance. There's nothing worse than ignorance. If you know you will fight, if you don't know you are lost. It makes the difference between light and dark. You are wondering, how did the Jews turn humanity from Homo Sapiensis into Homo Judaicus. With a set of things of course. The inquisition lasted for many generations until the new generations were completely ignorant and deluded. But how did they succeed in all this? The answer is spiritual warfare. Without the spiritual power, they would not even have succeeded in infiltrating, let alone rise to power and enslave everyone. I know what you mean, most if not all of the first and true pagans knew the truth and were connected with the Gods. Ancient libraries are proof. The point is that the Jews and their superiors won spiritually and then inevitably also physically. The conscious generations resisted and did everything they could but were powerless towards the enemies and consequently they were cursed and destroyed. Subsequent generations were and are still unaware and therefore defenseless as animals and by force the enemy calls them cattle.

Livestock is the set of domestic animals that produce food, textile fibers or are used for work. This includes, for example, pigs, cattle, sheep, horses and poultry. The type of cattle chosen depends on various factors, namely the climate, the demand from consumers, the type of soil, local traditions and native animals of the place. It is generally raised for food or for profit. Animal breeding is an important part of modern agriculture. It is used by many companies because the transition from farmer to breeder perfectly combines the two trades.
There's something you should know about this PeppermintTaco fellow. He has a reputation for grooming underage girls on discord and convincing his fellow satanists to date underage girls.


His reputations extends into different parts of the gaming community.


Devilpoultry999 = PeppermintTaco = Satan'sPeacock
This is his alias in the community administrated by Luminescence, another somewhat notable member of this forum, where Satan'sPeacock is free to spread this filth to his Satanist buddies.
Full opening of the forums will happen soon, as there will be changes in the team of moderators, because of issues pertaining to information that was shared, indicating the possibility of power abuse and/or the possibility of a bad moral compass.

Satan, the Gods, and us, will not tolerate in anyway power abuse against members, nor reputation and disinformation campaigns between members, nor any form of moral crookedness or immoral behavior.

We will inform and update on the new setup of moderation for the JoS Turkey forum, as to ensure a flawless learning space for Satanists of all walks of life.

Remember also that moderators are here to do this: Moderate. Moderators are simply moderators and not Clergy or some other form of authority beyond judgement or an authority endowed with the rights to cause problems etc, and as with everything, if there is under performance or bad conduct, moderators will be removed and/or replaced accordingly to ensure everything is clear, pristine and works correctly.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
