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JoS Position On The Vaccine

This is for any SS wanting to try and get more info to those they love with out using the jos in any way.


This is from the Weston A Price Foundation journal. It just came out not even a month ago. Feel free to look thru the rest of it and the whole site itself. They are against the shot and co-vid itself on top of having a ton of proof and ways to keep yourself healthy during this idocy. :D
Spreading similar info from different places helps show people the truth from different points of view. I hope this pov helps others get the message across.

Hail Father Satan
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hey I was wondering about the vaccination and the vaccine. They will set up camps and stuff right in which states? See as a satanist I’m still growing and been on and off lately been having doubts. A lot of them but I did void meditation to shake back and stuff. I truly admire your knowledge and guidance to help fellow satanist to understand what’s going on. So I was willing to ask this, how you felt with personal problems like doubts and loosing your trust in Satan and his demons. I know this is off topic but I’m just curious I’m doing the 40 days empowerment right now as we speak. Also I have been having trouble with my third eye lately like focusing on opening it open it’s obstacles after obstacles you know. So I would love the advice on how to deal with problems like self doubts low confidence low self esteem and depression. How you dealt with it we’ll see I’m fine now but just curious as hell right now. Also foundation meditation what’s better energy or foundation meditation?
Renascendo das cinzas said:
Blackdragon666 said:
siatris666 said:
all my family had it. but me and my uncle.

we wont have it. wont budge. but these ppl attack like borg. take it take it take it. join us join us join us.

I have an SS friend whose parents took it. His dad has been trembling for days and in bed and has the audacity to push him to take the vaccine. I advised him to bind him. Use black energy or Isa to bind whoever can be real problematic in pushing you to take the vaccine.

I've never used gray energy, I'm not sure how to do it. When searching the JOS website about it, I found a vague explanation that it shouldn't pass through the sender, what would that be like? Would this energy actually harm the person you send it to? Because gray energy would be black magic, wouldn't it?! I don't know if I'm wrong, but I have doubts. I'm asking because I had problems at home for not wanting to take the vaccine and I thought about using this energy on the person who offended me the most, tried to force me and diminish me as a person because of that. But for never having used it and not having the necessary knowledge, I gave up. So I found your post now and I thought, can you give me an idea of ​​how to do it and clear this question? What will happen to the target person if I do?
Black energy, not gray. Gray is very negative and is usually used in death workings. Obviously you don't want this person to die but to leave you alone. Black is a positive color in general but can also be used for binding, which is preventing someone from doing something.
I saw a video on bitchute of white coat summit. I do not know if its really the white coat summit or if its a fake one. The doctor claimed with pictorial evidence about permanent heart damage. He also connected about microstasis or something rising 200 times over a week among teenagers from the vaccine. That the only thing a heart cell replaces with itself is scar. Brain fog due to inflammation and something about H2 receptors(I do not know what H2 receptor is.)
There's also the case of Patrick King in Canada where he asked for isolation of the virus. The court couldn't provide it. (Do look it up, I don't know if its fake or true)

You can watch this on bitchute. Video named pandemic of the unvaccinated. It starts from 6:00.
I have been studying A levels which is mainly for going abroad. Well, it seems I can't anymore. I feel like I am doing something stupid not taking the vaccine. However, there's something in me that refuses to take it no matter the price or consequences. I wonder if I am being conscious as said in the post. I just can't budge on it.
The enemy withholds science, that is, reality and therefore the truth, in order to deceive and manipulate us to maintain the present state of slavery. If you go too far in this, you may not be able to come back.
The vaccination made many paople go mad. My family is againts this jab, but for example my mothers brother and his all family got 2 shots, they went for the jab straight when the government opened the loackdown so it was in April. I told them just wait, wait how it will be, nobody pushing you to take it, but no, all of them - normaly - they were asking it to get asap.
since the time I saw them only once, use to go to visit them as they too, but now, nothing, they completely separated themself from us, from their family members, cos we are danger to them.

My friend who was telling me that he will study the jews more because everything, the wars and all the human suffer coming from them, took the jewish poison also. His father got the second shot and after a 2-3 weeks collapsed and finished in the hospital where he had 5hour operation, his carotid artery was full of blood clots, middle of the operation his heart stopped, but the doctors bring him back to life, cleaned the artery, after, on the third day the operation needed to be repeated cos of the blood clots, he at home but I do not know what will be whit him....

I use to be a vehement anti vaxer /still I am/ but not any more in the public or at the workplace. I warned many of my frieds, colleagues, family members what this shit is and what the main goal. Taking the info from real doctors, from this forum. Personaly i know doctors who say to me - if you take it you might die in a couple of years, cos nobody know what is inside the vax, but for sure is a poison and they also added - we experiencing a global genocide of humanity.
very few of frieds, colleagues listen to me, very - very small amout of them and you know what is to most fucking retarded thing? When I asked them, why did you get the vaccine? Their answer was very devastating for me, so they told me because:
I already book a holiday, I want to go to the pub, I want to go to the football match, I take the jab but I want them to leave me alone and the stupid dumb asnwer were coming from these total sheeps. NONE OF THEM SAID I TOOK THE JAB BECAUSE OF MY HEALTH!!!!!

You know this scares me a lot that many people thinking like this, cos I always ask myself, how we going to built better future for us and ESPECIALY for out children if people so fucking retarded?
How we going to survive if the things just getting worse and worse??

Some people normaly think that this will finish next year, so after december 2021 it will slowly getting better, they are tired already of this shit, and there are many who think this way. What will these people doing if you told them that the enemy planing to do this till the year 2035 or 2050??
They will go fucking mad, agression will occure, suicides and the list goes.

The big problem is that you can not talk about these huge problems with the vaccinated, cos they are totaly braindead, and even if you show them evidences thay just deny it cos is to hard to accept it. And if once they already got the jab, thay want to move on and have the life what they have before. But I am sorry, what a life we had till 2019 is over, NO MORE. When this I telling these sheeps in that moment they attacking me like mad dogs.
DragonFire11 said:
The vaccination made many paople go mad. My family is againts this jab, but for example my mothers brother and his all family got 2 shots, they went for the jab straight when the government opened the loackdown so it was in April. I told them just wait, wait how it will be, nobody pushing you to take it, but no, all of them - normaly - they were asking it to get asap.
since the time I saw them only once, use to go to visit them as they too, but now, nothing, they completely separated themself from us, from their family members, cos we are danger to them.

My friend who was telling me that he will study the jews more because everything, the wars and all the human suffer coming from them, took the jewish poison also. His father got the second shot and after a 2-3 weeks collapsed and finished in the hospital where he had 5hour operation, his carotid artery was full of blood clots, middle of the operation his heart stopped, but the doctors bring him back to life, cleaned the artery, after, on the third day the operation needed to be repeated cos of the blood clots, he at home but I do not know what will be whit him....

I use to be a vehement anti vaxer /still I am/ but not any more in the public or at the workplace. I warned many of my frieds, colleagues, family members what this shit is and what the main goal. Taking the info from real doctors, from this forum. Personaly i know doctors who say to me - if you take it you might die in a couple of years, cos nobody know what is inside the vax, but for sure is a poison and they also added - we experiencing a global genocide of humanity.
very few of frieds, colleagues listen to me, very - very small amout of them and you know what is to most fucking retarded thing? When I asked them, why did you get the vaccine? Their answer was very devastating for me, so they told me because:
I already book a holiday, I want to go to the pub, I want to go to the football match, I take the jab but I want them to leave me alone and the stupid dumb asnwer were coming from these total sheeps. NONE OF THEM SAID I TOOK THE JAB BECAUSE OF MY HEALTH!!!!!

You know this scares me a lot that many people thinking like this, cos I always ask myself, how we going to built better future for us and ESPECIALY for out children if people so fucking retarded?
How we going to survive if the things just getting worse and worse??

Some people normaly think that this will finish next year, so after december 2021 it will slowly getting better, they are tired already of this shit, and there are many who think this way. What will these people doing if you told them that the enemy planing to do this till the year 2035 or 2050??
They will go fucking mad, agression will occure, suicides and the list goes.

The big problem is that you can not talk about these huge problems with the vaccinated, cos they are totaly braindead, and even if you show them evidences thay just deny it cos is to hard to accept it. And if once they already got the jab, thay want to move on and have the life what they have before. But I am sorry, what a life we had till 2019 is over, NO MORE. When this I telling these sheeps in that moment they attacking me like mad dogs.

It's incredible how the people you thought would refuse to take the vaccine, take it to be "free" to go on vacation. My mom has also taken 2 jabs to go on vacation next year. And also an old acquaintance and her son. That acquaintance goes with my mom next year on holidays and pushes me to take it as well. I said that you can die taking an experimental vaccine. She says you die anyways. So in other words; Yolo!! Eventually I told both my mom and her that I won't let myself be blackmailed into taking a vaccine, and that's it! We're at this point were we can't talk this out of people's head anymore becuz allot of people really are shortsighted/no common sense, or just scared. And these times are really a true test of character. You go along with the jooish narrative of: "take the vaccine and you will get your freedoms back with a covid pass", or resist by refusing it no matter the pressure they put on you. The pressure is real and very intense for sure! My mom knows the agenda behind the vaccine, but ofcourse she is xtian and can't accept the reality of the jews, cuz xians worship them basically. And the same thing can be said about those who are without. Allot of them know something fishy is going on behind the scenes, but they succumb under mainstream media and societal pressure. We have to have this live and let live attidude even though it's hard, towards the vaccinated. Unless they pressure us, they made a mistake by going along and not sticking to their personal rights as human beings. The consequences are their own responsibility as a third jab is on it's way, and a fourth etc. It's hard to indeed see allot of family members and friends, or even people you fell in love with are taking the vaccine. I was falling in love on a girl, but just heard she took two vaccines. Man that was a turnoff! But I do believe allot of vaccinated will open their eyes soon as the jews continue pushing their clown world on us. Their narrative becomes so ridiculous that even allot of vaccinated will wake up and stop immediately taking more jabs! Our RTR's are doing a good job waking Gentiles up. Stay strong brother no matter what! We will have our big rewards for strenght in the future. Together with the Gods and Godesses, we are safe!! We keep doing our duty as SS and everything is going to be alright!

Hail Satan!
I'm afraid of being forced to take the vaccine, I'm in high school and people my age have already started to get vaccinated in my country, a close friend who is a Satanist told me that if I were forced to take the vaccine I should try even harder in the meditations , but in no way do I want this "vaccine" to be imposed on me, I'm lost and I don't know what to do.
I have another friend who also doesn't think it's plausible to have to agree to take this shit (her parents agree too). My biggest fear is that my mother will force me and threaten me that she will take my notebook, she could ban all my leisure activities if she finds out I am anti-vaccine.
I feel like I'm stuck.
Blackdragon666 said:
balo666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
I have an SS friend whose parents took it. His dad has been trembling for days and in bed and has the audacity to push him to take the vaccine. I advised him to bind him. Use black energy or Isa to bind whoever can be real problematic in pushing you to take the vaccine.

Hi HPBD666! Would you send me a link where i can learn how to bind someone? thank you!
Lol I'm not a high priest.

Use the Isa rune. Vibrated, 'IIIIIIII-SSSSSS-AAAAA'. The 'i' is like in 'eat'. The 's' is just like in the word 'soft'. The 'a' is like in 'artery' or 'apple'. Vibrate it into a ball of energy 108 times and program the energy to bind the intended person then direct it to their soul. I normally use it with black for binding. For anyone who can't vibrate runes, plain black energy can also be used for binding. Binding is very effective in my experience and doesn't usually need a full 40 day working. I've bound people for almost a week and seen the effects last remarkably long (two or three months).

For those staying with relatives who can be pushy or manipulative when it comes to the vaccine, the moon is waning and in Aries which is a perfect time for binding (and other black magic workings). Don't wait for when they start to get real pushy; start today if you know they can be problematic in the future. Do the working daily for at least two weeks. It will last a while and prevent them from forcing or coercing you to take the vaccine.

Jeje i noticed later and couldnt delete the msg, thank you for the knowledge < :)
The next few months are going to be interesting. September will have a lot of disruption due to JWO pushing for mandated vaccines, which in the US is currently being done quite slyly through employers, against the opposing force of those that refuse, so a bit of a crescendo. Politics will also get weird on top of it as Biden is seen as more and more inept. Many of the people I know are calling the vaccine a killshot, but you can come through it with the right vitamin protocol and meditations, Best thing to do is not get it, and if employers say you have to, then call their bluff and wait to see if they do fire you. I’ve told people the first thing they should do if an employer says they have to get vaxxed or will be fired is immediately file a Hostile Work Environment complaint with the EEOC (labor board) so they have it in their records and then if you are fired you can file for unemployment as they will give it to you automatically until the case is decided which can take a few years since everything is so backed up. Then you can always look for other work where you don’t need to be jabbed.

Or figure out how to work for yourself which is what I did. Bookkeeping is a good example…work from home and online and always needed.

We use our magick abilities every day to guide us. This is a miracle actually. We are guided and personally we keep getting messages that we are safe, live, take it one day at a time, and keep preparing.

Our outlook is this comes to a top peak of madness from now until end of Oct “politically” for Biden and as for the vax as a kill shot we will be seeing the repercussions for the next 12 months minimum….and even if we are wrong we’re preparing for this to be a long haul issue. Economically with the stock market from now until Nov 1 are the worst 3 months cyclically year in and year out and Sept/Oct the worst 2. It is very possible this comes to a head on Wall Street starting soon with some fears of even longer into 2022. We shall have to see.

Bottomline? Be prepared spiritually and for whatever may come physically, mentally.

Hope this helps in some small way.
Seeing how everyone is becoming a borg or straight out retarded i wonder, is this a small dose of what happened when Rome fell, is this how it felt?
Blackdragon666 said:
balo666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
I have an SS friend whose parents took it. His dad has been trembling for days and in bed and has the audacity to push him to take the vaccine. I advised him to bind him. Use black energy or Isa to bind whoever can be real problematic in pushing you to take the vaccine.

Hi HPBD666! Would you send me a link where i can learn how to bind someone? thank you!
Lol I'm not a high priest.

Use the Isa rune. Vibrated, 'IIIIIIII-SSSSSS-AAAAA'. The 'i' is like in 'eat'. The 's' is just like in the word 'soft'. The 'a' is like in 'artery' or 'apple'. Vibrate it into a ball of energy 108 times and program the energy to bind the intended person then direct it to their soul. I normally use it with black for binding. For anyone who can't vibrate runes, plain black energy can also be used for binding. Binding is very effective in my experience and doesn't usually need a full 40 day working. I've bound people for almost a week and seen the effects last remarkably long (two or three months).

For those staying with relatives who can be pushy or manipulative when it comes to the vaccine, the moon is waning and in Aries which is a perfect time for binding (and other black magic workings). Don't wait for when they start to get real pushy; start today if you know they can be problematic in the future. Do the working daily for at least two weeks. It will last a while and prevent them from forcing or coercing you to take the vaccine.

Hi, I don't know much about jobs, rather I only do one.
I make one that is from Lydia and is to cleanse the chakras. What happens is that I did not understand what I explain. Sorry for the inconvenience, but if possible, could you please explain in easy to understand words? Or, could you leave me a link where they explain it?

I say this because they are forcing me to get the vaccine. Then I would like to avoid it at all costs.
DragonFire11 said:

The big problem is that you can not talk about these huge problems with the vaccinated, cos they are totaly braindead, and even if you show them evidences thay just deny it cos is to hard to accept it. And if once they already got the jab, thay want to move on and have the life what they have before. But I am sorry, what a life we had till 2019 is over, NO MORE. When this I telling these sheeps in that moment they attacking me like mad dogs.


The main problem is, those people are like animals, they only follow thear urges and the things they have to do.
They don´t have the inner drive to find the truth or want to do something to improve the world.
They are not worthless and some of them are maybe abel, with time to even meditate, but most of them you should see as someone who does thear job which does help sustain society.
So even if I know they are more or les lost, I also know they might do something which is good for society and for this I accept them.
Yet, as Spiritual Satanists, even at the case where let's say this happened, and zombie apocalypse occurred, there is no way the JoS is going to behave as a xian group, that let's say, will gain "Satisfaction" from being right about the suffering of a "segment" of the people here.

In fact, no matter what happens to people, vaccinated or not vaccinated, we will always look at the best of anyone in their respective case. This should be the spirit of the forum. Nobody has to engage here in the external behaviors that the enemy imposes. We want no side to be "right" over the "other" to feel triumph over the dead parts of our very own society or body.

Thank you for keeping me in check even if indirectly. I was starting to feel hostile towards the regular people who took it and promoting it in the last couple of months (not that the other side of the same coin is that much better) but this snapped me back to reality.

That's definitely the last thing I want, more innocent people getting hurt and I definitely don't want to be the case of that hurt because they pissed me off and I took it out on them instead of having better understanding of the situation. Not too rant too much but many many many reasons why I consider you legitimately and by definition a wise person and this is one of those reasons.

I like this position we take and will do my best to express it in the best light possible.
DragonFire11 said:

The big problem is that you can not talk about these huge problems with the vaccinated, cos they are totaly braindead, and even if you show them evidences thay just deny it cos is to hard to accept it. And if once they already got the jab, thay want to move on and have the life what they have before. But I am sorry, what a life we had till 2019 is over, NO MORE. When this I telling these sheeps in that moment they attacking me like mad dogs.


Admittedly many of the "vaccinated" are starting to behave like borg. Not all of them. Many have turned their backs to the enemy simply because they have been forced to vaccinate.

It can be difficult to explain this to these people, as they are not aware nor many of them want to accept a large scale longterm conspiracy is going on over them and their lives.

As time passes, they will understand it, but the majority of them won't, because they are simply in denial. Give it around 1-2 years more, and they will get it eventually.

Most of these people are scared and like a small percent of them is busy acting "I KNOW BETTER THAN ALL OF YOU IDIOTS THERE ARE NO CONSPIRACIES BLAH BLAH" and they get defensive, plus they want to spread the liability to others of them doing a bad choice.

The qualities that led them down this hole, except of people who had actual threats to their life and health, are really not good to maintain freedom in society.

Only the people who had serious illness or actual fear to die, and those who have been brutalized to lose livelihood are worthwhile from this category. The rest is just people that rushed into this and feel poor confidence into their decision, so they get really aggressive.
hailourtruegod said:
Yet, as Spiritual Satanists, even at the case where let's say this happened, and zombie apocalypse occurred, there is no way the JoS is going to behave as a xian group, that let's say, will gain "Satisfaction" from being right about the suffering of a "segment" of the people here.

In fact, no matter what happens to people, vaccinated or not vaccinated, we will always look at the best of anyone in their respective case. This should be the spirit of the forum. Nobody has to engage here in the external behaviors that the enemy imposes. We want no side to be "right" over the "other" to feel triumph over the dead parts of our very own society or body.

Thank you for keeping me in check even if indirectly. I was starting to feel hostile towards the regular people who took it and promoting it in the last couple of months (not that the other side of the same coin is that much better) but this snapped me back to reality.

That's definitely the last thing I want, more innocent people getting hurt and I definitely don't want to be the case of that hurt because they pissed me off and I took it out on them instead of having better understanding of the situation. Not too rant too much but many many many reasons why I consider you legitimately and by definition a wise person and this is one of those reasons.

I like this position we take and will do my best to express it in the best light possible.

If there was a real dangerous pandemic, many people have taken the decision to "vaccinate" because they thought this would protect themselves, others etc. Others, because they trust the government, which can be naive, but in another scenario that would be desirable.

So I don't see the vaccinated as "enemies", nor should people who opt in for other choices should. Yet they are brainwashed consistently [both sides] so that anger erupts from one to the other, until people kill themselves or a situation of civil war is created.

They want the vaccinated to see the unvaccinated as threats, and the unvaccinated to hate the vaccinated too. However, all the mistakes lie in the government, their divisive policy, and in the media etc, who scaremonger people all day.

Although I don't like this category of people who behaved like cattle in the height of the JWO agenda, on the other hand, many have been naive.

The only category I specifically hate from their bunch, is these zealots that want to enforce this medical decisions on other people. But the extreme borg zealots have to be 1 out of 10 of them.
Captain666 said:
The next few months are going to be interesting. ...

The Jew World Order is constantly emphasizing and trying to get the survival instincts of people out to get them to have civil warfare over the Co-Vid.

To people who disagree with the vaccine, they ramp up the rhetoric that the vaccinated are a threat and that they are going to kill us all, or that they will die soon, or that all the crimes the government is doing is actually the vaccinated people doing it.

To the unvaccinated, they strangulate their freedoms, and tell them it's the "Vaccinated" people doing it, while it's actually the government that strangulates their freedoms.

Both these groups are now mixing and the Jew World Order is trying to turn them into batallions that will keep fighting until everything is gone. However, because of their constitution, governments are sided with the vaccinated. They are easier to control during this time, believe the government more etc.

This doesn't mean they aren't infiltrating and/or using the unvaccinated too. QAnon which was a kike plot straight from agencies to quell the Trump supporters rage after the election being stolen, later became the "everyone will die from the vaccine instantly!!" gathering.

These situations are mutually reinforcing one another, and the JWO is trying to use this to their advantage now.
On to this picture it's one of my favorite parts of the realm of the gods were were grafted numerous secondary or complementary legends, Wich were introduced by theologicians in order to incorporate the local dietys to elaborate the various gods roles in cosmologies or to achieve synthetic fusion of several groups with one exception there is little discussion in all in this of the actual creation of mankind Wich seems to have been thought of as having takin place at the same time as the creation of the world in this exception the legend of the eye of rah song loses his eye he sends his children shu and tefnut to seek out the fugitive but time passes and his son's do not return he decides to place a missing eye with a substitute when the lost eye reappears and finds out that 8t has been replaced it begins to weep with rage and it's tears remit remet give birth to people rah then transforms the eye into a Cobra and places it on his forehead this the ureaus Wich is given the task of destroying the gods enemies the amecdotal nature of this story of mankind is exceptional and it's origins may well lie in the punning of the Egyptians words for tears and people Wich seems to have proved to tempting for the theoligans to ignore The cosmological theme of the damaged or replaced eye went through several stages of development it provided an explanation for the creation of the moon the second eye of rah that was entrusted to Thoth the ibis headed god of the scribes and for the healthy eye of Horus The spark of life isn't forced It's Created Love yah
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Captain666 said:
The next few months are going to be interesting. ...

The Jew World Order is constantly emphasizing and trying to get the survival instincts of people out to get them to have civil warfare over the Co-Vid.

To people who disagree with the vaccine, they ramp up the rhetoric that the vaccinated are a threat and that they are going to kill us all, or that they will die soon, or that all the crimes the government is doing is actually the vaccinated people doing it.

To the unvaccinated, they strangulate their freedoms, and tell them it's the "Vaccinated" people doing it, while it's actually the government that strangulates their freedoms.

Both these groups are now mixing and the Jew World Order is trying to turn them into batallions that will keep fighting until everything is gone. However, because of their constitution, governments are sided with the vaccinated. They are easier to control during this time, believe the government more etc.

This doesn't mean they aren't infiltrating and/or using the unvaccinated too. QAnon which was a kike plot straight from agencies to quell the Trump supporters rage after the election being stolen, later became the "everyone will die from the vaccine instantly!!" gathering.

These situations are mutually reinforcing one another, and the JWO is trying to use this to their advantage now.

I do not disagree with this. Both sides seem to be raging and egged on as well. There are a lot of people dying from the vaccine though or becoming incapacitated.

It’s a tough choice. I have one close friend whose spouse died of Covid after 14 days. I have other friends who caught it and survived, but now it’s political hardball. Australia just announced it’s first “Quarentine” camp a few hours ago. One of my wife’s friends in her tarot group is from there and she didn’t show up yesterday…and she is very reliable….no word. Australia has given up their guns. I’m pretty sure they are regretting that right now.

Keep working the meditations and magick. We need to work for everyone’s protection.
Cosmic6999 said:
willing to ask this, how you felt with personal problems like doubts and loosing your trust in Satan and his demons. I know this is off topic but I’m just curious I’m doing the 40 days empowerment right now as we speak. Also I have been having trouble with my third eye lately like focusing on opening it open it’s obstacles after obstacles you know. So I would love the advice on how to deal with problems like self doubts low confidence low self esteem and depression. How you dealt with it we’ll see I’m fine now but just curious as hell right now. Also foundation meditation what’s better energy or foundation meditation?

Don't worry about doubts in the sense of random, passing thoughts. This could be from enemy attacks. Just always keep true faith in them, or otherwise seek an answer for genuine questions here or on the JOS articles.

Just keep practicing, as far as the third eye goes. The opening practices are just an initial exercise, but more work is needed. Spend a few minutes looking through it. You can also repeat using the mantra to empower it further. Also, clean it briefly during your cleanings.

Low confidence and depression, are manifestations of low fire energy. Do the breath of fire to help your solar chakra. Spend more time on your solar chakra. Also, plan a working with the Sowilo rune for more permanently fixing this. You can make another thread as far as that goes.

What do you mean about foundation meditation? The foundation meditation is just a very simple means of gaining energy which is hard to screw up. In addition, it scales well with your abilities, so it works well for all levels of people.
I am literally the only one in my family who hasn't had the vax. it has been offered to me several times and i turned it down. I will probably be traveling for work soon and am hoping it doesn't get to the point where you need that shit for interstate travel. ill lie my way through as long as i have to.
Everyone should make the most mature decision for their level of danger on this. This is not a joke, and it's going somewhere. It's all clear if one reads the information about it. Few things are to protect anyone from a pandemic at this point.

One could also delay this as much as possible if one cannot escape this by any reasonable way. The more one delays, the more information that might foil the whole operation is coming out.

However, yes, we understand that some people are with their back on the wall without any way to act otherwise. In this case, try to refuse any future "boosters". We will not cause hostility against any of our own over this. We are primarily interested about everyone's health and wellbeing here. Being unemployed or the government ending one's financial income, is also an indirect health attack.

Everyone measure risks and try to do your best. These are difficult times.

The science is really unclear. People have shared all the info on the forums. Others have also shared a rehabilitation program if one has taken it, and then one can do spiritual workings for this, same as supplementation and a healthy lifestyle.

The very serious business into all of this appears to be on the "anticipated" 3rd and 4th doses. The first two were only "preliminary".
Make sure to evaluate the lower risk decision, and remember, many Governments are really bluffing. Others like in Australia etc are going full on dystopia so one has to check if their threats are bluffs or one is threatened for real. Others are far more lax and you can get away with complaints and/or other legal ways.

Consider in your choices, if you are TRULY forced to take this or not, and be aware of your own level of threat situation, personal health, if you need this or not, etc.

Being Australian, in the most locked down tyrannical state in the most currently locked down country in the world, at this point, I am indeed concerned that, in time, the choice will be taken away from me. I'm not vaccinated at the moment, and I'm fading into the decreasing minority of people who aren't, but, the government here is already attaching basic rights to whether you're vaccinated or not, or are threatening to do so. Right now, I'm mostly hoping that the time comes where there comes a point where enough people are vaccinated (not saying this is a good thing), that the government has no choice but to obey the fact they said they'd be "re-opening' at 70% vaccination rate and onwards, and I can just slip through the cracks. Sadly, with certain things, they're going to be pushing some sort of certification, which may be a problem if it hangs around indefinitely, but my current existence doesn't necessitate it. I might get lucky, and might avoid ever having to get it.

I've already encountered some troubles. To enter shops, you need to sign-in with an app on your phone. Now, get this. The app only works on very recent phone models. I'm not in an economic position to just go out and buy a brand new phone. My one is only a few years old. The app simply doesn't work. A family member literally had to purchase a new phone to even continue shopping. This was fine for a while, as a few weeks ago, two people from the same household could enter on one sign-in. But now? Only one member per one sign-in. Effectively I've been locked up in my house for months now just because I don't have a 5G modern phone, or whatever.

I was never a socialite, or a vapid normal who subsisted on constantly gossiping at cafes and pubs, this was never my thing. At the same time I'd certainly like to experience the outside world at some point over the spring season, which is looking increasingly unlikely. If nothing else, it's just morbid here. Not to blog about personals, but a beloved pet of mine passed away two days ago. It sucked the first thought I had to have was "oh, I wonder if the crematoriums are even open with the lockdown, what am I gonna do," instead of just mourning. Thankfully, we managed to work it out, but the principle of the matter still disgusts me, it was such unneeded stress during a tragic time.

I miss him dearly among the dreary state of things, but I pray me and him will be reunited, some time down the track, when I've progressed and the world's better, and not in this mess.
Arcadia said:

Do mail me Brother I have some recommendation for helping.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do mail me Brother I have some recommendation for helping.

Thank you. I'll mail you as soon as I have access to a computer when I wake up in the morning. To doublecheck, your main contact email is [email protected] - is this correct?
Arcadia said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do mail me Brother I have some recommendation for helping.

Thank you. I'll mail you as soon as I have access to a computer when I wake up in the morning. To doublecheck, your main contact email is [email protected] - is this correct?

Yes, that is it. Stay strong.
Can't even join the Canadian army and study in Electrical and mechanical engineer as officer. They Insist on People to get Vaccinated.. i guess my plans are down in the water now. Got to find another solution for my life... fuck!
Blackdragon666 said:
Renascendo das cinzas said:
Blackdragon666 said:
I have an SS friend whose parents took it. His dad has been trembling for days and in bed and has the audacity to push him to take the vaccine. I advised him to bind him. Use black energy or Isa to bind whoever can be real problematic in pushing you to take the vaccine.

I've never used gray energy, I'm not sure how to do it. When searching the JOS website about it, I found a vague explanation that it shouldn't pass through the sender, what would that be like? Would this energy actually harm the person you send it to? Because gray energy would be black magic, wouldn't it?! I don't know if I'm wrong, but I have doubts. I'm asking because I had problems at home for not wanting to take the vaccine and I thought about using this energy on the person who offended me the most, tried to force me and diminish me as a person because of that. But for never having used it and not having the necessary knowledge, I gave up. So I found your post now and I thought, can you give me an idea of ​​how to do it and clear this question? What will happen to the target person if I do?
Black energy, not gray. Gray is very negative and is usually used in death workings. Obviously you don't want this person to die but to leave you alone. Black is a positive color in general but can also be used for binding, which is preventing someone from doing something.

Glad I didn't use the gray energy, I was really in doubt hahaha now I understand, so I should still send black energy to the person in question as if it were in her aura? Surround her with this energy? Without passing this energy through me? Thank you
Blitzkreig said:
Cosmic6999 said:
willing to ask this, how you felt with personal problems like doubts and loosing your trust in Satan and his demons. I know this is off topic but I’m just curious I’m doing the 40 days empowerment right now as we speak. Also I have been having trouble with my third eye lately like focusing on opening it open it’s obstacles after obstacles you know. So I would love the advice on how to deal with problems like self doubts low confidence low self esteem and depression. How you dealt with it we’ll see I’m fine now but just curious as hell right now. Also foundation meditation what’s better energy or foundation meditation?

Don't worry about doubts in the sense of random, passing thoughts. This could be from enemy attacks. Just always keep true faith in them, or otherwise seek an answer for genuine questions here or on the JOS articles.

Just keep practicing, as far as the third eye goes. The opening practices are just an initial exercise, but more work is needed. Spend a few minutes looking through it. You can also repeat using the mantra to empower it further. Also, clean it briefly during your cleanings.

Low confidence and depression, are manifestations of low fire energy. Do the breath of fire to help your solar chakra. Spend more time on your solar chakra. Also, plan a working with the Sowilo rune for more permanently fixing this. You can make another thread as far as that goes.

What do you mean about foundation meditation? The foundation meditation is just a very simple means of gaining energy which is hard to screw up. In addition, it scales well with your abilities, so it works well for all levels of people.

Also do sexual things affect our third eye maybe that’s why I’m having trouble now and solar plexus you say? Thanks I would do that it’s just been hell with myself somehow some way I just want to become and true demon you know and you said gaining energy what do you mean by that?
Can't even join the Canadian army and study in Electrical and mechanical engineer as officer. They Insist on People to get Vaccinated.. i guess my plans are down in the water now. Got to find another solution for my life... fuck!
Hehe, gonna have to wait for the fourth reich for that. I certainly am!
StraitShot47 said:
Alex Jones and lots of people predict things. They never get into specifics, but are in the general area. Doesn't mean that they have any spiritual power or foresight. Even the Jew Fauci knew a pandemic was coming. The enemy is pretty open about what is coming down the road.

Taking one video of a lady and thinking she knew what was coming is unscientific to say the least. How many OTHER predictions has she made that came to fruition? Why didn't any of these "light workers" predict 9/11? Why are most of these "light workers" dead poor? They could make money on the stock market or gambling, no? Why don't they run as politicians if they know what arguments are coming?

Alex said he reads the documents that is why he knows, he said he has no crystal ball.
Necrorifter said:
You have been watching news. Can I ask what news have you been watching. Obivous it is multiple news across channels to ensure you have multiple side and to see if one is lying and other not and figure out the truth out of lies. I don't watch news because I end up fell for it last time. I do not know how to even watch news and figure out what is actually go on behind the scene.

I am only watching the alternative media news, nothing on TV. TV lies to you.
Also do sexual things affect our third eye maybe that’s why I’m having trouble now and solar plexus you say? Thanks I would do that it’s just been hell with myself somehow some way I just want to become and true demon you know and you said gaining energy what do you mean by that?

I think if sexual problems are involved it would likely be with other chakras. Maybe there is an indirect connection, but I don't think the third eye would be primarily influenced. When I think of sexual problems, I think of the sacral chakra.
It is possible it could be a broader karmic problem, but I think you should practice more before coming to that conclusion.

The solar plexus relates to vitality, so in this sense, it can be related to sexuality. Someone with low vitality won't be as fertile, or may not feel as sexual. However, the sacral chakra is still the main chakra for sexuality.

For any of these karmic, trauma, or negative programming issues, one should use Munka for removing them. This is something everyone wants to do at a certain point, anyway.


When I said gaining energy, I am referring to gaining astral energy to use in spiritual applications. I couldn't understand your original question well, so I just answered as best as I could.

When we empower the chakras, they can draw in more energy. Then, when we vibrate mantras or inhale energy, we will gain more through stronger chakras. This energy can then be used for a stronger cleaning, removing karma, broader workings, or empowering the soul even more.

This is why our advancement is exponential because as our soul gains power, we invest that energy into gaining more power. Just make sure you do lots of deep cleaning and removing negative karma before rushing empowerment, as these things will also be empowered and may cause issues.

Also, we should strive to work on our weaknesses, based on what our natal chart shows, and what we can perceive. In your case, you perceived that you can sometimes feel depressed and low confidence. Therefore, you likely need to gain more fire traits, such as the traits of Leo, Aries, or Sagittarius. One gains these through the use of Sowilo, Tiwaz, Uruz, perhaps other runes, plus planetary squares.

Someone who lacks the ability to adapt, does not feel smart or communicative, has a hard time thinking abstractly, does the same things over and over for too long, and so on would be lacking in air qualities. In this case, one would want to use Mannaz, Ansuz, and Mercury squares.
bruby15 said:
Necrorifter said:
You have been watching news. Can I ask what news have you been watching. Obivous it is multiple news across channels to ensure you have multiple side and to see if one is lying and other not and figure out the truth out of lies. I don't watch news because I end up fell for it last time. I do not know how to even watch news and figure out what is actually go on behind the scene.

I am only watching the alternative media news, nothing on TV. TV lies to you.

Yes and No. The TV lied to you, yes, but that kind of lie never lasts long before they get exposed. In exchange, they stick with half-truths, half-lies. Which makes it more believable yet harder to be exposed. From there you have to figure out the lies and the truth part of it and then make your decision on the truth part while either ignore the lies or figure out why is lies there and what motive is there for those lies to be there. I am asking what news could our HP be watching to get his information from, even if I know that odd of finding the truthful news is low and most likely he is watching multiple news to see them condictiative each other and figure out lies and truths base on that.
Good to see that i am in the same position as the JoS. I have never been interested. Our position should not make us stop others from taking it.
Blitzkreig said:
Also do sexual things affect our third eye maybe that’s why I’m having trouble now and solar plexus you say? Thanks I would do that it’s just been hell with myself somehow some way I just want to become and true demon you know and you said gaining energy what do you mean by that?

Thanks for this man like for real I think I understand now
I’m can’t seem to open my third eye 👁️ I’m on a ssri for depression does this affect it. I’m losing patience. I have be trying for months.
I use alot of drugs dmt. Cannabis. Alcohol. Xanax. I don’t see a problem at all it’s my choice - You
Drugs do not go against satanism Cannabis is a gift of the Gods. - You
Drugs are bad. Drugs WILL kill you. Stop doing drugs.

Go to rehab, nothing else. Do not try to stop on your own, you'll likely suffer to the point of death. REHAB, seek medical help, not help from forum in this case. - NakedPluto

Re: Meditation FEELS GOOD?!?!?!? - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Re: The Pot People - Dahaarkan
Re: my friend told me... - Dahaarkan
Your Free Will ? - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Re: Need help - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Re: Medical Marijuana and power meditation - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Re: On DMT and 'elves' - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Re: Possibly dumb question concerning drugs - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Re: Drugs and vital energy - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Enlightenment and Drugs - SigTyr
Answer: Help With Opioid Addiction - HP. Hoodedcobra666
About Mentally Ill People And Basket Cases - HP. Hoodedcobra666
About Mentally Ill People And Basket Cases PART 2 - HP. Hoodedcobra666
How To Control Addictions, Passions, Animal Drives - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Re: Why is everyone here so miserable?? - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Initiation: Then And Now, Opening The Mind - HP. Hoodedcobra666
What To Do When You Make A Big Mistake As A Satanist? - HP. Hoodedcobra666
If You Know, You Know: More About Mistakes - HP. Hoodedcobra666
DMT, Pineal Gland, Fluoride Water - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Re: After performing present spiritual schedule - NakedPluto
Re: PLEASE HELP ME.. - mercury_wisdom
Re: PLEASE HELP ME.. - Blitzkreig [JG]
Re: healing from addictions? - NakedPluto
The Impact of Drugs on Body and Psyche - Darkpagan666
SSRI - most jewish drug - czxxmane
Re: I am a drug addict and I need your help - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Drugs - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Neptune and Hallucinogenic Drugs - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Recreational Drugs... - High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Why Drugs Are Useless - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Re: Hemp is not "muh weed" - NakedPluto
Re: Hemp is not "muh weed" HP. Hoodedcobra666
Re: Hemp is not "muh weed" - Soaring Eagle 666 [JG]
Re: About drugs description in Spiritual Satanism Book - NakedPluto
Re: About drugs description in Spiritual Satanism Book - NakedPluto
Re: Today I think I had my first and hopefully last mental breakdown. - NakedPluto
About Weed and Smoking - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Alcohol and your body - Stormblood
Re: Ask All Questions Here! New members - Blitzkreig [JG]
The Pot People
Re: Advise on quitting smoking ? - Henu the Great
Re: Question About Uses of Cannabis - Soaring Eagle 666 [JG]
Exposing Marijuana (Extreme Yin Poison) - Academic Scholar
Re: Question About Uses of Cannabis - NakedPluto
Re: Question About Uses of Cannabis - NakedPluto
Re: Question About Uses of Cannabis - NakedPluto
Re: Question About Uses of Cannabis - Soaring Eagle 666 [JG]
Re: Teas and plants for psychic improvement ? - Aquarius
Re: Medical Marijuana and power meditation - Darkpagan666
Smoking/Drugs - Existing Damage - GoldenxChild1

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
