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JoS Position On The Vaccine

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Over the planet, right now, and especially as Winter approaches, the agenda for the vaccination is going to intensify. Clearly, there are people who are trying to cause massive division. The enemy has been behind numerous cases and situations where they divided peoples as much as that they did civil wars against their own midst.

The efforts of those in power to divide people, must not reach in here. For this reason, we must not as a community follow the trail of their nonsense. We must bear in mind, everyone has different power, levels of freedom, and that circumstances may lead some people to be in advantage during a situation, and others at disadvantage.

Globally, I read in the news, there are terrible things and a lot of fearmongering [still] about this vaccination procedure. Some of it is real, and some of it is fake and bogus. Rights are being thrown in the trash can, and a frenzy of lack of common sense has been generated around the "Vaccine" situation.

Of course the frenzy is affecting all levels of society. Many people behave as this is the ONLY PROBLEM OF THE UNIVERSE at this point, or try to pretend that the existence of the universe really depends over this shot or something. This is the reason you lose things like Afghanistan, or why I guess we are at risk of a post "Pandemic" economy may go into the grave unexpectedly.

Anyone should suspect that all of this extensive literal barrage for people to adopt this practice, on penalties and serious ramifications, is a wrong thing.

At the same time, we can't do what society does in here, just because society is enforcing this on us. We have to be able to get away from this once in a while.

Society now has been enforcing people to do decisions they don't want at all, and the worst of it, if these decisions that society and many Nations enforce go south or go wrong, they literally allow people in the midst of chaos to fade away.

This is not how Governments should behave. One person wrote how they don't even cover your insurance if you take the vaccine and something goes bad. It is also beyond logic that something without a strong history of experimentation and trial and error, is globally being enforced.

Needless to say, as we have stated before, the very serious ramifications of these are the things that come WITH this practice, not the practice itself. Despite of if it is good or bad, all these are signs of freedom shattering and moving progressively towards an approach that people are animals, and that those in power can literally lock them out of the supermarket from them not doing as they are told.

The undertones of the JWO are as powerful as they ever were, and the outcomes of these observable. It could be that society would be divided over anything else, but it is the case that now this has happened over a so called Pandemic. They are trying to shatter society, and this should be obvious. This is way beyond the "vaccine" or anything pertaining to health.

A common thing said in television but only frequently used on those against of the Vaccine, is that "They are not qualified to have an opinion" on the vaccine. At the same rate, when people who are against it have an opinion, they are not allowed to speak it.

Logic implies here, that those who also "Recommend taking" the vaccine to people, are equally NOT qualified to give such advice. Therefore, they are at no higher ground than those random people that recommend people to NOT take the vaccine. Both are equally "not qualified" in practical terms, fundamentally speaking.

It's just that the "qualification" that is accepted right now, is the "qualification" of what the "State" or the powers that be want to enforce. Therefore, whomever agrees with this, suddenly is an expert and a virologist. And that whomever disagrees, even if they are a Nobel Prize winner Virologist, they are an "conspiracy nut and bigot".

Even scientists of global renown who disagreed, have been banished from their circles and not allowed to share their views. If they did, they are mocked, harassed by the government, suicides, and other weird occurrences. They could be wrong, and maybe the vaccine would be perfectly fine.

They should be allowed to their opinion, one would normally think, and if their opinion is that wrong, then they will pay the price of the consequence of making a mistake. But they aren't allowed of this. That's apparently too freedom of discourse able, and too much salt and pepper for our mediocre claimed "Democratic society".

They could be wrong and all that they say bogus, in theory. Yet, this practice as one can understand, extends past beyond the "Medical" field. It shows that governments are starting to behave like the mafia, and engaging other sectors in society into mass division to levels only applicable in civil warfare.

The jews did this again. They moved the "Christians" against the "Pagans". They create these dilemmas on purpose. In this case, there is no dilemma, one should be a Pagan, because Christianity is foreign. Yet when science is concerned, let alone science that most people don't understand, but this enforced on all layers of society, problems arise very quickly.

One argument I hear from the random governmental plants on the subject, is that people "aren't doctors and therefore cannot choose for themselves". Fair enough. Is let's say Arnold Schwarzenegger a virologist or a doctor? Or is even the governmental plant parroting this opinion? Certainly not.

But clearly we haven't allowed the answers of this to arise out of the "Scientific Community" anyway in the West. Too much interference. Therefore the issue became very quickly and too deeply political.

Remember - these people don't really defend your right to "vaccinate and save yourself", but they represent the ultimate power of the state to do as it sees fit. If the question was public health, they would be far more lax and calm. They, after all, protected themselves with the vaccine.

The undertones the jews are trying to create now, is to blame vaxxers and non vaxxers and get our societies to implode, while it's them that are putting people in front of all the freak level destructive decisions. They are dividing families, making people quarrel, and even kicking people out of their livelihood over this, forcing them to do medical practices.

As one can see, this is going somewhere entirely else than the "Vaccine" itself.

Pointing to an example: In Europe, they are already implementing the "Green Passport". This is a personal QR code that certifies you have got your shot. In most European countries, they enforce people to take the shot to get this passport, EVEN IF THEY HAVE PROVEN THAT THEY HAVE ANTIBODIES FOR THE CO-VID!

Needless to say, it doesn't take much of a brain to see here, that there is no care for the health of anyone, but actually about promoting an agenda with cyberpunk dystopian themes.

In regards to responsibility, for example, even if one dies from the vaccine, what they can claim legally is that the CDC told you in their page, that this vaccine was experimental. Today that changed, and it's no longer there. But for whatever happened prior, nobody would take any responsibility.

Governments and those that recommend, don't take any responsibility for this. That should always make someone raise an eyelid. This clause was there just in case someone sues after severe damage from the vaccine, claiming that they were not informed.

In regards to personal opinion, I am not taking it, yet my situation supports this decision without costing the lives of others. By costing lives, I don't mean from the "Co-Vid" as an illness, but rather work related situations, family wise and so on etc. I don't agree with how this is forced, and I am in denying mode because I see the greater issues and the agendas of the enemy that co-depend on the vaccine.

Therefore, since to me this is not a health question at all at this point, nor if it would be, I would consent to this destruction going on, and they could get the finger. I will not accept as I have never accepted all what they are trying to enforce alongside this "vaccine", so I don't see it as an isolated medical question, because it isn't. It's question of vote of confidence, which affects many other areas of life and seems to march us into darker territories bit by bit. But again, the above I say having accepted the risks.

HPS Shannon has said explicitly "over my dead body" in one of her previous topics, she is not fond of the vaccine either. On the beginning of this craze, I have also asked HPS Maxine and she told me an explicit NO. HPS Maxine has also been extremely knowledgeable in herbs, supplements and all of these things. Many members have said the same.

The striking majority of people here are not taking it. All of this is risk management. Most SS who had the Co-Vid have been past it without lethality or any issues, in most cases, taking it easily as a mild flu. Some had elongated flu that lasted in some cases, even 2-3 weeks.

There have been people who were older, and it was all the same, with a quick recuperation. Only two people have told me it was more difficult for them, but with meditation and proper diet, they have went through it too without any issues. In their case it took about 2 weeks.

Maybe people here have been luckier than others. Meditation helps a lot with these matters, too.

Despite of the Co-Vid thing, there is also a whole array of other decisions which don't allow a singular line of choice to take place: Different lines of work with people, different measures and laws per nation, different lifestyle, different age etc.

The governments of the world however disregard the differences between human beings, because they act in the jewish mode that they are. This extends further than "Freedom of choice" or "Individualism". How they treat everyone as if they were the same, is wrong.

Therefore, there cannot be a single position from the JoS on this subject.

But information can help people make any such decisions for themselves. We tried through all of this to make sure that everyone was exposed and exposing others to all sorts of information that was being deliberately censored from everywhere else. Everything one read everywhere else, was that this is "safe", "perfect", "absolutely OK" and so on.

However, the same right is denied to people who have doubts or don't want to partake into this. The media and the establishment are not being honest at all. Honesty here should allow for social debate. Given we are in the internet, there is also a lot of overblown negative information, as overblown as the statements from the Governments, but in the other direction.

The internet in this case is far more justice oriented, than it's a place of disinformation. At least it allows other people to exist.

From the beginning we have told everyone to really filter things. There are a lot of lies circulating around. One lie was that people are going to be dropping dead immediately or something. I told you directly in the beginning of this that this was unlikely. This was basically the reflection of some doomsday xians on the subject. These things were mostly from xians and other people who constantly want doomsday to arrive, and how zombie apocalypse is coming anytime now.

Even at the occasion of such plan being in motion, I doubt this would happen as directly and obviously. The death of millions happens yearly in far more obvious manners, and it just flies over people's heads. Governments don't exactly need to do these things that way.

Yet, as Spiritual Satanists, even at the case where let's say this happened, and zombie apocalypse occurred, there is no way the JoS is going to behave as a xian group, that let's say, will gain "Satisfaction" from being right about the suffering of a "segment" of the people here.

In fact, no matter what happens to people, vaccinated or not vaccinated, we will always look at the best of anyone in their respective case. This should be the spirit of the forum. Nobody has to engage here in the external behaviors that the enemy imposes. We want no side to be "right" over the "other" to feel triumph over the dead parts of our very own society or body.

Here despite of any choice people take, the understanding is that it should be the best for them.

Regardless, the danger of stupidity and reckless decision making is present. Those in power loved this, and in their eyes, that is most desirable.

The matter of consent however to these questionable global practices by what appears to be the first attempt of a "global policy" is alarming. To these people the "Vaccinated", don't really represent a people looking for it's health, but rather, they represent different categories that to those in power are to be manipulated and treated like numbers, or future oil in the next plan of the JWO. That is the unfortunate reality. If they looked at humans like people, all of this would have went way differently in the global policymaking level. Some of these categories are the following:

1. Did consent to them
2. Followed "their news"
3. Did not have hesitancy
4. Those who broke under pressure
5. Those that accept "Global policies".
6. In the eyes of those in power, the "Co-Vid" is being correlated to other things, such as "Climate Change" and other rhetoric that they want a global percent of the population to accept.
7. Those who sold their rights for a low price, saying "Fuck it" and just threw their rights in the trash can
8. Those who are cutthroat and will resist these advances
9. People who might have consented out of excessive pressure or threat of worse damage, and might hate the government as a result, etc.

I could go on and on. These types of people will generally be favored by a global government. In short, none of these people are looking after people's health.

They don't give a fucking shit about what happens to people. Despite of how this turned out, they still wouldn't give a single shit. One has to understand that and do the best for themselves and the best of their ability. We aren't living in a rainbow world with these things going on.

There are also many unverified and unanswered questions. These will be answered only by time, since "Experts" are busy censoring their peers and promoting the idea of PERFECT SAFETY. What is happening in science is truly depressing. I am really depressed over what is going on in the scientific field. If any so called "voices" are heard, they are not allowed in anyway to reach close to any governmental decision making post, and that is a worldwide phenomenon.

Even lower are the chances that something terrible happened and Governments would "admit it". Nobody would do this, and they would try to weasel their way out like they do with legal statements, over a helpless and uneducated population.

The greater death of science and it's replacement with a false, fake science, is a thing Communists did also. According to Communist intellectuals, science shouldn't really exist, but solely to justify the already held preconditioning that Communism wants to implement.

This is why they fell behind terribly and the USSR collapsed. Science was only formulating bogus theories to confuse the people, and not to actually make the existence of humanity better and be at service of looking out for our existence.

All of this "pandemic" has not been treated scientifically, but rather as a political situation. And much of it, smells like a globally emerging Jewish USSR.

Generally as explained above, we are all together in this, but everyone has their own decisions in life or lack thereof. This is one of these subjects where the personal life and choice are really important.

This is why also we have kept repeating in the past, that many will want to join in the last moment but it will be too late. The way things are going, people who know how to meditate, and have considerable power to alter these situations in their own life, will get actually "saved" from much of the damage society might incur on someone.

Others won't be taking this because of personal convictions, others because of health reasons, and others because they simply don't want to go with the whole agenda surrounding it. A person with a severe lung disorder, might reason out they should take it, given anything could send them easily to their death.

Others might have taken or might do so because of compulsory force, without really needing to otherwise or even wanting to.

There is a category of people who is against this but has been wrestled through draconian force or life necessity to admit themselves to a treatment they didn't even want or trust. That is the definition of coercion.

I have not heard of a single case that said they want to take this to "save themselves", as everyone here is more researched than the general masses that only watch TV. Clearly, the level of urgency of the TV is not really present anywhere, but in the moment one opens their TV.

Now, no matter what one has done, there are many supplements like Zinc, Vitamin C and so on, that can help you after you have taken this. We have meditation and magick one can do to offset this or even the cases of the vaccine.

Also, there is a situation where driving the immune system of vaccinated people into overdrive, might affect unvaccinated people. There is no way for me to scientifically verify this. However, even in this case, one should also be able to defend themselves and it would always be safe to take some harmless supplementation.

However, the vaccine itself cannot be overlooked as something by itself, because it's a central topic to a far bigger agenda, which everyone here knows about.

In the end of the day, everyone is a Satanist and one has to look for the best interest of our common gathering. We just want people to be safe, positive and healthy, that is all there is to it. The idea is for all people to try to do their best for their personal situation and interest and with clarified judgement, without compulsion. One chooses for themselves.

In regards to the general case around this subject, this is what is of interest to us and one has to understand the GREATER VIEW around this. We want people to see through this situation, but PAST IT.

In fact, as many people are globally preoccupied with this, one can be certain the enemy is already preparing major upheaval and changes for the next years. All of this, with the coming reforms in global working and financial policies, will look like child's play.

As explained, this is only a stepping stone and a circumstance that reveals other and more important things, which are general and apply to all levels of life. But also for the future of our society. JWO, Communist undertones in our societies, jewish control and abuse, so many things are becoming apparent. It's these things that the JoS is interested in and takes a stern and unalterable position on.

What remains important is this: For people to understand where this is going, to not lose sight of the enemy, to be ready if needed to fight despite of what might befall one personally, but above all, to develop CONSCIOUSNESS over your own decisions. The Gods have strongly emphasized to me that before. We must show strength of will and CONSCIOUSNESS in our decisions. This decision like any other one, must fall under this.

If one does not have CONSCIOUSNESS of decision, even if one agrees or disagrees here, that is inherently wrong. One decision may cost less than the other, but one has to make sure to try to do the best choices for them. That is important to learn and also to fight the JWO, which always emphasizes the WORST for everyone.

The so called vaccine that everyone in this world requires, is the vaccine of enlightenment against these beings that bring foulness into this world, chaos, dimness of mind, and shrinking of the human soul and spiritual understanding and freedom.

We must stay aware, keep doing the spiritual warfare, and in understanding of the real virus behind all these spectacles. They will NOT pass.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
all my family had it. but me and my uncle.

we wont have it. wont budge. but these ppl attack like borg. take it take it take it. join us join us join us.
siatris666 said:
all my family had it. but me and my uncle.

we wont have it. wont budge. but these ppl attack like borg. take it take it take it. join us join us join us.

That's the cult there, if you don't take it, you aren't one of them. That is the part of the perception the jews are trying to enforce right now. The vaccine is the prayer, and Fauci is their savior. Even though he also made the virus, but that's small details.

Soon they want this segment of the population to go like "Join the borg or die." . This appears to be prepared for the next months, where if something has went bad at any rate with either the Co-Vid, natural mutation, or vaccine induced one, or whatever [nobody cares], they will probably just try to meme themselves into some sort of social division hoping it will rip society apart.

They expect people to idiotically just jump into this argument without looking on the fact that the governments are really liable of fucking up, violating rights etc.
What do the Gods say about this ? Surely they must know what the jews are up to behind the scenes.
Since nobody really knows for sure what is going on im going to bring this up agian after i was told the woman was delusional. I watched a youtube video during our first lockdown it was two hours long and it had nothing to do with the vaccine or so i thought. About halfway in the woman said that the reptilian agents are going to force the world to get inoculated because of a deadly virus that will break out and we humans shoud refuse because if we do not they are going to be the slave masters of planet earth. It was a old video and it was uploaded 5 years before anything about Covid had happened so HOW in the world did she know about it!!
I was into aliens at the time and watch came across that video and watched it because i was curious i did not expect her to metion the virus and the vaccine. But this is where it gets even stranger the woman that was interviewed youtube cannot be found on youtube a anymore. She claimed to be a reincarnated alien grey the alien that crashed the ufo on Roswell. I know it sound very very very far fetched but if you watched it like me you would say the same and almost all that she said in the two hour video agrees with the information we get from JoS. She goes into deep detail about the craft and technologies,mind control and all the things we learn on JoS. Not completely all but mostly.

Im not saying that thats what this is but since nobody knows yet i feel the need to share this again.
siatris666 said:
all my family had it. but me and my uncle.

we wont have it. wont budge. but these ppl attack like borg. take it take it take it. join us join us join us.

I have an SS friend whose parents took it. His dad has been trembling for days and in bed and has the audacity to push him to take the vaccine. I advised him to bind him. Use black energy or Isa to bind whoever can be real problematic in pushing you to take the vaccine.
Siavash said:
Why Jew's are so mad?

Because next upcoming phases of human advancement won't include them and they won't have the influence they had in the past, unless they torture people and enforce some things right now. Which they have been maniacally trying to achieve. So they have to speed it up now before it's too late for them in their entirety.
A day ago I had to witness somebody who already got the first dose weeks ago but nonetheless had to take a covid test to get on a bus. They literally are clowns for accepting this.

"Over my body", that's what I say too. I am also blessed with a boss that doesn't care if I'm jabbed or not.
Aquarius said:
A day ago I had to witness somebody who already got the first dose weeks ago but nonetheless had to take a covid test to get on a bus. They literally are clowns for accepting this.

"Over my body", that's what I say too. I am also blessed with a boss that doesn't care if I'm jabbed or not.

Logic is out of the window. There are people who had this and were tested positive, and they demand them to vaccinate again and again. There is no logic into this.

About half the people that took it, appear to have done so either through carelessness, manipulation or extortion that they will lose this or that.

That's the first time in human history that a medicine is so lowly effective that you legitimately have to force people to take it, so that they receive nothing but a QR code in regards to "Healing". Also magically afterwards you can get anywhere, fly anywhere, and be a normal "citizen" again with your "rights" again, goy.

The only "Healing" this brings, is the healing of the damage of a random kike showing up and just telling people "Good morning goy, you have no rights from now on."

Many employers in Europe are giving the fat finger to the kikes, that is happening everywhere. It will increase as many people will understand what is going on.
I'm college age and my dad told me he was going to kick me out of the house if I didn't take the vaccine. I told him "Okay, fine." He immediately retracted his words. :lol:
My parents really think they can intimidate me. I am not afraid of death or homelessness. Maybe that's a bad thing because I was born to be a proud person. Idk :roll:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
What do the Gods say about this ? ...

What I already told you. The situation has many faces. In fact, the least answer that was given was focused on the "vaccine".

That is low tier danger fruit compared to other things that are being concocted right now. What is explained over the last years is pretty much the general body of knowledge in regards to what will happen, and it's coming out exactly as it was said it would.

This is an agenda, not a "vaccine".
MiniMe3388 said:
I'm college age and my dad told me he was going to kick me out of the house if I didn't take the vaccine. I told him "Okay, fine." He immediately retracted his words. :lol:
My parents really think they can intimidate me. I am not afraid of death or homelessness. Maybe that's a bad thing because I was born to be a proud person. Idk :roll:

You might want to reasonably explain to them when you find the correct timing, that you are low to no risk due to the fact that you are healthy, and that it's not personally necessary for you. But that you are glad that they are protected by getting it.

Generally, it still is the case that only 70 year old people with underlying disorders have been in very cruel positions from this. The likelihood of a young person having this, is also extremely low, and dependent on negative lifestyle and other deficiencies.

For people that are not healthy, others might recommend it because it's less damaging than the virus. In this case, one must weigh their chances and make a choice that is in their case the least damaging.

As stated, the kikes are trying to break up people, couples, families, households, nations, everything over this. All this division they will try to use later in order to cause even more crazy things on the people.

This can be stopped by not engaging into this and some common sense. However, if one is forced too far, then one might have to actually fire back. The whole situation is just cultic and jewish.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Im not saying that thats what this is but since nobody knows yet i feel the need to share this again.

This lady you're describing is a "light worker" or "new ager". Never listen to these idiots as they are the same as Qannon. These are some of the lowest forms of life and are useful idiots to the enemy. They unknowingly working with the enemy, thinking they are some rebel or revolutionary. If one reads the main mouthpieces of the "light worker" movement they are beginning to move way left politically. Embracing BLM, Marxism, Vaccines etc. The "leaders" of these groups always stood for these movements, but only now they are trying to move the Overton window left. These outlets didn't want to upset those in the center/right, the majority, now it's do or die for them.

The vaccine is more than likely a placebo, as the enemy needs a mass of slaves. Incase the populists or nazis try to threaten their power. The enemy could just throw bodies at the problem. What we do know for sure is that no one knows the long term affects of these vaccines.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
What do the Gods say about this ? ...

What I already told you. The situation has many faces. In fact, the least answer that was given was focused on the "vaccine".

That is low tier danger fruit compared to other things that are being concocted right now. What is explained over the last years is pretty much the general body of knowledge in regards to what will happen, and it's coming out exactly as it was said it would.

This is an agenda, not a "vaccine".

O ok thanks for helping me understand.
Blackdragon666 said:
siatris666 said:
all my family had it. but me and my uncle.

we wont have it. wont budge. but these ppl attack like borg. take it take it take it. join us join us join us.

I have an SS friend whose parents took it. His dad has been trembling for days and in bed and has the audacity to push him to take the vaccine. I advised him to bind him. Use black energy or Isa to bind whoever can be real problematic in pushing you to take the vaccine.

Hi HPBD666! Would you send me a link where i can learn how to bind someone? thank you!
Blackdragon666 said:
siatris666 said:
all my family had it. but me and my uncle.

we wont have it. wont budge. but these ppl attack like borg. take it take it take it. join us join us join us.

I have an SS friend whose parents took it. His dad has been trembling for days and in bed and has the audacity to push him to take the vaccine. I advised him to bind him. Use black energy or Isa to bind whoever can be real problematic in pushing you to take the vaccine.

i show evidence + explain to family what is going. they understand. but they are scared to accept.

one doctor in my country who judge vaccine say we need check for side effects. hes going to jail after this.

they can see it is not like they cant. but they cuck out.

my c ountry will also lock again. they wont be free like they told them. was jewish lies.

cant wait until they get covid again so i can laugh at the vaXXXXine.
MiniMe3388 said:
I'm college age and my dad told me he was going to kick me out of the house if I didn't take the vaccine. I told him "Okay, fine." He immediately retracted his words. :lol:
My parents really think they can intimidate me. I am not afraid of death or homelessness. Maybe that's a bad thing because I was born to be a proud person. Idk :roll:

they want to save u from 0.0000000% death virus by kicking u out of house where u can get beat, hungry etc.

~~~~~vaxx parents logic~~~~~
MiniMe3388 said:
I'm college age and my dad told me he was going to kick me out of the house if I didn't take the vaccine. I told him "Okay, fine." He immediately retracted his words. :lol:
My parents really think they can intimidate me. I am not afraid of death or homelessness. Maybe that's a bad thing because I was born to be a proud person. Idk :roll:
Love that spirit!
StraitShot47 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Im not saying that thats what this is but since nobody knows yet i feel the need to share this again.

This lady you're describing is a "light worker" or "new ager". Never listen to these idiots as they are the same as Qannon. These are some of the lowest forms of life and are useful idiots to the enemy. They unknowingly working with the enemy, thinking they are some rebel or revolutionary. If one reads the main mouthpieces of the "light worker" movement they are beginning to move way left politically. Embracing BLM, Marxism, Vaccines etc. The "leaders" of these groups always stood for these movements, but only now they are trying to move the Overton window left. These outlets didn't want to upset those in the center/right, the majority, now it's do or die for them.

The vaccine is more than likely a placebo, as the enemy needs a mass of slaves. Incase the populists or nazis try to threaten their power. The enemy could just throw bodies at the problem. What we do know for sure is that no one knows the long term affects of these vaccines.

It was all planned long before then thats the only explanation.
Because the video quality looked like the colour tv just came out but said uploaded 5 years ago and why was the information close to that of JoS. So its like HP said to me earlier
One Wire Phenomenon said:
StraitShot47 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Im not saying that thats what this is but since nobody knows yet i feel the need to share this again.

This lady you're describing is a "light worker" or "new ager". Never listen to these idiots as they are the same as Qannon. These are some of the lowest forms of life and are useful idiots to the enemy. They unknowingly working with the enemy, thinking they are some rebel or revolutionary. If one reads the main mouthpieces of the "light worker" movement they are beginning to move way left politically. Embracing BLM, Marxism, Vaccines etc. The "leaders" of these groups always stood for these movements, but only now they are trying to move the Overton window left. These outlets didn't want to upset those in the center/right, the majority, now it's do or die for them.

The vaccine is more than likely a placebo, as the enemy needs a mass of slaves. Incase the populists or nazis try to threaten their power. The enemy could just throw bodies at the problem. What we do know for sure is that no one knows the long term affects of these vaccines.

It was all planned long before then thats the only explanation.
Because the video quality looked like the colour tv just came out but said uploaded 5 years ago and why was the information close to that of JoS. So its like HP said to me earlier

The greys relate to their slaves what crimes they will do to them, and then they tell them to "accept" it or shove a huge cucumber up their ass and call it "Gods plan".

Of course they know, much of that shit is literally orchestrated from 2010 or earlier. They already have the "agenda" laid down until 2035 if they aren't stopped, and then 2050.

Both our Gods and the enemy can see into "The future", and our Gods are constantly unsettling the enemy's plans. This is why the enemy programs their "light workers" to promote these things as to be desired or something, and the greys tell them these plans and how they will enforce them. These are always filled with suffering for humanity, negativity etc.

They always also have the same agenda of humanity sitting there and becoming a slave.

So instead of these kikes just telling people "what is going to happen" and giving them no knowledge to change this, the Gods do provide this knowledge to save us from it and alter the upcoming "future" which is nothing but a plan of the enemy.

Much of this has also been aired in even movies. Just watch "Contagion" and you'll see everything that happened taking place verbatim on the movie. This is also programming the mass mind to accept that stuff.
To date, the situation in Italy is not the best. The scenarios are:
- On September 30, the vaccines expire, they could buy others.
- The green pass expires on 22 September (they can renew it)
- In 15 days they will decide whether to make the vaccine mandatory

Honestly, although I have done everything to not be vaccinated I wonder if we are not as crazy as they are to believe we can live segregated for how long? A month? Two? One year? How many?

After two years locked up at home, working at home I feel like I'm going crazy. If the vaccine doesn't kill me, exhaustion will kill me.
the kikes have a hell of an infection rate in kikerael :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
StraitShot47 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Im not saying that thats what this is but since nobody knows yet i feel the need to share this again.

This lady you're describing is a "light worker" or "new ager". Never listen to these idiots as they are the same as Qannon. These are some of the lowest forms of life and are useful idiots to the enemy. They unknowingly working with the enemy, thinking they are some rebel or revolutionary. If one reads the main mouthpieces of the "light worker" movement they are beginning to move way left politically. Embracing BLM, Marxism, Vaccines etc. The "leaders" of these groups always stood for these movements, but only now they are trying to move the Overton window left. These outlets didn't want to upset those in the center/right, the majority, now it's do or die for them.

The vaccine is more than likely a placebo, as the enemy needs a mass of slaves. Incase the populists or nazis try to threaten their power. The enemy could just throw bodies at the problem. What we do know for sure is that no one knows the long term affects of these vaccines.

It was all planned long before then thats the only explanation.
Because the video quality looked like the colour tv just came out but said uploaded 5 years ago and why was the information close to that of JoS. So its like HP said to me earlier

Alex Jones and lots of people predict things. They never get into specifics, but are in the general area. Doesn't mean that they have any spiritual power or foresight. Even the Jew Fauci knew a pandemic was coming. The enemy is pretty open about what is coming down the road.

Taking one video of a lady and thinking she knew what was coming is unscientific to say the least. How many OTHER predictions has she made that came to fruition? Why didn't any of these "light workers" predict 9/11? Why are most of these "light workers" dead poor? They could make money on the stock market or gambling, no? Why don't they run as politicians if they know what arguments are coming?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This whole situation in how these vaccinated drones try to shove this down people's throats and debate people's health decisions is just awful.

I am someone who decided not to get it. Not let my wife get it, and my son not to get it. We are a satanic family fully against this.

Its frustrating dealing with deep health issues that take awhile to heal, and some days it's hard tlosee the light at the end of the tunnel in that regard, let alone when these assholes try to shove this "option" down your gullet.

Someone with bad health, or health issues theres so many reasons also not to get this. These vaccine people are just braindead towards people making these kind of points.

Damn vaccine cultists. They can shove it right up their fucking ass as far as I'm concerned lol.
I got the first one and there is a bit on the card for you to write in the 2nd (never went) :cool:

The main thing for me is my wife and daughter never got it.

Alot of pressure the wife was under from family, then NHS phone calls, texts, door chapping.

Still refused she is strong, she is one of us but doesnt come on here... Thank goodness :shock:

My we girl is starting school next week, they are jab crazy just now im trying to think of a loophole for my kid.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
and Fauci is their savior. Even though he also made the virus, but that's small details.

I recently found out that there is no scientific proof that covid-19 has been isolated, So in other words there is no proof that covid-19 exists at all.

So knowing this what are the chances that they can actually see if you have covid-19 is your saliva, Or that the jabs are made to actually protect one from covid-19? If anyone says its higher than 0% i'm flabbergasted, Cuz how the hell do you make a cure for something that you don't even know exists?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
StraitShot47 said:
This lady you're describing is a "light worker" or "new ager". Never listen to these idiots as they are the same as Qannon. These are some of the lowest forms of life and are useful idiots to the enemy. They unknowingly working with the enemy, thinking they are some rebel or revolutionary. If one reads the main mouthpieces of the "light worker" movement they are beginning to move way left politically. Embracing BLM, Marxism, Vaccines etc. The "leaders" of these groups always stood for these movements, but only now they are trying to move the Overton window left. These outlets didn't want to upset those in the center/right, the majority, now it's do or die for them.

The vaccine is more than likely a placebo, as the enemy needs a mass of slaves. Incase the populists or nazis try to threaten their power. The enemy could just throw bodies at the problem. What we do know for sure is that no one knows the long term affects of these vaccines.

It was all planned long before then thats the only explanation.
Because the video quality looked like the colour tv just came out but said uploaded 5 years ago and why was the information close to that of JoS. So its like HP said to me earlier

The greys relate to their slaves what crimes they will do to them, and then they tell them to "accept" it or shove a huge cucumber up their ass and call it "Gods plan".

Of course they know, much of that shit is literally orchestrated from 2010 or earlier. They already have the "agenda" laid down until 2035 if they aren't stopped, and then 2050.

Both our Gods and the enemy can see into "The future", and our Gods are constantly unsettling the enemy's plans. This is why the enemy programs their "light workers" to promote these things as to be desired or something, and the greys tell them these plans and how they will enforce them. These are always filled with suffering for humanity, negativity etc.

They always also have the same agenda of humanity sitting there and becoming a slave.

So instead of these kikes just telling people "what is going to happen" and giving them no knowledge to change this, the Gods do provide this knowledge to save us from it and alter the upcoming "future" which is nothing but a plan of the enemy.

Much of this has also been aired in even movies. Just watch "Contagion" and you'll see everything that happened taking place verbatim on the movie. This is also programming the mass mind to accept that stuff.

I made a thead yesterday or the day before that i deleted.
I just want to say im sorry for that it was very insulting on the highest level i think to the Gods and Satan. I actually was very very ungrateful towards them and i only realised it after i submitted it. The Gods give us knowledge to free ourselfs and i got angry at myself and Satan for having the knowledge of JoS because i don't fit it with all the people around me.If i didn't have it i would be like the masses and a true jewish slave living blindly. Im really sorry. The JoS is a gift to humanity i should be very grateful.Its the first time i actually felt like that and that same day something incredible happened to me that was definitely a sign from the Gods.
I am happy i found JoS and am on Satan's side thats all i am saying.
Covid is just a disease that when gets to a SS and family, can be dealt with by healing magick. Nothing fancy and totally doable depending on the number of people involved and other illnesses. But let me tell you, I healed all my family and myself, one member being already extremely sick and disabled ( covid being something lethal to him ) during one month of daily appliance. I won't say it was easy, but it was doable and I am sure my situation was more dangerous than other one might experience. Firm position on your feet and do what you learned to do by the JoS and common sense, nothing is deadlier than foolishness and ignorance. Use your power and move on, it is that simple.
MiniMe3388 said:
I'm college age and my dad told me he was going to kick me out of the house if I didn't take the vaccine. I told him "Okay, fine." He immediately retracted his words. :lol:
My parents really think they can intimidate me. I am not afraid of death or homelessness. Maybe that's a bad thing because I was born to be a proud person. Idk :roll:
did your parent's take the vaccine?
:D :|
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
MiniMe3388 said:
I'm college age and my dad told me he was going to kick me out of the house if I didn't take the vaccine. I told him "Okay, fine." He immediately retracted his words. :lol:
My parents really think they can intimidate me. I am not afraid of death or homelessness. Maybe that's a bad thing because I was born to be a proud person. Idk :roll:

You might want to reasonably explain to them when you find the correct timing, that you are low to no risk due to the fact that you are healthy, and that it's not personally necessary for you. But that you are glad that they are protected by getting it.

Generally, it still is the case that only 70 year old people with underlying disorders have been in very cruel positions from this. The likelihood of a young person having this, is also extremely low, and dependent on negative lifestyle and other deficiencies.

For people that are not healthy, others might recommend it because it's less damaging than the virus. In this case, one must weigh their chances and make a choice that is in their case the least damaging.

As stated, the kikes are trying to break up people, couples, families, households, nations, everything over this. All this division they will try to use later in order to cause even more crazy things on the people.

This can be stopped by not engaging into this and some common sense. However, if one is forced too far, then one might have to actually fire back. The whole situation is just cultic and jewish.

If they don´t listen to reason, just tell them if they again threathen to kick you out, if they do, this will be the last time they have seen you, you will completely break off contact. They won´t know if you are alive or dead.

If they love you, this will work.
You have been watching news. Can I ask what news have you been watching. Obivous it is multiple news across channels to ensure you have multiple side and to see if one is lying and other not and figure out the truth out of lies. I don't watch news because I end up fell for it last time. I do not know how to even watch news and figure out what is actually go on behind the scene.
balo666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
siatris666 said:
all my family had it. but me and my uncle.

we wont have it. wont budge. but these ppl attack like borg. take it take it take it. join us join us join us.

I have an SS friend whose parents took it. His dad has been trembling for days and in bed and has the audacity to push him to take the vaccine. I advised him to bind him. Use black energy or Isa to bind whoever can be real problematic in pushing you to take the vaccine.

Hi HPBD666! Would you send me a link where i can learn how to bind someone? thank you!
Lol I'm not a high priest.

Use the Isa rune. Vibrated, 'IIIIIIII-SSSSSS-AAAAA'. The 'i' is like in 'eat'. The 's' is just like in the word 'soft'. The 'a' is like in 'artery' or 'apple'. Vibrate it into a ball of energy 108 times and program the energy to bind the intended person then direct it to their soul. I normally use it with black for binding. For anyone who can't vibrate runes, plain black energy can also be used for binding. Binding is very effective in my experience and doesn't usually need a full 40 day working. I've bound people for almost a week and seen the effects last remarkably long (two or three months).

For those staying with relatives who can be pushy or manipulative when it comes to the vaccine, the moon is waning and in Aries which is a perfect time for binding (and other black magic workings). Don't wait for when they start to get real pushy; start today if you know they can be problematic in the future. Do the working daily for at least two weeks. It will last a while and prevent them from forcing or coercing you to take the vaccine.
Blackdragon666 said:
siatris666 said:
all my family had it. but me and my uncle.

we wont have it. wont budge. but these ppl attack like borg. take it take it take it. join us join us join us.

I have an SS friend whose parents took it. His dad has been trembling for days and in bed and has the audacity to push him to take the vaccine. I advised him to bind him. Use black energy or Isa to bind whoever can be real problematic in pushing you to take the vaccine.

I've never used gray energy, I'm not sure how to do it. When searching the JOS website about it, I found a vague explanation that it shouldn't pass through the sender, what would that be like? Would this energy actually harm the person you send it to? Because gray energy would be black magic, wouldn't it?! I don't know if I'm wrong, but I have doubts. I'm asking because I had problems at home for not wanting to take the vaccine and I thought about using this energy on the person who offended me the most, tried to force me and diminish me as a person because of that. But for never having used it and not having the necessary knowledge, I gave up. So I found your post now and I thought, can you give me an idea of ​​how to do it and clear this question? What will happen to the target person if I do?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
A day ago I had to witness somebody who already got the first dose weeks ago but nonetheless had to take a covid test to get on a bus. They literally are clowns for accepting this.

"Over my body", that's what I say too. I am also blessed with a boss that doesn't care if I'm jabbed or not.

Logic is out of the window.
Peopl-- sheeple have been stupefied by (((the media))) for so long. That was all a part of the plan, to make sheeple rely on j/news - or (((news))) - and (((information))), that they have become so used to not having actual knowledge nor the full story, through SPB - sensationalist propaganda bullshit and FUD - fear, uncertainty and doubt.
Oy vey you muzah sayeh ze vashine werks!! Yous vouldnt want ze ADL to shut it down ze pahypal vould you?!?
Surely a Spiritual Satanist has nothing to fear. Satan gives us knowledge that we can use to our advantage. These days I'm being recover from covid and I can say I'm going through it like a simple flu. The annoying thing is the constant fatigue and a bit of dizziness but other than that nothing remarkable. Especially after the kundalini yoga and the daily aura cleaning I feel very good. From supplements selenium, zinc and large amounts of betamine C and E also helped to a great extent. We are so blessed to have such access to knowledge here that people especially in the near future would only wish to have!
siatris666 said:
all my family had it. but me and my uncle.

we wont have it. wont budge. but these ppl attack like borg. take it take it take it. join us join us join us.

I noticed same thing with my mother after her 2nd dose. After 1st she was just sometimes talking about it, "when will you get your vaccine? Oh, okay, nevermind then. Did u seen that movie I've been talking about?" but a day after 2nd dose she changed. She talks ONLY about vaccine. She was loud and agressive her whole life, now she acts like castrated dog, very calm and talks all the time about vaccinne.
- Hey, when are you going for your vaccine?
- Stop talking about it, it'a not your buisness.
- But why, vaccines ar-
- No, stop it *change of the subject* and then blablabla, what do you think?
- hm... what were you talking about? Oh, right, did you take the vaccine?
- Okay, nope, I'm gonna make some tea.
- *slurp*... hey, did you get your vaccine?

She literally acts like borg. Vax, vax, vax. And she never gets angry, even when I try to provoke her. It really scares me.
promitheusS88 said:
Surely a Spiritual Satanist has nothing to fear. Satan gives us knowledge that we can use to our advantage. These days I'm being recover from covid and I can say I'm going through it like a simple flu. The annoying thing is the constant fatigue and a bit of dizziness but other than that nothing remarkable. Especially after the kundalini yoga and the daily aura cleaning I feel very good. From supplements selenium, zinc and large amounts of betamine C and E also helped to a great extent. We are so blessed to have such access to knowledge here that people especially in the near future would only wish to have!

Wish you a very speedy recovery.

In the future many will be destroyed without this knowledge. Satan reassured that people who are of Him will be able to have the greatest advantage in the upcoming future. That is because of the knowledge Satan has provided us.
NakedPluto said:
Covid is just a disease that when gets to a SS and family, can be dealt with by healing magick. Nothing fancy and totally doable depending on the number of people involved and other illnesses. But let me tell you, I healed all my family and myself, one member being already extremely sick and disabled ( covid being something lethal to him ) during one month of daily appliance. I won't say it was easy, but it was doable and I am sure my situation was more dangerous than other one might experience. Firm position on your feet and do what you learned to do by the JoS and common sense, nothing is deadlier than foolishness and ignorance. Use your power and move on, it is that simple.

The power of meditation and faith is like no other. At the same time, this is how much a Satanist can bless their own household. Indeed only if people knew, they would be beginning to have one Spiritual Satanist per family in the very least.
Siavash said:
MiniMe3388 said:
I'm college age and my dad told me he was going to kick me out of the house if I didn't take the vaccine. I told him "Okay, fine." He immediately retracted his words. :lol:
My parents really think they can intimidate me. I am not afraid of death or homelessness. Maybe that's a bad thing because I was born to be a proud person. Idk :roll:
did your parent's take the vaccine?
:D :|


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
