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Syd Silver said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Being a mod or HP is solely a popularity contest and usually the most popular people are the ones that post lots of helpful responses so it is a feedback loop.

You are wrong
Real Clergy are confirmed by Satan and The Gods
Not everyone who had or has HP or HPS in front of their names is actually Clergy
It was explained in a sermon how things were at the beginning of the JoS and how some people end up being Clergy, it was written that those were only place holders

For me Real Clergy at this moment is only Maxine and Cobra
I will explain why

Maxine even she is not here anymore her work cannot be challenged by anyone, I could write 10 pages about how Maxine's work changed everything for the entire Satanic comunnity and still wouldn't be enough, JoS has tens of thousands of readers from all over the world, besides registered members, in other terms tens of thousands of people have found out the truth about Satan and The Gods, thanks to Maxine's work

Cobra alone maintains all the JoS websites and forums for so many years, he is here daily, writes sermons, answer questions, moderates the forums and so on, who could do this kind of work day by day year by year ? can you do it ? I for one, certainly no, I can't.

The distinction is simple to do , all you have to do is see one's work and the wisdom from their words

So how can you say that being HP is a popularity contest ?!
Maybe you want to think about this and reconsider your opinion

And about the mods is nothing to say because at this moment there are no mods
If by mods you you wanted to talk about the "off mod" members I hope you uderstand that off mod members and mods are not the same thing

About the off mod members on at least two of them you are right with the popularity contest, the one who is a drug user (Mage's friend) is well known for being an attention whore, the other one (Shael's friend) the deluded pathological liar thinks that if he has 5K posts means that it is advanced, and probably believes that when he will have 10K posts he will become automatically a God.

In my opinion to promote such people (like these two) as trusted members is a mistake and will put JoS in a bad light
Also it is complete useless, no one will take seriously or respect a drug user or a deluded liar both friends with traitors

I hope these errors are just part of some tests and will not remain like this.

PS. No offense to Shannon and Myla, but your presence and work on the forum is very rare, thats why I said that I consider only Maxine and Cobra as being Real Clergy (at this moment).

Syd silver are you okay you seem very peeved that people like me on this forum.

Must be a shame no one like you, give you a tip stop shagging blow up sex dolls.

Stop tagging me in ya we dick
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
xlnt said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Both of you, I think your topics were probably deleted by mistake. Or might still be waiting for approval. Powstanie Pogańskie, if yours contained too much personal information about your astrology than it was probably deleted for that reason.

I tried to post a thread about sex dolls as alternative to prostitution and hitting on women just for sex. Not approved. While I see other threads getting approved containing garbage basicly.

No, you should say the whole story, without trying to make this bullshit sound serious.

Writing how you make sex dolls and try to give them a soul to have sex with them is frankly pathetic, will drive many weak men into further spiritual and mental and physical illness, and an idea which the exposure to is retarded and psychologically can be damaging, if we are talking about that post.

The doll is a dead thing and you are not copulating with something real or existing. It is inanimate matter. That type of stuff isn't even for the Japanese Hentai forums. With the state of affairs this only appeared to be like psychological warfare. As thus it was disapproved.

Now folk say im wrong :lol: jings this person should get their harddrive checked and fast peado jew scum

Thanks for posting this made me chuckle but wouldnt share a room with this dude :eek:
Syd Silver said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:

I did not know why you attacked me, but now everything is clear

How is Shael, he still hates me because I exposed him?! Is it still with Magesson slandering JoS on those platforms? (rhetorical questions)

Yeah, I have found out about your friendship with Shael

That also explains why you are defending EnkyUk3 ...

EnkyUK3 is the only member here that advertises enemy agenda in public and of course you defend him and call him brother

Its the same pattern, your friend Shael also defended a proven infiltrator

Nothing more to add
It makes perfect sense.

You are a pest that accuses people for no reason

Ol argedco luciftias Is cool, you are a we dick and prob have one also. We knob going to shut up about conspiring this conspiring that.

Go for a walk or do something fun you are obsessed as fcuk
tabby said:
Arguments have their time and place. That’s my belief. They can help to develop realisations and ideas (when the insults and slander are cut out from them), or help to make it obvious when something is wrong. They can form bonds between members, and aid in helping one to discover more about themselves and others.

Sometimes being able to bounce arguments and ideas to other members here helps to flesh them out and work out the kinks, especially where one doesn’t have any Satanic partners or family at home to do so before presenting those arguments here.

However, the back and forth nonsense is just that. Nonsense and drama. So I agree with your points in that regard.

Good points.
xlnt said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
xlnt said:
I tried to post a thread about sex dolls as alternative to prostitution and hitting on women just for sex. Not approved. While I see other threads getting approved containing garbage basicly.

No, you should say the whole story, without trying to make this bullshit sound serious.

Writing how you make sex dolls and try to give them a soul to have sex with them is frankly pathetic, will drive many weak men into further spiritual and mental and physical illness, and an idea which the exposure to is retarded and psychologically can be damaging, if we are talking about that post.

The doll is a dead thing and you are not copulating with something real or existing. It is inanimate matter. That type of stuff isn't even for the Japanese Hentai forums. With the state of affairs this only appeared to be like psychological warfare. As thus it was disapproved.

I also want to add that these dolls are not only for sex per se. I bought one of these dolls in november last year 😊. Yea you probably think I'm a total "incel" cus of this but I wanted to evaluate this.

I actually broke up with my latest girlfriend as I was not motivated for that relation. The "girlfriend" I have now is lying in my sofa fully dressed but it sometimes feels good to have someone to hug. I never actually have sex with the doll, but use it more like a teddybear, which also is a dead object remember that.

If you are lost in a forest it's a good thing to hug a tree. Same principle here. You can think what you want but I do think this can be very beneficial if someone feels a bit lonely. And it has, as I mentioned gotten me rid of porn and sexual frustration.

Oh My......

each to own pal I never read it al my bad if you like dolls fire away :lol: :lol:
I doen't want to be rude or anything because i am very grateful what Hp hooded Cobra does for us and everything but i am getting impatient with how long it takes for the posts to go through.
Every time my posts get appoved i get a rush out of it and even more when someone quotes me.
It really makes my day if the Hp quotes me,i live for it can i say hehe. I think it is because i am a Libra. I read on Azazel astrology website that Libra's need others and hate being alone. Thats exactly how i feel about myself.
I love the Hp he means the world to me and HPS Maxine so im not going to complain any further because i know it must be very hard for them to deal with so many peoples posts and spam and all.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Generally, people who are off mod, are not off mod to argue or attack, or get on a power trip. Generally, even if one can treat this that way and therefore have issues, it can also be treated in the correct way. This is up on the individual to decide.

These decisions have outcomes. For example, when an ex-Clergy was beating people too hard, or banning indiscriminately, they lost this right, regained later, then finally lost it permanently etc. This shouldn't be necessary and in fact shouldn't be desirable by nobody.

The ideal is that this will end up with a lot of mature, longterm people who can educate people here transparently without additional garbage, benefiting the Gods in what they intend to help people.

One might as well go back to mod. The incentive here is not reward or punishment but merely a situation where one has to handle themselves, consider other people and so on.

The main aim of this is faster replies for faster education and less workload for moderators, practically speaking. Trust is also a factor that has to be built as we go, and people will decide on their own how they use that. As for already other mods existing, they are anonymous currently, to avoid the so called "but they are a mod" type of thing. And they have no problem being anonymous with this.

I gave clear instructions to moderators about morals of the situation and how you have to distance, tolerate and be lenient, and so on, but I guess instructions may be needed for the off mod thing also. But these should appear on their own.

Lastly it's ok because people argue, but this should be more like educators and not like a random privilege meant to be used in an abusive or negative fashion, but the reverse.

When HP Mage was here my posts took a day perhaps due to the time difference.

Then for a while mine were coming thick and fast.

I like that and good on the new mods no rage from me on that.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Syd Silver said:
What friendship with Shael? I have never even talked to him before outside of responding to a few of his comments here. I did have a lot of respect for him in the past because he used to be very helpful to a lot of new people.

At this time, I really don't have any opinion about him either way. There have been bad accusations about him, which may or may not be true. Who knows. But he did write some suspicious and bad looking comments in his last days. Looks like he isn't even here anymore anyway, so doesn't really matter.

About Mageson, I never respected him any more than anyone else anyway. I thought it was strange that he called himself a high priest but I never saw him actually helping anybody. And I saw him do some other things that disgusted me a little bit. So I really never respected him much at all.

About Enki UK, he is someone who has done dumb things before. I would not say that he always makes the right choice about anything. But I did think it was strange for people to write page after page just bitching at him without really saying much of anything. Bitching at him for no real purpose other than they want to bitch at him. I thought it was kind of funny. That does not mean that I agree what what he did, because I do not.

Ol argedco luciftias am taking this as a compliment pal :lol: :lol:

Have good day my friend ;)
Ol argedco luciftias said:
What friendship with Shael? I have never even talked to him before outside of responding to a few of his comments here. I did have a lot of respect for him in the past because he used to be very helpful to a lot of new people.

At this time, I really don't have any opinion about him either way. There have been bad accusations about him, which may or may not be true. Who knows. But he did write some suspicious and bad looking comments in his last days. Looks like he isn't even here anymore anyway, so doesn't really matter.
On Shael
So you say that have been bad accusations about him wich you still don't know if were true ...!!

Wait, what ?! If you have memory problems I suggest to look on his posts
Shael has a entire history of attacking real SS long-term members
Shael also he defended a proven jew infiltrator
Shael said that 99% of JoS members are stupid sheep
You don't remember anything of this ?!

On his last days he tried to put doubts on entire JoS

After all that you come and say that have been some bad accusations about him wich may or may not be true ...!!! and doesn't matter anymore!!

Right ... but you are not friend with Shael, I'm sure you don't even communicate with him anymore, also I'm sure that you don't even remember when you made that cute topic just for him either.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
About Mageson, I never respected him any more than anyone else anyway. I thought it was strange that he called himself a high priest but I never saw him actually helping anybody. And I saw him do some other things that disgusted me a little bit. So I really never respected him much at all.
About Magesson
I didn't said that you had or have a direct link with him
You brought this up by yourself
I wonder why ...

Ol argedco luciftias said:
About Enki UK, he is someone who has done dumb things before. I would not say that he always makes the right choice about anything. But I did think it was strange for people to write page after page just bitching at him without really saying much of anything. Bitching at him for no real purpose other than they want to bitch at him. I thought it was kind of funny. That does not mean that I agree what what he did, because I do not.
About EnkyUk3
So this guy advertises enemy's agenda on public here on JoS and you don't find anything wrong with that
But when more then 10 members told this dude that what he is doing is wrong you find that a strange thing !! and you decided to take his side and called him brother! of course, know you say that you don't agree with him, probably because of the void course

Thank you for your confessions, everything is clear know

One more thing, in your first post on this topic you said some lies about me, you wanna tell me what was the motivation for those lies?
Can i guess who all are off mod?
Its Lydia,
its Fancy Mancy
Henu the great
Mercury Wisdom
Naked Pluto
Maby top of the abyss
Soaring Eagle
Shadow Cat
13th Wolf
The Alchemist

These are the people i would trust 🤗
A privilege is earned not asked for. In military, the servicemen don't ask or demand to sit on a certain rank, they earn that position/rank. It can take 30 or even 40 years for some to become a General.
And nothing is equal. Nothing wrong with a hierarchy system. It is you who earns the top or bottom of any hierarchy system. If you can rise, you can fall. It will all depend on you. Though it is true to me that, it is the Top who have to look after the bottom and not discriminate or meddle in other's affairs.

IMO, the quantity of your posts don't matter, what matters is the quality of your contribution to the Joy of Satan. And also your own quality matters because that's how you show others what you are. If one is ignorant and arrogant in nature, he/she is probably not a very responsible or mature person and will not be trusted by many to have some kind of privilege which comes with great responsibility. How do you show your quality here on the forum? An SS will always find the answer to this question. It can take days, months or maybe years.

Being off mod to me looks like a good thing and seems like the only option at the present to put off some workload from the mods for the ever increasing user base. But one will have to earn it because it does come with great responsibility. One word here or there and you may lose the privilege of being off mod.

Hail Satan!
Syd Silver said:
Talking about who is trustworthy
I only saw Henu posting without approval, No problem with Henu or with his posts, I just wanted to know why someone can and others don't, that was all

Now let me brief you what I found out about two of these trusted members
Two days ago I got an email from a brother and I was told that there is another member off mod and that one is a drug user and former friend of Magesson this one use to call Mageson ... "Magy babe"
I think you know who I'm talking about

Today I discovered another off mod member, this one is a pathological liar

So if these are the "off mod" trusted members then no thanks
I don't fulfill the requirements

No offense if you are off mod, just trying to make a point about Trustworthy Criteria.
I meant trustworthy for posting in the forums, nothing about their personal lives.

tabby said:
Arguments have their time and place. That’s my belief. They can help to develop realisations and ideas (when the insults and slander are cut out from them), or help to make it obvious when something is wrong. They can form bonds between members, and aid in helping one to discover more about themselves and others.

Sometimes being able to bounce arguments and ideas to other members here helps to flesh them out and work out the kinks, especially where one doesn’t have any Satanic partners or family at home to do so before presenting those arguments here.

However, the back and forth nonsense is just that. Nonsense and drama. So I agree with your points in that regard.

I was talking specifically about excessive arguing such as in one of the vaccine threads where one member keeps insulting others, as an example. Disagreements are perfectly natural and can be quite helpful as you pointed out.

Apparently my communication skills are at a low these days. I will make sure to clarify thoroughly before posting in the future. :)

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Being a mod or HP is solely a popularity contest and usually the most popular people are the ones that post lots of helpful responses so it is a feedback loop.
This isn't high school. Being able to help other members is a sacred role for Satanism. Being clergy is a specific role that only certain people are suited for, it has nothing to do with popularity or number of posts. Think of it as a job like any other, most people are not suited for it, and those who are do the work involved with it, such as posting a lot as it is required of them. For example, a janitor cleans, not to be popular, but because it is simply their job requirement. Clergy = public servant.

As for moderators being popular, nobody knows who they are, so they might in fact be people who are not even known in the forums.
Aquarius said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Lydia said:
I think you guys thought I was insinuating something? I wasn't. To clarify: if someone doesn't get caught up in arguments and drama, and helps the community, and has been here for long enough to be seen as stable, will probably be taken off mod at some point. Remember that it's only HP Cobra doing all this, so it takes time to remember who all is trustworthy and not. I'm sure you (Stormblood) will probably be taken off at some point, as you are very helpful and don't seem to get into arguments anymore, but of course this is just my own personal opinion.

What about me? Im trust worthy and i doent get into arguments anymore? And if i do something wrong then you guys can just put me back on mod. I doen't see a big danger in me being off mod,but i totally understand if you disagree i have not been on the forums for a very long time. And if i am off mod i will probably be posting too much unless i am told not too of course. 🙂
Mate, you're years away from getting off mod. You are naive and most likely don't even meditate. You don't need to be off mod, like there's zero reason. Don't fantasize on this and develop yourself.

Thanks for your honesty
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Can i guess who all are off mod?
Its Lydia,
its Fancy Mancy
Henu the great
Mercury Wisdom
Naked Pluto
Maby top of the abyss
Soaring Eagle
Shadow Cat
13th Wolf
The Alchemist

These are the people i would trust 🤗

Nice gesture but I'm sure not even half of these. First ones that come to mind would be Lydia and Henu if any. Something like that has to be hard earned with lots of trust.
Syd Silver said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
What friendship with Shael? I have never even talked to him before outside of responding to a few of his comments here. I did have a lot of respect for him in the past because he used to be very helpful to a lot of new people.

At this time, I really don't have any opinion about him either way. There have been bad accusations about him, which may or may not be true. Who knows. But he did write some suspicious and bad looking comments in his last days. Looks like he isn't even here anymore anyway, so doesn't really matter.
On Shael
So you say that have been bad accusations about him wich you still don't know if were true ...!!

Wait, what ?! If you have memory problems I suggest to look on his posts
Shael has a entire history of attacking real SS long-term members
Shael also he defended a proven jew infiltrator
Shael said that 99% of JoS members are stupid sheep
You don't remember anything of this ?!

On his last days he tried to put doubts on entire JoS

After all that you come and say that have been some bad accusations about him wich may or may not be true ...!!! and doesn't matter anymore!!

Right ... but you are not friend with Shael, I'm sure you don't even communicate with him anymore, also I'm sure that you don't even remember when you made that cute topic just for him either.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
About Mageson, I never respected him any more than anyone else anyway. I thought it was strange that he called himself a high priest but I never saw him actually helping anybody. And I saw him do some other things that disgusted me a little bit. So I really never respected him much at all.
About Magesson
I didn't said that you had or have a direct link with him
You brought this up by yourself
I wonder why ...

Ol argedco luciftias said:
About Enki UK, he is someone who has done dumb things before. I would not say that he always makes the right choice about anything. But I did think it was strange for people to write page after page just bitching at him without really saying much of anything. Bitching at him for no real purpose other than they want to bitch at him. I thought it was kind of funny. That does not mean that I agree what what he did, because I do not.
About EnkyUk3
So this guy advertises enemy's agenda on public here on JoS and you don't find anything wrong with that
But when more then 10 members told this dude that what he is doing is wrong you find that a strange thing !! and you decided to take his side and called him brother! of course, know you say that you don't agree with him, probably because of the void course

Thank you for your confessions, everything is clear know

One more thing, in your first post on this topic you said some lies about me, you wanna tell me what was the motivation for those lies?

Anyway SYD google translate means CID thats the name for them over here the "SYD" so dont accuse anyone you complete walloper.

Move on stop fighting with supposed brothers as you call "us" enemy for no reason.(he who calls them and all that)

Gee it a rest.
Lydia said:
Syd Silver said:
Talking about who is trustworthy
I only saw Henu posting without approval, No problem with Henu or with his posts, I just wanted to know why someone can and others don't, that was all

Now let me brief you what I found out about two of these trusted members
Two days ago I got an email from a brother and I was told that there is another member off mod and that one is a drug user and former friend of Magesson this one use to call Mageson ... "Magy babe"
I think you know who I'm talking about

Today I discovered another off mod member, this one is a pathological liar

So if these are the "off mod" trusted members then no thanks
I don't fulfill the requirements

No offense if you are off mod, just trying to make a point about Trustworthy Criteria.
I meant trustworthy for posting in the forums, nothing about their personal lives.

tabby said:
Arguments have their time and place. That’s my belief. They can help to develop realisations and ideas (when the insults and slander are cut out from them), or help to make it obvious when something is wrong. They can form bonds between members, and aid in helping one to discover more about themselves and others.

Sometimes being able to bounce arguments and ideas to other members here helps to flesh them out and work out the kinks, especially where one doesn’t have any Satanic partners or family at home to do so before presenting those arguments here.

However, the back and forth nonsense is just that. Nonsense and drama. So I agree with your points in that regard.

I was talking specifically about excessive arguing such as in one of the vaccine threads where one member keeps insulting others, as an example. Disagreements are perfectly natural and can be quite helpful as you pointed out.

Apparently my communication skills are at a low these days. I will make sure to clarify thoroughly before posting in the future. :)

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Being a mod or HP is solely a popularity contest and usually the most popular people are the ones that post lots of helpful responses so it is a feedback loop.
This isn't high school. Being able to help other members is a sacred role for Satanism. Being clergy is a specific role that only certain people are suited for, it has nothing to do with popularity or number of posts. Think of it as a job like any other, most people are not suited for it, and those who are do the work involved with it, such as posting a lot as it is required of them. For example, a janitor cleans, not to be popular, but because it is simply their job requirement. Clergy = public servant.

As for moderators being popular, nobody knows who they are, so they might in fact be people who are not even known in the forums.

Tme to call end to fighting and Mod priveledge.

The Mods have been trusted for a reason lets leave that.

As for me and tit for tat stuff just leave it i wont respond back i have been here long enough but to get called enemy/jew whatever no need.

Stops now.

Stick together.
Lydia said:
This isn't high school.
Try telling that to some of the people that are always involved in petty fights over conjecture and he/said/she/said gossiping. It’s happening on this thread.

Being able to help other members is a sacred role for Satanism. Being clergy is a specific role that only certain people are suited for, it has nothing to do with popularity or number of posts. Think of it as a job like any other, most people are not suited for it, and those who are do the work involved with it, such as posting a lot as it is required of them. For example, a janitor cleans, not to be popular, but because it is simply their job requirement. Clergy = public servant.
Clergy actually helps others by bringing forth new information, rituals, etc. Most of these offmods that “help” are simply drones that repeat the same things over and over.

You actually help others by sharing personal experience with whatever the topic is about and engaging in real conversation among other things.

If someone is a fat fuck you are not helping them by saying eat right and exercise. You are not a genius philanthropist for saying this. Literally every response from these people is “lol meditate bro”, or they just copy & paste a page from the main site. Speak from your heart for once people!

As for moderators being popular, nobody knows who they are, so they might in fact be people who are not even known in the forums.
As it should be. I already explained that it is nothing more than a status symbol. Say the lines, follow the orders and you get to be in the higher ranks. There’s no problem with that, it’s how every military and political party operates but some of us have dignity and are not cut out for it.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Can i guess who all are off mod?
Its Lydia,
its Fancy Mancy
Henu the great
Mercury Wisdom
Naked Pluto
Maby top of the abyss
Soaring Eagle
Shadow Cat
13th Wolf
The Alchemist

These are the people i would trust 🤗
And of course SATChive
Syd Silver said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Then you go saying that you hate Cobra because he disapproved the infighting comment, you say he is corrupt or whatever else.

WTF is this crap ?!

I never said I hate Cobra
I never said Cobra is corrupted
Don't put words in my mouth

How can you lie this way ?? !!!
And why ?!! What do you gain to say these lies?!!
Nobody said anything about you, I didn't even know that you are off mod

Throwing lies about someone you are only discrediting yourself in an embarrassing way

You didn't even understood the purpose of the initial post, nobody cares about how many posts you have
You don't even understand what we were talking about
But you decided to attack me for some reason!

Ok, I was not looking for a fight, but I will not avoid one either
You will have my answer when you expect less
(and it will not be in writing)
Keep in mind, you asked for this.

If someone felt that this is control versus protective measures, it just needs to be realized that this isn’t reddit. These forums are chalk full of sacred knowledge and are a place specifically for people to learn. It’s under siege constantly. There’s nothing that exists like this any other place on the web or in the world, so freely. Once that’s put into perspective, the forums are like a child that needs to be protected at all costs. A person can’t trust their kids in the hands of strangers. Online anyone can act like anyone they want. Things are going to sort out.
Sundara said:
If someone felt that this is control versus protective measures, it just needs to be realized that this isn’t reddit. These forums are chalk full of sacred knowledge and are a place specifically for people to learn. It’s under siege constantly. There’s nothing that exists like this any other place on the web or in the world, so freely. Once that’s put into perspective, the forums are like a child that needs to be protected at all costs. A person can’t trust their kids in the hands of strangers. Online anyone can act like anyone they want.
What you said is obvious but the initial subject on this topic was about something else, until the topic was hijacked by an idiot and his friend
Sundara said:
Things are going to sort out.
Let's hope so.
Having a little whinge and a moan because someone can post faster than you in an online forum is beyond petty. If my post isn't enough HC already said this is just a way to reduce the workload on moderators. It doesn't make you a super special boy and there's no reason for you to be begging for it or complaining about it. You either can be trusted with it or you cannot.

Are you really that fucking petty that you need this fake sense of social status from being able to post faster than other members in an online forum.

If it weren't for this petty attitude towards simple forum functionality maybe we could have actual transparency with how everything works and who runs the place. But because some of you need to have a tantrum and a little piss on the floor because you want to feel special, and can't handle someone you don't like being a mod or "offmod" they can't be professional and transparent and have to hide things from us, like we're little children.

I am disgusted that clergy feels the need to hide the identity of moderators just because a lot of you would have tantrums over people you don't like being mods. Lydia mentioned high school this is more little pre school baby shit. Grow up.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
but some of us have dignity and are not cut out for it.
What does dignity have to do with not wanting to be off mod. One of the most valuable members here was Johnson_akemi who made many pre-made answers and copy and pasted them to people. She was extremely helpful. You're literally bitching about people who take time to do this stuff for newer members and you're speaking of dignity. Please.
Most people's answers can be answered if only they used the search function and read the whole website, we should not expected to spoon feed them answers that take a lot of time to write.
Dahaarkan said:
Having a little whinge and a moan because someone can post faster than you in an online forum is beyond petty.
The marxist kind of petty where others don't like to recognize other people's superiority in matters.

Dahaarkan said:
I am disgusted that clergy feels the need to hide the identity of moderators just because a lot of you would have tantrums over people you don't like being mods.
You can be disgusted all you want. As it wasn't the clergy's choice but rather it was the mods who took the decision of staying anonymous.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Try telling that to some of the people that are always involved in petty fights over conjecture and he/said/she/said gossiping. It’s happening on this thread.
Nevertheless. This is not high school despite some people treating it as such. This is a place to learn and to help others learn very valuable spiritual knowledge, and to meet other likeminded people. Not all get along and that is simply natural. However to treat this place as a 'popularity contest' or 'high scool' is not only ignorant but also disrespectful.

Clergy actually helps others by bringing forth new information, rituals, etc. Most of these offmods that “help” are simply drones that repeat the same things over and over.
Here again you show your lack of understanding. Other member asked if you are stupid. I simply think you lack understanding. I truly hope when you grow in meditation and in expierence you will gain more insight.

You see, I used to think a lot like you. I also did not like myself when I was younger. As years passed I grew out of it. It was painful, but it had to happen. We have grade A spiritual resources available and it's up to every individual to apply them to their daily lives consistently. Only that way a person can truly grow and be free. Please, do the work on yourself and be free.
To my brothers and sisters on this thread, please stop responding, the question has been answered already. I understand that you wish to help others learn from their mistakes, I myself, try to educate others on areas where I have failed and eventually succeeded so that others may avoid my own failures and instead succeed the first time.


The only thing any response on this thread doing is throwing water on an oil fire. There is much angst in this thread and I implore you all to please stop fighting and arguing within it. We do not have to agree on every subject, however, we are brothers and sisters under Satan, we must work together lest our enemies prevail against us.

And YES, it is good to educate each other, however, education is not what is happening in the replies of this thread, it is just senseless arguing which I see some whom I hold deep respect for getting into. Stop wasting your time my family, it is not worth it, time is the one true currency in this universe, even if you become immortal, the time you spent will never be regained.
Lydia said:
tabby said:
Arguments have their time and place. That’s my belief. They can help to develop realisations and ideas (when the insults and slander are cut out from them), or help to make it obvious when something is wrong. They can form bonds between members, and aid in helping one to discover more about themselves and others.

Sometimes being able to bounce arguments and ideas to other members here helps to flesh them out and work out the kinks, especially where one doesn’t have any Satanic partners or family at home to do so before presenting those arguments here.

However, the back and forth nonsense is just that. Nonsense and drama. So I agree with your points in that regard.

I was talking specifically about excessive arguing such as in one of the vaccine threads where one member keeps insulting others, as an example. Disagreements are perfectly natural and can be quite helpful as you pointed out.

Apparently my communication skills are at a low these days. I will make sure to clarify thoroughly before posting in the future. :)

No worries. I’m grateful for your presence amongst the current chaos, Lydia. Always a joy reading your posts and comments, even if I don’t understand some clearly.

Your energy is a serious breath of fresh air.
Aquarius said:
Dahaarkan said:
Having a little whinge and a moan because someone can post faster than you in an online forum is beyond petty.
The marxist kind of petty where others don't like to recognize other people's superiority in matters.

Dahaarkan said:
I am disgusted that clergy feels the need to hide the identity of moderators just because a lot of you would have tantrums over people you don't like being mods.
You can be disgusted all you want. As it wasn't the clergy's choice but rather it was the mods who took the decision of staying anonymous.

I have a feeling being anonymous isn’t solely for the purpose of not getting bombarded by idiots wanting posts to come through faster, however perhaps also for the purpose of keeping them safe from enemies and infiltrators.

Having to “hide things” I believe comes from a place of safety for HP’s and mods, and members as well. The knowledge/experience gap along with level of spiritual rank and self discipline through meditation, creates a natural hierarchy in which higher ranks, of course, are informed and can share more sensitive information with each other.

Whereas lower ranks are kept in the dark, as spreading certain information to the less wise and experienced would be a risk to their safety and the safety of the higher ranks. Most were not told of HPS Maxine’s current state for good reason, that follows along this hierarchy and keeping people safe.

The “need to know” things are just that. Those who need to know will be told, those who don’t - won’t, for the safety of everyone as much as possible.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Aquarius said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
What about me? Im trust worthy and i doent get into arguments anymore? And if i do something wrong then you guys can just put me back on mod. I doen't see a big danger in me being off mod,but i totally understand if you disagree i have not been on the forums for a very long time. And if i am off mod i will probably be posting too much unless i am told not too of course. 🙂
Mate, you're years away from getting off mod. You are naive and most likely don't even meditate. You don't need to be off mod, like there's zero reason. Don't fantasize on this and develop yourself.

Thanks for your honesty

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Took it like a champ bro.
Syd Silver said:
What do you think I am lying about? Do you say I am lying about you getting many of your posts disapproved because they were nothing but shitposting, and trying to start arguments and fights between people? Or that you have made several posts complaining about Cobra censoring you and disaproving your posts, then Cobra responds to you to explain the reasons your posts are disaproved is because they were nothing but shitposting and trying to start arguments?

All of these posts are still up. Anybody can do a search and read it for themself. I am not lying about any of this, and I have the proof right here. I don't understand you accusing me of making all of this up and lying about it when all of the comments are still there.

Syd Silver said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I know you ask for feedback when someone leaves, I'm sure it doesn't matter to you but it may matter to others (of course if you approve this post)

In the past 2 days you have disapproved 4 of my posts (you've been doing this to me for over 2 years) in all these posts everything i said was true nothing was wrong or against the rules

One of these posts was Donald Trump opinion about BLM, i quoted one of his tweets ... thats bad, right! i mean Trump is talking bad about blacks so we can't post that on JoS ...

Other disproved post was Adolf Hitler's speach about Europe ...!!!
This is very bad to, right!! ... Adolf Hitler said in this speach the word "negro" and that's not allowed on JoS ...

Yes i know these are to sensitive topics for JoS
(what was I thinking! when I wanted to post something like that)

Alright ...I'm fed up with this, you wanna keep pamper the blacks that's ... a very good decision, soon you will remain only with them

You want to be a dictator and ban freedom of speech, that's an even better decision, just surround yourself with "Yes-Men's" and you will be fine (and dont forget about the clone accounts, those are the best)

Obviously we are not on the same page, you can delete my account
I'm done with this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
1. Frequently so you flame, without stopping and repetitively. It is one of the forum rules. You tresspass all the time, you are still here and not kicked out. Might as well appreciate this instead of acting like a kid.

2. There is congestion in the messages these two late days. Two more mods will come on board soon to help with this.

3. Given you know the content of your own posts (in the past too) you should act better than acting like you just suddenly do not know why you could may have an issue.

Like "kill", "nigger" and the rest of the things that border to trolling.

Ranting like one of these trolls that the enemy pays to come here for agitation is of no value to anyone here but you.

This is my last reply as you have also mailed but apparently this is an attention game for you, not a serious inquiry.

Syd Silver said:
Posts are missing ... again
Syd Silver said:
+ 1

(I wanted to add something but due to approval posting policy 100% my post would be disapproved like many other posts so ...)
Syd Silver said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nobody silences you if anything I approve everything

Starting when ? :D
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Syd Silver said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nobody silences you if anything I approve everything

Starting when ? :D

What's next, cut like more of my topic and the important aspects and put me on the CNN as "Silences you if anything" to whine that He's Literally Hitler?

Starting when your replies are not just shitposting and you don't show up when you have 3 posts only to instigate crap.

You made a whole topic complaining about other people's shitposting, and asking why does your own shitposting always getting dissaproved but some other people were also shitposting but theirs got approved. I did agree with a lot of what you were saying here, but I include it because it contains more evidence of how you are always shitposting, then complaining because your shitposting gets disaproved.

Syd Silver said:
Lets identify what is shitposting

First example
 A while ago a guy named Lucifer LeGivorden show up on the forum and told us that he is a veteran in the ocult and satanism and he is practicing for more then 30 years and he has a JewTube chanel and  he joined JoS to learn more, in his second or third post he said that the jews are not the problem !!! also he has no problem to show his real identety to the enemy on his videos ,when he was told that he needs a reality check and deprograming becouse what he was "studied" for 30 years was a lie he said that he has No interest in deprograming and he will not change his beliefs ...,he was going like that for 19 posts

OK ... would you say that is shitposting ?
Well ... Nope, is Not shitposting becouse his posts were approved not 1 or 2, but 19 and that guy got bored and left saying ..."After having read through a fair amount of the material on this forum and the primary website, I feel that I now have enough info to conclude that I am fundamentally incompatible with Joy of Satan"

Now on the first post of this guy some things were crystal clear
1. He was not an Aryan or a Gentile, his energy when he posted was literaly like trash, a jew or a jew sub-rase, make sense after all he said that jews are not the problem ...
2. He didn't came here to study anything he came to take some members for his jewtube chanels and bloggs
But again thats Not shitposting ...

Example nr. 2

A proud member from JoS black community talking with white members of JoS community ...;  "Until the time cave people go back to Europe they will continue to be hated. Non white lands such as South Africa Australia and the Americas belong to non whites and albino rats are not allowed. You’re so superior but you’re being genocided. Lol"

Would you say thats shitposting ?
Well ... Nope again, it's Not shitposting, this post  was approved
So if insulting and atacking entire White Race it's not shitposting and it's approved then what is shitposting you may ask ...

Well shitposting is if you reply to that black guy above and you wanna tell him that  White people actually brought civilization in their countries and that if white people didn't came in Africa, Australia or America black people and red people would still live in tribes and still hunt for food and still living like ...etc. etc.

Now brothers and sisters thats shitposting ... and ofcourse post like this are not approved
Now you will say but how come becouse this is the truth ...
Well yes it's the truth ... but  (qoute) : "it's shiposting and instigate crap"

Example nr. 3
Another black member of JoS community making a brilliant statemant ...

"Perhaps it makes you feel better, but it's not warranted. We have a war, and without us, you would be more or so exticnt in the coming future. We are a majority and you a minority."

Offcourse this is Not shitposting as well ... it's a complete lie, it's offensinve for entire White Race but Nope its not shitposting and it's approved

 This guy actually thinks that blacks are helping whites to not get exctinct ::)))
Ok so if you reply to this guy and tell him that white people actually built / invented/ created everything on this Planet, yes a minority like that, becouse strenght does not stay in how many you are but in who you are and what you are, and We are Aryans, Satan's Sons and Daughters and We will win this war with or whithout you, our history is full of wars nothing new for us, but you ... blacks and other non-whites can you win this war without us ...

Well if you replay that  then offcourse ... it's shitposting and it's not gona be approved
Again yes its the truth ... but doesn't mather  (qoute) ; "it's shitposting and instigate crap"

Ok i could continue but i think you got the point
Whats your opinion about this and If you have other example please share so that we stay updated regarding shitposts ...

Ofcourse if HP Cobra allows this topic, otherwise this problem will be  "solved" by just saying shitposting, topic deleted and we pretend there is no problem instead to find answers and solutions.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
First example
 A while ago a guy named LuciferGivorden show up on the forum and told us that he is a veteran in the ocult and satanism and he is practicing for more then 30 years and he has a JewTube chanel and  he joined JoS to learn more, in his second or third post he said that the jews are not the problem !!! also he has no problem to show his real identety to the enemy on his videos ,when he was told that he needs a reality check and deprograming becouse what he was "studied" for 30 years was a lie he said that he has No interest in deprograming and he will not change his beliefs ...,he was going like that for 19 posts

This is called giving him a chance. He was given his chance and took the boot, plus, his links and advertising to his channel were removed, which is probably what pissed him off.

Racially he was not a jew, which shows you can't even recognize a jew. The said person was at least seemingly White, but he was of inferior moral quality. The backlash appears to have come as he came here to advertise and then in a desperate attempt to get 20 subscribers he started 'criticizing' us and playing cop.

We are open to all Satanists, whether or not they will weasel out and act like the guy above that is their own business and also, loss.

Example nr. 2

A proud member from JoS black community talking with white members of JoS community ...;  "Until the time cave people go back to Europe they will continue to be hated. Non white lands such as South Africa Australia and the Americas belong to non whites and albino rats are not allowed. You’re so superior but you’re being genocided. Lol"

White people need to see that yes, don't feel guilty and cry a river, because others want to also exterminate you, to take this in consideration.

Good value to approve this post, very good value. No value to really reply to.

I disapproved other and grosser comments however, a few of them quite hardcore, because they had more negative in them than positive.

Well shitposting is if you reply to that black guy above and you wanna tell him that  White people actually brought civilization in their countries and that if white people didn't came in Africa, Australia or America black people and red people would still live in tribes and still hunt for food and still living like ...etc. etc.

Any reasonable person would know this, though, and even the person who posted this inaccurate thing. But they want to beef about that, they aren't here to change their mind or know more. Regardless, to approve said post shows you what the other side thinks of you.

The above guy was not here to exchange facts or education, just to hate. The comment was approved to display it, not to have a logical argument with a person devoid of logic.

If you follow into the Ooga Booga nonsense train, then this is shitposting.

If you continue on this like "ooga booga nigga we wuz civilizing u n shiet nikka" the shitposting continues into eternity. He then replies and what is the result is a useless beef from people [like you] who don't have any posts but actually like to light fires cause you're just pissed off.

How moderation happens is up to the mods. 99.9% of messages go through and this is why people are sometimes even pissed off.

Since your post sounded more like a reasonable complaint and criticism I also answered you, your other reply was just oil on the fire, and it wasn't the only one that was rejected, as some people consider that to make edgy remarks is superior to logic but it's not.
Syd Silver said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Then you go saying that you hate Cobra because he disapproved the infighting comment, you say he is corrupt or whatever else.

WTF is this crap ?!

I never said I hate Cobra
I never said Cobra is corrupted
Don't put words in my mouth
You are right about this. I remembered this wrong, and I am sorry about that. I should not have written this part. I must have mixed you up with someone else in my memory who said those things.

Everything else I said, about how you have had many posts disapproved because you were always just trying to shitpost and instigate fights, I do not take any of this back. I have posted the proof, your own comments and Cobra's replies, which prove this.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Syd Silver said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Then you go saying that you hate Cobra because he disapproved the infighting comment, you say he is corrupt or whatever else.

WTF is this crap ?!

I never said I hate Cobra
I never said Cobra is corrupted
Don't put words in my mouth
You are right about this. I remembered this wrong, and I am sorry about that. I should not have written this part. I must have mixed you up with someone else in my memory who said those things.

Everything else I said, about how you have had many posts disapproved because you were always just trying to shitpost and instigate fights, I do not take any of this back. I have posted the proof, your own comments and Cobra's replies, which prove this.

Amazing ...
Dahaarkan said:
Having a little whinge and a moan because someone can post faster than you in an online forum is beyond petty. If my post isn't enough HC already said this is just a way to reduce the workload on moderators. It doesn't make you a super special boy and there's no reason for you to be begging for it or complaining about it. You either can be trusted with it or you cannot.

Are you really that fucking petty that you need this fake sense of social status from being able to post faster than other members in an online forum.

If it weren't for this petty attitude towards simple forum functionality maybe we could have actual transparency with how everything works and who runs the place. But because some of you need to have a tantrum and a little piss on the floor because you want to feel special, and can't handle someone you don't like being a mod or "offmod" they can't be professional and transparent and have to hide things from us, like we're little children.

I am disgusted that clergy feels the need to hide the identity of moderators just because a lot of you would have tantrums over people you don't like being mods. Lydia mentioned high school this is more little pre school baby shit. Grow up.

Let me make you a summary of this topic without the interventions of that troll
As it seems that you have missed some aspects

I opened this topic and asked why someone can post without approval and others can't

Everyone expressed their opinion by their own understanding
That was all about

Now you come and complain that some people beg to be off mod ...
Nobody begged for anything, no need to add extra flame, it was a simple discussion until the topic was hijacked by that dummy.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

On "off mod" membership

This is a step forward for the community

Criteria and wording are another discussion

The fact that these off mod members are labeled as trusted members can be interpreted ... and the interpretation can be in many ways, like - only off mod members are trusted

The fact that two of these off mod members are questionable again raises questions

I think the whole discussion and other assumptions and interpretations can be clarified through better communication
If these things are clearly explained I am convinced that everyone would understand.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Syd Silver said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Then you go saying that you hate Cobra because he disapproved the infighting comment, you say he is corrupt or whatever else.

WTF is this crap ?!

I never said I hate Cobra
I never said Cobra is corrupted
Don't put words in my mouth
You are right about this. I remembered this wrong, and I am sorry about that. I should not have written this part. I must have mixed you up with someone else in my memory who said those things.

Everything else I said, about how you have had many posts disapproved because you were always just trying to shitpost and instigate fights, I do not take any of this back. I have posted the proof, your own comments and Cobra's replies, which prove this.

One of my favorite qualities of people with strong character such as yourself is being able to admit when you made a mistake. Very honorable of you.
All who are off mod earned it in one way or another. There are great opportunities to even save lives when someone has the privilege and ability to directly post and help a person.

This is under the Gods wishes and the evolution on Joy Of Satan as a community and center of knowledge and help.

There's nothing fundamental differential from anyone here who wants to do input other than time, time which always must be used as a positive contemplating tool and improvement opportunity.

The focus here is on the community not self projection. Those who are helpful are seen as such, those who are powerful are felt as such those nothing in between betray themselves over little unimportant administrative things like these. If there was a mod problem, where the time of approval was deplorable and not efficient, then we could have a talk, clearly not happening so there's nothing to focus energy, time and internal turmoil over lower dealings like these.

Focus on improving as a SS, focus on keeping close to Gods, doing warfare and let others do the same and enjoy their own advancement and fruits. If anyone does a mistake is their responsibility, no need to arrogate yourself over the logistics and dimension of the Forum. The forum is solely possessed by the Gods and HPs.
tabby said:
I have a feeling being anonymous isn’t solely for the purpose of not getting bombarded by idiots wanting posts to come through faster, however perhaps also for the purpose of keeping them safe from enemies and infiltrators.

Having to “hide things” I believe comes from a place of safety for HP’s and mods, and members as well. The knowledge/experience gap along with level of spiritual rank and self discipline through meditation, creates a natural hierarchy in which higher ranks, of course, are informed and can share more sensitive information with each other.

Whereas lower ranks are kept in the dark, as spreading certain information to the less wise and experienced would be a risk to their safety and the safety of the higher ranks. Most were not told of HPS Maxine’s current state for good reason, that follows along this hierarchy and keeping people safe.

The “need to know” things are just that. Those who need to know will be told, those who don’t - won’t, for the safety of everyone as much as possible.

Personally I prefer at least some transparency when it comes to management of the platform. And it seems the only real reason we can't have this is some people would be butthurt because someone they don't like is a mod or "offmod".

I don't like being kept in the dark especially for a reason such as a few people are petty or butthurt about it. I suppose if it's the mods personal preference to remain anonymous that is fine too for the time being.

Having no transparency with management of the platform is in my opinion, kinda dangerous. Any form of non-transparent leadership is dangerous in nature. I suppose we can only have faith that clergy keeps a close eye on mods and their activity. Since we can't know and can't have any say in the matter, seeing as the little people would just use that information to be petty and butthurt.

I'd just like the platform to function with reasonable transparency. And I don't exactly blame HC or clergy for not being this way.
Syd Silver said:
I opened this topic and asked why someone can post without approval and others can't

Everyone expressed their opinion by their own understanding
That was all about

Now you come and complain that some people beg to be off mod ...
Nobody begged for anything, no need to add extra flame, it was a simple discussion until the topic was hijacked by that dummy.

Because HC himself broke down the reasoning for the offmod function existing. And judging by replies made after that post some people don't get it.

So I put the message more bluntly to see if people understand this way. The function exists for a reason and it's not to inflate an individual's ego or give a vague sense of social status. People who see it as nothing beyond this, or as if it's a medal that tells everyone they are a super special boy don't get it.

It is a tool which is given to those who can make proper use of it.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Syd Silver said:
What do you think I am lying about? Do you say I am lying about you getting many of your posts disapproved because they were nothing but shitposting, and trying to start arguments and fights between people? Or that you have made several posts complaining about Cobra censoring you and disaproving your posts, then Cobra responds to you to explain the reasons your posts are disaproved is because they were nothing but shitposting and trying to start arguments?

All of these posts are still up. Anybody can do a search and read it for themself. I am not lying about any of this, and I have the proof right here. I don't understand you accusing me of making all of this up and lying about it when all of the comments are still there.

Syd Silver said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I know you ask for feedback when someone leaves, I'm sure it doesn't matter to you but it may matter to others (of course if you approve this post)

In the past 2 days you have disapproved 4 of my posts (you've been doing this to me for over 2 years) in all these posts everything i said was true nothing was wrong or against the rules

One of these posts was Donald Trump opinion about BLM, i quoted one of his tweets ... thats bad, right! i mean Trump is talking bad about blacks so we can't post that on JoS ...

Other disproved post was Adolf Hitler's speach about Europe ...!!!
This is very bad to, right!! ... Adolf Hitler said in this speach the word "negro" and that's not allowed on JoS ...

Yes i know these are to sensitive topics for JoS
(what was I thinking! when I wanted to post something like that)

Alright ...I'm fed up with this, you wanna keep pamper the blacks that's ... a very good decision, soon you will remain only with them

You want to be a dictator and ban freedom of speech, that's an even better decision, just surround yourself with "Yes-Men's" and you will be fine (and dont forget about the clone accounts, those are the best)

Obviously we are not on the same page, you can delete my account
I'm done with this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
1. Frequently so you flame, without stopping and repetitively. It is one of the forum rules. You tresspass all the time, you are still here and not kicked out. Might as well appreciate this instead of acting like a kid.

2. There is congestion in the messages these two late days. Two more mods will come on board soon to help with this.

3. Given you know the content of your own posts (in the past too) you should act better than acting like you just suddenly do not know why you could may have an issue.

Like "kill", "nigger" and the rest of the things that border to trolling.

Ranting like one of these trolls that the enemy pays to come here for agitation is of no value to anyone here but you.

This is my last reply as you have also mailed but apparently this is an attention game for you, not a serious inquiry.

Syd Silver said:
Posts are missing ... again
Syd Silver said:
+ 1

(I wanted to add something but due to approval posting policy 100% my post would be disapproved like many other posts so ...)
Syd Silver said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nobody silences you if anything I approve everything

Starting when ? :D
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Syd Silver said:
Starting when ? :D

What's next, cut like more of my topic and the important aspects and put me on the CNN as "Silences you if anything" to whine that He's Literally Hitler?

Starting when your replies are not just shitposting and you don't show up when you have 3 posts only to instigate crap.

You made a whole topic complaining about other people's shitposting, and asking why does your own shitposting always getting dissaproved but some other people were also shitposting but theirs got approved. I did agree with a lot of what you were saying here, but I include it because it contains more evidence of how you are always shitposting, then complaining because your shitposting gets disaproved.

Syd Silver said:
Lets identify what is shitposting

First example
 A while ago a guy named Lucifer LeGivorden show up on the forum and told us that he is a veteran in the ocult and satanism and he is practicing for more then 30 years and he has a JewTube chanel and  he joined JoS to learn more, in his second or third post he said that the jews are not the problem !!! also he has no problem to show his real identety to the enemy on his videos ,when he was told that he needs a reality check and deprograming becouse what he was "studied" for 30 years was a lie he said that he has No interest in deprograming and he will not change his beliefs ...,he was going like that for 19 posts

OK ... would you say that is shitposting ?
Well ... Nope, is Not shitposting becouse his posts were approved not 1 or 2, but 19 and that guy got bored and left saying ..."After having read through a fair amount of the material on this forum and the primary website, I feel that I now have enough info to conclude that I am fundamentally incompatible with Joy of Satan"

Now on the first post of this guy some things were crystal clear
1. He was not an Aryan or a Gentile, his energy when he posted was literaly like trash, a jew or a jew sub-rase, make sense after all he said that jews are not the problem ...
2. He didn't came here to study anything he came to take some members for his jewtube chanels and bloggs
But again thats Not shitposting ...

Example nr. 2

A proud member from JoS black community talking with white members of JoS community ...;  "Until the time cave people go back to Europe they will continue to be hated. Non white lands such as South Africa Australia and the Americas belong to non whites and albino rats are not allowed. You’re so superior but you’re being genocided. Lol"

Would you say thats shitposting ?
Well ... Nope again, it's Not shitposting, this post  was approved
So if insulting and atacking entire White Race it's not shitposting and it's approved then what is shitposting you may ask ...

Well shitposting is if you reply to that black guy above and you wanna tell him that  White people actually brought civilization in their countries and that if white people didn't came in Africa, Australia or America black people and red people would still live in tribes and still hunt for food and still living like ...etc. etc.

Now brothers and sisters thats shitposting ... and ofcourse post like this are not approved
Now you will say but how come becouse this is the truth ...
Well yes it's the truth ... but  (qoute) : "it's shiposting and instigate crap"

Example nr. 3
Another black member of JoS community making a brilliant statemant ...

"Perhaps it makes you feel better, but it's not warranted. We have a war, and without us, you would be more or so exticnt in the coming future. We are a majority and you a minority."

Offcourse this is Not shitposting as well ... it's a complete lie, it's offensinve for entire White Race but Nope its not shitposting and it's approved

 This guy actually thinks that blacks are helping whites to not get exctinct ::)))
Ok so if you reply to this guy and tell him that white people actually built / invented/ created everything on this Planet, yes a minority like that, becouse strenght does not stay in how many you are but in who you are and what you are, and We are Aryans, Satan's Sons and Daughters and We will win this war with or whithout you, our history is full of wars nothing new for us, but you ... blacks and other non-whites can you win this war without us ...

Well if you replay that  then offcourse ... it's shitposting and it's not gona be approved
Again yes its the truth ... but doesn't mather  (qoute) ; "it's shitposting and instigate crap"

Ok i could continue but i think you got the point
Whats your opinion about this and If you have other example please share so that we stay updated regarding shitposts ...

Ofcourse if HP Cobra allows this topic, otherwise this problem will be  "solved" by just saying shitposting, topic deleted and we pretend there is no problem instead to find answers and solutions.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
First example
 A while ago a guy named LuciferGivorden show up on the forum and told us that he is a veteran in the ocult and satanism and he is practicing for more then 30 years and he has a JewTube chanel and  he joined JoS to learn more, in his second or third post he said that the jews are not the problem !!! also he has no problem to show his real identety to the enemy on his videos ,when he was told that he needs a reality check and deprograming becouse what he was "studied" for 30 years was a lie he said that he has No interest in deprograming and he will not change his beliefs ...,he was going like that for 19 posts

This is called giving him a chance. He was given his chance and took the boot, plus, his links and advertising to his channel were removed, which is probably what pissed him off.

Racially he was not a jew, which shows you can't even recognize a jew. The said person was at least seemingly White, but he was of inferior moral quality. The backlash appears to have come as he came here to advertise and then in a desperate attempt to get 20 subscribers he started 'criticizing' us and playing cop.

We are open to all Satanists, whether or not they will weasel out and act like the guy above that is their own business and also, loss.

Example nr. 2

A proud member from JoS black community talking with white members of JoS community ...;  "Until the time cave people go back to Europe they will continue to be hated. Non white lands such as South Africa Australia and the Americas belong to non whites and albino rats are not allowed. You’re so superior but you’re being genocided. Lol"

White people need to see that yes, don't feel guilty and cry a river, because others want to also exterminate you, to take this in consideration.

Good value to approve this post, very good value. No value to really reply to.

I disapproved other and grosser comments however, a few of them quite hardcore, because they had more negative in them than positive.

Well shitposting is if you reply to that black guy above and you wanna tell him that  White people actually brought civilization in their countries and that if white people didn't came in Africa, Australia or America black people and red people would still live in tribes and still hunt for food and still living like ...etc. etc.

Any reasonable person would know this, though, and even the person who posted this inaccurate thing. But they want to beef about that, they aren't here to change their mind or know more. Regardless, to approve said post shows you what the other side thinks of you.

The above guy was not here to exchange facts or education, just to hate. The comment was approved to display it, not to have a logical argument with a person devoid of logic.

If you follow into the Ooga Booga nonsense train, then this is shitposting.

If you continue on this like "ooga booga nigga we wuz civilizing u n shiet nikka" the shitposting continues into eternity. He then replies and what is the result is a useless beef from people [like you] who don't have any posts but actually like to light fires cause you're just pissed off.

How moderation happens is up to the mods. 99.9% of messages go through and this is why people are sometimes even pissed off.

Since your post sounded more like a reasonable complaint and criticism I also answered you, your other reply was just oil on the fire, and it wasn't the only one that was rejected, as some people consider that to make edgy remarks is superior to logic but it's not.

CID Silver just got knocked the fcuck out :lol: :lol:
Dahaarkan said:
Because HC himself broke down the reasoning for the offmod function existing. And judging by replies made after that post some people don't get it.

So I put the message more bluntly to see if people understand this way. The function exists for a reason and it's not to inflate an individual's ego or give a vague sense of social status. People who see it as nothing beyond this, or as if it's a medal that tells everyone they are a super special boy don't get it.

It is a tool which is given to those who can make proper use of it.

I don't think you're up to date with all the information on this subject

Two of these members are at least questionable
One is a drug user and the other one is a lier, I could say more about of these two but I think you got the point

Besides that, I agree with your points

See my reply to Cobra, I asked him to explain clearly the situation just to eliminate confusion and interpretations.
Lydia said:
I meant trustworthy for posting in the forums, nothing about their personal lives.
I meant the same thing, how should I know anything about their personal lives!
Lydia said:
Apparently my communication skills are at a low these days. I will make sure to clarify thoroughly before posting in the future. :)
Your communications skills are fine, no need to worry about that, you are just too balanced (even when its not the case)
Some things are clear for those who have their eyes open and know where to look
I'm sure you have a better understanding about this situation and you see more than you display (in your balanced posts) ;):)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
